ULTRAKILL's New Update Has A Story To Tell

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I was working on Wednesday same day that act three dropped and I'm going to be honest work could have been a little better uh I just want to let you know I'm getting in my car after being here for 15 [ __ ] hours so I got home a little around 10:30 that night cold tired overstimulated and proceeded to play the entirety of lir 7 and I had a blast great Perfect all right we good can we edit this part out Breezy all right thanks hey hiita uh you and me a moment just real quick why why did you make it why did you make lir 7 which keep in mind is violence I don't really think it it seems kind of like easy to understand violence you know why' you make it scary because if there was one thing I was ready to handle it wasn't this yet another middle finger by developers to people who still have working retinas I'm not going to hold you on this one it doesn't really feel what's the word I'm looking for violent no like seriously what what's going on here why why am I in nowhere H if you're Loosely following the story which by the way let me just side not for a second say kill story is freaking amazing I don't even know like half the time what's going on it doesn't really explain it to you like you kind of just have to like search for it and if you find it cool and if you can put it together cool even better now you actually know what's going on but it's still better than like half of the AAA games in my opinion the the story has me hooked like hard drugs and I don't even know what's going on this area this like nowhere is supposedly a labyrinth designed by the angels as a means of keeping the sinners from escaping violence onto like I guess other layers cuz they're better wait so if they needed to build an entire Labyrinth to keep people from leaving violence does that mean that there are people in The Labyrinth now still trying to get out going to be honest this whole time I haven't really seen anyone it's mainly just been empty halls and twists and turns so I'm kind of curious where are all the people at in a church or white manquin oh my God I don't I don't know if I can do this guys I don't I I'm just gonna get I'm just gonna get the skull no you're not going to move I'm going to I'm going to get this I'm going to get it and I why the music hey uh I'm just I was just oh that's awkward I was just take uh um uh he gave it to me dude when I put this down it's going to go off 3 2 1 go I'm ready I'm ready oh my God they move my Tac are they immune to explosions I'm not going to get into it I think you see the hands holding hands holding hands holding hands let's just move on other than the eye melting aesthetic and the one new enemy who I mean made a pretty good first impression still seem to stick to that Ultra kill formula that you know the last two acts have and I'm fine with that but I was expecting you know a little bit more switch up just [ __ ] stupid oh yeah I'm going to fight these why are we doing this why is this a thing now why are we just jump scaring me you're being mean it's like Subway Surfers what honestly kind of easy kind of it was actually a little easy it's like some Angelic cyberpunk tram station oh my this is not something we should be letting and get away with die die you're fat you're ugly you're ugly you're die fat stupid [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I want to watch you die just to make sure that's enough blood I'm satisfied enough with the jump scares dude this is the freaking entrance I'm not even in violence yet and if this is what the first level is I can only imagine what the hell is behind that door that's pretty violent so funny thing happened we kind of destroyed the entire Earth and scorched the very ground we set foot on sorry human beings in this universe started a war that saw the deployment of the first Blood blood fueled robot that's a good sign of things to come this essentially started a Perpetual arms race for technological destruction good job each new machine was specifically designed to counteract the last one and inflict more destruction itself eventually culminating in the creation of we'll talk about the drafts later because this is where violence really begins oh we got bullets flying explosions explosion Mecha drafts big daddies and is that Evangelion gingi are you in there I'm going supposed to literally show you what the final stages of the war were tched Earth Ash so you can practically smell the nuclear winter I wanted to keep it short and sweet on this one because I feel like the visual World building speaks for itself all right I kind of like that last one so let's oh my God nope okay what why why are we doing this again no we literally just had a conversation love dread you know if you if you hand me a flashlight in any game it's just it's automatically five times scarier I just I don't know I don't know how to explain it it appears that we are filling a tree up with blood after filling up this Blood tree with you guessed it blood you're required to fill two more trees that doesn't really sound right Sprout two more trees water two more trees well it's not really blood two more trees also why is the draft getting closer so I kind of have a confession to make I did not play this level normally turns out after I went back and played it again I've since found out that the big button that says Marked for Death actually isn't a good thing who would have thought there were supposed to be several points in the level where there were going to be like multiple enemy factions and they were going to fight each other and it was going to look cool I guess but instead by marking myself for death it kind of means they don't give a [ __ ] about who they're fighting they all just kind of want to kill me at the same time and you know it would have been cool to see at the first first time from a gameplay perspective but it also would have saved my CPU from having to process information like this this isn't even a game this isn't I'm not am I winning I I I think I'm winning guys I think I I but it doesn't matter it's okay because there's only one level left and honestly after all the [ __ ] I've been through mannequins minotaurs freaking two mechs I think I can handle it so come on game hit me what do you got we're fighting the draft we're fighting the draft we're fighting the dra I'm done I'm done I'm done I can't I'm going back to school I was expecting a lot of things this no no let me tell you I did not expect to be scaling this thing's quadricep like that one game from 2005 that I [ __ ] I got look at the script I forgot the name of the game uh James and the Giant Peach these big old Cuties are called Earth shakers and we being the kind courteous V1 we are have to kill it so I climbed and I climbed I climbed and I shot a little bit okay I shot a lot this is only slightly overstimulating all the way to the top I probably got to like destroy the core or something you know I've played these sorts of games before where you fight the big robot you go inside the mouth or something then you destroy the that's not a robot I'm not even going to try to explain what the implications of this are for V1 you know who's also a robot robot Earth shakers being literal walking skyscrapers weren't able to run solely off of blood so they were built to run off of blood and sunlight an amazing combo the only thing is um I'm kind of noticing a significant lack of sunlight in the area in fact it kind of looks like this thing's been standing still for a while I mean its feet are literally melding to the burnt crisp Earth so get this The Fallout was so bad the Earth so inhospitable that there was a global nuclear winter blotting out the sun almost completely and grinding every Earth Shaker to a complete halt and that's kind of where the story took a pretty big shift for me I mean breaking it down in my head I I I mean just look at what it's doing thunderclaps reverberate the air as you ascend the closer you get to the head you realize it's shooting at something and that something is shooting back with the terminal entry for Earth shakers in the visual storytelling of 74 I can now see that the lair of violence depicts the final stages of the fall of mankind it's honestly kind of pathetic I mean this wasn't the result of creating ity Innovation or even War it was the result of fear and this is all we've got to show for it the Pinnacle of human technology stuck in an unending war with a man-made silhouette I practically want to kill it after that so I did and that's the violence layer I don't want to go over all the secret just because I have a hard time editing long videos hope you enjoyed bye
Channel: Breezy
Views: 66,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, ultrakill gameplay, ultrakill game, ultrakill layer 7, ultrakill act 3, ultrakill lore, ultrakill memes, ultrakill act 2, ultrakill speedrun, ultrakill earthmover, ultrakill layer 7 ost, video essay
Id: AQZZhARflus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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