Ultrakill | P-2 P-rank guide: The Gauntlet

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hello it's your boy coming at you live from under a blanket so I wasn't I was in process of researching and writing my next guide about keybinds and weapon loadouts why some keybinds or weapon orders might be preferable for cybergrinder speedrunning I had all of this research and planning already done and then this madman dropped an entire [ __ ] update with no warning and all of my best laid plans were thrown in the trash anyways I spent a few days learning the new rocket launcher the level and the new boss and something struck me the combat Encounters in this Gauntlet before the boss are more like puzzle encounters puzzle encounters that wave 30 of cybergrind to be frank but puzzle encounters nonetheless and like with any puzzle they can be made significantly easier if you know how to approach them after being able to consistently pre-rank this level I'm confident that I can help you get that juicy P rank as well this guide will go through every encounter one by one and I will provide multiple ways of dealing with each encounter depending on which deck you're comfortable with for instance one route might involve rocket riding but if you're not comfortable with rocket riding there will be an alternative relying on the Whiplash to compensate you will be able to mix and match the stress to create your own route using these tracks you should be able to shave off a significant portion of the enemy spawning in pretty quickly with these tracks but some encounters are longer so randomless will become a factor and you'll have to improvise a bit one last thing before starting we need to know the style requirements for this level to pre-rank this level you will need at least 36 000 style points 59 kills and you'll have to finish the level under 10 minutes and 20 seconds [Music] by rocket riding slide jumping or slamstoring towards the first encounter and remember to use the shortcut start off by placing a saw trap roughly around the center of the room if you place your saw trap too close to the door your saws might get caught in the door frame and will get destroyed before you even start the fight after that ready your core shotgun start the encounter and immediately back away shoot your core and new cooked with the malicious rail this should instantly kill two or even three server eye and severely damage the remaining ones a ferryman will spawn after the two server I die so be prepared I like to combine coin punching projectile boosting and Saw traps to deal with them keep in mind that the two virtues outside will only spawn after the final Cerberus has been killed so you might want to keep him around to delay their spawn plus a Cerberus is much easier to hit than the ferryman and it should provide you an easy source of healing keep in mind though that he will die after one or two shotgun blasts another threat against the ferryman is going from corner to corner so he has to come at you from One Direction making him an easy shot for you your rail Cannon should come off cooldown during your battle with him so feel free to use it on her in case you didn't use your coins during this fight you can throw all of them and shoot the material for a guaranteed hit and an easy kill if you're really struggling with tracking them in the small room you can go to a corner and screwdriver in to make it easier for you it is imperative to kill him before the virtues outside and rage as that makes the encounter borderline unreadable virtues will enrage after firing three beams on violent and five beings on standard once the ferryman is dead the door will open and you can use a rail Cannon to kill the two virtues outside but I like to kill them with other methods so I already have the rail ready for the start of the next encounter for this route you will also place a saw trap at the start but instead of nuking you will go to one side and rail Point as soon as the surprise spawn a rail Point combo will always kill a Cerberus but I like the rail coin ad with this method you can usually kill a three server eye or even wipe the room completely the rest of the fight is more chaotic and random so the same general tips as in route they applied here too [Music] I always start off by placing a saw trap here aim roughly where I'm aiming to start placing the magnets this should kill or at least severely damage one of the sentries that spawn here if you use the rail to kill the virtues wait for it to come off cooldown before initiating the fight wait for the swords machine to spawn and rail coin it as soon as you get the chance in case you missed the rail coin or the rail bounce towards the idle mind player back away and use the Mind players projectiles to finish the swords machine off mind players will always use their orb attack first after spawning so use this knowledge to your advantage after eliminating one Sentry in the swords machine you can focus on killing the remaining senshi and then the schisms in case you get hurt a lot during this encounter uses schisms for a quick heal and or set up a saw trap to recover some health and style a handy tip for schisms is that you can one shot them by knuckle blasting them to the ground if you get them in the air in case you're not confident in your rail pointing skill set up a trap on the road roughly where the sword machine spawns and start a fight with a nuke to weaken the centers in the swords machine after this you have two choices shotgun swapping to finish it or backing away to Parry the Mind player orbs cleaning up the schisms afterwards should be a piece of cake if the Nook isn't working for you you can use a rail Cannon followed by a projectile boost to stun the swords machine followed by shotgun swapping at close range the rest of this route is the same as the others foreign ly you can go for a ferry on the swords machine and finish it with shotgun swapping or you can pull back and try for an orb Parry the same general tips as in the other routes apply for this one too moving on to the next encounter before you go ahead take note of your health if you're low Dodge around for a bit and Parry the Mind flare orbs for a full heal before going ahead the Mind player will sometimes go for a melee attack and it could kill you while you're going down the hallway I like to start this encounter by rail pointing the server that spawns in front of you but if you miss the railcoin or the Mind player knocks you around don't worry stick close to the barrier behind the Cerberus and spam Saws and nails the hallway is so cramped that the sauce will melt the servers and the street cleaners coming after you stamming the knuckle Blaster also helps a great tip for this encounter is to listen for the Mind players of dance as the playroll often kill the spawned enemies for you just goes double for the laser attack so if you hear an attack coming try to stand Dash to avoid the damage or if you want to be even safer Dash storage down the hallway this encounter is so simple that I can't really think of any special stats for this one the only change I could think of for this hallway is that you can skip the rail coin at the start as the saws and nail should provide more than enough damage with good placement this way you'll have your rail Cannon and coins immediately ready for the opening of the next Arena oh boy this is the first encounter that some people get stuck on until they give up on the level entirely so let's break it as best we can in my opinion this is the most random and chaotic encounter in the level aside from the boss so if you manage to survive you're pretty much good when you enter the room an additional mind flare will spawn along with the Sentry and two swords machines after killing the Sentry and the swords machines two virtues and two Maurices will spawn and finally after killing them you can destroy the idols protecting the Mind players but what Wicked skip to the good part and just okay you used to be able to do this but it went against the intended design of the encounter and was patched during the making of this video rest in peace charge back in mind players you will be missed just want to show off some sick Clips before we get on with the video and back to the guide before starting this Arena consider your health and weapon status if you're low on health you might want to wait until the Mind player that's been pestering you for the past two runes does an orb attack so you can get some help your saws magnets coins and rail Cannon will regenerate during this brief downtime too start off Placer saws where one of the swords machines spawn and get ready to railclone as soon as it does you shouldn't need to coin ad as the soundtrack should provide you enough damage I like to keep backing away and slowly chipping away at the second swords machine with projectile boosts or coin punches if you're slides jumping or slam jumping you should be relatively safe from the swords machine and you can focus on listening for the Sentry and the mind flares a single orb Perry will probably finish off the swords machine but I like to charge back it if you're bad at chargebacks eliminate the Sentry at your own discretion as it isn't terribly dangerous in this Arena you can easily take cover behind the stairs to dodge a shot or to force it to reposition resetting its attack as soon as the Sentry and swords machines die two virges and two Maurices will spawn the virtues are significantly more dangerous and you should eliminate them first use a whiplash or a rocketry to get into position to rail both virtues at once this are naming on The Virtue farther away from you as the hitbox is fairly large and you'll probably hit the closer one even if it looks like it'll Miss and even if you do Miss you're still in range for a shotgun and knuckle Blaster combo after dealing with the virtues reorient yourself quickly and try to spot the Mind players and be prepared to Parry in case they attack while you are setting the virtue kill up proceed to Whiplash to the Maurices and delete them with the shotgun Swap and knuckle Blaster combo a level 3 pump shotgun knuckle Blaster can also work especially if you manage to hit the ferry and finally time to have revenge on those [ __ ] mind flares step onto the elevated surface where the Idols are if you position yourself in the center and charge a knuckle Blaster punch the shock wave will destroy both Idols sending you flying keep in mind you will need to stand a bit closer than the edge or you might destroy the idols without getting a heal out of it the Mind flash shouldn't pose too much of a problem now because you've dealt with them thus far you can try to land an instacle with the malicious rail or go for the four coin slab charge show you're going to need to slam jump or rocketry to get enough height for this combo alternatively if you can't get this to work focus on pairing the orbs and whiplashing and shotgunning them in between their attacks thank you some additional tips I can give is to abuse the friendly fired enemy attacks have if you can kite the swords machine in between yourself in a mind flare there orbs will sometimes One-Shot the swords machine also take advantage the large arcs the orbs have to take to circle around to you if you're close to a wall or below the Mind flare simply dodging or sliding under will make them collide with the wall or the ground and give you some space moving on to the next Arena you have two choices you want to fight the insurrectionist for style points or do you not want to risk it after trying the level a few times I'll probably be able to tell if you have enough style after the last terrain if you have an A in style somewhere around 33 000 style points you shouldn't have an issue struggling the insurrectionists oh you don't know about strangling I know it sounds like a sex thing but it's legit look scramble the instructionist you need to be above either of the blood pits when the fight starts use the rocket freeze and walls to stay above it until they jump in if you're fast they will both jump in at the start but if you miss time it you can still drop them in by going above the pit when they jump keep in mind you'll be missing out on the style points you'd be getting by fighting them normally and you don't want to miss out on a p rank after a perfect run because you skipped a relatively easy fight you can also up to scrungle only one Insurrection is to make the fight slightly easier but to still get some style points should you choose to fight in this encounter start off by placing a saw trap focus on spamming explosions with your rockets and projectile boosts and in case you didn't know the Whiplash will set enemies on fire if you have the skull in your hand so you can abuse this fact to get some easy heals insurrectionists bleed a lot more when on fire so whenever you're low just Whiplash and shotgun swap them another useful tip is to try and hit an insurrectionist with a cannonball when they're falling down because this will make their stun last a lot longer if you get some space or if you're feeling completely overwhelmed just set up a saw trap and you should survive in the recent hotfix the blood tunnel has been changed so it only deals damage and no longer teleports you but if you follow these routes this will be the easiest fights in the level by far before starting the encounter check if your rail Cannon is off cooldown as soon as the virtues spawn shoot the core and nuke it this will send both virtues into the wall every time killing them both instantly follow up by dealing with the Maurices using your knuckle Blaster and shotgun swapping you should have enough time after killing both to shoot the antenna of the Sentry using a coin or a direct shot or just simply Dodge it or if you're filling balls you just go for a chargeback alternatively you can use a rocket whip to Nuke both virtues and boost yourself to the Sentry to perform this deck you have to Whiplash a rocket back to yourself but while you are not falling if you are falling you'll initiate a rocket ride so in this instance Dash jump shoot whip almost at the same time and let go of all of your movement buttons and you should be launched towards this entry you will hear the virtues explode behind you use a shotgun swapping and the knuckle Blaster to quickly deal with it before turning your attention to the remaining Maurices the fight should be relatively straightforward from here a cannonball snipe can work just as well as a nuke but since the explosion is a bit smaller it's easier to mess up and only send one virtue into the wall if you mess up use a charge slab revolver to give it that final push without risking getting thrown in the wall yourself if you choose this route you will have a rail Cannon ready for the remaining Sentry in Maurices you can use the rail to simultaneously hit the Maurice and the Sentry interrupting the centuries aiming and severely damaging or even killing the Maurice if you want an even simpler method you can shoot a rail so you hit both The Virtue and the Maurice behind it and the explosion from the virtue's death will usually send the other virtue into the wall this is the least consistent method but you should be able to finish the second virtue with the slab charge shot should it live leaving you only to clean up a Sentry and two more races one of which is enraged and half dead foreign moving on to the other half of the blood tunnel use a rocket ride to reach the Maurice on the other side use a quick shotgun Swap and knuckle Blaster combo to kill him and the Shockwave from his death will bounce both centuries killing them instantly use a cannonball into a whip and projectile boost to damage one Cerberus and finish it however you please I like using the revolver or coins the last Cerberus is best dealt with by baiting him into falling off the platform or just spamming attacks from a safe distance don't be afraid to go in close should you need a heel a single Cerberus is a slow and predictable enemy and his shoulder check is much slower than his throw in case you're not comfortable with rocket riding use a whiplash to close in on the Maurice during your flight be ready to Parry or Dash to the side depending on how comfortable you are with parrying the rest of the encounter will play out the same and finally the last part of this Gauntlet and the second hardest fight you'll have to survive before the boss fight if you're having trouble with the fairy man more than the swords machines start off by placing a trap like me you should aim about where I'm aiming in this darker part of this corner after setting up rocket Rider Dash jump and slide jump towards your trap throw four coins in the air and shoot your rail Cannon this will kill the ferryman instantly the rest of this encounter is fairly easy as you only have four Strays and two swords machines to deal with in a huge open space use rail coins Zone trumps projectile boosts or whatever you want always remember always remember that you can still knock around the idled enemies you should use a rocket launcher Splash or the knuckle Blaster to send the stalker flying you can do this even when he's halfway done with his explosion animation and he will miss keep this up and you'll always have a steady supply of blood in this Arena should you choose to kill both swords machines first start off by setting up a sword trap on the staircase like me set it up on both sides if you're using the nail gun start the encounter and go back up the stairs behind you be careful not to do it too quickly as one swords machine might go around instead of down the middle once they're in range of the Trap do a rail coin ad combo and this should kill them both and if they're somehow still alive a few explosions are an overpump will finish the jump continue the rest of this fight like normal and try to eliminate the ferryman first so you can use the Strays for health should you need it this route is more random in my opinion as the ferryman is such a fast and dangerous enemy after wiping the previous Wave A Center will spawn in each of the four corners of the map with an idled hideous mass in the center depending on what he used in the previous round and your positioning you'll have to choose one of the following strats if you're good at split shots the best strategy is to stand between two centuries like so and split coin four times killing two sentries at once leaving you to dodge only one century you may be asking am I bad at math But If You observe closely Idols don't protect the enemies just from your shots as the sanctuary shots will bounce off too so remember to use the Hideous masses cover and you only have to deal with one century oh another nice Nook to hide in to reach set to the attack timer on the centuries is the staircase below the idols be careful not to linger too long down here as you're gonna be experiencing a hail of artillery within seconds proceed to clean up the remaining sentries with whatever comp you like using I like using shotgun swapping with a knuckle blaster or the SRS launcher and coins if you have a railgun ready position yourself so you hit two centuries at once and proceed to combo them like normal [Music] once the final Sentry is killed three virtues will spawn high up above you along with three cerber eye on the ground this is the final round of this hellish room but if you take out the virtues first the rest will be easy if you get a quick rocket riding ride up high and try to line up a double kill with the rail Cannon I like going for the middle virtue along with either of the outer ones as it is slightly higher up making it easier to line up you will notice when rocket riding or whiplashing towards virtues that you usually end up higher than them so the position of the middle virtue works best after killing two virtues finish off the last one with a level 3 thumb shotgun and knuckle Blaster combo or any method you're comfortable with after dealing with the virtues it's time to deal with the mosh pit below you I recommend using a saw trap and spamming explosives to deal damage to the horde there is one choice you have regarding the Hideous Mass though after killing the sentries the idol protecting the Hideous mass will be exposed giving you the choice of deleting it now and dealing damage to the Hideous Mass while clearing the server eye or saving the idol for a free full heal when you need it along with a free heal the idol will send you flying giving you some much needed breathing room after dealing with the server eye finish off the Hideous Mass with any method you like sound traps projectile boosts rail coin combos four coins and a slab charge shot do whatever you're comfortable with after the Hideous Mass dies the final Idol will be exposed and you'll be able to kill the stalker and finish the gauntlet remember that you can use your rocket launcher to blast away the stalker if he's about to sand the server eye or the Hideous mass in case you're not good at Rocket riding Whiplash to the middle version try to land the double rail after wiping the virtues slide jump or Rocket Jump Around to kite the enraged mob in the center of the Arena spam saws and explosions and you'll have no trouble the same general tips as in the previous round to apply here as stylish if a bit hard to perform option is to launch yourself to the virtues using the idle explosions I find it hard to line up so I wouldn't recommend it but this way you get a full heal instead of hard damage if you're low on health it's a bit hard to line up and I wouldn't recommend it but this way you'll get a full heal instead of hard damage like you would if you were using the Whiplash while low on health after you did this congratulations you beat the gauntlet now take a breather and get ready for the real challenge in this level and this is gonna be a two-parter I'm sorry but it has to be for my own sanity I had roughly one hour of audio for this guide and 25 minutes of that is just Sisyphus I'll try to get it out within a week or two so subscribe if you want to see it on day one and don't worry when the video drops I'm gonna be thoroughly dismantling sisyphus's ass and here's a little sneak peek of it and like I promised earlier in the video a few clips from a pre-patch double mind flare room and see you soon foreign [Music] [Music] thank you okay
Channel: Sheba | DrFeelGood
Views: 58,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uoxr0kji_3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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