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I asked you what I should 100 this week and we ended up picking Ultra kill for this challenge we'll be doing all the challenges like this one where I can't open any doors we're gonna ride the rocket to Heaven I don't even want to trigger a single enemy okay I'm already at the exit collecting all the secrets [Music] wow I gotta go all the way back to the entrance crash bandicoots whoa whoa whoa and most importantly pre-ranking every level sadly not including the prime sanctums but we'll get more into that later chapter one The Campaign the vast majority of the games I play on this channel are fresh experiences for me Ultra kill not being an exception that comes at you really fast but that was sick but immediately everything stood out to me in a positive way and I just love the way this game feels finish them off with a punch yeah that was height that's an S easy ass my style should have been an S for sure oh that guy's gonna wreck me oh punch him oh shoddy shotgun go to gun shotgun shotgun okay yeah come on buddy got him that's exactly what I wanted to happen boom boom oh we chilling oh oh I see how it is at least I get my health back ow he's just oh there's two of them punch him bring the Nads that's one down oh don't die don't you dare die oh thank God okay first try oh minigun oh yeah you're done no oh what the hell is that jeez man what'd I get oh oh let's go what hideous Mass indeed no no me oh I gotta shoot him in the cheeks I gotta shoot him in the cheeks man finisher this is a boss hello oh oh what the hell is happening everything before V2 felt like a breeze in comparison and I assume this is where everyone gets their first worldwalk I'm gonna lose I'm already dead Jesus there is something I'm missing holy attempt after attempt I ended up finding a bit of an aggressive strategy for myself in order to heal some of the tank shots I was taking yes yes I got him let's go after V2 we blew through every level before me relatively smoothly and made it to oh well oh why did that actually kind of scare me by fighting a hand no one could have expected the boss was a hand this terrifying thing oh my God oh did I hurt your feelings oh did I get them first try easy the final boss of chapter one appears and he's my only other roadblock in the first chapter oh my only strategy I had for this fight was to throw an infinite number of attempts at him until I won I'm dead a complete foolproof strategy if you ask me oh [Music] fast no yes okay good run that didn't take long at all moving on to chapter two what is that we run to Mr elastic himself who really wasn't all that tough God damn the Sun that was a long level never mind I just suck but shortly after him we run into a new and improved V2 oh the really hard guy he's on his throne the rematch of the Sentry oh my god he has two phases oh this guy's gonna take me ages wow I'm already dead why am I already dead why am I already dead foreign this guy oh [Music] did I get him is that it that's a checkpoint let's go oh okay okay this is sick what the hell I'll take him out for sure with full HP though take them out with the pisti you're done let's go what does this hand do oh my God that is so sick we pushed through some more nearing closer and closer to the end the next boss-ish mini boss guy was the fairy man he doesn't seem like a weakling maybe he's a bit of a weekend oh now the music's picking up [Music] got him first try let's go this is somebody who is proud of defeating what will become spoiler alert a normal enemy in the future if I'm being honest the next level after that one Ship of Fools cost me the most trouble I had up until that point oh but I really don't feel like getting into it so here's Leviathan boss oh hell no man oh I fell for it again oh Freddy oh I'm dead got him let's go that was a really cool fight even though it didn't take me that long after one level chapter two's final boss appears and it's Gabriel again now powered up and ready to wreak havoc on me for another chunk of time oh God this is sick oh here we freaking go ahead already dead okay oh my God this guy's destroying me oh I finally got him to my second phase for once oh my God he's going sickle mode oh I'm so dead oh I got him so low oh my God I'm already wow no dude the amount of C ranks and d-rings I got on this on layer four holy crap I'm so bad chapter two the secrets and challenges aha starting with the secrets I think they handled them really well and creatively they weren't the type of hidden secrets you would normally imagine and I could actually find most of them without guides which is a huge Plus for me on top of this they've already implemented a nice little reward system for collecting these which are in the customization of your guns colors since showing off Collectibles and games is never interesting I'm going to show off the real cool secrets in this game the secret levels you have found a secret mission the first one I discovered unfortunately was a mini horror game maze is this a horror level I'm scared it's very dark he's like breathing in my ear oh I'm scared third I'm scared no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no leave me alone dude oh my God I actually saw it that time it's like a stick bug bro where is it oh Jesus oh my God what the hell oh my God what the [ __ ] in hell dude why did he disappear oh my yeah I hate this level this level sucks it appears this level's gonna have a long lasting effect on me look that's cool what the hell what's this secret let me guess is another horror film no actually it was something much much scarier it isn't it's a puzzle puzzle puzzle hey guys puzzle Andy 64 back at it again with another puzzle while collecting Secrets I discovered that there was a hidden alternative revolver locked behind three secret switches in different levels all right so the hidden revolver is right up there I don't know how to get it though oh I can just I can I could yeah I'll just try that that works click oh I see you see you oh [Music] cancerous rodent I don't even see him oh is that him [Music] that was it what oh oh no oh yeah that's right you're not so cancerous anymore oh oh okay oh the collateral easy easy clap so do I get that I got a new revolver I do let's see I want to see this what is it seems kind of cool it's like a magnum after getting my super pistol we move on and discover my next secret level maybe steps ragged breathing there isn't much time left it might already be too late it just what is this is this a goddamn visual novel the prettiest girl in down wow it's done and after speed running the visual novel there was already another secret two levels ahead grab the moon dial wow wow pretty crash bandicoots no way this is oh my God this game is so good what oh my God this is sick whoa whoa who would have got I love the way you run oh oh snap for God's sakes it's coming oh oh my God run oh my God I did it oh I missed some why electric railgun we also ended up finding one of my favorite weapons the saw blade launcher oh after this the last secret level was upon us and once again it was really cool all right what do we got I'm scared foreign let's go fishing it's Bass Pro Fishing then oh I see nice oh I caught Peter fish then the secrets in this game are kind of unmatched so far I caught funny stupid fish friend in Brackets ah I hope something what is that dope fish oh my God he looks horrific I don't know how to catch the rest of these fish [Music] I need a bomb fish and then I gotta throw them at this cave over here and open it up oh no not more meat area what's this ew frog I don't like looking at it to be honest oh I can fish in the pan I got a stick fish there's one more something in the ocean let's find out oh it's a shark am I allowed to leave now fish size leaderboard where am I on the leaderboard 62 000. what is this room I'm dead this room's hell on Earth [Music] ah the rocket launcher makes it possible there we go that was my last secret color oh it makes it all work it the Grinder's been which worthwhile because the colors are cool now we move on to the challenges get five kills of the single glass panel how do you kill the glass panel like you gotta knock them in the challenges are very fun extra things you can do at each level that I already failed I think these things can range from getting to the Leviathan boss in under 10 seconds or less all right I did the challenge you're not touching any water in a level that's completely comprised of water despite wanting to show off me doing all these challenges this video will last forever so I decided to pick a handful of interesting ones of varying difficulty starting with Stage 05 I'm told to not inflict any fatal damage to any enemy the stage has two Cerberus bosses and they have the tendency of blowing themselves up luckily okay oh they blew themselves up nice job a bunch of hooligans stage one four told me not to pick up any skulls instead find a secret way into the Boss Arena while here I randomly had the kick to attempt the P rank V2 oh I already got him holy smokes and P ranked that was quick that guy was actually hard before this and then you get all the broken weapons and he's so cheesed stage two one got me to find a way to complete the level without opening any normal doors all right how am I gonna do this okay I have an idea for this we're gonna ride the rocket to Heaven I don't even want to trigger a single enemy okay I'm already at the exit that that's so cool that you can do crap like that stage two two was one of the only full stages to have me speed run the whole level it took the memorization of all power switch locations and got me quicker at moving in general oh it said there okay let's restart thank you oh yes I got it let's go stage four two had me figure out a way to kill the insurrectionist in under 10 seconds and while it was possible to burst him down extremely fast normally I thought this method was a lot funnier come on oh God he's coming interestingly while playing stage four three for the first time I knew that I would have to beat it without the use of a torch using the shotgun's bomb I was able to partially see ahead of me and light the normal spots I was supposed to use the torchion crap oh my God I can kind of see down here oh my God I can't see anything dang it oh my God I killed myself um [Music] I officially can't see anymore are you freaking kidding oh oh what a troll that took a while in stage five two I was simply told not to fight the fairy men oh wait do I just like give it to him oh what the hell that's so cool and the last one I thought I should talk about was stage five three to not touch the water was arguably one of the harder ones for sure to start you need to open the hidden exit with both skulls because the normal one is flooded now during the second half of the level the ship flips over adding random water spots all over the level you need to avoid oh my God that scared me I really don't want to redo this level now how do I do this oh God what is this no I don't want to even try this I hate this okay this sucks oh my God I hate this level oh my God what do I do now there's no way I make this oh my God I made it crap oh yes okay chapter three p ranks in the prime sanctums so let's pre-rank the prologue I guess start all right so I gotta go fast and Fast I win easily P ranking and P ranking and P ranking first P rank well with a few interruptions along the way due to a few careless mistakes ah the prologue was done and what felt like almost instantly oh my God this is almost so easy why didn't I just try it normally well that's another key well that P rank was really easy he ranked prologue moving on to chapter one it was mostly the same and my confidence was overflowing we're done we're done we're done foreign yes okay stage one three was my first small roadblock due to it being so long because you need to take both paths to get all the kills needed for p rank I would also forget to trigger a lot of enemy spawns leading into an instant reset look at all these enemies I missed I knew I missed enemies I hit him with the McNasty oh I think I got him that's not an ass oh still not an S though no what am I oh I'm out of time oh my God another thing that might have caused me unnecessary trouble was I thought you needed to take out these two enemies in the secret encounter which could either cause an easy death or make me run out of extra time okay there's my S's did I get it come on come on open please yes okay that level was kind of hard once again after this level no troubles many stages first try material at least thanks to some of the challenges I did in the past I fell all the way down math didn't matter easy peasy lemon squeezy so pumped for pumped eventually we make it to the corpse King one weird thing with boss P ranks is that they're really just endurance tests since you're not allowed dying to get a p rank you just have to restart and make the run all the way back to the boss every death you can imagine how annoying this boss's path would be on death so I somehow wanted to try and get it done in one try okay that hurts oh my let me know [Music] let me look beautiful Perry oh my I'm cracked I am cracked no damage damageless with few deaths we P rank the next level and ran into Gabriel oh I'm gonna have to track this every time and I honestly thought I'd be making the intro run quite a lot oh all right Gabe round two you know no I just want some heels oh second try it was now time for me to attempt the first Prime sanctum I was going into these completely blind though I was hearing that it was going to be quite easily the hardest challenges yet what's this I'm hearing so peaceful never mind I don't like the sound of this thank you okay okay I'm kind of scared actually oh my God okay oh my God the attacks this guy has or some massive eyeballs have been destroyed oh never mind okay is it laughing at me doesn't reach at all its health did it reach in all his health I'm oh my God for the flesh prison I ended up switching to the old-fashioned pistol so I can easily One Tap every eyeball yeah this is way better that way I could at least Whittle away at its Health pool so this is how you do damage to him right hey you're never gonna get this is it dead did I get him okay I got him [Applause] Soul Survivor oh I don't like the look of this no if I lose this guy do I have to fight that guy again okay I'll go oh oh give me a nose give me a frame to react I'm dead minnow's crime was clearly nothing like anything else I face up until this point it's just a little bit stronger guys okay he was like Gabriel but quicker hits harder and it was harder to heal all of them even stop up stop stop stop he takes no damage man or am I just doing no damage I can't even tell oh my God I'm very worried about the second parts oh okay that was the best I've done many many deaths later no no I pulled this run out of nowhere [Music] all right yes did I get him oh finally wow only 33 retries not bad it was time for me to move on to P ranking chapter two chapter two is quite a lot harder to get P ranks on there was a couple stages which I really struggled to get my style points at the S rank b style b style and it was also significantly harder to stay alive on these stages as well foreign oh I knew it oh my God 6-1 was easily the hardest standard level to pee right it was the hardest to survive on part the track kills on and for some reason I just couldn't get my S rank in style oh no my style [Music] why [Music] oh are you oh my damn that was cool damn that was clean look at those style points no oh my God no way it was down to just Gabriel again another struggle for style points I figure it was because I wasn't parrying enough and I was taking a lot of damage as well so it was just a struggle to get used to it my style also see no oh my God yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I clutched up let's go I did not think I had that one you know I'm gonna get a custom color on My Revolver all right let's take a look at these pistols oh oh how pretty finally just Prime sanctum 2 stood before me easily the most threatening and daunting level thus far one that I knew for a fact I couldn't P rank this video thus I'll have to make part two in the short future because I'll need at least a week plus just for this P rank alone oh Jesus Christ that scared the heck and hell out of me you need the saw blades why is this stuff it's just a bathroom of hell oh this music goes so hard what the hell oh awesome I love this room don't I chases you run oh oh wow holy half a Dodge in real life before you ask or else I'll for sure get hit oh yes this is a hard level what oh my God I hate this game I swear to God you're really gonna hide the checkpoint behind that oh it's level as hell I'm scared no please checkpoint am I sure fine do not approach it do not let it look at and most importantly have fun oh there's at least there's a checkpoint wow look at this room well looks like he's back [Music] I don't like when it talks Prime second my God oh God whoa like where the hell even is he oh my God if I can't see him see him I assume he's above me you can't escape Jesus he's he needs to chill okay I'm just gonna say it says if his prime is on a complete another level the first boss encounter in a video game in quite a long time that almost made me lose hope he's just suddenly flying it almost felt like a straight fluke I'm not even gonna lie okay no oh my God yeah oh my God I did it what I was so not ready to win there oh my God oh stop laughing like that so if you want me to pre-rank the Prime sanctums in another video and potentially get to wave 50 plus in the Cyber grind please show me your support by leaving a like and consider subscribing for more content similar to this thanks and see you in the next one
Channel: cronkle
Views: 184,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: difficult achievements, cronkle, cronkle achievements, thesonofjazzy, nick ar, snamwiches, tannerjaye, hardest achievements, steam achievements, p rank, most difficult achievements, ultrakill act 2, ultrakill gabriel, ultrakill gameplay, ultrakill update, ultrakill speedrun, ultrakill damageless, ultrakill all p ranks, ultrakill all achievements, ultrakill platinum, ultrakill, ultrakill new update, ultrakill cybergrind, ultrakill funny moments, ultrakill prime sanctum 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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