I made my girlfriend play ULTRAKILL [ACT ONE]

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I needed this the people demanded it and now it's finally here mankind is dead blood is fuel hell is full oh yes Jesus Christ [Music] thank you back when Kat and I started dating I got her into gaming I started her off with easier games that were mostly story focused and single player but she soon showed interest in other games I was playing she branched out to multiplayer Co-op by killing monsters in Monster Hunter world and then expanded into killing monsters inside of Elden ring device but there was one game in particular that piqued her interest after seeing me spear Cowboys with shovels for sport [Music] and kill monsters she decided that she actually wanted to try Han Showdown also just bear with me this is all coming back to ultra Kill Hunt being hunt she died a lot we all did first time but she also got her first kill that first taste of blood and she was instantly hooked there was no other game that provided such a rush such a hit of dopamine the problem was she never really played FPS games before so she was really struggling to learn the mechanics especially with how unforgiving Hunt is if you die you get sent back to the lobby she needed to learn movement game sense aiming leading targets prioritizing targets using all of her tools etc etc I was trying to think of a short single player game that isn't too punishing but also teaches you movement weapon swapping tracking game flicking game project Helen hit scanning if possible restarting should also be as quick and as painless as possible Well turns out Ultra kill has all of these qualities in Spades and now all I had to do was convince her to try it is this little baby right here it's called cocaine right it will keep you sharp between the ears it'll also help your fingers dial faster and guess what that's good for me during one Steam Sale I bought the game for her along with a few others and I told her the game would make her better at Hunt and there were monsters to kill and I also mentioned there's a dating Sim level the seed of curiosity had been planted and now I just had to let it grow eventually after a few weeks she decided to give it a go on the condition that I watch her play all the way through since she has next to no FPS experience I knew that standard difficulty would be too hard for her especially when she reached Gabriel and I really wanted to avoid putting her in a car heading straight for a brick wall I also knew that harmless would be too easy to force her to learn the game's mechanics so I settled on lenient difficulty and Center on her way the game seemingly throws you into the deep end right from the first encounter but since the films are in few dangerous the game was gently getting her into the mindset of always moving [Music] Jesus Christ babe I'm so embarrassed oh she's a bit confused but she's got the spirit right cat was already learning how to move the name simultaneously and she was only in the first room punch them yes next the game taught her about breaking glass panels a lesson she quickly applied well I mean hey they're all dead right the second time around she was way more careful to him high and to rely more on melee to avoid falling again for the most part old habits die hard huh pretty soon after she got her first taste of parrying she actually picked it up before the tutorial for it her timing needed a little refining there that's a little better moving on she punched Maurice's teeth then on her first try while the fight may have lacked Grace she was already managing her health well should move in close when she needed to heal and she'd constantly move around throwing off most of his attacks during the next level she started experimenting with the legendary Marksman revolver she quickly picked up on the fact that coins inherit your velocity so her strategy for hitting coins was either standing completely still or moving in One Direction unflinchingly she got into the habit of mostly throwing coins directly above her as that made them easier to hit and save them from hidden walls she might not understand why coins explode but she understood that she needed more immediately after she committed to the ballsiest slide I've ever seen someone new pull off in this level she was eager to find out more about that yellow robot so she quickly hopped over to the next level Source machine seemed intimidating at first because of its large Health Bill and aggressive attacks but proved to be a complete pushover for her nice battery by the way her biggest issue was trying to keep track of it during its combos after stealing swords machines lunch money she bought herself a shotgun and was itching to test it out the stopping power of the shotgun coupled with a larger spread and the grenade launcher made it her instant favorite weapon but I'd be remiss if I didn't show her the best part projectile boost projectile boost projectile boost projectile boost projectile boost projectile boost it was time for round two against swords machine and the odds were not in its favor Beautiful Finish By counts and disrespect for good measure for the next level I started her off with the overpump shotgun which she quickly over bumped okay take two applying a gentler stroking motion cap was able to avoid ending her fun too soon I said gentler this is Serbia Morty the craziest place in the universe serbians you never know what you're gonna get with them they are only good at one thing basketball basketball Morty it's interesting fighting created a race of angry Giants applying all of her newly learned skills she was finally able to break through Serbia and into the game broker before heading into the limbo she had to do the first secret level well actually she did finish it but after dying two to three times to Something Wicked it stopped being scary and it was only Annoying only the frustration of navigating a pitch black map remained into limbo cat was really surprised by the tonal Whiplash coming from Prelude she did like touching grass though the new drone enemies didn't phaser much in fact they face their so little she ate every single one [Music] foreign she would often do when overwhelmed I adopted the race car strategy she would only go forward and use the mouse to steer all the while pumping out damage for now it was hard for her to change directions when thinking about so many things so she simplified it her initial experience with the nail gun was somewhat underwhelming after which she barely used it for a while I'll Chuck it up a few things this was still her first play session she was getting tired and overwhelmed and secondly nailogen magnets are initially well simply not flashy as coins and projectile boosts don't worry though she'll start using it again later there that's the last you'll see of the nail gun for the entire lair so I was editing this and I noticed this drone flying and Kamikaze his friend I checked it earlier in the footage and figured out it was this drone that she blew out of the skylight with the shotgun perfectly calculated and of course she ate the last one arriving in 1-3 cat was able to hear what Mozart would have sounded like if he was a good pianist [Music] racing down the blue route first cat was able to clear out all of her enemies without much trouble but she did have some problems falling into lava I hope that doesn't become a recurring problem nice wall bounce into dunk babe she was even able to shotgun swap the finish of this Serb unfortunately she only remembered to use this deck when I reminded her the blue route was relatively easy for her but I wanted her to try the red one as well things started off well but crawled to a halt in this room [Music] a sign of things to come it was really easy to fall off in this room and it wasn't as easy to get out once you fell in [Music] even Paris landed her in hot water she wasn't the only one with this problem because of this she was playing overly slowly and cautiously meaning she wasn't regaining any health and after a few demoralizing attempts she decided she wanted to give up on this drought [Music] her final obstacle in this level was the abominable chungus its attacks have a large area of effect so she had trouble dodging them at first especially the mortar orbs after a few attempts she was able to finish it off with a nice going shot [Music] finally she reached 1-4 her last level for the night she took her time to take in the atmosphere and read a book she [ __ ] loves books she was expecting something to jump out at her but she wasn't expecting V2 exactly [Music] I find it funny how her first instinct is to beat the [ __ ] out of him she had trouble keeping up with him initially but she got a lot better at tracking enemies in starting the game and then she used their final attack shifting things into fifth gear baby [Music] she took his arm can't have [ __ ] in limbo after the level I showed her how to unlock the slab revolver because she's my little princess and she deserves all the guns oh last stop for last was the secret level you finally touched some games though she was blazing through the level right off the bat Bros you're good at this she likes puzzles I should have made her do these with 3D glasses oh boy no it's got colors off [Music] yeah oh [ __ ] [Music] Ultra lore Folk foreign plus started off with cat's favorite part of ultra kill first person platforming a lots and lots of first-person platforming she was not the only one having trouble in this layer [Music] ah yes more platforming we developed PTSD it's your favorite level I like to have shaped like oh [Music] she hadn't played in a bit so she had to relearn her weapons yes yes [Music] Secret jumpscare [Music] it was finally time to meet probably the most infamous Ultra Kill Anime I'd say she does great for her first try unfortunately for her she had to deal with another but this time with enemies in tow she's playing some cyber grind the other day and she learned how to do this booked out why is it always fingers all right and [ __ ] him up [Applause] she saw me bearing Minos and really wanted to land one for herself do it soon [Applause] foreign [Applause] technology my little Goblin it was [ __ ] great once again time to take a detour before the next layer [Music] fidget fidget my life there's also available speed driver you can speed around the world [Music] she was getting pretty invested um stranger still over stroke motion [Music] I know [Music] [Music] Nicole bright Galaxy brain [Laughter] it really is you're missing that cry for help everyone which is birthday wow well I'll be them go to the hotel go to a hotel enemies to others way out of this week we want matters this was easily her favorite level in the entire game as for gluttony there's not much to be said for 3-1 other than cat added jumping to her race car Strat to get some more survivability she also managed to hit the sick clip managed to Parry a mind flare but to be honest I don't think she noticed now it's finally time to move on to the main event [Music] very brave with all this platforms [Music] okay I got this the Johnny threw you off [Music] [Music] um your choice is me [Music] there you go I need to slide okay the music please [Music] may be hard but not him harder no no that's not right either hang on well long story short cat got her [ __ ] rocked foreign sliding or dashing much in her playthrough and Gabe was the first enemy that forced her to start learning the dance she gave it a good 30-ish attempts before rage quitting the stress and exhaustion got to her I was trying to be helpful but I was only tilting her more and more until she broke it was it was not pretty we like to joke around that that was the only fight we ever had in our relationship and that's not actually far from the truth what were you expecting some footage what psycho would think in that moment ah yes I should clip this [ __ ] anyways I was really afraid that she would just quit the game for good right there over the next few days she was secretly practicing the fight while I was at work one day she asked me to watch again Gabe was too fast to track so she got in the habit of sliding or dashing whenever he made the sudden movement teleported he is fist he is fast is this the way I go what's foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what up shoot him babe if you die with the name but I swear foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we'll be like [Music] heartbreaking okay okay [Music] it was also during this fight that she discovered her true love nice the screwdriver railgun [Applause] Pokemon [Music] let's get in there [Music] you got this I believe every single fight was a slight Improvement upon the last until eventually one more coin oh yeah [Music] oh nice work thanks babe [Music] many in your bitch's funeral foreign [Music]
Channel: Sheba | DrFeelGood
Views: 88,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RRvprdvZyXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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