Ultra Tiny Epic Galaxies How to Play Solo

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[Applause] welcome back everybody I am here with a quick video on how to play this is ultra tiny epic galaxies but this same setup and everything works for regular tiny epic galaxies I just happen to have the ultra tiny version which is exactly the same but has these unique little tiny dice here that you can see all the components however fit in a regular sized deck of cards tuck box there so super super light travels well fits in your pocket you can see I've gotten plenty of wear on my box just because I can throw it and my luggage I can throw it in my pocket this entire setup could fit on a table tray on an airplane so very handy to have it this size but essentially what you're going to do is you're going to pick a color for yourself it really doesn't matter and then you're going to pick a color for the AI and you can see here at the bottom that I'm playing the medium level rogue colony all that really changes for the rogue colony is what actions they take against you when they roll there you know I forget what this symbol is called here utilize their colony action these actions are harder against you per se and there are a few things you can do to step up the difficulty like reroll in the rogue colony dice and things like that if they don't hit on something but essentially they start with all four of their ships in tow but zero resources and they start on the bottom colony level here which means if they are all there calling action dice I'm going to lose one energy icon or one energy off my track I will start with two ships here and then I get more ships by increasing my colony or my empire level at level two I will get to roll five dice instead of four at three I will get my third ship at four I'll get an extra dice five I'll get a ship and six I'll get to roll all seven dice and that's essentially all you're doing here is you're rolling out these tiny little dice and you are taking actions based on what the symbol is and every turn you get to roll the dice one time and then you may choose any number of dice to roll for free a second time after that you need to either spend an energy resource to reroll a die or some actions colony actions that you gain from colonizing planets will allow you to reroll dice and we'll talk about that in a second so just quickly going over these this little icon which has the arrow on it allows you to take the ship and either put it into orbit which means you put it on these tracks here along the outside or you could put it directly onto your planet and you instantly gain that resource but you're not going to be colonizing the planet you actually have to get another die like this to take it off this planet and move it to another one you can't ever go from playing it to orbit you have to change to a completely different card or I guess you could use it to come back I don't know why you would essentially if someone ever does colonize this card if your ship is either in orbit further behind or on planet you're meeting the kicked-off you're immediately sent back to your galaxy and you know in this case the AI would claim that card but let's just say for example that we use this die action here when you use them you put them up here so you can keep track them and then you can see that I need this mountainous economy symbol or maybe this one's economy and this one's diplomacy I forget which one but this die here this face of the dye would be allow me to advance anyone ship on one of my mountainous symbol planets let's call that one yeah let's call that one diplomacy now say I had landed over here and I had rolled this dice you can see the symbol matches here I get to move that one the trick for the AI is that the AI if they get a ship symbol they will take their first ship and they will automatically land it on the first if you count these off one two three four the AI will automatically land here first second third and fourth if for some reason this planet is taken away and they're kicked off and this planet becomes open even if they have two and three filled they will go back and they will always start filling up the left one first say they have landed here and here on these two planets they would technically have to have a guy here and then they rolled this symbol just like us they will then advance all of their ships so they actually get a better economy of scale out of rolling these planet resource die so that's how you eventually colonize a planet if your plane reaches it to the end space here not the last number but actually reaches off the number on to the very end space you get to claim that card you would take it and stick it on your deck you can slide it under there but I find you know you can slide it under there like that but I find that really messes up especially in this alter tiny game messes up all your your pieces it's very tricky here even with a nice soft mat underneath like a try and see oh see that one kind of jumped it's just more trouble than it's worth honestly just just stick it down underneath but essentially what you have done now is added a second action to your colony utilized colony action which would be this symbol so if you rolled this symbol the half circle symbol on the die you would to always do what this one is but any planet that you have colonized you get that option as well you can't do them both you have to choose one but a general tip is that I love to go after planets that allow me to reroll my dice because I feel that reroll in dice and getting them to exactly the resources you want each turn is is how you can be successful the last two here are the energy and culture sides of the dice these simply just advance your little tracker further up and around here and again you use energy to reroll dice use culture to follow another player in this instance the AI and we'll talk about that in a second but you can also use one or the other and a combination you're utilized colony in action is to increase your Empire so and you have to spend the amount you're moving up to so for me to be able to start rolling five dice I need to spend at least either to energy or to culture I can't do one one in one and as you get further up you can see it gets more expensive the goal of the game certainly versus the AI is to get to 21 victory points you can see the victory points here on the lower corner of each planet card and you also earn victory points for the level of empire you are at a lot of people forget about that they could be way up here and you could be earning 3 extra points and if you're at 18 victory points from your planets you have now won because 18 plus 3 is 21 and that's pretty much at each turn you are gonna roll the amount of die that you're a lot of 2 based on your Empire level so you roll them out and you would say whoo man 3 ship symbols obviously I only have two ships so I don't even need one of these but I could say I could use this one if I'm going to go here or here and then I'm going to reroll this one and it's another third ship symbol so this one's kind of a dead die for me this turn but either way you would take your actions one at a time placing them up here because this symbol is useless right now we turn it around the face right way but as soon as you take this action land a ship over here then you can take this action and move that ship once some just general advice for these little dice if you have a mat which makes it nice for putting the cards down on the dice don't quite roll as well on on the mat they just kind of flatten out what I have found is that they do roll better on a harder surface like a table they kind of spin and bounce a little bit better and when I'm rolling for the individual a I the AI actually rolls their dice one at a time so that way you don't have to decide in what order would be best for them to play certain dice you roll them one at a time you complete that action then you roll another die it's very not very satisfying in my opinion too to shake up one little die this little cube and get it going I mean it does work but what I have found is even nicer is I actually just pick up say the AI is rolling five dice that's what they start with I pick them all up in my hand and from a decent height I just drop the die then I would do that action drop the die do that action so dropping them one at a time almost seems they almost seem to roll better in my opinion so either playing on a hard surface like a regular table or having you know a dice tray like this one that's just you know nothing fancy about it this is a very basic one that's just made it would got a wooden bottom in it so those are just you know essentially that's that's how to play having a dice tray around to roll your cubes on is just a general tip another tip I would have for player is to always have kind of at least one culture in store so if you're if you've used one and you're down to zero and one of your culture dice comes up you know go ahead and you know use it to get one back because you never know when the AI is going to take an action especially when they're starting to move around the plant and you want to keep pace with them say you have you know landed here and you are one ahead and then they come behind you and land here and then the AI rolls that symbol to move him around the planet well instead of letting him catch up with you you can use one culture resource to also move and you you essentially stay one ahead of him so that's the follow action that you can do on their turn so if they get really lucky and roll a die at the perfect time and it's a resource that you would really like to have as well having a culture at least one in in hand to spend at any given time is just a great strategy as far as energy is concerned I tend not to build up a lot of energy until I specifically want to upgrade my empire level because the AI especially in the beginning their basic colony action is almost always steal or lose an energy icon so I tend not to keep a lot of this in the bank if I don't have any there's nothing for me to lose nothing for them to take I think that pretty much covers it why don't I go ahead and go through a couple rounds real quick and you guys can see how it plays so I'm always going to go first I'll just roll them out here on the table so let's see here I have four dice to start off with I have a culture icon colony icon so I could use this to upgrade my colony and get five dice I'll probably do that right off the bat because more dice means more actions energy and culture I don't really need right now and I don't have any use for that I need to get some ships in orbit and I've got I can spend my two here so let's reroll all three of these all right so even more useless so what I'm going to go ahead and do is do this one which is my colony action sum up grand upgrade for to energy so this actually comes off to zero then I'll get an energy back so I can stack these up like that and then these two are useless because I don't have any thing on a planet so what I could do is decide which point of what I much rather land on let's start going for this planet so I'm gonna save this one and I'm actually a spend my one resource to reroll this one die and unfortunately it is colony action so again I don't have enough resources to use my colony action so these are just worthless so that's my turn pretty poor at least next time I'll be rolling five the colony starts out at rolling five and again you roll these one at a time so I like to just kind of drop them see where they land so he gains a culture resource c1l see what's here he gains he does his colony action which is I lose one energy no penalty against me because I used up all my energy he would advance all of his ships on the track but he hasn't shipped anybody off yet again same thing and same thing that one so also a pretty weak turn for him he didn't really do much except gain one culture no quick note on following that I forgot to mention if the AI is not able to take an action say this moving this economy moving advancing on an economy planet you are not allowed to follow if they can't take the action if they didn't take the action you don't get to follow nothing per se so it goes back to me I'll roll up all five this time and let's see so I've got now one ship that I can send off and I can send them to the planet I wanted to go to and spend these so I'm gonna hold on to these I don't really need this right now because I don't have enough to upgrade my colony and I don't really need my one resource so I'm gonna take these two and re-roll and I got another ship and a culture so let's go ahead and decide on how to spend these I'm gonna take a ship and I'm gonna park it way up here on the big seven now I'm choosing this one because I feel like this one has the better colony action that I can take and it's seven points so I figure I'm first here I'm gonna get a good jump start by getting two right off the bat which I will go ahead and use so this goes one two and then I'll take this one and just so that I have a diversity let's go here let's go big right off the bat and so we're gonna try and get these two planets before they do and that'll put us at fourteen points plus 115 so I'm six points away from winning the game so you can see that this game goes quite quickly and then this last one I would spend to get one more culture action let's do one more AI term just to see what they would do so again they don't have anybody in orbit so they don't utilize that action again same thing and since they're not doing it I'm not allowed to follow it would be nice if I could just take that down and say oh sure I'll move my guy up one but it's not allowed so alright they gain a cultural resource again and that you know you can get lucky sometimes or they just can't get their ships off out of their galaxy and onto a planet so just a note of what happens when they reach number five here on their track if they reach it with their cultural resource they get an additional three bonus dye to roll you see go ahead and you complete all the actions you pick up three and you roll them one at a time just like you always would if you get the energy resource all the way to the top you automatically just upgrade their empire to the next one so they're getting more VP and it changes what action they take against you when they roll the Halfmoon symbol but essentially that's it their turn would be over at this point was pretty easy turn for us as far as them we would reroll our dice and just go from there so here you can see I'm advancing really well on that colony I probably don't need these two so I'm gonna set these aside and I'm gonna roll these two out and again they're pretty worthless so all I'm basically doing is using these one two three to move this guy down to three and that's it and you'll just keep going like this back and forth back and forth until one of you has accrued 21 total victory points if you have any questions please feel free to leave them in the comments below I'll try and address them as quickly as I can if you are interested in seeing how the satellites and super weapons mini expansion works please leave a comment and below and I will consider looking into how that place I actually have not even played or read up on the rules on that but you can see there's all these additional cards that come with the game these look like you know fancy planets secret missions so honestly I don't know how those work I don't even know if you can play with them solo but if somebody is interested in seeing how the plays please let me know and I will look into doing a quick video that covers that but again this was ultra tiny epic galaxies again works for both tiny epic galaxies and ultra tiny epic galaxies but this is how you play solo against the AI thanks again for watching have a wonderful night
Channel: The Meeple Marathon
Views: 4,202
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Keywords: Tabletop Game, Board Game, Gamelyn Games, Ultra Tiny Epic Galaxies, Tiny Epic Galaxies, Solo, How to play
Id: -RIsvyVD2TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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