How to Play (Ultra) Tiny Epic Kingdoms Solo

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this is the rules overview and solo introduction for ultra tiny epic kingdoms and it's the ultra ultra small version of the already tiny epic series of games and this is a single box it's the size of a normal pack of cards but it says in the back not a card game think again it's actually a full 4x game in a box so 4x if you're not familiar with it is exploring expanding exploiting and exterminating your enemies so inside the box there's enough components for 1 to 5 players believe it or not on a 45 minute game time so actually mentioned to fit this in the box is really quite incredible feat and the artworks really lovely as well so let's have a look at some of the components because we're interested in solo play so I've set the board up here and the whole board revolves around this compass card so the compass cards you'll notice as a day side and the night side and this is the card that effectively runs the AI for the dummy player and you'll notice that there's a number 1 to 12 and that corresponds with a 12 sided dice and that doesn't actually come in the ultra tiny Edition but you can pick these up in a tiny RPG dice elf eBay or Amazon for a couple of pounds I think I paid to parents only I've got d4 to D 20 in with all the dice in there so we'll come onto the compass card and let's have a look at some of the other components so we've got our two races in the rule pocket actually suggests a number of factions that work well in solo mode goblins is one of them so we're going to be playing against the goblins and we're going to be playing as the elves and the difference between different races are the different magic tracks so they allow the factions to achieve and unlock different skills she goes to the Copeland's at level 1 when you patrol you may move two armies instead of one and various things happen as they gain her more magic the elves have equipped to that card this seems to be revolving around trade and reducing the cost of war so we'll come on to that in a second so ELLs versus goblins classic matchup we've got on the board lands top and bottom so we'll have this one is the homeland for the elves oakmoor and his ecumene stone which can be the home for the goblins and these are actually on the back of the race cards there's lots of different London types and there's some really really nice artwork that accompanies each one and what a particular like on these score trackers on the reverse of these is a little collage of all the different faction type so that gives you an idea here you can play off play us in the game so we have a compass card which drives the AI of our two factions our homelands and we'll go into the lung types in a second our score trackers our action list these are things you can do each term will go into that and we've got the tower and that's one of the action types and you can build to the tower then right at the top now how do you actually win this game well you win by having the most victory points and victory points are shown anywhere away you've got one of these crowns and the game ends when one of a few different things happened either you've got all your armies in play the armies in this particular camera represented by these little cubes if you reach the top of the magic track the game ends and if you reach the top of the tower track the game ends so there are the ways that the game will stop and then you cannot victory points so I've chosen specifically two different lung types here just so that we can have a look at the different types now these sort of crags here will stop movement between the different terrains so we have food Plains which can give food which is the yellow token we have forests which can give manna the green token and we have mountains which can give or and these are used for various things in the game now on this particular card we have crags which block play got water which prevents you from moving over water you have to move around it and we've also got this which I believe is called the wasteland and that actually allows you to generate either food mana or on oakmoor the elves homeland in this game we've got again mountains for mana planes for food we've also got a city now this doesn't actually generate any resources but it does give you two victory points at the end of the game unlike the wasteland which can generate any kind of resource but no victory points if you land on that at the end of the game so we've got ourselves set up we just need to deploy our tokens name so let's get that set up the dummy play goblins in this case it starts with three of each resource and just like in the full multiplayer game you can place the human player can place their tokens in whichever order they like now the I'll decide that in a second because we'll need to place the starting armies now the goblins are going to start with one army in either a forest or a mountain and the elves are going to choose two in any one that's standing for the human place so I'm going to start with two in the mountains so seen this have got a ready ready place to get or and when you start with one or I think we're gonna go with two food and one mana become apparent what all these are used for as the game goes on so we just need to scatter around the remainder tokens so we're gonna have one on the score track the war cast we're gonna have one next to our magic track and we're gonna have one of each on the level next to here lore zero and the remainder of them is our pool of armies which we can expand and pop into play so the human play starts first and in order to show who's who's starting they give us a little player token so we put that next to us now I can choose any of the actions there's a good term there to go through the actions I'll start from bottom to top trade if you choose that you can swap any of your tokens for any others easy expand means you pay food so they're the yellow yellow tokens equal to the number of armies you have so present I have two armies if I wanted to expand I'd need to pay three food because that will give me three armies if I five armies in plain I want to go to six it cost me six food research is the green and by spending manner we can advance the magic track and learn new skills build is exactly the same so in him bills you spend or and or is automatically used for the stone in building the tower so the number shown to reach each level is on these cards here so one for the first five for the last remembering that if you hit the top level and any of these cards the game ends and you cannot be victory points so we also have quest and patrol which will come on tea so that's the set up of the game we'll now take a look at the basic game playing we'll play from term one but there will be a full playthrough in a different video so on to the gameplay that way hopefully well happened is what patrol and quest will come up and we'll get a chance to to do that in fact let's start with that so the the human player starts first and they choose an action so I'm gonna choose but patrol and what patrol means is to move anywhere between the regions on your cart so I'm still in a phase where I'm interested in gathering resources at the moment so rather than move to the castle which doesn't allow me to gather anything I'm just going to patrol to the the forest so I've split my base between mountains and forests now in the standard game the other players get a chance to follow in the solo player in the solo game the dummy player always follows so how on earth do we find out which and which army moves and where they move to so this is where the compass card comes in so at this point we're going to use the the d12 and we roll a 1 so 1 means that we look at the direction of the arrow and it actually misses all of the other place so we just count round and the first army that it hits is this so this one is going to be the one that patrols and it just patrols one in any given direction in fact let's just double check that it is any given direction patrol is a dummy army will not move into a region that already has one so he couldn't move to there but it will move into a region with an enemy so actually we only had one choice there because we couldn't move into the crags we couldn't move into the mountain so we have to move into the place so we've copied and also that action is now effectively blocked for the rest of the turn so it's the dummy's place so what does the dummy player do well again we roll the d12 and we get an 11 and 11 says patrol and we can't patrol that's already happened so we move clockwise one so it's going to expand so expand the dummy player when it expands if the dummy player is able they will discard the number of food and necessary to create a new army this army is not placed with an existing army but rather in an open region adjacent to one of their own is usually compass the selector region whether dummy army is placed now there is a little quirk of the game which says you only roll the dice once for a turn so we're going to expand so on the goblins tracker they need three armies so I'm going to spend three food and they're gonna get a new army in play and it goes in the direction of the compass now we've already rolled we had an 11 that's here so it looks like that army it's gonna be placed there I have the option to follow that I might want to expand as it happens I can't because I don't have enough so what I can do if I choose is to collect resources and to collect resources I have one army I've one occupied space here one here so I get one or resource and one mana resource and it's my turn so I'm looking pretty good on mana at the moment so I think it's time to do some research and I'm gonna research and I'm gonna gain the first level the first level he's gonna show us that when I trade I may get to trade both or or food or on food to get green in the same turn so he basically opens up some of my trade options so normally you can only trade one type so I'm on the magic track and that's my turn so the the goblins will follow that and they will spend one to advance to the first track and they gain the skill when you patrol you may move two armies instead of one so it looks like they're quite an aggressive attacking race so on to the goblins we're gonna roll and we've got a 1 so that's research and research has already happened so next along in the track is trade so let's just check the rules for trade trade is really quite simple for the dummy player basically they just gave one of each resource type which is pretty good so to do that they're just gonna move back up to one I want to four on the others I'm wondering if I'm gonna trade I don't think I am so I'm just gonna choose to collect resources you know actually I am gonna trade so I'm gonna trade the manor and gain the food so that's Hindu that turn and why should have been doing is swapping back the player token but it's really not difficult to remember so my turn again I really got a few options left so I think this time what I'm going to do is I'm gonna expand so to expand I've now got my three so I can exhaust my food I can add another army and I'm gonna put my own play there and it's the the turn of the goblins to follow me so I chose to expand they can't do that because they don't enough food to do so so they're gonna collect resources so they're gonna get one of each which is pretty good so next it is the goblins turn and I'll just marked out the traders they've done the other turn so roll the dice again we get nine and nine says build so build they will and build it's just literally gonna cost one one or so that gets deducted one and even though we could further go on you can only level up one by the magic or tower level as you go so I'm gonna follow that plus a sensible move to follow and I'll spend my or so last one is build up and so what happens now when this is is full it gets cleared and you'll notice that on the compass card we've got a little bit of a rule here that says flip this card and when when you exhaust the the action list and your opponent collects one of each right so he goes to the night side and they're going to gain one of each resource sadly so there we have it okay differences between day and night are obviously there's an action when you flip the clear I have when you cut the clear the year the actions you flip the card but also it changes selection priority so in the day time selection priorities near in the night time selection priority is far so in this particular case let's suppose we'd come up around 11:00 here so in the day time we'd select this one in the night time we would select the farm that's the only difference there the other thing is the cost of war and our war happens when two armies end up clashing for the same space they can't settle in this game there's no truce or alliances it can be made so they have to fight so that gets resolved by the cost of war and that determines the cost of war for the dummy play so it basically is easier to be the doing player Knight than it is during the day which is a nice touch okay so we've cleared the card and it's the human player name will flip to the night side and basically you repeat in that manner now one thing that I haven't done is just go through war so I'll quickly do that now so it's my turn and actually what I'm going to do is I'm going to quest and quest is a bit like patrol you can move around except you move off the card no the only way you can move off the card is by moving a piece next to the edge onto another land type next to the edge so I could choose here but for the sake of showing a war what we'll do is we'll move here now this says the war caste is the number of armies times 1 so the don't close got wanting three so they've got a war cost of three and that's what these trucks along the top are so I need to spend for effectively to beat the to beat the dummy player so one two three four no the dummy player never pays war costs unless they actually have to retreat I do pay war caste so to pay you'll notice on these cards is two so I was paid for one there and I'll spend one or there so I can actually only reach two then a real game that would be a total this cheap in me if I've just entered into a war that I know I can't possibly win so you wouldn't do that but that's effectively how you resolve the cost so in this case even me they would have to retreat back now in a real game you just wouldn't do that you make sure you had sufficient points that you could merrily invade beat the cost and no force the dummy player to move so that's a quick overview of ultra tiny epic kingdoms fantastic game you've got the basic gist of it enough to get started but do have a look at some of our playthrough videos and I think what I'll do is I'll reset this game and we'll play out and see who's the winner
Channel: Tabletop Upgrades
Views: 10,144
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Tiny Epic, Tiny Epic Kingdoms, Ultra Tiny Epic Kingdoms, 4x, Scott Almes, Gamelyn Games, Solo, Solitaire, Tutorial, Rules, Board Game, Boardgame, Boardgaming, 1 Player, Elves, Goblins, How to Play
Id: VHQNBdjeki8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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