Tiny Epic Kingdoms (2nd Edition) - How To Play

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hello and welcome to watch it played my name is pet McDonald and in this video we'll be learning the 2 to 5 player game tiny epic kingdoms second edition designed by Scott alms and published by gambling games though the box is tiny the kingdoms inside are epic and it's your job as an aspiring ruler to expand explore exploit and exterminate your foes from one tiny epic conflict to the next you must emerge victorious so come join me at the table and let's learn how to play to set up first place the tower and action card in the middle of the table with the five shield tokens nearby each player will choose a color and take the matching research and tower token seven meeples and one of each type of resource token I'm setting up for a three player game so I'll return these to the box there are special rules for setting up and playing two and five player games which I'll explain at the end of this video shuffle this deck of territory cards and have players each draw a random one and select which side to use for their home territory now each player selects one of these faction cards or you can choose to draw them randomly at the start of the game all factions function identically but as the game goes on they can unlock unique special abilities place your research token here at the bottom of your magic level and you're at our token below the tower card now each player puts two of their meeples into a single region of their home territory regions are distinguished by very distinct styles of art and you may not start on a territory showing crags or water there are three types of resources or mana and food each player starts with any chosen combination of six of them which are indicated by placing the tokens on the values of your resource track the suggested starting resources for your first game are one or two mana and three food which we'll use here set the game's two dice nearby and the first player is the one who is most recently swung a sword which would likely be me so I'll take the first player token if none of the players are cool enough to a swung a sword feel free to determine this randomly and that's the setup teni epic kingdoms is played over a series of turns in which players will grow their armies research new magical abilities build a colossal tower and conquer new lands at the end of the game the player with the most victory points will be declared the winner the game begins with the first player also known as the active player they will select any one of these actions that does not have a shield token on it place one there and then perform that action or do nothing but even if they choose not to perform an action they must still select one in clockwise order all other players may then choose to either perform the selected action or collect resources which we'll talk about later keep in mind the active player is not given the option to collect resources once everyone is gone past the active player token to your left and repeat this process an action may not be taken if it has a shield token on it but if you start your turn and all five shield tokens have already been placed you first remove them all and then take any action you wish let's take a look at those actions now and we'll start with the build action to perform this a player must pay the cost in or of the next level of the tower moving their tower token there you can only advance one level each time this action is taken and at the end of the game you'll score points equal to the value shown here beside the level you've obtained so to move to the first level I would pay one by moving the or down one space on the resource track and putting my tower token here I'll need to have two or two spend if I wish to move to the next level later the research option is similar but you instead pay the cost in mana of the next level on your faction card as with the tower you may only advance one level each time this action is taken marking your current level with the research token at the end of the game you'll score points equal to the level of magic that you have obtained but during the game you'll also be granted access to the ability listed there as well as all those below it every faction has their own combination of abilities granting them unique advantages during gameplay with the expand action the player adds a new meeple from their supply to a region which already contains one of their meeples you then pay a cost and food equal to the number of meeples you now have and play so if you're adding your third meeple you must pay a cost of three food on the resource tract a region may never contain more than two meeples regardless of color so you cannot take this action if all the region's you are in are currently full at the end of the game you'll score 1 point per meeple you have in play except those on ruined spaces which we'll talk about later with the trade action you may reduce any number of one resource to gain an equal number of another resource type for example a player could lose two or and gain two food the patrol action lets you move one of your meeples from one region to an adjacent region on the same territory card these regions must share a border and you cannot move on to water or creig regions nor can you pass over river lines the quest action is similar but this allows you to move a meeple you have in one region on the edge of a territory card to a region on the edge of any other territory card as before you cannot move across water rivers or crags as part of this movement and remember a region may never contain more than two meeples so you could never perform a move that would cause this to happen also you cannot move on to a region containing your opponent's last meeple nor can you move your last meeple on to a region occupied by an opponent if you move a meeple into a space containing an opponent a war breaks out the moving player is considered the attacker and the other the defender each player takes a ward eye and secretly selects a number which they will reveal simultaneously this number represents the total value and resources the player is willing to spend in the war you cannot set the value to an amount you cannot pay setting the die to this white flag indicates that you wish to offer peace instead which will cost you no resources if both players set their die to a white flag an alliance is formed and the two players will coexist on the same space peacefully at least for now in any other case the player with the higher revealed number is the winner and takes control of the region in the case of a tie the defender is considered the winner whether they win or lose both players are required to pay the cost of war which they have selected each or you spend is worth one point towards that cost while manna is worth two food however it's no benefit during war there is a reminder of these values at the bottom of your faction card during this battle for example I selected a cost of four which I could pay with either 2 mana 2 or and 1 mana or 4 or once both players have paid their war costs the winning player keeps their meeple in the warring region while the losing player may retreat their meeple to an adjacent region that does not contain an opponent's meeple by paying food equal to the number of meeples they currently have in play if there is no valid region to move into or they cannot afford the food cost or choose not to pay it their meeple is instead returned to the supply as mentioned before if both players avoid war by revealing white flags they begin an alliance even so they will have to perform war as normal if they enter each other's regions in other locations then if both players select a white flag peace will continue however if one or both of the players do not offer a flag of peace not only does the Alliance end but this war will count for control of all regions those players share the losing player must then retreat all of their meeples from each of these regions to adjacent ones paying for each individually or removing them from play if an alliance is broken and it would force you to lose your last meatball and you cannot afford to retreat you must place it in the nearest unoccupied region from where it was retreating even if that results in placing it on a different territory card in this case grey has lost the war has no options to retreat and will lose both meeples however as you cannot lose your last meatball he could be placed here instead while in an alliance you may move meeples out of an allied region with no penalty if this results in no longer having any shared regions with that other player the Alliance ends and those are all the actions as mentioned before when an action is selected the non active players in clockwise order may either copy that action or instead collect resources when collecting you get one resource matching the type of each region you occupy forests provide manna mountains provide or and Plains provide food it's important to note that you only gain one resource from a location even if you have two meeples there you may also collect resources from a region you with an allied player so in this example I would gain two mana from occupying two forest regions one food from the plains and one ore from the mountain keep in mind the maximum you can own of each resource is nine if you have only one meeple in play you are granted a bonus resource of your choice when collecting you may have noticed this other region type which we haven't referred to yet it's known as a ruins if a meatball moves into expands or starts the game here it is placed on its side when you collect resources each ruins with a knocked over meatball provides one resource of your choice knocked over meatballs are treated normally when defending during a war or using the expand action but they cannot move instead if you patrol you may stand up one of your meatballs it will no longer collect resources from the ruins but you may now move that meatball out of the ruins with a later action this is a capital city region it never provides resources but occupying it will provide victory points at the end of the game as mentioned before water and Kraig spaces are impassable and cannot be occupied rivers are also impassable and regions split by a river are not considered adjacent once each player has taken the action selected by the active player or chosen to collect resources check to see if any one of these endgame conditions has been met a player has all seven of their meeples in play has reached the sixth level of the tower card or has reached the fifth magic level on their faction card if you reach the end of a turn and none of the endgame conditions have been met the active player token will pass to the player on the left and that player will begin the next turn by selecting a new action if however one of the endgame conditions has been met play will continue until the next time all shield tokens would be cleared from the action card at the start of a turn at that point the game ends immediately even if one of the endgame conditions is no longer being met now it's time to add up each player's victory points each meeple you haven't play except those in the ruins grant you one point for example I have six in play not counting the one in the ruins and I would gain 6 points you gain points equal to your highest level of magic achieved in this example I reach the fourth level of magic and we gain four points reaching this fifth may also grant you additional victory points which will be indicated here the highest level you've achieved on the tower will grant you a number of points shown here on the side I have reached the fifth level so I will gain seven points lastly each capital city you occupy is worth two points or one point if shared with an allied player the player with the most points is declared the winner having conquered all others in the case of a tie check each of these tie breaking conditions in order until the tie is broken whichever player has the most peoples in play then check whoever's highest on the tower then highest magic level and finally the player with the highest total number of resources remaining if after all that players are still tied they share in the victory when playing with five players all rules are the same except that when a player starts their turn and must clear the five shields from the action card their turn is then immediately over and the active player token is passed to the next player this is done to ensure that during the game all players have an equal chance to make the first selection of actions when playing with only two players during setup a third random territory is added called the Lost Kingdom which will have each of its accessible regions filled with one meeple from a color not being used these meatballs are considered neutral during the game any player has the option to invade the Lost Kingdom by moving into one of their regions if they move into a region occupied by a neutral meeple they start a war to win this war a player must spend resources equal to or higher than the current number of neutral meeples in play after which you take control of the region and place the neutral meatball next to your faction card when counting your score at the end of a two-player game you gain one victory point for each region of the Lost Kingdom that you occupy as well as one point for each neutral meeple which you have captured keep in mind you cannot start a war with a neutral meeple if you cannot pay the required war cost you also cannot form alliances in a two-player game players can still select the white flag to avoid paying costs but if both players do the defender wins and claims the region the game also comes with a variant for all player counts where during setup you randomly place these tokens facedown on all accessible empty spaces not currently occupied by meeples if a player moves to one of these regions they reveal the token Andras all of it using this table in the rulebook this adds a variety of new effects that can impact gameplay which I'll leave you to discover on your own and that's everything you need to know to play tiny epic kingdoms second edition if you have any questions at all don't hesitate to put them in the comments below and I'll gladly answer them as soon as I get a chance but until the next episode thanks for watching
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 77,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tiny Epic Kingdoms, How To Play, Learn, Learn To Play, 2nd Edition, Board Games, Gamelyn Games, Learn How To Play, Watch It Played, Card Games, Game Rules, Tabletop, Rules, Second Edition, Instructions
Id: HnsrjJzuAjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2016
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