Tiny Epic Tactics | Solo Playthrough

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[Applause] welcome back everybody to the meeple marathon today we're going to be doing a solo playthrough of tiny epic tactics um this came out in 2019 from gamelan games and it is um kind of meant to be like a area control capture the flag style game um that i wasn't too sold on uh at the beginning uh but have since um come to really enjoy my tiny epic line of games and so we're giving it a chance and this is um normally in the multiplayer game it's all about capturing these uh flag points and you know having uh dominion over them and scoring points on them uh in this mode however we're actually going to be delving into dungeons which are represented by flipping these boxes over and you can see this is a very um easy example but essentially there is a door and there's an exit and you know the exits all have crystals on them and then there's um things you have to overcome while you're in there and obviously these bigger ones in this big one which is always the final one pose much more of a trick for you but essentially to win the game i have to just kind of keep these enemies at bay survive them long enough for me to delve into each box um which is representative of a dungeon and pull out a crystal which you can see up here each crystal is going to give me a little minor bonus when i gain it and once i've gained the first five then i can enter this big box the trick is is that you cannot enter a dungeon aka flip over the box if any meeples are on top now like this box is always going to be on top of this big box or this little box is always going to be on top of this one so the boxes don't count but the meeples have to be off of there which you'll see kind of poses an interesting um gameplay element that i'm i had kind of mixed emotions about and we'll talk about that if it comes up uh for the most part though the enemy ai um are the same cards as i was given the option to i dealt two of each type of character to myself i got to choose who i wanted to of those two and then the other ones became uh the enemy ai at first but if at any point i say defeat safiri here then sphere goes away and i randomly draw a new beast to go into it so there's always going to be four enemies out there but i can be captured um and then i'm just done so if i lose all my people obviously i lose also there's a time track and so every round i have to tick this down and you may be thinking oh there's only seven rounds and six dungeons you have to delve into that's almost impossible well if i capture an enemy ai i mean enemy meeple you know defeat them i actually get to time back so there is an incentive for me to just not run into every dungeon and um you know run away from all these people out here plus you can only have one person um in a dungeon at a time but you can have multiple dungeons flipped over essentially if your players are in a dungeon then they're kind of ignored by the enemy ai so i'll explain all this as it goes along but uh for this form of the game and the main game uh you essentially get three actions on your turn when you have four meeples so somebody's not going to get a turn somebody's not going to get to do something but your actions include moving and or attacking now you can do two actions with one character but it has to be a move and an attack um it can't be you know two of the same thing and if you do happen to do two actions with a character they become weakened which means they can't they basically can only move on their next turn they do that and and then they lose their weakened status um we will be able to weaken the enemy ai you'll see how that works they are going to activate now i'm gonna get three actions on my turn i'm gonna get to do three things with my people and then i'm going to activate a single one of the enemy meeples that's going to be just you know determined randomly by this solo deck here they're going to get however some bonuses and they're going to be able to move and attack um they're almost always going to be able to attack unless they're just nowhere near anybody um so they have that going for them even though only one of them activates at a time they you know can do more things on their turn without becoming weakened so i think the easiest way to to show you um how this plays is is to just get started here again i've already gone ahead and set up the enemy ai is randomly placed on all of the trigger flag token flag areas here um and then this fourth one is you know again randomly chosen but they're all kind of grouped into the center and we're asked to be placed uh kitty corner on either outside so i could have gone here and here i decided to go here and here if i pass through city spaces i get to heal for health and recover all of my ammo essentially if i can make it onto these peak spaces here i can shoot anywhere uh so i need to make sure i have a ranged attack um and like if you have a higher elevation than someone you get um you know plus one to your range things like that if you're lower you get negative one to your range it takes two movement to move into water spaces you take one less hit if you're in the forest you take one additional hit if you're in the water all of this stuff i will try to explain as we go along but this is the solo ai which i mean solo mode which is different than the main multiplayer mode so let's go ahead and get started here all right first thing i want to do is get into a dungeon somewhere so um let's see here my ghost has four so i may one two three four and then he could go in one two three okay and i'm uh i did this i'm pretty sure you have to kind of put them kitty corner on these stars too or else i would i would i'm definitely thinking i might want this guy down here but anyways um all right so i i'm gonna try and get this dungeon first and then this one uh and this one so those are like the first three that are very easy to get they're along the edges uh this one obviously has a guy on top and this one's right in the middle so i'm gonna send my wizard here who she's got a movement of three uh and all that's all that really matters right now so she's going to go one two three i pass through city but i'm at full health and full ammo but that's unfortunate as far as she can get um i'm going to send my rogue here one two three four to be able to go into this dungeon and then i guess what i need to do is bring somebody else down um yeah i think we're gonna bring this guy up here to try and sneak around here pretty quickly now in this mode you can still use the portals normally these big white arrows represent portals that you can enter here and come out you know they're like tunnels and pop out somewhere else but they also represent the entrances to the dungeon so um it's not something i thought about when i first started playing it but you know people come out of the dungeon and then just portal on over to some other place it's a very interesting strategy that i have not taken advantage of so let's because this is about to be flipped over so let's just move this guy one two three four five anytime you're going up in elevation even though like this box is taller than the others you have to spend an extra point of movement and so he's got five movement he moved five so now i've taken three actions that's one of the things this game's missing there's no like action markers for me to flip over like in other games so i just have to keep track of my head that i've done three things but my turn is over and i should have drawn two of these at the beginning so let's take a two and discard one if you move at least two allies onto lower terrain you may if you perform a missile attack with an ally who is adjacent to another ally i guess i'll keep lie low no i like this one better all right then at the end of your turn you always get to draw a tactic card and i can keep two in my hand so i'll let you know if i'm going to use these they don't come up as much in the solo game all right so and i also should have ticked that down all right so solo ai you simply flip over one of these cards the monster you ignore unless you were in the dungeon um all i'm looking for right here is the rogue and then the rogue is getting plus three movement so the rogue's gonna activate um now they do get their benefits down here like poison and stealth things like that and the west i honestly don't know why they um did this why they didn't just put an arrow like a left and right arrow up and down arrow because all this means is that if you are need to decide how you're going to travel to meet up with someone you're going to move in this instance right or left to get in line with them before you go north or south so all this is really telling me is that the rogue gets plus three movement but something when you go through your progressions you always look to see if the ai can attack first so can they do a melee attack this is my road no can they do a ranged attack well yes they can because one two three my rogue is three spaces away so uh he's gonna hit me for three he doesn't get any additional bonus for anything like that so my red ghost here goes one two three and i am weakened because he has um poison so i'm automatically weakened but i can counter um so if i want to counter now here's the trick if i want a counter i have to take two damage one two to remove this weakened token uh i believe i get to remove it right um hold on countering a weakened unit may counter however it must first lose two health to remove its weekend token yes so i would go down to three i'm about to jump into the dungeon um might not be worth it that might be okay i'd be weakening him oh man but i'm only i'd only be hitting him for one um but then he's basically going to that weekend token is going to stay on him for a while it does with the ai so yeah let's go ahead and do it one two this is kind of dangerous but um i need to tick my ammo down now this is how you determine this is why these boxes are at the bottom for melee attacks the boxes at the bottom are knock back chances this is chances that i have used up more arrows than it took me so i automatically used one arrow now i have to roll two of these dice and i got no green arrow symbols so that's good that's actually a good thing because that means i didn't have to spend additional ammo to make that shot and just hit this guy for one but he's now weakened and um yeah i don't know if that was worth it but um stay lobby so that was it that's that's their turn so now i'm gonna take this down and i am gonna get to go now i just realized i made a very grave mistake i wanted my um mage to go into this dungeon and i parked my own guy right on top of it again if there's anybody on top you can't flip it over uh including your own people so let's see here um she's got a range of four and she's got a pretty good attack um one two three four five six yeah that guy's pretty far away i could move into here by going one two three four five not quite getting there or i could go one two three four and then get in for five maybe that's what we'll do okay so i'm gonna be traversing i could get up here for three four five but here i can go one two three four and now i'm entering the dungeon and now this is a very tiny one um and i'm just gonna kind of be stuck right there uh with my fifth point of movement but that's okay so there's one action now my second action i need to get my fighter off of the top here so she's just gonna move she's got a movement of three so one two three she's gonna hide in the woods it doesn't cost any additional movement to move down this clears the way for my rogue to hop up here um yeah i guess i'll just leave this up here like this actually we'll put this down here i think that's a little easier for you guys to see from that vantage point so i was starting right there he's got a movement of four so he's gonna come right in with one two and then three is going to put them on this trap now a trap i have to roll uh three dice and i'm again not if you notice the trap is green so it's similar to rolling for your ammunition you're trying to not um see green and so that's a good thing no green means i'm not taking any damage with the trap and i can then move my fourth point of movement right there um so inexplicably i'm gonna have some boulders in my way and then an enemy in my way um hopefully i can make it through here without um dying um so since i only moved this turn i can take away my weekend status now i can take this card uh if one of your allies is captured yes um now i can only keep two at a time but i can decide and i'm gonna get to draw one of these every time so they'll keep refreshing all right so that was my three actions let's go to the fighter so hold the veer hlaudevir the viking basically um they can get an additional damage on their ranged attack now where are they they're right here they can't see my beast and his range is only three so nowhere close to reaching either of these guys so what he's gonna do first is he's gonna move well who's closest one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven so obviously the mage so he's gonna then go four and again does he move left to right first um he's going to move vertically first and then go horizontally so he'll move one two three and four now can he attack yes in fact he can one two three he's three spaces away so he's got a range of three he's gonna hit for two um and he gets plus two to his text he's actually hitting my mage for four one two three four but my mage can counter uh everybody gets a chance to counter as long as they are within range uh so like beasts can never counter unless they're adjacent to someone but uh she can definitely counter i'm gonna have to spend a magic here but then i get to roll three dice um and i'm looking for [Music] um i'm looking for the blue symbols all right and i got none so it doesn't even matter i will hit him for two though and i didn't have to spend any extra stuff okay so that's the end of his turn let's just you know cover these up now because basically everybody's gonna activate uh once so i know that it's either gonna be the beast or their mage up here going next all right so it's my turn my actions here are going to be pretty straight forward um first of all i'm going to move with the beast so the beast yeah the beast is going to move one onto the crystal space that's also the exit space they immediately pop out of the dungeon right here so i've only spent one point of movement i now gain this card and you can see capture bonus all allies heal too so this is actually really good because you can go to boop boop you can go to boop boop and you two are full health so i then flip this over and i have captured that one and you can see that uh this one was the one by two that's how you know what crystal you're going after there's also the color inside but this is the easier way to tell which dungeons you still need to enter alright so i still have four points of movement now um i know this guy is going to go and i want to get off of here so the question is where do i want to end up um i'm thinking i may actually go because i kind of need to capture somebody because this should have tickets down one more time who can i go after the fighter i guess is going to take a little while but then the beast is definitely going to come down and come after me if i go one i could come out here two well this would be two into here to come out here three four five and then i'm up here in the ballista but then we know the mage is gonna go hmm and the bearded wonder there he definitely counters better but that's probably who i have to go after all right so i'm actually going to spend the remainder of my movement to come down here so his turn is done all right then i'm going to activate my mage so i'm going to flip this over her first point of movement will to enter the dungeon so she's going to move right here and then she's got two points of movement remaining now this purple symbol only rogues can pass through this blue symbol only mages can pass through and i can go any way i want so obviously i want to avoid um most of the monsters so i'm going to go the root of the trap so one two three we know how this works and two symbols and so i am taking hold on let me just double check yeah i'm losing four health one two three four oh she's almost knocked out but that's fine she shouldn't uh encounter any other stuff here okay so that's my second activation my third activation um needs to be right here maybe or should i one two three four now she can hit the rogue up here this really isn't uh doing all that bad here so i'm almost wondering if maybe i'm gonna change my mind with my person um since it's still my turn this really doesn't change anything i will have moved into the portal there for my second point of movement and come out here and then three four i could move right there i'm just gonna stay right here in the woods i'm gonna go after these two guys all right so my third action i'm actually gonna have jolene here uh use her ranged attack four she says she's definitely hitting this guy for two one two um yeah because then he won't be able to fight back one two three yeah um okay so she's got a roll she's got spend one and then she's gotta roll these all right nothing else so she doesn't have to spend any additional movement all right so those my three actions i think i like that better um we're definitely have to figure out how to protect her once she comes out okay so next card wizard all right so the wizard is not activated all damage is going to get plus one okay so this now this is the first time i've ever played with a wizard that heals um or spell attacks all right hold on it checks for melee attack then it checks for missile or spell attacks then movement so why did they even bother saying see i think she heals or else why would they have bothered giving her a heal um because it doesn't say anywhere where you would have looked to heal so i think that she actually is gonna turn around and try and heal uh the rogue here that would make the most sense um so i think that's what she's gonna do because she cannot hit me she could go one two three four and get right here and hit me for three um but it says melee attack first no spell missile or spell and and so that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do her heel action which she uh can hit from here one two three four she can hit the beast but the beast is at full health she cannot reach the knight she can only reach the rogue so just gonna heal him for one and that's it no other blue symbols so she just healed him for one but she does get to cure his weakness so good for him all right uh and you know what i forgot to draw a tactic card at the end of that turn if you move a second eyeline into a forest space so that your forces occupy two forest spaces hmm yeah i just did that i don't think i'm going to be doing it again all right so it's back to my turn i know that the beast is going to activate on the next turn so definitely take one to have her go one two three then hmm what do we want to do here she can move three so one two she cannot move into the water with just three i want her to be able to if she's within four she's actually going to be dealing plus one to all her attacks now i can go one two three four still be adjacent to this person so maybe that's what i should do and still be within so i'm going to weaken [Music] my beast here by going 1 2 3 4 and stop right there now i will take a weekend's token because i'm gonna do two activations here and i'm going to obviously do this uh i'm getting plus one so they're going to take one two three four now the trick is if i can get a single knock back out of the three dice i will take out the rogue which is what i need because i'm down to three turns left um i also will be able to hit the wizard for one and the wizard will not be able to counter so feral slash says anybody within two one two takes an additional one enemies that are not the primary target cannot counter and anytime you roll these dyson you get the red symbol which you do on a melee attack it's knock backs you're trying to push them remember it's all about area control here so normally you're trying to knock them off of these control spaces but if they ever can't move where they move into a person or a wall or the edge of the map they take an additional point of damage which is what i need right now to officially take this guy out there we go that's all i needed boom so again i would normally push him directly away from me but the mage is in the way so this guy gets knocked out so this card's gonna come off uh it's gonna go over here into a discard pile the ninja here is gonna go away into a pile and then i'm to blindly draw so this means now that the rogue could activate so we're gonna have to go through some steps here because the way i read the rules they immediately come out all right so we got maddie jewell here and maddie jewel i'm going to take these three flag tokens which you normally play in the multiplayer game with and just randomly shake them up and drop one out of my hand maddie jules gonna go right here onto the orange so that's how you put them back onto the map but you see i got rid of her activation cards so these two now have the chance to activate that was all of my actions um so let me take a tactic card here you weakened an ally this time and you already have at least one other ally weakened immediately cure weakness from all allies actually like that all right sure well yeah i'm gonna keep this one all right so it's their turn what are they gonna do here their beast all right so this has all worked out well so he's getting plus three to his attacks but he actually really can't see anybody these two people he can't see so he's obviously has no melee so he's who can he go after well they're both in this direction so um to get to here he actually now see this is another thing normally who would take this like trek through the water so i'm gonna take him i'm gonna give him a break especially because this thing says south he's going to move one two three but then he can't go any further because it would take two more and he's only got one more point of movement he has no ranged and so the beast just stops right there and that's his turn so pretty good for us all right and i did forget to bump this back up twice when i took out the robe all right and we know the rogue is going to go next so yeah all right so it's my turn one two yeah this one's pretty straightforward so i'm going to go one two i'm going to be gaining this crystal i immediately pop out here and i'm gonna park myself right here for three which is gonna allow me to go one two three four heal get all my ammunition back and i have taken out the five by four yeah so this one's bonus says select a single enemy unit it loses three health so i think probably their poor little wizard here is my main target so one two three four no just three sorry one two three and now that's my second crystal all right so do we wanna deal with the ghost here red ghost sorry not the ghost or one two three one two three four yeah so this is what i'm gonna do one two by passing through here i get that back three now i am one two three four spaces away so i'll be hitting this is technically weakening me but you'll see in a second that i'm technically just hitting her for two one two i need to roll all right no additional ammo so i did take my one ammo now uh this says if you weaken an ally this turn and you already have at least one other ally weakened immediately cure weakness from all allies so that's one of the tactics cards i just played this goes boop like that now can she counter i don't think healing is considered a counter even though i used her healing last time um what is she gonna heal me could she heal herself i don't know it's an interesting question we're just going to leave her like that for now okay so i get a tactics card and it's on to them we know who's going to activate no matter what this card is it's a wizard card but everybody has to get a turn so there we go um she's going to get plus two magic which she doesn't have so that's good um and who does she want to go after so one two three four five six seven eight or one two three four five six seven eight or one two three four five six seven eight okay so anytime it's a tie i get to choose um so i think i'm gonna have her go this way one two three because i really i don't like having a lot of people up here because once i do finally get all these crystals i have to clear this top out and it can be kind of annoying so i'm gonna keep them down here um all right so there she's gonna go one two three four five one she wants to go east first so she would go what one two three four five and then one two three yeah this definitely is it's the smarter play so all right so she can hit me for two uh all players within three are so i'm going to lose two magic she's stealing it from me and she's gonna hit me twice um but i count her so i'm going to spend another magic here roll three of these dice all right so i got one so i have to spend one more magic but that means i get to hit her for three one two three okay so we good all right so that's all just gonna stay there like that um they've gone it is my turn now so i have to take this down and see one two is not going to get there so i am going to need to weaken lord theodore here to get this done that's fine so he's going to just move one it really pains me to do so um and then i'm gonna have to weaken myself but i'm basically automatically killing her off so this means that the wizard this is why you're supposed to leave all this stuff out the wizard is going to activate next so it'll be interesting to see where they get plotted all right so prince orn is coming on and he just like before so we take you off of there and it's the gray so he's actually going to go right there all right so that is interesting because i was thinking about trying to send my mage into there um but that's in the way so what i think i'm gonna do with my mage instead is get out of this line of fire um so i think i'm gonna send her to go one to come out here and i can't make it up there we know the this guy is going to go he's got a range of three one two three four one two three so yeah i need to tactically speaking haha get out of his range okay so that's where my mage is going to go she's just trying to protect herself now all right um you climb with at least two allies on the elevated train a single turn no all right so we know that the wizard's going to oh i forgot to take two wizards going to activate uh he's getting plus two movement so that's not good i may lose my first person here but let's see who's closest one two three four five one two three four five six huzzah the beast is closer so um he's not within three because he'd have to go one two i'm assuming this is higher elevation three four five six to get there so he's gonna move first but he's got six movement so i still think this is this the way they would go one two three four five six all right you want this full movement he did not get adjacent to me so he's gonna do his magic attack um all targets within range so one two three he's gonna be able to hit both of us here targets of energy bolts cannot counter interesting all right so that's pretty pretty baller of him and he's hitting me for two plus oh my gosh five all right so you go down to four and jolene goes down to three man that was brutal all right all right i hear you i hear you okay so what are we gonna do here um lord theo theodolf is weakened so he cannot move and attack um he can go back over to here um i mean do i just heal everybody up i think that's what we might do actually to be perfectly honest with you because there's no telling who's gonna go but i'm hurting a little bit here i know my red ghost has just been sitting in this dungeon forever waiting for me to go but i really don't want to take a risk of having this guy go again um and the only person that can really hit him right now so this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna pass through here for one two three yeah one two three doesn't really matter but put her in the forest and doing so she gets all our ammo back and goes back up to seven then my beast is gonna go one two into the water three four five also into the woods he's going to go back up to eight all right he moved and did not attack so he's going to take that away and then my mage is going to go one two three and enter movement on this city so she's going to heal for four and get all of her magic back all right i know that was a pretty weak turn and then we have to take that down but it's kind of what needed to happen if you perform a melee attack with an ally who has four or fewer oh i do like this so yeah all right okay so now that there's nobody with a card on them i pick up all of these cards that have been discarded and i'm going to shuffle them all back together and we're going to start over all right so the rogue is going first maddie jewell um ken maddie jewell hit me one two three four five to get all the way up here she can not so this is obviously the closest one um oh man she's gonna get plus three she's gonna hit me good all right so she will go one two three four she would need five six seven to get up there so she's just gonna stop right here um she's gonna stop right there but she is now one two three away all right so she's gonna steal two magic from me she's gonna hit me for five one two three four five good lord all right but clotho will be able to counter so we're gonna spend one there i could i could take her out right here or i could just roll squat and only hit her for two one two okay all right now i believe if i stay put in the city i'm going to heal at the end of my turn it says if you start your turn in the city you do not get the health but if you end your turn or pass through it um when entering heal four and replenish your fort worth or does it say that hold on let me find and make sure i'm not cheating here um village if a unit passes through or ends movement in a village it immediately regains four and fully replenishes all its ammo a unit cannot benefit from the same village twice in a turn i won't have done that and a unit does not benefit from starting its turn in a village so i think that just by staying here i'm gonna be able to replenish some health so this is what i'm going to do i we need to take this down now see the rogue's not going to go for a while so maybe maybe this isn't even that bad can i hit her from here one two three four yes so i really don't like prince oren going here um one two three four five and then three would put him at it would put him at five and so her attacking from there no but i can't do all that if you are standing on a peak space you can target anyone on the map um it's like you have been imbued with magical powers or something like that um so i think this is what we're going to do here attack attack and move yes all right so i'm going to attack this rogue from right here i will definitely be doing two points of damage so i don't need to roll anything else um so i'm going to bump this up one two i had a jewels gone and we get ava ava is going to be right here in the middle all right so that's discarded and then i i'm going to go ahead and just take my health here because i'm gonna stop right there i'm ending my movement right there ending my turn right there so i think that's legal all right then i'm going to attack far away here so i'm hitting prince oran for two one two i am four spaces away so he is not going to be able to counter me i need to spend an ammo here and i don't have to spend any additional ammo all right so she's gonna stay put and then i'm with the beast i'm gonna go one drop down for two three go through the portal and come out here four and then enter this portal which i will flip around this way and right so one two three four five put me in all right so i am in i'm gonna have to deal with the monster but that's okay if i've been the rogue i could have just walked right up to it all right uh let me take a tactics card here um no i don't really like that one okay all right so who's going anybody could go now anybody could go all right the beast is going so the beast needs to figure out who's closest one two three four five six one two three four five six seven so he's gonna try and continue this way he's got four points of movement so he can go one two three four and that's it um he would have hit me for six if he had reached me but he can't so that's his turn i got lucky there all right um i need to tick this down who do we want to go um all right so let's do this i'm going to take two points of movement i'm going to move with clotho but that's it right then i'm going to move with lord theowolf he's going to go one two i have to deal with the enemy the monster but then i'll get to continue my movement and so this is when we look at the bottom so i have a spectra i lose all my magic while i don't have magic if you do not have magic you take two damage that's it one two he gets discarded so one two three so i have two points of movement left i end up right here then what i'm gonna do is go four into the portal come out here and go five into this one and boop again i'm gonna have to deal with enemy but that's okay all right i i kind of like this strategy of using the portals to your advantage here so i got the black crystal and this is going to allow an ally to cast a spell while i positioned my mage here up on the top of the world and um so i'm going to target the wizard here spending one um hit him for two um i don't have any more to spend oh no this should have been up here because i was in the city so she's here yeah i can roll all three of these oh look at that so she's hitting him for five oh only one left all right um but i have to do one two three more loss but then i can move the target into an empty adjacent space so i'm gonna push them up there just so they're even that much further away from this action over here all right feeling better dude wait one two three no i don't want to move him because then she could attack him yeah put you back right there all right i get a tactics card um after you move an ally you have at least one ally in each of the three no this one just gets discarded because it has nothing to do with the solo game uh if you capture an enemy target yeah all right we'll keep those two okay all right so who's going next the fighter all right so the fighter gets six movement so he's definitely gonna be coming up here one two three four he comes all the way up here to my knowledge they don't benefit i don't think they benefit from the city the village uh so then he's gonna hit me for four and he's going to attempt to knock me back so one two three four comes down here then he gets to roll two dice all right so he knocked me back once so i get knocked off the cliff here even though i've fallen down i don't take um he didn't hit me to the edge so i don't take an extra damage i can however counter i'm not weakened um so i'm going to spend this and i can only roll up to one other die so i'm gonna hit it for two and that's it he takes two damage one two okay back to me she's really not a very good spot right here but i almost i'm just done with her i don't know if i want to put her back up there um yeah what i need is for the beast to get off of here all right so this goes down i'm going to prop her up here because i know that the warrior's not going to go for a while so actually i'm okay with him standing right next to me um and i'm going to weaken myself to attack from here and i'm going to hit the wizard which you just needed one all right so i'm gonna get two time i should have gone there and back up to five all right luna here is going to as long as it's not purple i'm okay i really don't want it to be purple and it's purple of course it's purple all right so she's gonna go right there which is just a problem um okay so that was two actions i was gonna spend my third action to move her up here but now i'm thinking i may just come off here and try and draw everybody off um what does the green give me all allies replenish that and that the full you may select an ally to move up to seven i definitely need to save that one okay so yeah i think what i'm gonna do here is try and get these guys to come down eventually so i'm gonna spend my movement here to go one two three i mean why wouldn't i put myself right there to go boom boom okay so that was my three actions let's look at a oh and here i captured an enemy target immediately perform a free action with any ally even if weakened so i think what we're gonna do is movement all right right here so he's gonna go one it's going to deal with this guy you must pay otherwise take three one two three all right that was nasty two pop out here three four five finishing in the village one two three four and i get the green one which says all allies replenish all of their ammunition basically so you go up you go that's pretty big and you go up all right now i can just take this one and keep it okay enemy is the wizard again all right so one two three four five one two three four five six seven okay so this is the target here she's got this vines thing all targets in or adjacent to any water or forest space take one and one okay so that's both of these guys actually she can roll two extra dice and we cannot counter all right okay so both these guys are gonna take one two and who else was it one two all right um so it's unfortunate because she didn't have to move she could just attack me from there so i'm gonna have to get away from forest and water spaces or i'm gonna have to attack her all right so it comes back to me um [Music] clotho is weakened here one two pop out there three okay what do we want to do here i need these guys to be moved off of their spots so can i attack if i'm weakened weakened unit so we can unit cannot take any actions during your turn until the weekend token is removed when a unit becomes weakened it must remain weakened for the rest of that turn starting on that player's next turn they may elect to have the weakened unit lose to health can do that to remove the weak until going to allow that unit to take actions you cannot do this otherwise or i could heal otherwise yeah so clothes kind of stuck up here to be honest with you so my beast here just needs to move yeah so we're just gonna go one two three four five no five one two three yeah i need to get away from water and forest so you also are gonna go one two three and you're gonna go one two come out here for three maybe just maybe you'll oh no wait one two three i like you over here better yeah that's much better all right so pretty weak turn um all right so we know that the rogue is going so yeah it's definitely good that i didn't and she's getting plus two range so she can go one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven now i get to choose so she's definitely gonna go this way um north first okay one two three four five i guess puts herself on the bridge one two three four yeah so she's still within range so she's hitting my beast or no one two three four so she can hit either one of these guys i get to choose so i'm gonna have her hit uh jolene for five which is gonna stink um if she starts her turn on elevation she gets plastic movement no okay jolene is gonna get to counter for two one two all right nothing else okay and then that's it so after this is going to be a free-for-all hopefully i can draw these guys off of there um so yeah i need to heal jolene but i don't want to put her next to water one two three hmm the rogue could just take her out though um okay so i think i'm going to start with i this blue crystal the reason i'm waiting is this blue crystal gives you a bonus of an ally may move up to seven so if i can clear the top here and then get him to here then i can run my beast up into here and then run rickshaw and then it really doesn't matter at that point um i don't need to have everybody survive i could i just need to gather up all of the stuff so these guys would just be fighting out here trying to make sure he has enough time to make it to the end um so what do we want to do here he can move forward so he can get there one two three but he might get stuck on the thing so yeah i think i like having her up here on the peak too um so we're gonna take her and go one to heel one two three four two and then where does she want to pop out does she want to pop out right here yeah i think that's just kind of where she needs to be all right so that's where she's gonna pop out she can lose her weekend status okay um jolene is going to attack ava but ava be able to attack back hmm [Music] hmm yeah let's try and move with the ghost so what's going to happen here with the ghost is he's got to get to this boulder space and then he gets he has to roll his knock back ability which is only one for him and he's got to get a knock back symbol otherwise he loses two points of movement then he could try again but he got it all right so i think this is what's going to happen he's he's come up here he's got to deal with the enemy it's a spider take one your movement ends here oh well there you go okay well that solves my problem one two and then if i attack with ava here i'm pretty much done yeah let's move the beast up here one two three four yeah so i'm not adjacent to water i can draw these guys down off the top there all right so let's look at a tactics card um yeah all right so these all come up get shuffled back in man i thought i was flying there for a little while but this has been see again this is the problem getting these guys off the top here um really becomes an issue all right the rogue is going and i see the rogue can just attack me for three rolls one knock back uh she missed so one two three since she did knock me back i will get to counter for three one two three and knock her back twice one two okay um yeah that's it but not one two three four nope okay all right so we took this down i definitely need to take somebody out here at this point but what i can do is attack with jolene attack the rogue that'll take her out now so she's done all right so if this one ends up going up on purple i'm [Music] gonna be super mad super super mad all right where are you going orange okay all right so you're going right there i get two time back okay so you're here um i am going to attack now here and he's not no he will be able to counter hmm yeah maybe this is what we want to do all right so that was my first action second action is going to be to have the red ghost finally come out of here pops this back off he's got one he's got three points of movement left he's going to come out of here so that's two three four he claimed this which is going to give somebody seven points of movement i'm gonna spend all that movement to get you up to here and then she can attack and i'm going to have her attack i guess the wizard yeah because this guy's definitely going to move all right so let's attack the wizard for [Music] two and that's it she cannot attack me back no counter for her okay tactics card and i moved an ally onto a peak space immediately place that ally onto another empty peak space and then you may take a free movement from there oh no i don't want to move off that peak space i definitely don't want to be up there um all right if you fire the ballista whatever okay so who's going now left most which is the fighter all right so he doesn't need to do anything other than hit my mage for four and knock her back off the beak one two three four she can however count her uh for three she had to use an extra one so one two three okay so he's almost dead all right so again i just need these guys to get off it here all right um so it's my turn i need to take this down i'm going to go one two three exhaust my mage i just need one blue symbol here and i didn't get anything so one two take you down that is disappointing and she's weakened now um so let's move you into position maybe one two three four nope he's never gonna be able to get her from there all right one two three four i need to heal this guy up because he's gonna be the one who's gonna be going into the dungeon i know he's adjacent to water but she's almost dead so all right um tactics card if you knock back an enemy target out of a control area i'm not supposed to use that one so you i'm not supposed to use that one either so you okay all right who's going now the beast okay good this is what i need four points of movement one two one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six seven so yeah he's coming this way but he's only gonna be able to go one two three four that's it he's but he's off the top that's what we needed all right so now we can now we can finish this thing um all right so this ticks down but um oh she's not gonna be able to fire because she's weakened oh no and this guy's just squatting up here on the thing so one two one two three four five six um [Music] gah one two three four one two three four yeah so if i move him down here and then i weaken him he will be able to hit this guy for one only hitting him for one but then he's weakened all right one two he can counter so he's gonna counter for three one two three which goes down there and that's it and then i'm gonna cop down one two pop out here for three oh what a pain what a pain all right i may lose just off of that um actually no what i want is to move him right there that's what i want all right tactic cards all right the fighter is already gone so then we go boom boom boom uh all right the rogue can go one two three four so she's just gonna take a shot at him and she's actually gonna take him out so i've lost my first casualty all right so he's removed from the board but one of your eyes is captured uh immediately restore two to two to all of your allies and play so boo boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom okay so i needed that that was helpful all right uh and then that's it her turn is done she did her her duty all right um so now i can do this yes this is what's going to happen and i'm just going to do it i honestly don't care because this would just be super obnoxious all right so i'm going to take two damage one two to remove my weakened status and take an attack get rid of this mage here technically what i'm supposed to be doing here is shuffling up and dropping another one okay so the mage would come back out right there um just bring you out tired of doing all this shuffling if she had gone back up to purple i would have just been like enough i'm done with the game all right so that was one action so now i'm going to take my second action to enter my beast into this dungeon area here so we start whoops there like that um where do we start right here so that's one point of movement what's the fastest way for me to get there all right so one two three four five i need to be able to have a knockback symbol okay which i did so we'll be able to advance but i'm out of movement okay who else can do anything um all right doesn't matter now i just need to keep this this go down so that needs to go back up there like that because i took out the wizard and now ideally i'd love to take out somebody um i just also need to survive so one two three i'm gonna move you up one two three four that's it okay let's just get this over with we know who's going it's the wizard they're getting plus three they don't have that she's got a range of five um target takes two plus that so one two three four five six and she's gotta move first one two three four so then she can go one two three four she can't make it to me all right so we're done let's move back here so this moves down and i can go now one two three i need to deal with one of you this just says polymorph bunny runs away scared no negative effect all right perfect four or fives i'm literally one space away from winning the game um yeah this is almost silly uh i could take her and attack him there we go that would give me two more he's obviously not going to fight back she could attack him for one two not going to deal with all that other stuff um that would mean that the warrior would get to go next because he would be fresh he would be in the middle here um so he would uh even if we put her out there she would go one two three four five and then she would attack for three and she'd be gone all right but either way this would go down here i move here i gain this and that is it so there you go that was the solo mode for tiny epic tactics a lot longer than my normal games that kind of dragged on i apologize so keep an eye out for another video where i'm going to give you my true and honest review of the game and show you a few other ways that i've been messing around with playing in solo mode a few other different ways to manage the ai and also play on the other side of this this matt here map so if you enjoy this video please consider giving a thumbs up if you stuck through me through all that i appreciate it please consider subscribing to the channel once again thanks for watching have a great day
Channel: The Meeple Marathon
Views: 592
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Gamelyn Games, Tiny Epic Tactics, Kickstarter, Solo, Playthrough
Id: HLvxpcJzg6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 18sec (4818 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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