ULTIMATE Volcano: 1 Second vs 10 Minutes

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today I have to build a Minecraft volcano in 10 seconds two minutes and 10 minutes then at the end I'm gonna make the volcanoes erupt to see if they can defeat custom bosses at the start off we have the 10 second build and we're gonna have to build a volcano that can defend us against 10 creepers oh man I don't even know how we're gonna build a volcano in 10 seconds that is so little time but let's grab our materials like dirt lava TNT and honestly I think that's all we need and I'm actually pretty sure that's all we're gonna need just these three items okay anyways let's get to building but the 10 second timer start now okay we gotta go fast fast fast okay I'm just gonna start by making a little dirt Mound just like this okay all this is not good okay let's put lava in here a big stack of TT going off but that's some lava going off the sides and oh man we are already out of time uh what exactly is this because it is definitely not a volcano but I guess this is what you get when you only get 10 seconds to build something and actually think it might be good enough to kill those 10 creepers but we're just gonna have to wait and see let's go in survival mode and here we go everything is ready and the 10 creepers are in their box and of course I have some Flint steel just so I can like the volcano and yeah it's not gonna really be a volcano it's just gonna be some explosions but anyways server let the creepers out and all right they are free and they're gonna start coming to me any second now I have to be prepared and let's try and get them all gathered up together and just like this they are all following me so we just gotta lure them up on top of this volcano just like this come on creepers and then we like this and okay we gotta run run run that is about to blow up and oh my goodness well that was definitely a volcano explosion and oh my gosh there's not a single creeper Left Alive okay I actually did not expect that to work as well as it did but that actually did really well well that's level one passed on to level two but don't leave that was only the 10 second volcano and the next builds are going to be way way way more insane and alrighty this time we've got two minutes to build a volcano and the boss we're gonna have to defend it against is oh that is not good 15 mutant snow golems oh my these guys are extremely strong and there's 15 of them I don't know how we're gonna build a volcano that can defeat all of these guys but I'm going to try my best and luckily for me I've actually hidden a secret little Chester right here and in this chest there's a bunch of custom modded TNT and even more custom modded items to help us build the best volcano possible do you know what time it is server start the timer and all right instead of placing the volcano blocks by hand I'm gonna type out this command that's gonna allow me to use a wand and make it super duper fast and this way we're gonna be able to make it a lot bigger in our two minute time period so to make the volcano we're just gonna make it go up like this in a circle we're gonna make this one extremely tall just like this look at all the blocks it's made out of this is already a thousand times cooler and then we'll just make a little hole going down the middle like that but it wouldn't be a volcano unless we fill it up with lava and since we only have two minutes and we're running out of time we gotta fill this up quickly so I'm gonna light this lava ocean custom modded TNT and when that explodes it should just fill this entire thing with lava and oh yeah it did and oh man there's even lava spilling out the sides okay I guess that works too and now what I'm gonna do next is put some of these custom erupting TNTs in the volcano and basically these are just the volcano TNT and I'm gonna demonstrate to you guys what these do when they are lit so I'm just gonna go off the arena and light one down here and I gotta do this fast so I'm not wasting too much time but as you can see it just feels a bunch of those TNTs off in the air and they all come raining down and yeah they make a bunch of explosions so we're just gonna put one of those inside a volcano like that and then around the map I'm gonna put these custom physics TNTs just to do a little more damage when our volcano erupts and heck I'll even put some inside of here just like that now you might be wondering how on Earth are we gonna survive the eruption because this is going to be on hundreds of TNTs what I'm about to show you the way I'm gonna survive is by making a massive pillar going up like this and on it I'm gonna put these reinforced iron ladders so during the rounds I'm gonna climb these all the way up to the top of this and I'm gonna make a little security bunker up here where I can watch all the destruction unfolding and then inside this chest I'm gonna put a flame bow and a bunch of arrows and alright that's our two minutes up our volcano build is now finished and that was actually pretty close we almost ran out of time but look at how much better this volcano is compared to the 10 second build which isn't even a volcano anymore it's just a bunch of lava and a little hole in the floor well I'm super confident that this is going to be able to kill all those 15 mutant snow golems so let's go in survival mode all right everything is ready and the 15 muted Snow Golems are in their little glass cage you know what time it is summer let go snow globes out and let the round two begin and okay they have been released and they're already walking towards me this is bad I gotta make sure not to get hit by any of these guys attacks because I am wearing no armor and muted Snow Golems do 10 hearts of damage I'm pretty sure so it looks like some of them are actually climbing the volcano and little do they know that that is going to be a death sentence for that I think I'm ready we can climb up this ladder right here right now once we get to the top of this like that we're gonna go in this chest and grab the bow and all of its arrows and look at this this is basically a Sniper Tower up here I mean we could just shoot the snow golems like that but that is kind of boring I'm gonna be honest instead we're gonna use this flame bow and we're gonna hit that volcano TNT inside the volcano and okay we gotta make sure not to miss this shot but we're just gonna aim down like that and shoot it and cover this up and oh man this is about to blow oh my oh wait what I think it's just exploding and just completely hitting our cage okay that did not work very well uh but wait wait what it's erupting again oh my uh okay never mind that did work really well and oh my goodness look at all the explosions down there and whoa there's blocks flying everywhere Now what is going on uh well uh it's working I guess that's what's going on but there is still a few mutant snow golems left so we're gonna have to do that again and there is a couple erupting TNT's left around so if I could just aim and shoot those correctly there we go I just hit that one we'll shoot that one over here these should start blowing up and kill off the remaining Snow Golems oh man look at all that too th from the sky look at this this is the chaos and oh my I think we've killed every Snow Golem at this boy but never mind there's one over there let's go kill him personally bro let's jump down the volcano like this try not to land in the lava look at these two snow gloves let's just shoot our bow it completely knocked them off the arena there we go and I'm pretty sure that is it we have just completed round two and we now get to move on to the 10 minute build which is gonna be way more insane and now there's actually no more snow golems left meaning we have just completed round two on to the next but don't leave yet we have the most insane volcano coming up right now you're going to have to see it and here we go it is finally time for the 10 minute build and this is gonna be by far the most insane build ever okay let's see what we're gonna have to defend it against uh oh what is this a frost Mom are you kidding me we have to make a volcano that can defeat this monstrosity of a beast what even is this it's a giant snowy monster I guess that's good because volcanoes are lava and this is made out of snow we might have a little Advantage but it's still gonna be really hard so let's just put this egg back in here and get our items and just like last round I did hide a chest under here again it has a bunch of modded items that are gonna help me out a bunch so let's just grab all of these like this all right let the timer begin now and to start off this 10 minute build I don't want the floor to be grass anymore so I'm gonna type out a command that replaces all of the grass around me with a bunch of stone and then I'll also do the same with all the dirt around me so now our entire arena is made out of a bunch and a bunch of stone now it's time to build the volcano and I'm gonna make by far the craziest volcano let me just type out this command and now we should be able to put all these massive spheres of the volcano around here and you can already see I'm going to make this thing extremely extremely big this is like three times larger than that last volcano and that one was already really big I'm just gonna build this thing going up all over ground just like that thankfully with these 10 minute builds we are allowed to take a lot more time to make this thing look absolutely insane and a lot lot cooler which is going to make it even more powerful to help us to feed that Frost mob monster and not only are we gonna make this volcano extremely wide but we're making it really really tall too let's try and make this go all the way up to the height limit of the world okay there we go and oh man this looks like Mount Everest whoa this is enormous okay well let's put our massive hole in the middle of it now so all the TNT can explode out of it just like this and let's make this hole really big so tons and tons of TNT can all explode at the same time to make the biggest explosions yet now we've got to fill this thing with lava instead of using lava TNT we're going to use lava Dynamite to do it even faster we're just gonna spam this all along the floor of inside of the volcano and look at that it's already completely filled up with this lava which even throws some of them off the sides just to make the lava go even higher up and oh yeah look at this volcano now this is just the inside it goes so so much higher up and before we put our tats in here that are going to power the crazy explosions that this thing produces we're gonna do some stuff with these other TNTs called House TNTs and basically what these are is when they explode they just turn into a house just like that and the reason I'm doing this is just to add a little more decoration and to make this even cooler when this volcano erupts so it's not only killing the boss but it's gonna destroy all of these houses too and all right all the house TNTs have been placed and now we basically have an entire town that is going to be destroyed by the volcano that is gonna be really really really really really cool like I said now we get to do some stuff with these TNTs and we're gonna go and test these down here to see how destructive they are so first off we have this thing called the spiral TNT and what do you like this it basically flies up in the air like this and just spirals out a bunch and a bunch of TNT like that so when the volcano erupts it's just gonna have all this stuff fly out of it and it's gonna look like like lava's exploding out of it but reality it's just a bunch of crazy flying TNTs that will just completely decimate all of the land next up we have TNT Fireworks which when you light it actually does something pretty similar it flies up in the air but this time it explodes into a lot and a lot more TNT and oh man a single one of those made this much destruction that is insane imagine what will happen if we light like 10 of these at the same time in that volcano it's just gonna be so cool and once again we're gonna use these erupting TNTs just like we used in the two minute build but we're gonna use a lot more in this volcano which is gonna make the eruption even cooler when it happens and it's gonna make fire go everywhere to destroy that Frost mom monster and last but definitely not least we have the Doomsday death ray TNT and I'm actually not even gonna show this to you guys because it is so insane that if I like this down here it's gonna destroy the entire world so we're gonna save that for very very last just in case we don't defeat the frost my monster with all our other custom gnts so I made this big platform above the volcano and on the corners we'll put the spiral tats then on the sides like this we'll put the firework TNTs and in the middle we'll put a bunch and a bunch of these erupting TNTs and these are what is going to explode first and all right I think that should be good enough that's basically enough TNT to completely annihilate a world and of course we'll put this death ray TNT right here and we'll just shoot that just in case these other ones don't work but just like last round with all of these crazy TNTs we're going to need a very secure bunker in this guy and this time I'm not gonna build it right above the tats because last time that went pretty poorly so instead I'm just gonna build it right over here and we're gonna make a huge reinforced glass box just like last time and here we go that is now made now let's make a little hole in this side of this where we will have access to shoot all of those TNT's in the volcano but you also might be asking yourself how are we going to get up to this floating glass box because it is super high up in the sky and a ladder just would not cut it well what I'm gonna do is I actually have myself a grappling hook well using this grappling cocoa I'll be able to scale up the volcano super fast like that and then I'll also be able to shoot up to my bunker box and it will pull me all the way up like that and okay this is not working very well I don't really know how to control this grappling hook it kind of just flings you everywhere this is actually pretty fun I'm like Spider-Man oh man I'm going really really fast right now okay I think we gotta get back to building oh man uh oh oh my gosh where even am I oh oh I'm at a village uh okay let's get back there well that's how we're gonna get up to the box now hopefully I don't get flung to a village during the actual round and of course we're gonna have to grab some super OP armor just to keep ourselves extra extra safe let's get this awesome emerald armor because that actually matches my skin and oh yeah we look super super super cool right now oh actually let's also just grab a stack of golden apples and a totem of undying just in case I die then I could be revived super easily okay I think everything is actually 100 ready now so let's go to survival mode and spawn in that Frost mod oh man I am nervous to let this monster out because I think it just does crazy amounts of damage but I should be good with the super cool armor and of course the volcano to kill it so I guess uh server just let this mob out and let's start the third round okay it is released and now let's just wake it up by shooting an arrow at it and oh it looks pretty angry and whoa it's doing a massive Roar right now and although it's firing ice up out of being oh my I'm already Frozen I can't move and there we go okay we gotta grapple up to the top of this volcano very very quickly and look at this frosted monster always shooting more stuff at me this is not good just need a golden apple just to get a little extra helps back and wait where's that Frost monster now and wait it's right there oh no it's standing on the volcano okay we gotta get up to our security bunker like this and all right here we go this is the Moment of Truth oh stop attacking me Mr Frost monster okay let's charge up our bow and let's just shoot these TNTs and oh man chaos is about to go down let's just stand at the back of this bunker this is just the first wave of explosions right there and oh man this is about to be really really crazy okay let's eat as many golden apples as we can oh bad okay there's just a constant stream of TNT exploding absolutely everywhere look at the arena everything is completely decimated but the frost mod is still alive somehow are you kidding me oh man this is not good well there's only one thing we could do we have to shoot that final death ray TNT and where is it I think it got flung somewhere from all of those crazy explosions that just happened and oh wait I think I see it down there there's a tiny little purple Speck I'm just gonna try my best to aim and shoot that like that okay I missed it let's try that one more time okay Mr Kenna okay let's try that again I hope I missed one more time okay this time we are going to hit it and there we go I hit it I know it's kind of hard to see but I'm pretty sure I death where I should be coming from the sky at least second now okay I'm just gonna keep looking up uh is the frost must still there yes it is uh where's the death threat I don't really see oh oh there's the death ray oh this is about to be a big explosion and oh my the entire Arena quite literally the entire arena is now destroyed and the frost Ma has just been defeated oh my gosh that we just won let's put an elytra on ourself and fly down here let's go that was so easy and oh I just popped a toad up that was the craziest volcano eruption I have ever seen in my life and that means we just won the challenge completely thanks ever for watching the video make sure to subscribe and click the video on the screen click the video on the screen bye
Channel: Carty
Views: 34,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, carty, 1 second vs 10 minutes, 1 sec vs, volcano, volcano eruption, eruption, build battle
Id: cZBKwspWWaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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