ULTIMATE Vlandian Troops Guide for Bannerlord

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the brandian sergeant is the main infantry option of vlania i think most players tend to forget about this unit because quite frankly it doesn't seem overly terrible or good as any other infantryman the role of the sergeant is to tank projectiles fight infantry and most importantly be a reliable source of medicine experience the most iconic achievement of this unit is in my opinion the cave a lucky two-thirds of the surgeons are going to be granted a legionary cape thereby itself brings 16 body armor the other surgeons have been naughty and lord darter decided that the only way to set them right was taking the cape away from them they get nothing not even a scarf since we're talking about capes the surgeons bring an average body armor of 44.7 with two out of the three templates consisting of the aforementioned legionary cape and the white cupboard over male oberg that looks strikingly red why the second template will only bring the white tabard over male i know it's called white because it has the same color of the kingdom banner but why don't they just call it tabard overmail at this point madness anyway this will rank the sergeant in last place when it comes to body armor a good five points behind seven when talking about the add armor the sergeant ranked sixth with a value of 46 brought by the wizard helmet over leith coiff when considering ed plan's body the sergeant will rank last with a value of 91 but they will gain one position when considering all armor types we're talking about the equipment since this unit has free templates let's start with the items that are always there the first is the shield the reinforced oak and kite is a 128 length and pretty durable shield that covers the tanking duties quite well why the second item they always bring is the long fine steel spear a 78 run speed 32 damage with a length of 235 like any guy that brags about the ray tincture the surgeons are simply over-compensating for something this fear is way too long to be of any real use for the banner of the ai that you will more than likely watch in abuse band or horror as they miss any horseman that comes remotely close or simply bounce off their arm or because they stay too close to their targets in an eventual mini situation where these guys get stuck using these instead of the one and the weapon they are as good as that no way they can land a strike with their length and their bismuth speed now let's talk about the ever changing sidearms surgeons will bring two good sirens these are the fury fullered cavalry mace and the spiked battle axe these two weapons despite being a maze and the knacks work in quite a similar manner and are good for similar reasons they both have very good swing speed they pack some decent roll damage and are both short and then there is their examing sword given by the way to the same guys who like the cape nerd is probably having a laugh somewhere now that we are done the equipment let's talk about the juicy tasting stats overall the sergeant ranked sixth with a kd of 4.68 and a kd of 60.18 vs low tiers ended up losing 622 units out of 3500 or roughly 18 and ended up with a casualty chance versus low tiers of 3.52 also they ended the careers of 2914 custom battle soldiers now let's go ahead and list the pros and cons this unit has the worst armor set out of all infantry units two out of three of their sidearms are good but one of them is not quite there the shield is good it does its job well they lack any form of versatile weapon like javelins or axes making them very one-dimensional their spear is one of the worst for foot units their melee performance overall is quite awful i'll give this unit a zero and a half out of five if you are fine with dismounting and using cavalry as main infantry there is close to no reason to bring these guys in the blondian army and there is even less of a reason to seek them for a composite one still a more valuable option than the vanguards or the vultures for 1.8 these guys have never really impressed me in any way and vlania 2 cannot function a god from 1.8 be ready because you might not like what's coming up next the vanguard is one of the two cavalry options blondie has to offer some players love this unit and others hate it the vanguard can cover a few rolls it can be a support flanker by charging from the sides or dismounting or shocking the enemy once the battle is in full swing for cavalry i think the first thing to cover is not their lands but their general armor instead in the case of the vanguard it brings a very good 52-wide armor brought by the wizard helmet over melcoif not only is a good piece of armor but it looks cool too and it will rank the vanguard tied in second place among cavalry units and third overall we all know vladia is the cheapest function if a unit has something good it must be followed by something atrociously and the vanguard is not different the body armor is in fact just 34 brought by the red tabard over male hoberg this will rank the unit last among cavalry and 28 overall turtle didn't even want these guys to have a scarf come on man before talking about the parting i want to bring to your attention the troop line outside of the tier 5 no other unit as decent or armor this makes leveling up these units very difficult since good or sarmor can make or break a cavalry unit for the vanguard it's all good on that side since they bring a blundion cursor protected by a 52 horse barding called half male birding this will place the unit in the middle of the park at fifth among cavalry the horse is in my opinion a nice balanced option not too fast and has a decent amount of hp when considering at plus body the vanguard ranks tied at 6th the value of 86 but loses 1 position to number 7 when we consider all armor types with the armor out of the way let's talk about the equipment the main weapon of the vanguard is the knight lens it has 83 trust speed not too bad the length is 184 a decent length for a lens the damage is 37 and it can couch as well overall not a bad option but this unit is still going to struggle because of the ai and the fact that it's a normal unit so the foreign value is now inflated talking about the shield the vanguard brings reinforced cavalry kite it has 430 hp and a length of just 78 cavalry tends to have way smaller shields than infantry but this is way better than the azerai or the battanian ones for close quarter combat the vanguard brings a recharming sword it's the same as the sharp shooter but since the vanguard is a cavalry unit the length is now a problem there although it quickly becomes one in seagulls or in this bounded situations now that we are done with the equipment let's get down to the stats when considering the efficiency against archers the vanguards finish the seventh with two eight places and two seven places they finish with a kd of 2.59 and a kd of 8.46 vs low tiers the vanguards lost 28.48 of their units and their average casualty chance against low tiers was 13.07 percent when considering efficiency against spearmen the vanguards ranked eight with one seventh place and three eight places with an average kd of 3.1 and a kd versus low of 78.79 the vanguards lost 26.14 of their units and ended with an average casualty chance versus low tiers of 18.13 and finally when considering the melee efficiency the vanguards ranked eight once more with an average kd of 3.58 and a kd versus low of 23.26 the vanguards ended up losing 38.71 of their units and averaged the 5.68 casualty chance versus low tiers [Music] the data is self-explanatory so let's go ahead and list the pros and cons the relevant is very good not only for the class but in general we can't say the same about the body armor which is the worst in the class the horse is quite good but what makes it great is the burden they carry no throwables making them one-dimensional the sidearm is quite bad and it's reflected in their melee performance because of that it takes away another potential playstyle that is the flank and dismount it also makes them bad in sieges the shield is now bad for cavalry and outside of the vanguard itself the line brings no horse armor making the line a pain to upgrade my finance score is a zero out of five this unit not only star wars and the other cavalry option in the function but it brings close to no upside to any army they are very one-dimensionally not only because they lack troubles but also because they are among the worst tier v in melee when dismounted i really recommend avoiding this unit entirely and build your army around some other cavalrymen but hey i guess you are going to enjoy your time when facing this entire troop line next time you find their third across calradia the blundian vulture is one of the two options we have when we decide to upgrade the buildman wait two options what's the other one no god please no no the vulture is the only option we have when we decide to upgrade the billman as the only worth to mention shock troops of blandia the role of these guys is to kick the low tears to the ground and act as anti-cav while doing so the most iconic piece of achievement of the vulture is their one-handed weapon because it has absolutely no reason to exist for real though the most iconic piece of equipment of the vulture is the bullish a mighty swingable polar that brings 76 speed 188 damage and a reasonable length of 143. the bulge is now only the shortest small arm out of the free polar wielding shock troops but it's also the most reliable at eating with a base damage of 188 on paper it's enough to one shot unfortunately we are on 1.8 and the troops are incapable of using any long weapons the speed is a bit slow but noah is more for it to win a weapon that carries that much damage despite the weapon being good the armor of this unit can be further from the opposite with an add armor value of 38.3 it ranks as the worst tier 5 unit in the category and 23rd overall this value is brought by three different elements the peaked helmet over male coif the peaked helmet over leskoff and the you guessed it the peaked helmet over potted cloth how couldn't you know that it's so popular and fashionable among units these days come on thankfully when it comes the body armor the vulture brings the same two pieces that combine for a value of 36 this will rank the unit in 5th place and 25th overall the pieces in questions are the cherry stained white tabard over male hopper and the functional ball scarf when it comes to the add plus body the vultures rank tied at last with a value of 74. the other troops is a tier 4 so they are the worst tier 5 but they will gain 2 positions to number 4 when considering all armor types the last thing we have to talk about is a cell francesca's three axes are never amazing but they are something and for a faction like blondia there has no throwables it's unfortunately not very synergic don't expect to find much value out of these ones now that all of the equipment is covered let's talk about the stats the bulges rank 5th among shock troops with a total kd of 2.64 and a kd versus low tiers of 14.2 the bulgers ended up losing 111 units out of 3500 or roughly 31.74 and ended up with a casualty chance versus low tiers of 15.28 percent also they ended the careers of 2932 custom battle soldiers this unit has some terrible armor like most of the blandian units the weapon is good on paper but it can carry such a poor armor set and like the veteran falxman it suffers from the 1.8 ai that doesn't allow the troops to keep enough space between them and the enemy ending up in a law of box strikes they are a versatile unit but no amazing the number of projectiles is not enough to have a real impact and they have a one end sword that they will never use the list is quite short for these guys but i don't think there is much else to add my finance score is a zero and a half out of five and like the surgeons there is little reason to use them in 1.8 if you are playing on previous patches these guys are easily a 3 out of 5 at least the blunderian shark shooter is the only arranged option of blundia for many players this has been one of the best units for a long time as it handled the shooting duties of impressive efficiency while being a solid melee option when needed but is that different in patch 1.8 as someone who streamed a speedrun conquest on version 1.7 i can tell you that these guys were the main reason i ended up conquering already in just 15 years while not executing any lords in the meantime the role of this unit is simple shoot until you run out of balls then join the melee and perform like you are a tier 4 infantryman for ranked troops i like to cover first the number of project times one can bring in the case of the sharp shooter it's one bag of heavy bolts carrying 18 shots since they carry a shield crossbows tend to only be given one quiver this makes them run out of arrows very quickly so use them carefully the crossbow is a bound crossbow simply regarded as being the best crossbow in the game it has a 63 reload speed 100 damage and 100 accuracy this is a very solid weapon to start with and it makes this unit a deadly option when it comes to shooting unfortunately like all crossbowmen's this unit also suffers from the lack of damage increased captain perks and the non-existing scaling of the crossbow skill next up we have the most iconic piece of equipment of this unit the path is a shield a tanky 560 hp blast door with a length of 118 one of the best shields in the game it covers pretty much the entire unit and can be very effective at tanking projectiles when engaging in a mini the sharpshooter brings a rig's arming sword it has 86 swing speed pretty slow for melee 76 damage and it's on the long side for a sidearm with 113 length as most sub 90s wing speed melee weapons with this much length tend to be this weapon is not great and vlania being a cheap on their units armor doesn't help either looking about the armor the sharpshooter has 28 body armor yet they're low i'm not even kidding combined between the main shirt and the wood ranking him last in seventh place among archers and last across all 30 plus tested units differently from the rest of blandian infantry the sharpshooter brings a pretty good element for their class with a value of 42 brought by the cattle nut over male coif this will rank the sharpshooter in third place among archers and 22nd overall when it comes to the combined value of headphones body the sharpshooter ranks tied a fourth with a value of 70 and keeps the same position when we consider our armor types when considering the shooting efficiency the sharpshooter finished 6th with 3 6 places and one 7th place this is mainly due to them having to join the melee before all enemies were killed assuming our lower amount of errors can impact the long enough fight anyway they ended up with a kd of 5.3 and a kd of 17.41 vs low tiers the sharpshooter lost 61.22 of their units and averaged the casualty chance against low tiers of 48.5 when considering efficiency under pressure the sharpshooters finished third with three third places and one second place in this case everyone had to join the melee at one point and it shows the upside of crossbowman's in this scenario anyway they finish with another xkd of 2.53 and the kd vs low of 35.57 the sharpshooters lost 55.4 percent of their units and ended with an average casualty chance versus low tiers of 33.5 and finally when considering the melee efficiency the sharpshooter ranked fourth with an average kd of 2.18 and a kd versus low of 11.6 the sharpshooter ended up losing 34.14 of their units an average of 12.88 casualty chance versus low tears as expected these unit struggles are shooting because of the lack of projectiles but picks that slack up in the melee situations let's go ahead and list the pros and cons the body armor of this unit is bad but the helmet is solid for the class the sidearm is not great the is amazing and makes this unique good attacking projectiles if needed the melee performance is neither great nor bad as most crossbowmen the lack of projectiles can be felt in longer battles and since the armor buffs sometimes it can take an extra shot to kill an infantryman but they are the best crosswoman when it comes to shooting they can handle very well under pressure making them great at protecting squishy archers even if they are not the best crosswoman doing that kind of job this the entire line brings crossbows they are far better at lower tiers than all of the other ranged lines my final score is a three and a half out of five it's a very good unit for smaller battle sizes and when brought in large quantities but it quickly drops off in quality if you run just a few of them or you have to find large buttons overall there are better quality options for range troops especially on the shooting side of things but these guys perform very well from the get go and can quickly win you all battles while you are building up some archer captains as it stands right now they are one of the few vladian troops still worth seeking in 1.8 but the armor buffs did make them a bit weaker than they used to be the bonner knight is the second cavalry option of vladia many players think of this troop as being the best government in calradia not only that but this unit is the peak of the vlanian noble line those units reach one t higher than standard troops and can only be recruited in castle villages or converted from mountain bandits other than that they tend to generally have better gear than standard troops and way better weapon skill the banner knight brings 221 ended 90 more points in standard 260 polar 130 more points than standard and 200 riding 70 more points than most tier v as you might know by this point cavalry in this game doesn't have it easy and in order for a cavalry unit like the banner knight to perform well heavy armor will be required the knight's role is to flank and shock the opponent either by this mounting or not for cavalry i think the first thing to cover is not their lance but their general armor instead in the case of the knight it brings a solid 50th armor brought by the full helm over male coiff despite the value being very good this only ranks the knight tied in 5th place among cavalry units and 11th overall the body armor is another solid 53 combined between the brigandine over male and the cooler hoodie also known as the green hood this will rank the knights in another 5th place among cavalry and 14th overall when it comes to the horse embodying the knight rides a blandian cursor protected by a reinforced chainmail barding that brings 64 horse armor as we said in vanguard video the horse is quite balanced nothing sticks out as a huge negative or positive while the burning they wear will be enough to place the banner knights in second place when considering at plus body the knights rank fourth with a value of 103 and they keep the same position when considering all armor types we are more out of the way let's talk about the equipment the main weapon of the knight is the knight lens it has 83 trans speed not too bad the length is 184 decent length for lance the base damage is 37 and it can couch two the polar arm is alright and it's the same as the vanguard although if you know how trusting spears work in bundler do you know they are generally bad weapons talking about the shield the knight brings a reinforced cavalry kite it has 430 hp and a length of just 78 cavalry tends to have way smaller shield than infantry but this is way better than others we've seen for close quarter combat the knights have three different templates each one with a different weapon two of which are very good and one who isn't all that grey starting from the good ones we have the full red maze and the spiked battle axe those weapons are good for similar reasons as they are both short and fast while being able of delivering a decent enough base damage the length unfortunately makes them a bit trickier to use on horseback but you're going to see why they're good later and if you're thinking that for once darter wasn't going to save money on his units let me present to you the rich arming sword a menacing cheap and reliable one-ended weapon that brings 86 wing speed 76 base damage and a whopping 113 length best weapon this unit has to offer no it sucks um it's the worst they bring it's low for a one ended and too long the damage doesn't even transfer all that well too now that we have done the equipment let's see where this unit ranked the cross cavalry units hopefully we don't need to chop another vlanian unit when considering the efficiency against archers the knights finish fourth across cavalry with two third places and two fourth places they finish with a kd of 4.77 and the kd of 119.04 against low tiers the knights lost 15.14 of their units and the rather casualty chance against low tiers was 1.6 when considering efficiency against spearmen the knights finished sixth among cavalry with one fifth place and three six places with an average kd of 6.77 and the kd versus low of 144.01 the knights lost 13.1 percent of their units and ended with an average casualty chance against low tiers of 2.87 and finally when considering the melee efficiency the knights rank first among cavalry with three first places and one second place with an average kd of 9.04 best kd across all the 30 plus tested units and the kd against low of 218.57 third best across all units the knights ended up losing 17.48 of their units and averagely 1.24 casualty chance versus low tiers surprisingly enough it looks like our beloved bander knights are a far better infantryman than cavalry anyway let's list the pros and cons the general armor is very good the ursa armor is also a huge plans they carry no throwables making them a bit one dimensional they carry two good sidearms and the bad one their melee performance is not only the best out of all cover units but ranks in the top 3 across all units this opens up for a dismount strategy and where you flank the opponent this bound and it from the side they are good in sieges the shield is good for cavalry and most of the line is well armored my final score is a four and a half out of five at last this blundian analysis ends on a sweet note with the banner knights making a name for themselves among the best troops in the game you can dismantle these guys and use them as infantry instead over the surgeons and you can keep some to use as cavalry over the vanguards only issue with these bad boys is that they have no range option and despite being a nice pure lancing option they are far from the best performers in the area we can argue a 5 out of 5 should be the vote but considering all of these and the fact that they are a noble troop i think a four and a half is more than justified attention [Music] attention [Music] attention [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so do [Music] my final score is a
Channel: LyonExodus
Views: 19,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bannerlord, guide, units, bannerlord, mount and blades 2 bannerlord, bannerlord 2, mount and blade bannerlord, mount and blade, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2, bannerlord 1.8, mount and blades bannerlord, Banner Knight, Vlandian Sergeant, Sharpshooter, Vanguard, Pikeman, Voulgier, Vlandia
Id: bOxQyxYzx44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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