The BEST Shock Troops In Bannerlord

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welcome back dear troop analysis and joyers the clinically insane Institute of banner data regarding troops this time if you didn't guess you already we are going to talk about the short troops performance regarding tax 1.9 and Parks 1.0 since they are basically the same thing because in part 1.9 shock troopers finally got back some 2020 vision and can finally start using the advantage of their long weapons to keep a safer distance and also we have to address the question is the Pikeman finally good um no I mean have you seen them foreign spikeman then because although the Pikeman might still only be War for increasing our medicine experience another unit has been added the higher the lead Pike this is what the community had to say about it you're joking not another one as we can see they are extremely enthusiastic anyway let's address the methodology behind the test I've been able to run as always for those who want to get to the data they can skip ahead to this timestamp for this yet relatively quick update on shock troops we will be talking about 10 units those are the botanian foxmen veteran foxman and VM Champion the vladian voucher and Pikeman the azerai palace guard the Imperial Elite manabelton disturbani Roy climb breaker the mercenary Elite Pike and since the cause I don't have a foot one the Khan's guards were used the troops had to perform three different style tests regarding melee combat but before going over the methodology of each individual tests let's address the constants all tests are the battle size of 300 versus 300 as although it might not be your typical encounter this is the number that has led me to the most reliable test throughout my long experience it's a perfect combination between not having too many units like a 500 versus 500 and also no having too little like 200 versus 200 where a quick moral Victory would lead to a pit of the test the units will always perform seven tests with the first one being against the smaller tiers and going up until the highest ones all tasks will be performed at normal speed as three times the speed is a bit different this doesn't mean anyone that tests on three times speed a strange data in my opinion it depends on the scope of the test if you aim at finding what formation is best it's good enough but when you want to get underneath a unique performance it's a bit different this is also the reason why there are a relatively low number of tests that you might have expected before talking about the stats this is what you are going to see on screen in the center there is going to be a video showcasing the unit in question it's important to know that the test and the footage on screen are not the same on the left and right of the screen there are going to be two tables one regarding melee performance and the other regarding anti-covery performance both tables are going to show the average rank of the unit the closest the number is to one the better the unit performed underneath the rank the stats are going to be showcased the left column indicates the related stat on the center left we have the data taken from 1.8 on the center right we have the data taken from 1.9 that I want to remember is applicable to box 1.0 as well while under I column we have the change in terms of percentage between the two patches a green number indicates a unit improved while a red number will indicate that the unique goal was other than the two or fewer tables the remaining space might be used to list some interesting factors simply showcasing the weapons or armor of the unit I know it might feel like a lot if it is don't worry after I have finished talking about the unit there are also going to be some graphs on screen to put the stats into perspective going back to the methodology all of the tests have been taken either through custom buttons ordinance battle tiles mode now Captain Pirates or party leader perks impacted the units so the data we are going to show is the basic performance of the unit and can further improve using perks and better tactics and when we are going to talk about the Khan's guard always remember that they were dismounted now over to the individual tests for test number one we will be evaluating the melee performance against infant three or four units not containing Pike in their name so can some fans were told to all fire while units with robots weren't all troops had to fight against a common enemy all from the Imperial line from Tier 1 to tier 5 and 2 extra tests against militia together numbers and might tell us how good some troops are at sieging the commands used for these tests were a simple charge not changing the line of the troops in any way to try and keep a control environment as much as possible test number two and number three are very similar and are going to be average together they both aim at evaluating the unit against Cavalry by into different scenarios in one the unit will be told to stay in loose formation before the start of the battle and I will reference this test as standing this might simulate a situation where a unit is alone in the open field against the clergy knife in the other one the units will be told to charge from loose formation and I will be referenced this test as charging in this case the cover units used were mostly from the Imperial a line from tier 3 to tier VI with tasks against tier 2 using the villainian Squire and the cruiser tribal Warrior while for an additional test against tier 3 the cruiser Raider was used the two Archer units were allowed to fire in the standing test but knowing the charging one now that we are done with the methodology remember to keep in mind that KIA means killed in action while KD means kills to death ratio and I will have two ranks for each unit not containing Pike in their name one for melee combat and the other one for anti-covery combat another thing is that anytime I'm talking about low tiers I mean units ranging from Tier 1 to tier 3. we find tiers ranging from tier 4 to tier 6. at number 10 we have the higher the lead Pike this should come as no surprise honestly if the Pikeman was a bad unit before the update there is realistically no reason for a unit that has the same skill but less armor to be better in fact the new Iron Elite Pi cranks 31st out of 37 in L plus body armor and 35th one consider during all armor types and even during his theoretical best match his other organic of rank is 7.6 which is just 0.4 points of the world's possible score the ranked 15 KD against low tiers with a score of 41 but that lasting KD against eight years with a score of just 0.2 and they were the only unit to no end with a positive number when it comes to Kia the rank last versus low tiers with a casualty chance of 37 percent and they were among the worst units I have ever tested in key against itiers with 96 percent of their units ending up dead I suggest using this unit only if you are a masochist there would be no gain otherwise it's possibly the worst unit in the game and number nine we have the Pikeman with an anti-coverly rank of 6.6 out of 8. you think it didn't take me long to answer if this unit was good or not they still aren't for the same reason they were never good 1.9 these seemed to make them a little bit better yes they can now keep a positive KD against most Cavalry units but basically any other type of unit will be better in the same scenario while not being one dimensional when it comes to anticam starts the Pikeman ranked lasting KD against low tiers with a low score of 14.7 but at least they kept it above 1 against High tears with a score of 2.42 when it comes to the casualty starts the pipeline were below average in key against low tiers with a mediocre 20 casualty chance but they were very poor in key of our societies with a casualty chance of 57 this unit is still extremely poor and I have no idea why Taylor were decided to add another Pikmin to the game instead of reworking this unit on number eight we have the tier 4 foxman the first of the true shock through purses of the board with an average rank of 5.58 out of 8. divided in 4.83 for melee and 6.33 in anticon honestly with the changes of pax 1.9 addressing no Discovery but also the problem that was playing the shock troopers and their long weapons it shouldn't be much of a surprise to see this unit losing out on the other troops in comparison to 1.8 where they were borderline the best shot through so now the fun begins we can now see what really changes from 1.8 to 1.9 across the units when it comes to melee starts the approximate decrease their performance from 14.29 to 7.64 against low tiers a loss of 46.5 percent and the user decreased their KD against eight years from 2.49 to 1.46 another loss of roughly 41 the negative Trend continues when it comes to the Kia versus low tiers where we see an increase from 10.44 percent to 13 percent exchange of 24.5 percent in casualties and it doesn't end here unfortunately even their key against High tiers increase from 43.8 percent to 51.2 percent a king of 17 when it comes to merely one thing has to be said the difference between these unit and the tier 5 foxman is basically none in fact the overall KD across the test was 0.1 in favor of the tier 4. and this was also confirmed with the total Kia being around two percent lower for the tier 4. what really ends up making this unit worse in this patch in comparison to the veteran foxman are the stats against Cavalry but they didn't do very well their anti-cap score was just 6.33 their KD versus low tiers was 17.68 second worst chance to the Pikeman while their KD against eight years was 4.78 only unit Wars are the two pikemen when it comes to the casualties the parksmen are the second war forced against low tiers with a 26 percent chance and third Wars against ideas with a 25.5 percent chance in conclusion these guys are still kinda scary especially to fight against but with the shock troopers now behaving the way they should they are no longer as good in comparison especially when multiple situations are considered like anti-cal their low armor rank also doesn't help them much at number 7 we have the veteran foxman with another rank of 4.84 out of a divided in 5.5 per Milli and 4.17 foreign functions are the most improved unit in packs 1.9 and we might even say it out loud that this park was made exactly to fix them and it did but it didn't make the monsters just an average to below average unit for the class when it comes to their mili KD against low tiers the veterans improved it from 4.66 in 1.8 to 7.59 in 1.9 an increase of 63 percent but where they are basically unrecognizable is their KD against itiers the king from a lowly 0.2 to a 1.67 an improvement of 735 percent while their key against low tiers change from 26.9 percent to 13.3 percent alving their casualties in comparison to patch 1.8 and their key against 80 years also dog change from 85.7 percent to 59 a decrease of 31 as far as anti-card the veterans ended up with a KD against low tiers of 19.08 and the KD against eight years of 8.41 a key against low tiers of 19.25 percent and the Kia of 16.78 against ideas looking at these it looks like they are better against High tears than low ones but remember that in the low tiers there are two rounds against those arches so I advise to compare the units between one another using the graphs to have a more realistic idea so overall the veteran foxman got their much needed AI fix but it's not really enough to say that this unit is among the best for its class but at least it looks like they have more upside than a tier 4 on 1.9 which you kinda expect and number six we have the vlanian vulture with an average rank of 4 out of 8. the Bulger is another unit that we expected to be much improved in part 1.9 thanks to the AI fixes and the fact that they are now in the middle of the park instead of being one of the worst is proof they did something the melee rank of the voucher is foreign against low tiers from 14.2 to 7.11 a decrease of 50 percent the change that KD against it is from 0.9 to 2.03 an improvement of 125 percent while their key against low tiers decrease from 15.3 to 14.3 a marginal 6 percent decrease and their key against it changed from 73 to 44 and decrease of 40 when talking about Cavalry this is where the voltures rank pretty well with a score of three and a half out of eight the ranked 16 key other Society here super 17.84 and Casualty chance and the rank 15 Kia versus low tiers with an 18.84 percent casualty chance in terms of KD the ranked Fifth versus high tiers with a score of 8.67 but they ranked only 7th versus low tier super score of 24.93 the bolger's got Max better in melee and the only star that got worse is the KD against low tiers which I advise to keep an eye on going forward as we are going to see a common Trend across the units on number 5 we have the azerai palace guard with an average rank of 3.42 out of 8. the rank was two against infantry and 4.84 against Cavalry this unit is a strange one to evaluate amazing at dealing with infantry but quite bad at dealing with Cavalry but let's talk about it stats starting from the melee where the palace card wars and their KD against low tiers from 115.44 to 19.86 a massive decrease of 83 percent and the change from 1.22 to 2.29 against itiers an improvement of 104 their Kia against low tiers change from 4.12 to 6.5 percent an increase of 58.5 percent weather Key against eight years came from 71 to 41 a decrease of 44 percent the police guard another score against Cavalry of just 4.84 and their KD against low tiers was 27.18 6.11 their key against low tears was third Wars at 22.7 percent while their key against tight years was seventh at 19.1 percent the palace guard is a very polarizing unit great when it comes to dealing with 40 units but don't ask them to take care of many horses and number four we have the Imperial eliteman of Laton with an average rank of 2.17 out of 8. the elite man of little milie rank was 3.17 whether Antica rank was 1.17 like most of the units with wingable pole arms they seem to prefer fighting Riders other than other infantry but the manipulator looks to be the most complete unit out of this type in comparison to 1.8 thermili KD against low tiers change from 99.36 to 18.03 a decrease of 82 percent was their KD against eight years changed from 0.84 to 2.21 an improvement of 163 percent in terms of Kia the managerton go Wars against low tiers changing from 5.5 percent to 7.4 percent a 35 increase in casualties while their key against it years changed from 68.5 percent to 45 percent a decrease of 34 percent when in terms of anti-covelry the monopolitan KD as low tears for stirred Bass with 90.8 and their KD against ideas was also turned best with 10.1 in terms of Kia they scored third best yet again with 16.2 percent against low tiers and 12 against the ideas overall the manipulator seems to be a very solid unit that brings a good weapon solid armor and fighting versatility but lacks throwables and they are also a great example as a teaching for anyone out there interested in testing units if you were to only look at the performance against ideas you don't get the old picture testing against the lower tiers is as important if not more important to understand the unit's performance and number three we have the last of the real shock troopers and it's the heroic line breaker with an average rank of 1.55 out of 8. the line Breakers melee rank was 1.17 while durantica rank was 1.92 the best Shock Trooper of 1.8 is still there and this time he can claim to even be good enough against Cavalry to maintain the first position but their performance is now all violets and roses their fate is very much aligned with the trend of the other units in fact we can immediately see a big shift when it comes to the KD against low tiers the change from 124.5 to just 60 60 the change from 124.5 to just 67.1 a decrease of 46 percent and like the other units their KD against High tiers improved from 1.6 to 2.5 an increase of 57 percent their key against low tiers wasn't impacted as much as the KD and change slightly from 4.68 percent to 4.87 percent a marginal increase of four percent but their key against the ideas decreased from 53.8 percent to 37.3 percent a change of 30 percent when it comes to anti-com Stats the line breaker KD against low tiers was fourth with 63. when their KD against eight years was also fourth at 9.6 in both Kia starts the line Breakers rank port with a Kia against low tiers of 16.6 percent and against tight years of 14.8 percent this unit doesn't just bring a good performance but they also have the is2 and the skill out of the standard shock troopers at 150. carry a few throwing axes in case you ever need them can kill multiple units with one blow thanks with when the Dax and they tend to pop Shields like it's a fire or Festival when sieging what is not to lie they also have the second is dead armor in the game and then above average armor where it matters so are you ready to know which one of the two overpower boys is the best in these situations and number two we have the feeling Champion with an average score of 1.21 out of 8. the fiance melee rank was 1.33 and their anti-cavalier rank was 1.09 the Venus mini KD against low tiers came from 180.3 to 21.75 a decrease of 88 when their KD against the ideas came from 3.4 to 3.43 a marginal increase of one percent their key against low tiers increase from 1.32 to 6.33 percent a change of 380 percent whether Kia against High tiers decreased from 45 to 33.2 percent a change of 26.5 percent when it comes to anti-cav the fans rank first in both KD stats with 132 against low tiers and 20.7 against High tiers when it came to Q Defiance ranked first against low tiers with just 0.96 percent burning second against the ideas with 11.7 percent even an insane unit like the PM Champion has felt the 1.9 changes especially the ones involving the performance against low tiers and although this might make some people rage because they lose a fiance to a tier 2 unit about four times more often than before these guys are still better than any real Shock Trooper just keep that in mind but if they are just second this means that the last and only number one must be the Khan's gun congratulations yeah balance congratulations you are the worst best troop this game has to offer mm-hmm not design wise personal feelings apart the Khan's average rank is 1.05 almost perfect in a situation this unit has no business in ever being part of isn't that great anyway in terms of meaning the concept as well as in a decrease in their KD against low tiers from 148.5 to 90.1 a change of 39 percent while they have seen an improvement against ideas from 3.59 to 4.17 an increase of 16 percent their Kia as well followed the most common Trend with an increase of 26.6 percent against low tiers and a decrease of 23.6 percent against High tiers against Cavalry the counts at the second best KD with 96.5 against low tiers and 16.5 against the ideas while in terms of Kia they claimed the first spot against High tiers with 8.56 percent but ranked second against low tiers with 5.6 percent as always this troop is out of any chart imaginable thanks to a mixture between good armor good weapon good weapon skill and likely the best AI in the game so in the end we'll change for shock troops from box 1.8 to 1.9 and 1.0 well let's address the elephant in the room the AI the AI regarding longer types of weapons was indeed fixed this can be seen in the troops like the voucher and the veteran foxman that didn't follow the same trend of other shock troopers and improve the most stats in comparison to 1.8 in regard to Performance it looks like the combat communities regarding formations impacted the unit's quite heavily it made shock troopers way better than they were before dealing with high tiers improving their KD score by 145 percent on average with the only unit recording a decrease in performance being the tier 4 foxman that lost 41 percent of its 1.8 KD against its the Improvement against itiers can also be seen in the Kian stats that were on average 26.6 percent less than on 1.8 with once again the only unit not following the trend being the tier 4 foxman they increased its key against it years by roughly 17 percent and if at first it looks like they improved let me bring up the Improvement graphs against low tiers well in this case it's more like worsening graphs in terms of KD the units lost on average 46 percent of their performance with the only unit improving in this scenario being the tier 5 veteran foxman in terms of Kia the average increase in casualties was roughly 59 with the fianc champion inflating the number by recording an increase of 380 percent the only two units that have recorded a decrease in casualties were the vulture with a marginal 6.6 percent and the electron foxman with a significant 50.4 percent if we have to follow the low of most enemies will bring more low tiers than I tiers then the shock trooper seems to have lost performance and noise bone amount but we also have to not discount on the fact that the changes in the combat mechanics of 1.9 especially regarding formations and commands my player earlier if I have to give out my opinion on them I would say they overall goal worse than they used to be but until I can get around to tension that infantry I don't want to make that statement final anyway this update on the State of Shock troops is finally over I hope you found the video informative and if you want to access the data and more of this very video you can find the link in the description thank you all for watching share this video on some social medias if you want to add the channel out and next time we'll meet I will bring the update regarding the state of archers and or Searchers we are going to talk about Kill by Arrow melee performance and Under Pressure performance and don't forget to have a look at the best melee Cavalry in this video right here
Channel: LyonExodus
Views: 28,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bannerlord, guide, units, bannerlord, mount and blades 2 bannerlord, bannerlord 2, mount and blade bannerlord, mount and blade, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blades bannerlord, troops performance, troops analysis, troops review, troops strenght, khan's guard, khan guard, bannerlord best units, patch 1.9., patch 1.0., 1.0., 1.9., Elite menavliaton, bannerlord best infantry, Fian champion, Linebreaker, pike brace, pikeman, strongest bannerlord infantry
Id: JdxDcO0bKpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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