How NERFED was the Legionary? Bannerlord Infantry Troop Units Guide

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the legionary is the main infantry option of the three different empires of calradia if you played the game for at least a year you will probably know there was close to no competition for these guys as the ranked number one in all melee testings regarding main infantry troops but with the release of 1.8 with armor being slightly buffed and the blood damage being slightly nerfed the question is the legionary still the best becomes a legitimate one so let's dive deep and analyze this unit the region of this role is one of the simplest among infantry with the lack of a throwable weapon and a short spear this unit main focus is to clash with other infantry handling Cavalry when needed and tanking incoming bodies starting from the add armor the legionary brings an average value of 47 brought by a lowered helmet with method strips this will rank the legionary fifth among infantry and 17th overall when it comes to the body armor the legionary brings an average value of 55 brought by the cutoff this will ranked the literary 6th among infantry and 12th overall when it comes to the Atlas body the luxury will make the top 10 of the most armored troops in the game with a value of 102. despite breaking into the top 10 this set is sparked on the best across main infantry where the legionary only ran fifth but they will gain three positions to second place when considering all armor types when talking about the equipment it's hard to not talk about the main weapons one of which was the single reason the legionary has been so dominant for so long the weapon being the smallest destruction in a stick known to men more commonly known as Cal radic maze with an insane 101 swing speed a low damage of 56 spell of the blunt variety and the minuscule length of 47 that won't get stuck on any friendly Shield just a glance at these numbers at the known expert time I think this weapon is pure crap but in reality this is the closest thing possible toward the perfect weapon for an AI troop with 131 and the skill looks like the swing speed alone makes the legendary a very tough opponent to bring down and on top of that the blunt damage delivered by the weapon allows the legionary to take care of armored units with ease while at the same time not killing them allowing you to pick up all the prisoners you will need to feed your army without the doctor of perk unfortunately when something looks too good to be true it usually is and 33 of your legionaries won't use the caloradic maze instead using a far worse option called the fine steel paramerian this weapon is a sword and generally that's all you need to know to understand why it's bad but to be more analytic these weapons ring speed of just 84 isn't enough to make the eye damage of 72 worth it the length will also play a role as it is very long for a one and weapon now we've seen some bad weapons perform very well making the case of the azerite veterans but that's because the veterans had five more red armor and 7 more body armor than the legionary and also they add 30 more 100 skill the legendary quite simply doesn't have as much of an hyper armor bonus as the veterans and this will become apparent later when talking about the stopping power of this unit the legionary will bring two different shells the first one is the fortify Kai and insanely tanky 530 HP with a great length of 110. the other one is a far worse thunderbound type Shield that brings only 270 HP Buzz yet again a good length of 110. despite the second Shield telling us guardios and Company were running out of funds for their military they are both very good option for protecting the unit from projectiles last piece of equipment we have talked about is the very controversial pillow I'm sure you have seen someone at one point complaining about the fact that this weapon can be thrown by the AI despite clearly adding a throwable icon and now this makes the trooper worse and blah blah blah but I'm here to tell you that it is in fact a blessing in disguise I will always prefer having the other versatility of a throwing weapon but in the case of a throwing spear they simply don't do enough one throne and I would quite frankly tell my troops to all fire so they could keep it in the case of the pilum this is possibly the best pier in the game since they're short but not too short length of 114 allows the unit to be capable of Landing its on the enemy even in a 1v1 situation I think pretty much any other spear will fail to do and when it comes to the anti-cav upside this pier fits all the marks of an effective spear in binary standards it's short and extremely fast before of this said it should be no surprise that legally was one of the three units capable of defeating an equal amount of guns now if they can handle the most powerful troop in the game you can figure out what they could do to other Riders now that we are done with equipment let's talk about the juicy tests and stats overall the legionary ranked second among infantry with the total KD of 6.12 and the KD of 119.87 against low tiers they ended up losing 445 units out of 3500 or roughly 2 five and a half percent and ended up with a casualty chance against low tiers of 1.68 also the end of the careers of 2722 custom battle soldiers as we can see from the starts the legionary is far from the best of dealing with lower tiers ranking 15 kills and 14 bets but what this unit really excels at way more than any other unit is the performance against tier 5 where they ranked first in class but the same can be said against tier 4 but they only rank fourth anyway let's go ahead and list the pros and cons the armor of the legionary is quite solid with not really any weaknesses but also not strength either they do bring some good shells even if one of them is low on XP it still protects the unit very well the caloradic maze is great even after the Nerf but the paramarion is now even worse they are now a very versatile unit as the pilum can be thrown but even if it did I still wouldn't consider them to be versatile they are great at dealing with cavalry thanks to the pillow their melee performance is average at best but they are very reliable they Excel against tier 5. so if you play with some modes they increase the quality of enemies armies it should be taken into consideration and they take prisoners thanks to the karatek maces so if your strategy is recruiting from your prison as you keep conquering they are great for that I'll give this unit a 4 out of 5. box 1.8 heavily impacted their performance on the field especially when fighting lower tiers but they are still one if not the most reliable main inventory option as far as mili is concerned since there is no matchup they can lose although I wouldn't consider it as important as other troops who can very easily take care of any troop from Tier 1 to tier 4. they are one of the few troops that can find Value from their Spears and that's quite special for Banner Lord but their playstyle is very much limited and smashing mouths is their only option it's quite sad to see the Kings falling from their Thrones and joining the mid tiers of troops but they had a long run we all enjoyed anyway let me know what you guys think and what troop you want me to cover next and a special thanks to all of the 1000 people who allow the channel to enter the YouTube Partner program from today I'm looking forward to bring to you guys way more videos dedicated to burn alert on a more consistent basis in the following weeks I do all you all and apology as things have been very slow lately if you want to watch more videos like this make sure to check the playlist on your right or on your left is the video YouTube things you're going to enjoy next anyway goodbye and that a good one [Music]
Channel: LyonExodus
Views: 33,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bannerlord, guide, units, bannerlord, mount and blades 2 bannerlord, bannerlord 2, mount and blade bannerlord, mount and blade, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2, bannerlord 1.8, mount and blades bannerlord, Empire, legionary, infantry
Id: qXu2dMdk2z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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