ULTIMATE Switch Jailbreak Guide - All You Need To Know [2022] #Switch

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hello everyone my name is you and welcome to weather gaming in this phenomenal super duper giga mega overhyped crazy overflowing cool nice video i'm going to guide you through all the knowledge you need for installing a custom firmware on your switch until now my videos were made super short and gave you in no time so many informations i will try now to have also some longer widths but with everything bundled plus more detailed wisdom in it it really took time to create this video but now since i'm done i know that every second was worth it alright guys i just start with it by showing you the topics with the table of content some of my videos were deleted secreted mistreated so i need this cover for having it shielded call it preheated first at the beginning i will show you why you should jailbreak your switch what you can do with it and why it's a must in my opinion second then i will talk about if it's safe and what's the worst case plus i'll add a cool pro and contra diagram third then i'll explain what a patched unpatched switch is and how you can verify it if your switch is a patched or unpatched one and what your possibilities are with the patched switch also i'll show you here what you need for home bring your switch fourth i will explain the difference of atmosphere and hackity and what you can do with it fifth then we start to install everything in this order hecate then eminent and then atmosphere also i'll explain what an eminent is sixth i will show you what tinfoil is and also talk about the sick patches which are needed for starting up games and apps and we will installing a free shop seventh the different install files like nro slash nsp and how they work eighth what is the homebrew app store ninth top homebrew apps which you definitely need after jailbreaking and last but not least 10th our discord server which will be a massive help for you and your jailbroken switch alright guys let's start first why should you jailbreak your switch alright first of all what you actually doing with jailbreaking is to get access to the full console you can compare it with iphone and android on android you have definitely more options of doing stuff like installing third-party programs and with apple it's the opposite side so once you jailbroke your switch you have fully control of your console you can install third-party apps from developer install games for free you can cheat inside your games overclock your console so that it's 40 faster set themes for every menu install android and linux on it listen to music while playing watch movies and and and the list just don't stop since there are plenty developer on creating new stuff second is it safe to jailbreak so you can get banned from nintendo if you jailbreak it now we have some sort of protection with an amunet or the incognito settings inside tinfoil or change your dns settings now if you don't have any idea what this is those are the most protect methods on the scene so far i'll explain later what an emunant is for the incognito mode it is like this most of the people use it because it's very easy to install the most easiest but it attacks your prod info file inside your switch which is very important for the health of your console so i don't recommend this really also you have like a 50 chance of not getting banned but there is a way how you can change your dns settings manually i'll show you that quickly after i talked about the patch slash unpatched switch because we want to have that first before we jailbreak also jailbreaking a switch doesn't mean that it's constantly forever jailbroken once you shut it down you need to boot it up with the pc or rcm loader i will explain it to you a little bit better later third what is a patched and what an unpatched switch for that let me talk a little about the story of the switch piracy scene it really is interesting so make sure to not skip this the switch was being released on the 3rd of march 2017 which is almost 5 years ago team executor was a team which found only month after they release an internal exploit which means a way to jailbreak the switch but through the hardware so nintendo heard about this and they realized that the jailbreak can't be only patched with a software update they needed to change the graphic chip card so nintendo really decided to change the switch build up because of this team and this is so funny right so the switch which had the lack of protection at the beginning are the unpatched switches so the jailbreakable switches are the unpatched one afterwards nintendo patched them with a build up change inside the console so every switch after that is a patched switch patched by nintendo of course short after they patched the console they brought a new switch online which was a switch with a longer lifetime the v2 so many people think every v1 can get jailbroken but that's not true the v2 version was just produced after nintendo realized that the switch had a lag so not only every v2 is a patched switch but some of the wii one two for comparing if your switch is a patch or unpatched one there are plenty websites with which you can compare the serial number of your console to see if it's patched or unpatched from comparing click on the link in the description is my switchpatch.com and compare it with the console serial number which you'll find here on your console so let me tell you facts every serial number which starts with xkwxjwxtw is patched also all v2 switches switch lights and oled switches are patched so you can jailbreak them that easy there is a way to still jailbreak patched switches let me continue with the story of the piracy scene so that you can understand after nintendo brought up the patch switch in july 2018 team executor teared down the console and built mode chips which they explained how to install and sold those online now here comes the thing two of the team leaders got arrested 20th of august 2020 because they made profit out of copyright claim everything they've done till then were super good and legal but to create more chips for jailbreaking the switch was one step too far for nintendo understandable the more chips were gone and it was a hard punch for the piracy scene of the switch so yeah with those mode chips which they took out from the website you could have easily jailbreak your switch now very cool is that many saw their big chances of selling those chips with a cloned mode chip the most knowable is the hw flymo chip which is still online but you can't find them very easy on the discord server we got the information you need for that but i can put the links here in the description because of reasons the biggest negative thing about them is that they cost like 150 bucks a video on how to install such a chip will come soon i tried it a week ago went to africa a week ago going fed like a noob but it was because i did something really really wrong and and now i learned from it so stay tuned for that video and make sure to subscribe to see once it's here now that you know if you can jailbreak your switch or not let's jump to the requirements which you need for installing in custom firmware on your console first you'll need a usb to usb c cable for connecting your switch with your pc then you need a micro sd to usb adapter for connecting your micro sd card with your pc for that it's clear that you need a micro sd i recommend to have at least 128 gigabytes but 256 or up are the best since they deliver data data much faster last but not least you will need to have an rcm jig if you haven't won yet you can find a link inside the description in which you can buy it for five bucks fourth now before we start to install anything make sure to understand the difference between atmosphere and hackidy atmosphere is the custom firmware which allows you to access to your whole console so once that's installed your switch is jailbroken hackity is more like a tool for atmosphere it's a boot menu of your switch so inside hackity you can do a lot of things like booting inside android change some very cool settings like the autorasia mode and and and but i will talk a little more about it later finally we can begin with the actual jailbreak so before we start we want to change the dns settings inside your console so first start your switch and go to the settings of your console then go to the internet then internet settings click on your wifi connection and then change settings click on dns settings and change it to manual now you need to write to dns number compare your location with the picture which is popping up inside a video and write the number exactly same as on the picture on your primary and secondary dns setting after you saved check if it works with trying to open any nintendo service application like the eshop if it can't connect you block their services which is great so the dns settings are for blocking the servers of nintendo so that they can't access your console but you also can't get access to their service like playing online if you want to get rid of that just change the settings back to all the zeros you saw before but for now hold it since we don't want to connect with nintendo while jailbreaking the very next thing is to format your sd card which will delete everything inside of it but don't forget all game save files are inside the storage of the switch so they won't get deleted for formatting go to your settings all the way down to system then again all the way down to format and then format your sd card your switch will restart after that and then power off your console and go to your computer download atmosphere from here now if you watch this in a future where the files are updated just make every time sure that you use the newest version of it so really right now atmosphere 1.25 is the newest version but if there is a 1.26 or a maybe 1.3 version or higher then download it and use it instead of the one i use in this video and you're good to go with this guy just make sure to do this with every file which you download in this video so download atmosphere plus the fusee point bin file which you can find here on this side then download hackady here make sure to download the hackity zip file also if you search the links you'll find them inside the description next download tigra rcm which we need for boot all the different boot loaders inside your switch with the computer so now power off your console and connect your micro sd with your pc then drag and drop all files inside the atmosphere zip to the root of your lsd the same with the hacker dv zip [Music] now you also got a hackity point bin file inside the zip which you want to have on your desktop next to the fusee point bin now copy those two files and drag and drop them to the payload folder which is inside your microsd boot loader folder for more details go to microsd then bootloader then payloads and copy paste both files inside here once that's done connect your switch with your pc it will probably start on just power it off again then put the sd card back into your switch and open tigra rcm on your computer now on the top bar of the program you'll find a settings tab to which you want to go then click on install driver for installing it now if you go back you see there no rcm icon so for putting our switch into the rcr mode we need to have it powered off take the right jig out and put the rcm jig in make sure to have the two pins on the bot side after it's on the edge of the bottom click the power button plus the volume up button once at the same time if the no rcm i can change to rcm okay congrats your switch is in rcm if not your switch will probably start on just power it off and try again until it works also if your switch is inside the rcm but your program don't show it as rcm okay try another usb cable or change the usb port on your computer put your sd then back into your switch once that's done you need to click on the little folder icon on tigra rcm then search and find hecate point bin on your desktop click on that and then bootloader now should hackady start on your console your console is actually jailbroken and you could open up atmosphere but we want to do it right and install an ammonent eminence stands for emulated nand so to understand what emulated means if someone emulates someone else he's doing exactly the same as the other so it basically means imitate or like a mirror it does the exact same thing like something else what does nan stand for nand means nothing else than storage or if it's easier to hard drive the emulating nand or the storage which is imitating is a copy of the system which is installed on the switch the system or program which is installed on the switch is called sysnand for installing the ammonet click on mo mmc inside hackety as you can see is the mommc disabled right now so click on create mommc then on sd partition click on continue and then ok here you want to give the imu mmc 29 gigabytes so do as i show you here then click on next step and start wait 10 seconds once that's done click on close then again on create demo mmc again on sd partition and then click on part 1 and wait about 20 minutes go and grab yourself a coffee and relax with some cool music while it's loading once it's finished close the tab and go back to the hecate menu as you can see is mmc enabled so go back to the menu click on launch now it's not done yet because we need to configure the text file of the hackity point ini file for that go back to the hackity menu then click on tools then usb tool and then sd card your sd should pop up on your computer with some random errors so just click them away then open the bootloader folder and open the hackity point any file inside it now in the description you'll find this config i wrote just copy paste it underneath the text which is here it doesn't matter how many space are between just have it inside then save it close it eject your card go to your console and open up the launch menu again voila here you can choose if you want to open the sysnand or the immune end so since we don't want to have our console bricked we click on immune if your immune get bricked you can simply format your sd card and start over without any ban on it a now is your switch fully running on an emunant installed atmosphere which is great alright next is tinfoil so tinfoil is application which is for installing game files such as an sps so this is the very next thing you want to do after jailbreaking download for that tinfoil on this side make sure to download the auto installer then download the zig patches which are in a zip file named with fusee with tinfoil you can install games but without the sick patches none of your homebrew applications will work so you need to have those too as long as you have in mind to play some games of course after you got your files connect to microsd with your pc and drag and drop all the files inside the tinfoil zip into the root of your sd card the same thing with the thick patches once that's done put your switch again as you saw earlier because we need to do that from now on every time once we shut it down the switch always make sure to open atmosphere through e-moon end inside of hackady so that your switch won't get bricked don't forget to put your sd back inside the console otherwise you'll get an error so once your switch started open up the all bomb and as you can see this is called the homebrew menu or short hb menu once you're here click on tinfoil installer and wait until it is installed now my friends here in tenfold you can do lots of shi but what we are gonna do first is to install the free shop uh freeshop is like an online gameshop like the eshop from nintendo only that it's for free so for that come here into this menu and click minus then on the top click a and scroll until you find https then go to the host click on it and type in stealth shop point cf then save the whole thing with clicking on x now a new tab has opened named as new games once you open that you can simply scroll through or search for your game which you want to download and install all right guys now let's go to nsp nro so nsp files are games or apps which will be shown on the home menu those you need to install after having the data on the sd nro otherwise is directly installed but you'll find them inside the home brew menu and not inside a home menu so for showing you how it works let's download the homebrew app store because this will be our next topic so go to this site and download the newest homebrew app store then take it to the desktop as you can see i already got an nsp this is because i can't show you from where i got this on youtube neither the links so if you have trouble finding some rom sites join the discord because there we got lots of stuff all right let's go further after you have your files put the nro file inside the switch folder of your sd card inside there you will probably find more nro files because every nro needs to be here for installing it then for msp it's a lot easier you can put them wherever you want to best is if you create a folder with all nsp inside after creating the folder put the nsp file inside it then again start your console with akd then emunand for starting atmosphere then once you opened your album you'll find your homebrew app store which is pretty cool all right but before we open it let's open tinfoil for installing the nsp once you're here click on this for opening the root of your sd and go to your nsp files then click on them to install it now after installing you can go to the home menu and have fun with your game as you can see it works like a charm before we go further i wanted to tell you that if you ever have problems with opening apps inside the homebrew menu go to any sort of game it really doesn't matter on your switch and then click and hold r then start the game while holding it till the menu opens up now you're in some sort of administration mode which means you got all rights for doing everything and you should get rid of 90 of the problems which you will probably have in the future so yeah alright guys the homebrew app store has so many freaking cool apps you have emulator formatter movie player music player and and then you can scroll here through and read for what the app is and how it works after installing it so yeah definitely need this on your modded switch now let's go to the top apps you need on your console number five is tesla the tesla is a custom overlay for nintendo switch system modules for example homebrews can view information directly as a quick manual like holding home button but you use the button combination al d-pad down and r3 so you can use different overlays of different apps it is very cool since you always needed to go out of the game then do the album and actually start on an app if you want to use it on a game with tesla you can simply do it in game with only one button combination good apps with which i have good experience using in the tesla overlay menu are edison emu amiibo and system number three annex themes installer so the unix theme installer is as the name explains a theme installer so you can easily scroll through different themes and you only need to restart your console and voila they're installed themes are very cool backgrounds and sometimes added music inside your nintendo switch operating system menus i'll show you now some examples how they could look number two ppsspp with this cool emulator you can play psp games on your nintendo switch unlike the psp emulator adrenaline which you installed on the playstation vita it's certainly not a full emulator so you don't have the operating system installed you can only play the games which you downloaded on rom sites it's a very cool thing to use alright my friends why should you join our discord because we got so many helpful things inside which we aren't allowed to publish on youtube you find there tips tricks links and there's always someone who helps you with your problems the moderator team is so crazy magnificent it's actually unbelievable trust me they will help to solve your problems in no time since there's always somebody online 24 7. also the free shop which we installed earlier remember isn't the only one there are plenty of them and they're going down very often so one of our community just made a discord board bot with which you can check which free shops are online and which are offline again thanks for that buddy uh also if you wish a video just write it inside the wish a video channel and i try my best to fulfill your wishes yes just try it out and you'll see the magic alright guys there's a ton of hard work inside of it and man i'm so thankful to have it done now do you think we can handle 10k subs before a new year please let the like here and subscribe if you like this video i also start from now on to expand a little bit inside the playstation 4 jailbreak scene so be prepared for everything thanks for watching the whole video you are one of the g's now my brother don't forget to smile my name is you i hope i'll see you in the next time [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: Better Gaming
Views: 109,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ultimate Switch jailbreak guide, switch jailbreak, nintendo switch jailbreak, switch mod, modding a nintendo switch, how to jailbreak a switch, jailbreak switch tutorial, guide how to hack switch, hack switch tutorial, better gaming, yu, switch jailbreak v2, can i jailbreak my switch, how to jailbreak a nintendo switch, how to jailbreak a nintendo switch lite, jailreak nintendo switch best, best switch mod tutorial, the best switch jailbreak, nintendo switch, piracy king
Id: rPkredwLOZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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