Ultimate Spider Man - Full Story From Comicstrorian

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Ultimate Spider-Man is probably one of the greatest Spider-Man storylines ever told this came out in a universe known as The Ultimate Universe and it told a complete story for Spider-Man from life to death and I wanted to let you guys have that story so you can enjoy it at your leisure So today we're going to bring you the full story of Ultimate Spider-Man the Ultimate Universe many things are familiar here while many things are also very contrasting while there are many things that people liked about this world in the end it was destroyed in the secret Wars and some of the best parts were then merged with the original Marvel Universe but that is at the end of the story and I'm jumping ahead of myself because I'm here to tell you the Magnificent tale of Spider-Man and we need to go back to the beginning in a lab you see in this universe the tale is a bit different at the start Osborne Industries the company that belonged to Norman Osborne was conducting experiments which led to experimenting on a spider which was accidentally let free from its container and this brings us to our young 15 year old Peter Parker a bookworm with his mind on other things like his studies and girls such as Mary Jane but while his life as a punching bag always took a toll on him there was someone who gave him hope that helped him through it his Uncle Ben you see his parents both died when he was young and they left him in the care of his Aunt May and Uncle Ben and then well he looked after the boy like any father would Peter was also close friends with the wealthiest kid at school Harry Osborne son of Norman Osborne so that night after dinner Harry came by the Parker PAD as he called to learn about biology and that's when Peter explained that his parents were supposedly killed in a plane crash and that on the board in front of both of the boys was a formula that his father came up with before he died the next day the whole school went on a field trip to Osborne Industries where the Fateful act happened the weird spider from the start of our tale crawled out and bit Peter Parker on the hand and with that he hit the ground right away starting to feel weird now this part of the story remains much of the same a young boy begins to slowly discover that he has powers everything from strength Speed and Agility and while this is going on Norman Osborne had Peter followed he knew of the spider that bit Peter and he wanted to know what was happening was the boy going to live or was he going to die as things progressed both Peter and Osborne began to see the growth of his abilities but the problem is that with the growth of Peter's abilities also grew his ego and eventually he grew cocky you see as one of the kids picked on him he retaliated and he actually injured one of those kids the parents demanded that Uncle Ben and Aunt May pay the 2500 hospital bill for their child which drove Peter further into his own head he had these abilities now why shouldn't he use them and why can't he make money from them he decided to enroll in wrestling matches to win a little money but of course he had to wear a mask as they wouldn't let a 15 year old kid enroll in these things the story of Peter Parker kept progressing as he excelled at Sports and continued to win these matches until eventually he made an actual Spider-Man suit but back at Osborne Industries Norman decided that if this kid can gain powers from his formula why couldn't he so he has an individual known as Dr Octavius run various tests on Peter's blood and they figured out the perfect formula that made Peter into a super-powered individual except when they tried to test it on Norman Osborne Dr Octavius changed something in the formula something that he wanted to do something that he wanted to alter and it went wrong and the entire lab was destroyed and Norman Osborne went missing back with Peter he continued to win it each and every match as Spider-Man and as it was all working out Peter was walking home one night when a thug ran up on him after robbing a deli that was it the moment that Peter could alter his entire history this universe could go a completely different path so what did the Peter Parker of the Ultimate Universe do he let the robber go it's not his problem he told the Delhi owner after that Uncle Ben and Aunt May confronted him at the door to ask about his grades and asked why he was slipping an argument ensued and Peter ran off into the night he ended up at a party with girls coming on to him and Mary Jane upset that she saw it she did have feelings for Peter though she didn't really know how to tell him and seeing him with that other girl well she left the party Peter chased after her but as he got to the door Uncle Ben was standing there because his 15 year old nephew was now at a party and he was there to bring him home he took him outside to ask him why he was doing this he's such a smart kid why waste away his potential on things like these parties he told Peter various things about his father things such as responsibility and what this means he told Peter that his father believed that he was destined for great things and with all of the great things that he was destined for great responsibility would come but that angered Peter more as he wanted to know if his father knew so much why did he leave and he ran off into the night a confused kid and by the time he got home it was too late you see Uncle Ben and Aunt May they were playing cards when they heard a noise in the back of the house Ben decided that he would go see what it was and when he got there he found a man with a gun pointed at him the robber demanded money and Ben laughed telling him that the robber had more money than any of them that was it a gunshot and Uncle Ben was gone but Peter wasn't about to lie around while the police failed to find the murderer and he ran out of the house changing into his costume many of you know where this story goes next but Peter tracked the murderer down into a warehouse and the police cornered him he crawled in and after pinning the man down he realized that it was the the same man the one that he failed to stop after the deli robbery if he had stood up and done the right thing at that moment this never would have happened so he strung the robber up refusing to kill him Peter thought back to the full conversation that Uncle Ben had with him about his father and he remembered the words exactly great things are going to happen in your life Peter great things and with that we'll come great responsibility he looks at his mask with tears in his eyes telling himself I do now he went off to become the hero that he was meant to be saving kids from a burning building beating up robbers and Thugs and stopping the crime of the city and when he got home he saw Mary Jane she saw him and told him that Aunt May was staying at her house with her parents he tried to talk to her but he broke down crying and she held him while he cried it out but how was the rest of the city taking this turn of events while Jay Jonah Jameson wasn't exactly taking it lightly because he saw a guy running around in his underwear and assumed that he had to be a menace so he wants as much information as he can get on this Spider-Man while this is happening Spider-Man is off inventing some new technology to go with this whole Spider-Man image basically he created some web shooters using his father's formula for a molecular adhesive it's strong it's sticky and he can shoot it out of his wrist thanks to some web shooters the next day at school Harry finally returned to school after losing his father in a freak lab accident and as Peter is checking in on him his new Spider Sense begins to go off and following that there's a loud boom fire and smoke begin to spew out of the school as Peter runs through the hallways trying to figure out what's going on and it's Harry who seems to know as he's shouting help me he's here using that as his entrance Spider-Man arrives and he bolts into the building to see what exactly is happening with the sprinklers above raining on his head Spider-Man calls out to whoever did this and a very large man in a torn cloak stands in front of him as a hall monitor I'm going to have to ask you for your hall pass and the Man's eyes glow he begins to hurl Fireballs as Spider-Man he bounces off of the walls alerting our villain to the fact that this is a fire hazard and he throws the mysterious villain into the lockers the villain gets up and begins to swing continuing his silence as Spider-Man continues his jokes until eventually the villains slams Spider-Man into a wall launching him out of the school he continues to squeeze Spider-Man keeping him from breathing and then he lands in a park and he jumps again as they're leaping through the air his cloak begins to come off and Spider-Man sees a Big Green Goblin face which growls the word Parker Spider-Man looks at him who are you and instead of responding he throws Spider-Man down into the streets below he begins to panic how could I survive this is this the end already until it Dawns on him his webbing he thrips it towards one building and then another building begging for this to work and then like a giant trampoline it propels him back into the sky he cheers out excited that it actually worked and then he thinks to himself I wonder if my other idea will work and he thrips onto a nearby building swinging into action and Landing square into the Goblin's back as he gets a couple of shots in the goblin reaches up grabbing his head and he throws him back into the ground he throws out two more thrips but the goblin Dodges and it attaches to the nearby helicopter while they both stand there staring at each other another problem has presented itself as the goblin now sees the looky-loos who have joined the fight and he begins to Sprint off towards them Spider-Man tries to attach his webbing to the goblin but he has too much sheer strength and he pulls Spider-Man right off of the wall he then throws his cloak into the air with Spider-Man still attached and he leaves up to the level of the helicopters his hands begin to burn brightly as he prepares to throw more Fireballs at them and as Spider-Man gets between the goblin and the helicopters he shouts stand down I won't let you hurt these people but that's the moment of the officers in the helicopter take their shots peppering the goblet's chest with bullets Spider-Man calls out to them to stop shooting as the goblin holds his chest all bloodied and he looks at Spider-Man Parker he shouts as he leaves at him but Spider-Man jumps over his head dodging him allowing the goblin to fall into the bay where he falls deeper and deeper into the water he turns to the police telling them that they have to save the guy if they can but instead the police opened fire on Spider-Man he Dodges and he rolls out of the way getting out of sight before changing back into Peter and going school he stumbles out of the school claiming that he was under a chalkboard and Mary Jane rushes over giving him a huge hug Harry decides to tell everyone who that was at that very moment and he informs the group that it was his father Norman Osborne did not die in the lab he changed into that thing and now he's after Harry to kill him as the police bring Harry in for questioning Peter can't help but wonder what's to come next Our Story begins as a man stands over a group of security guards telling them that he's pretty sure he didn't get paid enough to take another hit so they should probably just give him the money panicking one of the guards tells him just take the money take whatever you want and our mysterious man tells him no I want you to crawl and bring it to me and then a voice tells him you're so Peter swings by punching the man asking who are you supposed to be the vibrator the man lifts his arms up to try and shock Peter but as he does Peter thrips out his web onto the man's device and he ends up shocking him the security guards get up and Peter asks if they're okay they might want to call the but one of the guards Stomps him Assuming he's also a criminal just take the money confused Peter tells them what no just call the cops will you the next day at school Peter over here is some of the students talking about Spider-Man showing up in Brooklyn one of them mentions that the paper was offering money for pictures of Spider-Man which gives Peter an idea so after school he heads home and sets his camera up to begin taking photos and as he does he asks himself as he's really doing this he really needs money but this is a bit much the next day jay Jonah Jameson is shouting to everyone that he doesn't care what they want he wants pictures of Spider-Man and that's when he meets Peter Parker holding out a picture of Spider-Man everyone stops to look and Jonah takes the stack asking we're in good God's green earth did you get these Peter tells him I called in a little while ago about them I got them when Spider-Man came to my school Jonah looks at them and asks did you take these pictures and Peter tells him yeah so he starts sifting through all the photos telling him each one of these is crap crap crap from the bunch there is one that he pulls out Jonah eyeballs Peter up and down and he says old are you I'm 16 sort of and Jonah tells him fine I'll give him 50 for it but before Peter can ask anything Betty Brant begins to scream at her computer shouting that she would light this whole place on fire Jonah asks her what's wrong and Betty tells him that she's an associate book editor not a web designer and she can't get this thing to work it constantly freezes Peter looks down at the screen and tells them that he sees the problem and with a few clicks he clears out the script error Jonah begins signing over the payment of the pictures and asks Peter again how old are you you go to school or something you need a job after accepting the job Peter had some for the night and as he sleeps he begins to have the same nightmare that's been haunting him ever since Uncle Ben's death he wakes up screaming that he couldn't stop it he just couldn't stop it so the next day besides he's gonna go look up information on that robber and as he enters in the information two links pop up one with an image the image shows the man with other Thugs and through a link of all of the thugs Peter realizes that the man at the top of the list is Wilson Fisk the Kingpin after work Peter spies in the three thugs that he saw in the photo with Uncle Ben's killer as the men head into their Hideout Peter kicks them in inside telling everyone that he's here to sign up for the wet t-shirt contest Dan goes to Grandpa's gun but Peter thwips his webs out knocking the gun out of his hand the bigger man Ox steps up and Peter punches him with all he's gotten quickly realizes punching Ox may not have been the best idea he swings knocking Peter into Dan and then Montana cracks her whip wrapping it around Peter's neck she tells everyone that this is just a Fed trick they need to throw this kid out and Bolt the doors Ox tells him that he's just being paranoid but as Ox tries to swing again Peter jumps up onto the wall as he lands he pulls on Montana's Whip and he throws him into Ox he then webs up the two of them and throws Dan into the group Peter looks at them and tells them I know you guys work for the Kingpin I would like to know where he's at so they go ahead and spill the beans and they tell him that Kingpin is holding a fundraiser at his office on Friday a real MVP VIP sort of thing real legit Peter then realizes that they're kind of spilling the beans on a lot of information and asks why are you telling me all this the man says he works for Kingpin doesn't mean he has to like him seconds later the front door is kicked in by two FBI agents bursting and telling everyone to freeze the woman stops for a moment and then says it's him it's Spider-Man Peter tells him that it's really not what it looks like and the Agents tell him to put his hands in the air thinking quickly he tells them look at the time I've really got to get going and he jumps over the agents and swings away the next day Peter stops by the newsstand to read the headline Spider-Man mob Menace later the night as Peter heads over to the big VIP MVP thing that kingpin's doing he gets to the Tower and he watches as Kingpin gives his speech Peter tells himself that he's going to find a way to expose Kingpin all of the drugs thievery and murder all he does is write a check and suddenly he's a good guy ironic really people think that Kingpin is a good guy and Spider-Man is the bad guy as Peter climbs up through the window he begins to search through kingpin's office and then he suddenly notices a lens in the distance Gator tells him that he's starting to get a funny feeling when things start to feel like they're about to go wrong again almost like a Spider Sense kind of thing and suddenly Kingpin appears reaching out grabbing him he asks if there's anything that he can do for him and Peter spins around punching him realizing that he's got to stop punching giant guys Kingpin grabs a hold of his arm asking who sent him and through the pain of having his arm crushed Peter tells him ah Carson Daley he kicks himself away and Kingpin tells Electro to take care of this he needs to get back down to his guess Idol the grouperman behind Peter One Man's eyes began to glow and electricity because the spark around him Electro fires the bolt of electricity zapping away at Peter Kingpin tells a lecture that this is his office you know and after a few more blasts Alexa finally hits him he tells him that he's sorry about the room but this really isn't an exact science or anything and Kingpin tells him to just take off the mask one of the men pulls Peter's mask off to see that he's a kid he then tells the men to call for Mr Big his presence is required and Electro asks what are we gonna do about the kit toss them out the same way that he came in and also find this Carson daily person and destroy him as Peter's body is thrown out the window he slowly begins to wake up and tries to catch himself along the building but as he does he grabs onto a window by the ballroom and everyone watches as he slides down and falls off a little while later Peter heads home telling himself that he messed up bad he got electrocuted had his web shooters crushed and his mask ripped off and then thrown out a skyscraper maybe he shouldn't have gone down there the next day at kingpin's Tower Kingpin shows Mr Big Peter's mask telling him I had a visitor last night coming to the office he came into the office and started a fight almost ruining my dinner party Mr bigger laughs stating he sounds like that's rather Stewart the entire room goes silent and Mr Big says it's starting to sound like you have elevators yourself above all of us here are common thugs Mr Kingpin rumor has it that you can't even get your hands dirty anymore and Kingpin decides to respond to that finally Mr Big takes a stand and then he looks at ox and Montana telling them it's time to pick a side oximantana grab a hold of Mr Biggs arms telling him you have to understand Kingpin takes off Mr Bigg's hat and then slides Peter's mask onto him and begins to wrap his hands around his head kingpin's hands begin to come together and his grip begins to get tighter and Mr Big because a scream out in pain until finally he stops screaming the next morning Peter watches the news as reports of the body of Mr Big floating down the river wearing the mask of Peter are being aired he tells himself being d-mask isn't the worst thing to happen to a superhero this right here is the worst thing that can happen to a superhero the next day in class the teacher begins to review what type of man Richard Nixon was when he was president and why he had everything recorded the class begins to shout out answers and one of them says that he was paranoid to which the teacher tells him that that is correct the teacher goes on asking why would a paranoid man record all of the questionable dialogue and Peter remembers back to when he saw the security footage in kingpin's office and he says because he thought he was Untouchable after class Peter begins searching a line for security systems and finds the company name rather quickly so he has an idea and he emails the company stating that he's interested in getting security for his business and he would like information on some of the systems that they use for their larger businesses after heading home for that day he checks his computer to find a security company emailed him back and told him the exact model that all of the large companies use as well as a link to the technical Pages for how they work after watching everything that they've given him he realizes that they record everything on DVDs and he needs to get those DVDs because not only will they have a video of him being demassed but it also will allow him to find out what the Kingpin has been doing later that night Peter sets out and sneaks into kingpin's Tower and once he gets inside he sneaks up on the security guard who's monitoring the security system knocking him out meanwhile back upstairs Kingpin talks with a lecturer on his men regarding the fact that they need to find that Spider-Man kid downstairs Peter is fighting off the second security guard and the guard fires a few shots hitting the building's electrical panels suddenly the whole building loses power now with everyone knowing that someone is here Peter runs over to the security server and rips the door off of the hinges he Cycles through a few discs and takes the ones of the date of him being there and a few of the extra ones he then packs up and gets a funny feeling and a vault of electricity shoots by he barely Dodges the strike and then a whip lashes out wrapping around his neck as Peter looks back he sees a lecture on Electro tells him don't worry this will only hurt a lot Peter managed to break free from the Whip and begins fighting everyone and dodging their attacks Dan starts shooting but Peter asks him how many times do I have to tell you no guns and he webs up his hands again before jumping away Ox grabs a hold of Peter's legum against slamming on back and forth into the computers Peter lays in the ground Ox grabs him by the neck and tells him we should go on and bring you to the Kingpin but as everyone looks at petery shouts acting Tada and he kicks Montana an electro away Electro fires the ball but Peter Dodges out of the way of that one and the bolt ends up in Ox Montana in response to that cracks her whip as Elixir is apologizing and as the end of the whip is getting closer Peter grabs it and pulls it to bring Montana to him and then kicks him back down with oxen Montana down Electro begins firing away trying to hit Peter so he jumps down grabbing him by the wrist telling him I'm kind of curious as to how you got your powers are you immune I don't let your response with are you Peter tells him that he asks first so Electra tells him he's not a mutant but why would you care anyway Peter responds with I'm a huge science geek so I'm kind of sort of into this stuff I will say this after they take care of you we're gonna be going after your friends and your family they're all gonna be fried and Peter tells them if that's the case then you can't be mad about me doing this he kicks a water pipe and throws Electro into the pouring water the water electrocutes him and soon he begins to fall over looking down at everyone Peter hears Ox trying to wake up so he jumps down on him and tells him that if he wants to do the right thing marks that incredibly stupid butt over to the comp and confess what they did then he begins to run towards the exit thinking to himself he did it he really did it how cool is he but before he can open the door kingpin's voice tells him there is no way that you're going to leave here alive so who are you working for Peter stops and tells him I had something prepared for the next time we ever met so okay here it goes you're so fat though when you cut yourself shaving marshmallow fluff comes out Kingpin stares at him and Peter goes on you're so fat that your high school yearbook photo was taken from a helicopter Kingpin starts to grind his teeth Peter goes on to say another but Kingpin begins yelling in charges in after him Peter jumps telling him hold on I got one more and just as the Kingpin reaches him he Dodges the rest of his attacks for such an evil arrogant guy you think you can just walk all over everyone Kingpin begins to punch away again and as he does Peter webs his arms to the wall telling him that he really didn't come here for a fight so he shouts you're a dead man and then Peter webs his face as everything goes dark Kingpin rips himself from the wall and tears away at the webbing on his face to find nothing the next day at The Daily Bugle writer Ben Erich sits at his desk watching a video of the murder of Mr Big he then reads a note left to him that enclosed all sorts of goodies on Kingpin PS not for the squeamish elsewhere Kingpin begins to read the headline American Kingpin of crime caught on tape whereabouts unknown his lawyer tells him not to worry he'll get him out of this but really someone was murdered and it was caught on tape Kingpin looks at him and he walks away during all of this Peter Parker and Mary Jane have been having an interesting relationship he wants to go out with her she seems to like him but she's also seeing a bunch of other people it's kind of confusing but his typical High School drama but the next day after all those events happen after school Peter sits nervously with Mary Jane sitting on his bed and tells her so yeah there's something I wanted to tell you she stares at him telling him okay and he tells her really you can't tell anyone like ever and she tells him okay and Peter tells her you got a promise so she says she promises and after a few awkward moments of Silence he tells her I'm Spider-Man she looks at him and asks what did you say like the superhero Spider-Man he tells her yes and she bursts out laughing so much so that she falls off the bed she tells him to shut up he's being such a goofball right now and he says that he knew that he would have to do this and he begins jumping from wall to wall she watches and stares and Peter asks if she's going to be okay and then she begins to scream Peter tells her to be quiet on Maya's home so you got up but then May's voice shouts what's going on up there better not be any hanky-panky after finally controlling herself Mary Jane asks how did it happen and Peter explains that it happened when he went to Harry's dad's work and the spider bit him that's what she realizes that the spider almost bit her and she could have been Spider-Man too and then the next part of the conversation goes on to what is he gonna do because he's Spider-Man and can she see the costume over at the medical facility two doctors begin to review their newest patient they begin to try and decide whose turn it is to clean out Dr octopus's bedpan when the man slowly begins to wake up Otto Octavius asks why would you call me that my name is Otto and a metal arm begins to rise as he shouts asking why did you call me that meanwhile over at Midtown High Peter and the rest of his classmates head over to the school pep rally Kong mentions that he's starting to think that their new assignment of making a report on which superhero they would like to be seems pretty dumb and everyone tells him that maybe it's him who's dumb but Kong says that he's not so sure all of these superheroes and mutants popping up maybe it's a sign maybe they should be watching out Peter asks what do you mean by watch out comic says that he's not sure he just feels like there's gonna be some real trouble real soon a voice then tells them that it's a meteor and everyone looks over to see a blonde girl standing along the wall she says that it's kind of like when the meteor wiped out the dinosaurs except for them they know it's coming she goes on telling everyone that things will be fine because in a sense they all have superpowers in their own way even if they're not super powered or mutants Kong asks who are you the girl tells him Gwen Gwen Stacy and it's her first day here back over at the medical facility Otto Octavius begins to wake up and Hank Pym sits on his bed telling him that it's good that he's awake but it's time that they talked he explains that there was an accident in Osborne industries that left him in a coma for the last three months Otto says that he doesn't really remember what happened and as he tries to process it begins to feel the metal arms he asks what have they done to him and Hank goes on Stadium that during that accident he suffered damage to his face and neck areas but more notably it seems that he was fused with his own mechanical harness though they're not sure as to how the arms are locked into his central nervous system and they react and function like normal arms Auto Octavius leans up and shouts and then to take off his bandages and as they slowly comes off he sees the arms Hank tells him that it could be a breakthrough with exciting possibilities perhaps they could work together and Otto says that they found him like this they could have taken this off of him but they chose not to who do they think they are Hank says that they can't say but they are the United States government and they can't really tell him where he is the metal arms begin flailing and one shoots through the chest of one of the other doctors Otto then looks back over to Hank demanding to know where he is the next day at school Kong comes to a conclusion that Peter Parker is Spider-Man Flash Thompson tells him that he's absolutely crazy like completely crazy but Kong says that it makes sense that day in the field trip Peter Parker got bitten by a spider so he's Spider-Man just think about it he broke a desk he's super good at basketball now that means that he's Spider-Man flash begins to laugh and konk doesn't watch he's gonna go kick Peter and when he Dodges it that'll show everyone over at his locker Peter Spider Sense begins to go off but instead of dodging it he flat out takes the hit in pain Peter looks back asking why would you do something like that through the crowd of students a voice then asks what's their problem and Gwen walks up to Kong telling him that if he ever does that again then everyone notices that Gwen's holding a knife a teacher comes by asking what's going on and as he gets through Gwen drops the knife obviously because she doesn't want to get caught with it the teacher then grabs Gwen by the arm and tells her that it's a great way to start her second day of school later after school the city a man begins to run off after grabbing a woman's purse the man tells everyone to watch it as he runs and then suddenly the purse is webbed out of his hand Peter then jumps in kicking the man stating that that feels better he was looking for a big bald guy to knock out the man tries to fight back but Peter knocks him in the head and webs him to the ground he then hops over telling the woman that he brought back her purse it was his pleasure to help but everyone including the woman who was robbed just stared him she grabs the person begins to run off and Peter begins to say to everyone openly why can't a guy in his underwear to score around the city helping people without them thinking that he's crazy or something back as Peter looks around he notices that he's in front of the Daily Bugle Jay Jonah Jameson is watching he asks if he's the guy who's been printing all of that garbage about him just to sell papers because if so he has one thing to say to him he jumps up shouting love it it's hysterical and he leaves Jason looks around and says that he thought Spider-Man was going to hit him maybe they should get back inside where it's safe but as Jonah begins to move he falls flat on his face with webbing covering his feet once inside writer Ben Ulrich says that he got a lead on a recent murder on a woman in her home previous owner of the home was Dr Otto Octavius he explains that Otto was one of the chief scientists at Osborne Industries one of the individuals that was thought dead during the explosion were Norman Osborne went missing but he was in fact not dead sources state that Otto was taken to a government Hospital somewhere in South Jersey where he managed to escape it's also said that Otto was being observed because of complications in his condition brought on by the explosion Jay Jonah Jameson asks what does he mean by complications and Ben tells him that he's unsure but after what happened with Norman Osborne turning into the goblin it's safe to say that something fishy is going on Jonah tells him it's okay let's just assume that Otto killed the woman in her home so the next question is why Ben says that no one would really know maybe he didn't expect her there when he went back to his old home or maybe something horrible happened to him and he's gone crazy then outside of the office Peter sits listening as Jonah tells Ben to go on and see what the good doctor has to say later that night Otto Octavius sits in an office talking to himself he knows what happened it's all his fault he paid him to give him his secrets from Norman anybody ran out of uses for him he tried to get rid of him the only problem is Otto Octavius doesn't know who he is Otto shouts that he should have made sure that he was dead because now he's going to make him pay for what he has done to him the next day Peter heads over to work but while on his way there he catches the TV showing off Craven the hunter Craven tells everyone that he and his TV show are coming from Australia all the way over to America to film his show he has a big surprise for everyone but he isn't going to be making the announcement of what it is until he reaches the states a little while later Peter overhears some of the workers talking about a breaking story about some man with mechanical arms climbing Hammer towers and trying to break in Peter begins to think about it for a moment and then he remembers back to when he was at Norman Osborne's facility and he met Otto Octavius an individual who used a device that had mechanical arms attached to it after getting off of work Peter suits up and heads over to hammer Towers to find out what's going on and he finds Justin Hammer speaking with two Shield agents they ask Justin Hammer if he knows who Dr Otto Octavius is and Justin tells them no but the Asians look at him and Justin says the that he just met him Agent Carter then says that Colonel Fury would need a better answer than that cardovan goes on to explain how Otto was fused with the machine that gave him mechanical arms but the explosion at Norman's plant left him with amnesia and he seems to have come here for something after they talked for a little while Justin notices something in the window when he sees Spider-Man's head the two ages spin around firing their blasters barely missing Spider-Man and Spider-Man figures that it might be as good a time as any to leave the next morning craving the Hunter's plane touches down in New York while his fans and reporters gather around to find out what his big announcement is one reporter runs up telling him the world wants to know what he's going to be hunting in New York of all places that he couldn't be hunting anywhere else Craven's smile stating appeared to hunt a very special kind of species I'm here to hunt the one that they call Spider-Man the reported and asks what's he going to do when he finds Spider-Man and Craven tells him I'm going to kill him with my parents while Craven makes his announcement to Peter watches back home trying to figure out what he's going to do now he's at craving the hunter a guy who's known for hunting down things and killing them chasing him a week later he heads to school and begins his social studies class when Gwen Stacy has let back into the classroom she tells everyone that she's sorry for pulling a knife and doesn't want anyone to think of her as a crazy girl but one thing that she does want to say is that she doesn't like bullies Gwen takes her seat and the teacher says that they're going to the school assembly in about 10 minutes but if they have any questions regarding their superhero project now is the time to ask one of the girls says that she feels like the assignment is a bad idea this is supposed to be a social studies class not a superhero dress-up class not long ago the school was attacked by a mute now they're supposed to dress up as one the teacher says that the assignment is supposed to help them study the environment from a different perspective and the girl responds with it doesn't matter she talked to her mother and she will be bringing it up in the next PTA meeting because Mew and things shouldn't even be in a classroom the teacher turns around asking if anyone else feels the same way and Gwen smiles and raises her hand meanwhile over in New York City Justin hammer heads out of his press conference while speaking with one of the scientists from his New Jersey facility Justin tells him that they're going to need some major Firepower he needs to back up right away the scientist states that their experiments are going smoothly and on track but currently their subject Flint Marco is still adjusting to the experiments a screen then changes to a man squirming in sand and screaming Justin asks what the hell was that and the scientist said that's flint and the Sandman project the scientist then goes on to ask why he doesn't just accept the assistance of shield and Justin tells him that he will not mainly because they're going to look around his facilities and they will find that he's in violation of the superhero Test Ban that and how Auto Octavius was an industrial spine for him and that was sent over to Osborne Industries and now believes that this explosion was somehow Justin Hammer's fault a short while later Justin arrives at a conference where he's about to announce the energy Dome project a power plant offering an abundance of affordable and alternative energy sources as he takes the stage he explains that they are currently unveiling a groundbreaking energy technology with a hybrid of solar electric and nuclear energies but as the announcement goes on the video feed from the Dome shows the scientists being attacked by Otto Octavius back into school the students all gather around for the assembly where the principal announces that they've all been brought here today to be informed that the school has been chosen to be the filming site for the Craven the Hunter's show know but as he goes on explaining the do's and the don'ts he's told that there has been some trouble in the city and the school is currently being placed under a lockdown while the students all begin to panic marriagine looks at Peter and tells him to go over at the Dome the police begin to arrive by helicopter but one of the pilots tells the other that he may have a stowaway the second pilot asks what does he mean and they both realize that hanging from a web Spider-man says that this idea was so much better in theory one of the officers attempts to shoot Spider-Man and he tells them to please stop and try to help then he swings dodging the gunfire and as he releases and crashes into the facility he gets up yelling ta-da and then he sees Auto Octavius standing there with a dead scientist after seeing the destruction caused by Otto Octavius Peter goes to check on the surviving scientists that are crawling out of the debris he tells the man to hang on and then his spider sense because to go off metal arms begin to shoot past Peter hitting him in the head and knocking him down Otto picks up Peter's body asking what is this Ridiculousness Peter mumbles out some words and Otto leans in asking what and Peter tells him you're one to talk and he claps his hands on the side of Otto's head as doc Ox stumbles backwards Peter gets free by kicking him in the head and then knocking away his glasses Otto goes to cover his eyes and Peter tells him that that's the least of his problems first of all why the green jumpsuit Peter webs up the metal arms and as they flail around the web stretches and then it snaps and Peter realizes that this could be a problem the arms began whipping around and Peter blocks and Dodges them and then one of them shoots up hitting him in the head doc Octon picks up Peter's body and tries to hit him but while Peter tries to defend himself one of the arms begins to change and it shocks Peter his body is flung from the facility to the outside where it bounces onto the pier he then starts to wake back up and realizes that he can hear voices and then his spider says goes off again he looks back to see the Police SWAT team surrounding him all pointing their guns at him one of the officers shouts for him not to move although blow off his mutant freak head the officers then get down and begin to play Spider-Man in handcuffs but Agent Carter steps up stating that she'll take it from here the officers all argue that this is their bust but while Agent Carter and the officer go on Peter points asking if Charlton Heston is over there here and of course everyone looks he jumps up from the grips of The Shield officers and he begins to web up everyone before jumping off of the pier and into the water Agent Carter shouts for everyone to go after him but as the agents jump in after Peter all they find is his torn suit a little while later he heads home to watch the news and on it Justin Hammer states that he's not sure who that Spider-Man guy was but they all have their concerns if he is the one who attacked Peter shouts come on and Mary Jane tells him to just ignore it he says that he's just trying to help people but instead he keeps getting his butt kicked every time he goes out Mary Jane suggests that maybe he should learn some Kung Fu or something but really she needs to get going anyway he can work on that later she then gives him a kiss and says that she'll be by tomorrow after school so they can patch up the costume once Mary Jane leaves Peter sits back down to watch the news and all the reporters begin to say how hopefully Craven will be around to teach that weasel Spider-Man a real lesson but as Peter sits back down trying to figure out what his next move is he hears Aunt May's voice asking of his home he begins to panic as he's still in half of his Spider-Man costume and he jumps out of the basement and crawls up to the bathroom as he stumbles through the window Mayhem here's the thump from upstairs and asks what's going on Peter says that he's having a stomach stomach problems but he'll be fine she tells him okay well she brought him dinner just in case he needs anything and the next day at school the camera Crews begin to set up their scene with Craven when one of the workers explains to everyone that they need to try and act natural when Craven comes in all of the students begin to gather around and Gwen sees Peter and asks what happened did those jerks beat him up again Peter tells her no he just fell as all and Mary Jane says yeah down the stairs but as Mary Jane gives Peter a glaring look Gwen checks on his face and Craven walks in he heads over to the hole that was created in the fight between Spider-Man and Goblin and it begins to sniff everyone watches as he examines the hole and then he turns back Peter looks as gravy begins to sniff through the crowds and then he shoots a look right towards Peter Parker and he keeps moving Gwen asks if it's just her does that guy vaguely smell like kitty litter Craven stops and glares at her and Gwen waves back later reports start to swarm around that Justin Hammer is trying to get a statement about what happened at the Dome Justin rushes by to get away and as he heads at the elevator he tells his assistant Judah that the whole thing is going rather poorly but as the elevator opens Spider-Man's voice asks him how do you think I feel Spider-Man is sitting at Justin Hammer's desk reading his address book stating you stink and on a scale of 1 to 10 10 being the stinkiest you're totally like a 14. one of Justin's bodyguards reaches for his gun but Peter webs up his arm and then he webs up the second bodyguard as Judith pulls out her phone he webs her up too and after seeing that it was just a phone he tells her my bad Justin tells Spider-Man that he has some nerve so he hops off the desk stating you've got some real nerd in fact I was trying to help the other day I already have a bad enough rep with the public I just wanted to stop by and state that whatever you and Doc Ock have going on you can have at it because I'm going home Justin Hammer stops for a second and then asks how much Peter responds quickly with what do you mean and Justin tells him the doctor how much would it take for you to take care of him how about fifty thousand Peter responds rather angrily first you slam me in the press and now you're offering me money for something that I was going to do for free before I got slammed in the Press Spider-Man leaps out the window stating you're what people refer to as a piece of work and he leaves Justin says that it was worth a shot and then Judas says that there's a call for him it's the doctor from the Jersey facility the screen comes on with the doctor and he doesn't say anything Justin asks if he can hear them and then blood begins to drip from his lip and his body is thrown to the side Doc Ock Auto Octavius appears on the screen and Justin asks what is he doing Otto tells him this is something of a payback for making me like this Justin tells him if you have any issues with me we need to talk face to face and Doc Ock says that's true come meet me at this facility a short while later Justin heads out and notices that everyone in the cars is honking at him Judith asks what they're honking for and it's because Peter is riding a top of the limo as Justin pulls up on his facility he starts to see the news trucks all gathering around and then he sees him Doc Ock Auto tells Justin to come out and amid his sins the Press would like to hear all about the things that are going on here and then one of his metal arms begins to tap on the limo window the driver says that he can get them out of here if they want to turn around and Judy the shouts for him to just do it then so the driver floors it into reverse as the limo begins to back out a metal arm smashes through the window and others begin to pick up the limo Otto Octavia shouts that he will not deny him again and then he begins to shake the limo as his eyes are suddenly webbed up Spider-Man says that he can't watch us anymore he swings in kicking duck he stares at the webbed up arms and then one of them points towards him and switches to a gun the arm begins to blindly fire at him and shoots towards the crowds Doc Ock rips the webbing off of his face and he asks Spider-Man why does he keep showing up who are you another freak that Justin created as Peter hangs onto one of the metal arms he tells him no I'm a genetic freak all on my own thank you you should rent yourself out as a ride for children and then Spider-Man is smacked into the side of a news van dakot keeps whipping around hitting Spider-Man as the reporters all start to film the fight through the dodging Doc Ock quickly manages to grab a hold of him and then another arm reaches out begins to shock him but as it gets close Peter webs it up sending the shock back towards dhak he's then flung from the grip and dock makes his way towards the limo calling out Justin as he's getting ready to grab him a web is shot hitting.gov's pants and then he pulls him down docah quickly pulls his pants back up but Peter jumps in punching him stating I didn't take it for the tiny whities kind of guy he then kicks Doc Ock and jumps onto him slamming him into the ground he webs up his face and he grabs and rips off one of the metal arms as the camera lights all focus on Spider-Man he sits down exhausted and then another light shines as Craven steps out Peter simply responds with come on I have a curfew craving shots it's just time to do battle and Spider-Man asks him how about we go hope the lady in the crush the limo over there Spider-Man jumps onto the limo and asks if everything's okay and Judith says that Justin is dead from a heart attack Spider-Man looks towards Craven and says that he's going to rip the door off so could he grab the girl or in Craven shots we will do battle so Spiderman tells him no we won't Craven shows his teeth as Spider-Man asks you're kidding right but as Spider-Man asks that Craven lunges forward so Spider-Man steps out of the way causing him to fall down Craven continues to try and attack and Spider-Man continues to tell him that he really needs to cut it out now and after a few more swings Spider-Man finally punches back knocking Craven into a car which knocks him out Spider-Man then tells everyone I did tell him to stop you all saw that right and as the reporters continue to film him Spider-Man heads over to the limo and helps Judith out Judith tells him thank you for saving her in the crowd and cheering and clapping and then one of the reporters walks up and tells him that was amazing Spider-Man tells him no it wasn't two people died as he begins to leave the reporters ask they can ask him a few questions and he tells them no he'd rather not the reporter continues to pester him telling him that what he did was amazing surely he would want to and Spiderman stops her and telling her you can return the favor by calling me a mutant freak or blaming the zombie or something they try to stop him again because maybe he would want to talk to them they're live right now and he tells her fine so the reporter asks what do you want the world to know Spider-Man and he says that he is from a planet many galaxies far far away the reporters follow up with really and Spider-Man says no I'm just like Otto Octavius I fell backwards into some Powers I just want to help people so that people like Otto Octavius can't hurt anyone so the reporter asks why wear a mask and Spider-Man says that it's because he has friends and family that he doesn't want to put into the spotlight so he protects them by wearing the mask even though wearing the mask might be corny and it even forces idiots like craving to try and come after him or Jay Jonah Jameson to trash him to sell papers he really doesn't care the reporter asks why don't you care so Spiderman says it's because a guy a whole lot smarter than him told him that with great power comes great responsibility but either way the cops are coming so if everyone's fine it's time to go he heads back home and as soon as he opens the door Aunt May asks where he's been he says that he was at work and may says that's funny because she called there and they said he hasn't been in all week she gets up looking at his bruises and asks again where was he he says that he was fine it was with Mary Jane May sits back down stating okay she doesn't mind if he doesn't respect her but he will respect the rules of this house and Mary Jane was the first person that she called May then tells him that until he can stop lying he's grounded which means no more bugle no more Mary Jane Giggles in the basement it's only School in home Peter Smiles stating finally he's a hero who's also grounded but over in the shield holding cells Auto Octavius Doc Ock is sitting in his cell muttering to himself asking who Spider-Man is who could Spider-Man be and slowly as he keeps asking himself he begins to remember something from his past when Norman Osborne had him following a little kid a kid named Parker even returning home late the next morning Peter heads out to school where Mary Jane tells that she watched him last night all of the news channels are covering it Peter tells her that he knows but even though he saved the day he got into a lot of trouble coming home so late Mary Jane asks what happened and Peter tells her that since he got caught sneaking in at three o'clock in the morning he's grounded like forever as Peter sits on a bleacher with Mary Jane he tells her about everything that's going on and how it might be best for them to lay low for a bit hang up the tights Focus back on school and reading make sad faces to Aunt May until she finally gives into this whole grounded thing and as the two of them go on Mary Jane's face subtly begins to change as she sees Harry Osborne walking by they both jump up running over asking how he's been ever since the Green Goblin Attack at the school a little while ago Harry says that he's glad to be back but he was just going through some rough stuff back then but everything's going to be better now as Mary Jane hugs him Harry then says that he actually came by to tell Peter that his father wants him to come over for dinner tonight Mary Jane says that she thought his father was but Harry stops her and says he's fine just with everything that's going on he couldn't deal with it but really his father's fine in fact we're super close now Peter says that he would love to go but he's grounded so and Harry asks since when does Peter Parker get grounded but fine and that'll just have to be some other time after leaving school Peter makes his way back home trying to figure out what's going on Norman Osborne is back he knows who Spider-Man is so maybe he just wants to talk about it maybe help him use these Powers but the more he thinks about it the more he realizes that this is Norman Osborne a piece of garbage mutant Goblin that tried to kill him so at least he's grounded which will give him some time to figure this whole thing out and as he walks into his house he sees a limo parked out front Peter walks inside and Aunt May tells him that he should have told her that Harry was back in town and he tells her that he just found out himself what's going on the woman introduces herself as Miss Brook Norman's personal assistant in May tells him that Harry's father sent over a limo so that they could all have dinner Peter tries to state that he's grounded and that he really shouldn't go but may stop some stating that they sent a limo he can go to dinner with them Miss Brook then says this is great news they'll have Peter back by eight or nine and a little while later they pull up to the Osborne Penthouse with Harry running outside asking who's grounded now huh Peter tells him that he's nuts and Harry says that maybe they should just park a limo out in front of his house until May forgets that he was over grounded the two take the elevator up and Harry says that he still can't believe that him and MJ are an item now Peter asks who told him that and he says that Mary Jane did they talked on the phone for like an hour the girl is totally in love Peter then asks if she really said it like that like using those exact words and Harry looks at him asking what didn't she tell you already as the two go on the elevator door dinks and Harry says that he's got to finish up with his therapist but his father is in the back just go knock on the door before Peter can even ask why he would want to talk to him Harry leaves and Miss Brook directs Peter to the back room Peter tries to figure out what Norman could want but nothing bad should happen right there's too many people here what could possibly go wrong as he steps into the office he sees a TV showing the news clip of his fight with Doc Ock he then hears the laughing when he pulled down Otto's pants Norman then steps out stating that he watched that clip so many times and then he asks how do I look better or worse than the last time Peter says that he doesn't know what he's talking about and then Norman changes the channel showing Peter being bitten by a spider computer asking what's going on Norman responds by telling him this whole Spider-Man crap it's over as of now you belong to me and we've got bigger things to discuss Peter looks around the room for a place to escape but Norman goes on stating you're wondering how I'm alive right well it's because I've evolved he takes out a syringe and he stabs himself into the neck injecting a fluid inside Peter's spider says begins to go off and then he watches as Norman Falls over in pain because it hit his desk ripping his shirt off and then Peter sees Norman's arm begin to change as the transformation completes Norman looks at Peter and asks so what was your question Norman stands over Peter telling him I'm just trying to show you who's in charge here suddenly the two of them hear Harry shouting asking if everything's okay and Norman tells him it's fine they'll be right out he then turns back to Peter and tells him that Harry has no idea that everyone around him has a secret identity but thankfully he's receiving the best hypnosis that money can buy he takes out another syringe and injects himself and after a groan of pain Peter watches as Norman's arm slams back onto the desk and it claws its way as he falls behind it Peter runs to look behind it and he sees Norman know when Norman looks back he asks where were we he gets up and says oh that's right the whole Spider-Man thing as it turns out I now own your jeans therefore you belong to me you will do work for me and there may be things that you don't understand you might not even agree with them but if you don't well I'll start torturing dear Aunt May and if that doesn't set in maybe I can destroy your little girlfriend Mary Jane right Harry calls out again but Norma tells him that it's best that they go now they have an understanding right back in the main room Harry says that he has a copy of the Dateline story about him and his father he's totally gonna check it out he begins to play the video and it shows Norman and Harry as Norman explains that the reason for him and his son's disappearance was due to the concerns of an attack at oscore but as the video plays Peter begins to panic thinking about what Norman said he would do if he doesn't do what he says he struggles and says that he's got to go and he runs out of the room Peter gets up to go after him but Norman stops him stating just give him some time he'll be back tomorrow later at home Peter walks in and may asks how everything went in Peter hardly answers her May says that if he didn't want to go she shouldn't have forced him Peter says about the other night he didn't mean to lie about it may tells him that Mary Jane is his first girlfriend they'll just chalk it up to experience Peter then hugs May and she asks if everything's okay and he tells her that it's been a long day later at school he's called into the school therapist to discuss a few things he tries to tell her that he actually is about to take a test but Dr Bradley tells him that it will only be a few minutes the first thing that she understands is that the osbornes are back in town so did Norman reveal his new abilities Peter asks what is this and Dr Bradley goes on stating did he threaten you did he mention that he's aware that you are Spider-Man Peter begins looking around the room stating that there has to be someone else here isn't there and then as he looks out the window his vision begins to blur and as it fades Peter says gotta get out of town over by the window the image of Nick Fury starts to become clear and he tells Peter to just relax they have a lot of important things to discuss and not much time to do it Peter sits back down and he asks how does shield even know about him and Nick looks at him stating there isn't much in the world that I don't know Dr Bradley begins to list off some of the recent events like viewing the Oz core security footage and Otto's hypnosis transcripts Peter gets upstated that he doesn't have time for this but Nick tells him that he knows that Norman is going going to ask him to kill him and if he doesn't he'll kill his aunt and whoever this Mary Jane is Peter Stomps and Nick tells him to sit they have much to discuss he explains that Norman was working on something created for shield and after several years Shield has been in the market for a super soldier serum there are several companies competing for Shield's attention Oscorp made a good presentation but they never came through after years of development Norman then rushed to put out something for people to see but it ended up premature and thus resulted in the accident in a spider bite since all of that to Norman has blamed him for what happened and he's been delusional with Revenge ever since Peter then asks if they know all of this stuff why don't they just arrest Norman and Nick says legally Norman is off limits the American government isn't allowed to spy on Americans and American soil so technically we don't know any of this Peter then asks why come to him if they're not going to do anything to stop him what's the point and Nick tells him actually he's come to tell him that he's going to be on his own and they can't do anything until Norman does something wrong Peter shouts he threatened my family he turned himself into a monster you can't do anything and Nick tells him again that technically they don't know anything so if and when Norman makes a move on either of them them they're just gonna have to sit back and keep watching later after school Peter heads home and just like the day before there's another limo waiting in front of the house as he walks up he sees Miss Brooks walking out with May and Peter asks what's going on but he tells him that Norman has invited them all over for dinner so Peter pulls her aside stating you can't go Norman isn't a nice man he might be a criminal and as they talk May looks back and quotes never met a man with money who hasn't stepped on someone to get it Peter asks what was that and may says that it was something that Ben used to State Miss Brook then walks up asking if everything's all right and may tells her yes but sadly they'll have to make it to the dinner another time Miss Brooks tells her that it's too bad Mr Osborne is looking forward to meeting them and may just says that another time is all later that night Peter heads back to try and find information on Norman and he begins to think that maybe he should just take off the mask expose Norman take the hit publicly and see what happens maybe go to jail maybe not but as he swings away he sees a set of teeth grinning at him from the top of a building Norma says I thought I told you to throw away the costume and Peter stops and asks what did I ever do to you why bother me now Norman laughs what did you do Peter stops him stating no this whole thing was brought on by yourself the spider biting me totally your fault in fact I should sue the crap out of you Norman just tells him soon you will learn and you will learn that you owe me and he takes off Peter watches as Norman escapes and as he looks down towards the streets he sees Harry helping Mary Jane out of the Lima that just pulled up but as Mary Jane steps out Norman leaves down snatching her and he jumps away however just before he jumped off on the conversation Norman was looking at the conversation that he had with Peter a bit differently the voices were telling him that this is all Parker's fault they should kill him right now and then the voice tells him that there's a girl go get the girl and that's when Norman made his move Peter quickly chases after shouting for someone to help Nick Shield anyone but as Norman lands on a bridge Mary Jane calls out to Peter and Peter tells Norman that he'll do whatever he wants just let her go so Norman throws Mary Jane over the ledge and without a second thought Peter follows back up top though a shield helicopter flies in opening fire Peter tries to catch Mary Jane before she can hit the water anywhere ABS onto her foot he then webs back up pulling Mary Jane towards him and the tooth whip back and swing onto the bridge once they land Peter says he did it he caught her and then he realizes Mary Jane isn't responding meanwhile over at triskel on Shield headquarters Nick watches as Norman throws Mary Jane and he gives the order to take the shot over on the bridge two helicopters begin firing down on Norman until he falls to his knees he looks up and he tells Nick that it's going to take a lot more than that to keep him down back down below Peter tells her that she's got to wake up and slowly her eyes begin to open Mary Jane begins to ask what's going on where is she but before Peter could respond the explosions of the helicopters can be heard above Peter Stomps by one of the passing camps telling him that he needs to get her out of here she'll tell him where to go and the cab driver hops out telling Peter you're the man you could do anything you need up top Norman starts firing blast at the helicopters but as the blast is deflected by a shield he says he didn't know that plasma shields were running for combat Peter tells him that that's the least of his problems and he jumps in cracking Norman across the head Norman shouts don't dare you I will have your head and then Peter jumps in kicking up and knocking Norman back down he jumps onto norm and starts punching over and over and over telling him you will never hurt anyone again and Justice Peter is getting ready to take the last hit Norman reaches up grabbing him by the throat and he gets the score he's trying to pop him suddenly Peter's body is thrown to the side and then the shield helicopters go back to firing through the bullets Norman gets up and begins to escape meanwhile Peter manages to catch himself before hitting the water Peter then watches his Norman escapes realizing that he's about to head back to his Penthouse Norman crashes into his office and he runs over to where he keeps the odd serum but just before he can inject himself he hears Harry asking if that's him Harry sees Norman and he asks what did you do to my dad just as Harry realizes that that is his dad and Norman tells him sell her tour within seconds Harry falls asleep and he falls to the ground and then Norman goes back to the serum and he starts injecting multiple syringes until his body begins to change and grow even bigger Peter says that he really hopes he doesn't plan on driving like that or can he even hear him anymore over all that crap he just put into himself Norman charges that Peter and Peter steps in punching Norman back down he then leaves up to get away as Norman gets up but as he does normally manages to catch him by the leg Norman then throws Peter through the fish tank spraying water everywhere and as Peter lands some of the water splashes onto Harry and he slowly begins to wake back up Norman gets up grabbing Peter again and as the life on the shield helicopter shines in Harry sees his dad strangling Spider-Man normal because the bend Spiderman so that he can break his back and he manages to kick upwards freeing himself Peter then webs of norm and then using a strength Norman rips through it he then sees Harry staring at him with that moment Peter quickly grabs the desk and he throws it at Norman the desk crashes onto him and then Norman grabs it throwing it out the window Peter jumps to catch the desk from falling on the people down below but as he does it Norman gets back up squeezing down on Peter's head Norman suddenly hears Harry calling out to him and then he turns back and Harry grabs a pile of rubble and he stabs it into Norman's back Norman turns back around to try and attack but the serum begins to wear off and Dorman falls to the ground Harry then looks at Spider-Man asking why he did this but before Spider-Man can answer Harry faints The Shield soldiers all storm in and one of them checks Norman's pulse Nick asks how he is and the soldiers give him a thumbs up tell him to take Norman away Peter then asks if they're going to arrest Harry but Nick tells him that they don't do that sort of thing they will have to deprogram the hypnotherapy and get him back to normal Nick then tells Peter he knows this is a lot to take in but the best thing for him to do now is keep this secret no telling his family or girlfriend about what happened every time that he may want to confide in them he inadvertently puts their lives at risk just relax and enjoy the youth while it's there Peter snaps and I'm telling him he doesn't want anything to do with their big boy world of theirs and Nick tells him that he hardly has a choice even though right now he's a miner the day that he turns 18 well just try and enjoy your youth while it lasts Peter turns to run out of the building and a soldier asks if he should go after him but Nick just watches and tells them no let the kid go Peter tracks down where he told the cab to go and as he enters into the warehouse he asks if she's still there Mary Jane runs down hugging Peter asking what happened what happened to Harry and Peter sits down telling her he's gone again she asks what happened to him but Peter doesn't want to tell her because he doesn't want to talk about it right now with everything that's been going on Peter decided that it was time to focus on his schoolwork but while sitting around in the library studying Mary Jane runs in asking Peter if he's got his costume today Peter asks her what's going on so Mary Jane turns on the news and tells them that there's a giant Rhino destroying things downtown Peter runs back to suit up and Mary Jane turns back to the TV singing my boyfriend's gonna kick your butt as Peter runs over to his locker to grab his backpack he turns the corner and sees Aunt May he asks what she's doing here and may tells him that she's here for a teacher parent meeting Peter tells her actually he's really busy right now but that's when Peter's math teacher Mr Del Palma opens the door stating that it's just about time why don't you both come in as they enter and sit Mr Del Palma tells May that Peter is a rather exceptional student but lately he's been rather distracted she looks over at Peter who's looking out the window and then Peter turns back asking what Peter tells them both sorry but he's actually supposed to be helping an exchange student right now and he feels kind of bad not being there may tells him to go on ahead then they'll talk more tonight during dinner so he jumps up telling them thank you when he runs out of the room as he runs outside he begins to hear someone sobbing over a pile of trash he looks over to see Gwen sitting there in the trash and he asks her if everything's okay through her sobs she tells him no she's fine loving life in fact Peter stops for a moment and tells her okay he's got to get going but Gwen shouts fine go ahead and leave her just like her mother did Peter turns asking what are you talking about and Gwen says that she overheard her mother talking to someone she's planning on leading her father and saying how her life at home is terrible Peter tries to tell her that maybe she's just trying to blow up some steam but Gwen shouts no her exact words were my life in this house sickens me I hate the people life stuck me with she goes back to crying and Peter realizes he really has to go so he tries to tell her that he would love to stay really but he has something to do Gwen tells him fine but Peter tells her he'll be back and find her after school he promises after finally managing to get away he suits up and swings downtown and just as he arrives he sees that everything has already been handled by Iron Man and as he sits on the light post Peter then Hears A man shouting to him asking where were you ten minutes ago with no real answer Peter swings back thinking at least he tried sure a while later over the First National Bank Ben Ulrich stops by due to some issues that he's having with his ATM card but as him and the teller talk there's a sudden crash behind him and someone shouts don't anyone move he turns back he sees Spider-Man holding one of the guards telling everyone that this is a robbery after Spider-Man robbed the bank Ben hurried over to the Daily Bugle where Jonah was more than happy to get that press rolling while Jonah tells everyone to start getting to work on a new Spider-Man's story Peter walks by asking why everyone's running around but before anyone can answer him Peter overhears the others having concerns about Spider-Man now being a bad guy bendig is to argue that the Spider-Man that he saw didn't seem like the normal Spider-Man this one beat people but Jonah shout outs telling him it doesn't matter we're gonna post this story and that's that so as the day went on the front page the bugle began to report Spider-Man criminal as Peter takes the subway home he thinks whoever that was that robbed the bank using his costume fight.com Kingpin heck even the Green Goblin was bad enough but this this beats all by far that and the only person that he could even tell this all two would be Mary Jane but even telling her about his powers is starting to seem like a mistake just as Peter begins to think to himself that he's going to find out whoever that is is posing as him he notices a police car in front of his house he runs in asking if everything's all right and then he sees Gwen sleeping on the couch he then hears May speaking with Gwen's father George in the kitchen about Gwen's mother leaving them as the two talk May hears a creek and sees Peter standing there she tells him that Captain Stacy here is going to be out of town for a bit so she offered to let Gwen stay with them until he gets back not much longer later Mary Jane stops by and Peter explains the situation with Gwen staying with them Mary Jane then asks why is she here though and Peter says because her mother up and left and her father is going out of town and but then he stops asking you know the way he said that was kind of angry are you angry she begins to shout what is she supposed to think with Gwen sleeping here in her pajamas Peter tries to calm her down and then he asks wait wait do you not trust me and Mary Jane tells him I don't trust her I see what's going on with her did you tell her that you're Spider-Man yet Peter begins to ask what are you even talking about that Mary Jane doesn't answer and she leaves afterwards Peter heads upstairs to study and Gwen says that she thought Mary Jane was supposed to join them he tells her that he's not sure what happened with that but then the news comes on the TV and the reports announced that there is currently a standoff with Spider-Man and the police Peter looks at the TV and tells me that he has to run over to Mary Jane's for a second he rushes back downtown to see the police surrounding a jewelry store shouting for that fake Spider-Man to come well Peter swings by and tells them to allow him he's dying to talk to this guy himself as Peter jumps onto the building the police all shop for him to get down and put his hands up he shouts hey I'm not the one robbing anything here heck I don't even have pockets in this thing one of the officers shouts to take him down they all begin to open fire on Spider-Man most of the bullets fly past but one hits Peter in the shoulder and he begins to fall the officers all rush into handcuff Peter and Peter shouts to them to just listen for a second the officers don't and they pick him up slamming him back onto their car and they begin to pull his mask off but as they do Peter kicks back knocking the officers away and he jumps as he begins to run the officers open fire again but this time Peter manages to dodge them all and run he tells him that he needs to hurry he has to fix his mask and he also needs to get out of here using all of the strength that he has he pulls the Cuffs apart and then a spotlight begins to shine down on him the police helicopter begins to fly overhead and one of the men hangs out shooting a rifle down at him after a short Sprint Peter manages to jump back down towards the ground and hide away in a dumpster but over at Mary Jane's room she's sitting writing at her journal about how lately she's been having nightmares which is not normal for her as she writes she begins to hear her phone go off and an operator tell her that there's a collect call coming from Peter Parker she tells him that she'll accept and soon the line connects and he says that his aunt just called looking for him she said to be home in 45 minutes in but as she stops she asks what is he doing there and all she can hear Peter saying is help me after a cab ride later Mary Jane rushes to the dumpster that Peter told her to meet him at and finds him holding a gunshot wound she tells them they need to hurry and get him to a hospital but Peter says they can't they'll just arrest him there Mary Jane tells him no they're going to the hospital she knows just how to do it so a short while later she takes Peter to the hospital without saying anything Peter stumbles in and collapses onto a doctor one of the doctors looks at Mary Jane and asks if he's with her and she tells him no and then he shouts with the others that they need to hurry and get him to the operating room after surgery Peter slowly begins to wake back up and then he overhears the doctors speaking with some of the officers that they have a kid who just came in from a gunshot wound the officer says they're going to need to go and see and get a name out of him but as they pull back the curtains Peter is already gone back in the waiting room Mary Jane waits to hear from Peter when the woman next to her looks at her she looks down and sees her bag and notices the costume in it Mary Jane just closes it an officer comes out of the back stating that they need to lock this place down the person in question is blood so Mary Jane gets up and leaves and has the doctor from before points at her telling her to wait Mary Jane begins to run after getting away Peter and Mary Jane meet back up in a nearby building and Mary Jane says that that was so cool could you swing us home now Peter tells her no he's hopped up on painkillers and he doesn't even know how to find home right now so not long after maybe begins to wake up from sleeping on the couch since Peter hasn't come home as she gets up she checks on his room to see he's already fast asleep and decides to let him be for now but as soon as the door shuts Peter gets back up in pain and decides to just put on the news for a bit as the TV comes on the reporters interview Sergeant bullet regarding the recent rumor that the man noticed Spider-Man has now attempted to Rob another bank bullet tells the camera that he wants to make things perfectly clear vigilante Behavior will not be tolerated in this city Master not as for Spider-Man he is a coward and a thief and he will pay for what he has done and the next day at school Peter heads over to his locker to find a letter addressed to him in it he opens it and reads black van in the parking lot I'll take care of the shoulder Peter checks around to see if anyone was looking when he read it and when he sees there wasn't he decides to check out the van he goes out there to find it and the door suddenly lines open a woman leans out telling him that her name is Janet Van Dyne Nick Fury Center Peter tells her that he doesn't need Nick Fury's help but she tells him yes yes he does so Peter winces stating fine maybe I do once they get aside Peter looks at Janet and asks if she is and she tells him yes she's the WASP card carrying member of the ultimates if you're curious as to who the ultimates are they're this universe's Avengers but as she looks at the wound she says actually you're already healing pretty well do you have an increased healing factor and Peter tells her he's not sure maybe he hasn't been able to do much research on it Jana tells him that's all right she has something here that was a chemical in chickens that helps increase the healing of humans so with a little playing around she whipped up a little cocktail from his own blood samples as she injects Peter with the medicine he asks how do they get a blood sample and she tells him that Nick got one from him he should just consider himself lucky that they happen to be watching the news Peter then asks if Nick mentioned anything about the guy who's running around robbing banks posing as him Janna tells him no and no offense they don't really focus on the small things but she will say if someone was running around in her costume she would go and beat the holy snot out of after school Peter marajan and Gwen all head back to Peter's house where they are suddenly stopped as they see several police cars lining in front of the house Peter runs inside shouting what's going on but as the girls walk in the two officers stand up Gwen looks at them as they look at her and they hand her towards Stacy's badge the officers explained that while they were at a police conference Spider-Man was robbing an armored truck they opened fire with their guns at him and they hit his backpack and it began to smoke Spider-Man took the backpack off and threw it towards a small child George ran in grabbing the child throwing him to safety but as the bag landed in his lap it exploded later that night Peter and Mary Jane went to sit with Gwen on the roof as Peter tells her that her father was a hero the only thing that she can say is this is all because of Spider-Man Spider-Man's faults Peter tries to tell her that they don't know that the more it's explained it sounds like someone is posing as if but Gwen stops him stating she just wants to be alone for now the next day there are news reports about another robbery and Peter Waits no time heading out to the scene as he crashes through the window he sees the Imposter holding a woman hostage staring right back at him the fake Spider-Man shots that he'll do it he'll kill this woman right here right now so you you better back away the room fills of silence and Peter shoots a Web Blast knocking the taser out of the man's hand as it goes flying the man tries to jump away but Peter smacks him down stating you just murdered a cop the man tries to get back up but Peter grabs him by the back of the neck and he punches him into a teller desk the man fires a weak web shot but Peter catches it he then gets up stating if it's money you want you can have it it's right over there Peter webs the man's chest and swings him towards him asking why me why use my costume as he rips the Man's mask off the man says that it was nothing personal honest he's just some Guy Peter throws the man shouting some guy the world thinks Spider-Man is now a murderer and it's all because of some guy who decided to put on my costume he grabs the man by the throat asking what stops me from murdering you then the grip around the man's throat Titans as Peter stares into his eyes and then he lets go he looks at himself for what he has just done but as the police storm inside they see the man hanging with a note the man says please get me out of here it was all me I acted alone and the officers take the note off as it reads from the real Spider-Man he heads off and stops back at home tell himself he almost lost it he could have killed that man and then what would he be but later as Peter heads home May finds Peter up front and tells him that they need to talk inside Peter and may head into the room where Gwen Stacy is staying and they tell her due to her situation with her mother they were hoping that she may consider staying with them the next day at school Peter tells Mary Jane that they're going to be finishing up moving the rest of Gwen's stuff in and see what happens and as he says that Mary Jane turns away she says that this isn't it she thought it was but this isn't it Peter asks what she's talking about she shouts us this isn't what she thought it was going to be like but now every night she has nightmares horrible nightmares where he dies or she dies every night ever since that day in the bridge she thought she could handle having a superhero boyfriend but no she can't and the worst part is she can't even tell him to stop because he won't it's going to kill him one day then this Gwen's staying over she's totally in love with you Peter tries to tell her no but Mary Jane just shouts no I'm not stupid I just can't do this anymore I love you and I can't do this anymore we're officially done Peter Parker so he went home after school and all he could do was think about Mary Jane with everything that's going on in his life she's the only person that he could talk to and now she's gone Peter thinks that maybe he should just call her if she hears his voice maybe she'll come around she was supposed to love him but just as Peter gets the courage to dial he throws the phone aside stating no it's a stupid idea as the phone flies through the air and crashes into the wall Peter goes to pick it back up and then notices a door behind a box with a phone landed he pushes open the small wooden door and finds boxes all of them marked Parker after going through a few of them he finds old pictures of himself and his father and among them a videotape he runs up to his room to play the video and sees that it was from when he was a small child his family was having a picnic with Aunt May and Uncle Ben and another family as Peter continues to watch though May walks it behind him asking where did he find this he tells her that he found a bunch of old boxes in the basement and but may stomp some telling him that her and Ben were waiting until he was old enough to see this it seems that now he's old enough Peter kind of remembers that other family the Brocks he was his father's partner and may tells him that that's right he used to play with Eddie Jr even though he was a bit older and after the accident of both of their parents Eddie moved away May then suggests that maybe he should try and find Eddie maybe he can tell him what he found so Peter does just that and after a quick internet search he manages to find Eddie's address and even a phone number so Peter calls and actually gets a hold of Eddie Jr the two of them talked for a while and Eddie says that they should meet up catch up at all times and the next day Peter stops my Eddie's dorm room to head out for some coffee as they sit Eddie says that he's actually going to college for astrophysics Peter tells him that that's actually what his major is going to be as well Eddie laughs telling him that it would just be like them trying to impress their fathers Peter tells him actually that's what he wanted to come by for while going through his father's old things there is a videotape of all of them having a picnic Eddie things back to that day and he's just amazed and then he says that since they're on this topic he has something for Peter as well a little while later Eddie takes Peter over to a lab that he's been using for school to show him something as Eddie opens up a small Locker Peter sees a small Beaker full of black liquid and he asks what it is Eddie Grins and tells him that is their inheritance he goes on to state that this is what their fathers were working this is their life's work or rather what it would have been if they were given a chance to continue their life's work Peter asks what's it supposed to be and Eddie says that currently it's just a pile of protoplasmic goo but what it's supposed to be is a cure for cancer though he wasn't able to make much sense of it his Professor has been helping him get through some of it when they happen to come across this he takes out another small container and pulls out a sheet of paper labeled the suit he explains that the suit was supposed to attach itself to a person tailored to their specific DNA and what it would do is help the body produce its own natural toxins to fight off the cancer the courage work has brought them to phase two which was supposed to enhance the physical strengths and natural abilities of the patient but with them running out of their funding their fathers took up jobs with Trask Industries to try and support it however because they were worked for hire it meant that everything that they were working on was technically owned by that company which meant the suit as well Eddie then hands Peter a journal left by Eddie senior stating that he was the one who pushed Rey into working for this company when Ray said that they shouldn't because of it now they're going through lawsuits to try and finished the project that they spent their lives working on as Peter flips through the paperwork Eddie tells him that that's the last part was just two before but under his breath Peter tells him no and Eddie says that it all happened just as they were coming back from their meeting with the lawyers so Peter then asks if that's the case what's with the black stuff and Eddie says that it was something that they were working on behind trask's back it was supposed to be used as proof of ownership of the suit but they didn't get far enough with it Betty begins to pack up everything saying how their fathers were really onto something but they may have been several years ahead of their time Professor Connor said that even if the suit didn't work it would still create some new and interesting questions Peter thinks back and tells Eddie that he mentioned something about the suit being made for someone specific DNA just who did they use to test it on Eddie begins to place the beaker back into the locker and he tells him that they used Rey's DNA the following night Peter goes over the tapes more and more watching how his father would talk about this project but as the videos went on it showed Rey dealing with the lawsuits and talking about how all he wanted to do was just help people now their work will just be taken over and there's nothing they can even do as Peter heard that he decided no there's always some company trying to take someone else's work and make profit on but not this time he will finish what his father started all he needs to do is get a small sample of the stuff that Eddie has kept locked away so he sneaks back into the labs and pulls out a sample from the beaker but he spills it onto his hands his Spider Sense begins to go crazy and the liquid begins to spread covering his hands it doesn't stop and it continues covering the rest of his arm as soon his entire body Peter tries to pull it off but soon all that's left is a smoldering black blob as the outer crust hardens Peter bursts out of it but what he finds is that the suit is completely covered him elsewhere in the city a pop singer has finished her concert and she's getting ready to leave when she's suddenly taken hostage as her limo speeds off the men inside wearing masks tell her that she made more than enough money to pay for a ransom right however as the men drive off they hear a loud thump on the roof of the limo seconds later Peter opens up the roof jumping into the passenger seat asking if it's prom season already everyone stares at him and he asks what prom season limo still with no answer Peter punches the driver stating tough crowd one of the men in the back fires hitting Peter in the soul but the new suit takes the hit and just repairs itself Peter then quickly shoots a wet back covering up the gun and then another web at the second man the men begin to scream and Peter challenge that they need to settle down or he will pull this car over right now the singer too begins to scream so Peter webs up her mouth telling her that he's sorry but he already has a little bit of a headache so and finally after stopping the limo Peter gets out and lets the singer out and tells everyone that for the record they're just friends an officer pulls up telling Peter to put his hands in the air and as he does he fires a weapon swings away he tells himself that this suit is amazing whatever his dad invented is just amazing first taking that bullet and he's also stronger and faster all he has to do is think in a web of hears over at the coin laundry a man fires a gun running out telling people that he told them not to move Peter chases down the man and Corners him in a dark alley but as he crawls down towards him the man begins to Fire and Peter just knocks the gun out of his hand and throws him into a pile of boxes he grabs the man telling him that there's nowhere that he can hide and as he looks he sees a flashback to the shooter who shot Ben Peter mutters that he was the one he was the one who killed Uncle Ben the man says that he didn't know the man that he shot was his uncle and then Peter screams the suit begins to grow fangs and along a whip-like tongue his voice changes as he screams to the man that he doesn't deserve to live he doesn't deserve life Peter begins to strangle him and the man tries to tell him to stop but suddenly Peter starts to pull the suit away throwing the man asking what's happening as he struggles the suit and him struggled to gain control over his body and Peter runs through the city after leaping off of a building he lands on a set of power lines frying both him and the suit back over at Eddie's dorm he turns on the TV to see a news report on Spider-Man showing off the new black suit as Eddie watches he begins to think that it couldn't be and that he starts to head over to the lab once he gets inside he sees Peter standing there holding the beaker and he asks if that's him and then he looks up to see the window opened and a set of handed Footprints crawling in Eddie shouts what have you done and Peter tells him it's not what he thinks something horrible has happened the thing that their father's created it's uncontrollable it must be destroyed Eddie grabs for the beaker and Peter lifts Eddie by his shirt and the two stare at each other after realizing it Peter sets Eddie back down and Eddie tells him you're you're Spider-Man Peter tells him that that doesn't matter right now what they need to do is destroy this they'll explain everything after that is done a few minutes pass and Eddie tells him that is all that's left of his father Peter tells him he knows exactly how he feels but this this costume to almost kill a man this is a cancer even with only spilling a drop it took over and without his powers there would have been no way that he could have survived it there are people out there who would go to extreme length to have this and that's why they have to destroy it Eddie's size telling him it's not like he can stop him anyway Peter says look right now he's the only one who knows about him and his powers that's how important this is this stuff is way too dangerous Eddie takes a seat and he says that he's amazing he looks 12 but look at what he's accomplished the two smile and Eddie gets back up telling him that he just needs to go and digest all of this for a bit he'll be fine so after Eddie leaves Peter makes his way over to the power plant to drop the beaker onto a smoke stack to incinerate the liquid but a short while after Peter left to go do that and he returned to the lab he checks the locker where he keeps the beakers and he sees that it's empty and he says that he really did it the little jerk took it and then know but the second Locker stating how if they're going to experiment they need to keep the specimens separate and he pulls out a second Beaker filled with more black liquid and he drips it on his hand a janitor stops by the lab to clean when she suddenly Hears A man groaning she steps into the room to see what the sounds are coming from and then she finds a smoldering blob and Eddie's voice all distorted as he says I'm gold the woman asks if someone is in there and reaches out to it the blob lashes out grabbing the woman and then shows it to fangs I just stops her into its mouth the room Falls silent and Eddie pulls himself up saying to the room I'm hungry would I care to feel anything I can't even feel my Lids this is all Peter's fault I need to kill him I need to kill Spider-Man the suit begins to wrap itself around Eddie's body and he shouts I can do this I can hold it together but why can't I feel my heart beating after a bit of struggling Eddie stands back up now with the suit completely covering him and he tells himself okay the suit tries to take back over but then 2 guards up here asking what's going on but when they look in they see a creature standing before them screaming one of the guys radios to call the cops but Eddie grabs the two of them and devours them the next day at school Peter sits in class as the rain begins to beat down on the window when he suddenly feels his spidey sense going off he looks around and when he looks outside he sees lightning striking and then the image of the suit outside screaming he asks how the suit shouldn't be there he destroyed it but now it's here and he needs to end this he leaves class heading outside into the rain to face off against the suit that caused him so many problems earlier but then it tells him that he shouldn't have lied Peter watches as he sees a face try to push himself out and then he asks is that an Eddie pulls himself out shouting our fathers died to create this now you will too Peter tells him please tell me you didn't do this to yourself on purpose but without answering Eddie throws a barred tendril into attack Peter grabs at shouting this isn't you this is just the suit let me help you and Eddie shouts you will die pretty lunges for forward the General's wrap around Peter's neck and they slam him into the ground Peter screams out in pain trying to free himself all the while telling Eddie you can fight this you have to subtly Eddie stops and he screams but as Peter reaches out Eddie lashes again knocking him to the ground Peter tells him fine I've had enough of this he jumps leading Eddie away from the school and once they're clear of it they jump at each other swinging Eddie quickly overpowers Peter and pushes them off of the building but as they fall they break through the power lines shocking to both of them they fall onto a passing car causing the car to crash into the side of a building Peter gets back up Seeing Eddie knock down and as he gets closer his spidey sense begins to go off and the suit grabs him as if he begins to pull him into the blob Eddie asks how does it feel how does it feel to be a thief and a liar but to survive the suit needs you it needs to absorb you everything begins to fade to black and Peter jumps out of the block shouting no but Eddie screams where he needs you before Eddie can get back up and attack Peter runs back in with a tire cracking and shattering Eddie's face as Eddie's body flies over the power lines the sounds of sirens can be heard and then officers begin to shop and then to stop what they're doing Peter tells Eddie that he needs to listen but as the officer sees Eddie in the suit they open fire on him Eddie screams out in pain as the officers unload into him but as he stumbles back he steps on a live electrical wire the electricity shoots through Eddie's body and in a blinding flash he's turned into a burning puddle the officers all call it to Peter but he climbs up the building and escapes elsewhere in the city Nick Fury sits to enjoys evening dinner when he receives a notification on his watch he pays the waiter and he walks over to a nearby alley and as he stands there he flashes a light and across from him someone falls into the dumpster Nick asks Peter why he's following him and Peter pulls himself out and asks what the hell is that Nick tells him that it's something that temporarily paralyzes a person so how long has he been following him Peter tells him he's not sure since he left their headquarters Nick glass telling him he just followed the leader of the top Espionage organization on the entire planet for over an hour not bad so that leads them back to the first question what do you want Peter shouts that he doesn't want his powers anymore take them them do whatever they need to do to get rid of them he just wants his life back Nick looks at him and plainly tells him no now explain what happened through his staggered breathing Peter tries to explain what happened to Eddie and how he tried to stomp him but Nick then asks where is he now or was he killed Peter says he doesn't know if he was and Nick asks you're not sure if you killed someone Peter tells him he thinks he did kill him but the body disappeared Nick then says that there's not many actual rules in this game but one big one is that if there's no corpse then the guy's alive Peter stops him shouting look I don't want this do the right thing and end this so Nick places his hand on Peter's shoulder telling him you've had a rough day the important thing to ask yourself is if doing what you did today made someone's life better the answer is yes stop whining once you're older you're going to be a part of one of the finest organizations in the world you'll be working alongside Tony Stark Bruce Banner and Captain America while Nick goes on Peter hardly listens and asks what about my parents how do they die it was 10 years ago Nick tells them no idea 10 years ago he was in college in India he then tells him look my parents died when I was young too and sucks just go home and watch one of those videos with the girls doing that booty shaking thing as he leaves Nick shakes Peter hand and tells him next time he wants to talk make an appointment or he'll shoot him afterwards Peter decides that he should probably follow back up in the lab to see if he can find some information on Eddie but what he finds is that he's Professor Kurt Connors drunk at his desk he tells Peter that it didn't take much to suspect that he was Spider-Man after seeing him on TV wearing the suit so good on him for that Kurt then goes on to say they have met before haven't they back when he saved his life when he turned into that thing did he happen to tell anyone about it Peter tells him no but what exactly happened here Kurt pours himself another drink saying how all of everything is gone the suit the files the samples everything for a moment he thought Spider-Man had taken it but it seems that him and Eddie need to have a talk Peter explains how Eddie wore the suit too and then he was well he's not sure if he survived Kirk goes on asking why is it that people are so hell-bent on wanting to change themselves into monsters even Ray Parker he was a genius and an admirable man of science but really he was the one who started this Whole Decade of genetic nightmares Peter shouts that his father was trying to cure cancer I'm everyone including him purposely turned themselves into monsters but Kurt brushes out the comment telling him yeah well Einstein wasn't trying to invent the atomic bomb just worked out that way as Kurt talks his speech begins to slur and he begins to pass off in the drinks frustrated Peter jumps out the window calling out to Eddie but even with his Spider Sense going off Peter finds nothing he's left all alone as class begins for Peter he sits in his chair wondering just how is it he's going to get a new costume with his run-in with Eddie he's now left costumeless but since he got his original costume from wrestling maybe he can go get another all of these thoughts begin to pass through his head and Mary Jane stares at him and she scribbles in her notebook what's the matter and she nudges Peter after reading it Peter scowls writing back what do you care the two go back and forth until finally Peter writes if you really cared why are we not together but before Mary Jane can respond the teacher grabs her and Peter's notebooks and starts to read the conversation to the class everyone begins to laugh at them and Gwen Whispers to Peter oh dude once class is over Peter heads out but before he can leave flash Stomps him asking if he has a minute Peter looks around and doesn't see anyone in the hallways and asks for what is he just gonna try to pull some prank so that everyone can laugh at him flash tells him no he uh needs to talk to him outside for a sec Peter thinks about it for a moment and then says you know what no everyone's probably outside waiting to see what happens so no and he walks off Kong steps out of class and sees Flash and asks what's going on and Flash quietly tells him nothing later that day a group of thugs begin to chase down a woman that they're trying to rob the woman mistakenly turns down a dead-end alley and the thugs start to surround her as one pulls out a knife his hand gets webbed up and Peter calls out from the Shadows that they must be real happy being walking cliches not even a care in the world Peter jumps out wearing a sweater and jeans and the thugs just stare at him with no one moving Peter asks what and the leader of the group asks who are you supposed to be Spider-Man where's the costume Peter tells him that his mom is washing it for him and the leader lunges forward everyone follows behind him so Peter grabs and knocks the group out while throwing them all into a corner after wiping the group up Peter goes back to check on the woman and she just points at his eye he notices that one of his lenses fell out of his mask he tells everyone not to move it's a white sliver of glass short while later after trying to fix his makeshift costume Gwen comes downstairs asking Peter if he wants to go to a party he tells her that they're both losers everyone hates him and she hates everyone so what's the point Gwen says they should at least try it and see if anybody else there is having fun at all under his breath Peter says it's only because they're miserable loner orphans but Gwen stops them telling him screw it we're going to the party so as they go to the house party it's just as Peter said neither of them are having fun and just as Peter gets ready to leave he sees Liz and Mary Jane but different she has a haircut and it's dyed black and she's wearing skimpy little clothes Mary Jane is in the same girl as before so as she walks through she sees Peter out of the corner of her eye but she doesn't stop he sighs telling himself that it's time to go now and Gwen tells him absolutely but no sooner does Gwen say that than a loud boom comes from outside all of the teenagers run out of the house chanting get off when Peter and Gwen get outside they see a young boy standing on a smoking car and then he begins to hold his hand up light begins to shine from his palm and then suddenly another car explodes and all of the kids begin chanting giraffe's name but if the teenagers call out for him to do it again Sirens begin to blur down the street the teenagers start to scatter and Peter and Gwen run out the back and that's when they spot Mary Jane and Liz Peter helps Mary Jane from being knocked over and the four star running through the crowds a little while later though everyone meets up at the bus stop and Gwen asks what exactly happened back there two other girls say the kid's name is jadalf or something but he goes to their school while the girls gossip about him Gwen spots the public bus coming their way and tells everyone to come on as everyone gets on the bus Peter and Mary Jane catch each other looking at one another Mary Jane smirks patting the seat next to her and Peter asks what's so funny she leans in Whispering that it's funny that he could be home in like two seconds if he wanted but instead he's riding the bus like the rest of them he says about that he may have lost his costume but as they go on and Laugh Mary Jane reaches into her purse and pulls out a letter when everyone gets off of their Stomps Mary Jane pulls Peter aside and tells him that she's going to give him this letter that she's been holding for a while she just wants him to read it when he gets home not before Peter tells her fine and she nervously hands the letter over and leaves with Liz afterwards Peter rushes home to read the letter and it's a letter telling Peter how much she loves him and that she's just so scared about everything that happened around them but she wants to find ways to communicate herself better so that they can actually make a relationship work so she'll be waiting for him to come over if he wants as soon as he finishes reading he runs out of the basement and down the street to Mary Jane's house he climbs into the window and he asks Mary Jane if she means it and she says yes she's just so scared promise no one else is gonna throw her off of a high building Peter tells her that he promises and the two begin to kiss the next day is school Peter sees some of the kids spray painting jadalf rules across the lockers and he asks himself how exactly does he rule anyway as he goes on thinking Mary Jane kisses Peter on the cheek and asks if everything's all right now he tells her of course but while they talk flash asks Peter if he has a second to talk Peter snaps and I'm telling him that he really doesn't have anything to say to him and Mary Jane adds shouting that he should just grow up flash tries to continue talking but tells them fine it's nothing and as he walks away Liz runs up shouting what's going on she holds at her phone and says that it's her cousin who invited them to that party and it sounds like that guy jadolf is blowing up more things again Mary Jane leans into Peter telling him you gotta go but don't worry I have at least half a costume done for you Peter asks what does she mean by half and Mary Jane says that she needs exact measurements but it's better than no costume right so he changes and as he steps out he appears to be wearing a rather loose shirt in sweatpants and he says it is kind of embarrassing after leaving the school Peter swings his way through the city following the smoke coming from Public School 44 and that's where he finds your dollf blowing up more cars in the school parking lot he lands in front of him and get off stares in him for a moment and asks what's this Peter websit all's hands telling him I'm Spider-Man and I'm about to stop you from doing something really dumb shut off looks at his hands and he begins to Electrify them burning the webbing away telling him he looked better on TV the cops begin to arrive and Peter tells them you know totally not sticking around to have one of those trademark misunderstandings of the police so it's time for us to get out of here before swinging away judolph grants Peter asking him to take him too they can't arrest him he'll be sent back home Peter tells him that's nice and shoots a web and starts to lift off but before he can get very far judolph grabs him by the shirt throwing Peter off balance the two fling into the air engine off loses his grip and he begins to fall Peter begins to shout you're such an idiot and he webs down grabbing him and flinging him onto a nearby building as they land and Tumble onto the roof Peter asks what the hell were you thinking people already blame me for a bunch of stuff I don't really need this too it all starts to get up telling Peter that he was just trying to teach the principal something about suspending half the football team for going to a party and Peter asks him um what party judolph explains that there was a party the other night and when the principal found out what happened he suspended half the football team so to protest he blew up the principal's car and then he got carried away and blew up another one Peter scratches his head trying to think of a better word than idiot like idiots fight Doc Ock or something okay that asks what kind of powers does he have and judolph holds out his hand telling him that he can make things explode he just says to think focus and point he then points at a barrel and it explodes Peter asks so you're a mute judolph shouts that he's not a mutant you hear me I'm not a mutant they are the devil's children Peter steps back trying to logically think about how such a power is even possible and then he tells you'd off to look he may want to consider how he's using his powers or maybe be more responsible with them jadalov asks why would he do that and Peter shouts what do you mean help people do something good with those Powers but before the two of them can go on they hear gunshots and screams coming from down below they see a store being robbed and Peter tells you'd off to just hold on and as he gets ready to jump off jadalf says that he wants to come too he could help and Peter tells him no you will be right here so just watch he walks into the stores the robbers are demanding money and he tells him that they should probably just drop the money and lose the stupid masks the man in the Captain America mask turns back shouting and he's one to talk and he fires his gunshots the bullet shoots through hitting the window and one of the robbers says man he sucks Peter webs the shooter telling him yeah he really does suck like standing right there after punching out the shooter the other robbers say that they would like to not be punched so they just put their guns down and then Peter says that's kind of thugs he likes the kind you just lay down but before he can finish his sentence there's an explosion knocking everyone in the building to the ground Peter jumps up to check and make sure that everyone's still alive and then he runs back up to the rooftop chadolf asks you like Peter answers by smacking him across the face asking him what's wrong with him he could have killed people down there should all think gets back up telling Peter that he better step off but while the two begin to argue again a female voice asks them if they wouldn't mind they would like to talk to them the two turned back to see Jean Gray telling them that they would like to speak with them they are the X-Men and kitty Pride ads the cute ones and storm continues As Seen On TV Peter Whispers to judolph told you that you were a mutant as the girls continue to introduce themselves Jean says that she's sorry if they freaked to them out or anything like that but they just needed to talk and Peter asks why so Gene goes on explaining that they and the other X-Men are mutant peacekeepers and their focus is to bring peace between man and mute which is why they wanted to speak with it off shut off stairs that are trying to form words but through his stuttering he ends up fading Kitty leans down asking if he really just fainted after being told that he was a mutant and Peter says that he's pretty much in denial of that fact while storming Kitty tended it off Gian psychically tells Peter that he did a good job trying to talk to him Peter shouts what the hell was that and Gene continues telling him that they're speaking telepathically just think and she can read it Peter tells Jean that he's not sure he's very comfortable with her in his head and she says try not to be uncomfortable it's really not a big deal in fact he's the first guy who hasn't mentally pictured her naked in six months Peter remains quiet and Jean says until now still being quiet Peter tells her sorry and Gene asks if he's done yet the two go back and forth looking at each other and Peter says okay done a gene doesn't say anything Peter says okay now I'm done and then jadal starts to wake back up asking what's going on he looks up and Gene telepathically asks if he's okay so he screams and passes back out and Gene tells everyone okay that one was her fault Kitty asks what are they supposed to do and storm says that they're not sure if he's even a mutant yet Peter asks what but as he does Gene psychically calls Professor Xavier suddenly the giant head of Charles appears and he tells everyone that normally they would go through the proper authorities for this but it's a special case however with him passed out it is technically kidnapping while Gene decides to bring him in Peter asks so that was really professor Charles Xavier and storm tells him that he's already gone Peter then asks how did she know maybe he's pretend hanging up and staying on the line as the girls bring jidolf onto their aircraft they ask Peter if he'd like to come and he tells them you know what sure the jet soars into the sky and Peter asks Gene if she actually knows how to fly a plane to which she tells him legally no okay then asks if she's making a funny and she tells him yes but while everyone talks off slowly begins to wake back up and he looks around Gene senses his movement and shouts that he's awake and everyone turns back to tell him to relax but you don't shouts for everyone to stay back and he creates another explosion to the ship the back of the Airship begins to open up and everyone gets pulled out storm flies out trying to help Glide the ship but with the speed of the aircraft everyone starts to get sucked out of it a little while later Peter begins to wake up and find himself in a bed he looks around to see Charles and he introduces Peter to his X-Men and Beast quietly says uncanny Peter Schultz wait what storm quickly explains what happened it was that she helped Kitty guide the plane before crashing Sheen then flew out of grabbing the dolphin saving him just at the last second before he splattered on the ground Peter blankly stares into storm shouts and you're welcome as Peter processes everything he realizes that he's not wearing his mask why did they take his mask off he was trying to keep his identity secret and no one seems to be respecting that now everyone knows that he's just plain old Peter Parker kitty smiles and says actually we didn't know your name until now after getting dressed and putting back on his mask Peter heads over to the medical room to see judolph to make sure that he's okay what he does jadalf tells Peter that he should totally check out what they did to his nipple Peter says that he looks uh a lot happier than last time and Charles says that he gave him a happy thought Peter asks Charles if that's even ethical and Charles tells him honestly no but he did just lose an aircraft because of this kid Charles then goes on to tell him that the reason that they wanted to speak with him is because that through cerebro they can track mutants but with jadalf they couldn't which has never happened before in fact it didn't even register him as human which leads one to believe that he may have been subjected to some undeserving genetic experiment so with that being the case what they need to do is find out who did this and more importantly why Peter then says all right so what are you gonna do with him Charles tells him that they'll present him to a couple of scientific organizations and they'll present their findings to the UN so that they can basically finally stop the countries that are turning a blind eye to inhumane mutilations this is really a Smoking Gun and Peter corrects him he Charles asks what Peter pointed it all saying he we're talking about a human Peter then goes on to ask if jejalov doesn't want to be a part of their agenda he's already a mutant phobic Charles tells him that at this point it's not up to him there are much bigger considerations Peter says that he's going to try and say that this guy deserves a shot at normal life and Beast leans in asking Define normal so after thinking about it Peter turns around shouting Define this and he punches Beast Peter then grabs it off kicking Cyclops in the head and he runs out of the lab Colossus tries to stop him but Peter just tackles through him and out the window as he lands Peter sees Charles standing there asking what good would that do Peter then snaps back to reality back in the lab saying well that would I just thought Charles then tells Peter that he's sure that he just read about his work he knows what him and the X-Men stand for so he can promise that jadalf will be treated with respect Kitty asks Peter if he's going to be okay with all of this and he tells her that he guesses she then asks if he needs a ride by back to Queens and Peter shouts oh God what time is it a short while later Peter walks across his lawn into his basement thinking about how he really needs to stop meeting people that it looks up to they're all starting to seem kind of crazy actually he probably shouldn't be thinking that what if Charles Xavier is listening before he can wander any further May stops him telling him they really need to talk it's laid into the night in New York when a woman with long silver hair stands atop a building waiting across the way she watches a man and a woman enter an office until they finally turn out the lights and leave with a smile on her face she fires a grappling hook over to the building it begins to slide down the wire over to it as she gets closer the woman sneaks into the building when a guard walks out a patrol once inside she then leans over to the locked office where she saw the man and the woman earlier she pulls out a small device to put into the door lock to override the lock and after a few seconds the door unlocks and swings open once aside the woman makes her way to the back where the painting hangs but before touching it she uses a spray to create a layer of smoke the cloud hovers in front of the picture revealing a laser security line covering the entire wall she then pulls out a small set of mirrors and after positioning them creates an opening for the painting she pulls the painting off the wall and finds a metal safe with no handle and no way to open it from the outside after searching the desk contents she finds an out of place folder and pulls on it the folder lifts and it pulls a string and there's a sudden click when she looks back to the safe door it pops open and she reaches in to pull out a wrapped object after pulling back the cloth she finds an Old Stone tablet and smiles she then sneaks back outside but before she can leave Peter Parker asks um what exactly are you doing the woman turns back and has Peter sees her figure he tells her wow you're um you're not like the usual Riff Raff I find sneaking around the rooftops but without saying a word the woman jumps off the ledge of the roof and Peter quickly follows however as he leaves he notices the woman grab onto the wall and then hops back up onto the roof as he falls he tries to fire his web shooters and nothing comes out back on the roof the woman starts to run as Peter jumps back up telling her that she would not believe what almost happened there he was midair almost about to die and then he remembered had spider powers and he saved himself the woman continues to run and Peter jumps in her way telling her to hang on he's not done with his verbal anxiety attack yet she jumps over him and Peter jumps again in her way and with no other choice she begins to kick and fight off Peter as the two of them struggle the woman flips Peter onto his back telling him that he just crossed the black cat that's seven years of bad luck she continues to run on stepping on Peter's head and as Peter gets up to chase her he trips and falls he looks at the woman and she just Smiles before jumping and disappearing a short while later Peter heads back home while Mary Jane tries to fix the web shooters after playing them for a little bit Mary Jane fires a web shot and says they seem to be working fine but then the two of them begin to kiss and flirt and suddenly they hear Aunt May telling them to come upstairs Peter asks what's going on and may says that Mary Jane's father is here the two run into the kitchen and Mary Jane sees her father Craig holding her diary she shouts that she can't believe that he would go through her things and she runs out crying Craig says that he found an interesting story and he begins to read off I almost died tonight if Peter hadn't been at the bridge I don't know what I would have done what if no one found my body Craig stares at Peter asking what did Mary Jane mean by that Peter stands there not answering and Craig shouts that's fine he came here to tell him that he will never see Mary Jane again they are through while Craig continues DL May steps in stopping him telling him that it's time for him to leave he storms out and may turns back to Peter asking what was that all about he says that it was nothing they were just at the park and Mary Jane slipped and he caught her that's all may that asks why not just tell him that and Peter shouts because he's a jerk he heads up to his room and he notices the news and they seem to be talking about Spider-Man the screen Cuts away to images of him running after the woman earlier on the reporter stating that they have pictures of Spider-Man escaping the scene of a crime with a burglar known as black cat Peter watches him begins to think that this seven years of bad luck seems to be starting right about now meanwhile over at the Fisk Corporation building William fisk's lawyer Walter Denney stand with the man who was just robbed asking where is the tablet the man says that apparently from the news Spider-Man has it and Walter asks what is he gonna do with it the man says that he's not sure but he has a slight feeling that Kingpin took it him and his criminal organization were the only ones who even knew about the tablet Walter tells him that that would be pointless he was supposed to just give it to them they have no reason to actually steal it Walter pulls out a business card telling him that he's going to give him a number to call no one will answer but leave a message and someone will call him back with a place time and how much money to bring when they meet don't talk about anything other than the task of getting back their item the man says that he's not so sure about this but Walter stops him telling him that he made a promise to Mr Fisk it's best that he does not back out on their deal the next day at school Peter sees Mary Jane in the halls and tells her that there was something about him last night and something involving a cat burglar Mary Jane quietly says they shouldn't be talking her dad was already looking into private schools this morning if they continued to talk Peter says that her father's bluffing she can't possibly think that he would do something like that and he goes on to tell her that he can't believe that she is letting him get between them after everything that they've been through she shouts what does he want her to do and Peter shouts asking what does she want him to do but rather than say anything Mary Jane turns to cover her face and leaves later her work Robertson tells Peter that he needs him to enter some personal ads into the database to be posted so Peter starts opening up letters stating that there's money in some of these Robertson says that people like to be anonymous when they do these sort of things and as Peter goes through opening the letters he finds one with a rather large sum of money in it Robertson tells him to let's see that for a second it begins to read off the letter spider I was intrigued by our last meeting were you we should explore this meet me over on the roof from last time the cat he hands back the letter stating that he doesn't know what that's supposed to mean but just put it in with the rest anyways as the night begins to fall Peter knows what this letter meant it was meant for Spider-Man aka him so he sneaks out to meet with the woman where they met last night once he gets there he sees black cat sitting on the roof with two glasses of wine and he tells her that this is something you don't see every day black cat turns backstage and that she's surprised he actually came she called them out so that they could talk he seemed rather interesting he says that she robbed that man last night and then beat the snot out of him and she tells him that that guy wasn't a nice guy beating him up was just kind of a knee-jerk reaction black cat then pulls her mask down his Smiles handing Peter a glass and Peter tells her that he perhaps that he can stay a minute they both sit down and Peter's spidey sense goes off and a side flies through the air Peter managed to push Black Cat To The Ground narrowly avoiding the sign but before Peter and black cat have a chance to react Elektra jumps out throwing shurikens at them the two scramble to dodge the attack but one of them flies by cutting through Peter's costume he shouts come on not another costume and then he stumbles backwards hitting his head black cat jumps up blocking Electra's attack and the two begin to exchange blows Peter watches the girls fight and asks himself what he's supposed to do black cat is a burglar and the other one well who knows what she's doing here as Electra rips part of Black Cat's costume away she shouts that she should give back what she stole black cat manages to smack the other side out of elektra's hands and she shouts that she's not her father tell her master that she is not him Elektra tells her that she really shouldn't have done that and kicks upwards pushing black cat away and then she kicks her in the stomach black cat's body goes flying into Peter but then she gets right back up and charges into the fight when she suddenly pulled back she looks back and sees that her back is wed to the roof and Peter says that he's going to take care of this okay then asks Elektra what can they do to like make her go away and would she at least tell them who sent her it exactly what she wants she kicks that Peter and he asks if this is going to be a no then she continues attacking with her sigh and Peter snatches it from her hand telling her to come on however even without the Sigh electric keeps swinging and as Peter jumps away she kicks him in the legs sending him to the ground he grabs his knee asking what's wrong with her an electric grabs him by the arm and flips him over and kicks him off the side of the roof Peter's body begins to fall down to the streets and he fires a web and slingshots himself back upwards but as he climbs he misfires the weapon he slams into the side of the building after falling into an awning he looks Upstate him and at least he's not dead so that's something he quickly rushes back up the building and when he gets there he looks all over the roof and sees that both Black Cat and Electra are gone he lays down and says this is nice and what a black cat say she's not her father suddenly the door swings open and a guard steps out shouting oh my God Peter tells him to be quiet he's trying to think here and back home the home phone begins to ring just waking up may grabs it mumbling hello and the woman's voice asks if it's Meg so Mei asks who is it the parentage woman says that her name is Mary Watson Mary Jane's mother Mary Jane she's she's gone she packed a bag and she ran away is Peter there she doesn't know what to do May jumps out of bed and runs over to Peter's Room but doesn't see him in bed she then rushes over to Gwen's room frantically shouting and asking where's Peter Gwen says that she doesn't know but suddenly May hears a thump in the kitchen she hurries downstairs flipping on the light switch shouting Peter Peter spits up some milk that he was just drinking stating that she scared the crap out of him and may then asks what is he doing why is he not in bed where's Mary Jane Peter says that he was just up studying for his midterm what happened to Mary Jane May says that Mary Jane's mother called them in a frenzy she took a bag and now she's gone Peter runs outside and down the street to Mary Jane's house but before he can knock Craig steps out asking where is she Peter tries to state that he's here to check on that but Craig grabs Peter by the shirt demanding to know where his daughter is Peter grabs Craig's arm telling him don't she ran away because he was making her miserable not because of but Mary Mary breaks them both apart and asks Peter to just please go find her Peter begins to think back to when Nick Fury told him that he shouldn't tell people who he is because clearly Mary Jane cannot handle it he tries to think where Mary Jane could have gone and then it clicks he rushes over to the old Warehouse where he told Mary Jane to go when he rescued her from Norm in any hurries inside once in Peter finds a person laying on the floor and he reaches down to see who it is and as he touches her Mary Jane flips over screaming asking what time is it Peter grabs are asking what she's doing it's the middle of the night and she shouts that she couldn't stand it anymore in the house she couldn't breathe she just had to get out of there the entire night her father just said they're threatening to ship her away and not let her see him Peter hugs her telling her that she needs to go home Mary Jane asks if they can just run away and get married Peter holds her face telling her not yet and she tells him that she's going to be grinder forever now so he hugs her again telling her that's fine he's not going anywhere the next morning at work Peter dozes at his desk thinking about what black cat said about not being her father and then an image of Kingpin flashes by he snaps back awake and he is a search of the company logs for cat burglars and one name hits Jack Hardy Peter reads the article about black cat Jack being arrested for being caught and sees him walking into court with his daughter after a quick Google search Peter sees the girl's name is Felicia Hardy and her current employer is Fisk Enterprises over at Felicia's apartment Wilson grabs Felicia by the neck slamming her into a wall telling her that she wanted his attention she's got it now as a lecture holds the side of Felicia's face Wilson goes on to say to just give back what she stole because Elektra is dying to stick many many holes into her Peter's voice calls out to Wilson telling him boy I haven't seen you this angry since the colonel wouldn't tell you his recipe to his secret spices while Wilson and Elektra are looking back Felicia kicks Elektra and kicks Wilson in the stomach to break free Wilson's massive body begins to fall down so Peter struggles with Elektra as she tries to cut at him he shouts not the costume seriously I really don't have a spare this time and then he webs up Electra's face Wilson starts to pick himself back up and he shouts to Peter that he doesn't know why he's involved in this he needs to stop interfering with his life this is too important for you too but Wilson's words are stopped as Peter webs his face up telling him to put an extra large sock in it Peter then jumps at the window climbing to the rooftop shouting to Felicia that she needs to stop this they're actually going to kill her or even worse they're going to kill him Felicia looks over the ledge and says that he was the one who killed her father Wilson betrayed him and left him in prison and that is why she needs to destroy him everything that he says he wants she will take away from him this Stone tablet is just the first Peter looks at the tablet stating that he doesn't even know what that is and it's very Noble of her wanting to stick at the Fisk but she is stealing Felicia shouts that he doesn't know her but before she can go on Wilson burst through the rooftop doorway screaming for her to give it back now she smiles and throws the tablet off the roof down into the waters below she laughs stating that now is just another rock at the bottom of the river and she's very glad that he got to see her do it then a sigh is thrown hitting Felicia right in the chest Elektra turns her attack towards Peter and he jumps off the roof to try and catch Felicia she's already gone Peter hops onto the roof shouting to stop where but Wilson Fisk in a lecture are gone later the night Wilson sits in a hospital bed saying how he's going to spend every dollar they had for them he wanted to find the ancient text so that they could find a way to open her eyes again and on the bed lays Wilson's wife unresponsive he goes on saying that no matter what he will punish those who try to stop him but please wake up while everything for Peter seems to have remained calm Shield wasted no time in gathering up the villains who have taken part in the unauthorized genetic mutations and their custody is now Auto Octavius also known as Doc Ock Max Dillon also known as Electro Flint Marco known as the Sandman and Norman Osborne known as the Green Goblin since their capture Hank Pym has been working on these four in an attempt to rehabilitate them allowing them to try and do some good for once outside though agent Sharon Carter escorts Craven the hunter to containment explaining to him that the device around his neck will stabilize genetics if he tries to do anything not smart Craven shouts asking if they know who he is he is Craven his face begins to change and he yells as his teeth start to form fangs and Sharon tells the guards to hit the collar suddenly the color around Craven's neck starts to emit electricity stunning and forcing him to the ground Sharon goes on telling him like she was saying the caller will forcibly stabilize his genetic structure and as he can see it's not a pleasant experience one thing he should know though is that the color does match his strength so the harder that he resists it it is possible that it will fry his brain back in the holding cells the guards toss Craven in and Max says that he knows that guy is he really immute Sharon tells him no they keep the mutant terrorists on a whole other Slice of Heaven this is the place where those cute little genetic anomalies so sleep tight as Sharon leaves Craven slowly starts to wake back up and Max calls out that by the way his show is really sucky Craven screams as he runs towards the barrier and he's electrocuted and Max just sits at his cell laughing down the hall Norman sits in his cell asking why would they bring all six of them together Otto asks him what does he mean by six there's only five of them here and Norman leans back telling him no there will be six the next day the captives are all brought out and Hank tries to speak with them all again mainly Norman since he's been the most silent out of all of them Hank asks what is it that made him do all of this he had everything that he could ever want a wife a child millions of dollars his own business legendary scientific Acumen and Norman laughs telling him I was just doing what Nick Fury tells me to do they wanted the odds formula the miracle that made me and Otto the way that we are Hank says actually we already have the formula that and everything that you own was seized the day that you were taken into custody as Hank goes on Norman gets angry and his skin starts to change and Norman changes into the green gobble and breaking out of his restraints but seconds later Hank's giant hand grabs him and slams him down to the ground Hank looks back at the other captives and tells them that at least they know the system works six weeks later Sharon escorts Norman back to his cell after being released from medical and asks everyone to guess who's back and better than ever and by better she means completely sedated out of his mind Max shouted he doesn't feel very comfortable having Norman around them and Sharon tells him to be quiet or she'll stick them both in the same Cell Max tells her fine at least take her top off for them Sharon's smile telling him sure and she starts to unbutton her shirt as Max's eyes light up Sharon stops telling him psych and Max karitz's teeth telling her that she will be the first Otto looks over at Norman's cell and as the two lock eyes Otto calls out that he would like to talk to Hank please he wants to talk a short while later Otto stands before Hank and his team telling him that he just wants to help after seeing what Norman has done to himself he wants to contribute he's a man of science not some monster so please let him help Hank stares at him for a moment and says that he'll get back to him on that and a few days later Hank walks Otto into their research facility and Otto asks what is the overall Focus that they are trying to achieve here Hank tells him that he may know the next war will most likely be fought genetically so they're working on ways to stay ahead of that Otto looks around and says that it's really good to be back in the lab and another researcher says that she knows that this might be a bit too soon but they have a surprise for him Otto sees the table with his mechanical arms and the researcher says that those arms have revolutionized high risk Bible working but as Otto stares at him he says that it's strange being a man of science but he wonders if his connection to them is more of a mental connection like a connection not just physical maybe the explosion that grafted hit to him was in fact a method of mentally unlocking his control over them Otto continues to talk but soon no one responds he then looks around telling them that they'll just have to take his word for it but the arms are already out stabbing everyone in the chest back over in the holding cells the lights go out and everyone starts to walk out of their cells wondering what's going on Flint Marco asks if this means that they can use their powers and Max Sparks his finger telling him there's only one way to find out he starts to admit electricity and he fires a blast hitting Norman's collar Norman falls to his knees groaning and a moment later he starts to change into the Green Goblin once everyone's collars are disabled Otto knocks down the door and Norman asks him if he's the one who did this Otto tells him that it's called telling them what they want to hear and what he's become is truly magnificent Norman tells him that they are now even so it's time for him to get his boy and Destroy Nick Fury and Otto asks where do they keep your son Harry Norman asked him what is he talking about his boy's name is Peter all at once the ultimates hear their communicators going off and everyone rushes over to the now destroyed containment facility Tony arrives in the Iron Man suit and begins to scan the place for signs of life after a quick glance Tony says that there are three signals then he asks how many people are in the facility Nick's eyes go wide as he tells him that there were 38 people here Tony hurries over to the three signals and says that he found Hank he's alive but barely a short while later Nick gathers every one of the shield base of triskelon and begins to go over the footage of the outbreak he explains to everyone that at the present moment they are unable to locate any of the captives the only way to pinpoint them is if they power up again dramatically changing their genetic structure would set off an alarm Nick goes on telling everyone that it's possible that they need to watch out for any past relationships that these people had or pass grudges and as Nick thinks about it he realizes that Norman did have a grudge against Peter Parker not long after that Peter sits in his school when a shield agent pulls him out of class as the two walk down the hallway Peter asks him who he is and he explains that he is Agent clay Quartermaine from Shield Nick Fury had orders to bring him in Peter then asks how does he know that he's with Shield does he have some kind of identification clay holds out his watch and on the screen Nick tells him to get his tights and get his butt over there a short while later over at the base Nick brings Peter into the control room and tells everyone that this is Spider-Man Tony looks at him asking did he pull him out of time or something he's kind of young and Nick shouts no this is really him before they can get all high and mighty he would like to point out that he has single-handedly beaten the crap out of everyone who has escaped and the entire Shield organization couldn't do that Peter then asks wait escaped who and Nick tells him all of them Peter shouts that he's got a warrant Aunt May but Nick tells him that he's got that covered he has agents watching over both may and a Mary Jane while everyone begins to prepare themselves Peter says that he needs to call Mary Jane Norman threatened her so Nick grabs the phone from Peter and shouts that he just lost 35 people today that's more than he's ever lost since he took this job now if he won't listen to them he will ship his butt back to Queens and let him fend for himself the room Falls silent as everyone looks and Peter says that he doesn't understand what do they think they're going to do as Nick looks in the modern with Norman on it he says that they'll find out soon enough over in the White House Mr Stone the chief of staff receives word from his secretary that Norman Osborne is on the line for him Stone grabs the phone and says that this is Stone and then he hangs at the phone he walks into the president's office and says they have a serious situation with Nick Fury a few hours later Nick sits in the Oval Office while the president yells asking how is it that criminal that he didn't even know about ended up calling the White House not only does Norman Osborne want 100 million dollars but he also wants his company back his son an amnesty for himself and a few others along with the arrest of Nick Fury or else Nick Fury asks him what is the what else and the president goes back to shouting that he's threatening to expose the highly confidential Organization for illegally detaining or they will release that information worldwide he goes on stating how there was a little concentration camp for Super Villains behind his back and now that they were all locked up without any sort of trial or due process they've also escaped Nick tries to explain but the president Cuts him off shouting that he has until tonight to get this fixed now get out as Nick Fury walks out of the office his phone goes off and when he answers Norma says that he hopes that he will enjoy prison more than he did a little while later Nick heads back over to the base to get everyone ready to move out and as he suits up one of the operators shouts that they're currently being hacked everyone runs over to the computers and Nick shouts for everyone to shut down the systems and then the power goes out everyone stands still and Peter begins to feel his Spider Sense going off just then all of the lights begin to pop and electricity shoots out shocking at most of the people Max then floats down telling everyone that he hopes they all like it like that any remaining agents open fire on Max with the bullets face through him and he says that isn't going to work as well as they'd hoped suddenly a rush of wind shoots by as sand because the cloud everyone's Vision Peter tries to web up Max but Flint forms a hammer of sand and cracks Peter of the head as he falls Norman rips off the roof and jumps down pinning Peter to the granity smile telling him my boy a little while later Peter sits in a chair beginning to hear the voices of Norman and Otto talking when he opens his eyes Norman looks down at him telling him there's my boy Peter begins to look around and sees Craven changing shape and he punches them shouting he's just a kid autographs Craven by the neck with a mechanical arm and slams him into a wall and Otto tells him to be still Norman then says obviously Craven is the weakest of us so he'll do best to keep quiet to behave Craven wipes the blood from his mouth telling him yeah okay Otto then picks Peter back up and sits him down and Peter asks why do you keep calling me your boy Norman leans down telling him that it's because he is his greatest creation if it wasn't for him and Otto he wouldn't be Spider-Man Norman then goes on telling him that together they are all victims of Nick Fury here and now you are one of us so let's all make history Peter breaks free from the chair shouting for him to shut up and he jumps onto the wall he then says that if he thinks for a second that he's going to help him but Norman that holds out his arm stopping him telling him but may will die tonight and if you still can't behave then it will be Mary Jane and then her family as Norman keeps listing off things Peter tells him fine okay just leave Aunt May alone back over the White House Stone gets another call for Norman and he asks how's everything working out Stone says that he's sorry but the White House just doesn't work like that he can't cough up 100 million dollars Norman Cuts him off telling him well that's really too bad and then he hangs up the president that asks everyone if they got a hit on his location and the lights go out so suddenly electricity shoots out of all of the electrical devices and then there's a loud boom coming from outside soldiers stationed outside begin firing towards the explosion and then another wave of electricity shoots out frying them all from the smoke in the fire Norman along with Peter steps out stating that this will do as everyone walks towards the White House they all start to hear a loud humming when they look up they see the shield Helicarrier flying by Captain America steps up and points to Norm and telling him you're trespassing without even responding Norman and the rest of them clashed with the ultimates and all Peter could do is stand there and watch Norman grabs him and puts him in front of Captain telling him to do something useful as Peter nervously pulls his arm back to swing Captain America asks what are you doing Peter stutter's telling him that he has to run maze going to Peter then grabs on to Captain America and he tells him Norman won't we have her up in the Helicarrier while the two of them struggle pushing each other back Peter asks you promise you swear you have her and Captain America looks at him and says kid pewter let's go and he looks back to Norman calling him out Norman shouts that he told him to but before he can finish Peter cracks him across his Goblin he then jumps on top of him shouting that he's sick of having him in his life and then one of Otto's mechanical arms grabs and throws him Peter's body shoots through the field crashing into the White House as Peter gets back up he says so this is the Oval Office huh back outside while the fighting continues Janet flies towards Otto and straight into his mouth a few seconds later Otto begins to gag and he falls to the ground Janet then crawls out stating that this will make her the first person in history to be totally covered in gingivitis elsewhere Flint Marco beats down on Tony in the Iron Man suit while Tony radios in that he could really use the genetic sequence for Sandman right about now so he can actually fight back a few moments later the radio says that the file is sent and Tony gives a blast of shooting Flynn's head off across the field Captain America bashes Norman telling him to just give it up but after pushing him back Norman shouts where is Nick Fury I'll kill him right here and as he yells he suddenly hears Harry's voice call out dead Norma turns around and Harry stanzo telling him that he needs to stop Norman stops and he stands up saying Nick a sunk to a new low using my own child and Harry tells him no he came in his own so please just stop all of this while they talk Tony watches and tells a Helicarrier to go ahead load Osborne's genetic sequence he has a clear shot Harry then looks back at the White House and sees Peter Norman stands still on this slowly because they're reverting back when suddenly there's a Flash and a bright blue blast hits Norman in the back and as he falls he shouts I'll kill you all everyone on the ground begins to focus their attacks on Norman and Nick walks up to Harry and tells him this wasn't a part of the plan Peter rushes down to see Harry and then there's another explosion in the sky everyone looks up to see a giant ball of electricity and then a person fall from it one of the soldiers asks who just won and as him and Tony aim it they see Thor float back to the ground asking if they're done yet Peter turns back to Harry hugging him telling him that he didn't deserve any of this and through his Psalms Harry says all of you I'll kill all of you for this another Soldier starts to walk Harry away and Nick walks up to Peter telling him that for a number of reasons he needs to get out of here they will get him back to New York within the hour they've got Harry under control a little while later Peter heads over to the Helicarrier and is told to tell Aunt May that he was also being held because of security he was kept separate from her she asks if she's like mad or anything like in a scale of one to ten as Peter and the agent walk into the next rooms May screams that she will sue all of them if she doesn't see her nephew right now right this instant Peter runs over to hugger and she tells the agents that she would very much like them to bring her home now elsewhere in another lab loading Bay a cryogenic chamber is activated with the body of Norman Osborne Captain America says they should just put a bullet in the back of his head and Nick tells him that they can't not until they get everything they need from his DNA as the rain Pours Down Captain America tells him that's right because the next war will be a genetic one and Nick Fury tells him yeah that's right as the cab driver loads up Aunt May's luggage May stands by Peter and Gwen side explaining that she's gonna be gone in Florida for a week she doesn't want any hanky-panky going on and as Peter asks what the heck is that may tells him that he knows what she means after the two of them wave goodbye Peter goes back inside to have breakfast and he begins to think about how this is a first for once there's no earth-shattering drama no news about some villain attacking New York heck even Jonah is being somewhat reasonable and while Gwen makes herself breakfast she has the news playing that reporter says that they have an interview with Sam Raimi the man who will be directing the new Spider-Man movie Peter watches and Sam says that there isn't much known about Spider-Man but he wants to capture his perception of him just imagine that this man was struck by tragedy and he grows up to be a loser and that he puts on a mask and everything changes as Peter listens to Sam for the most part accurately describe his life he doesn't realize until after that he just ripped the door off the hinges meanwhile over at Rikers Island maximum security penitentiary Otto Octavia sits in his cell alone one of the guards leans in on the cell showing him a paper stating that there is a Spider-Man movie coming out and his ex-wife is helping as a consultant to give it a little authenticity apparently she's an expert on deluded self-important murderers like him and leave it to Ex-Wives to cash into the man's work right the guard throws the paper in saying that he would feel bad if he wasn't a cop killer and who knows maybe you could even go to the premiere later as Otto lies in his bed he feels a faded thunk thunk in his Smiles not far off at the shield headquarters two scientists begin to hear a thunk coming from a locker they go to check it out as soon as the locker is unlocked Otto's mechanical arms shoot out and they begin crawling up into the air vents the next day at the set of the new Spider-Man movie actor Toby Maguire pulls off the Spider-Man mask shouting that he can't see a thing with this thing on just as Sam and the others go out to respond their words Trail off and Toby looks around to see Peter the actual Spider-Man telling him you suck and then he points at everyone else dating you all suck and you should feel bad he then jumps around the set shouting that the movie is totally going to tank because they're all fake and their actors can't do this Peter then stops and asks Sam how could you do this to me you're making a movie without my permission I'm Spider-Man Sam Smiles telling him actually we don't need it you're a public figure so you're a public domain and the producer adds they even get the rights of Octavius from his ex-wife the producer then begins asking what do these men like what kind of men are Otto and Norman Osborne Peter begins to feel frustrated that no one is listening to him he's Spider-Man he's here in the suit and no one's listening to him and he shouts you people just suck and he webs off back on Rikers Island Otto sits up in his bed and he smiles as he hears the explosions going off and the guards shouting for help as the mechanical arm slips into the cell he says yes I missed you too now it's time for us to leave a short while later in another part of town Otto knocks on a door that happens to be a man's house and when the man asks what does he want Otto tells him that he has a really nice house the man asks do I know you or something and then suddenly there's a crash from behind and the mechanical arms begin to crawl in Otto tells the man I really like your house meanwhile at school Kong tells everyone that he just got a part in the Spider-Man movie as an extra while the students all gather around to listen Gwen overhears and asks if there's a part in the movie where Spider-Man kills her dad everyone just looks at her and Gwen mutters this is so stupid under her breath that she storms off Peter and Mary Jane watch and they chase after her and Peter tells her that they know it wasn't Spider-Man that killed her father it was but Gwen Cuts him off yeah it was some guy in a Spider-Man costume that doesn't matter it's all Spider-Man a guy dressed as Spider-Man killed my dad and now they want to make a movie about him Gwen turns and walks up shutting yeah make a hero out of him make a movie and Dolls yippee Peter tells Mary Jane that he could really use a crazy villain to beat the crap out of right now back at Otto's newly acquired house he talks to the mechanical arms as they flip through the channels on the TV and stomping the news the reports begin to talk about the new Spider-Man movie and how they're lucky enough to speak with Rosalita Octavius the estranged wife of Dr Otto Octavius the camera then switches to Rosalita talking about Otto and how he's a tragic failure and as the news plays the mechanical arms ripped the TV off the wall and they Smash It On The Ground and Otto says Ah this is perplexing up on one of the buildings is Peter watching as they film and as the actors start to get ready for a break there's a loud crash in people screaming when everyone looks over they see Otto making his way through destroying everything in his path he calls out for Rosalita telling her how disappointed that we are for what you've done one of the mechanical arms begins to reach out but is stopped as Peter websit up saying you can't do this how could you be out and about doing this to me again and Otto just looks back and says Mr Parker the mechanical arms begin to grab Peter and Peter shouts all of the sucking things you've made me do now you're making me fight you so that you don't trash the movie be said that I already hate as the arms flail about one manages to knock Peter down and Otto screams at him to just die the arms then shoot out just before it hits Peter he quickly catches it and Otto asks why is it that everywhere I go Spiderman is always there Peter then struggles to push the arm back and says because I love you and then Otto with speed her into the air and Peter asks how is it that you keep escaping I'm no expert or anything but I'm starting to really think that there needs to be a security upgrade of these prisons as Peter tries to fight back against Otto Otto manages to knock him back into the ground and then he wraps an arm around Peter's neck as he's lifted up into the air Peter says you've become a much better fighter Otto then electrifies an arm and smacks Peter with it stating we have had a great deal of time to consider how to fight you if we ever met again Peter asks who this wee stuff is that he's already talking about because he's already a whacked out wacky whack job and one of the actors runs it screaming oh God don't kill me and both Peter and Otto just stare at him so then Otto keeps Peter in the air and one of the Spider-Man stuntmen grab a camera and they bash it into the side of Otto's head Peter asks who are you the man says that his name is Leroy and this guy is gone and shut down the project and he says Oh I thought I was getting a revamp or something Otto then gets up swinging his arm knocking Leroy away and then Peter catches one of the arms and swings Otto into a production van just as he swings again to throw Auto aside Peters grabbed by another arm and he's tossed out into the street meanwhile back at Peter's home the doorbell rings and when Gwen goes to check it she sees Mary Jane Grant opens the door and Mary dances in telling her that her mother finally kicked her father out she's not forever grounded from the whole running away thing she then calls out for Peter and Gwen tells her that he's not really here he's at work or something and Gwen says that she'll hang out until he gets back she needs to relax anyway but just before they sit on the couch they both see the news and they see that Spider-Man is fighting Otto again anyhow Spider-Man's defending everyone Gwen watches it angrily and Mary Jane watches stating that she's gotta go on she forgot something and she runs out the door however Gwen notices is that there was something strange about that back on the set the fighting brought Peter and Otto into the tunnels where Otto throws Peter against a wall and a mechanical arm quickly grabs him again and throws him into a car and just as the spider sense goes off Otto hits him again slamming him into another car Peter looks up and then his vision begins to fade and when he opens his eyes he tries to move and then he sees that he's duct taped to a chair in a plane that has already taken off that's when he hears a voice telling him ah good you're awake Otto walks out of the cockpit telling him that it's a lovely night to be flying Mr Parker I actually thought they would be grounded for being out this late on a school night he then pulls off Peter's mask and Peter asks what kind of goofy goofball thing are you gonna do to me now so Otto hits him with a mechanical arm and Peter shouts God you knocked the tooth loose Otto tells him I'm sorry about that but let's take a look I am a doctor after all the mechanical arms hold Peter's head in place while another one reaches in grabbing the wiggling tooth and rips it out of his head Peter screams and then with another arm Otto webs up Peter's mouth telling him this is the cute toy that you have and I thought that the webbing came out of your body organically Peter tries to break free but Auto tells you're only here for one purpose and that's currency a brick glass in case of emergency situation he sits down telling him the way I see it I need something in case I run into any trouble when we land I have you to be used but there's one thing that I want to tell you I Hate Everything About You the biggest though is this whole wanting to do good thing deep down you're just a pathetic immature Glory Island in fact I'm truly disgusted by you Mr Parker there's always someone standing in my way whether it be you Rosalita Norman there's always someone why can't you people just leave me alone so that I can live a decent life why is that so hard Otto lean's back and he tells him just so you know you will be killed tonight they will kill you and as Auto goes on Peter passes out from the pain and the pilot says it'll be arriving shortly Otto walks back up to the cockpit and he hears the pilot speaking to the control tower about the landing and then there's a sudden boom Otto runs back out to see the door open and Peter gone from his chair and he looks outside screaming Parker meanwhile back at home Gwen doesn't feel quite so right that Mary Jane just up and left at news of Spider-Man so she decides to go into Peter's basement while she looks around she sees Peter's locked chest and breaks the lock with a hammer as it opens her eyes widen as she sees the Spider-Man costume sitting inside once the plane touches down to Brazil Otto says that he knows little Parker is out there he pulls the pilot out telling him that he did an exceptional job flying under what he is sure was not ideal for long conditions but they have a little Spider-Man to deal with Violet says that he promises you could live so But Otto steps off the plane and then Peter jumps out of a closet and kicks him onto the runway Otto scrambles to get up but Peter punches them down telling him you've had this coming he then jumps onto Otto smacking him down with his own mechanical arm asking are you gonna whip out yet and then one arm crawls up her behind throwing Peter into the air and he lands on one of the planes and wings when Peter gets up he looks at the airport sign and now that he's able to read it he says oh man I'm not an American am I I am so gonna be grounded Otto gets back up and he starts to swing at the airport personnel and so Peter jumps in punching him back to the ground telling him to just stay calm suddenly Peter hears the sounds of guns cocking and soldiers start running at him yelling in Portuguese he tells him that he swears that he'll do whatever they want if they just say it in English and then from the crowd a woman steps forward asking if he's really the American Spider-Man and if so what is he doing here Peter points to Otto telling them that it was this guy's fault he kidnapped me to go wherever the heck this place is the woman tells him he's actually in Brazil Peter then turns to the pilot stating that he knows that he's had a bit of a rough night but could you help me out and bring me back to New York that'd be great the female Captain says they're not going anywhere they still have reports to fill out so Peter just know you don't understand I have to get home I'm gonna be in so much trouble but before they can be taken away a passing plane gets ready to take off just before lifting up Peter hops onto it and it sticks to the point and then from hopping from plane to plane he finally gets back to Queens Peter rushed his own before Aunt May is supposed to get back and he sneaks into the basement and jessily pulls his mask off he sees Gwen standing there crying holding a gun at him and through her crying she says that it was him wasn't it he's the one that killed her Father Peter asks where does she even get the gun and she shouts that it was her father's she goes out screaming that it was Spider-Man Spider-Man killed her father he shouts that it wasn't him it was the other guy in this Spider-Man costume and then the two-year the front door open is Aunt Meg is back from her trip Peter quickly snatches the gun and he tells Gwen that she needs to listen to him he didn't kill her father yes he's Spider-Man but he would never kill anyone plus he was with her the day that it happened her dad was in Atlantic City they were here there's no way that he could have been there and he tells her that she needs to please believe him no one knows about this an Aunt May cannot handle this sort of thing as may continue his calling asking who's home Peter slowly removes his hand from Gwen's mouth she doesn't say any anything and then she turns to leave slamming the basement door shut May calls out asking if anyone is down there and Peter comes up stating that he just fell asleep at his computer he's sorry for not coming up right away May tells him it's all right and then she sees the bruise on Peter's cheek she asks what happened and Peter says oh he got hurt at the gym a tooth even popped out but it's fine Mae tells him it's not okay they're gonna set up an appointment to have the dentist and look at that tomorrow the next day Peter Laden Bettis Mary Jane comes home from school she tries to gently wake him but he jumps up shouting don't and he spits out bandages from his mouth both scream falling back and Peter says oh hey she hugs him telling him that she was so worried everyone's been talking a school about the whole fight and then he says actually was Gwen at school Mary Jane says no why Peter tells Mary Jane that gwent found out Mary Jane quietly says that she may have looked a little suspicious running out of the house when the news was showing him fighting Doc Ock Peter size asking what is he supposed to do now and a voice says that she was gonna find out sooner or later Peter sees going and asks where did she go she tells him that at first just in the backyard for like an hour then to the movies in the library Mary Jane asks what she's doing there and Gwen says she was just reading up stuff on Spider-Man and her father Peter asks that she knows that he didn't kill her father right and Gwen says yes sorry she kind of wigged out on him like that Peter brushes it off telling her not to worry they're all kind of spazzing out so Gwen jumps on the bed stating that this all makes so much more sense now the reason Peter Parker is a total flake and Mary Jane says that he was a flake before this whole thing happened Gwen then says that he knows that she wasn't gonna shoot right and Peter says yeah he has spider sense that lets him know when something dangerous is about to happen just don't tell anyone so why is everything for Peter is wrapping up later than night at Stark Industries Shields soldiers begin to gather and a van pulls up and from it Otto is escorted to where Nick Fury is standing Nick introduces himself to Otto and tells him that one of the decisions that he made was to keep the mechanical arms intact while their scientists examined how they worked but as of now they know that that was a mistake they have misjudged how Sharon the connection he had to them once so that is why he's being brought here and sedated enough not to control them but not so much as to pass out Nick then gives an order the mechanical arms are dropped into the vat of molten metals and auto shots knows all him they had nothing to do with this and Nick tells the guards to go ahead and take him away but before leaving Nick looks Into the Fire and tells the guards so just keep an eye on those things just in case it was a rainy night in New York as Peter swings through the city following a group of police cars that are responding to a hostage situation he says that he's collecting water in places that he didn't even know he had actually that's not true he did fight a man-to made out of sand and then he had sand in the very same places as Peter and the police arrive on the scene at the Museum Captain Jean DeWolf calls over the speaker that it is very important that he does not hurt anyone inside and if he does their deal is off the voice of the Gladiator shouts free narachi all the blood will fill the streets and Gene asks who Gladiator shouts that nirachi will be given Freedom or everyone who hears him will die and he crushes the phone Peter appears behind him telling him that he should really pick on some of his own size and as Gladiator turns back towering over him Peter says stay right here I will uh go get someone that is your size Gladiator then pops Blaze out of his Gauntlet stating that the emperor has given the signal they shall battle for new Hachi Peter asks how many voices are rattling around in there and then his Spider Sense goes off The Blaze from Gladiators gauntlets shoot out and Peter jumps out of the way onto gladiator's shoulder bashing him in the head before Peter could even do more damage though the blades spring out of gladiator's shoulders and Before Peter can jump away Gladiator grabs him by the leg with a powerful swingy slams Peter down into your display and he pops on more blades the blade starts slicing at Peter's stomach and leg and just as Gladiator moves into attack Peter webs up gladiator's face and cracks a metal stand across his head he then continues to bash to stand down on Gladiator when the police charge in shouting for everyone to get down Peter looks up stating look I'm kind of leaking here from the rain so I'm just gonna go but one of the officer shouts you're not going anywhere as Gene steps in telling everyone to lower their guns Peter says that he's real sorry cop person lady he's allergic to jail and he's gonna be on his way he quickly jumps over the police still suffering from his wounds and he turns to the only doctor that he knows Curtis Connors as Dr Kurt Connors enters his lab from a night of not being able to sleep while he sees Peter's Shadow and he asks what he's doing here Peter tells him that he once said he owes him right well well he is a doctor and he just needs to borrow the doctor part Curtis tells him that he's not that type of doctor and that he should really go to an actual hospital but Peter tells him sure just let me go get my insurance and that's in my other costume but as he says that he begins to cough so Curtis starts stitching up Peter and he continues to cough so Kurt says that he really needs to not be running around in the rain in his underwear he doesn't look so good Peter costs telling him yeah I don't look you don't look so great either and Kurt says well yeah I couldn't sleep I was just going through some adult stuff Peter jokes telling him at least you're not the lizard right but after seeing Kurt scowl he says it was a joke once Curt is finished he tells Peter that he should probably drive home but Peter says it's all right he can get there much faster by Webb so he hands him a sweatshirt telling him to at least take this he then asks if there's anything that he can do to help with whatever is going on any Miracle scientific breakthroughs on him Peter looks back and smiles and says that he is the scientific Miracle but adios Muchachos as Peter heads out Kurt begins cleaning up the examination table stating that he's just going to rip those stitches out again and then he notices the blood on the table being a man of science Kurt takes a sample of Peter's blood and he examines it and he smiles the next day at Kurt's lab Kurt's assistant Ben Reilly arrives in the lab to find Kurt sleeping at his desk seeing that Kurt had some experiments going on Ben goes to look in the microscope and he sees Peter's sample his eyes wide and stating wow and the Curt jumps up shouting gibberish then calms him down telling him that he just fell asleep at his desk again he really needs to stop doing that and then Ben asks what is on that slide that he was looking at it's amazing Kurt jumps up shouting well that was nothing but it's just the beginning of something but please don't ask me about it it's not ready to be shown meanwhile back at the Parker home Peter is staying home recovering from his recent wounds and now he's got a cult as he flips through the morning TV shows he asks is this really what people oh bikini girl and then he lays there and the phone rings Kurt asks if they can talk it's really important and Peter tells him actually he stayed home from school because he isn't feeling well and Kara says that's fine he can come there but they really need to meet it's really important so Peter sigh is telling him no I'll just meet you a short while later over the coffee shop Peter tells Kurt that he's like four minutes away from a coma so whatever it is better be important Kurt says that now he doesn't want him to be mad or anything but the other night there was some blood left and Peter stares at him what did you do Kurt assures him he did nothing all he did was look at it and then Peter asks oh God am I gonna be okay then am I gonna die and current last telling him no actually what I saw was amazing he holds on a notebook with a diagram of a normal person's DNA compared to Peter's and he says that whatever made him become him is an amazing scientific find that's why he wanted to ask him that with his permission could he run some experiments on the sample Kurt goes on saying that something happened on a genetic level and it's possible to use that sample to help others things like gene therapy stem cell research cures to illnesses fight diseases computer adds cancer he then says that his father before he died was dedicated to finding a way to cure cancer so maybe that could be inside of Kurt tells him that it's possible that it could be nothing but he's not a stupid man he knows something when he sees it for a long time he's been at the end of his rope but this There's Hope and that's why he's here asking for permission and running the experiments Peter thinks about it and Kurt continues saying that they might find nothing and maybe that's it but it's almost like they have a responsibility to try hearing those words Peter says okay you can run the experiments two months later Peter heads out to stop Punisher Frank Castle from killing a robber and he ends up cutting himself in the process Peter heads over to Kurt's lab to get patched up and he says that he's looking real good today Kurt last telling him that they finally got their funding for the year and things have been going well Peter tells him that's awesome so about what we talked about before can I see it Kurt tells him yeah but can we do it tomorrow he's actually on his way to see his kid for dinner Peter tells him sure it's fine he goes on stating that you know how science nerds get they get into it and they'll be there for an hour Peter tells him yeah he's actually laid himself so he'll stop by again as Peter Lee's Kurt heads into the next room and tells Ben that he's going to head out and then he asks how everything's going Ben says that everything's going smooth though he thinks that it should be up to 86 degrees he's a bit worried about the next incubation stage then then gets up telling him that he's gonna go out for a walk he needs to get something to eat and as the two lead over in the incubation container a red hand forms and through the murky liquid a figure begins to take shape a little while later Ben returns back to the lab to see that the test sample has disappeared he looks around quickly and frantically and he finds the captain of the container has been move he quickly calls up Kurt asking if he's taking a little Ben and after being told no he says that they may have been wrong though he didn't tell anyone about it before the two can go on there's a scream from the lobby and Ben runs outside everyone gathers around looking at something and then when it reaches them he sees one of the security guards look as if his insides have been sucked out later the night a couple begins to walk home after seeing a movie and they notice something hiding in an alley as they're passing it the man says that whatever it is that looks hurt and the woman asks if they should help the red figure shuffles out and then it holds out his hand shooting a red tendril in a man's face suddenly the man's body is forcibly pulled into the alleyway and as the woman screams she too is grabbed she screams for someone to help but the tendril pulls and drags her into the shadows and then there's a loud Chuck a few seconds later after absorbing the nutrients from the couple the red figure stands up more like a human figure in it screams and then the red figure Falls to its knees looking at his hands suddenly the vision of a tan starts to change into Peter's hands and then memories begin to play the memories of Peter and all of the things that he's seen and done the figure screams and starts to mimic itself as Peter when he's in costume webbing and Swinging throughout the city but there's one flash that stood out and that was Peter's house over at Peter's house Gwen returns after a date the mall and realizes that she's forgotten her keys she heads around the back to see if Peter's in the basement but as she gets there she finds that it is also locked and that's when she hears something behind her she asks if it's Peter but without answering the right figure comes out of the bushes Gwen says no while trying to back up but the figure opens its mouth and it grabs a hold of her Gwen struggles to get free and then a tendril shoots into her mouth and begins to drain her just as Gwen's Vision begins to fade she sees the creature's face begin to form and take Peter's face the tendril then pulls out of Gwen's stomach and the figure vanishes leaving Gwen's body in the grass a short while later Aunt Meg returns home from work and begins calling out asking if anyone's there with no answer she figures that she'll just make some food for Peter and Gwen when they get home and as she looks out at the window into the backyard she sees Gwen's body Over The Daily Bugle Peter finishes reading the article that Jonah posted that Spider-Man has actually done some good because he stopped to The Punisher and then the phone rings Peter answers it and tells Aunt me hello and she tells him what she found Peter hangs out the phone when he rushes home to see the cops and the EMTs on the scene and he starts to push his way through the crowd as he gets to the backyard he sees Gwen's body covered and he overhears Aunt May talking to some of the police as Gene arrives she speaks with some of the other detectives and says that it's a shame the same thing happened earlier today at the Empire State University lab once all of the police leave Aunt May tries to get a hold of Gwen's mother but she isn't having much luck Mary Jane's mother offers to let Peter and Almay stay with the Watsons for the night and Peter says that that might actually be a good idea later as he sits on a fold-out couch Mary Jane comes down with a pillow asking if he knows who did this Peter says that he's not sure he's not even sure if this could be related to him being Spider-Man Mary Jane leans back telling him it's awful she may be the last person to have talked to her earlier at the mall they ran into each other and they had a totally cool talk like they were really becoming friends Peter then asks her what's the point of all of this if he can't stop the people around him from getting hurt as Peter begins to cry Mary Jane hugs him until he falls asleep however a short while later Peter sits back up thinking about all of the possibilities of who could have done this the detectives mentioned that it could have been a mute so was it Wolverine Otto Octavius Norman and then he remember something that Gene mentioned the same thing happened at Empire Stacy University and then an image of Kurt Connors is that the lizard crosses his mind he gets up and he looks at the window towards his house and he sees Kurt standing there he grits his teeth and he heads outside punching Kurt calling him a monster he jumps on top of him hitting him shouting what did you do what did you do to my life and as the rage begins to take over Peter picks Kurt up and Kurt tries to explain that there was an accident at the lab Peter sets him down asking what accident and Kurt goes on telling him that they inadvertently created a rejuvenating organism and it escaped Peter shouts asking him what did you do and Kurt explains that they were running tests and splicing the DNA with things and none of it was working so they dug through some of his father's old notes until they found something about Roselle reconstruction Tito looks at Kurt stating you spliced my altered DNA using my father's stolen work just to see what would happen Kurt remains silent and Peter tells him that is the most disgusting thing I could have ever imagined and then there's a rustle from the bushes Peter's spider-sense begins to go crazy and then out of the bushes walks the red creature as it walks forward its face begins to change and as its face starts to look like Peter's it tries to talk Peter stumbles back shouting at the creature starts to change back and screams as the shoots a tendril forward Peter narrowly Dodges it and then he jumps back trying to fight off the creature he shouts for Kurt to get back to his lab and find a way to kill this thing but once he's done if he hasn't found a way to kill it he's gonna lock the two of them into a room together Peter grabs a hold of one of the tendrils and he pulls the creature up to a roof to get it away from the people while Kurt speeds off as the two of them struggle the fighting brings them into the city where they both crash into different buildings Peter gets up looking down asking what has Spider-Man brought into this world that thing has his face and it's killing people he's failed at what he's supposed to be doing and that's helped people as the creature gets up it looks at Peter and it starts to escape so he chases after it adjusts as the creature lands on a police car Peter follows shortly after slamming it back down the creature throws Peter away and the two officers of the car belonged to open fire the bullets shoot through the creature and then it throws two of his tendrils at the officers Peter gets up and he watches the creature absorbing them and then it changes again this time into a much more fully formed body back over at the lab Kurt rushes inside and as the doors open he sees Peter's Shadow standing there he asks what happened in Peter stares that I'm telling him it's done the creature grew and formed and we fought the more that we fought I started to see its face and it was my face it was my father's face and then there was a moment of hesitation but deep down I knew what I had to do so I brought the fight to the smokestacks and threw the creature his body inside after falling into the fire the creature tried to pull itself out but in the end it let go as Peter finishes the story Chris says that he's sorry that he had to and then Peter grabs him shouting sorry he pulls his fist back shouting you murdered these people you killed Gwen but before Peter can hit Kirby let's go and silently says you killed Gwen a little while later down at the police station Kurt walks in and tells the detective that his name is Kirk Connors and he thinks he may have accidentally murdered people back over at Mary Jane's house the alarm clock shows 7 42 and Mary Jan wakes up to see Peter just sitting there she asks if he got any sleep and then sees his face covered in dirt and scratches she then asks if he caught the guy who did this and he tells her yeah she says that she could have gotten him his costume and he tells her no no more costume he's done she then says done with what and he says with Spider-Man no more however back at the lab Ben arrives for work when he sees the officers going through Kurt's research and he asks what's going on the dean of the school says they're shutting down the lab the experiments that Kurt was working on is what killed those people she also regrets to inform him that as of now he's currently out of a job so go get his things Ben heads over and begins to pack and then he opens up a fridge of test tubes he pulls one out and it has a label Parker sample number two he tucks it away in his coat and he closes the container as the sun rises over the Parker home Peter can hear Aunt May shouting for him to get up or he's gonna be late he finally comes downstairs and he looks around asking what the hell is going on and may tells him that she knows that they're not moving yet but getting a head start unpacking is a bit more relaxing as May goes on talking Peter doesn't respond to her and she tells him that someone's awfully grumpy Peter heads downstairs and starts to look around sniffing things before he can go anywhere though Mary Jane flips on the light stating that the whole point of having a boyfriend is to have someone to walk to school with so hurry up and get ready Peter looks around asking school and Mary Jane says that it's not her most ideal place for a date but that's the best they can do for the day and she kisses Peter as she hugs him Peter Just Smiles awkwardly meanwhile in a dirty motel room Logan The Man known as Wolverine begins to wake up asking what the heck is that smell Logan looks around at his arm asking what is this why am I so hairy he jumps out of bed running to the bathroom asking himself what is going on and then he looks at his arm as his claws pop out stabbing through it back over at the Parker home Mary Jane asks Peter what does he mean why he's not going to school is something going on is it a Spider-Man thing Peter asks what and then tells her yeah go get the costume and leave it here as Peter closes the door to the basement Aunt May shouts to Peter that needs to answer her when she calls for him there's someone on the phone from The Daily Bugle he grabs the phone and Logan shouts what the heck did you do what new and free thing did you do to put me in The Hairy Beast of a body and why are you stinky like a dog now that we've figured it all out Logan is in Peter's body and Peter's in Logan's Body Logan in Peter's body says look kid I really don't know what's going on either and Peter in Logan's body says whatever is happening you need to go to school for me now to keep things less confusing at this point forward we are going to be referring to Peter as Peter and we'll be referring to Logan as Logan but regardless of the body that they are in that is why we're going to be referring to them so when I say Logan I mean Logan and Peter's body so just so you know what's going on Logan tells him no and Peter shouts I've already missed too many days just go to school I'll meet you there as Peter yells he mistakenly pops the claws out cutting the Payphone in half as well as cutting off his own pink computer shots with someone to help him and then he sees the pinky growing back and he says uh well never mind and he runs off a little while later Logan walks around looking at the cheerleaders and Mary Jane tells him to wipe the drool off Logan asks if they're really allowed to wear those sort of things and Mary Jane shoves him in the back asking what the hell is your problem as she storms off Logan takes a look at the costume and says that isn't happening as he wanders around the school a security guard tries to stop him asking why he's in class Logan turns the corner and the guard chases after him and when he does he doesn't see heater because Logan is hanging off of the wall waiting but not knowing how to control Peter's Powers they end up failing on him he gets up after hitting the guard and Peter runs it shutting stop it what are you gonna do kill him that's Peter stares him he says oh God you are in my body what kind of mutant Logan stops I'm telling him how do I know it was in you that did this Peter points and shouts and a claw pops out hitting Logan and Logan asks the hell is that buzzing Peter then explains it's his spider sense but look we can figure this out right now we just need to go to class and Logan doesn't find and he heads in as Peter waits for Logan to come back out he sees a group of men driving by the school shooting at the police Peter's still thinking that he's in his body runs in to try and stop the men but he ends up jumping and bouncing off of the Thug's car and landing on the police car which then causes it to plow into the Thug's car he looks up seeing the Thug's car flying towards him and he says this is gonna hurt and back inside of the class all of the students watched the accident Logan quietly says Idiot kid as the cops around Peter they tell him to freeze and he tries to tell him I'm totally cooperating and stuff and another cop shouts for him to put his hands up so Peter does and he accidentally pops the claws out again the cops tell him to put those away and they retract but then they pop out again and Peter says oh nuts he looks at the cops I'm really sorry but I have to go and he starts to run and then the cops taser him a short while later in the jail cell the cops hand Peter the phone telling him that he gets to make one call but no sudden moves Peter takes the phone and he calls over to the only place that he knows that might be able to help Charles Xavier's School Kitty answers the phone and Peter asks who is this and kitty says who's this Logan Peter says look I'm the guy you met before it's me Spider-Man and Katie says right say hi to the Hulk for me Peter shouts I'm serious I'm stuck in the body of your teammate I just woke up and suddenly I was like this we switched bodies or something Kitty listens and then bursts out laughing handing the phone to storm stating that she just can't as storm answers Peter gets frustrated and Pops the claws cutting the phone in half he then looks up and sees the cops all pointing their tasers and they shock him again a little while later Peter sits up in his cell stating that all things considered it's nice here and then the sounds of guns going off Rings throughout the jail cell Peter sees Logan fighting all the cops and as the gun goes off Peter watches and gets caught in the crossfire and it hits him in the head Peter shouts what did you just do and Logan tells him look pop out a claw and jam it into the lock so that we can get out of here Peter asks how I can't even control these things I'm Logan says just think about it in flick suddenly a single claw pops out and Logan says there now punch the luck once the two of them get outside Logan tells Peter to hang on a second and he pulls the bullet out of Peter's skull goes on saying look bub you're taking really bad care of my body Peter ignores him asking where's the rest of my costume and Logan says I am not wearing your stupid costume I'm done wearing this mask it's smelly you want to talk about smelly you need to do a full body shampoo and wash everywhere as the two begin to argue again an explosion goes off and the sounds of people screaming can be heard Peter says they need to stop this and Logan shouts no we're in the middle of something here Peter leaves up to the ledge of the building telling him I'm sorry come with me or not I gotta go down on the streets the bank robber destroys the car shot and that he'll do it again but this time in their faces so Peter jumps down and the robber sees Logan and he says oh no not again as Peter tries to be nice to the guy Logan tells him hey I got an image to keep over here the two begin to bicker yet again and Logan webs up the robber and then flings him towards them Peter cracks the man in the face and before they can get back to each other's throats Peter and Logan see Gene and the rest of the X-Men appear Gene walks over to Peter saying that she told him to stop hitting on her and Peter asks what Gene realizing what's happened turns back to Logan shouting that she told them that the next time that she would do something mean with her incredibly powerful psychic powers and Logan asks you did this well put us back together Peter shouts you guys have totally ruined my life Gene puts her hands on Peter and Logan's heads and she puts the two of them back in their original bodies Peter shots God you know why people hate you guys it's not because you're mutant it's because of insert long string of censored insults as Peter jumps away Colossus asks why did I get called that I was just standing here and a little while later Peter heads back home to find Mary Jane waiting for him and he tells her that he's sorry kinda wasn't himself today she hugs him telling him it's okay it's just the thing that he tried to do this morning you should probably wait until they're a bit older to do that now the only real significant thing that you need to know about over the last four volumes is the fact that Peter broke up with MJ and as Peter struggles to breathe having three metal rings constricting around him he says that it's going to take a lot more than that to embarrass him in public actually maybe not a lot more ringer shots did you really not think you were ready for me straight up I'm from Waldorf Maryland he starts to throw more rings and Peter dodged them asking what does that even mean it says when did bean from Maryland ever be cool ringer then tells him that's right right chocolate up Beauty I'm gonna be walking out there with all these diamonds and kitty Pride then floats down behind ringer telling him you really need to knock it off with the whole racist thing ringer turns back firing is o rings at her and as they face through Kitty Pride because her power is the ability to phase through walls solid objects and just about anything else she tells him that as he can tell his whole stick won't really work for her she grabs and starts phasing through ringer looking to Short Circuit his suit but Peter calls out telling her that he's actually having a bit of a problem trying to Breathe Here Kitty runs back over to Peter telling him that this might feel a bit weird so a few seconds later she takes Peter by the shoulders and phases them through the Rings and Peter says thanks now I have no shirt Kitty laughs telling him that's a bonus for her then and now the hula hoop guy is getting away so he should probably web the crap out of him up ahead ringer starts running but before getting away a wall of web is sprayed all in front of him ringer turns back to attack and Peter webs up his hands but rather than stopping ringer continues to try and generate more ranks as he does Kitty sees that she couldn't short him out because of the device on his back however as ringer boosts his power he ends up blowing up the pack as it's aimed towards Kitty Peter shouts for her to get back but after the explosion Kitty says that he really needs to remember that her facing power lets her not get hurt and stuff Peter tells her sorry just a knee-jerk reaction he puts back on his shirt and kitty says that she notices something on Ringer's butt she pulls out his wallet and asks what kind of a super villain brings this to a robbery and then she proceeds to flip through it she starts to laugh when she says the guy's name is Anthony Davis he's from Medina County Iowa the officers start to arrive on the scene and Peter says that this is probably where they should like get the heck out of here and a short while later and Peter and Kitty's abandoned warehouse Hideaway Kitty asks Peter if something's wrong it seems like he had a bid on his mind today Peter tells her yeah it's his aunt he really doesn't want to have to tell her that he's Spider-Man it would really just be too much for her Kitty tells him that like 80 of the things that happened happened because he's Spider-Man all she wants to do is be able to go to the movies and like hold hands she then says that he should start to think of it this way if his aunt knew that he had a girlfriend it would give him more excuses to not be home and off doing superhero stuff Peter asks if they would hide that she's a mutant and kitty tells him no she doesn't hide the fact that she's an X-Men but before the two of them can go any further the remote controlled X-Plane arrives to take Kitty back home Peter says that he really needs to get a robot control plane sometime and as the two of them say their goodbyes Kitty asks if he still likes her to which Peter simply kisses her but before that could go any further Kitty phases through stating uh didn't know how to break up the kiss so hopefully that wasn't too freaky a short while later as Kitty arrives back at the X mansion she notices that there is no one home after setting down her bag in the kitchen she sees Logan appear and she happily says you came back without saying a word Logan pulls out a knife and he lunges at her she quickly phases through and then she runs into the next room where she's shot with a bolt of electricity she then asks if that's Aurora and storm asks what's that is that even a word whatever and then she shoots another bolt of electricity Kitty faces down to the lower levels and runs into the control room accidentally shorting out the control panel the doors of the room start to open and that's when kitty looks back to see the automated controls are still active and she pushes a button back into Parker household Aunt May tells Peter that she's going out for a bit so the group of friends from work so Peter Smiles telling her have a good time and after she leaves he notices the X-Plane hovering over to the warehouse he suits up and makes his way over and when he boards it he finds no one there but before he can get back out of it though the hatch door slams shut and the Jet rockets off to the Westchester Mansion as the jet is landing Peter walks up to the front door of the Mansion asking if anyone's there specifically Kitty Pride Kitty opens the door and Peter says that he's pretty sure the Jets broken and dragged him all the way out here but why is my spider so it's going crazy is Logan here without saying anything Kitty hits Peter with a stun gun once he hits the ground he looks up to see Kitty's face start to change and her is saying far out it's Spider-Man there's something we didn't expect Deadpool steps back to his group of cyborg stating bonus a little while later Peter begins to open up his eyes and when he sees him and the other X-Men bound up and chained he looks around asking where am I and a voice shouts one of them is awake Deadpool says man you're such a tough cookie and the cyborg asks can I hit him again to which Deadpool says hell yeah the cyborg shocks Peter in his vision phase and here's another cyborg stating that they're reaching the drop point he then asks are you just gonna drop us and Deadpool says you've all got wacky mutant Powers you can handle it besides you're all gonna be dead by Nightfall anyway that's the show but if you want wake them all up before you kick them off with a ship actually it would be fun hearing them scream the first cyborg says that he really wants to take the mask off of Spider-Man but Deadpool stops him telling him hey show some respect to the mask masks means something respect that he then leans over to Peter telling him time to rise and shine and Peter asks who are you Deadpool then says not to push them out and seconds later Peter is thrown out of the helicopter he falls in the sky and he quickly positions himself to fire a web up to catch himself which then throws him back into the air before crashing back into the ground though he sees the other X-Men pushing out all wearing the same metal cuffs and as he hits the ground he asks where the heck am I did I really just fall out of a plane I did didn't I and now I've lost my boot even better as he starts to pull the Cuffs off of the front side his Spider Sense begins to go crazy so he quickly jumps over the flying cyborg body the cyborg keeps jumping up shouting and he Fires at Peter and Peter shouts I was trying to have an inner monologue here Peter webs up the Cyborg's face and then he runs up bashing him in the head and then after that he realizes that the guy's head is partially metal so he should probably aim for the fleshy Parts after webbing up the rest of that cyborg he shouts that he's already past his curfew even though most superheroes would be embarrassed to run away he shall do that now he runs off but after running through the bushes he runs into another metal man he shouts why can't it just run through the jungle without one of you but as he goes on Colossus grabs him telling him please don't say that and Peter shots oh you're the giant Russian metal man he then starts shouting for Kitty and Colossus tells him that he needs to calm down and not to yell and Peter tells him of course I do we have to fight Kitty she attacked me Colossus doesn't know she did not and it wasn't Aurora who attacked me what we are looking at are shape shifters Peter tells them or maybe the women decided to take over Colossus then says that they need to hurry and find the others and as they head off Scott's optic blast shoots through the forest the two of them run over to find Scott being taken down by a group of cyborgs and they quickly jump in to help him after kicking one of the men away Scott asks where are we and Peter tells him that he's not sure maybe Six Flags Crazy Town also you're welcome as one of the last cyborgs are taken out Colossus breaks the cops off of Scott and Colossus begins to hear something Peter tells him that it's either his gentle sobbing or that's when a cyborg with the lower half of a snake slip is out shouting am I on Okay Yahoo mutants my name is Bone Breaker and I'm here to break your bones Bone Breaker starts to fire into Colossus and Peter grabs Scott to avoid the hit as the blast lays into Colossus Bone Breaker shouts and this is what he wants he wants to kill them and have everyone see him do it Scott starts firing back and Peter asks what does he mean by everyone Bone Breaker shouts that they're ready for him they sacrifice themselves for this the mutants may have been born with powers but they willingly gave up their bodies to allow them to hunt them but before we could go any further a bolt of lightning cracks down from the sky shocking him and storm floats down asking is everyone else really angry about this whole thing Peter quietly says Whoa and Scott asks storm if she knows what they are she tells him yes in creating a whirlwind to lift everyone up she tells them all to look around Scott says krakowa they brought us a krakowa computer then asks where's that hopefully off the coast of Long Island right Scott tells him no it's off the coast of genocia and the South Pacific and before he could go on Colossus shouts over there the sounds of helicopters begin to get louder and they begin to fire on the group storm releases the world when dropping everyone and then the helicopter starts to fall from the sky as it crashes a figure starts to walk out of the fire and kitty asks if everyone's okay she runs up to Peter telling him thank God you're okay and Peter grabs her telling her wait you could be a shapeshifter she leans in Whispering something and Peter says yeah yeah that's that's really you yeah Nightcrawler Branson holding a cyborg arm telling them all that it's time for payback he does believe that they are the stars of the show Angel then flies on holding Gene's body saying that he found her hanging from a tree he didn't know what to do Scott grabs her shouting for her to wake up and after a few shakes she shouts everyone shhh ow she then asks where they are and Scott tells her krakowa Island as she shouts are you kidding me Peter then says hang on what the heck is krakowa Island and kitty explains that it is an Island prison for mutants the nation of genocia imprisons them and hunts them for sport and then broadcasts it on TV they were here last month and they may have stuck their noses in when the professor told them not to Peter then says that sounds rather inhumane and a voice tells him that's one way of looking at it Deadpool jumps out with his reavers telling them that the other side of it is that you are sickening Unholy genetic bricks who have no business being alive in the first place plus your International terrorists by the way my name is Deadpool and I'm about to show you why so smile you're about to make television history as the two teams begin to clash Deadpool shouts of the one who collects the most mutant carcasses gets a case of the coltskis Peter then yells I'm not a mutant not that there's anything wrong with that and Scott tells everyone that they need to hurry and find High Ground the X-Men turn and fight their way back while Scott shouts that they can't take this fight head on they're just simply outmanned without gunned here Nightcrawler teleports behind Deadpool swinging and Deadpool spins back grabbing him by the throat telling him you must be the blue smelly one you really shouldn't listened to your captain and ran like hell Peter swings in kicking Deadpool off and tells him oops I was running the wrong way a short while up ahead Peter and kitty begin to look through the bushes and Peter tells them that they need to call someone maybe Nick Fury Katie tells him remember Nick Fury hates you but for what it's worth she's really sorry about getting you mixed up into all of this please don't break up with her Peter tells her well duh Kitty asks if he's mad and Peter shouts of course I'm mad but you didn't do this besides I'm pretty sure that you'd be breaking up with me after I'm grounded for like seven years because I didn't come home and then Kitty thinks about it what about Professor Xavier what do they do with him before anyone else can ask that question Spider-Man Spider Sense goes off and he webs away from an explosion and kitty tells him that he is so good to break up with her a little ways back Scott tries to hold down the line but Deadpool in the rivers managed to knock off Scott's visor knocking him to the ground up in the sky storm starts to take out the helicopters giving the rest of them time to fight back and as Peter punches Deadpool he says as you know if I was a lesser superhero I would say something lame like your show's been canceled but that's totally not me and kitty tells him that the fact that he thought of it is a cause for concern Peter grabs Deadpool and rips his mask off to reveal Xavier and Xavier shouts to everyone run I beg you all to run everyone asks what is going on in Peter shouts wait a second and he clocks Xavier Kitty yells what the heck are you doing and Peter says he's the dude with the thing and Xavier shouts to hurry up and kill Spider-Man he's one of them and in the confusion Deadpool posing as Xavier starts to fire into the crowd as everyone tries to dodge Peter says that he does have Spider Sense they need to learn to trust the spider sense the group begins to run up ahead when the coast is clear Nightcrawler then asks where's Scott back on the battlefield Deadpool's putting back on his mask telling everyone that they need to hurry and pull the legs off a Spider-Man this isn't going so smoothly because we didn't plan for him meanwhile up ahead Peter and the rest of them press on and storm spots the studio where they're broadcasting from but before they can move an electrical blast shoots Peter in the back his body bounces across the ground and can he turns back with a face full of Rage Deadpool says that it's time for them to wrap this all up and kitty charges through them facing in and out of all of the cyborgs she tells them a funny thing happens when you phase through Machinery seeing as you're all half machine and dead bull says yeah yeah just do that thing and die and then he hits her in the back with a stun gun as he aims the good at Kitty's head he tells her you have spunk but before the trigger is pulled Nightcrawler teleports in grabbing the gun all of the remaining cyborgs turn to Fire and Deadpool shouts don't do it but it's too late as everyone shoots hitting Deadpool getting a Nightcrawler began taking out the rest of them an angel swoops down grabbing Deadpool and as they get high into the air Angel releases him letting him crash back into the ground he starts to get back up telling everyone alright no more fun and Peter jumps in punching him he jumps on top of him laying into him and then he rips his mask off again asking what does it take for you to go night night everyone stops fighting the look and they see the Deadpool's face as it is a skinless skull encased in a plastic and Deadpool shouts God I told you not to do that and it kicks Peter off of him he then opens fire yelling you don't have what it takes to win they gave up everything to put you all down Deadpool begins chasing down Peter specifically and kitty tells Colossus to throw her Deadpool pins down Peter asking if he understands if Peter tells him yeah you smell like a KFC dumpster on a hot day and as Deadpool pushes his gun into Peter's head Kitty shoots through him phasing through Deadpool's body he falls back screaming and begins to explode but before he can go off Kitty grabs Peter phasing the two of them away from the blast the smoke starts to clear in a group of cyborgs shout let's get him for weighty but as the group steps forward a giant optic blast shoots by them all and Scott and Jean step out of the woods as the two of the meet back up Peter and the X-Men are ripped through the island until they finally make their way to the studio Jane telepathically asks Xavier where is he and in the room that he's being held in Mojo tells the guards to just kill him but when the Garza movie asks what's wrong and then he turns back to see Xavier's collar has been released back in the main room everyone begins to scream and as they run Xavier Wheels himself out saying that they really should just leave this horde place he holds his hand out shaking Peter's telling him that he really came to their rescue he fears what may have happened if he wasn't there and he tells them that's great so can he move in with them when his aunt kicks him out for being so late a little while later Peter and the X-Men take one of the planes to leave the island but watching them is the smoldering body of Deadpool much later in the night Peter and kitty walk over to Peter's house and Peter says it is 4 30 in the morning and there's no way out of this he has to tell Aunt May that he's Spider-Man Kitty says that maybe they can get the professor or Gene to make her forget that he was missing in the first place Peter tells her no that would just be wrong Peter and kitty hold hands as Peter pushes the door open and finds an empty house he checks Aunt May's room and sees that she isn't there so Kitty phases back out stating that the car isn't there either she then looks at the phone to see that there's a message and Peter hits play Aunt May's voice says that she's sorry for not being home but don't freak out she isn't uh coming home tonight today it's going well and she's going to be staying out for the night Kitty last saying that it looks like her aunt got her groove on it looks like he really dodged a bullet as glass ends and the students at home Mary Jane stops Peter telling him that she knows that he's been through a lot lately and he's going to have to come with her and take a break a short while later at the Mall food court Peter says that he appreciates her trying to be friends with them again even though he's currently dating Kitty Pride Mary Jane says speaking of she hasn't noticed her sulking around the school in a while Peter tells her that kitty is kind of rounded because of who krakowa is but before the two of them can go further into that subject there's a loud crash as one of the food stands is thrown across the food court everyone begins to run outside from the Stan's path and as everyone pushes their way through someone in the crowd shoves a mother in their child the child has flung from the mother's grasp and just before the child can hit the ground a web shoots out grabbing him Peter shouts Tada and the mother screams at Peter to get away from her baby he sighs telling her yeah should have seen that coming guess we will go see what's going on now he leaves over with a stand crashed and he finds a man in a scorpion suit staring right back at him the man in the suit shouts that he's not falling for any of his tricks he's so much smarter than him that he's not even funny he's the Scorpion and he's so much better than him Peter does him well if you are so much smarter why don't you just lay down and take it while I beat the crap out of you since you know what's gonna happen next scorpion shouts I knew you were there but before Peter can even ask when he's talking about another voice calls out for them all to get on the ground the two look back and see the police beginning to surround them and Scorpion spins back spraying the officers with his ass as Peter jumps in to stop him scorpion backhands Peter launching him into another stand Peter quickly gets back up and he Webbs Scorpion and then he flings him into a pillar and then he jumps on him telling him not so fast I already get enough trouble for the cops I don't need your help with that the two start fighting back and forth and Peter jumps on top punching down onto Scorpion's head but as the mask starts to break away Peter stops when he sees Scorpion's face and Scorpion's faces his face and meanwhile back at the Watson house Mary Jane rushes home to tell her mother that no matter what she's heard she's fine she's okay her mother hugs her telling her that the city used to be so nice but as Mary Jane heads back to her room she smiles thinking that maybe talking with Peter again was a good thing so Mary Jane then lays down on her bed and begins to write in her journal and as she does a hand reaches out grabbing and covering her mouth a few moments later Mary Jane's mother comes to telling her that she got something in the mail and then notices the window open Mary Jane nowhere in sight later over at the Baxter building the Fantastic Four began to go about their day when there's a sudden alarm blaring shouting security breach Sue and Reed look out the window to see Peter getting closer and as Reed shots for him not to get any closer to the building Flames shootout burning him a little while later Peter wakes up inside of the Baxter building and REE tells him that he cannot touch this building they have the highest security known to man Peter rubs his head telling him well I didn't have my cell phone so either way I need your help like really really really need your help I need to know that I can trust you I need to know who this scorpion guy is Reed says that they can run a blood test and Peter says that they can do that and not tell anyone right like not tell Nick Fury and read Smiles telling him oh that I can definitely do later in Reed's lab he goes over the data that states that scorpion is Peter Parker but only a 94.2 percent match Peter asks what's the 94.2 about it really tells him it's odd either it's a match or it's not but yeah this is Peter Parker Caucasian around 16 years old Peter shuts weight pulling off his mask I'm Peter Parker and if I'm Peter Parker then who's that in the tube over at Shield headquarters Nick Fury sits at his desk as he receives a call from Reed Richards Nick says that he has not changed his mind about the scroll initiative and Reed says that he's not calling about that he's calling to find out the government's take on human cloning Nick says that as they've seen on TV it's off limits to morally ambiguous and Reed then asks right so there is no cloning right and Nick tells him nope and I'm not doing it either if that's what you're asking us the call ends Peter tells Reed he's lying and retails him actually for once Nick Fury isn't lying the virtual sensors reading body temperature and pulse rate fluctuations didn't even budge so he's actually telling the truth Peter asks who would do this I'm kind of freaking out here right now and Reed says that they need to run some more tests but they will need a blood sample from the real Peter Parker as Reed starts to draw bloody asks Peter how he got his powers and Peter says well he was bitten by a spider retails and that's cute but really how and Peter says again I was bitten by a spider it was a big spider later Peter heads back home and as he opens the door to his house Aunt May runs out asking if Mary Jane's with him Peter says no what's going on Aunt May shouts that Mary Jane is missing and Peter quickly spins back around stating that he's gonna go look for her as it begins to get dark outside peterheads the only place where he can think that Mary Jane could have gone the abandoned warehouse Peter climbs up the wall stating please please please be here he hops this out of the window asking if Mary Jane is there and then a voice tells him sorry tiger this is going to be awkward Peter looks back and sees a woman in a Spider-Man suit hanging from the wall after a moment of silence Peter asks who are you and where is Mary Jane the woman says that she doesn't know she doesn't get to be a part of that part of the story Peter jumps over at the woman who effortlessly Dodges and jumps in tossing Peter into a wooden post the woman says look I'm not gonna fight you that isn't going to happen plus you're kind of off your game right now anyway so for Mary Jane I don't know a pipe is thrown out as the woman leans back to avoid the hit she shouts fine and she shoots a web out of her fingertips the webbing shoots over throwing Peter Back Against The Wall causing it to fall on top of him and the woman says that she shouldn't have come here it's already faults as she turns the leaves she tells Peter that she'll get them back for him she'll do it for all of them a short while later Peter wakes back up asking what happened and he scrambles to get back to the warehouse rooftop he calls out for Mary Jane hoping to get some kind of a response and then he looks at the old house and sees someone standing there the girl walks into the house and Peter chases after then he sees Gwen Gwen Stacy who died when the Carnage symbiote was set free she stands there in a hospital gown looking at the empty house and asks when did you move elsewhere though Mary Jane wakes up in a giant tube asking where is she she begins to beat him the glass asking if anyone's there and then Peter's voice tells her to just calm down Peter's Shadow then says it's going to be okay I know how to protect you now Mary Jane screams to let her out and as she does no one else inside of the old Oz Corp facility can hear her Peter goes on saying that this is where it all happened remember this is where Spider-Man was born he realizes now that he broke up with her because he was so worried that something would happen to her and he thought about a wonderful idea why not make them equals that way they could be peers and she could defend herself he steps up in the shadow goes with half of his face melted away telling her that he's going to make her just like him back in Peter's old house the two sit down and Gwen says that she remembers waking up at a hospital but she doesn't remember where images start to flash in Gwen's head images of doctors dying and police shooting at her she then stares at Peter and says that she doesn't remember Peter tells her that she was dead and now she can't remember how she got here and Gwen stops him asking she was dead she then looks back down saying that she doesn't know how she was supposed to react to that she grabs and hugs Peter and then a light shines down on them and Aunt May asks what is she sees Gwen and then suddenly realizes that she's looking at Gwen and she runs back home Gwen says that she really was dead then and Peter tells her yeah you were shortly after that Peter and Gwen run after Aunt May as she tries to call the police and Peter begs for her to put the phone down after a brief moment of shock Aunt May sits and Peter tells her look there's no easy way to say this but I need to tell you I'm Spider-Man I always have been and Gwen was killed or so we thought by a monster who was looking for me Aunt May takes a moment to process this and then she falter arms telling computer to prove it prove that he's Spider-Man Peter jumps to the ceiling telling her see Aunt May tells him to stop she then says so everything with Norman all of that trouble in Harry and now this even though I saw Gwen's dead body with my own eyes Peter tells her that he doesn't know how but clearly there's a scientific explanation he just doesn't know what it is Aunt May tells him to stop she understands now just get out take whatever that is and get out Peter tries to tell it her way to put Aunt May shouts that he is not her son she gave up her adult life for him and all he has done is lied to her take those ghosts and get out of the house a voice from down below then asks Aunt May when did she get so feisty everyone turns back to see Richard Parker and he says that she should take it easy on him he was only a kid trying to make the most out of an impossible situation Aunt May scoffs stating wonderful timing now you can take your son and get out Peter asks is that really you Dad are you alive and then he looks it on May and she still doesn't respond meanwhile over at the Baxter building Nick Fury looks at Scorpion and asks so this is Peter Parker retail them know after some tests his best guess is that someone cloned him and then tampered with the cloning in an attempt to enhance him and then asks if someone was doing super soldier experiments with cloning Nick doesn't say anything then he radios back to Shield headquarters to get the spider Slayers ready he's going to need the full Battalion in a cleaning crew things are about to get messy back at Peter's house his father hugs him and Aunt May shouts that she's glad that they're back together but now they can all get out she's had enough of the Parker drama for the rest of her life Peter shouts wait she knew that his dad was alive and she didn't tell him Aunt May snaps back that he's Spider-Man and didn't tell her she was just trying to protect him from all of this this exact thing and without paying much attention to Peter and Aunt May Richard turns to Gwen and asks how she's feeling she must be hungry as Richard opens the fridge Aunt May asks what is he doing she wants them all to leave Richard pulls out a pizza and says look cold pizza is perfect for this kind of a thing back at the oscore facility Mary Jane sits in her tube now strapped to a chair and heater tells her that this place used to be state of the art but don't worry soon she's going to be just like him she'll be able to protect yourself as Peter starts setting up the machine he suddenly kicked in the face and then a six-armed Spider-Man tells Peter to get away from her back over at Peter's house his father explains the events of what happened the day of the plane crash that supposedly took his life just before boarding the plane he had second thoughts on further work on the suit since the company that they were working for wanted to weaponize it his mother Mary decided that it would be their best chance to finally get back out of the financial slump that they were in but ultimately he refused to go along with it Peter listens and then asks what about Gwen why is Gwen alive why are you here and Richard says yes you really were a smart boy back at oscore the six armed Spider-Man fights the Clone to Peter back stating that he knew that he would try something like this he's not going to let him touch Mary Jane he then kicks the Clone back telling him that this isn't why they were created the cloned Peter grabs a steel beam and throws it shouting shut up and then he tackles the six-armed Spider-Man to the ground he starts to beat on him punching him over and over and after the six-armed Spider-Man stops moving the cloned Peter Parker looks back at Mary Mary Jane stating it's okay sweetie it's all gonna be okay now meanwhile over at Peter's house his father continues his story stating that he's not going to like this part but metaphorically he was dead or at least in every legal sense it was then that a man named Henry gearich from the CIA found him Henry knew that he was supposed to be dead but he had a unique offer for him to allow him to continue his work Henry said that there was a man by the name of Nick Fury who had weaseld his way through the world government ladder and was now working on a super soldier's serum he wanted to make a team of super soldiers like Captain America in order to police the world and frankly the CIA didn't trust him a little while later Henry brought in footage of the Venom suit when it broke loose and in that video his father saw his son Peter and Henry told him that Peter had become Spider-Man and Nick Fury had already gotten to him it was one day when may was leaving work that he approached her but she refused to let him anywhere near Peter but also Henry wouldn't let him talk to his son regardless of his fear of what was going on with Nick Fury because he was scared that it would compromise the whole operation Peter stands up from his table shouting that none of this explains why Gwen is still here his father goes on stating that he was never supposed to know that she existed all of the advancement in stem cell research combined with Conor's Advanced before we can go any further a light shines in the house and a voice calls out that they are surrounded outside Nick Fury shouts over a microphone that there are several dozen robots and he says that they are here to take them all into custody as they can see he's not screwing around Gwen looks outside and says they're going to take them away and then her body begins to twist suddenly her gown is torn off and standing before them is the red creature that Peter once fought before Gwen screams no and she jumps out the window but before Peter can chase after her he sees Aunt May grabbing her chest Peter asks what's wrong and she struggles to tell them that it's her heart but while all of this is happening back at the Oz Court facility Mary Jane slowly opens her eyes and Peter tells her congratulations this is the all-new her outside of Peter's house Gwen Stacy now looking like the Carnage monster jumps straight into a group of robots and drips through tearing everything apart Nick shouts within a fire in the room about to begin to shoot beams hitting the house and inside Peter grabs Aunt May and Richard Parker Peter Parker's father who joined us if you really don't know what's going on you really should check out the last episode tells his son that he will take care of Aunt May Peter needs to get out there and stop whatever is going on Peter hesitates for a moment and then Richard tells him you need to listen to your father Peter turns jumping out of the house vaulting off of the robot shouting for Nick Fury Peter makes his way over to him grabs his gun telling him that he needs to stop his aunt is in the house and Nick shouts for him to get off you're under arrest but before anything else can happen Peter is hit by one of the robots beams and then Nick points his gun at Peter telling him I understand but you need to stay down Peter lunges back up grabbing at Nick's throat but then another robot fires hitting him and Nick tells him I'm really sorry but you need to stay down the next hit will paralyze you for good he holds up his gun and then is blasted with fire and a voice tells him dude leave that guy alone everyone looks up to see the Fantastic Four in Reed Richards asking what exactly is going on here Nick tells Reed to take his team and go home and read stompson asking why are you doing this Peter's done nothing wrong Nick shouts that this is a military operation and he is giving them a direct order to go home Ben Grimm looks at Gwen and he says no offense but she is one ugly but before Ben can finish his sentence Gwen grabs him and flings him across the street into a building Reed shouts to Nick that they just can't take over a neighborhood because they found a clone and Peter interrupts them screaming that his art is still inside she had a stroke or something and my dad is in there too Sue storm pushes the group telling Nick that there's an older woman inside that needs their help what is the matter with him and while Sue creates a force field and goes inside of the house Reed stretches around slowly pulling Gwen down stating this is just fascinating inside Sue checks on Aunt May and she asks Richard what he has done to help Richard stumbles over his words telling her nothing nothing so Sue says you're a doctor but either way we're gonna need to get her out of here once Sue brings me outside she tells Peter that she's going to take her to the hospital along with his dad Peter tells her thanks as Sue flies away Johnny it asks if you would like him to take him as well Peter turns back telling him no and then he charges through the robots calling out to Nick Fury Nick tells his men to do it full power and suddenly there's a bright blue light that blasts through covering the entire area and then in a Flash it's over everyone stares at Gwen now back in her human form and she collapses Peter falls to his knees and Nick walks over to him pointing his gun telling him I wasn't lying before you don't get to be Spider-Man anymore and Peter looks at him tell me what you did and Nick size telling him that he didn't do anything it was his clones and he's truly sorry about this back at the oscore facility Mary Jane asks what did you do the cloned Peter says that she knows what Oz was right he injected her with it the stuff that made Otto Octavius into Doctor Octopus Norman Osborne into Green Goblin and with it he recreated her Mary Jane shouts that he put something inside of her and as she steps forward she falls over in pain cloned Peter asks if she's okay and then a giant red arm shoots up and a hulking Red Beast stands up and screams games back at the house Nick Fury puts cuffs on Peter Parker and Reed Richards says that he can't do this Peter just looks at him and tells them to just let it go it's all over now suddenly the Spider Woman from before jumps in kicking Nick Fury away and she grabs Peter Parker and leaves off Johnny Storm tries to follow but as they get into the city he loses sight of them down on the alleyway the woman puts her fingers to her lips until Johnny flies off once the coast is clear she breaks the Cuffs holding Peter back tells Peter to follow her the two jump onto the Jersey Turnpike and when they land onto a passing truck Peter asks who are you the woman looks at him stating Spider Woman and Peter asks again so the woman pulls her mask down to show that she looks like him Peter asks if she's him and the woman tells him kinda sort of I'm a clone of you right now we're heading over to find the other clones and I'll tell you everything that I know it all started about a month ago when I was born there was a man named Ben Reilly he was saying how there had been so many other clones except in her case they decided they wanted to try making a female they said that she would be working as a special agent for the CIA IA and then her name was going to be Jessica Drew then kept going on about how the CIA and FBI made a deal and allowed him to keep working on his work with the Parker sample that he took when things went wrong but just before she passed back out she remembers hearing Ben say something about making her like the next Captain America except that there would be an army of 200 Spider-Man as Jessica sits back she asks Peter if he's okay Peter calmly tells her no in fact you should be like in a coma Jessica goes on to explain that one day during testing one of the other clones broke out of their cell and began to tear the place down it was after it escaped that all of the doors to the other cells opened and everyone Broke Free Peter asks if one of those clones took Mary Jane and Jessica says that she thinks so but she's hoping that she's wrong but right now this is their stop and they jump off of the truck Peter follows behind and then he sees that they're now at the old oscore facility they see what Mary Jane has now become and she's fighting the Peter clone Jessica Webbs up the six-armed Spider-Man pulling into safety and then she takes off his mask telling him to arise and shine and as the six armed Spider-Man looks at the real Peter Peter tells them we'll go to do our oh my gods later the sixth armed Peter then looks back at Mary Jane and says that idiot did it he injected her with eyes Mary Jane continues to thrash about and just before slamming a piece of metal onto the Clone Peter Parker Peter runs up telling Mary Jane to stop this is the real him she screams as she starts to revert and the cloned evil Peter says look she can protect herself now Peter punches the Clone shouting that there's no Oz here this place was empty so where did you get it from the voice says from our Father Peter looks back at his Auto Octavius walking in along with Nick and Reed over at the hospital soon Richard followed the doctors as they Rush aunt made to the ER and as she's taken away Richard asks if she's going to be okay Sue notices that it's a bit strange that Richard being a doctor doesn't know what the outcome would be and she says that she would like to take Richard's blood to check on a few things back at the Oscorp facility Peter stares at Otto Octavius thinking that he's going to kill him he can do this he could kill him and he won't go to jail he's a kid but as Peter tries to step forward Jessica holds him back on tells Peter that it's good to see him again the Clones are right there so if you'd be so kind is to wrap them all up for me read the looks of the Clones and says that he made three clones and one of those was a female with one of the Clones they denied a clone its Y chromosome in phase two as you can see she was a success Jessica looks at Otto asking if he was the one who created her but he smiles yes it was me she grits her teeth telling him that she's going to kill him but before she can move Nick pulls out his gun telling her don't there's been enough of that tonight Johnny lands by Peter asking what the heck is going on and Peter picks up Mary Jane shouting that they need to help her she's been infected with Oz Johnny shouts that they could fix that right and Nick tells him no he needs the Fantastic Four to pack up and leave as Johnny and Nick argue Peter Parker pushes them aside stating please help Mary Jane Ben takes her and Reed says that he can do everything that he can and the Clone Peter shuts no she's okay I fixed her the Clone Peter then jumps up and the soldiers open fire on him Jessica being able to punch the soldiers and Nick fires his this gun shouting that he's had enough of this Auto Octavius tells Nick that he appreciates the good work here but this is currently their problem so they'll be taking their subjects back now Nick says that he ain't taking crap there's a lot that he's going to be answering for and above all of that he's under arrest for this little house of horrors that he created Peter pushes through asking how did you do it how are you not dead or in jail and auto last stated that he made a deal with the federal government to help design a super soldier it would seem that there are many people in the United States government that truly hate Nick Fury and they didn't want him to be the only person with what they would call a Captain America but so now thanks to the good people over at the FBI he can continue his work as Dr Octavius before everything went wrong Otto then goes on stating that I have your blood sample from your friend Kurt Connor's assistant which allowed me to continue my work and Jessica there is proof that it's working he then leans into Peter and he tells him it just so happens that my work completely perverts and destroys every single part of you and your life every Single part but before leaving Otto mentions that as for his father well your father really did die in that plane crash Peter tries to hold himself back and he tells Nick Fury that he will make him a deal tell his guys to give him 10 minutes and he will surrender and they'll all win Auto last stating that that's cute but Nick isn't the one in charge here we're gonna Round Up The Parkers and take them all back and then we could use whatever forces needed I can make more Nick pauses for a moment and then he tells his team you heard the man set up a perimeter around the building and everyone move out Otto asks what are you doing and Nick tells him he's right I'm not in charge here so go on be in charge as Nick shuts the door to leave the sixth armed Spider-Man pushes everyone aside and jumps on auto stating hi Daddy as he slams Auto down the real Peter jumps in and just as quickly is knocked away the medal in the room begins to twist and auto shouts that he tried so hard to keep this part of his life secret and that's when the metal pipe shoots the air impaling the six-armed Spider-Man and Otto continues stating that it was the arms that made me it was metal that I can troll metal outside Nick Fury pulls out his gun shouting for everyone to Halt and Henry walks up stating that's nice I'm with the FBI so no offense to you but you should just stand down Henry then asks where's Otto and Nick asks who the guy with the bull cut and the show that should be in jail at this very moment Henry shouts for him to stop that and Nick goes on stating that he wouldn't have made a deal with Otto to make super soldier clone experiments behind his back and now it blew up in your face and you're going to get fired aren't you back inside Auto creates more mechanical arms out of the scrap metal shouting that he will not mess around with them Jessica needs to surrender or I will kill her and clone another Peter jumps at Otto and Otto knocks him away asking who's next one of the arms shoots back hitting Jessica and as she picks herself back up she tries webbing up Auto Octavius as the webbing hits the arms Otto laughs and then he launches when slamming Jessica into the computers Otto then turns back to Peter shouting you need to embrace your defeat but this time as the arm is thrown Peter punches through and shattering it Otto then asks what no witty comment that's how I know you're scared Jessica shouts no that's not it it's just how we know when he's being serious and she swings in kicking Otto to the ground as Auto Octavius gets back up all of the metal on the ground begins to swirl around sucking everything up in Auto shots why is it that you always have to involve yourself in my life's work just stop I already as the metal flies around Peter and Jessica jump along the arms and together they punch Otto Octavius right in the head the middle in the room starts to fall in peterhoff stating that felt good and Jessica says yeah but it's kind of lame that it took both of us to do it Jessica checks in the other two clones and says that they're both dead Peter says this is all so weird they need to go she jumps up stating that he can't be serious and surrender Peter tells her that he has to if he runs they're going to chase him and right now Mary Jane and Aunt May's health is more important Jessica leaves away telling him that she isn't gonna stick around here and argue with herself outside Nick and Henry continue to bicker as Peter shuffles out holding Otto's body Nick asks where's the girl Peter says that she um left there are two more clones inside though both dead and Henry says that that's good Peter looks at Henry and shouts good tell me because I would really like to know if there's any part of you that understands how insanely evil you really are Henry turns back to Peter and before he can yell Johnny flies down telling Peter that he has to come with him he grabs a hold of Peter's arms and he flies him over to the Baxter building and inside of the lab Dr Franklin storm looks over Mary Jane and a reed tells Peter that they isolated the Oz compound but Mary Jane because the toss and yell and turn and then her eyes eyes open and she sees Peter she jumps out of bed running at him and asks you're the real one right Mary Jane then looks around and sees Johnny and asks what's going on Peter says that it's a long story Otto cloned him and Gwen Stacy and all of the Clones escaped Aunt May had a heart attack and one of the Clones kidnapped her Mary Jane thinks about in a shouts oh my God a clone but Johnny Whispers to her that this is where she hugs him she latches on to Peter and Peter says that he's sorry and she says that it wasn't his fault right so why apologize Peter then says that he loves her she was right and he was wrong he almost lost Peter looks at everyone asking if she's going to be okay and Reed says yes they managed to remove the odds formula but they would still very much like to watch over Mary Jane for a little bit and be it as it may it may take some time but it can cure him as well wouldn't have to be Spider-Man anymore if he didn't want to now to catch you up on what we've skipped over Peter Parker is back with Mary Jane and kitty Pride was kicked out of the X-Men and now goes to the school that Peter Parker and Mary generat Nick Fury is also gone and Carol Danvers is now the leader of SHIELD also Harry became a goblin himself now aboard the show field headquarters acting director Carol Danvers walks down to a cell asking what exactly does he want and the soldier with her tells her that he wants to talk to Nick Fury Carroll says that Nick isn't here can't one of them just put on an eye patch or something and pretend that they are Nick and the soldier tells her that he's pretty sure that they'll see through that and Carol says Fine open it up inside the holding cell Norman Osborne asks who are you and Carol says that she is Captain Carol Danvers what can she do for him Norman tells her that he wants to talk to Nick Fury and Carol says that he's not here she is so what does he want Norman pauses for a moment and then he says I'm ready to make my deal Fury offered me a deal with some privileges in return for my scientific cooperation Carol asks exactly what are these privileges that you speak of and Norman says I wanna see my son I'm willing to play ball and make a deal so Carol tells him yeah I'm gonna have to pass on that one Norman Scott telling her just get me fury and Carol tells him that you may have missed the part of the conversation where I said that he wasn't here and Norman shouts I'm ready to make my deal this is a complete waste of time just sitting here and Carol tells him well you should have thought of that before you turned yourself into a goblin and started killing people as Carol turns to leave Norman shouts at her again and Carol looks at him and taunts him saying it slams the door shut back in the control room she begins to go over the current captured villains each one checked off except for Harry Osborne a shield agent says that they keep him elsewhere and she sits back stating that all of this is insane they're keeping all of these Maniacs in their basement it's like they're sitting on a nuclear bomb one of the operators then says that they have a problem Osborne's cell went dark she asks like what someone turned off the lights dark and the operator says no like all monitor feeds his vitals everything and she says that maybe it's just a but before she could even finish her sentence an explosion goes off in the basement moments before the explosion Norman was sitting in his cell brooding thinking about how the only difference between him and Nick Fury is that he knows that he's a monster and Nick doesn't it's fine though they can take away his money throw him in jail drug him whatever they can do whatever they want because he wants them to know that everything they have done to him isn't enough to keep him caged and now it's his turn to destroy him as Norman sits his body begins to smoke and soon he catches fire the fire spreads and then there's an explosion going off blowing a massive hole into the side of the shield headquarters Norman steps out of his destroyed cell and the blast caused most of the other cells to open and freed the criminals including Gwen Stacy's clone as Norman gets ready to leave he hears Otto Octavius telling him you're looking rather well Otto takes one of his metal arms slamming it into norm and telling him just so you know I'm the one who gave you up to the fence I sold you out the first chance that I got I even gave them the formula and they still couldn't figure it out Norman reaches up crushing one of the metal arms and Otto asks why is that what was it that they created with only thinking to himself that Otto is in his way Norman throws a fireball and jumps at him Otto then asks why are you still attacking can't you take a moment to Marvel at all of what has happened as Otto knocks Norman back he tells him never mind you can't just keep being you however as Otto goes back to taunting Norman he's suddenly electrocuted and falls to the ground Electro asks Norman if he can hear him also you're welcome for the save however I'm auditioning for some work I'm gonna need something that pays while I'm on the outside Norman tells him to find him in a few days there will be some work Electro rockets off into the skies telling him awesome I'll see you then also that time that we almost took over the White House good times as Norman leaves out of the shield headquarters Attack Helicopters moving to try and take him down and they managed to shoot Norman back into the water the pilots report that they have confirmed hits but once the helicopters get overhead Norman jumps back out of the water throwing more Fireballs at them the shields take most of the blast but Norman jumps over to a helicopter ripping out one of the men then after taking over the controls he crashes the helicopter into another and rips through the last of them as he lands he says that he's going to crucify Fury I'm gonna crucify him a national television for this a little while later at Norman's lawyer Joseph's apartment he gets ready to go out and he sees Norman standing in the mirror fixing his tie Joseph asks what is he going on about and Norman tells him that he needs money so that he can put it away for a rainy day also contact a publicist I'm going to need a booking ASAP later as the news reports on the Escape From The Shield headquarters are televised the report mentions that they have an exclusive interview with their reporter Patsy Walker the camera changes and Patsy says that as of late the fate of Norman Osborne is a completed mystery until tonight with her right now is Norman Osborne discussing the recent events that have stopped the course of his life and how he found himself incarcerated without trial by the same government that he dedicated his life to work too Norman tells the viewers that he was wrongfully arrested for a crime that they never once told them about and Nick Fury he was the one who injected him with the untested chemicals that turned him into a monster out in the streets Peter and Mary Jane go on their date while Peter cares for the school project Parenthood baby they notice one of the electronic stores playing the news and on it is Norman's broadcast to the world without saying a word Mary Jane drops her ice cream cone and she begins to run Peter catches up with her and she shouts that he's going to come and kill her he threw her off of a bridge he knows who they are Peter grabs are telling her yes he knows but he doesn't want to kill us he wants to kill me Peter and Mary Jane rush home but before they can even get into Peter's house Mary Jane's mother begins to scream at her that she needs to get into the car they're leaving oh right now Mary Jane says that for one she's right and Peter tells her to just go he'll handle it as Mary Jane drives off Peter walks into his home to see Aunt May with an older gentleman the man reaches out telling Peter hello his name is Dr Miles Warren friend of his aunts Peter says uh hi can I talk to my aunt for just a moment in private it's kind of really important and Aunt May pulls Peter aside saying that this is close to being rude and without even responding to that Peter says that Norman escaped and he's on TV telling the world that he's the victim Aunt May asks if he knows who he is and Peter says yeah that's why she needs to leave and get as far away as possible go anywhere but here like a hotel or something an Aunt May asks what is she supposed to tell miles but before Peter can answer miles says that he's terribly sorry but one of his old patients is having an episode so can they get together another time she tells them of course that's fine and Miles says good hopefully everything of Peter there works out I'll be in touch once Aunt May leaves Peter suits up and heads to the only place that he can think of to start looking for Clues Norman's apartment as he gets in Peter thinks that surely Norman wouldn't be stupid enough to have returned here and that's when Peter notices some recently eaten food lying around down the hall a man walks out of the bathroom and Peter stares for a moment and says hey you're not Osborne Electro drops his Rose and electrifies himself and Peter sounds far out it's that naked electric guy Electro shots it's Electro as bolts of electricity begin to shoot out into the air Peter Dodges saying that he really doesn't want to know what part of his body that's shooting Adam as Peter jumps through Electro's attack he says that he's just here to check on Norman so why is he even here Electro rides out of the apartment shouting eat me and Peter says why are you running Peter quickly jumps out after him and as he catches up Electro asks will you just insert censored word off Peter says hey hey potty mouth as the two begin to fight Carol on the other Shield old soldiers wearing Hulkbuster armor jet-down and open fire and Electro he begins firing bolts of electricity towards the soldiers but while distracted Peter whacks a lecturer with a tire and he then takes the wiring from an electrical pull and he starts wrapping up Electro asking if this is the part where he like I don't know gives up Carol shouts with the soldiers to open fire and they begin to rain down shots on Electro and as he falls Peter says that that could have gone better she then points her gun at Peter telling him that he has until the count of three to get on his knees he shouts no I want to talk to Nick Fury and she yells for them to take him down as the soldiers begin to shoot one hits Peter in the shoulder and a little while later Peter begins to wake back up finding himself in a shield cell Peter calls out hello and Carol says that it's a pleasure to meet him without the mask he shouts why can't I just go one day without someone knowing who I really am Carol then starts to shoot webbing from his web shooter and tells him that he should have kept his mask on then Peter yazad hey the fluid is expensive and who are you she continues to shoot Webb stating that she is the new Nick Fury and Peter said that's good for you can I go now and she tells him no she's playing a game here one that she didn't invent but one that she has to play meanwhile back at Joseph's apartment Norman watches the news as Peter is arrested and he shouts that's funny I escape and they are a Spider-Man they even took that electrical idiot off my back Joseph tells Norman that really he can't be keeping him here he needs to go turn himself in and Norman says that's fine they will be putting me back in prison plus I still need that money Joseph says that he isn't helping him and Norman leans in asking do you mean that you don't have my money as Norma grabs him Joseph tells him that he's making this difficult and as Norman's eyes light up he says what's going to be difficult here is identifying her body a short while later back in the shield cell Carol receives a call from agent Wu saying that he just got unseen where a high-rise apartment is burning it belonged to a lawyer named Joseph sinat who happened to be Norman Osborne's lawyer right now they have the War Room scanning for traces of Norman's Powers so he'll contact them once they receive word as Carol hangs up she tells Peter all right the game's over we need to but before they can finish Katie jumps in phasing through Carroll grabbing Peter's web Shooters and mask stating that these don't belong to them Peter shouts Kitty and she says what's up and then phases the two of them through the ground outside on the docks Peter webs out the guards and tells Kitty that she really needs to stop hitting everyone but before they can leave Carol and the other soldiers come out and they tell her that she would call Xavier but she's not welcome there anymore is she Kitty shouts you can't just hold people you arrested him for no reason he isn't the bad guy here Carol's eyes ah we didn't arrest him we were placing him in protective custody there's a maniac on the loose and I'm just trying to use him as bait which didn't work another Soldier walks over to Carol telling her that they gotta hit a Norman and Carol tells the teams to move out and hence Peter and Kitty guns Peter asks what is this for and Carol says that they're on the team now because who here has experience fighting a goblin not Shield Katie then says that they're Miners and they just gave them guns and Carol tells her that they're not guns they are neuro neutralizers they point and shoot and Norman stops goblining in theory over at Norman's accountant's apartment he asks where is his money because he knows what he paid him and this is kind of too expensive for his pay grade the accountant says that he got a new job and Norman slams his fist down asking do I really need to hurt your family to get it out of you the accountant tries to say that he doesn't have it and Norman stops I'm changing into the gobble and telling him that would be a yes then before Norman can do anything shots are fired from the window separating the two of them and Peter swings in punching norm and asking if it's really him in there as Norman is blasted again Peter tells him he still looks like the goblin he's not going down and Carl says well he should be down Peter goes back to beating on Norman but as Norman grabs Peter he throws him out of the building everyone opens fire again on Norman and then he too ends up falling out of the building Peter tries to shoot webbing out to catch himself but he realizes that he's out since Carol wasted most of it Kitty jumps out of the building aiming straight for Peter but just then Norman goes crashing into the streets Peter opens up his eyes asking what's that smell am I dead Kitty tells him no that would be them they're in the sewer underneath the street the two-phase back up and it's Carol lands Peter asks so where's Norman she tells him that's a good question where is he one of the soldiers says that he fell in bouncing the other is then say today they don't know Peter looks around and then he jumps down shouting to Carol you had him first you arrested me dangled me in front of Norman and I still helped you now after all of this you lose him and this is because you used up all of my web fluid I would have been able to avoid this all of this right now me and Katie are going home we have school in four hours and if you see Norman give me a call after getting away Peter heads home and he looks around thinking about how things have gotten quiet little too quiet and as he goes to get something to eat he feels as Spidey since going off when he walks into his living room he sees Norman sitting there with a sheet wrapped around him and Peter tells him to get out of there Norma says so long as he doesn't use his powers he can't be tracked and Peter then asks what does he want Norman tells him I want my life back I want my money my son and I will gladly destroy Nick Fury and anyone else that I can to do it right now you're the only proof left on the planet to show everyone that I am in fact a genius proof that I belong in this world Peter shouts that it was an accident and Norman says so was Penicillin he goes on saying that that is the point he's buried Nick Fury in the Press so now if Spider-Man was stepped forward and tell the world that he was created by Norman Osborne all would be forgiven Peter shouts You're a murderer and as the two argue there's a knock at the door he looks over and sees a note being slid under it and as he reads it it says turn on CNN Peter grabbed the remote to turn on the TV and Anna is Harry Osborne at Shield headquarters telling everyone that his father is a sick sick man he's a liar and all of the things that he's saying is not true he killed his mommy Norman's eyes wide him and then light up and on the screen Carol looks back at the camera and smiles moments pass and Peter starts to wake up rubbing his head what happened I remember Harry on the news and the Norman hitting me oh that's what happened over at the shield headquarters Harry says that he can't believe that he was on CNN and Carol tells him actually he wasn't that feed was just sent to a particular TV they knew his father would be watching what she needs for him to do now is get away before his father shows up and no sooner than she says that than the soldiers begin to report that they have visuals on Norman Osborne Carol grabs a gun telling everyone that once he's in range fire at will and Norman leaps through the blast and one manages to hit him and send him into the ocean the soldiers then ask if they got him but that's when the platform begins to shift everyone looks at Norman and he says that he would like to have a word with his son everyone begins to open fire and then Harry begins to lose control and he changes into a goblin as the two goblins Clash Norman shouts this is the things I get I'm very disappointed in you but before Norman can continue beating down on Harry Peter swings in cracking Norman off of him and he begins to choke him Peter says come on time to go night night and then he feels himself starting to burn he jumps off trying to put himself out since he got lit on fire by the Green Goblin and then he asks how could you do that Harry runs in punching his father down shouting for him to stop and as they go back to fighting the soldiers begin to open fire blasting Norman away Peter goes back to check on Harry and as the soldiers gather around the fire that was Norman they see him walk out Norman begins to throw fiery blast back at the soldiers and Peter quickly webs up his head to try and blind him so he doesn't know where he's throwing them as Norman pulls on the web to bring him close another blast shoots by throwing people off of him Harry jumps out tackling Norman to the ground telling him to stop and Norman flips over him punching him into the ground as he punches Norman he shouts this is how you honor me after I've given you everything and as Norman punches him Harry's arm begins to change back into human form Norman stops and looks down to see his son bloody and lifeless Norman slowly starts to change back into his human form and he says please kill me Carol tells him gladly she fires Peter pulls himself back up to the platform and as Norman's body falls to the ground he runs over picking up Harry Carol tells Peter that she's truly sorry and he runs up grabbing her telling her to just stay away from him you are not Fury and I don't know you so from here on out you better say the hell away from me the next day in class the teacher arrives saying that she really hopes no one lost their project baby but before she can start the class Peter tells everyone that he has something he would like to say this morning their friend Harry Osborne died he knows lately everyone started to forget about him since things went under some kind of bizarre circumstances but that's fine he would like to know if they can talk about him for one moment Harry was a friend to everyone here they've all known him since kindergarten and not long ago he himself Peter Parker couldn't walk down the hall without someone doing something stupid to him but there was one person who stood up for him and that was Harry it may not have seemed like it but to him Hera was a hero who stood up for people who couldn't defend themselves and that's what being a hero is Right today they lost one as the birds chirp in the park Eddie Brock sits on a bench staring off at the scenery an older woman walks by and stops to sit Nettie turns to her telling her that his name is Eddie Brock it's a nice day he's hungry before she can answer he tells her that he's sorry he's been sitting here all day trying to figure out how his life became what it is he was a college student doing homework and going to parties but now he has nowhere to go back when he was a kid his father invented a medical miracle a cure for cancer and it ended up being a parasite and it attacked him suddenly he changed into this thing a super powered thing and that's when haman's Spider-Man started throwing down for the record he knows who Spider-Man is they used to be Pals not anymore his name is Peter Parker Eddie goes on saying how he ran into Peter they fought and then there was a flash of light and when he woke up he was somewhere else hungry and he ate the people that passed by in the park in fact he had actually gone out into the city to feed and that's when he saw him again it was Spider-Man fighting some giant metal Rhino guy and the thing is when he's saw Spider-Man he felt great was the suit wanting him to go there was a time when Spider-Man did wear this suit even though it wasn't for a very long period maybe the suit's connected to him did he want to kiss him or kill him he couldn't tell then later that night he was attacked by some mercenary groups calling themselves the wild pack their lasers fired into him and he fought back stopping most of them but then there was one more a woman with silver hair calling herself Sable she began to open fire on him and they fought for a bit but in the end he was able to escape that night he just knew that he had that feeling again that feeling like he was close to Spider-Man maybe days and weeks past and he couldn't really tell but one day he felt it again Spider-Man was close he and his class started taking a field trip to the museum and he just had to get closer so he broken wearing the suit and sure enough Spider-Man was there but since he couldn't really control himself they began to fight destroying everything around him Spider-Man being the hero that he was tried to keep things to a minimum but as the fight went on they ended up back on the street he was so close to getting spider Iron Man and that's where that Sable woman appeared and started shooting at him and Spider-Man but back in the current time the woman sitting on the bench says wait wait wait wait you're the monster from the museum Eddie looks at her and Venom comes out and eats them Eddie river is back stating yeah that was me now where was I that's right after Sable shot me I turned into my normal self again Spider-Man tried to stop us but he was already having some issues of his own sabled and took me away and left Spider-Man in the streets sometime passed and I woke up and I was in a Cell it was there that I met the man Boulevard Trask he was the man that my father worked for when Venom was created and he wanted the suit back he tried to explain that the suit actually belonged to his father but Bolivar said that that was before his father died he actually sold it to him and it actually belonged to him it belonged to Trask and it was worth the billions so after finally getting control of him Bolivar and his doctors put him into a test tube to try and split him from the suit but before they could some man showed up some man in a beetle costume beetle broke through the wall tearing apart everything and knocking everyone out with some kind of gas once he was done he opened up the test tube freeing him and then he held out a small container Beetle didn't say anything and when he attacked him Beetle cut off a piece of him and put that piece into the Container after getting a part of him Beetle just flew off however that didn't sit well with him so he followed Beetle he jumped on top of him while he was trying to get away and the two of them ended up crashing into the streets they fought there and that's when Spider-Man showed up splitting them back up and that's when it happened after being knocked down to the ground the suit reached out to Spider-Man and then he tried to get the suit not to leave but the suit chose Spider-Man over him once the suit completely covered up Spider-Man him and the beetle guy started to fight Spider-Man knocked him away but it also looked like Spider-Man was trying to fight against something something like the hunger before long Sable and her wild pack showed up again Spider-Man tried to fight them Throwing Cars in anything that he could grab Sable's force in the air fired down into Spider-Man knocking him into a nearby building but that's when they thought that they had him so Spider-Man jump back out onto the helicopter dragging it into the Street Sable shouted to her men to fall back and retrieve because the big boys were here at first he didn't understand and that's when he saw Nick Fury and the ultimates Captain America jumped in and started to beat into Spider-Man but that's when Spider-Man started to eat him before he could though it looked like he was struggling to hold back and then he threw Captain America instead as Thor jumped into attack he remembered himself yelling that's what you get Parker and Nick asked if he just said Parker Nick said sorry for whatever reason and then he told Thor to hit him with the good stuff Thor flew into the sky and suddenly a giant bolt of lightning struck down into Spider-Man all he could do was watch and cry they were hurting Venom it was his suit all he wanted was them to give it back the next day after everything he went to Spider-Man's school and since he knows that he's a high schooler and all he found Spider-Man with his little girlfriend outside he told him that he wanted it back but it turns out Spider-Man didn't have it that Shield group or whatever it was took it back after the huge fight Spider-Man told them to just forget about it told them that he needs it back or he's going to publicly announce who he is he'll go to the place where he works and tell everyone about his little secret identity that Peter Parker is actually Spider-Man but back in the back in the current day Eddie Brock is still sitting on the Park Bench watching the scenery when an older man sits in the bench next to him the man takes off his hat stating it's a nice day isn't it and Eddie tells him that his name is Eddie and it is a nice day in her right now he's hungry anyway let me get after not hearing from Spider-Man for some time I decided to stop by his house one night when I rang the doorbell his aunt answered and I tried to tell her that Spider-Man was there I knew who he was and after I told his aunt who he was she started to unlock the door for me and then suddenly she pulled a gun on me I tried to calm her down but she was really trying to threaten me so I grabbed a gun from her and just as I thought Spider-Man appeared and punched me Spider-Man was getting ready to beat me further but then he looked back and decided to take this elsewhere once we landed on a rooftop Spider-Man kept shouting asking why are you even doing this and I told him it's because you've got everything Powers the suit and the suit chose you while we argued though there was a girl that showed up it looked like the girl that was inside of Spider-Man's house and that girl's name was Gwen Spider-Man said that he would show me what it's like to have that thing inside of me and as Spider-Man went on Gwen started to change into something and that's when I knew that's what I needed Gwen attacked me and then I felt it I felt the suit part of it was inside of him all along all the suit needed was more after touching Gwen the suit started to grow absorbing the other suit Spider-Man tried to separate them but then I knocked Spider-Man away Gwen shouted like she wanted to protect Spider-Man and then she jumped on top of him they started fighting punching each other back and forth and just as Gwen thought that she had won I let my suit creep up behind her once enough of it was behind her the suit covered gwenitus started to devour her suit after I absorbed all of it I grew larger than ever before I felt more powerful than ever before Spider-Man tried to attack but that's when I knocked him down into the alleyway from before Spider-Man followed me and I told him that there was no more fighting I had what I wanted Spider-Man tried to stop me but after slipping away into the sewer I managed to escape back in the present time the man puts on his hat stating that if he's got this right you fought Spider-Man and now you're some sort of what exactly and he looks of the man and Venom comes out to eat him and just as Eddie lunges the man holds out his fist sucking him up after capturing all of Eddie the man looks around and then metal plates starts to form over the man's fist seconds later Beetle rockets off into the sky reporting that he's pleased to inform the Lord that he has the recipient of the package he is on his way back to the home country the Lord's bless Latvia once again we've jumped ahead in the timeline what you've missed is that Peter Parker was allowed to keep his powers as long as he underwent training with Steve Rogers and Johnny Storm and Bobby Drake are now living with Aunt May now our Story begins over in the shield containment facility as director Carol Danvers asks Norman Osborne if he understood everything that she just said and Norman begins to open up his eyes stating that I thought I was dead and Carol tells him yeah about that that's the first thing on our list of things that we need to figure out about Norman Osborne Norman looks up gritting his teeth and Carol points her gun at him that she would love nothing more than for him to try and break free Norman watches and he closes his eyes a short while later in the holding cells Dr Leonard Sampson tells Norman that he's here to ask him some questions regarding his brush with death Samson then begins to ask some questions and Norman stops him telling him if you want anything from me you can tell the blonde that it's going to cost her I watch Privileges and considerations Carol radios down from the room telling Norman that he can go to hell they already have his blood and his DNA he can just rot down there for all she cares Norma's eyes begin to glow when he says you have no idea what's inside of me he gets a stand up in his body begins to change and Carol shouts for everyone to get to their stations they have a code red alert and they need a full lockdown Norman changes into the goblin because the rip apart his cell telling everyone that they have no idea how close to God I've become before the soldiers could begin firing the room begins to fill with fire burning everyone alive and tearing down the Walls Norman then calls out for everyone to come to him and through the destroyed cells Electro Craven Sandman vulture and auto Octavius all come out Sandman says that if they're going to make a break for it they should probably do it now and with that Norman jumps out of the shield headquarters onto the flight pad he looks at the helicopter asking if anyone can fly this and Electro tells him yeah I was actually in the Air Force at one point meanwhile over at the cemetery Spider-Man swings down to Captain America asking why are we meeting here of all places and Steve tells them that he needs to learn about life and death and for what he's seen Spider-Man doesn't fight like other lives depend on it you're nothing more than a teenager and frankly you act as such Carol Danvers came to the ultimate asking what we should do about Spider-Man Thor and Iron Man gave the thumbs up but I feel that you should be bitched Soldier and since I was out voted I'm here to teach and train you as Steve goes on his Communicator goes off and Carol says that they have a priority situation it has been a breakout however that isn't what she's calling for Fury's Black Ops team has gone Rogue in the city Steve runs over to his motorcycle telling Spider-Man that they're gonna have to do this another time it's a level one emergency and you are not to follow Soldier as Steve speeds off Spider-Man webs off following him telling him that it's not like he can stop him from following back with Norman and the others they all break into an apartment to lay low while vulture turns on the TV the news shows the ultimates fighting on a bridge and Norman says that this is good his eyes widen as he watches stating this is God's work what I'm showing you all here as they were going to kill Peter Parker and over at that bridge Spider-Man looks on as the explosions begin to rip the bridge apart when his phone rings he picks it up telling Mary Jane that this isn't really a good time and Mary Jane shouts that it's Norman he's alive and he's escaped you have to get Gwen and on May as far away as you can back at the apartment everyone discusses what they should do next when Craven suggests that they just get out of town Norman looks back and tells everyone no we stayed here what we need to do is here in New York Otto says look I appreciate everything that you've done for me in the past but I've got to say I'm not about this killing Peter Parker thing anymore all I want to do now is go back to work again be a scientist we should leave Spider-Man alone and just take pride and what we've created Norman changes into the goblin punching Otto out the window asking as Otto begins to fall he starts to gather the surrounding metal to catch himself and when he lands he screams for Norman he jumps back to the window but before he can hit Otto Otto uses one of his arms and he cracks Norman across the face Auto shouts just because I don't want to fight doesn't mean that I've forgot now meanwhile back at the Parker home they're watching TV when Peter comes running and telling mate and Gwen that they have to get out of here on May asks what's going on and Peter shot it's Norman the goblin he's alive and he's broken out of jail and he's brought everyone that I've ever beaten up along with him Peter Parker pulls out his mask and he says they know who I am and they know where I live as the two begin to gather the things Aunt May tells Peter that he needs to come with them and he grabs her hand telling her I can't I have to do this now just go back in the streets of New York Norman throws Fireballs knocking the auto to the ground and he jumps towards him the medalars try to hold him back and auto shots you need to stop this and Norman screams after all I've done for you this is what you do he punches into one of the metal arms and soon he pushes through to Otto himself punch after punch begins to beat down on Otto's head until finally the metal arms fall apart a short while later Peter swings down and sees Otto's smoldering upper body stating that he did it Norman Osborne actually killed Otto Octavius some of the civilians run up telling Spider-Man that he should have seen it it was like the Hulk or something was going crazy and Spider-Man shouts which way did he go and everyone starts to point so Spider-Man quickly swings up towards the apartment as he gets in he looks around stating that of course they're not here why would they be here and just then he sees the fight back over at the bridge decides to head back however as soon as he swings into it he notices The Punisher getting into position with a sniper rifle he looks back down and he sees Steve standing over Nick Fury and the gun is pointed right at him Frank Castle takes aim and Spider-Man tries to web him but he misses as Spider-Man swings low the gun goes off and then he tackles Steve and the bullet goes straight through Spider-Man's side after passing out Spider-Man wakes up to see the bridge destroyed in blood pouring out of himself he thinks that he should probably go to the hospital but if he does people are going to find out who Spider-Man is so he webs up the wounds stating that it should at least the last him until he can get to but before he can finish that he sees Norman and the others shooting by meanwhile back at the Parker home Johnny Storm and Bobby Drake return and Bobby shouts that it's hard not telling the girl that he's trying to hook up with that he doesn't have powers she was complaining that his hands were cold Johnny calls out asking if anyone's home and then he finds a note on the phone stating get out of the house immediately and call as soon as you get to a safe place why isn't your phone on Bobby asks why isn't my phone on and Johnny tells him that he kind of melts it every time that he Flames up so as the two open the door to leave Norman on the rest are standing right there Craven says Spider-Man's sentence here and these boys are not who they are looking for Norman tells Johnny Storm to bring Peter outside no Johnny says that he has a better idea how about he just gets the hell out of here before he has to pay them a new set of eyebrows as he Flames up he charges towards Norman and Norma responds by changing into the Goblet as the two Clash an explosion goes off and Norman screams out in pain Sandman reaches out to Johnny and Johnny asks what are you gonna do make my Underpants itchy the sand washes over Johnny putting him out and Bobby skates in blasting a sandman with his ice Electro shoots the ice slide knocking Bobby away and Johnny gets back up to rejoin the fight but through Bobby's pillar of ice Sandman crushes down on Johnny once more Bobby rides back in throwing ice shards and Electro tells him really ice and water really Electro defies the ice causing it to explode throwing Bobby into the nearby house Elektra then says that he should probably get a move on surely the neighbors have already called the cops and Craven sniffs the air telling them all to wait everyone looks down the road to see Peter standing in the street vulture pops his wings and he Jets towards him and he shouts asking you know what you did to my life and Peter webs up his face swinging him into a house still struggling through the pain in the bullet passing through him he has telling them who's next he looks around and he sees Norman Johnny and Bobby all knocked out and he thinks that he's got to stall them until the ultimates can get here he calls out to them telling him here's what's gonna happen and a second shield and some other superheroes are gonna show up and I'm talking all of them so if you surrender I can Craven says it's a bluff look at the boy he's a mess and San Manuel's he's right him Electro and Craven all charge forward Peter kicks over a fire hydrant and he aims the water at the three of them as the water goes towards Electro he bursts into a mini explosion knocking him and the others to the ground but before Electro can change back Peter quickly webs him up and flings him over and punch watching him out he then falls to his knees stating that's all I had left in me and then he looks up stating ah hi the neighbors gather around Spider-Man some with their phone sticking pictures and Spider-Man asks if someone could you know call 9-1-1 I'm not doing so good here his Spider Sense begins to go off and a boy from the crowd shouts behind you Sandman pulls himself together and becomes a grouched down on Spider-Man trapping him inside of the sand a sandman tries to hold on a web shoots out and Spider-Man pulls himself out as his Spider Sense is going off again he says that he already knows he's under attack and the vulture swoops in knocking Spider-Man to the ground he hits the ground bouncing and he starts to get back up when he sees the vulture throw down two grenades he shouts for everyone to run and he tries to win with the grenades to contain the explosion as the blast goes off it throws him into a car and he bounces off into the lawn over on the freeway Aunt May gets a call from their neighbor Doris asking where is she she tells her that she's out driving and Doris tells her that she doesn't know how to say this but she thinks that Peter is Spider-Man on me asks what's going on and Doris says that these men are here and she doesn't know how to say this but it looks like they're killing him without a moment of hesitation on May slaves on the brakes and she spins the car around heading back towards the house back in the house the three Villas continue to beat down on Peter Parker now with the entire world aware that he is Spider-Man until Sandman gets ready to kill him but before he can a bolt of electricity shoots through him causing him to fall apart Electro shots that there's only so much crap that I can take from a 13 year old kid so this one I'm gonna finish if he gets a charge up but suddenly a gun is fired and the gun continues to go off shooting several more times into Electro's back until he finally explodes Peter looks around asking what happened and then he sees odd May holding a Smoking Gun she starts to look around asking what what did I just do and Peter takes the gun away telling her it's okay I got it now he slowly begins to fall back to his knees and odd May screams for someone to call it ambulance Gwen goes to check on Johnny and Bobby stating that they are breathing so she thinks that they're going to be okay she thinks and Peter begins to tell on me that he's sorry he knows this isn't the life that she wanted she smiles telling him that he's a crazy boy and Peter smiles back saying yeah at least I'm kind of cute then a shadow looms over them and Norman lights up just as Dorman slams his fist down Peter grabs on me and Gwen telling them that you need to go right now as they land Peter grabs Gwen telling her that he doesn't care how she does it just take on me and get her out of here go as far as they can on May looks at her coach she sees blood as she tells Peter to wait as Norman jumps over the house his peer pushes Gwen asking didn't you hear what I just said get out of here before Norman can land he jumps into the air punching Norman back into the ground he catches himself in a Lamppost standing ah can you just do me a favor now and stay right there I'll be right back he leaves away at Norman screams for him to come back and Peter tells him yeah yeah hold that thought he lays next to Johnny that he shakes him awake telling him I'm in a really bad situation and I could really use your help man Johnny pushes Peter out of the way telling him I got this flame on he Rockets back into the air grabbing Norman and he shouts come on burn that is Johnny begins to gather all of his strength he creates an explosion into Norman however when everyone looks they see Norman absorbing the blast draining Johnny's fire his body begins to bounce out on the ground and he says I'm sorry two two and Norma begins to float over Peter turning white and purple from Johnny's heat and he starts to throw down Fireballs the moment that Norman stops Peter grabs a mailbox and it begins to beat Norman with it he jumps on to Norman asking him what's next are you gonna kill me then what it won't bring back the Sun that you killed using much strength he has left he lifts and throws Ormond into a fire hydrant extinguishing him he then falls to his knees and when he looks back up he sees Norman get back up and walk towards him Norman tells him no and won't bring Harry back but at least Spider-Man will be dead Peter hangs his head telling him well there's that Norman's eyes begin to glow and then a bright light begins to shine on them and a speeding truck raises through Peter sees the person behind the wheel is Mary Jane and she runs the truck straight into Norman crashing it into him suddenly the windshield is punched out and before Mary Jane can Panic Peter jumps in pulling her out to the Mets he shouts that was insane was that truck stolen and Mary Jane tells him you're welcome for that the two kiss and then Peter yells now that that's over get the hell out of here and he throws her into the distance before a lady though he webs up a net to catch her and that's when Norman crawls out from underneath the truck stating that today is your day of rocketing I'm delivering God's message and God wants this to happen Peter picks up the truck and he slams it on Norman screaming shut up he tries to pick it back up again and Norman tells him I am going to destroy you and your family just as you did mine Peter brings the truck down again crushing Norman and he steps back and explodes in a fiery blast throwing Peter to the ground Johnny quickly runs over to Peter's body and he looks back to see Norman's hand his human hand burning in the Fire Johnny says that it looks like he got him Peter tells him good that's about all I had in me favorite chain runs over shouting that they meet an ambulance someone gold mine would one and Aunt May he starts pushing through the crowd with Gwen stating that Peter told them not to be here but as she gets through she sees Peter laying lifelessly on the ground and Mary Jane's screaming Tears are Falling from her eyes and Mary Jane says that he got really hurt Aunt May runs over to Peter asking you what did you do and he coughs it weekly says it's okay I did it Aunt May shouts telling him to hang on the ambulance is and he stops her and he grabs her coat asking didn't you see it's okay I did it he begins to cry telling her that he couldn't save him he couldn't save Uncle Ben no matter what he did but for her he saved her he did it he saved her life before he could finish his hand gives out and he closes his eyes Aunt May's eyes go wide and Johnny leads down to hear his art but before he comes back up he doesn't say anything Aunt May shouts no oh God no not him too please not him too and Mary Jane picks up Peter's body crying Gwen pulls on me away as she screams for him to come back and while everyone Mourns the loss of their hero Norman listens to everyone's cries and he smiles his evil twisted smile because he took Spider-Man's life as Peter's vision Fades he begins to feel a warm light wash over him he opens his eyes and he sees himself walking with Uncle Ben Uncle Ben pulls him close telling him you did good you did real good and there you have it today's full story I hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to like subscribe and hit that notification Bell right here on this channel as it will only ever be receiving full stories from the other channel and if you want to see the videos as they come out make sure you go check out the comic story and Main Channel where you get five days of videos a week I'll see you next time
Channel: Comicstorian Full Story
Views: 1,090,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiderman, spider man team, spidermanparkour, spiderman team vs bad guy, mansion, nerf gun, nerf war, superhero, rich hero, who is real, poor, freerunning, flife parkour money heist, epic, crazy, venom, survival game, escape, parkour, flifetv, security, epic parkour chase, real life, parkour pov vietnam, richvspoor, girlfriend, parkour pov việt nam, pov, parkour pov escape, rich, funny, comedy, rescue, bad guy, noob vs pro, parkour pov chase
Id: mcXYKj3F7e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 18sec (13518 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.