Ultimate Self-Improvement BOOK Tier List (BEST to WORST)

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i was on youtube and i was watching tier list videos you know they have like four or five criteria and they rank things really fun to watch got me thinking what could we do on a tier list topic you seem to love on this channel self-improvement books so ladies and gentlemen i present to you the tier list of the 14 best self-improvement books three criteria for choosing these books one it either had to have ten thousand or more amazon reviews or sold over five million copies two i have personally read it cover to cover so i can have an opinion on it three has to be a book that most of us would know to spice up this video i'm gonna give you my favorite point from the book as well as why it deserves the ranking in my opinion that it has first up we got think and grow rich napoleon hill napoleon hill interviewed the best moguls of his time his goal was to identify key habits or laws that made them successful how did you make a million dollars how did you rise to the top since writing it sold over 100 million copies so where are we putting think and grow rich 100 million copies sold gotta give it the c tier there's conflicting stories on napoleon hill whether he actually practiced what he preached obviously i don't personally know the guy but some people said he wrote a book on getting rich and all the success and he actually died not very successful himself worth a read but i think just one next up let's do something juicy let's talk about the secret 35 plus million copies sold published in 2006 it's probably more well known for the movie titled after the same name the secret this is like the law of attraction of law of attraction books talks about how your thoughts are things you are a co-creator of this universe you're not just a victim of circumstance so where do we put the secret on the list a legendary book this one's a little tough it was either gonna be b or d tier and i'll explain why i remember watching the movie for the first time i think i was in like college and it was so inspiring that i sprinted and grabbed my journal and started taking notes and then i did a double feature watching it twice it was the book that turned me on to thoughts our thing thinking does hold the power to manifest what you want is it overrated possibly do people take the ideas in here about the secret and i can just think my rich and take it a little too far i would say so but i guess all things at a certain point can be taken too far so that's why it's the b tier definitely worth a read or worth a watch next up we're talking about the book you probably saw in urban outfitters art of not giving an f keeping it pg on this channel the big idea i got from this book was that self improvement is good right all these books will tell you how to improve yourself how to change your habits how to build good new ones how to change your thinking but it's half the battle the other half the battle is self-healing self-acceptance those are two different things the art of not giving a is not about just being apathetic or whatever happens happens man i don't care i don't give enough that's not what this book is about books about how we're all a little insecure we're all a little too hard on ourselves we all hold on to the past a little too much but we're all a work in progress and just because you're not perfect doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself of the happiness and joy in the present moment so where are we putting this bad boy on our tier list you know what i'm giving this an 8-tier our first eight-year book of the video i think it's worth all the hype out there i believe it sold around 8 million copies i think people who don't like this book just don't like the title and they haven't actually read what's in here i've probably read this thing five times cover to cover next up we got rich dad poor dad robert kiyosaki this book tells you what the rich know that the portal the big idea from this book is something called financial iq tells the story of robert kiyosaki having two dads growing up one was rich one was poor the wrong approach is that most people are trying to save or earn their way rich if i can just get a high paying enough job 100 000 work 10 years i'll be a millionaire but life doesn't work that way does it you got bills you got taxes you got unexpected things come up you want to buy certain things that's a losing battle it's trying to earn your way rich what he talks about in here is investing your way rich that's one of the secrets so where we put in this one uh robert kiyosaki we're gonna give him the b tier i think that this is so well written it's definitely worth a read changes your mindset around money wealth investing just like anything that is a learnable skill i don't have this one in the stack but next up we have paulo cuello's the alchemist it's a novel written in story form about a shepherd who goes on the search for a treasure only to find that his treasure is right below him where he was all along it sold over 150 million plus copies and it's a book all about following your heart and your intuition while also not neglecting the journey along the way and so where do we put this bad boy we're gonna put it on the d tier and i'll tell you why again 150 plus million copies sold it's not a bad book at all and if you're in a place in your life where you need more belief for the next 20 to 30 years i think it's an absolute great read but if you're trying to go after hardcore self-improvement tactical advice might want to sit that one out let's talk now about atomic habits big idea here is up to 46 of every single thing you do today is not conscious it's subconscious it's habit-based we're literally just replaying the same loop 46 as the day before even you watching this video probably had to do with habit algorithms show you based on habits what you will like what you've habitually watched in the past going further everything you are today is just a collection of actions some you took last week and they affect you today some you took five years ago and now you have the consequence or reward from them so if you want to change your life don't just go after actions because that relies on willpower and that fades away go after habits because that's actually controlling the actions you take see the difference and i know you're thinking clark habits are so hard to break i'm trying to get that six-pack now for five ten years but damn it are the flaming hots delicious what i like about this book it gives you your power back not to mention the way it's written uh everything in there from story driven it's modern it's easy to understand really well written i'm giving this an a one of the most practical books on this list like if you're just looking for a straight how-to book this is nothing but that next up we got how to win friends and influence people dale carnegie coming up on almost 100 years old it was published in 1937. your grandpa or grandma probably had this sitting on their bookshelf estimated 30 million copies sold although i'm willing to bet it's probably way more biggest idea from this book is being interested not interesting now you can tell by the title if you've never read this it's all about winning people over getting them to like you being the life of the party but not in a fake over the top super phony charismatic kind of way in a genuine sincere and honest way and so the biggest principle be interested asking people questions getting them to talk about themselves connecting with them like if you literally just ask people about themselves and you take a genuine interest in other people and you say their names and you do several other techniques from this book people are going to walk away from conversations with you and be like something about that girl something about that dude i like him it's one of the classics it's one of the og's it's by dale carnegie and we're giving it the s2 legendary book if you haven't read this they're like two dollars probably a local goodwill book is absolutely amazing i gotta reread that speaking of winning people over let's talk about a book that's banned in prisons this is a bestseller it's all about power it's all about status it's the 48 laws of power robert greene 42 000 reviews on amazon millions of copies sold robert greene goes over 48 laws that people use to manipulate you think old school hollywood rising to the top schmoozing very machiavellian way of approaching life it's well written it's got good stories again 42 000 reviews on amazon millions of copies to sold who am i to say this is a bad book but we are gonna put it on the d tier and i'll tell you why some of these books approach social interactions like a zero-sum game meaning for someone to win you someone has to lose there's an alpha and there's a beta in every single conversation right there's kind of like this toxic advice that gets thrown out there i don't inherently disagree with some of it going deeper it trains you to have very calculated interactions with people where you're always trying to get a reaction or get something from them it's been a while since i was in the dating market but you know i was studying pickup at the time there were some guys who would just memorize every single pickup line out there their whole personality was kind of taken from people online and it was just this like giant mr potato head version of them that they thought people would like but here's the problem if you approach interactions with a fake mindset you're gonna get fake interactions you're gonna attract fake people and even if you win the interaction and you get the result you get the girlfriend you get the boyfriend you get the promotion you're gonna feel fake because you kind of weren't yourself going there and some people who would do that in the dating world they're like why are all women terrible or why are all people awful it's like dude you did it to yourself you became a fake person you used fake strategies and you got fake people huh wonder why so for me personally i'd rather you be authentic i'd rather you accept yourself more and i'd rather you understand that it's okay if not everybody likes you 350 plus million people in america alone like yeah not every single person is going to like it so that's the reason it's on the d tier is i think there's better books out there that approach interactions from a more genuine standpoint instead of this like power struggle where you have to like checkmate someone into status games next up we have a book not pictured here uh the seven habits yeah it's in storage somewhere seven habits of highly effective people by stephen covey another old school class like when you think of self-improvement books that is maybe the book you think of big idea that i like from it is putting first things first stephen covey does a great job going over a time quadrant so there's some things that are urgent important urgent not important not important not urgent not important but urgent taxes very important not urgent checking social media not important not urgent coming up with content ideas for your business not urgent but very important doing your taxes when they're due the next day urgent and important the goal with that is to understand that not everything that's super important is urgent so you have to find time to prioritize it otherwise it's never going to get done and on the flip side if you only go after what's urgent but not important like you can do it anytime you're in a state of what he calls reactivity where you're just reacting to things thrown at you people places opportunities you're going to end up being like dude i don't got any time to do my important stuff so where do we put this i'm putting it on the detour i'll tell you why i just think there's more modern up-to-date books that kind of go over those ideas in a bit more of a uh digestible concise manner 40 million copies sold to the book it's legendary it is good but uh you know it's not quite s-tier material in my opinion let's talk about breaking the habit of being yourself joe dispenza this is the one you're probably familiar with if you watch the channel just why i threw it in i love this book biggest idea is on your subconscious mind now like an iceberg there's your conscious mind what you're watching me on right now and understanding and thinking it's all conscious but then like an iceberg where 90 is beneath the surface there's your subconscious mind you would call this your programming because just like your habits are on autopilot a lot of what you do and think is a subconscious program if you like sciencey books if you like dense material this book goes deep i mean literally the first third is just all about brain chemistry and neural science fantastic book i'm giving this a beats here i think it's a little dense for people if you're just looking to get inspired and just for something quick it's not the book i would suggest but if you're looking for a deep dive and you really are serious about rewiring yourself hands down this is probably the best book you can read on the subject and if you like a little more hippy dippy like myself like a more spiritual perspective to the self-improvement this is definitely one six million copies sold for this next one the four agreements very short book and probably read this in an hour or two and if your name is matt's don't hate me i have your book because i just ordered a used one on amazon jojo hopes you enjoy it how brutal would it be if it was like his wife who gave him the book or something resold on amazon i respect the hustle matt talks about toltec wisdom and there's four major agreements that you make and you must make to live a good life one of those off the top my head that i liked was being impeccable with your word essentially just not lying you can't run from yourself so if you're feeling like shame or guilt or low vibe sometimes you're not being impeccable with your word you're not following through on what you say you're gonna do the habit you wanna make and you're super committed to getting your health back let's take this and you have the decision you're looking at your running shoes you're like dang i told myself i was gonna get in shape i told myself i was gonna go to the gym but then you don't and you go to the fridge and you pull out the unhealthy food or the flamin hots again you probably don't keep those in your fridge right and then later that day you feel low vibe or you feel depressed or you feel like you have low self-esteem to be blunt you probably should have low self-esteem we're lying to ourself so where are we putting this bad boy i'm gonna give this a seat here i think it's very simple i think it's easy to read but it might be too simple for some people to where they maintain it and there's depth behind it very good book though this fun let me know in the comments if you like this video and yes we do have another s tier book the next book talks about the voice inside your mind you might just listen to it and be like man i'm so negative why am i so hard on myself and then feeling bad makes you feel bad even more well this next book tells you that that voice ain't you that's not the real you and that you're not responsible for that voice the untethered soul michael singer fantastic beautiful read on how to do that so if you're not the voice who are you you're the one who hears it you're the one who chooses you're the one who listens to it that's the foundation of mindfulness and meditation is not over identifying with your thoughts and observing them learning so where am i putting the untethered soul by michael singer i'm giving this one the a-tier fantastic book next up we got the power of now eckhart tolle you know if it's got an endorsement from oprah this thing has sold a ton of copies the big idea is written in the title now the past and the future are really illusions if you think about it because when do you experience your past well yeah you experienced it but when you're reliving it in your minds it's in the now and when you're daydreaming about the future when you're when you're gonna experience it when are you actually gonna experience it not in the future you're gonna experience it in the now so if you have a timeline here right of a z past future and the now is right here people think they move linearly through time like okay here's the pass now i'm in the now and then the future but it's more of a snapshot throughout the whole thing it's like now now now now now now the now is all there is and i'm all about setting yourself up for five years down the road dang if you're neglecting the now you're missing out and robbing yourself with a lot of the joy that life has so where are we putting this on our tier power now we're giving it the cta worth a read for sure personally for me i didn't have that big massive like clouds part and i see for the first time kind of epiphany moment when i read it we got one final book i was 30 grand in debt living in my mom's basements i had to take like three jobs working through college my girlfriend had just broken up with me and one of those jobs that i took to pay through college student loans aren't free you have to pay them back it turns out i was a janitor so i literally scrubbed toilets it paid really well because no one wanted to do it but instead of just like going in there and be like i have to scrub toilets whatever i was 18 19 at the time and i remember telling myself how can i use this to be like one of the most positive experiences i can have i would download all these old-school self-development lectures and one of the guys was tony robbins um i listened to this book unlimited power there's one book i can recommend for someone to like turn their life around and believe in themself realize their own power take it back to a complete 180 if you're down in the dumps it would be this one it had that effect for me at least maybe that was the time and place i was at where i needed it truly is a classic it's by the coach of all coaches tony robbins we're going to miss the s tier baby my favorite point is where focus goes your energy flows most people operate through life about what's wrong they turn on the news there's always something wrong if it bleeds it leads that's how they make money the algorithms will show you more negativity than they will positivity it's been proven and so if you look around in the world you'll think it's all going to hell in a handbasket and that leads you to the natural conclusion well if everything sucks why bother and that's literally how some people operate through life it's really sad but where focus goes your energy flows if you're focused on not what's lacking but what you have or what you can have or what you want your whole subconscious that we've been talking about throughout all these books your whole actions your whole habits are going to align with that you can do it even faster if you model after people who have done it before success leaves clues metamorphic programs open if you want to join it i'll link it in the description below where we help you create and shift into what we call the 2.0 highest version of you we do that over 10 weeks you get to work with myself personally you get to have conversations about books and ideas all like this you have a community that supports you a link down below where you can have a call with one of my team members a coach and they can see if we can actually help you thanks so much for watching until next time stop settling start living see ya
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 795,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best self help books, self help books, clark kegley, tier list, self improvement, self improvement books
Id: ZUzJo9cWA-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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