15 Incredible Books to Read in 2024

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so I read Around 50 to 100 books each year and books have been the single biggest factor in helping me start and grow my business to seven figures and being able to quit my day job as a doctor and in my own personal development so in this video we're going to go over the 15 best books I read this year across a range of genres so hopefully you'll get some recommendations for books that you can read too alrighty so book number one is the pathless path by Paul Millard imagining a new story for work and life and this is great if for example you are struggling with trying to figure out what to do with your career and maybe you're not sure if the default path of like working a corporate job or going into a very traditional field like medicine or law or banking or consulting or anything like that if you're not sure if that's really for you and you maybe want to explore what life means when you're kind of somewhat Decor related from what you do with your career then this is a super interesting book it's probably the one I have most gifted to people this year and we've got like 10 copies of it that I always keep on me so that whenever anyone comes to visit me who has a dilemma about hey I'm not sure if I draw my job or I'm a student I'm not really sure what to do I say you know what just have a look have a read of this book it's very quick to read it and the nice thing about it is that it basically questions the idea that's so prevalent in society that who we are is what we do it's like when someone asks you what do you do you tend to respond with your job title and that's that's a bit weird that's a bit Rogue when did that happen is that really how you want to be it's like like I struggled with this a lot last year when I left medicine and being attached to the identity of being a doctor was such a cool part of me that it was hard to let that go but reading this book genuinely helped and helped me approach a different way of thinking about my career and my life second on the list we have someday is today 22 simple actionable ways to propel your creative Life by Matthew Dix and this is a great book to read if for example you have kind of dreams of like creative things that you might want to do like maybe writing a book or starting a podcast or a YouTube channel or a business or anything like that where you feel like the timing is not quite right and I just love the way Matthew kind of tells stories in the book and way he approaches I guess time management like in a way it's a productivity book but whenever I read Matthew's stuff and he's got another amazing book story worthy which was my favorite book of 2020 which is all about how to tell better stories but like on the surface these are productivity books or self-help books but actually within them you'll you get just such fantastic stories and they're just really great General Life stuff I I consider Matthew like a bit of a mentor I've actually done a few coaching sessions with him where he's kind of helped me out with with my book and stuff he's like a dude in his 50s he's done a lot of stuff published a lot of books and it's nice to learn from someone who has gone through life and has like kids and things like that where it's just a completely different perspective to the entrepreneur Bros in their 20s that I normally speak to but fantastic book some days today realize your creative dreams it's just sick 100 recommend alright at number three on the list we have Beyond wealth by Alexander green the road map to a rich life and this is interesting because this guy Alexander green has been he's again some old old dude he's like worked in the field of investment advice and Financial writing and his whole career has been in the world of money and this book is about basically happiness Beyond money like he doesn't talk about money very much and he starts the book with this Beyond wealth a friend asked with a strange look when she heard the title of my new book why Beyond wealth I'd be happy to settle for wealth no she wouldn't you can't wear your stock portfolio right on your bank account or eat gold and silver coins money is never an end only a means to an end even if you have plenty of money in the things that can buy your life won't mean much if you don't have decent Health Someone to Love close friendships and personal interests and something to get you out of bed in the morning it's just like a collection of life lessons that this dude who has spent a lifetime working with people who are just insanely rich and probably being insanely Rich himself he's kind of realized that this is the thing that brings true happiness and joy and and like it's not it's it's really not a normal self-help book I've I kind of picked it up on the recommendation of someone who works with Tim Ferriss he said that this is actually a great book to read I was like okay cool I mean I'll check it out I thought it was going to say invest in relationships and like have experiences rather than things but it's it's a lot deeper than that he talks about like appreciating jazz music and appreciating like Classics of literature and art and music and theater and stuff like that it's just like a different approach to I guess a self-help book of like how to be happier where reading this has genuinely made me try and develop more of an appreciation of arts and culture and history and philosophy and politics and that appreciating those things does actually have the potential to potentially kind of make me happier make me happier level up my life all this kind of stuff even even now it's weird because I'm very much using the language of self-help gurus like level up your life and increase your happiness it's about more than that like it's not just about like how to become happier he talks about like love and health and friendships and philosophy and history science spirituality there's just so so much good stuff like every chapter I found myself highlighting stuff and just appreciating the perspective here so if you are interested in for example a book that will lead you to a rich life but you've kind of thought that hey this Obsession that we have in society with like chasing more and more money feels like maybe not the right thing then this is interesting I think you'll find a lot of a lot of value from this book beyond wealth by Alexander Greene oh and by the way if you're enjoying this list of books so far and you might have got some good recommendations I would love it if you can just hit the like button apparently it's useful for the YouTube algorithm but if you can do a cheeky smash of the like button I'd be enormously grateful all right next on the list we have the three alarms a simple system to transform your health wealth and relationships Forever by Eric partaker this is another self-help book so sorry if you're not into that genre but I mean there's time stamps below so you can check out other books if you'd like I I liked this um because it has given me three pieces of tangible practical advice that I still use to this day number one is the concept of the three alarms where basically I have three alarms on my phone nine o'clock five o'clock and six thirty that remind me what kind of identity I want to hold on to in those particular times number two is the idea of the ideal week this is something that I did a few months ago when I first read this and it's been super super helpful I now have in my calendar an idealized representation of what I want my week to look like and this helps me be more intentional towards life and thirdly is the idea of a weekly review where basically every most weeks some weeks I kind of review my week and I use the method they talked about in the book super quick super easy to read and again the thing I like about this is that even though he's like a CTO coach and it's technically like a business book and would be in the business category he talks about kind of health wealth and relationships it's like being the three key areas of life and I think a lot of us can over index on the wealth part then the career part and the success part and neglect our health and our relationships so the thing I liked about this was that it really encourages you to take a almost businessy approach to things like health and relationships sounds weird but it's not it's just about being intentional with it in the same way that you'd be intentional about your stocks portfolio or about your business planning or things like that so yeah if that sums up your street check it out the three alarms are by Eric partaker next we have the art and business of online writing by Nicholas Cole while I have recommended mostly the pathless path for people who are struggling to figure out what they want to do in life they aren't in business of online writing is the book that I've most often recommended to people who have decided that for whatever reason they want to make a career or make money through some kind of Internet Creator type thing whether that's writing or podcasting or videoing I think this book even though it's about online writing has really good lessons for how to do this whether like even outside of writing and Nicholas Cole's story is amazing I actually met him yesterday he featured on my podcast Deep dive link down below you know we we met in real life for the first time and it was great talking to him and he talks about his in the in the book like his background as being like a pro World of Warcraft gamer when he was like 17 and how that ended up kind of not being able to make him a living and how he discovered writing on the internet and now he makes like seven figures plus every year through online writing which feels a bit Rogue everyone I've recommended this to has said that this is has just been a game-changing book for them in the world of online creatory type stuff so if you're in that world or interested in potentially being in that world check this out the art and business of online writing by Nicholas Cole 100 would recommend and next we have an absolute classic which I'd never read before this year the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People it almost feels weird to be recommending this book because this has been around for like decades over 40 million copies sold that's insane that's absolutely ridiculous for a non-fiction book in fact for any kind of book and I've just seen this so often it's just such a staple in the productivity self-help genre that I kind of thought ugh it's you know it's almost like the four hour work week where it's been it's been recommended so often that like surely there's nothing new here surely everyone has already figured all this stuff out but I started reading it and I was just blown away by how incredible this book is and in a way this is probably the best self-help book I've ever read which is probably why it's a world probably I think the world's most success most famous self-help book um possibly other than um How to Win Friends and Influence People and it's just incredible like I was again again if you look at the table of contents if you read a summary of the book I I'd seen summaries of this I'd read some race of the seven habits I was like okay what if there's nothing interesting here fine be proactive fine begin with the end of mind but those these seven habits are just like when you actually read the stories in the book and appreciate where Stephen covey's coming from he's also a dad and so he uses loads of like parenting examples and examples from like real life again this is not someone who is like a bro in their 20s trying to give someone life advice this guy has like lived life and coached bunches a ton of people and has distilled distilled basically everything around success into these seven habits and a remarkably large part of this is about emotional intelligence and about appreciating the emotional ingredients to success and to living a good life emotional and empathetic communication and stuff and that's just absolutely not what I was expecting when I picked this up I thought it was going to be a quick standard self-help book that just talks about how to be more productive I know you're sick so if you have also been putting this off like I did for years because it seems too mainstream then I yeah it's just it's really good probably the single best self-help book I've ever read in my life so if you like genre you've got to read this book 100 would recommend oh and by the way if you're enjoying this so far and you two have read something in this year that you that you have enjoyed I would love it if you can read a comment if you can leave a comment down below what would you recommend to me for me to read leave a comment down below would love to see and it'd be nice to crowdsource some of these comments and get some book recommendations okay next on the list we have a very short very tactical book by Daniel Priestley called scorecard marketing the forced her playbook for getting better leads and bigger profits this is relevant if you have a business or if you want to start a business it's not relevant beyond that point so if you don't want to start a business you can completely skip this one or if you don't have a business don't worry about it but if you do have a business or you want to start one this book basically talks about how everything is Downstream of lead generation and essentially how you can kind of understand why people buy stuff and then how to sell people stuff by solving problems for them through this idea of scorecard marketing he also has a software called score app which we started using in the business we'll put a link down below I think we're going to invest in it as well or we have already invested in it because we're now mates were down in Priestly and it's just good so you can check out the software but even if you don't check out the software the book is really good for marketing in particular and I think like marketing was a a week or still is a particular weakness of mine I've never really thought much about marketing I've never really tried to read much about marketing but it's clearly a super important part of any business and now that I've read scorecard marketing and I also read the 12 immutable laws of marketing recently I feel like I'm a bit more leveled up in that field and I'm gonna I'm actively reading more in that field to just improve my general business chops because sales marketing super important stuff is it 22. I've just been told it's 22 lows rather than 12 volts whatever anyway next on the next we have what we owe the future by will mccaskill a million year view I've done a book club episode about this that will be linked up there but basically what it argues is you know the position of a long-termism that we should care about the lives of people that who are not yet alive today and it's interesting like I wouldn't say that I 100 agree with everything in the book and this book is particularly interesting in light of the whole Sam bankman freed FTX stuff because I mean a lot of people view long-termism as a philosophy as being too utilitarian potentially like apparently someone described this book as a cross between a philosophy academic textbook and a pamphlet for activists and I think that's a reason a reasonable summary like I feel like reading this leveled up my own understanding of philosophy and what sort of stuff moral philosophers and stuff think about the ideas of stagnation the idea of moral change and I also feel like it gave me a little bit more of an appreciation for things like the risks of AI and nuclear war and bio bioterrorism and moral value lock-in and these other things that he talks about I have an interview with Will on my podcast Deep dive that'll be linked down below up there as well if you would like to check that out if you would prefer to listen to I think I we did that interview before I read the book um and so it's like that's me being a total Noob and him explaining some of these key ideas to me and then I read the book when it came out so if you are interested in philosophy if you're interested in potentially kind of having an impact with your life or with your career or with your money or with your time this is this is interesting I'm not necessarily saying it's going to completely change the way you look at the world it kind of did for me in that I didn't know about this long-termism stuff until I read the book and now I do and so I feel like I've got this firmware update in my mind but yeah what we are the Future Good Stuff Steven fry says a book of great daring so realistic so optimistic so damn readable a miracle I wouldn't entirely agree with the readable part it can get a little bit dense in places the audiobook can particular is good because then you can get through the density but there's like graphs and stuff and it's just it's good this like leveled up my understanding of the world um yeah would recommend all right next we have another interesting very very short I guess self-help book uh the go-giver a little story about a powerful business idea I love these sorts of business books that are fables this is a fable it's just like it's a story it's a story that like a seven-year-old could read but it's so good I listened to this on Audible this was a gift from uh Tintin one of our one of our team members I listened to it on Audible after someone else recommended it on a podcast and I was like oh my God this is so good yeah I'd say in terms of bang for buck like the value you get a it's entertaining to read because it's a story it's not like telling you to do stuff it's just like a story like a fable and it's very short and I think yeah it's just sort of changed the way that I think about like business and life and relationships with people it's not just like a business book it's all it also bleeds into into other areas of life Adam Grant apparently said the go Giver is the most important parable about business and life of our time the little bestseller all this stuff it's just basically the key model is that you should be more and more giving in your approach to stuff and like give with without an expectation of something in return and a lot of us have more of a transactional approach to life especially in the modern capitalistic society that we live in is good I would recommend the go-giver very very nice and easy read as well alright continuing we have the luck Factor by Richard Wiseman I'm going to make a confession here like half of these books are from people who have maybe half of these books are from people who I either know on the Internet or have interviewed on my podcast and they're forgotten to know because usually when I interview someone I read their book beforehand or listen to their book on Audible and a lot of the time if I like someone's book we'll then reach out to them for the podcast interview now I think for this one the luck factor I first read this when I was about 16 years old this was when I was first getting into close-up magic and also kind of personal development and reading books like life and Life Hacker and stuff and I came across this the luck factor which is basically a book about how to get luckier in life and it's by Richard Wiseman who is a psychology Professor when we were figuring out like who do we want to interview for the podcast I thought oh Richard Wiseman he's a magician he's a psychologist he's cool and so we reached out to him and got an interview with him on the podcast which is now live you can check it out on any podcast app or on the YouTube channel where we talked about this idea of luck and I remember reading this book and just having a big a big impact on my life because basically what he argues in the book is that some people in the world consider themselves lucky and others consider themselves unlucky but actually the people who consider themselves lucky they seem to just have generally better lives and seem to be happier and seem to be less stressed and more resilient and be more productive and more creative it's kind of exploring initially like is luck just a function of success like if you're just really smart or you just do really well do you start to consider yourself a lucky person or is it more than that can we change our approach to things can we change our mindset so that we become luckier and he basically argues yes he's done tons and tons of research about this it's very evidence-based but also very readable it's got some super interesting and nice stories and it's about the four principles that will change your luck and your life um we are going to do a book club episode about this which I'm going to film very soon so that'll be linked there on up there whenever that comes out that will Summarize the book for you but it's very readable it's kind of short you can get an audible I listen to an audible um this time around I read it on Kindle I think when I was 16. it's great because it does give some practical actionable advice on how to become the sort of person that would consider themselves lucky so if you for example currently consider yourself unlucky then consider reading the book and if you're the sort of person that considers yourself lucky or neutral then you can check it out anyway it does have some good actionable tips for yeah just increasing the amount of serendipity that you come into contact with and just generally Good Vibes all around all right next this one's controversial the way of the superior man a spiritual guide to mastering the challenges of women work and sexual desire by David dader I got recommended this from watching Hamza a a fellow YouTuber that some of you guys might be familiar with and he kept on banging on about the way of the superior man and I was like come on this is going to be one of these shitty pickup artisty type books I've read a few of those in my time back in my youth uh purely purely for Science and so I had fairly low expectations going into it but I thought hey you know Hamza really recommends this he raised on about it all the time why don't I read the book and I started reading it I was like oh my God it's interesting it's interesting I don't talk about it too loudly because I don't want to get canceled because this is somewhat controversial but and I'm going to read out this quote from Tony Robbins he's fairly Council proof the way of the superior man lays out challenge before all men to fulfill their true purpose and to be authentically masculine it will guide you on your journey to a successful and spiritually complete way of life step up to the plate with this book in your hand and oh you know this is what David data says in the back when a man's value is no longer measured by what he does by his finances or his social standing how does he determine his worth in our new world a man's presence his depth of awareness is his most valuable asset um yeah check it out I think I think you will find it interesting regardless of what your particular demographics are the way the superior man by David data all right so a lot of the books in this list have been self-help books and as you guys know if you follow this channel for any amount of time I'm all about kind of doing whatever it takes to basically level up my thinking and level up my life and become a happier and be more productive and healthier and all of that kind of fun stuff but one of the key things that I don't take care enough of is my nutrition and that's why I signed up two heights who are very kindly sponsoring this video now Heights is a brain care smart supplement that I've been taking since November of 2021 it's two capsules that you take every morning and it contains like 20 different micronutrients vitamins minerals omega-3 like blueberry extract a bunch of these things that a there's a bunch of evidence that we should have these in our diet and B there's a bunch of evidence that these contribute to brain care hopefully fingers crossed reducing our risk of developing kind of brain related problems further down the line like out Alzheimer's disease and dementia and Parkinson's and the great thing about Heights is that they're very evidence-based in everything that they do they have a whole thing on their website that has like for every single ingredient in the capsule they've got like this enormous Bank of evidence as to okay why why this ingredient how have we sourced it how do we make sure it's the highest quality why have we decided on this particular dose of this ingredient ideally in an ideal world you would be getting all the nutrients you need from your actual diet but if you look at the stats 99 of us in the Western World don't actually have the perfect Mediterranean gold standard diet I certainly don't I live off takeaways quite a lot it's not very good despite all the self-help books I read and so the nice thing about Heights is that it lets me cover my basis when it comes to micronutrients without having to do annoying stuff like drinking green sludge or anything like that it's super easy to sign up if you want to try Heights out just go to yourheights.com and you can sign up to the monthly or the quarterly subscription it just comes in through your letterbox it's nice and easy I pay for the quarterly subscription because it's fewer deliveries and I get like three months worth of it in one go and this is what I have every morning with water along with my finasteride which is the tablet I take for my hair loss anyway if that sounds good then head over to yourheids.com and if you use the coupon code Ali 15 at checkout that will give you an additional 15 off the already discounted price of the quarterly subscription so thank you so much Heights for sponsoring the video and let's get on with the list all right next we have 100 million dollar offers by Alex hormozzi how to make offers so good people feel stupid saying no again if you are starting a business or if you run a business this is I think required reading and I I I'd kind of been following Alex for Moses Journey he's just absolutely blown up on YouTube and Tick Tock and Instagram and stuff this last year or two and I knew he had a book and I was like uh whatever and then like dozens of people one or dozens like five to ten people all independently recommended that oh my God you've got to read 100 million 100 million dollar offers and so I listened to the audiobook then we got the physical book and it's bloody incredible like literally I as soon as I started listening to it I sent it to everyone in my team being like guys we all have to listen to this right now and we need to just basically follow it step by step for all of the products that we make from now on forevermore because it's just an incredible distillation of like how to craft and offer how to create a pitch when it comes to selling something I had how to make offers so good that people feel stupid saying no it's just it's just sick 100 would recommend if you run a business or if you're thinking of starting a business someday okay two more non-fiction recommendations before we go on sadly I don't have the physical versions of them we've ordered them from Amazon but they came late in arriving these are both audiobooks that I listen to the first one is sapiens yes I finally listened to if I've read sapiens this year even though people have been banging on about it for the last like God knows how long it seems like everyone I know owns a copy of sapiens very few people I know have actually read sapiens but it's again one of those things like the seven habits where it was it was almost too mainstream I was like ah I don't know what's what's this book even gonna be like everyone's talking about sapiens it can't be that good and then I started listening to it and I was like okay I can see what everyone's talking about this this is really really really good and the reason I got into sapiens is that I decided this year partly after reading Beyond wealth that I wanted to get more into history and care more about the history of the world and understanding what the deal with history is and you know when I go to places I go to museums and I'm like museums are a waste of time but the reason I think museums are a waste of time is because they don't have the historical context to appreciate what is going on in the museums and what's interesting about archaeological science stuff like that and sapiens you know it's a brief history of humankind it genuinely is a brief history of humankind and I feel again like listening to sapiens was I was just like Blown Away by how good a book it is to read and like just the writing in it it's just kind of funny made me laugh out loud in Parts as well and it also just I feel like has leveled up my understanding of the world in a nice way in a very very readable way so if you're interested in getting in getting into history or you haven't yet read sapiens and you've been putting it off like I did because everyone seems to be talking about it I also know about 50 people who have started reading sapiens but couldn't finish it because it feels a bit dense this is why the audiobook is really good like audible are not even sponsoring this video but I just bang on about them all the time we'll put a link down below if you want to check it out but in particular as an audiobook it's good because you can just passively listen to it and it's really really good and then one more non-fiction book we have before we turn to some fiction book recommendations and that is the surrender experiment by Michael Singer this is super interesting this is in the realm of spirituality it's like this dude who discovered at like the age of 21 that you know he he asked this question like what is that voice in my head just aren't trying to answer this question of why what is that voice in my head let him down this whole path in like yoga and meditation and Zen Buddhism and he ended up opening his own Monastery and he ends up becoming like CEO of this sort of billion dollar medical tech company and it's called The Surrender experiment because he decides at some point in his 20s he's just gonna from now on surrender to the flow of life and he's going to say yes to things that come his way and he's just going to surrender and he's going to see what happens and this journey takes him to absolutely insane places I was like actively going for walks around the block because I wanted to listen to more of this rather than actually doing doing work or filming videos because it was just it was just so gripping especially the first half so yeah surrender experiment by Michael Singer if you've ever been interested in the idea of spirituality or yoga or meditation or anything along those lines all right two more and now we have fiction books so the first one I want to talk about is the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo this is a book that was recommended to me by Grace Beverly when I had her on the podcast and apparently went like viral on Tick Tock and it's sick I listened to her audiobook great book very nice read everyone I've recommended it to since has said this was a really good book it's it's kind of about this actress called Evelyn who was like famous in the 40s or 50s or something like that and it talks about her journey through like being in Hollywood and all the things she has to do to kind of get ahead and how the film industry treats women and their sexuality and all of the weird stuff that goes on there and how she navigates all of those with like various husbands along the way it's so good I cried at the end not gonna lie if you're looking for a fairly easy read that's super interesting as well I would recommend the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo and then finally I have not read very much new fiction this year other than seven husbands and a few others because I actually spent the year rereading the first three books of The Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson so we have the way of Kings this is paperback so it comes in two parts part one or part two sick we have book number two of The Stormlight Archive Words of Radiance and then we have book number three of The Stormlight Archive oathbringer which also comes in two parts and I'm in the process of rereading rhythm of War which is book number four these are really long and take absolutely ages to get through which is why like this is basically the only fiction other than seven husbands that I've actually read this year just rereading The Stormlight Archive and actually re-re reading slash listening like I've been reading some of it on Kindle listening to some of it on Audible it's just so good it's bloody incredible like it's probably my my favorite book series of all time maybe after Harry Potter yeah it's got to be after Harry Potter okay other than Harry Potter this is my favorite fiction series of all time if you have not yet read any Brandon Sanderson I actually wouldn't recommend starting with this I'd recommend starting with the final Empire which is the first book in the mistborn series The Four book seven of the bisbane series came out like last week and I still need to read it but I want to reread some of the books four five and six before reading book Seven anyway that's very exciting but the mistborn series is blood incredible and a great starting point into the cosmere the universe that Brandon Sanderson has created it's just so good and then once you've read the first three books of mistborn maybe four five and six if you want but the first three in particular then I would say read The Stormlight Archive starting from the wave Kings and it's just incredible everyone I've ever recommended this to has absolutely fallen in love with it and Brandon Sanderson is like famous for his like the climaxes in a non-weight way it's like at the end of each book there is just a freaking insane Climax and it's just like all of the all of the [ __ ] goes down everything happens it like brings tears to my eyes it's so good do I feel bad that I didn't read more fiction this year not really because I spent all of it rereading The Stormlight okay so in my book that was totally worth it anyway thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed this video and you want some more book recommendations of stuff that I read last year then check out that video over there which is 15 books that I read in 2021 that I would recommend check that out thank you so much for watching and see in the next video bye
Channel: Ali Abdaal
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Keywords: Ali Abdaal, Ali abdal
Id: N24X8kK7H4Q
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Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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