ULTIMATE SAMIRA GUIDE - Samira Builds, Tricks, Combos, Playstyle and Runes!

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hello everyone and welcome to our guide on samira this champion is the most unique adc ever released and also the most disgusting and will probably be the most hated as well ryan said they will make sure she's primarily an adc and if she's stronger in solo lanes they will definitely nerf it and fix it but with our guide you'll know how to pop off on samira and know how to deal with her so you don't get run over when she comes out so let's jump right in and go over her abilities as they can be a bit confusing at first glance samir's passive is a lot more simple than it seems it's basically a buff that stacks 6 times each stack gives her a 3.5 movement speed to stack it you simply have to damage the enemy the catch is you have to damage them with something different than what you did damage with previously so for example auto attacking will give you one stack then you want to use an ability for the second then you can auto again for a third etc two autos in a row only give one stack also summoner spells don't count this is the main part of her passive the second part of her passive is if she's in melee range she'll use her sword to attack instead which does bonus magic damage based on the target's missing health this doesn't do that much damage later on but is a lot more useful in the early to mid game and the third part of her passive which is the first thing that needs to go on this champion because it's way too strong and broken and makes no sense to her kit is that if a champion has cc'd samir can dash into range and auto them which also knocks them up so yes she can dash out of her own range into range you can see when leona stuns the ziggs here all i have to do is click him and it jumps me into range and knocks him up alright moving on to her first ability her q it's basically ezreal q with shorter range and a shorter cooldown minions block it and it doesn't do that much more damage than an auto attack but it's very good for stacking your passive since you can queue in between almost every auto and ability it does not apply on-hit effects though like sheen and if you're in melee range with q she slashes her blade instead which does the same damage in a cone in front of her the q can crit and applies full life steal though moving on to the next ability now her w or sorry to say is another wind wall samira slashes around herself blocking any projectiles for 1.25 seconds she slashes twice once at the start and once at the end both doing a little bit of damage you can't use q while using w but you can use e this is useful because both slashes can stack your passive if you use w then e like this her next ability her e is a dash that does magic damage gives her an attack speed steroid and resets on enemy kills or assists she can use e on enemies and allies the dash is a fixed distance like fizz q so if you use it right on top of someone you dash through them also if you use e and q at the same time she'll hit everyone in her path with q by dropping explosives in the e-path by the way if you're enjoying this video a sub to the channel would be incredible moving on to her ultimate now which is basically a moving katarina hull she does damage to anyone in the radius including minions but she can only use it if she has six stacks of her passive the damage from the ability can crit and applies full lifesteal it can be cancelled with any cc though and the cherry on top it doesn't have a cool down it will reset your passive back to zero but if you quickly stack it back up you can get multiple alts off in a fight and this alt does an insane amount of damage alright let's get into some real gameplay now samira is going to be an adc so we're going to go over how to play lane how to combo all that good stuff samir works best with engaged supports like leona alistar nautilus etc they synergize extremely well with her passive knock-up and since samira likes to get in close range user sword for the bonus execute damage but the very first thing you need to get into a habit of doing is using q in between everything you do every time you auto you should be doing auto q the ability is very low mana cost and by weaving it in between everything you can stack your passive faster once i hit level 2 here i jump in on callista using eq at the same time giving me the attack speed steroid and putting me in melee range for the sword autos but these early levels are actually the weakest points in the game for her so be more about playing around your supports engage if they land their cc you can go in confidently if not you'll want to sit back a bit in this clip my leona lance are e on the umi so i clicker which makes me jump into range and knock her up then auto q auto e auto w auto to finisher making sure to weave in autos and q to stack my passive as i turn on the calista i'm staying in melee range for two reasons one i want the extra damage from my sword and two minions block my ranged q but my melee range q hits an area in front of me so the minions won't block it once she's low enough to finish i use eq then e again right away jumping out to safety now like i said these are actually the weaker parts of the game for her because at level 6 the champion is really unlocked in this clip kindred is ganking bot lane with leona and i have about 50 health i start stacking my passive with autos in q then use my w to block kindred autos so she can't proc or e and finish me this buys me time for the owner to stunner and i can dash in with e and finish the kill my passive is stacked now and kalista is here so i turn on my all and yeah her alt does an insane amount of damage with no cooldown if you get your stacks up and haul anything inside will surely die if they can't ccu to cancel it to show you a small example the potential the ultimate has we can break down this clip here pantheon and i dive the enemy bot lane duo and i use my alt to finish yumi since it doesn't have a cooldown pantheon recalls now but i decide to stay the enemy team surrounds me but i focus on stacking my passive using my w to block timo blind and all tim and kaiser getting the first kill kaiser flashes my eq so i flash and finish her off and start working on stacking my passive again since i saw echo coming out of base once he arrives i run into the brush in case you use w from out of vision then use eq to dash through him auto to get my last passive stack then use my alt yet again to kill the echo and yumi alright let's talk about some tips and tricks so you can see how a big part of playing this champion is getting your stacks up quickly now there is an optimal combo for this but a really fast one you can use is as follows you want to auto cue auto w and make sure you're in range for the first w slash e while using w second w slash goes off and you can all from there that's about as fast as it gets really it puts you at max stacks with one combo the hardest part is making sure that your first and second w slash lands and you e in between the two slashes if you don't e in between the two slashes will only give one stack another trick on this champion is very similar to the trick on yasuo with his eq if you don't know yasuo can use his eq even if his q cooldown is still 0.5 seconds from coming up this isn't exactly the same but basically if you use eq on samira when her q is 0.5 seconds away from being off cooldown she will use it at the end and it will still hit everything in her path you don't have to use q at the start of her e this is just something that can be very useful if you really need to use the eq and the q isn't fully off cooldown yet all right when it comes to team fights you want to play like a traditional adc staying back focusing one person constantly auto attacking and using q and stacking your passive until someone gets low enough to finish off and get that reset if the enemy team clumps and you have your passive almost stacked like this that's when you can go for the big aoe all play you just have to be careful doing this if they have cc since it can cancel your all so you get the idea the champion is definitely insane but she does have some weaknesses and counters basically anything that can engage onto her and knock her down with cc is really good think of her as an ad katarina basically she has very low range in his squishy she relies on snowballing can be burst down easily if they have a mobility on something like renekton or riven now let's talk about builds samira is weird because she doesn't build like any of the other adc's she doesn't make great use of attack speed since she does a lot of damage with abilities in her cube being a one second cooldown later basically gives her a free auto in between every auto so we think her core items will be essence reaver infinity edge and death dance in that order for boots defensive shoes will work best like tabbies or mercs as she needs to be close range and can die very fast after that the only attack speed item you'll want is a pd for the defensive shield if needed otherwise last whisper if they have a lot of armor blood thirst if you need another shield or more lifesteal guardian angel etc it's just situational from there and for runes you can run conqueror pta or fleet as of right now i think conqueror will be best but all of them will be viable fleet can help against tougher lane matchups bloodline is amazing on her since her ultimate and cue apply full lifesteal the cookies in the inspiration tree make her landing phase a lot stronger and you don't really want to be buying boots on your first recall so having the magical shoes is nice if you want to truly take your lane face to the next level and learn how to convert leads into easy wins then you need to check out our site skillcap.com we have by far the largest catalog of guides on the internet we've curated them into over 100 epic courses and we release more than 10 new guides every week we're so confident you'll improve you can input your rank before signing up to see where we think you'll climb if you don't hit that rank while actively using our service you can claim a refund so there's no risk sign up today to finally get the rank you've always wanted alright guys that's going to bring us to the end of our samira guide a lot of you are going to love this champion and a lot of you are going to hate her but we hope the guide will help everyone but thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 551,668
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Keywords: samira, samira guide, how to play samira, the only samira guide you need, samira league of legends, samira build, samira pro builds, samira probuilds, samira lol, samira gameplay, samira adc, samira mid, new champion, samira champion spotlight, samira pentakill, new champion samira, skill capped, skill capped lol guides
Id: pYS010Lh9xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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