Ultimate New Player Guide for Call of Dragons [Starter Guide] COD

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this is the ultimate guide for Call Of Dragons whether you're a completely new player to the game or you're just looking to get some optimizations on the account you already have this video will give you everything you need to know from your buildings to Your Heroes to the map itself and the very best artifacts you can choose this guide will have it all so stick around in this video for the most comprehensive guide ever created for Call of dragons thank you [Music] hello my friends and welcome back I'm chisco gaming and I have made over 2 000 videos about this genre of game and the predecessor of call of dragons which is Rise of Kingdoms and I played the call of dragons beta for the last six months so I'm pretty qualified to bring you the information today about how to make the most amazing account possible with the resources at your disposal in Call of dragons and if this is the sort of stuff you think you're into consider subscribing to the channel for more videos just like this one designed to help you get value and smash your enemies and consider smashing the like button on this video to honor my commitment to bringing you the very best information possible now this is a longer video because we're going to be very very comprehensive together so consider using the time stamps in the description so you can jump to whichever portion of the video you're most interested in whether it's an experienced game hack or you want to know how to best upgrade your heroes or it's the buildings themselves whatever that is check the time stamps in the description to navigate gate to whichever part you want but I'd recommend going from start to finish in order because we're going to build topics as we go so let's start with your starting faction the very beginning and the only thing you need to know about your spreading faction is that it will give you more tokens of a hero so you can advance their skills more you'll have a quest series that is going to give you those tokens so I would recommend you pick the league of order because waldir is by far the best hero of your starting factions waldir is a player versus player hero and he's a Mage and he's exactly what I would recommend you use guanwin is fine for player versus environment stuff but at the end of the day the real threat is other players and wilderberg is kind of cool if you were going inventory but you shouldn't you should use a range March especially if you don't know what you're doing or you're new to the game so League of order is the easy choice and if you wanted the special units of another faction for some reason or the faction bonus and you were really dead set on that don't worry at City Hall level 10 you can just switch factions and the key is that you lock in whichever hero you're going to get more tokens of because that will not change so pick League of order you'll get waldir and the dude's Beast a true Beast so now let's get a look at the buildings because this is like the first thing you're going to do is start upgrading your buildings and the most important building is your city hall depending on what faction you choose it'll have a different name for me it's called the Hall of order because I chose the league of order this building is the bottleneck to leveling up every other building in your city and should always be your priority do not level every building equally only do the prerequisites for the Hall of order and get that thing leveled up as fast as you can there are two exceptions however every time you get a new level on your hall of order as soon as you can make the alliance Center you should make that building and you should level it up as fast as possible after getting a new city hall level this is because the alliance Center allows other members of your alliance to help you and helping reduces the time it takes to either do research or build something new this is critical to your progression and it's basically free speed UPS it's the first building you do every single time you get a new city hall level and after you've done that you go and you upgrade your college of order as soon as that's something you can build now this Research Center might be called something different if you chose a different faction but the reason you want to level this up is that it will give you more research options and you will get more research speed as you go so this is your second priority after you level up to a new city hall level from there just do the prerequisites to get to the next city hall level and boom you're good to go do not level all buildings equally because that would just take a ton of resources and would ultimately slow your progression now from here there are lots of buildings in your city that we really do need to talk about and I'll try to move really quickly one really obvious important set of buildings is your troop training centers and your goal with training new troops and doing research and doing building in this game is to have those running 24 7. it's kind of like free speed UPS like if the buildings are ever idle that's wasted time you never want to have wasted time so leveling up your troop training centers is going to do a number of things one of those things is making it so you can train more troops at a time and makes it so that when you go to work or go to sleep you can still be training troops 24 7 and not have any downtime on these buildings it's even worth by the way doing a small amount of speed UPS before you go to bed even if there's no events right in order to then cue something else up that will run overnight and run the full duration of the evening when you can't access the game and or aren't going to play so the troop training buildings are really great and there are five of them there are infantry there are archers or marksmen there are Cavalry which is also where you're going to train your Gathering unit which we'll talk about in a bit there's also Mages and then there's your special unit which for the league of order is called a celestial each of these buildings is very important you want to level them up but let's go very briefly through some of these other buildings the Scout camp is critical to your ability to actually explore the map the higher level on the Scout camp the faster your Scouts move the more exploration range they can see and also the more Scouts you get so faster scouting of the entire map from here we can talk about your Hospitals now we're going to talk more about healing later in the video but your hospitals determine how much healing you can do per day whether you do it for free or the resources your Storehouse determines how many of your resources are protected so if an enemy hits your city they can only take the resources exceeding what your Storehouse will protect so obviously the storehouse is important but more important is that you just keep your City on your alliance's territory we'll talk more about that but if your city is on territory you can't be attacked you can't lose resources from here we can talk about the Watchtower which will sort of protect your city and I'll just simply say this does far less than you think it's more of just a prerequisite for other buildings than it is something that actually protects you and then there is also your rally Center the rally Beacon which determines the number of troops that can be in your rally very very important if you are a rally leader but for the most part not something you need to worry about too much at the start of the game one other building that is really critical is your wall your wall is where you can set your Defenders for your city you can set multiple Defender combinations so if your main combination is out of your city your secondary then tertiary then fourth and then fifth options will be promoted by default depending on again which heroes are in your city and which heroes are out of your city the wall is definitely important because when your Wall's durability hits zero I believe that your city is ported away from its location that is very difficult to do though your wall would have to be burning for quite a while another building that is sort of important is your alliance Market this won't really affect you much at the start of the game other than being a prerequisite for other buildings your Market will determine the amount of resources you can send at a time it will determine the amount of resources you can plunder from other players and it will also determine the amount of resources you can be sent per week in addition there is a tax rate whenever you send resources the higher level the building is the less you get taxed for sending resources so if you are going to transfer resources for some reason season the higher level the building the better now there are a couple other really important buildings like your production buildings in this game there are four critical resources the most plentiful are gold and wood followed by Stone and Then followed by Mana now technically they're equally sort of plentiful on the map themselves but a level one resource node has different amounts of each of these resources for example you'll get lots of gold and lumber those have 126 000 in a level one node The Foundry the stone will have 96 000 in a level one node and the Mana will have 42 000 in a level one node so it takes a lot longer to get the same amount of Mana as you have of other resources like Lumber so they are technically equally available on the map but the less common the more rare a more precious resource is Mana above all other things now weirdly Mana can't actually be stolen by other players so I would recommend ever that you open your resources in this game unnecessarily just wait until you're about to actually build or do research or whatever you're going to do that needs the resources because when they're open they can be plundered my understanding is that man I can't be plundered but I still don't open mind because it just seems really risky to have all your resource tokens open just open them only as you need them okay now from here there are a couple other buildings that we can talk about one is your Goblin Market that is where you can trade there are a number of ways that you can do this one is that the merchant will periodically show up and she'll have discounts on things that you ultimately might want to buy some of that uses gems some of it uses resources the other thing you can do is actually trade in items so you can trade in for example tokens on Heroes that you no longer need like for example I've got Kella here I already have all her skills maxed I can scrap those and then I can exchange for stuff I actually want like at some point I'll have enough currency to get gold keys which seems really good we'll talk more about that a little bit later in the video now from here I want to zero in on a couple buildings and talk more in depth and let's start with research research is really critical in Call of dragons and there's some research that matters more than others there are two trees of research in this game you have economic technology and War technology the critical economic technology is your architecture which influences your building speed your scholarship which influences your research speed your breath control which influences the rate with which you work cover combat points or command points and also military leadership which influences the speed with which Your Heroes level up these are things you want to Max as soon as you possibly can because they give you economy in different ways the building speed makes it so you can build up your City faster the research speed makes is you can progress your research more right and the commander experience and also breath control which gives you combat Point recovery or command Point recovery is really critical in leveling up your Heroes these are things you want to Max as soon as you possibly can the other things are less important um they matter but you can do them in time but always max out your architecture as fast as you can always max out your scholarship as fast as you can even when you unlock higher and higher levels of it because it gives you scale it gives you efficiency for more things that you do in the game now on the combat side of things the critical things you're looking for is new tiers of troops that's like the main thing you want here new tiers of troops do the minimum necessary to get a new tier of troop okay tier two troops are in green over here then you'll have them blue your tier threes your purple troops here are your tier fours and your goalies once you get there in the long run many players it will take a year to get here is your tier five troops it's just going to take a very very very very long time there is only one economy-based thing in the military tree and that is your conscription which improves your training speed by 10 percent this is really really good in uh making it so that you can train troops faster you don't want to use lots of speed Ups training troops ideally until you've pushed on your conscription to get as much Edge as you can okay you are going to need to train troops but I always like to get economy and scaling of that economy as fast as possible now one other thing you need to know about your technology is that there are three columns of Technology at the start that you actually can get by exploring the map and looking at Villages and we'll talk more about Villages and exploration a little bit later on but some amount of this original Tech you can get from exploration I will point out however the earlier Tech is always cheaper and for the amount of time it takes to research is just really really efficient so I wouldn't stop from researching this early stuff just because you're still exploring the map I think you want to bang those out because they are just so high value now you'll notice I do have a second research queue running here I have two of them and if you're like bro how do you have two research cues I want it this comes from VIP and I suppose this is a fine time to talk about the store another building in your city click the little coconutty Shield thing in the middle here and you go to your store and this is your VIP section now I rushed vip15 this is a topic for a separate video but I'll have a card up in the top in case you want to watch a more detailed explanation of VIP what you need to know about VIP at the start is that you want to rush VIP level 8 at VIP level 8 you will get a second research queue this is undoubtedly a better priority than anything else for your gems other than one thing only and that one thing only is getting another building queue an extra building cue is a very big deal and it only costs you 5 000 gems very easy to do or you can buy it for five bucks if you want the second research cue I would strongly recommend every gem going into VIP because not only do you get the second research Queue at level eight but you also get five percent more research speed now remember an extra researcher building queue is kind of like a free 24-hour speed up for either researcher building respectively because you can have research running 24 7. in addition to the other research you were doing so this is better than saving for Lucky spins or anything else that the game is offering you because it will be value for a very very very very long time the other thing you get at VIP level 8 that is super worth is you start getting a legendary token every day you get to select which hero you want a token of which is a big deal I've chosen Thea in this instance we'll talk more about heroes in just a bit leading up to this point you're going to get epic tokens um you know epics are great but the legendaries are obviously way way way stronger so that's one more reason why rushing vip8 gives you a long term benefits but the other thing is it also gives you access to a store and in the store you can either spend resources or gems in order to get some very important stuff and some of this is gated by your VIP level so there are lots of important things in here I will say every single week you should absolutely spend resources to get CP recovery items these are very very very critical if you're spending lots of money in the game you start to look at things like the keys and speed ups and artifacts but don't get distracted with speed ups and spending gems on stuff like this if you're not VIP level 8 and you don't have enough gems to spin the lucky wheel event when it shows up okay now from here I want to talk about one more building and it's research related and this is called your notice board around city hall level eight remember the name of your city hall will be slightly different depending on what faction you choose you'll get this notice board and one thing that's critical on here is this little Throne icon this is called your policies seasonal policies are yet another vector for research and they reset at the end of each season I'll talk about season reset a little bit later in the video but these policies are critical to your development and they take a special currency not resources like your regular research they take what's called Prestige you can get your prestige a couple ways one is that there are going to be holy sites called behemoths and those behemoths have Guardians around them when you defeat the Behemoth Guardians you get a small amount of prestige you also get the majority of your prestige from a thing called the dragon Trail which we'll talk about in a little bit and unlike your regular research which you can speed up in the policy Center you can only spend gems now it doesn't matter how many hours the research takes you spend 80 gems and it will Rush whatever that research is you still need to have however the prestige in order to start that research now there are very critical things in your policies that you'll want to focus on at the start of a season one is military expansion the more troops you have in your March the more successful you can be in combat you also will really want artifact expertise and War studies making it so you get more artifact experience and hero experience but the critical thing that you could really mess up that you don't want to do is that you absolutely must pick free healing do not pick resource-based healing at this juncture you choose one or the other I made the mistake of doing resource healing but I'm a spender so this might actually be value to me but if you're not a big spender you you and even if you are you absolutely want to choose the free healing at the start of the game resources are just too rare man um you need them for too many things it's too expensive go with the free healing okay you'll have that critical decision point also over here with medical seminars and also all the way at the end you can either do resource based or free healing go with the free healing you'll have to take my word for it that is the freaking Jam okay the key thing you're looking to do in this tree is just push further and further and down the tree higher and higher with your Tech just keep in mind the further you go into the tree the far more expensive Prestige wise these things become so Prestige will become a bottleneck for some of these Technologies or speed UPS AKA spending gems will become a bottleneck for progressing your policies now you can max out your policies for a tiny amount of gems compared to seasonal research I've seen in other games so this is in the grand scheme of things not as bad as other season based Technologies like we've seen for example in Rise of Kingdoms so from here what I want to do is show you the dragon Trail very briefly because this is where you actually get your prestige and at the start of a new account it's critical that you progress your way through the dragon Trail which is just a series of challenges where you set what Heroes you want okay and you then battle and completing these missions will give you not only um Prestige but it also gives you experienced homes and it also gives you a currency for a special store from this store the critical thing you want want to work on is in this forget everything else that's here just work on your Indus in my opinion that's the game plan if you're free to play or a low spender you could go for epics I guess but I I really think Indus is the play for just about everybody okay um in addition you'll be able to periodically Loot and looting is basically passive accumulation of experience dragonglass which is the currency for the store I just showed you and Prestige and the more stars you have on these missions the more of the loot you'll collect per hour in fact you can even quickly you can spend gems three times and you can do it once for free if you are spending in the game you should be gemming this if you're not spending don't sweat it however there are special missions that don't use your troops and your Heroes the special missions off to the side that you see over here are special scenarios designed to teach you the game and the game will give you a sort of configuration of things that you might not actually have so for here they want me to use the Phoenix eye they want me to use Eliana they want to use waldir and they're recommending vessels is the unit right so there are side missions that only give one star and these give special rewards as well including a bunch of gold keys so don't neglect your side missions in the dragon Trail as well wow so we've covered a lot so far but we haven't even really talked about the heroes and that's the most exciting part of the game so let's do that now in Call of dragons you have three Rarities of Heroes your legendaries are gold your epics are purple and your uh blue heroes are Advanced I guess I don't actually know what they're called now Heroes have several vectors for improvement one is that you level them up another is that you star them up another is that you skill them up and another is that you apply Talent points okay a lot to cover oh let's not recommend forget the artifact as well which is important so what are all these things your hero level will come from experienced homes and battling darklings don't worry we'll talk more about darklings your Star level comes from Metals when you reach a certain level you can gain a new Star level so for example if I wanted I could take pan to a higher Star level by using these metals however I'm not going to yet but the Star level unlocks different things at two stars you unlock the second skill of the hero at three stars you unlock the third skill and you can bring a second hero so your March your army can now have two Heroes that's a big deal um at four stars you unlock the fourth skill you may think Cisco why do you not want to unlock everything right away well the first skill on a hero was always better than every other skill and you want to Max the first skill before you unlock later skills because when you unlock later skills now skill assignment Is Random so instead of your skill UPS going exactly where you want on that first skill they'll go randomly to all open skills the max level of any skill is five so once you reach the max level of the skill no more points will go into it but what you'll often hear in videos is a description of like five one one or five five one one that's just referring to the skill levels in order of these first four skills the fifth skill here is called The Awakening skill and this becomes available to you when every single other skill is maxed and you reach level 40. very important you have to be level 40 for the Awakening skill to then be available for you now if you wanted to see what it looks like to apply more skills for example when you click the skills button you'll have the option over here of using some of your Universal tokens if you wanted or the dedicated hero tokens that you've accumulated over time if you're wondering where do I get these hero tokens a part of that is going to come from quests and a part of that is going to come from this building over here the tavern when you make your way over to the hero recruitment section of the tavern you can use gold keys to unlock heroes hopefully we get lucky looks like I didn't get particularly lucky I got an epic it's Krieg he's fine but you know I'm mostly interested in the legendaries at this point so you want to open your keys as soon as you get them the only reason that I haven't is because I save them for videos like what I did just there now if we make our way back to our heroes we talked about starring up Heroes we talked about leveling up Heroes but as you level up Heroes you get Talent points and talents in this game are really powerful having the right talent build is also really critical this is why by the way if you haven't already subscribed to the channel I'd recommend that you do so because I'm in process of making videos about the talents for every single hero in the game it's going to take me a while but I'm getting there okay now the way the talents work is really interesting in Call of dragons first you need to finish your foundation talents then you can work on three different talent trees each Hero has different talent tree combinations which means there are different combinations of talents available and you can go and push the button in the upper right like I just did to unlock or to reveal different presets of talents so you could work on different presets and you can play around with different builds without the cost of switching because switching your talents in this game is expensive it costs like a thousand Gems or you can get an item maybe at a discount and it'll run you less than that you don't want to be changing your talents all the time you want to get them right you don't want to pay a gem tax okay so when you unlock talents in this game I want to show you how this works because it's very interesting in order to unlock a new row of talents you have to put talents in the preceding row so in order to get this I have to do three talents over here in the previous tier in order to get the next here I got to do three talents over here in order to get the next here I gotta do three talents over here and then I unlock this major talent and now I'm into the three different trees so from here I want to show you something very important which is that you might think okay so I'm adding Talent points over here okay um what if I put five over here and I want to unlock this final Talent okay these are really big these talents you can only pick one or the other so unlike other parts of the tree where if I want I can put points in in different things okay um you could only do one or the other at these major decision points here and up here okay over here same story over here same story over here same story it's one or the other you only can pick one and once you pick that one it'll be grayed out but you'll also notice I put 10 points in this row it didn't unlock these major talents for me yet you really have to do five talents in the very like previous tier the the preceding tier so I can do five over here let's say and now those become available to me you see what I mean so you can always double back to put more talents into the tree if you want but the reason most trees look kind of like this where you're very efficiently trying to get to the highest tier possible is because um the you know sort of later talents in the tree can be very powerful depending on what Heroes and combinations that you're using but in some instances like this PVE this peacekeeping build um I might double back and do more stuff later we'll see kind of what that ultimately looks like okay so that's how talents work in Call of dragons and talents are very critical your talents only work on the primary hero this is important also your artifact will only work from your primary hero so what do I mean by that every time you leave your city depending on your hero level and your metal level once you reach level 20 you can bring a second hero and that second hero is really powerful but he only brings his skills to the fight so the second hero brings the skills there's one other thing the second hero does which is that they will bring half of their March capacity based on a hero's level they have a March capacity and you can see it over here Legion capacity and when you bring a hero as a deputy a secondary hero then you get half of that capacity boost so sometimes people will ask me in live streams do the talents of the secondary hero matter no when you're the secondary they don't apply their level is relevant but it's halved you get half the legion capacity boost you would have gotten from them and the artifact again on the secondary hero doesn't matter but let's talk about the artifact on the primary hero because artifacts are a big freaking deal in this game artifacts come in several Rarities and the higher the Rarity um the more powerful it is just outright now that doesn't mean that every legendary is better than every epic in fact some epics are really really good um however the legendary artifacts in this game are very powerful and there are several vectors for getting upgrades to your artifact one is increasing the level to do that you're going to use Arcane dust okay Arcane dust is a limited season-based currency it is very important increasing the level will increase this first statistic you see here magic unit defense in the case of this particular artifact you also can star up the artifact so you can see this tier of urban is four stars the star level you hit the question mark it'll show you what what boosts you get by virtue of increasing your Star level now if I show you a different artifact maybe there's one that I could star up let's see here have I started this one up oh I already did in fact what I'll do is put on the screen um a video of my starring up an artifact you actually to increase the Star level need to use patterns from other artifacts in order to Star up your current artifact so getting lots of artifact uh draws is really really good because you need them to Star up other artifacts also I can show you from all my artifacts over here that you can increase the skill level of an artifact so not only okay can you boost the level which increases the first stat the Star level which increases the second stat you see here but also you can increase the skill level to skill level five and that will give it even more boosts you increase the skill level by getting extra copies of the artifact you also by the way are increasing star levels by having extra copies of any artifact of certain Rarities all right so artifacts are just insanely powerful and the way that you're going to draw them is over here in the tavern you see you click the center item you can use these Universal artifact compendiums to draw there are also special artifact based events that will eventually show up where you have a chance to get um a sort of prioritization of certain rare artifacts which is what I'm waiting for to really kind of go ham on artifacts in this game artifacts are insanely powerful from Rise of Kingdoms I really thought like oh active skills are really crucial and like they're good in this game but artifact activations are insane and it makes sense because many artifacts have like a minute and a half or longer cooldown for how frequently you can use them so they're very very big effects that make the combat really really fun and different in this game one quick tip I want to give you about artifacts is that when you're looking at the artifact draw screen you can hit the probability button to see all of the artifacts that you could draw from the keys and one thing I really want to call your attention to as a beginning mistake that a lot of people are going to make is that you probably don't want to invest in an artifact that you think will work against other players but does not for example if we look at this item over here the Codex of Prophecy it's really cool it applies a shielding effect to your Legions and in fact up to four nearby friendly Legions but this only works against darklings dark creatures and behemoths which we'll cover later in the video what those are from the map this is not other players so you probably want to invest in artifacts that worth work both against other players and also against player versus environment that's PVE objectives the best artifacts by far include for example at the legendary tier you've got Shadow blades also you've got the Phoenix eye being really top tier the Epic tier you've got heart piercer and Magic bomb I made a dedicated video about that however card will be up in the Top If you're looking for more information one thing I wanted to Circle back on is healing in your hospital because you get some amount of free healing per day and this is very very critical you also can smash the resource based healing button to do resource healing instead if you like but this is extremely costly especially while you're still building up your city I'm not saying you won't do it I'm not saying you can't do it but the advice that I've been given is that if you've got the speed UPS you might be better off actually just training more troops than trying to do lots and lots of resource-based healing so one thing to consider as you're leveling up different parts of your city and looking at your policies is trying to get a magic combination of having enough of a certain troop type also making sure that you've got enough Hospital healing and one really important trick is that you'll notice that the hospital healing number you see right over here it's it's a flat number right so what you can do is you could resource heal really low tiers of troops and then all your free healing works on your higher tiers of troops because what this does is a number of troops per time period it doesn't seem to matter I could be wrong it doesn't even matter what troop type it is so this is an important little trick to get a little bit of extra juice out of your hospital if you want you could resource heal your t1s you know let's say your gatherers got hit at some point right and then let the free healing happen for something more expensive like t4s now on the topic of com bat let's talk troop types baby there's four different troop types in this game you've got infantry Cavalry uh your archers and your Mages and they actually counter each other in that order so your inventory counters your Cavalry your Cavalry counters your Marksman your marksmen counter your Mages and these symbols show you what unit type uh it is okay so this is an infantry unit which is why that's in red and if we were to go to a different building over here like this Mage unit we go over here we click this see Mages and red when you counter another unit or you have the advantage you deal more damage to them and you take less damage from them and it's something like five or ten percent I think but it's a PR it ends up being a really really big deal it makes a huge difference now what's interesting in this game is that the units are way more Dynamic than in Rise of Kingdoms each factions unit does different stuff so for example the vestals have an effect over here they Grant a health boost to nearby units which is really cool um the magic unit effect for other factions does other stuff so this is a more nuanced topic that I don't want to get into here I just want to point out that it exists so that you know about that the other thing I'll point out is that you have these four troop training buildings one of them is for your factions special unit now for me you can see it's a magic unit okay so I have two ways to make magic units using the league of order which I think is a very good thing one very critical thing I want to add just about the units in the game is that it's important to look at what kind of damage that the unit does okay if I tap the info screen for the unit it's important to note that they are doing physical attack this is my swordsman physical attack melee range if I look at another unit like these vestals these are Mages they do magic attack okay and they attack from a very far range why does this matter well some Heroes really care about magic units and some Heroes attack from far for example Lilia is a hero that if we look at our skills she attacks from very far and she cares about magic units if you put infantry with her March you're not going to do very much damage because her abilities work off of what's called a magic damage Factor there's a physical damage Factor there's a magic damage factor and if they don't say which they are they actually work for both which is a little unusual but the magic damage Factor here will only be impressive if you bring the right unit type if you bring infantry with Olia she is going to do way way less damage because that damage is based in part off of how many troops you have in your army and in part from the units that that you've ultimately brought to the battle an example of a physical hero for example would be bakar we look at his ability he is doing a physical damage factor of 600 on his active skill well if you bring Mages in his army he's gonna do way less damage because they don't do physical damage Factor so this is something very important to keep in mind when you're thinking about hero pairings and also which troop type you put with the Army don't worry I have dedicated videos about each of these heroes or at least I'm working on it so if you're ever confused about what you should be using you can check out one of my videos and as I mentioned some of these heroes are flexible like Eliana for example does magic damage Factor if you have a magic unit and physical damage Factor if you bring a physical unit or for example other Heroes like let's look at Hosk he doesn't even care at all he just is a flat attack boost a flat hit point boost a flat damage dealt boost whether it's magic or more physical you get the Boost so he's just extremely versatile so just be on the lookout for when a hero has physical damage factor and that's what you want to pair with another physical damage hero whereas when a hero lists magic damage Factor specifically you want to pair with another magic damage Factor hero the other thing I will point out is that every faction has a dedicated Gathering unit so for me at the Cavalry stable my tier one unit is not a Cavalry unit but for me it's a Workhorse and workhorses basically have extra boosts related to Gathering mostly capacity so they can carry lots of resources I love training these because you really want to be able to maximally leverage your Gathering I mean I mean Gathering is crucial I'll talk about that in just a second as one of the sort of hacks but you can basically gather experience in this game which is nuts um also the different Gathering units on the different facts actions have different bonuses okay but on the topic of gathering experience because this is so key I am literally gaining experience from Gathering and that is because of my talent choices and this is a topic I made a dedicated video about card will be up in the top so I'll cover this only very briefly but what you want to do at the start of the game is Rush experience into your Gathering Heroes that's Chacha Kella sword of Ordo he only has the foundation talents for Gathering also you want to rush experience into Indus and Pan and the reason is that right over here at the base you get something called Earth's Grace which gives you experience when you gather and also another Earth's Grace Talent point right over here those are the two you want to rush to this gives you twenty thousand this gives you 12 for a total of thirty two thousand free experience per day for your primary hero and your Deputy hero so you want to rush to three star all your Gathering Heroes so that they can bring a secondary you get enough Talent points that you can get the Gathering uh experience boost and you just want to gather experience on your Heroes I'm telling you this is gangbuster hero levels equals combat Effectiveness and talent points so gather like a freaking madman at the start of the Season not to mention that you get lots of resources which is a huge win now if you're wondering what other Heroes to work on in Call of dragons I would strongly recommend the following Heroes and Hero Order you want to work on waldir and if you are spending you would do Lilia to pair with him or you would do velen and velen is amazing especially if you're free to play you're not going to have Lilia you can go with Villain at the legendary tier really great combination of those two Heroes also if you wanted another Mage that is epic all win is really good but chances are you'll go one legendary one Epic and that's a mage March and that's a great a great great great place to be if you wanted to do a marksman March Nico comes from gold keys really amazing you can pair with guanwin if you wanted that is an epic and eventually you could replace with Eliana who you'll get from a special event or Krieg who you'll also get from an event Krieg is really great you're going to get a bunch of his tokens at the start so it's very likely that if you're free to play especially you might consider running that Nico Krieg combo now there is a pay to win a pay to obtain hero you use gems to get canara kanara is another great hero but you may or may not get her in the Lucky Spin it depends entirely on your server kinara and Nico together are a great combo Nico should be the primary and kenara the deputy or secondary in that case and that is a great combo if you wanted to run it those are the heroes I recommend you focus on the reason I'm not recommending infantry or cavalry is because it takes a lot more skill to use them well and generally I think it is a lot more forgiving if you have a huge Tech Advantage so if you are pay to win then let me tell you you're going to love your Cavalry if you are pay to win you are going to love your infantry if you are pay to win you're gonna love your flying heroes like Thea and also atheists but they're just not quite as powerful if you are free to play it just they're the kind of hero in my opinion where it's just really beneficial to have wailed up so I think you'll much more enjoy the ranged Heroes as your introduction to combat in the game so those are the heroes that I would focus on at the start of the game now from here the start of the game well just cool what about the end of the season because in this game it's seasonal and there's resets and you're right um if you go to the final building I think we haven't talked about yet it is the auger Stone the auger Stone will show you the sort of Chronicles for the season the critical events that take place over the course of the season and this very much sets the sort of tone for the things that are going to happen but you can also see in the season section um in the season overview what is reset at the end of the season now in Call of dragons you keep your Star level you keep your skill level on your Heroes but the level of your Heroes overall is reset back to level one so you'll only be able to access those skills again as you level back up okay same is true for your tactics manuals which are used to level up Heroes those all disappear your CP items will all disappear at the end of the season your artifacts will go back to level one however you keep your Star level you keep your skill level on your artifacts but the dust that is used to work on your artifacts is removed so you want to use it all by the end of the season for the things you're doing in the season um your policies will be reset your prestige which is the currency you need for policies is reset your merits which are what you're given when you fight other players are reset any medical supplies you have accumulated are reset your dragon Trail is reset you need to do that every season and also there's a few other things like for example the alliance technology and all of the alliance buildings are reset every season the season reset should be fun a fresh start I've got some questions about how enjoyable some of these things will be like doing the dragon Trail all over again but the intention of the Season reset is to reward activity and active players even if you're not spending get a huge win from being super active at the start of the new season so you may Wonder okay just cool what am I doing at the start of the season first thing you need to do is get into a great Alliance and if you're looking for an alliance consider joining my Discord server Linked In the description that's discord.gg slash school there are many groups that are forming up and I strongly recommend you get into a great group it will make a huge difference for your progression in the game but if we Zoom way out at the map what other things you need to do is Scout the map itself there'll be a series of things that you can click into and do as you explore to get bunch of free loot you can do it you cannot do it it's not a ton of resources either way I like getting all the value I can get so yes I've scouted the map claimed the villages claimed all the free resources on the map and more I recommend that you would do that now one thing your alliance is going to do is build territory this territory includes a fortress and then after the Fortress is built you can connect Flags when you're on your alliance's territory your city cannot be attacked so you want to be on Alliance territory as fast as you possibly can and you want to stay on that Alliance territory um if an enemy destroys a flag that either is critical in connecting to your fort or is the one that you're on then your city can be attacked and if your city is attacked things get interesting and we'll talk about Hospital healing in just a bit here I want to show you more of the map first one other thing that's critical on the map is these different holy sites or behemoths here there's a thunder Rock here we've got a giant and over here we've got a bear uh where's the bear here's the bear okay the giant bear these give you Buffs and it's actually a raid encounter you can bring it upwards of 40 players to fight the bear to purify it or cleanse it and then you can actually summon this Behemoth to fight on your behalf which is really nuts you can only do that very infrequently but it is really cool when you can go and do that also on the map you'll find several things resource nodes are where you're going to gather you want to do lots of that okay the darklings are what you fight you use this green currency called CP we've been talking about this CP is what you use to fight these guys and you do that because they give you experience and other rewards okay now the darkling patrols give you more experience whereas these other guys which have some very unique fighting styles the dark creatures give you a little bit of experience but a lot of artifact dust so this is how you level up your artifacts okay and in addition on the map you're gonna find special chests so for example I'm pretty sure there's some right over here see that if you fight the Guardians of the chest with your alliance you can then use special keys you can see that key design right over here to unlock the chest for Loot and you definitely want to do that okay every day you can only get two keys and you do that by fighting darklings and dark creatures and you can only have an upwards of five Keys saved up so every day ideally you want to spend down those keys so that you don't hit the maximum of five total that you can have in your inventory in addition every single day you should be looking to get done your challenges your challenges work toward a seasonal battle pass you can either pay money for extra Rewards or do the free version of the battle pass if I scroll all the way to the right even the free version gets some legendary tokens but only in the paid version will you get a legendary artifact as well and as far as value goes in this game the value is really really high on the ledge legendary artifacts of course if what you wanted is a spending guide all the card up in the top for that video which you can check out after this one is over okay so every single day you're going to want to do your daily login quests ideally you also do some weekly quests and get those done before end of week and then there are also seasonal quests that you need to get done every week wow I just realized I need to do two darkling for its hello chisel hello okay uh good thing we made this video together I have two hours to get that done GG um so that's the core of the map okay there's a lot more to fighting and combat in this game all the card up in the top for the video with a live stream where our group was fighting another group and it's just like really crazy that'll show you building destroying and all the sorts of stuff that you would want to know about combat in Call of dragons but there is one thing I want to tell you about moving around the map which is that you can in this game turn on what's called intercept mode intercept mode makes it so you can physically stop an enemy March from walking past you this does mean however you will fight them so you could end up fighting other people which you might not want to do um so generally intercept mode should be off but when you're at War and you don't have allies from another Reliance nearby you might turn on intercept mode by using this button over here intercept mode will enter you into war frenzy which means you cannot activate a piece shield to protect your city but also it will physically stop enemies from walking through you this is very important if you're using infantry to block for Mages or archers that are in your backline or cavalry to block right so keep that in mind when you're marching around whether or not you have intercept mode on but let's go now and let's look at alliances very briefly alliances are critical to your progression okay not only because uh you have you need a team to go do all the things that this game has to offer uh but also because whenever somebody buys something in your alliance or does uh you know something like rallying a fort um you're gonna get a bunch of chests so these are chests that I got from other people buying stuff these are chests that I got from free to play activities and then periodically you'll get the blessing chest overall completed which gives you even more rewards um of course rewards are not all that's here there is also technology your Reliance is technology that you should absolutely donate to at every possible opportunity and that will give you currency to use in a store you can use that currency as you see here also when you fight other players you will get merits and you use merits at the Merit store merits reset every week so I actually have only a small number of hours to use up the remainder of my Merit currency I believe it's only twenty thousand we'll carry over to the next week so between now and and reset I do need to spend another 9207 currency at least otherwise that currency will expire you can't even refresh the Merit store to get more options in here which is something I haven't done yet but assuredly when there's lots of fighting that I'm doing that is something that I will do okay this is intended just to be an overview of all of the things you need to know at your crazy start in Call of dragons and I have had a lot of fun playing Call of dragons so far even though I am in arguably the single most insane server in the game and if this is the sort of stuff you want to watch you want to learn more about color dragons you want to see the end game stuff then consider subscribing to the channel and again if you would throw a like on the video it would support me profoundly that's your way of giving me a high five for all of the information I've given you here check out the little info button for this video if you want to see any of the other videos that I've recommended or you can just wait until the end screen where two of my favorites will be there that I think you really enjoy thank you [Music]
Channel: Chisgule Gaming
Views: 199,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cod, call of dragon, call of dragons, call of dragons guide, call of dragons starter guide, call of dragons new player, cod new player, cod starter guide, cod guide, cod starting faction, cod best faction, cod tips, cod tips and tricks, cod hacks, call of dragons tips, call of dragons tips and tricks, call of dragons new player guide, cod new player guide, heroes call of dragons, gain power fast cod, gain power fast call of dragons
Id: 07MyiziQ3B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 32sec (3032 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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