Free to Play Guide for Call of Dragons [Best tips & tricks for F2P]

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this is the ultimate free to play guide for Call of dragons and it's gonna be full of tips and tricks that you might not have known as a free-to-play player for example did you know that you can use a decorative building to get your building Quest complete for the day for example I'll drop down this banner and bada boom side quest Home Improvement right over here daily quest for building is complete stick around in this video for a ton of tips tricks and guidance that you need as a free to play player to get Edge [Music] hello my friends and welcome back I'm Cisco gaming and I played the beta for Call Of Dragons for six months as a 100 free to play player and although my main account in the global launch of the game is whale like crazy which is why I have over 800 000 gems right now which is insane and I'm going to rush t5s before past two I have a ton of free to play guidance for you because I actually played the game 100 free to play not a penny spent for a full six months before the launch so stick around in this video for things that you really need to know um for example which Heroes should you prioritize which artifacts will give you the most bang for your buck when you start putting in dust and more and as always with my long form videos there's gonna be time stamps in the description so you can jump to whichever portion of this video you're most interested in and consider honoring Me by throwing a like on the video and subscribing to the channel for daily videos design to help you get value and smash your enemies in Call of dragons let's get started with whether or not call of dragons is even a free-to-play friendly game at all and I've gotta say pay to win in this game is super real spending money is going to give you a huge Advantage but the key differentiator between call of dragons and its predecessor which is Rise of Kingdoms the game this is based on is this little thing right over here okay it's in your hero section and it's called stamina and I can sort of move out of the way here I I basically Gotta Move almost entirely off screen to show you stamina right over here but you can basically only send out your hero to fight so much in this game against other players before they become fatigued and I know from playing the beta for six months this is actually a big big problem even whales are going to run out of stamina on their Heroes and be unable to fight anymore even though they have the troops and this is the leveler the thing that makes this game hugely different from the predecessor rise of Kingdoms where a whale can spend as much money as they want have as many resources as they want as many speed UPS as they want as many equipment and Armament and Technology advantages as they want and just run you over over and over and over and over until you're beat into submission that cannot happen in this game and that is why I think call of dragons is a more free to play friendly game now with that said there's a couple things I have my eye on here that are oh I'll call it yellow alert maybe concerning about what free to play could look like in the future the first is the notice board and we get a look at your policies this is seasonal technology now compared to what you have in Rise of kingdoms with Crystal technology this ain't so bad but you might you may need to allocate okay some amount of gems to your seasonal technology even if you are free to play in order to compete and that just is what it is and I think that is something you probably will need to do and we'll talk more about that when we get to gem spending the other thing I have my eye on that's maybe a little concerning for the free to play balance in the game is in fact artifacts and I'm less concerned by the way about whether or not you have the rarest artifacts and more concern at the start of the Season about the level of the artifacts you see a Pay to Win player can buy a bunch of dust that dust is going to put a lot of points onto an artifact you level it up it increases this first stat and so at the start of the season to pay to win player probably does get a pretty good advantage on Dust above a free-to-play player and I just want you to be aware of what these weak points will be because it means you're going to need to focus on the right artifacts and I'll tell you which those are during this video so that you don't put your dust in the wrong place and then end up really weak compared to a player who has spent a bunch of money and gotten a Pay to Win Advantage all right so those are the key sort of of differences between rise of Kingdoms and call of dragons and the extent to which I think it's free to play but let's get into how you actually play this game as a free-to-play player and what you need to do and the first thing we need to talk about is your gem count now I'm Not Gonna Fill This video with simple tips about how to get gems because I'm going to assume you're doing the very basic things the game will be instructing you to do like for example you'll see a little icon over here pointing hey you have notifications for your illustrations and you just click into things and you get your free gems what I want to talk about is the things you probably haven't figured out or if it if you have we need to talk about them because they're just so important and the first thing is you need to stop spending gems in all the places where the game is like oh you could spend gems here like The Courier station or or in my case the goblin Market depends on um what faction you've chosen I think um but stop spending gems everywhere except the following things first of all get your second building queue think of your second building queue as a free 24-hour speed up every single day for the 5 000 gems you spend on it it is insane that is your number one priority with your gems your number two priority becomes VIP and you need to just keep jamming on VIP with your gems until you hit VIP level eight don't stop before VIP level eight that would be a mistake um you want to jam your gems into VIP until you hit eight for your second research queue that is a free 24-hour speed up worth of value every single day plus an element of convenience for having two research cues vip8 is amazing and you start getting a legendary hero token every single day this is a slam dunk Easy Choice no-brainer to jam on your VIP now from there the final place where you use your gems is going to be lucky spins which are wheels which can give you access to really powerful Heroes um one thing I will guide you with regard to applying your gems to the IP is that you might consider okay you might consider um not placing your gems into the VIP until you can actually unlock the next level in other words um if you are somewhere between level 7 and level 8 that you don't have enough gems to actually unlock level 8 hey hold the gems all right as long as you can sort of restrain yourself from spending them other places hold the gems why hold the gems because you haven't actually gotten anything by getting a partial level in VIP do you see what I mean you only actually realize the benefit when you unlock the next level not when you're part way to the next level so if you want to hold on some amount of gems as flexibility to go in and do you know a Lucky Spin to unlock at the start of the game for example canara I think that is reasonable to do but I just want to emphasize so strongly that literally every day you're at vip8 you're getting a thousand gems worth of value okay from your legendary token that you're now getting and you're getting a 24 hour speed up worth of value from the second research queue which you unlock over here this is just so big also I mean the passive benefit of boost your research speed is is absolutely just crucial as a free-to-play player so that's your number one area of Leverage is the correct application of your gems and getting that right is going to make a really big difference for your progression if you want more information about VIP I'll have a card up in the top I rushed vip15 which you can see here there's pros and cons to doing that but that's the thing that a spender can do the final place you could put your gems as I was describing earlier is into your policies and the problem with this is that it only is relevant for one season but if you found yourself with a true excess of prestige and I'm not sure that you will not at the start of the game but if you did find yourself with a true excess of prestige I wouldn't fault you for spending some amount of gems onto your research here it takes 80 gems to do research you can't use speed UPS um it has to be gems but I don't know that you're actually going to have that excess of prestige anyways from the dragon Trail in order to be needing to spend gems over here certainly not in your first season but maybe in later Seasons that's a problem you will encounter and you'll be able to give yourself some amount of boost in your season by virtue of dropping some gems otherwise save them for all of the other things that we've talked about in this video so now that we've wrapped up the talk about spending gems and where they go we need to talk about your second highest point of Leverage which is getting into a great Alliance which coincidentally will also get you lots of VIP and speed UPS potentially you want to at the start of the game go absolutely nuts with your speed ups and look conventionally what people might say is oh but you know horde speed ups for events and then do stuff during events look if you try to hoard for the strongest Lord not only are you not winning strongest Lord but if you sandbag your power you're not going to be able to get into as good of an clients and getting into the absolute best Alliance you possibly can is hands down your highest point of Leverage in this game okay because you can get chests from being at a great Alliance somebody just bought three gold chests I just got uh nine hours of speed UPS over there 2 000 VIP over there nine hours of speed UPS over there I got another 1 000 VIP I mean you get the idea getting into a really good alliance even if they aren't spending a ton it's just gonna give you a huge point of Leverage and is honestly going to dramatically increase your gameplay experience so anyone who's advising hoard your speed ups and resources at the start I think that's a huge mistake now I will say don't make the noob mistake of opening all your resource tokens and then having them be plunderable I'm not saying open all your resource tokens at once I'm saying don't hold back at the start of the game gain as much power as you can now there are some buildings that will actually help you gain power faster and this was true in Rise of Kingdoms that certain buildings took less time for the amount of power that you gained typically some of those buildings might include like the hospital that's a building that costs a lot of resources but gives you a moderate amount of power for the amount of time it takes to do the upgrade another building that historically from the rise of Kingdom's world was really really high Leverage is your Mana Refinery Mana is going to be a crucial bottleneck to your progression in this game and if you look at the power gain from the Mana Refinery and the amount of time it takes to do these upgrades if I remember correctly it is a high amount of power relative to other options for example go look at your mint right you want to gain power fast look at that the mint is a fraction of the power gain of the Mana Wells so if you want to gain power quickly and honestly it's not a bad upgrade I'm upgrading things like your hospitals and your Mana refineries are going to cost you more resources take less time but you'll gain power faster and that might help you get into a better Alliance even though the combat benefit of deploying that many resources to those things is questionable I would say for the hospitals I mean you never have too much Hospital capacity hospital um healing in this game is just amazing healing capacity is insane we'll talk about that more in just a bit now for those of you coming from the rise of Kingdoms Universe there's several free-to-play mechanisms that don't work in this game which is a bit of a bummer but honestly congratulations on being able to save yourself a lot of time the first thing that doesn't work in this game that if a free-to-play player um was coming from Rise of Kingdoms you would have spent hours and hours and hours and hours doing this the first thing that doesn't work is AOE farming okay also known as sort of AOE Barb farming um these are barbarians and Rise of Kingdoms here they're darklings in Rise of Kingdoms you could go in and do area of effect damage and anything you hit beyond your first Target would be free it would have no action point cost but in this game if you use area of effect damage and a second thing joins the fight it is going to use your combat points so area of effect sort of Barb farming is and Barb chaining is not a thing in this game so good news bad news you can't find Value that way but you're not going to waste countless hours getting very incremental value and another thing that doesn't work in this game is that you actually cannot Farm gems in the same way that you could in Rise of Kingdoms you'd be like what do you mean just cool I saw other guys that said you could do that and and I've seen um there's plenty of gem Minds on the map while it is true that there are gem mines on the map allow me to to put onto the screen an example of the debuff that you get if you farm too many gem mines your gem miners will get fatigued and that means that it takes much much much much much much longer prohibitively insanely long to actually firm your gems the uh so I'm not going to advise it occasionally you could Farm up a little bit of gems and I think that's a cool idea in order to actually be able to farm gems you are going to need to progress your policies and your seasonal technology for season one we can see that that gem prospecting is over here maybe that'll change for future Seasons so if you're not farming gems what are you farming um and that is obviously going to be mostly resources but mostly Mana if you can swing it and the reason you want to farm mostly mana on your free to play account is because Mana is not transferable if you go to your alliance Market you can see that this is the building that limits how much can be sent to other players and it says Alliance markets filled with different Goods blah blah blah here all resources can be traded except Mana so you're not going to be able to trade Mana to this account however you can trade your gold your wood and also your stone so we're going to talk in a little bit about a farm account which I think you should have but your farm account should focus on your gold wood Stone transfer it to your man and you should level up at your alliance market so that you get a weekly resource limit boost what does that mean your resources that you can receive per week are limited now that might sound frustrating except think about how many resources a Pay to Win player would have been getting without this limit trust me this is an advantage for you as a free-to-play player that the amount of resources you can get is the same amount that a pay-to-win player can get so a Pay to Win player can't go buy from a seller who would send them many many many many many many many resources on the dollar compared to other ways they could get them so the playing field here is leveled but you probably do want to get the maximum number of resources you can send yourself per week from a farm okay so creating a farm is very simple topic for a separate video but uh the sort of main strategy there is that you either use a separate email address to make another account or you'll go in okay and you'll make an account on another server adjacent to yours so if I go to account and characters right I'm in server 32 I have an account on server 31. theoretically if these two servers get merged which is a thing that happens in this game then boom you'll have a farm in the same server as you now my perspective here on the free to play pay to win sort of spectrum is that if free to play player needs to spend more time to get Edge compared to a pay-to-win player who's basically buying themselves time sometimes that's a Time advantage that cannot be realized by a free-to-play player but some of the things that pay to win player buys you can earn with your time so I would say that making a farm starting right away if you're free to play and have lots of time would be a really good idea that means you need to use a second email address to get an account in the same server as the one you're in and you probably won't even if you have it a second device so that you can be logged into both accounts at the same time right and then just Farm up a bunch of resources transfer them to your main and you get a resource advantage that way that resource Advantage is important not only for powering things up in your city okay but in combat if you want to Resource heal you need to have resources and it's really expensive to Resource heal so getting a farm Alliance for getting a farm account for you as a free-to-play player is of elevated importance that's for sure now on the topic of gathering one way that you gain advantage in this game as a free-to-play player is by leveling up your Heroes more than other pay to win players that are potentially less active okay and I won't cover this in depth here because I have in another video card will be up in the top and I'll remind you in the end screen that there are very critical talents on your Gathering Heroes called Earth's Grace the more of this you get the more experience you gain when you gather resources this is true of the primary and secondary or Deputy hero when you go out Gathering so you can see here when I look in my reports and I go to my gathering report look at all this experience I'm gathering up here now you can see I'm focusing mana on my main account and here's one tip that I haven't seen in any other video yet which is that the amount of resources you get direct impacts the amount of experience you gain which is pretty straightforward I mean it says that in the description but what that means is that if you want lots of experience don't Farm Mana don't Farm Stone Farm gold and wood when you're power leveling heroes actually the easiest way to visualize this is already on my screen you can see the level 3 gold mine has 378 000 resources whereas the level 3 or mine has 283 000 resources right and you get more experience right over here picking the nodes that have more resources in them right so that Talent we were talking about doesn't care if you're doing Mana or gold it's just going to take total resources gathered multiply by that percentage and then boom you get that much experience so going for things like gold and wood which have more resources in the same size node or the same level node is going to get you experience faster and I've actually in some ways really kind of hindered my growth on my account by focusing so much on Mana but I do have a lot of Mana okay I have gathered a ridiculous amount of Mana compared to other people at uh in my in my server I mean at this point I'm two weeks into the game and I have gathered a grand total of 84 million Mana which is more than literally any other player on my server I think what I'm trying to say is just keep in mind what you gather if you want to power level Your Heroes you are going to need to gather that wood and stone and also gold primarily wood and and gold in order to power level so that you can level up a lot of different Heroes if you wanted to but on the flip side of things at the start of the game in your very first server look um you're just not gonna have enough troops to make multiple marches and so let's talk about troops and experience gain and how you might actually as much as nice as it is to level up lots of different heroes from Gathering let me give you some tricks to power level a couple Heroes really high okay and the reason you need to do that is that your troop count is going to be an issue at the start of the game it's actually going to be a huge issue there's a number of reasons why troop count will be an issue first of all um you're gonna have a hard time filling your one March full of troops with your highest tier of troops anyways um and at the start of the game you just need to train need to train need to train to get to that point um so until you reach that point where you can fill out your march with the highest cure of troopsy that you can make um I think you're going to want to start by power leveling a couple Heroes what does that mean that means that when you go to fight darklings you want to bring the smallest number of marches possible so that you put the most experience into one March now you actually can see that I have sort of done this okay my Lilia is level 57 and if we look her you know pairing is going to be with velen he's 47. and when I go and I use my com combat points I just use Lilia and velen and I hit the highest level darkling I can now I recognize that if you're free to play you're probably going to need to bring multiple marches and so if that's the case I just want to encourage you to try to focus your hero Investments on Heroes that you will battle some darklings with and also then battle players with you don't want to get a lot of experience from darklings onto Heroes you're not actually going to use to fight other players this really matters a lot at the start of your season especially if you're free to play but this is true for everybody so with that said which Heroes do I think you should focus on well I think the best heroes to focus on as a free to play player is going to include a blend of legendary and also epic quality Heroes and the reason that it's a blend is that just because you're not spending in the game doesn't mean you can't use legendaries it just means it'll take you longer to get them to a high skill level so the combination I think you're really going to be interested in is velen primary with waldir secondary now your walled ear should be very easy to go and expertise or awaken in this game that means you've maxed every skill on them and the reason that's easy to do is because I hope you picked League of order following my guidance around the best starting faction card will be up in the top but even if you didn't pick League of order you still can go in and use your Universal tokens on waldir which I think would be a very very good idea the villain waldir combo is really good I think if you're free to play your tokens going into velen is the way to go at the legendary tier that way you've got a frost Mage combo with high utility that is super freaking Wicked I made a dedicated guide about Valen and why he's so good if you're a free-to-play player card will be up in the top you definitely want to check that out now eventually you'll want to make your way into a second Mage March and at that point let me tell you all win his freaking Wicked Man for the same reason that I like velen um he's got talents that are just so good if you're free to play um Alwyn is a hero I want you to invest in but the problem is I don't know that you can invest in him a ton at the start of the game the problem with angling for multiple marches of Mages is that you're just not gonna have enough of that troop type to fill multiple marches at the same time I think the way that you might get around this if you go with League of order which I hope you did as I recommended is that you make a second Mage unit and that's right over here it's the celestial the celestial is a magic unit so you could theoretically have one Mage March where you're using your vessels and another Mage March where you're using your celestials because you have two training buildings that work on Magic units if you do that at the start of the game you'd want to in that case have an all-win based March if you could swing it and I think all when paired with someone like atheists and using all flying units with your celestials could be a really great way to go for another March um the other thing you could consider is of course weaving in your Eliana Eliana is really versatile and you're going to have her skills really quickly if you want to so Eliana will be another really great choice you could do all win Ellie and that is a high utility combo that is pretty tanky given what it is and in case it wasn't clear why it is that I'm recommending that you work on ranged marches the thing is that a March that has to go right up up to the enemy is full committing to the fight so if you were to work on Infantry or you were to build a Cavalry March and train lots of those troops yeah those are cool marches but the problem is that you have to get right up to the enemy and if you get focused which you probably will as a freedomy player you're likely to get deleted at the start of the game it just is what it is when we get to the end game right when we're like many seasons in when we're like a year into this game and you've got tier 5 troops just like the whales do then the dynamic will certainly be different but at the start of the game I'm encouraging you to go ranged the other way that you can go ranged okay is going to be leveraging either Nico with some amount of kanara if that's the way that you go and you want to you know invest in her from the wheel and invest your legendary tokens into her you could do that or you pair Nico with Krieg Krieg you're going to get a bunch of at the start of the game you're going to get him from the Welcome events um and I've already got him five five four which is pretty wicked um all I need is one more skill on him and he's got most of his PVP based capability the fourth skill over here is more engineering related which doesn't help you really fight other players okay um then the expertise or Awakening skill is certainly good so you would at some point want to awaken him but not as a high priority all right so you use the legendary Nico you'd ideally want Nico to be the primary because he reduces the defense of the enemy and then boom you do some nice area of effect damage with Krieg I think that's really really great if you chose spring wardens as your starting faction then of course you're going to be using guanwin instead of Krieg or you know depending on your skill level on your Nico you might consider using guanwin with Krieg I think that'd be okay but all it takes is to have a legendary at like five one one one maybe like five five one one that's the skills on the hero maxing the first skill or maxing the first two skills five five one one and at that point your legendary is definitely better than any epic you could compare to so um it doesn't take much for a legendary hero to be superior to an epic hero um now when you run out of stamina maybe you'll switch things around if you run out of stamina I think at the start of the game though you're more likely to run out of troops and in that end I'll say don't be shy to put some amount of your Universal speed UPS into training troops I mean if you can't field your marches what does it matter man like you need to have troops okay one final consideration I want to give you when we talk about spending your legendary tokens is that although you can go to your Goblin market and you can exchange epic hero tokens and blue hero tokens in order to make purchases that are really good like you can get gold keys right although you can exchange your epic and your blue Heroes there's no exchange for Legendary Heroes which is interesting so I would just caution you around spending too many legendary tokens on a hero that you can get free to play from keys because although it is nice to rush the skills on a hero like I recommended for velen at the start at some point you may want to shift gears and put your Universal tokens into Heroes you cannot get from gold keys because it is unclear to me that there is any value from getting a hero from a gold key once they're already awakened okay so consider at some point shifting gears from like hey I got Val into a really good spot he's five five one one that's good enough to then work on a hero like kanara for example who you can't get at this moment in time anyways any other way than the Lucky Spin and since you're not going to be spending a ton in the Lucky Spin right that means pretty much kinara is a no waste situation with the tokens you put there again the only downside of this is that the only way you're getting skills on her is by using your Universal tokens and a small amount of spins that you do in the wheel which means progress is just going to be really really slow and by the time you've skilled her up a ton we we sort of wonder what new Heroes will come into the game and will she still be relevant hard to say but I think she is really strong for the time being keep in mind again that there's nothing to do with your excess legendary tokens now I have some speculation does that mean that down the road they'll give us something to do with legendary hero tokens after you awaken a hero maybe but I think that's probably a year away if it happens at all now with regard to the artifacts that you focus on I'm not going to talk about the legendary artifacts because you'll use the ones that you get potentially like if you get a shadow blades that's amazing um but I will encourage you to focus on utility based artifacts why is that the case utility-based artifacts are just as effective whether you're free to play or pay to win so for example although I wouldn't tell a Pay to Win player to use something like the spirit Bengal I think you could consider using something like the spirit Bengal which removes debuff effects from your allies nearby it all depends on how much of a team player role you want to take versus how much of a raw damage role you want to take and on the topic of raw damage the three artifacts that you should work on depending on sort of which Heroes you're using are going to be the magic bomb which is right over here okay very very powerful you use that on your Magic based combo like your Vel and waldir also you're going to use the heart piercer the heart piercer is really really good it does a defense break effect reducing the physical defense of the Enemy by 15 I love that very powerful um this is something you want to use on your Nico March or whatever your Marksman March becomes whether that's involving canara or Gwen or Krieg those are the artifacts you want to focus on at the start of the season right and if you're using a second Mage March at the same time as your other Mage March for example if you've got celestials running then you weave in something like a spirit Bengal but I want you to really focus on just all your exp into two really good artifacts and you know if you have a legendary you would use it right like Phoenix eye okay you're using that if you get lucky but you can't count on getting those I can count on you having a great magic bomb and a great heart piercer so taking those to a good place at the start of the season and then consider what legendaries you have is a good way to go now there's only a couple more things I want to talk about here with regard to free to play value and I just want to remind you that some of the best free to play value in the game is going to be leveling up your alliance Center as high as it possibly can go this allows other players to help you and will dramatically reduce the time it takes to build and research as an example taking this Market to level 25 I have saved a grand total of and let's wait this is going to flip over it is three days and 21 hours wow that is impossible to look at GG let me click off that holy moly well I found about chat I found a bug okay so this is going to save you a lot of time of course every time you want to do a building upgrade or research something ideally you will go and you will grab a rune from the map these runes will spawn by the behemoths currently for a behemoth site that is not active or capturable there will be no runes there will be no Rune guardians or behemoth guardians but if you go over to holy sites or behemoth sites that are in fact capturable like right now Thunder rock is capturable the higher the level of the Behemoth the more rare quality of Mana stone that you can get picking up a Mana Stone lasts for eight hours which is insane um paid a winner free to play you got to be doing this right now I have passive seven percent CP recovery which is not only going to give me loot from darklings that I battle but also that means I'm getting experience one of my heroes it's just amazing so be sure that you're grabbing a Mana Stone Research and building before you do research and building respectively and there is also really critical research so I want you to always level your research center at the same level as your city hall for me it's called the Hall of order and the research I want you to make sure you always tunnel vision and focus is going to be architecture always Max this at the earliest opportunity scholarship always Max this at the earliest opportunity also military leadership giving you experience gain very very critical and breath control very very critical giving you CP combat Point recovery speed or command Point recovery speed very very critical to your progression one final thing that's going to feel really expensive but is super worth is also conscription giving you more training speed these are very important to rush because they're giving you economy and a free-to-play player needs to be all about economy and value-based plays you're hunting for Value over time as a free-to-play player now your goal from a cut standpoint as a free-to-play player is to get to something that I would call tier 4.5 I coined this term for Rise of Kingdoms and it's stuck and that's now what people call it tier 4.5 refers to a sort of break point in the technology where things start to get really really really really expensive and what I'm advising is that you are unlocking your tier fours and then you get a solid amount of the combat Tech associated with the troop types you care about that should be your Mages your sort of a magic units and your Marksman units um and this is what I would sort of call tier 4.5 is 7 out of 10 on your attack based stat for the troop type and 6 out of 10 for the magic base stat for the troop type um you might be a little less you might have a little more but along the way you'll also get defensive formations to a good spot assault strategies to about seven as well right over here seven seven and five for assault strategies defensive formation and first aid that's what tier 4.5 looks like and I want you to try to get that for one troop type things are going to start to get really really really expensive from a research standpoint um 10 days Plus for a free-to-play player is just a long time or it's a lot of speed ups that you may or may not have right so that's the goal that's aspirational it will take you time to get there um getting tier four within your first one to two months would be really great um and getting to tier 4.5 within the next two months or so um would be really really great that's ultimately what you're hunting for from a combat standpoint and once you reach that you can really double back on economy if you want alternatively I will never fall to you for focusing on economy the only thing I will say is that if you truly have a very very intense excess of resources then you need to stop focusing on the economy stuff and double back down on the military technology because at that point if you have an excess of resources like you don't need the economy-based resource-based Technologies anymore for producing more resources and Gathering more resources you need the combat stats so at that point you really should switch gears if you reach that point at the start of the game I don't know man there's just too few good resource nodes and there is uh too much you need to work on the last thing I want to offer you as some incremental free to play value is going to be your alliances shop you should absolutely be maxing your donations to technology as a free-to-play player max out the resources you can donate and your resource-based donations all the time this is giving you a currency okay that currency you can use in the store you're going to want to use that currency probably for teleports realistically maybe some peace Shields maybe some speed ups but probably teleports and peace Shields um and you also want to be battling other players for merits and I am guilty of not doing this well but every single day you must Farm merits really maybe every single week you must form merits so that you can clean out your daily supply of merits and you can clean out your weekly supply of merits I don't care if you have to fight your own Farm to get this done but you must be farming your merits and if your alliance doesn't come up with a system to do this let me tell you man um other Alliance as well and you will lose to them because the things you can get for free from merits is insane now to do this you are going to be putting troops in your hospital and that means you need Hospital healing speed so leveling up your hospitals is a very very good plan and in case it wasn't abundantly clear getting the free healing from your policies is the way to go all the card up top that details the sort of policies I would recommend free to play or pay to win but regardless get the free healing option not the resource based healing option in my opinion whether you're free to play pay to win that is just a slam dunk very good choice if you find yourself for some reason a year down the road with tons of excess resources which would surprise me the then maybe you could go for resource-based healing but at that point you know what you're doing and you didn't need a guide to tell you that anyways by the end of this video you should be feeling more prepared as a free-to-play player to make the critical decisions you need to make and also the ways that you can get value and smash your enemies and if you got that from this video do me a huge favor throw a like on the video and consider subscribing to the channel I've made over 2 000 videos about this genre of game and I've been making daily videos about call of dragons so I think you'll get a lot of value and if you're looking for two more videos that give you information as a free-to-play player that I think you'll find valuable one is going to be a hero investment order covering more in depth what marches you could make and what things you might want to do and also I'll have a video in the end and also I'll have that video I promised about policies and of course there are a ton of videos I referenced those will be in the info button you can tap that in the upper right part of the screen in YouTube for this video and that'll give you the full list of things I'd recommend thank you [Music]
Channel: Chisgule Gaming
Views: 91,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cod, call of dragon, call of dragons, cod f2p, call of dragons f2p, call of dragons free to play, free to play cod, free to play call of dragons, f2p guide cod, f2p guide call of dragons, cod free to play tips, free to play cod guide, free to play call of dragons guide, best heroes f2p, call of dragons guide, call of dragons tips, call of dragons hacks, call of dragons tips and tricks, gain power fast cod, gain power fast call of dragons, gain power f2p call of dragons
Id: URbIGpxqO7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 39sec (2379 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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