Top 8 Mistakes! [simple tips to avoid] Rise of Kingdoms

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there are a ton of really serious mistakes that you can make as you grow your account and Rise of Kingdoms trust me I've spent over 2,000 consecutive days playing on multiple accounts and I've grown to over 200 million power Fallen much much lower than that and there are some things I've learned along the way so stick around in this video for eight of the biggest mistakes you can make in Rise of Kingdoms [Music] hello my friends and welcome back I'm chiso gaming and as you can see I have collected the overwhelming majority of the legendary commanders in the game I've made lots of endgame top tier legendary iconic tiered equipment I've collected some of the best armaments you can get your hands on and like yeah no I have made some mistakes along the way so this video is designed to help you not make some of these really major mistakes some of them are very recovering others are going to hurt for a really really really long time assuming you continue to play the game so let's jam through these eight major mistakes and if this is the kind of stuff you're interested in consider smashing that subscribe button joining the almost quarter million people that are subscribed to the channel as of the time of this recording the first mistake big mistake that you can make in Rise of Kingdoms is not planning for having an infantry March an Archer March and a Cavalry March you want at least one of each now at the start of the game many players think I'm going to be a Cavalry player or an infantry player or an Archer player and you can focus however there are several major forces that will drive you away from over specializing your account the first major reason that you will not see at the start of the game is that when you get a little bit further along you're going to get access to this thing called the formation system the formation system is effectively loot slot machine for these things called armaments where you can get stats across all kinds of things in fact they can be stats you really value like this is all infantry stuff and all damage that's great or you can get armaments that have stats for things you don't care about at all like gold Gathering speed and you put this on your you know combat March you hope for armaments that are like this but you end up with a bunch that are pretty mixed here now I've saved some really good ones but the point I'm trying to make is that since this system is centered around Randomness you are going to pick one formation to start it's probably going to be wedge which is going to increase your skill damage and it's going to give you these armaments randomly you're going to get some good Archer ones you're going to get some good infantry ones you're going to get some good Cavalry ones but you're probably not going to get five really good sets of Cavalry ones not without spending a lot of money so the first big mistake you can make is over specializing in one troop type and at the start of the game you should plan to have one infantry one Archer one Cavalry March and you can decide which of those troop types later you might want two marches of infantry or three marches of infantry you can decide that later okay I'm an infantry guy that doesn't mean it's the best thing to do what is the best does change periodically based on what's meta and that's topic for a separate video in fact I make that video pretty much every month for what's meta so the first big mistake is to not plan to have a diversity of marches simply because the game when you get to the end game will randomly give you these armaments even if you're spending and you you just can't plan to get a bunch that are good for one troop type and if you don't have a bunch that are good for the troops you're using you're going to be at a huge disadvantage all right let's get to the next mistake and the next major mistake is going to be partially investing in lots of legendary commanders let me explain of course you'll figure out very early that your legendary Commander sculptures are very limited but if you go in and you don't Max specific legendary commanders to use in the open field you instead put a couple sculptures here a couple sculptures there you end up with a bunch of armies that are all fairly suboptimal and I think the better long-term strategy in the game is to say hey this is the legendary I'm going to Max and if you pick the right few which by the way I am one of many content creators who will help you know which are the right few commanders to go invest in those investments will last you literally for years so as an example Nev's been good for like I don't know two or three years Skippy Prime has been good for a really really long time and he's probably not going anywhere newer commanders that have come out in the endgame Herman Prime Leu chat like it is very easy to identify in the end game which of those Commander are going to be really really longlasting Investments so your game plan even if you're a free-to-play player or low spender ought to be knowing which of those commanders are the right ones to invest in and waiting until there's Community alignment around what those commanders are then you move all in and eventually over years you end up with a really nice roster and that is how you end up with that nice diversity of infantry Arch in Cavalry as I said with the first mistake you're picking the very best commanders that are coming out you pick the ones that are focused on the open field and over time you'll end up in a great spot and just to give some examples of early game commanders that we still use Guan Yu is one of the first infantry commanders to get released after it was like the very first I don't know kvk Season 3 or four like he released years ago I mean I think I can show you in the info button how long ago I un un locked him right date recruited 2020 okay is that January 6th or is that I don't know either way doesn't really matter 2020 all right and he I'm still using him I'm still using him every day all right there are commanders like this in the game pick those Max them and enjoy them for a long time don't put a ton of sculptures into a ton of commanders and Max none of them I'm not saying you can't initially do a little bit of that to get up and running but the long-term strategy ought to be pick the winners other people can help you know which those are and then just move in on them all right and over time you'll get there now from here we need to talk about legendary equipment big mistake if you make legendary equipment without a plan this is a disaster inherently the game does not value your legendary equipment choices you may be like what do you mean the game does not value your legendary equipment choices if I dismantle this legendary equipment not only do I completely lose the pattern all right but I also am going to lose half the materials now legendaries take a ton of materials like not only is it just a large number of materials but it takes four gray materials to make a green material four green materials to make a blue material four blue materials to make a purple material four purple materials to make a legendary material each legendary material has a market value of 2,400 gems it ain't cheap so if this cost me something like what is it 90 legendary materials or so to make initially I am losing 45 legendary materials to dismantle this that definitely sucks now if I go in here and I look at something that has been yeah so so this has been refined to the point of having a special talent so every time you try to refine a piece of equipment okay this is a process by which you get a stat boost you use up 50% of the crafting cost of the item but if I dismantle a legendary that is refined I get back no extra materials oh by the way and every time you refine it requires patterns the point I'm trying to make is that the game does not value your legendary equipment Investments so you had better value your legendary equipment Investments there's no changing your mind if you're like whoopsies I forged a pattern that I got I mean I got Commander boots and I made them it's like well that will be suboptimal for the rest of time that you use it and the only way to solve that problem is to eat the cost of dismantling it so you should have a plan for your legendary equipment um you don't need it right away and before you start making any legendary equipment you need to know that plan great news ton of content creators out there like myself that will show you exactly what to do I've made multiple videos where I go and do that I'll even have a card in the end screen where I'm like yo this is the best stuff in fact every time I release a new guide about a troop type I try to just review by the way here's the sequence of equipment you should make so consider subscribing if that's the kind of stuff you're interested in but huge mistake to craft equipment without a plan and you may be like oh come on chiso like how much worse can this equipment be well actually a lot worse it can be it could be a lot worse all right don't just don't even get me started on how much worse it is okay and this is because in this game the value of stats diminishes the more of a stat you have diminishing returns okay and there are lots of ways to get attack lots of ways to get defense even in your alliance research you will realize there's no health so health is like way more valuable and then defense ends up being more valuable than attack in most situations there are exceptions okay there are definitely exceptions to the way that that can work but one of my favorite quotes in business is to make reversible decisions quickly legendary equipment is not a reversible decision it is expensive so don't make that decision quickly all right as much as I really like to run in in games and just move fast like that you can't move fast with that and that's part of the fun of a strategy game is doing the planning all right so up next on the topic of planning mistake number four you won't know this in the early game but in the end game there's a thing called Crystal technology Crystal technology is a system by which you can pay lots of of money to get a big advantage over people who have not paid lots of money it gives you a ton of stats it gives you march speed it gives you healing cost reduction it gives you rate of Crystal gain crystal is the currency you need to get all this research so the point I'm trying to make here is you do need to plan for this and there's plenty of ways to enjoy the game without spending a lot of money on your Crystal technology but you need to plan for it so what I recommend for most people in their spending and I recently did a Refresh on the spending guide that I have is that you should plan to do if you even if you spend only five bucks a month in Rise of Kingdoms all right or 10 bucks a month or whatever your number is or if you're free to play you're going to have to do a different kind of planning you're going to have to plan to spend a lot of time AOE Barb farming separate topic but you need to plan for this Crystal technology allocate the majority of your spending in the game to this and the reason is that every time you f F think about this your equipment your technology it's all a multiplier and it's a multiplier of your resources and your speedups right so if it's a multiplier of resources and speedups the best multiplier you can get is in fact working on your Crystal technology once you get to the endgame that's kvk season 4 and Beyond you don't have to worry about that until you get here once you do plan for it the other way you can plan for it is that while your power is low it is cheap to migrate so one thing you can consider doing is migrating to a smaller Kingdom now I am in an Imperium Kingdom the Imperium Kingdom designates me as one of the top 24 most powerful Kingdoms in the endgame that's an oversimplification but let's just run with it so you would want to be in a smaller Kingdom where it is a less competitive environment if you don't plan to spend on crystal technology that way you can enjoy more relative power fighting against other players all right so this brings us to stake number five which is pretty simple but you'd be surprised how many people show up in my chats and they're like hey I'm free to play but like I have the latest Rally or I have the latest Garrison and it's like well so maybe an arc of Osiris you can use that but rally and Garrison commanders are generally not great for freeo play on low Spenders and the reason is that as I was just showing you with Crystal technology you either are maxing that Crystal technology or you shouldn't be rallying and garrisoning unless you were in a very small Kingdom so this keys back into my prior advice but also generally speaking it's kind of like 50/50 as to whether or not these rally and Garrison commanders also end up being good in the open field so especially if you're a low spender you should be staying away from these commanders and just focus on the open field which has a major multiplier on again your Effectiveness for your resources and your speedups and by the way there's really no reason you should ever need to be taking rallies like I'll do it and I'll get myself into those situations but if you're taking rallies probably mistakes have been made under the assumption you didn't want to all right this brings us to more freetop playay value and it's actually related to an event the event is not here right now but the event is called Alliance mobilization I've made a bunch of videos about this I'll have a card up in the top everyone is familiar with mighas governor and you'll see people maybe this should be the real mistake for early game players is they'll kill all their troops battling a bunch of random people and the mightiest governor and the first one they play because there's a kill event and like oh my God it's so dumb losing power that way is so dumb but people get all amped up and and all there's all this drama and hype around the mightiest Governor but like there's this event Alliance mobilization and if your alliance actually maxes out the rewards for the event it's as good or better than the mightiest Governor it's just distributed across all the players in your alliance rather than a small number of players up at the top getting the majority of the rewards most kingdoms take Alliance mobilization really casually but if there ever was a time to spend a few dang speedups it's the alliance mobilization event where your whole Alliance gets a huge win the problem is you need your whole Alliance to move in on it together it's much easier to just do Mighty as Governor solo event you do you and not count on other people to do their part but if you actually can participate in an alliance that pushes as well as they can goes for the higher value quests in the alliance mobilization those rewards are busted and it's shocking to me how casual so many kingdoms are about Alliance mobilization but they lose their mind over Mighty s Governor doesn't make sense don't treat Alliance mobilization casually when that event shows up you should set a minimum point score and enforce it and honest to goodness Farms can achieve a minimum Point score that's really reasonable and and better than Mains at times which is infuriating for the MS so let's talk about that for a minute mistake number seven of the eight major mistakes we're talking about today is no Farms or no altta accounts now look I am breaking this rule myself right now so you be like uh chis schol what are you talking about but that's because my farm got too powerful literally my farm account right now is like I don't know like 80 million power yeah 78 million power it's too it's too powerful it counts against our matchmaking in a negative way but you should have literally as many farms or alts as you can stomach and put time toward and you want to keep them relatively low power but you want them to have tier four troops and you may be like chisco why do you need this there's two reasons the first reason is that of course A Farm can be generating resources and then you transfer them to your main very easy to understand why that's valuable although you can just buy your resources and that is a way around the fact that like you're going to need a lot of resources okay I spend a lot on bundles in this game those bundles contain resources there's ways to buy resources okay the other thing that I will point out is that Farms can train troops and if your farm is training troops well hold on a minute they can be making about depending on your you know troop training speed of the alliance you're in 8,000 tier four troops a day how many speed UPS did that cost you none and you and if you start to think about that all right it's like wait a minute so if I made 8,000 troops a day and I did that on a farm for 90 days that's 720,000 troops wait a minute that's a lot and if I do that at a kingdom level no let's let's just start in an alliance level if everyone has one Farm or alt well now holy smokes you multiply that number by 150 I need like some commas in here to see all the the the zero are we talking about 10 108 million troops if 150 people do that for 90 days uh and what if each player has five Farms do you see where this is going now you may think chis stop it you're being silly no no no I should have explained this to you in the reverse way the best Kingdoms in the game are doing this this is not a theoretical thing that I'm describing to you this is the way the game is played not by a little bit by a lot look I fought against the literal strongest Kingdoms in the game in my last kvk the literal strongest Kingdoms in the game and the strongest Kingdoms in the game had something like 20 plus billion power worth of farms more than we did and we know this because there's a new system the developers have put into the game cuz they're trying to control how insanely overpowered the farm situation is right now and the alt situation is so this is not a theoretical you could do this and it might be cool this is being done it is defining the way the game is played so much so the developers are like hold up we need to address this so if you do not have farms and alts that is a better way to spend your time than just continuing to crank on your man now I hope the developers will change this the domain system which I've covered in other videos aggressively tries to tackle this in my opinion not even aggressively enough I would go in and say like no more than 300 registered accounts per Kingdom to play the kvk it's 900 which means most kingdoms have 150 real players and all the rest are farms so if you want to be the strongest Kingdom in the game it's no secret what you do you make enough forms that every kvk you bre bring in a fresh cycle of farms okay so if you have 150 players and there's 900 spots all right that's 750 Farms but if you're smart and you're doing four kvk per year okay you could rotate in different Farm accounts each kvk so instead of having 750 Farms you multiply that by four and you just use a fresh farm for every kvk dude I'm saying you can do this you can not do it your call it's the meta the more you do it the more your kingdom is going to appreciate you don't freaking undervalue farms and alts like many people do they are insanely powerful freetop playay value in a shocking shocking amount okay the final thing is a mistake a homage back to my early days and Rise of Kingdoms right you know this mistake if you're subscribed to the channel but if you're not consider subscribing if you've gotten value from this video which is that if you invest your legendary Commander sculptures and the gold key commanders that might seem cool but once you've maxed them there's nothing to do those gold heads you get from Double C you open your gold keys you're just going to keep getting gold heads and they there's nothing to do with them not anything good not anything really valuable okay so I maxed Double C as my first legendary commander in the game I was like look at me I have Double C maxed I'm so cool Not only was this not particularly the best commander to have chosen but also now that I have maxed him and used a bunch of universal legendary Commander sculptures to go into it if I go in to my inventory all right my items how many excess sculptures have I gotten since that time oh I don't know 1,774 all right I yeah I have Max Charles Martell I have 1,758 of those 1,737 El said all right now look most people're they're never going to get to this point but the point I am trying to make is if the if you put Universal legendary Commander sculptures in a large volume anyways into these gold key commanders by the time you get to the end game and you've got access to commanders that are three times as powerful you're going to feel real silly cuz not only are you now not getting value from your gold keys in the way that you could have but also you spent a bunch of universal legendary Commander sculptures that you could have saved for the end game and you could have had commanders that are at a power level that is just unrecognizable from the early game commanders let's talk about that 1,400 damage Factor okay on Double C versus one of the newer commanders let's find whoo who's going to drop 2,700 damage Factor like what are we talking about folks it's not comparable okay now the developers have a special building called the museum to make the early game and end game much more compatible and is actually a lot closer than you would think they just really push the power on Raw stats for the most of these commanders in this building called the museum so if you're newer of the game don't worry eventually you get the museum it does close the gap between the early game commanders and the late game commanders at least a little bit and the amount it closes the Gap depends on the commander some I would say I cannot believe this Commander is getting Buffs they're already good enough and others I would say I can't believe the Buffs are so little they're still totally irrelevant to me all right uh but drop your thoughts Down Below in the comments about these eight major mistakes that people still make in Rise of Kingdoms I bet you most people are actively making at least one of these mistakes and the two most common I would bet would be treating Alliance mobilization casually and no farmer alt accounts I bet you those are the two most common of these eight mistakes but let me know how many of these errors you've committed if you'd like down Below in the comments I have made the mistake of let's see here I probably qualify for at least two or three of these it just is what it is man uh so you know don't sweat it if you're making too many of these but do do pour one out if you make legendary equipment that you feel like you need to dismantle that is the fattest L I am sorry for you GG if you're looking for other advice all right on how to get value and smash your enemies and Rise the kingdoms I make daily guides so consider subscribing check the cards in the end screen for some of my more popular new player guides and until next time you have fun Smash in the Kingdom [Music]
Channel: Chisgule Gaming
Views: 30,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rise of kingdoms, RoK, RoK tips, rok noob mistakes, rise of kingdoms noob mistakes, rise of kingdoms mistakes, rise of kingdoms noob to pro, rok beginners guide, rise of kingdom, mistake rok, mistake rise of kingdoms, regret rise of kingdoms, noob rok, noob rise of kingdoms, rise of kingdoms tips, rise of kingdoms guide, mistakes rise of kingdoms, biggest mistake rok, rok guide, rok tips, rok tips and tricks, new player guide rok, new player guide rise of kingdoms
Id: nCgpa-tLx-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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