Is Call of Dragons Dying in 2024? Data Trends & Game State Currently! My Thoughts & Opinions!

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is Call Of Dragons dying that's the one question  that's always asked always brought up and even in   comments people said the games dying already and  it's only been basically one year after its you   know official launch on this kind of global  development stage that it's currently going   through so let's go through some data and let's  go in depth as well on some of the reasons why   I think maybe call of dragons is in a lesser  popular position than it could currently be in hello yes smash a like And subscribe for more  daily videos with me Miss Niki and official call   of dragons content creator and you know what  we are here talking about is cor dragons dying   or not and the best way to talk about is I'm  going to talk about some analytics and a really   cool thing you can always do is go on Google and  you can check out on Google here basically these   analytics to do with how many people search a  term so what we're doing right now we've got a   blue line and we're going to obviously um scroll  up so you can see it a little bit easier we've got   the blue line that represents color dragons and  the red one that is obviously uh rise of Kingdoms   the one that everyone loves and adors right and  what we can do is if we go currently this is in   the past 12 months right so this is basically  the lifespan of call of dragons right and if we   go up here we can see some cool stuff right we can  see the average is in the favor of obviously rise   of Kingdoms being the older game but C of dragon  still holding a nice rating of 29 so what happened   so we can see here in the basically launch time  it went off really really well and obviously   like most games it kind of went down really you  know over time over the next what two months um   it's gone down into this little dip then again  Rose above in June but now we're on this little   kind of steady you know line of where it is but  you can see the interest is very similar between   both games right and sometimes you can see col of  dragons almost peing up to where you've got rise   of Kingdoms here and even look within one you know  of how much search history this is and you got   remember this is in the past 12 months this has  broken down worldwide and we can go down further   here we can even see look Thailand China Singapore  Sri Lanka and South Korea like the interest of the   game um difference of call of dragons to rise of  Kingdom so you can actually see how many people   really like Call of dragons it's all on the other  side look and the more we're getting towards the   EU at the moment it's 50/50 which I find very  interesting the fact that you go across and the   more across you go to the western side where  people are basically still playing um Call of   Rise of Kingdoms over call of dragons right which  is again to be expected because it's the older   game so here you can again see the search queries  breakouts what gets searched the most on COD you   can see the search interest still very um you know  similar to everywhere around in like the Europe   and Western but as soon as you hit China and all  these other countries that's when you're hit the   big ones right so maybe it's you know still early  days for it and the cool thing which I got as well   is the rise of Kingdoms one so this is Rise of  Kingdoms only from when it originally came out   to the present day and you can see here a very  similar story but technically worse where at the   beginning of time obviously no one really searched  for it and then it went rock bottom for some   reason the 2017 2018 stages no one was searching  for this game but then it hit 2018 in September   and look at the popularity and you can see certain  times you know it's in that same state in the 20s   to 30s like Call of dragons is currently it's  going around and as it's going into the next   year you can see it's starting to gain the bigger  popularity but it has to today's date right where   it's getting a higher consistency where it's  getting the 50s to 60 pluses going all up to   80 which is really good but again you can see this  game having a very similar um curve to what C of   dragons is so this is why I'm kind of saying guys  like I wouldn't say the game is dead I just think   what the problem is and what the big issue is is  when we go into the game is just what the game has   to offer right so if we look at call of dragons  and what this game has to offer you've got to   think it is trying to sell the the cool combat of  having the different types of units in in the game   so you can have obviously this nice little rock  paper scissors and gun with the Mage um archers   the Cavalry and infantry and bringing the ranged  combat into the game which is really refreshing   it's really cool and it's actually creating a  really in-depth PVP experience which people love   people love the PVP in this game they really do  like season one map I've never like now the mouth   praise they get on how much they enjoy that map is  insane and season 2 though this is where we start   to get into the problems cuz when season 2 comes  around this is where I think personally players   just personally wanted better results because  the game has such good PVP and the way they were   trying to address this is obviously through the  runic statues but these don't really give a really   good individualistic Rewards or even rewards as  like weekly event when you go to partake in them   so it's just like not worth the player time so we  don't really care about these and on top of that   there's not much personally fighting that does  occur in the game you normally see these regions   open up and maybe the fight lasts a couple of days  and someone surrenders and basically exits and   then you're going back to farm bill for so long  and that's I think what people dislike that at the   moment all the action is always in this final Zone  and it only relies on the final Zone and people   kind of want to be able to f sooner on their own  you know terms like being able to invade and stuff   so that's kind of like one of the issues that's  in the game another one that has been addressed   which was going to be one of them issues was kind  of like how the migration and there's no real home   kingdoms but as you guys know of recent there  is a new announcement where they are bringing   these homebased kingdoms and crossover migration  which is really good so that's another step in   the right direction but there's more problems  and one problem which I still personally have   is the PVE content and that's one thing which I  think this game honestly tries to sell itself on   a really good PL because again you have all this  competitiveness in the PVE realm with the elite   frame raids right trying to get all of these Elite  frame raids is like everyone's dream to have them   so they can Flex them on their opponents who might  not have them right so doing that is really cool   Plus on top of this you know just doing the rise  themselves are really entertaining and really fun   when it's done correctly right but the problem  what we've had so far in this season is like the   bemas feel overtuned where they're just killing  everyone they're not really something that people   can do which is kind of a you know a downside on  it but on top of that you have also the other PD   feature which is the waret system and the waret  system again is a really cool system and they   have improved on this since the last time right  they've allowed players now the ability so if they   really wanted to go to any of these pets they  could realistically go to one of them hit the   skill button here and actually put one of these  skills like resonance and actually like choose to   learn it onto this skill so if I just click learn  I can literally just choose to replace this pain   blo which I'm not going to do um at the moment  but you you know you can replace it and shoot   choose where you want it and if you want to you  can even again unlock new slots by just simply   even you know buying and using 45 coins or hitting  prioritize stuff that you already have which is   kind of random which I don't like um but again the  main issue with with all these cool things that   they've improved on is that there's so many um  pets in the game and they've already hinted with   two more coming with the informational picture  of toan and obviously bertran on the Discord and   on the Facebook post and announcements right the  thing that we still have a problem is the warrants   right you basically have this really fun game  mode but the community can't really get access   to it and that's kind of the big issue with this  game where we have such a great game and it has   such a great Foundation that I believe that can  make a really powerful mobile and PC crossplaying   game that we all enjoy but it's restricting the  basic foundations the things that honestly would   make a player potentially play the game for two  3 four 5 hours without PVP combat right cuz they   can't always be PVP and the thing is I haven't  mentioned and you're probably screaming in the   comments events events events the thing is I'm  not too worried about events we've already seen   them adding more and more events in the game and  the thing is I can see over time they're going   to add more and more events so this is going to  be a really good you know position once they've   got those events in so you might be asking now Mr  sneaky when do you think this game might pop off   and I've always said the kind of the same thing  for quite a while now which is I think call of   dragons is going to actually pop off one season  3 or season 3 plus mainly is completed cuz one   season 3 plus is completed and the reason why  I'm saying season 3 plus is because normally   you have a season 3 and that's the initial map  and maybe it's just not working maybe it's not   good so they make a season 3 plus to amend the  changes to make it a better playable experience   so in the future mind the language mind the FR in  the future you have the ability to go from season   1 two and three with the best optimal experience  for the player where you enjoy it over you know a   miserable map or a miserable time in that you know  season so that what I think is going to happen I   think season 1 two and three will be completed  and once those are completed I think players   are going to come because they're going to have  a reason to play because now they can basically   look at it almost like rise of Kingdoms where you  complete kvk one two and three and then now you   know you're basically in the season of Conquest  where all the future Seasons coming out are going   to be like match makes and you may have the choice  to pick one of these right if they continuing on   some of the similar formulas that they've taken  from Rise of Kingdoms and implemented in Call of   dragons right so I hope you enjoyed the video it's  not going to be a long one right it's nice and   easy is col of dragons dying I don't think so I  think it's on the exact path that I have projected   it on it's doing well and we can see to be honest  one really good thing as well some of the time we   are seeing the cor dragons devs actually listen  to the community right they rolled back back on   some changes they've listened to the the you know  the community on like the waret stuff and you can   you can see they are trying to work with us right  so I have faith right I have faith and hope that   the devs and the community are going to come in  hand in hand and they're going to basically work   together all the time to make basically the best  4X city building game on mobile PC crossplayer   experience right so I hope you guys enjoyed  it that's my take is Call Of Dragons D let me   know in the comments below I'd love to hear your  guys takes don't go too crazy remember this is   just an opinion guys I'm not saying anything  here is factual I'm just bringing you some   statistics my thoughts into a nice video so hope  You' enjoyed it smash like comment and subscribe   share the video out as you guys know and until  the next one stay safe stay sneaky peace out
Channel: MrSneakyy Gaming
Views: 3,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrSneakyy, call of dragons, call of dragon hero guides, call of dragon best hero pairings, call of dragons open field combat, call of dragons artifacts, call of dragons faction guide, call of dragons f2p guide, call of dragons gameplay, call of dragons guides, call of dragons heroes, call of dragons war pets, chisgule, shinchi42, rise of kingdoms, era of conquest
Id: poZxBKdMtyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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