Ultimate Knott's Berry Farm Challenge: Trying All Of The Boysenberry Treats

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- Nobody rushes the boysenberry queen. Do you beckon Daenerys? I don't think so. We are here at Knott's Berry Farm. We brought our really dark, nasty Tri-State area attitude to California. Oh, I'm so thrilled to not be in Florida, I can't even tell you. Oh, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, it's too soon. Anyway, we are here to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the park. There is not a boysenberry in the world that can't be traced back to Knott's Berry Farm. Not a thing I knew I cared about, but I care a lot now. I'm ready to eat all the boysenberry things, all the non boysenberry things too. (speaking away from mic) since we're here so. I'm going, relax, I'm going. (mellow rock music) There are grill marks on my garlic toast. Has a sexier sequence of words ever been spoken? Do you want someone to wake you up in the morning and be like, here, grill marks on your garlic toast. I need to stop winking, it's not funny. Okay, we're at the Fireman's Brigade Barbecue with the pork ribs dinner. These are by far, the heftiest ribs I have ever received in any park we visited. What a joy to behold first thing in the morning. Look at the sauce coming off of them. Also, they're meaty all around. Like I could sink my mouth on any part of this and it would be an experience. (grunts with satisfaction) Go away, Chelsea. I can tell you definitively that these are my favorite them park ribs of all time. Also I'm so confident in my ability to bite into it, that I didn't put my hair up to get it away from my face. Like that's how much meat is on these bones. Is that like, it's far enough from my mouth that I wasn't worried about any hair intervention. I think the kids call that a glow-up, right? - A what? - A glow-up. I look sexier eating ribs now than I used to. (mellow rock music) I just have all sorts of stuff dripping all over me. And some sort of super sweet glaze, it tastes plumy to me. (exclaims) I should try my garlic toast. Should I just bite right in? - Yup. - There's a little soft spot right there. (crunching loudly) Oh wow. This is like the least fussy garlic bread I've ever had in my life. I taste no cheese, just straight garlic butter bread. The dream, you guys, the dream. I love it here (laughing). (mellow country music) Hi. - Hi, how can I help you? - Can I have some fudge please? - For sure, would you like to sample anything, or would you like to buy (speaking away from mic)? - How many samples is a person allowed? - We usually offer just one, but if anything is really peaking your interest, I can help you out. - So we got a little excited at the Ghost Town Candy Store. We will move on to boysenberry fudge. But first, I saw this tiny, little moral icing carrot on top of carrot cake fudge. And I needed it with my heart and soul and everything in me that makes me who I am. This nasty, nasty woman, just needed this carrot cake fudge. Oh, it tastes like nutmeg and sugar. (exclaims) Oh God, I love carrot cake. I love anything that tastes like carrot cake. Like minus the shreds of vegetables too, this is an ideal carrot cake right here, what carrot cake should be. Can you go in slow-mo and can I flip my hair and can we hashtag it California Tess? (somber guitar music) I keep making eye contact with people who are in bonnets or have those sheriff's boots on, and I don't know if that's just how people are here, or if those are paid employees of the park. Look at this guy, like is he gonna arrest me, or is he gonna wish me a nice day? Should I share my fudge with, no. So we have boysenberry fudge. I love this color, like I feel like if my aura had a color it would just be like dusty sunset. Just really sensual and mysterious, just kidding. Also just kinda dull in general, you know. (grunts with satisfaction) It got a little melty as we're standing here. (grunts with satisfaction) You know I purposely avoided boysenberry things over the past few months because I knew we were coming here. And I love boysenberry. So we're not done with the Ghost Town Candy Store. I want a caramel apple, I've seen a few of them since we've been standing here and they look large. They look really large, let's go. (mellow country music) (loud thwacking) - [Chelsea] Oreos, Tess. (exclaims) - Should tag this video, NSFW. (laughing) (funky rock music) Okay, so this is a caramel apple, which you can get with peanuts, walnuts, M&Ms, basically anything you want. We heard Oreo and that was immediately the option we jumped on. I don't have floss sticks on me, but I do have bravery and perseverance. (funky rock music) Oh my Goid, it's so good. There are teenagers staring at me in my Oreo teeth. Oh my God, this is luscious, the caramel is hot and the apple is cold and the Oreos are not dusty, which I feel like normally, when you get a caramel apple that's covered in Oreos, which, how lucky are you to have experienced that in your lifetime. Oh my God. What's wrong with me, I'm so happy. (laughing) I stopped reading the comments, truthfully, that's what happened. Wow, have a lovely day everyone, wishing you all the best. Kindest wishes, warmest regards, goodbye. (funky country music) (mellow jazz music) We moved to the Churro Factory. I love churros, I love stuffed churros. I don't know if I've had one in a minute, on camera at least. I kinda feel like, I look like if you put a strawberry through a wood shredder. Is my face the color of a boysenberry yet? - [Chelsea] No. (funky country music) Okay, with a little bit of this, churro is super crunchy, which is fine. You get the texture of all the things in a boysenberry. Which for those who didn't know, the things in a boysenberry are blackberry, loganberry, raspberry, dewberry, (funky guitar music) boysen, no, not a boysenberry, raspberry, cran, no. It's a nuanced fruit that you can find here at Knott's Berry Farm inside this churro in fact. You can taste everything that I just mentioned in here. So we were at the candy store, then as you may or may not remember, we moved to the Churro Factory. Now, just keeping you up to date. We're at Ice Cream, it's called Ice Cream. I'm not just saying that. Anyway, this is the most generous ice cream sandwich I have ever been blessed with in my 28 years on this planet. Do I attempt to do like one bite that's half of it, and then do, like, finish it off on the other side, or I just? I know what you're gonna say, I don't know why I'm asking. (chocolate chips pattering) I love vanilla soft-serve. (mellow rock music) This is delightful. These chocolate chips are not very sweet, they're bitter sweet, one might say. You have all textures, which is so fun because soft-serve is typically soft, as you may or not know. These chips are nice and lush. They're hard on the outside, but they chew easy. And this cookie is crisp. Oh man. I love it. - This is the happiest I've literally ever seen you. - I know what's happening? I think I've just given up. Burn it all the way the (beeps) down, I don't care. Let me eat my boysenberries with Chelsea when I feel like it. Anyway, this is delicious. Ice cream sandwich from Ice Cream. Bye. So this is a boysenberry Icee, which is a flavor exclusive to the park, which is so exciting. I mean, it means that if you're watching this and you want one, you've gotta come here. Which is great, please do. I keep expecting boysenberry things to be overly sweet and they're really not. They're the slightest bit acidic, which is like this lovely raspberry forward flavor and I love that. - Hey. - What? - [Chelsea] Do you remember what berries are in it? Go. - Blackberry, raspberry, loganberry, dewberry. (funky rock music) (laughing) Was there another one? Oh that's it, I thought there were five. Oh yeah! (hands smack) Oh I missed, do it again. (laughing) Sorry. Did I hurt you? Whatever you're fine, relax, relax, Chelsea, relax. (upbeat rock music) I love this, this is actually fun because like, behind-the-scenes, I get to see its being made. And it was straight fresh squeezed lemons and ice. So there's nothing really sweet about it. Do you want some lemonade? It's really good. (exclaims) It pains me to be nice to you. - [Chelsea] Tess, what did you find? (upbeat rock music) Look how it's looking at me. (groans) They just look like serial killers. (mellow rock music) So we wandered from Ghost Town into Fiesta Village. First stop is Cantina, this is a Southwest chicken salad. Which has layers of protein, plus, it's topped with my favorite french fry shaped corn chip strips. (crunches loudly) Oh we got beans, corn chips, chicken, lettuce, some pico. So I do feel like we've had a lot of variations on this kind of chicken salad in theme parks. What I appreciate about this one is that it's a bit milder. I'm not like lusting after some sort of basic drink, oh, corn, I don't need milk, I don't need alcohol, I would just eat this straight, minus the seven pounds of corn on the outside. But it's salty and smokey and the teensiest, tiniest bit spicy, nothing crazy. What if the salad were just corn chip strips? That's my official suggestion to the Knott's Berry Farm food team and all theme parks everywhere. Hire me, I'm great. (mellow salsa music) (groaning) Excuse me, it's every woman's dream, sit on a theme park fountain eating beans before noon. (exclaims with horror) (laughing) I will pick, okay. I deserve to live in a lizard swamp land, I really do. (crunches loudly) - [Chelsea] There are no lizards here. - I know, I don't deserve it. (upbeat rock music) From Fiesta Dog, we ordered a pepper laden Mexican dog, which really is a bacon wrapped hotdog with straight mayo, peppers and onions on top. I do think, because again, we're in self-care mode, just gonna take some peppers off. Really just not trying to die today and ruin my very good mood. They come around once in a blue moon, we really have to ride the wave, you know. Okay. - Wait, it's tradition. (upbeat rock music) - Do I wish I had eaten this before I ate the Southwest chicken salad? Yes. Do I love it still with every inch of my being? Yes. It's mayo on a bacon wrapped hotdog. California is wild. (funky dance music) Oh. So like, I need eyes on you or none of this is worth it. How's my hair? (mellow salsa music) That can't possibly be true, I have amazing hair. Woah. What if I just slithered out, I just like jumped out at you? Oh, oh, shh, ahh. Oh my God, that's so fast, oh my God, (laughing). (exclaims surprisedly) Wait can you do this? Oh my God it goes so fast. They don't (beeps) around in South California, that's scary. (exclaims gleefully) Oh my God, Chelsea, I'm sloshing. This is the park that is gonna kill me. Season tow has been great, so fun while it lasted. I just don't think I should've eaten a mayo topped hotdog before I got on this ride. When will it stop? It's still going. (child speaking in background) Oh no. Peed a little bit. Did you have fun? - Yes. - Okay. That's all that matters, isn't it? (funky country music) So we circled back to Ghost Town. Ended up at the Calico Fry Co, get a little bit of guac, little bit of sour cream, some cheese and some potatoes. God, (grunts) oh I thought it was a bee, okay, we're fine. Two hands on everything, we're good, we're good. Okay, we're just gonna. Can you hear me breathing heavily? I feel like I got really excited over the carne asada. Just take a deep breath, relax, maybe put our hair back up a second. But okay, so who doesn't love cheese and meat and potatoes and avocados and cream? If I were coming to the park for the day and I was like, I'm gonna ball out and have a vat of something for lunch, (grunts with pleasure) this is the something I want a vat of. Ugh, get like 50-50 guac sour cream, love the set up. (beeps) - [Chelsea] You're in your happy place. - I know, what's wrong with me, so weird. These are my garlic parm fries. So immediately as I walked away from the Calico Fry Stand, a trail of garlic butter just enrobed everyone in my path. It was wild. Fun Chelsea fact. - Oh my God. - When were doing beauties and she sees a food that she likes, she goes, ooo, girl. (laughing) And she just did that just now. Wow, they are not (beeps) around here. Literally tastes like pasta. I'm just a girl standing with a vat of fries wanting to live in a theme park. (mellow country music) Ugh, content, woo. - [Chelsea] This is your one time that I'm allowing you to sit because that is so big. - I think if I still had MySpace, my profile picture would be like. It's like just emo enough but you'd feel like you knew me, like, who I really was. I find myself with no utensils so I'm just gonna. Oh (beeps), is boysenberry my favorite fruit of all time? (laughing) I need a spoon, I need a spoon. All right, no more (beeps) around here. Would eat this alone without having even gotten into the dough of it all. This is also approximately the width of the probiotics I have to take. I take a horse pill. Wow, really just a moment of silence for the thickness of this funnel cake. A moment of silence please. I'm having the best day of my (beeps) life. This is wild. - [Chelsea] Care to share? - No. (whimsical country music) Spicy chicken sandwich from the Wilderness Broiler. I see the jalapenos, I smell the jalapenos. I also smell pickles, which is something I very much like with fried chicken. Look at this mondo ciabatta bun it comes on. Oh my God, okay. God, I love chicken that's pounded into shapes it's not meant to be, but is salty and very well fried. But okay, in an attempt to give you what you want. (crunching loudly) (laughing) Oh God, it's so spicy, oh Chelsea. I need a Diet Coke. Actually, I don't have any money, I don't have any money. (mellow country music) Mrs. Knott's chicken dinner, of all the things you DM'd me about, which there were so many things you DM'd me about, this was far and away number one. This is a legitimately famous meal and I'm so excited to eat it. And once upon a time in the Great Depression, it cost 65 cents to eat this whole thing. That's not the case anymore, but I suspect I would pay anything you asked me for this chicken, it smells that good. Expectations are very high. (crunching loudly) That's good, it's really good. What I love is that breading is not super adhered to the chicken. So every bite you're taking, getting some crunchy in there too. It's really salty. How else does one describe perfect fried chicken? Just delightful. I may have been rendered speechless for the first time in Iconic Eats history. I don't know that there is much more to say other than that this is as fantastic as promised. I wanna get into the mashed potatoes. Obviously, not the corn, but mashed potatoes. Look at this little oasis of gravy happening here in the middle. Look how fun that is. Okay, dear God. (people laughing in background) What am I supposed to do with myself now? I just wanna sit here and eat this. Oh, pie. Okay, what's exciting about this, just having taken a bite off, is that I think this is a boysenberry in the flesh. I don't know that I've seen like a whole composed one, but look at that. That's just looks like a mondo soft blackberry. Oh man, I love it here. It's like a moment of reflection for me. (mellow guitar music) If you were a "Peanut" character, who would you be? - Who would I be? - Yeah. (speaking away from mic) Pig-Pen? - [Chelsea] Oh yeah, duh. - Can confirm, I saw your hotel room this morning, you are Pig-Pen. Anyway, there is some history with Charles M. Schulz and Knott's Berry Farm. I already forget about it but there's a lot of Snoopy here. (laughing) I like him, very simple. - [Chelsea] You went right for the face. - What other option did I have? - [Chelsea] I don't know, the front of his face. - Let me make out with Snoopy, leave me alone. Oh God. A very simple sugar cookie. Lots of royal icing, not too thick, not too hard, this feels fresh. The cookie is falling apart as I hold it. Melting in the heat, because, you know, I don't exist unless it's 80 plus degrees. (mellow country music) We're getting a little preview of a boysenberry macaron that's happening during this year's festival. It's really beautiful. It's like iridescent, these sprinkles, I've never seen anything like that. I don't quite know what color that is. That's cool, like Lucky Charms marshmallow vibes. I feel like my saliva is gonna be boysenberry colored now. (mellow country music) That was really, it's very good though, I like it very much to be clear. (mellow country music) I'm the boysenberry queen. The first of her name. Sipper of sodas. We are at the Calico Saloon drinking a Calico Soda. Tastes like cheery cream soda. Tastes like cream soda I always used to drink with deli as a kid. You know how a pastrami sandwich just doesn't taste as good if you don't gulp in down with a cream soda? It tastes like that, I want some meat. Also, what a generous helping. Like I could sip this for the rest of my day in the park and then have to pee seven times, so Chelsea remics me. (laughing) It's her favorite thing to do. (upbeat rock music) I'm eating a boysenberry corn dog now. I was just like, I don't remember putting on Chap Sick and then I realized it's grease. (laughing) Anyway we wandered on over to Strictly-On-A-Stick. You can get a regular corn dog, I of course opted for a boysenberry one. What's fun about the coating here is that I'm getting little seedy crunches in my teeth, 'cause I realize there's actual boysenberry in the batter of the corn dog. This tastes like breakfast though, like if you wrapped breakfast sausage in a blueberry pancake. I love meats that really could just be anything. You can't pinpoint what it is, but it's something and I like it. (groans) Chelsea. - [Chelsea] Come on, come on. - Nobody rushes the boysenberry queen. Do you beckon Daenerys? I don't think so. (upbeat rock music) We're ending on a fun bun. I feel marvelous is maybe not the right word, but resplendent. Yeah, somewhere in that marvelous resplendent range is kinda how I feel. I would say there are the remnants of a boysenberry corn dog in my gullet still. But in this house we persevere. A fun bun, for those of you who don't know, for those of you who live under boysenberry capped rocks, is a deep fried cinnamon bun, there is more, covered in boysenberry glaze, powdered sugar and then given to me like this. (upbeat rock music) Is it sugar or glaze on my face? - [Chelsea] It's everything. - Look at the powdered sugar on my arm. (chuckles) I know that I'm meant to be providing a service here that I meant to tell you how these things taste, so that you can judge and buy them on your own, if you so choose. I don't know what to say, other than that you should buy this and you should stuff it into your collective face holes. And maybe then you will forgive me. (upbeat rock music) Do I have a wedgie? (exclaims) I'm trying, I am. I just looked down to drop my head in shame when I saw confectioners' sugar in my boobs. So that's that. (upbeat rock music)
Channel: Delish
Views: 1,068,504
Rating: 4.9076219 out of 5
Keywords: delish, food, knotts berry farm, iconic eats, tess koman, tess koman iconic eats, boysenberry, california, travel vlog, food vlog, food challenge, iconic eats knotts berry farm, theme park vlog, theme park, churros, desserts, entrees, sandwiches, fried chicken, knotts berry farm rides, rides, roller coaster, ultimate knotts berry farm challenge, knotts berry farm mukbang, buena park, guide, food guide, travel guide, knotts berry farm guide
Id: X1O0vG97SN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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