Knotts Berry Farm Reopens With Rides!

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hello everybody and welcome back to ordinary adventures today we're at knott's berry farm which is opening on may 21st but we are here for the annual pass holder preview yeah that's right unlike disney knott still has an annual passholder program and it's only like 13 a month it's like the best deal in theme parks i know and we get two weeks before it actually opens yeah to enjoy the park before anyone else which is pretty cool and not only that if you get your annual pass they've extended it they usually do it by the year but it's going to go all the way till may 2022. during the pandemic we've been here eating food at the food festivals but today the rides have opened so what are we waiting for let's go ride some rides come with us on this adventure [Music] it is a hot day here today i think for our first ride let's get wet yes let's go in the calico river rapids we haven't been on this in such a long time it's been a while usually i'm like oh i don't want to get wet but today bring it on maybe [Music] hmm you got that night i told you i am always the one to get wet on this these type of rise oh i oh as it it could god been could have been much worse oh no i don't know what's going on um oh either way i'm wet well my favorite part was the yeti oh yeah i forgot about that okay and i think i think we did it i got a little wet yeah you got more wet than me so that makes me happy normally when we go on these rides peter's like i never get wet and i'm always the one to get soaked and it looks like finally finally you got wet my butt is completely soaked you want to do a butt check on that oh oh my gosh you guys you're just gonna have to trust me it is soaked i don't feel good though i feel nice and like refreshed yeah i'm hungry let's find something to eat yeah let's go do that it's okay it's okay oh oh we're okay i'm not gonna get you gave me a heart attack there my goodness how do you funny-looking gun you got me he almost got me i had a heart attack oh i see i tell you they sure come soft in the city don't they well it's good talking with you too hey welcome back you guys we love having you here yes we're so happy to go how the hell are you here i love the portrait that you're supporting right now isn't it nice and i've got and then i've got my my boysenberry i know i'm like all decked out today isn't that so cute i can't actually eat that okay yeah i know this one's not edible but can i eat it what are your names my name is kendra this is peter we're ordinary adventurers ordinary event you seem extraordinary to me well thank you hey even if you find adventure in the ordinary you'll never be bored that is true all right well thank you very much welcome back look at the line for the calco mine train seems like all the lines here today are a little bit i mean maybe they aren't as long as we think they are it took like almost an hour to get on that the calico river ride yeah because they were really really spacing out the boats from strictly on a stick we got the boysenberry corn dog it comes with french fries and i was expecting this to be purple i'm not gonna lie we asked them what exactly makes us boysenberry and i guess it's in the batter it's not in the hot dog itself this is good if you look on the inside you can kind of see like a little bit of a purplish hue i definitely do not see it okay i don't know if i'm making that up or uh i just want it to be purple okay this is really good it's not too overpowering it's just like a little teensy-weensy hint of sweetness but it works well i normally like to dip my corn dogs in ketchup don't come for me that's all that's for me i know everybody is like if you put ketchup on a hot dog you're the worst but uh i purposely didn't get any condiments because i didn't want to taint the flavor but this is really good definitely tasty and i'd probably get it again they should give you like some kind of like boysenberry dip yeah right come on what the heck nuts if you're watching this just you know get some of the the jars of jelly and let us dip it in oh oh or the boysenberry mustard poison mary anything give me the boysenberry one of the things i wanted to mention is we not only did we get season passes to knots but we also have the season-long dining passes and that costs an extra 132 but what that means is every time we come to the park we can get two meals which come with you know an entree and a side at i think like 16 different places around the park and this counts as one of our meals like if you're gonna come here at least like three four times that's like a deal and a half yeah i think it's definitely worth it yeah and i also got the all season drinks which to me is like worth it in one day because for like 33 dollars you can get unlimited soda every 15 minutes awesome knox is like a great bag it is the more i bite into this the more i could taste the boysenberry so i'm changing my rating from a four to a four and a half i still wish there was some kind of dip but i also tasted it and you you can definitely taste the vegemite it's really good yeah but it should be purple it should be perfect yeah nuts just put some purple dye yeah that's all we need and over in fiesta village at fiesta dog i got the lotte hot dog which comes with corn mayo cotija cheese and chili powder and as you know i'm a connoisseur of a lot this is true look at this it looks uh interesting actually to me it looks appealing i know it could be like a little messy right i think it looks good i'm expecting it to be kind of messy here we go so if you're thinking that wasn't enough corn on there a lot of the corn is underneath oh yeah i was thinking that actually oh my god oh my god it's going it's like you with the uh freezing pieces i never thought i wanted a lotte on a hot dog but now that knots has given it to me why eat a hot dog without ulte right yeah and i should mention that this also came as with everything in the dining plan came with an option of chips and i got the coffees i've never actually had them they're hot chili pepper and wine they're really good i've had them before and i think you're really gonna like them look at that i'm sure everybody's had takis before and everybody's like he hasn't had talkies oh my god they're spicy this might be my new favorite chip i love those that gives a five out of five peters the lotte hot dog i love it like a four i think it's a solid choice is it the best hot dog here knots doesn't beat that um boysenberry thing that they had at the poison berry festival but this is very solid i am very happy with my choices today one of our favorite rides here at knoxville farm is the log the timber mountain log ride i love it so much that i'm even wearing a shirt that has it on there and it was close but it looks like they just opened it so i think we're gonna go on another water ride yeah it looks like people were in it [Music] i know this knot is probably really well tied but i would still be scared of waiting underneath that thing so as it turns out the lines here at knots don't just look like they're really long they actually are really long they are really long it's the first day back you know they haven't been open in a year and you know things are just going to be slower slower than we're used to but hey at least we're going to get wet again right that's exciting if we ever get to the front uh [Music] divine will tell you a thousand times no [Music] [Music] oh i love this ride so much it was worth an hour and a half wait it wasn't that long it's like an hour away what do you like better that's just flat it's too hard to choose yes no it isn't my god i think it's mostly like my shoes my shoes are the things that are really soaked right now what about you it's just my hair so good [Music] holy underwear oh my word look who's here y'all have a wonderful evening i'm going to be the one crying now that i see you oh my oh where's my i've done my handkerchief hold on ordinary infectious is here she's always crying oh my word i told myself i wasn't going to cry and then i'm dead okay okay i'm back it's okay it happens trust me it does yeah just let it out let those tears flow oh did you all just get here no we've been here you've been here all day we've been here all day i've been standing in between these two ghosts all day oh yeah that's what these little kids tell me these are ghosts up here yeah that's what it looks like huh yeah that makes stand in this hotel wholly different yeah as long as some of them carnival clowns come around here i think i'll be okay oh look out behind you there carnival types hold my words this summer's going to be very exciting have a feeling i might even be packing a pistol this summer villages vigilant this is good stuff probably better what you're drinking cheers cheers clinkies and drinking oh yeah cookies i know what i should have spent the extra five cents i thought you said that was the good stuff yeah what are you gonna do not as bad as that country but it's right up there did you see that the ordinary adventurers voted you as like one of the biggest moments in our channel history that you have honored me far beyond my accomplishments really i don't do nothing but just stand up here and eat free food all day but my word i think you make you are the thing that makes people happy i feel like we're family now the two of you are the friends that everybody wishes they had and that ain't no lie it's true every day not one day goes by where people ain't asking me how many peters do you give this how many kids is this all they hear today every day every day i have never seen that kind of attention from anybody well the people love you too yeah the people love you we love you well ordinary adventures fans out there the deputy mayor loves you and i'm going to tip my hat to each and every one of you yes and come on out and see us at knox berry farm this summer we're gonna keep that chicken extra crispy and that pie is gonna be real tasty you best believe that let's amp things up a little bit where should we go on next i think it's time to go on a thrill ride i'm actually kind of scared but it should dry me off at least right yes i just heard the announcement like the safety announcement and it basically was like if you suffer from motion sickness do not go on this ride so what am i doing what am i doing why am i so scared oh gosh okay we're doing it oh that is uncomfortable oh my god okay oh my god i barely fit in this i barely fit in this oh what am i doing what am i doing hi peter he's about to go way up there we're in there we're good you know at least i don't have to sit next to somebody because i'm like talking to myself and oh hi hello my love farewell if this is the last time that i see you i just want you to know that i love you so much and that you can't hear me you can't hear me oh god i really am talking to myself oh while riding please remain seated keeping your head back against the head rest at all times oh no thank you oh no what do i hold on to what i hold on to [Laughter] oh no no no just keep laughing just keep swimming just keep swimming oh god what do i hold on to what do i hold on to why isn't it why did it stop why did it stop already [Music] now [Music] i almost threw up i almost threw up but okay we're good pro tip maybe don't drink a beer before you go on this ride does my hair look okay does my hair look okay [Music] oh god get me out of here get me off of here get me off of here i can't get off and enjoy the rest of your day okay i think we need to get a little faster [Music] let's try a roller coaster maybe a little kitty roller coaster by the roller coaster baby steps okay baby steps we're gonna work our way up to the big boys yeah so this ride looks a little bit like goofy's sky school at dca i think we can handle it movie sky school is actually one of the scariest rides adventures well it feels like you're constantly going to fall over the edge [Music] oh no oh god oh come on [Music] oh my god this is way scarier than goofy sky school oh my hair oh my hair wow look how beautiful it is up here though wow oh god [Music] i actually hate this oh my god oh my god i really hate this why is it so scary [Music] oh jeez oh my god when is it gonna end oh it's never gonna end [Music] oh god ow this actually hurts my legs a lot i think this is for children oh okay that was a lot scarier than goofy sky school out of breath you're listening to knot radio the only radio station in the boardwalk area that is the only radio station in the boardwalk area this is the knot news and here are the stories we are currently following this just in famous balloon animal artist mr twister was critically injured today while trying to set a world record for the number of balloon weenie dogs twisted in one 24-hour period the record is currently held by mr twister's arch nemesis and ex-wife helen helium of helena montana helen who was in the crowd waited until the 23rd hour when she demanded to know why her alimony payments had shriveled up when pressed further mr twister exploded and blew out a window making this noise we hear there's a special art show celebrating the hundred years of knott's berry farm we want to check that out and hopefully maybe we can get on one last ride that's it there's one specific piece of art that i really wanted to check out is of the calico mine ride by our friend kate carlton isn't it beautiful look at it the beautiful colors and do you see anything familiar about this if you look closely you might spot some ordinary adventurers it's me and peter how cool is that she made a piece of art to celebrate the 100 year anniversary and she put us in it like it's honestly like i want to cry it's so special we're now part of knott's berry farm history yeah it's canon and i was i actually wanted to buy the original but somebody already bought it it's sold so somebody is gonna have us in their house forever well we can buy the prince for 30 bucks yeah we're going to have to but isn't this so cool it's honestly like this is one of the greatest honors we want to show you a couple of our favorite pieces this one right here is the stand on the side of the road where the knotts family started selling their boysenberries and then i like this piece right here it looks like it's laser etched this piece right here i think aside from the piece that we're in is my favorite wow it is three-dimensional there's the knots right there this is so cool it's like a giant shadow box and it has just like that other one it has a bunch of rides from past and present wow this is gorgeous and then i love like them like front and center wow it has like everything and is this all hand-painted it looks like it and they're like it's all cut out and stuff this must have taken so long look at this one yeah like this one it's the famous knots k but if you look closer which you always have to look closer it's made up of everything that represents knott's berry farm including the mayor oh i didn't even see him there oh i thought that's why you liked this one but that is cool i was wondering where is the mayor he needs to be in more pieces it's right there peter yes it's right there check this t-shirt out it looks like a polaroid picture and it says i rode the original and it is the original knott's berry tails ride with some creepy creepy bears i mean i love give them those vintage costume characters here's the question though if i get this t-shirt and i didn't actually ride the original is that like am i like a fake fan i mean you you watch the pov on youtube so you kind of wrote it okay you didn't even do that you listened to the podcast the ride episode so you kind of wrote it i saw some photos i don't know i just think this is so fun i love it it gets hot here in southern california and i just noticed this fan that they have that has mr and mrs knotts and all the history behind them of the parks including the fairy tales that's so funny i'm not used to a theme park so i'm like a sweaty hot mess this actually really helps does it look cool though of course i might actually get it i'm not even joking you gotta find yourself in style you look great thank you see she liked it you made a ton of merchandise off of your friends is that new i don't even have t-shirts oh my god look at this do we need that like oh it's for like the little villages yeah you know how i wanted a halloween village yeah there's this company called department 56 and i'm pretty sure this is for like those little villages yeah so if i ever start my spooky town i'm for sure gonna need one of these this is so awesome and i think this is new because if you see on the packaging it says not's 100 anniversary notice they also have a spirit jersey that we saw earlier but it's in pink so you know in case you're not gothic like i am and you want more color they have it in pink you can't talk about knott's berry farm without talking about snoopy and they have a golden snoopy it's a collector's edition celebrating the knots 100th anniversary why is he gold i don't know oh my god i like this snoopy t-shirt and snoopy and charlie brown it says together again and they're at knots oh that's cute yeah oh that's really almost on it okay am i finally gonna cry see i want to share this is together again but it has like sati joe and like the mayor hugging then i would really cry i don't think those two would would hug don't they they don't like each other that's really sweet not related to the reopening but i love how neon this tie-dye snoopy knott's berry farm t-shirt is i wish i could pull off this bright this brightness right here you could i could get this and wear my disney hat yeah do it i don't know about that we have two minutes to get food do you think we can do it i'm gonna go to panda express since it's right here let's see if we can make it and if you return again very soon once again the amusement area is now closed we're literally the last people to get in line like roped it off behind us i've never walked faster in my life to get some orange chicken so i got the double orange chicken with white rice and chow mein that is my go-to order at panda express what about you leave it in the comments below yeah i got the orange chicken and the beijing beef because i know what it's i know where it's at no mine's better leave a comment down below which one is better lose the small ones but win the big ones prosperity will soon knock on your door so we didn't get on all the rides that we wanted to get on today but guess what we're going to be back on may 21st for the grand opening yeah we're season pass holders now so we're going to be back all the time we're going to do all the coasters all the rides eat all the foods i'm not sure about all the coasters i know i was just kidding but we will be back yeah the lines were long but not knows how to figure those things out taste the calca the first weekend was kind of crazy but next weekend it was everything was figured out so i believe in knots i love knots me too you want to see some of our previous knots adventures we'll put the videos right over there we want to say thank you to some of our patreons that includes claudio kelly enos nathan wharton and tabitha rodriguez thank you guys so much thanks for watching everyone we'll see you on the next adventure
Channel: Ordinary Adventures
Views: 109,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ordinary adventures, Knotts, Knott's Berry Farm, Knott's Theme Park, Knott's Rides, Knott's Rollercoaster, Knott's Berry Farm 2021, Knotts Reopened, Knotts Berry Farm
Id: FWr5lFrxXbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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