Ultimate Guide To iPhone Blendshapes!!! Let's Have Insane Face Tracking!!! +Works on MeowFace

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hi everybody i hope you're all having a good day i hope you're all smiling and enjoying your lovely day welcome to my ultimate guide to making iphone blend shapes in this following tutorial you're going to be learning full in depth on how to make iphone blend shapes from scratch using the blender program learning about how to make your iphone blend shapes look more dynamic learning about the vrm conversion when it comes to making sure that your iphone blend shades are being read with a vrm program such as vc phase and also learning some more automatic methods in case you want more faster method when it comes to making the iphone blend shapes and much more so i will be explaining all that here now just a heads up warning this following tutorial does assume that you have you know you do have some sort of knowledge when it comes to navigating with blender learning having some basic knowledge when it comes to blend shapes and just basic knowledge on how to make do some 3d stuff in blender basically and also it assumes that you have basic knowledge into the vrm conversion process if by any chance you do not have experience in any of that in the description i should have leave some you know i should have left some links where you can be able to take a look and make sure that you get enough knowledge so that way you can be prepared for what i'm going to teach you because blender can be a pain in the butt sometimes so uh if you don't have the knowledge check the description i got some resources there so yeah and also if by a chance you are any of my more advanced users that you already make iphone blend shapes and you just want to make sure you're doing everything right feel free to skim through this video since i have time stamps they should all be labeled um accordingly so definitely check that out as well um but with that being said though let me first go over some uh you know basic knowledge on what the heck iphone blend shapes are and also the image methods before we get into the manual work in case you don't know what iphone blend shapes are basically blend shapes are basically the um basically your the emotes that you do basically on your youtuber mall that's basically what we call blend shapes and to put in a more technical term it's basically vertices data that moves around you're basically telling the 3d program where diversity should move when you activate a slider basically if i were to put that in the most simplest yet technical terms ever so uh when it comes to 3d we create blend shapes in order to give you know face emotes and expressive you know stuff to our character and especially with vrm we have to use blend shapes and when it comes to the iphone tracking we will be using an iphone you know apple product in order to track our face if by any chance you do not have an apple product or you absolutely hate apple for some weird reason there is an alternative which is meow face which is an android version of the app i won't go in depth on meow face though please consult suvidrill for that app um but i'll go over the um apple side of stuff for the iphone tracking but this tutorial can still apply for meow face regardless though but please consult supervisor if you have a few further questions about that app um so in this tutorial though we are going to need a couple stuff so what we will need we will be needing blender i'm personally using blender 3.0 but you are free to use blender 2.79 2.9 2.8 whichever version as long as you apply your knowledge that's very important you will also be needing the vrm import add-on which link in description as well i have that there for you i also have a tutorial link in down there that'll show you how to install the add-on so please check that out and once we once you are once you um download the blender and also the vrm import add-on you will also need to download i facial mocap program once again a link in description you'll also need to buy the i facial mocap app as well which is just six dollars and once again if you want a more freer version there is meow face i believe there's a way to get meow face working with blender i have not fully tested that um so test that at your own risk if you can um so there's that and also what we will be needing um further on we will also be needing the uni vrm add-on and also unity 2019 because we will be using those two to convert our model from fbx from where else from blender to unity back to its vtuber self that contains the newly iphone blend shapes now if by any chance you want a more automatic method when it comes to the iphone blend shapes there are actually three methods to doing that so method number one hana tools hana tools is basically a unity island that gives a character iphone blend shape it's more specific for roy malls only basically and any most of the time with custom made models that are made from scratch and blender they tend to not work so well with honda tools so if by any chance you are a void model definitely take advantage of honda tools although with honda tools you have to pay um as well you have to pay via boost um i think the app is around eight to ten dollars it really depends on your currency so definitely check out that add-on i won't be going over how to use it as there already is a tutorial on how to use it uh from argema witch so definitely check out her video on how to use that and also um if you want if you are a custom-made model and you still want more automatically made blend shapes you'll have to use an add-on called face it roy balls can also use face it out as well which keep in mind face it is about 78 dollars and it's a blender add-on instead and it's really nice to have a more automatic method when it comes to making iphone blender and it speeds up the process as well also do keep in mind though when it comes to void models because of the eye type that roid smalls have because they're plain mesh it might cause some issues with face it but even then you can still get to work with some tweaking and stuff and it does a really good job though so definitely check out if you really want that automatic method um but honestly most of the time i prefer to make it manually because i have more control of it and i i typically get less issues but when i first made the blend shapes it was a pain in the book but don't worry i'mma save you so yeah hopefully that information i gave you at least helps you get started when it comes to at least knowing what iphone blend sheets are in a nutshell and also understand some alternatives if you want to make the iphone blend shape more faster but even then though i won't be going over the faster alternatives as basically um i'm going over the more manual way so make sure to follow along with me when it comes to doing the manual way in blender it's going to be tricky i'm going to tell you right now you're going to cry you're probably going to punch a computer you're probably going to punch your model like i did before don't you worry it happens it's perfectly fine don't you worry with enough practice you should be able to master iphone blend shades and you can probably start doing iphone blend shade commissions so yeah um but other than that though why don't we get started on the blender stuff and yeah see you guys in blender welcome to blender this is where we're gonna be uh making our iphone blend shapes at so before we um before we're ever going to make these blend shapes we'll have to basically put our vrm model into blender and as i said earlier in this video i'm going to assume that you already have some basic knowledge when it comes to using blender if by any chance you don't have any knowledge of blender feel free to check out the extra video tutorials in my description or check out my first episode of let's demoify blender to get you familiarized with how the blended ui works in navigation so make sure to you know check that out basically but i'm going to go ahead and start off with deleting the assets here the camera the light and the cube so we'll go ahead and click and drag and press the x key and go ahead and delete and also if by any chance you struggle to see what i'm doing um look at the bottom left corner of the screen there is a little indication that shows what my mouse is doing and also what my keyboard is doing as well so make sure to check that bottom part in case you ever get lost so there's that and you can also slow down the video with youtube speed tools if you need to have it slow down so yeah um what i'm going to do is i'm going to use the uh vrm import add-on for blender once again i there's a video that i linked in the description that will show you how to um install add-ons but just to at least give you a quick summary before i go ahead and continue you would have to go into the edit tab click on preferences and then on the preferences you'll have to go into the add-ons tab and then on the top right it'll face um basically install the add-on from the computer you click on that button and you would click on the vrm importer zip file and then the blender will automatically um you know install the add-on for you and it should be installed perfectly fine and make sure you press the check mark for the vrm import item but that's basically it in a nutshell so yeah um so we're gonna go into file we're gonna go into import and we're going to import using vrm um if by any chance you're in fbx file or you already have your mall into blender that's great you can skip this part but i'm going to go ahead and find the mall that um i have i basically just exported a void beta model i didn't do anything to it it's just literally the raw default female roid beta model so yeah um and you can see after i click on material preview um giving it some time it will show that there's a character right there there you go if by chance um if your model does not import into blender you have a vrm file and it's not going into blender you can't see your model you're having errors what you'll need to do is you'll need to take that model go into unity unity 19 load uni vrm 0.66 import your vrm model into unity and then re-export your model under 0.66 uni vrm which like i said i have all the assets in the description you'll have to re-export your mall as 0.66 and then import into blender again and hopefully that should resolve the issues um if if not then you might have to do some re-exporting or if your mall is made from scratch and you have the issues then please con uh either consult your modeler if someone else made them all for you or you might have to do some trial and error with your model it really depends on the situation you have because sometimes blender issues happen but anyways though um what we're gonna do first is we're gonna start prepping up the model for blend shapes so i'm gonna go ahead and select the body and press the h key um it's just the h key you can bring back any objects by doing alt h so don't worry so just press the h key um that way we can focus on just the face this is all we need to focus on the face so yeah um now i'll be using my numpad number one to look forward and then what i'm going to do i'm going to expand the right side of my screen by just clicking and dragging and i'm going to click on the object data tab the object data properties tab which will consist of our vertex group which is known as our whey paint data and also the shape keys which shape keys is what we're going to be looking at now by default roy mods tend to have very complicated looking blend shape names but they still have a very um they still have nice basic blend shapes though so that's really nice though feel free to rename them if you want that's your own model um but what we're gonna do since this small has pre-existing blend shape we are going to basically um create some duplicates of the blend shape that can be really helpful to at least somewhat uh making it faster or at least easier on us when it comes to making those blend shapes so um what we're going to do uh first and foremost we're going to especially for a roy mall we're going to start off um with the mouth open blend shape now before i continue though just just uh to make sure i don't forget um if by if by a chance you don't know the iphone blend shape names in the description as well i have a copy and paste list in the description that contains the iphone blend shapes names and the version that i have i have the capitalized version and then i also have the lowercase version as well um as text files so you can go ahead and download that if you want so make sure to choose whichever um they both should work with i-facial mocap but either way they are there for your for your own use and there's also a download for the polywink mod so if you want a model that has a reference so if you want a physical reference to how the blend shape should look like download the polywink model in the description below you can download for free you can easily import the fbx file into blender because fbx is nate you know it is also included in blender you can import the model and you can easily use the polywink model study the blend shape and apply to your own model all right so what we're going to do first of all um based on the list from the polywink mall and also the list that i have given um in the description um what we're going to do is we're going to start off with um basically extracting or duplicating the blend shape so um we'll start off with the jaw open blend shape so what we're going to do um you're going to click on this button right here this uh thumbtack button this basically is basically pinning your blend shapes so that way you can kind of like easily go through each of them so you can see each individual blend shape like this you can't combine um blend shape when you're on this mode so if you want to combine blend shape make sure that you disable thumbtack but i'm going to start off with the the a blend shapes ah so you're gonna go ahead and select that with the thumbtack and you're gonna click on this arrow right here and you're going to click on the button that says new shape from mix and you can go ahead and name that jaw open and once you have that there you go you can do a slider and you should have at least a good start keep in mind we are going to be editing this very heavily um but i just want to at least help you at least get you know at least like a source set up so you can get um kind of getting a little head start with the blend chase and making it easier for you so once you have that the next thing we're going to make is the mouse funnel blend shape and do keep in mind also when it comes to the default void um blend shapes here they're not going to cover all of the iphone blend shape unless your model has the honda tool blend shapes and that that works uh you'll just have to fine tune those blend shapes alone but for this case the small has no iphone blends at all so we will have to make everything by hand so we will be making at least just a couple and then the rest of the blend shape we are going to make them all manually so i'll show you how but the next thing we'll do is the mouse funnel so in case you're wondering the job open it's kind of like the a blend shape of vrm except it's a different shape it looks it's much bigger than this or unless you want small that's preference but usually it's big um so for mouse funnel it tends to be like the o shape so what i'll do i won't be using the thumbtack i will be using a mixture of the o and the u key so that way it can kind of give that mouse funnel look it'll look like this and then you can go ahead uh click the arrow here new shape for mix and that can be now its own uh duplicate blend shape like that so that looks nice uh and we're gonna go ahead and name it mouse funnel so now that we have that um now we're going to go ahead and create the um we're going to quickly create the wings because when it comes to iphone uh there is no single blank blend shape like this they have to be in the form of wings like this so the roid models have this already if by any chance you're making your mall from scratch um you'll have to make this manually but if you have the blend shaped already then go ahead and use them to your advantage so i'll use the thumbtack and i'll go ahead and duplicate this now before i do this i do need to let you know that when it comes to the iphone blend shapes there is something called the you know the left eye blink but there's also something called the left eye squint so basically iphone uh the iphone tracking it tracks your upper eyelid and your lower eyelid so if by any chance you want a more realistic and natural looking um eye blink the one that like if you look in the mirror if you look at your own reflection you see the way that you wink you will see that your upper and lower eyelid tends to meet at the middle while usually in animes uh the eye tends to just go down like the um upper eyelid tends to just go straight down the lower eyelid is just very subtle so if you prefer a more realistic approach you will have to possibly make your uh left eye blink look something like this and have the eye squint basically reach to that middle part but for this from you know basically for my sake of simplicity i will just use just the blend shape itself but that's just your that's just if you want more realistic looking uh type of eye blink so let's go ahead and duplicate that so there's left then we got right um then we're gonna name this i blink left i'm also gonna make it lowercase my bad i made that capital so i blink left i blink right all right so now that we have the eye blink blend shapes now we have to make the eye widening blend shapes and also the eyebrows down blend shapes and that should be pretty much uh the main blend shapes that we can get from the roy default blend shapes before we have to make the rest of the blend shape by hand and also enhancing the blend shapes that we just made so bear with me since i'm going to be um i'm going to be explaining a lot um so we're going to start off with the eyes widening when your upper eyelids basically go upwards when you're having a shocked expression that's what the eye wide blend shapes are they'll look something like this um if you want something more dramatic or dynamic for your blend shapes then make sure you have one where the eyes would dilate like this if you don't want the um pupil to scale like this you can also make the inner pupil just dilate itself it's really just up to what you want to do it's your style what you want you can even do both if you want to which is something i did on my model but like i said your preference if you want something more natural and realistic then just make the upper eyelids more up instead of the pupils but like i said that's your style i'm going to use the surprise blend shape and we're going to go ahead and duplicate that and now the thing we have to do here um is that for iphone blend shapes they need to be separated from left you know our left and our right because iphone tracks each individual eye so you know we have to make one for the left and one for the right so what we'll have to do first and foremost we need to go ahead and name this i y the left so i will go uh copy and paste the name here i white left and then right just like that and you're gonna go into edit mode by pressing the tab key or you can go to the top left and go into edit mode um that's if you want that's pretty much the longer way which i always recommend using the tab key and toggle it or if you prefer you could do control tab and you can access uh the different modes which is a much more faster approach so i highly recommend this one all right and once we are in edit mode we will have to go into wireframe by pressing the v key and clicking on wireframe we're going to select the right side of our face because keep in mind when it comes to lefts and right we are talking about the characters left and right we are not talking about our as on our own eyes we are not talking about our left and right we're talking about the character left and right so for eye wide left we need this blend shape we need this part of the eye to stay wide but this one to be default so we will select this part of the eye ctrl v blend from shape and you're going to make sure that the add little check box here is disabled if it's on just make sure it's unchecked and there you go this is how um i also forgot to disable that blend shape there so you should be able to have something like this basically and that's correct we can also do the same thing on the uh iy the right blend shape where we go on the left side instead of the character and we will do ctrl v blend from shape and reset it and there you go just like that so that way they can mix because i found blend shapes they will always mix with each other so please keep that in mind a lot of these bunching they are just combining with each other so now that we have that we now have to create the eyebrows down blend shape and then we're going to start moving on uh not only to creating the blend shades from scratch but also there is a very extra thing i do need to warn you uh is regarding the doubles when it comes to mall this is i'll explain that in a little bit but um what we're going to do now we're going to go create the eyebrows dumbbell and shape so i typically use roy's angry blend shape to achieve this because typically with iphone um blend shapes they tend to have the angry eyebrows when it comes to the eyebrows going down if you prefer a more uh a more relaxed looking eyebrow something a little bit more natural i guess you can just move the eyebrow down and just have it tilted a bit like this um if that's what you want just doing that but for me i prefer to have it look angry and since roy has a blend shape for angry you can do just that and once you have that you're going to go click on the arrow click on new shape for mix and you're going to do that twice because we need it from the left and the right so there you go now what we're going to do we are going to go ahead and from the polywink model brow down left is what we're going to type in brow down left brow down right so now that we have that we're gonna do the same technique um basically selecting from one side so brow down left right side we select control v blend from shape and making sure that this is um resetted same thing with the right blend shape so brow down right will be the left side selected ctrl v blend from shape and making sure the ad is unchecked so pretty much that there you go that looks good exactly what we need so there you go now before i get into the blend shapes you know the other blend shapes that we have to make there is something that we do need keep in mind now with void the blend shape should work fine there should not be any holes um on the blend shapes however um because this is a vrm model now if your moles fbx you made from scratch and you know doesn't have any uh issue with the vertices um feel free to skip this part but for vrm models uh whether you are a void model um or if you are a from scratch mod and you just import your vrm model into blender regardless if you if you're just a vr model and you're if you port a vera mall into blender you need to be aware about doubles doubles is basically known as basically two vertices that would overlap each other and they don't merge it tends to cause a lot of holes so just to show you how they look like we're gonna go into solid mode so you can see everything properly and i'm gonna go ahead and select this part of the teeth and we're going to do ctrl l and what you see here it only selects one part of the the upper teeth and this is what a double is basically two vertices overlapping each other but they're not merged and this causes issues with getting holes and some broken stuff on the model so we need to go ahead and fix that alright so let's go ahead and go into wireframe mode let's go ahead and select the teeth right here do control l and once again we have to make sure we select multiple vertices in order to select the entire upper teeth and then we have to go and merge the vertices by distance that way it should get rid of the doubles uh and the overlapping vertices so that's pretty much it and you could do this for the tongue like that and then do it for the bottom teeth here and then uh for the mouth and eyes typically for the mouth especially because it's closed there is a gap but sometimes there might be some issues that may happen so just to prevent some issues i tend to go into a blend shape where the mouth is open and um i would merge it from there it should be fine there should not be any issues if you do this however if you move vertices around then it can be an issue so make sure you do control l by selecting multiple vertices and making it so that way you can get all those vertices that needs uh merging so for roy malls i tend to just only select the face mesh eye sockets and inner mouth like this i don't really select the eyelashes or the eyebrows because they don't really need merging even though the eyelashes um even though the eyelashes are plain meshes and they do fit pretty well with the eyes um they don't really they won't really merge perfectly and there can be some possible issues if you merge them so do not touch them so go ahead and merge this by distance and we can go back to bases and everything should be fine right well the thing to keep in mind is that when you merge vertices there tends to be this weird shadow looking issue now how does this happen well basically when you're merging vertices um your normals your geometry normal basically the direction of the faces which these little guys are called faces here uh they have been kind of you know interrupted so uh what we have to do is we gotta go and reset those normals so we go to mesh normals and then we go reset vectors and there you go everything should be good on your model so if by any chance um your model has custom normals uh whether you are a booth model and your face looks really smooth like you don't have the bumpiness looking here um like you have a booth mall and it comes with like a very smooth looking face or if you um if you manually edited the normals yourself whether you follow my tutorial on anime normals or other stuff like that um basically uh when you do the reset vectors you will lose those edited normals so please make sure uh that you have some sort of um duplicate of the original face and use the data transf um the data uh transfer modifier here to basically get those normals back you can just uh go to the data transfer click on face corner data and then custom normals and you can be able to copy it just like that if you have those custom normals but if you do not or if there's some issues you might have to remake those normals again and like i said i have a tutorial about that you can definitely check it out on my channel but now that we did fix our uh doubles issue now we can go ahead and continue on with our blend shapes so uh now uh that we fix that we have to go ahead and basically create the rest of it so what we're going to do since the roy model does not have extra blend shapes for us to complete the um the rest of it we'll have to go and click on the plus button here and do keep in mind right now uh we are going to still have to modify these blend shapes especially to add some chin movement make this mouth bigger and basically modifying all the other blend shapes here uh these are usually fine but you can also modify those but i'm going to be modifying the jaw and the mouth funnel but what we have to do though before we get into that we have to go and add some blend shapes so click on the plus button right here on the right side of your screen and click it a couple of times usually i just click it until it's like about um basically kind of like when i feel like it but pretty much a couple clicks and then what you'll have to do is you're going to have to go and name these so on the polywink model or on the um or in the description you're going to either if you're if you have downloaded the list for the iphone blender or you copy and paste them or you're using the polywink models reference you're going to have to go ahead and you're going to go ahead and name them just like this now there is no versi vertex data on them yet we will get into that don't worry but the first thing we have to do is we have to manually name all of this so um it is going to be tedious it's not really um it's not going to really be the best moment but don't worry but this is what you have to do manually though um but what i'm gonna do i'll name a couple of these and then i'm going to be right back um so that way um so i'll pause the video in just like a quick quickie quick quick second and then i'll just like basically do a shortcut um so that way the blend shape should already uh be done so that way we don't make the video longer so i will see you guys after i uh basically add all the renamed blend shapes and if by any chance you have any issues with this um like i said um feel free to uh private dm me on discord uh my discord tag is kinda spacehuiko hashtag 7158 and there um you can private dm me if you want private tour if you have any issues with naming blend shapes or anything like that but other than that though see you guys in a couple all right so i went ahead and gave all the names to the blend shapes they do not have vertex they quite yet but i will be going over how to add them per blend shape so hopefully um once i whole this is at the video um editor note um hopefully there are uh sections on youtube that should be able to show like which blend shape sections which in case you want to skim through how each blend shape is made but even then though um now that we have those name though we're gonna go quickly edit these two blend shapes draw open and mouse funnel and then we're gonna go ahead and begin our way all the way down through all the 52 blend shapes um of the iphone blend shapes so yeah so what we're going to do first of all for the jaw open blend shape what we will need to do we will need to go ahead and hide the inner uh tongue and teeth so we'll do control l for the the teeth and tongue and we have to press the h key to hide it we can bring the um the teeth in the tongue when we do the um alt h so make sure that you press um age and then alt h later so what we will need to do we will need to sculpt the blend shapes uh so we'll be using a sculpt brush which uh blender has it's in um the scope mode right here and we're gonna use this uh which might sound complicated but it's pretty easy we'll be using this in order to create the blend shapes the reason why i recommend using the sculpt brushes is because it brings it makes the blend shades more smoother and also especially if you have facial expression where you have the mouth open uh you'll definitely really have to make sure that the vertices are stretched out and evenly so that way the iphone blend shapes can be you know at least you know it gets used to like any extra mouth opening blend shape even then i highly recommend if you're doing any face emotes do not open do not have a mouth open expression on the iphone blend shapes it does not look good unless you do it right so um let's go ahead and click on the thumbtack button right here and we're gonna go click on the grab brush it looks just like this the one highlight on the left side i'm gonna go ahead and select this button up here with the x and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and increase my radius a bit and i'm going to go ahead and change the shape of the mouse so i'm going to have it set like this if by any chance you want a more anime looking mouse definitely have it where the lip corners are basically upwards like this if you want a more anime looking mouth i tend to have this on my older models which is nice but if you want a more dynamic looking mouth something that looks a bit more natural and dynamic um there's a particular v tuber that uh makes iphone blend shapes and they do it in this style i won't say their name um but they do it like this basically where the lip corners are in the center and basically the mouth will look like this basically so you can have it set up like this if you want it depends on your style but most people tend to like it like this so there's this here and then you can go swap over with i'm gonna do control tab and object mode and what i'm going to do um i'm gonna go actually i gotta unhide this so uh make sure you unhide the teeth um but you can still see though like how the mouth looks like it looks different um and also um [Music] but yeah so and also um like i was gonna say uh basically um as you can see here the while it does look nice you can see how the teeth is kind of high up there and usually if you want to look something more natural you don't really have to put your uh tongue like that so what we'll have to do we'll have to select the bottom part of the teeth and tongue do control v blend from shape and we're going to have to move this down basically so that way the the tongue is more flatter and the teeth so it actually looks more natural as you can see right here you can also if you don't want the if you don't want the teeth to show a lot you can also move the teeth higher up if you prefer it more hidden usually be careful because sometimes there might be some issues um there might be some like weird issues if you do it improperly when mixing other blend shapes so make sure you experiment so yeah um so just to show you that now just to also show you how to get that chin effect going on for the um the model i we have to go ahead and hide the the teeth tongue and teeth here and um we're gonna have to go to the um we're gonna have to go into edit mode which we are on already uh we're gonna go ahead and select this bottom part of the jaw here and we're gonna press on the o key the o uh button the layer o on our keyboard and we're gonna basically um basically it's gonna enable proportional so i had this question quite a lot where some people have said that um when they press the o key and they move it around it does this on their model it's because by default the proportional tool circle the radius is big and vrm models are very very small so what we'll have to do we'll have to decrease it and we have to use our middle mouse button so all you have to do when pressing o press the g key the g key the letter g for grab and then you're going to use your middle mouse and scroll upwards and that way you can be able to have it where you can see the um proportional radius right here and just move it a little bit don't do too much especially because uh there's no uh neck area on the void mall here um so just move it down a little bit you don't need to have it too much and then you can always refine it um with the sculptra the sculpt brush so i'll go into the smooth brush here and i will decrease the strength because usually on the smooth uh brush i tend to have it where it's lower and um i would just kind of like smooth it here basically so that way it just looks better you can also smooth these sides right here as well so yeah and also um if you want to make sure that your vertices are doing well make sure you click on this button up here where my mouse is and click on wireframe so you can see how your wireframe looks like and make sure everything looks very smooth just like this basically and smooth this out as well um so there you go and let's go ahead since i did change up the shape a little bit let me go ahead and um kind of like do a little edit here and there you go so now we can disable the wireframe here and it can look something like this if you feel like something's odd feel free to go ahead and fix it and adjust it to your own taste um but other than that that's pretty much what uh the jaw blend shape would look like at least how my model would look like or at least how i have it and there's the chin movement i don't make the chin move too much but i make it move just the right amount all right so now that we have jaw open made now we have to go and make the mouse funnel so the mouse bundle looks like this but now we have to basically enhance it a little more so uh we're gonna i'm gonna go ahead and unhide the um inner mouse and what i'll do is i'll select the teeth and tongue control v blend from shape and then i'm gonna go ahead and move it um so that way it looks more natural then i'm also gonna also move this as well because it looks a little weird um i'll go ahead and kind of edit it um usually for mouse funnels some people uh tend to have it where the teeth are together and some people have it where the teeth are separated usually i have my words set to um the teeth being separated in case you're wondering so yeah and also by the way as a heads up as well in case you're wondering about the um the teeth issue because i know for a fact some people haven't stated that when it comes to iphone there's this issue where basically uh you know your lower teeth is visible which can be an annoyance for some people um but my recommendation if you want to prevent that you know basically your lower teeth from showing um whenever you talk um i would recommend making it so that way your inner mouth is bigger so that way there's at least more room for the teeth to go down so that way it doesn't look awkward so that's my recommendation but i won't i won't be doing that for this model but uh if you want to prevent the lower teeth from popping out when doing the um iphone tracking then make sure to make the inside mouth bigger so yeah um but now uh what we'll have to do we will have to go ahead and go into the scope mode and we're going to go ahead and kind of slightly edit it the shape is already fine i just want to make it a little more rounder so it looks a little nice basically and then uh we'll go into edit mode and we're going to add some chin movement by selecting the bottom part of the mouse like this and using the proportional tool edit with the o key and the g key we just move it slightly down and that's kind of it and then we just go ahead and smooth it a little more and we should be a-okay it's pretty simple for the mouse funnel um which should be a-okay so yeah very very simple let me just go ahead and get that one point there and make sure that my wireframe is nice because smooth wireframe is always good so yeah um and then you can once again i might have to add this a little more actually i can move the t so it's a little lower um just a tad bit but yeah but pretty much that is the uh mouth funnel that i i usually have it where my teeth is actually hidden but um once again this really just depends on your style and what you do with it so yeah and there you go looks just like that as for the blank blend shades they're fine with me um we will have to make the squint one um but like i said if you want more natural looking ones then just have it where the eye blink left is half lidded like this and then the eye squint will basically um basically just touch in the middle just like a actual human eye and as for the eyes wide um once again we already did that it's pretty good if you need to enhance a little more feel free but try to make it uh so it's not too much because sometimes if you make this a bit too dramatic you might actually end up looking uh cuckoo so be careful with this blend shape and then the um eyebrows down i can have it where the eye muscle um i can have like a sort of eye muscle effect but it's fine with me so that's fine here so yeah um but now let's go ahead and move on to the eye blend shapes so basically for um at least what i have here usually um typically with eye facial mocap you don't really have to uh prepare the eyes so um usually because i facial mocap has the option of eye bone tracking so usually um the eyes would already be tracked with a bone so they don't really need to have it where the blend shape i can move around basically but i personally prefer um especially even with vc face as well i tend to have it where the eye itself would move with a blend shape so that's what i will do for this case so yeah but what we'll have to do um we're gonna go select this eye here so i look down left um we're gonna take the left eye and we're gonna make it look down like this and we also gotta make sure it is moving a little back to prevent some clipping so just like that and we're basically just going to move the eye and then what we'll do after we finish moving the eyes we will then work on the muscle because like i said uh the muscle effect if you add some up muscles it looks really nice um on your model and it can actually not only make a more dynamic look on them all but also can make it look very accurate so that is something to keep in mind about i tend to add muscle and eye muscle effect on my own models um so that is something um that i would i really love to add with models the eye muscle but yeah um i will say also uh the reason why i'm moving the eye like this and i'm not using any rotation at all like this in case you're wondering the reason why i'm doing this is because the thing is that with the eye wide blend shape we have it where the eyes dilate and if i have it where the eyes would rotate you know if the eye were to basically rotate and move around a lot it tends to actually make it look where it tends to make it where the eye looks very deformed basically also um i hold up i look in so i accidentally put that in the wrong thing so i look in and then i look out and then this one as i look up there you go so basically there you go i look in where the eye is going towards the nose area um i'll probably move this a little less like that i look in i look out for the left eye and i look up right there and then down just like that and then we'll have to repeat the same exact steps on the other eye except on the right side so i in right like that and then out which i'll do this here very simple um so there you go add the edit and then i up just like that there you go so there you go um at least you have the basic eyes but now we're gonna go ahead and add the um we're going to add the eye muscles so we're going to go ahead and hide the eyes now and i'm also going to hide the eyebrows just so they don't get affected and what i'll do i'm going to go into sculpt mode right here and then i'm gonna go and press the thumbtack and then i'm gonna go ahead to each individual uh blend shape so i look down left so here typically whenever i make an eye muscle uh movement for the eye down blend shades i tend to have it where the upper eyelid would kind of look flatter because whenever every time you look down your eyelid actually tends to cover more of your eye by the way that's a fun fact by the way um so just keep that in mind so there's that i also have it sometime where the eye can go down like this or can kind of go a little upper just have it where like it gives off that sort of effect like real life and if you need a reference you can always look at yourself in the mirror and like kind of see how your eyes move around or there's also some video references um on the internet that shows um eye muscle movements so that can really be very useful to seeing how the eye muscle should be like so there you go and then i left um typically you don't add eye muscles for the in and out blend shape but i tend to do that myself just for fun but i try not to add too much dough because usually too much can look a little weird but just enough and then for the out i tend to go at this angle and i just kind of pulled the eye outward like this very very simple like that it's nothing too much just a little little light detail and then for the eyes up whenever you look up your eyelid tends to go a little upward but try not to do it too much because keep in mind you have the eye wide blend shape that also gets combined but you just want to add just a little bit so that way it you know it's at least a little a little bit recognizable just a little extra note so yeah just like that and then we can go back to object mode and we can take a look and see that there is eye muscle which looks really nice see and that can create a much more um dynamic look so that's really nice so yeah and also i think i forgot to make um an eye down movement for this eye so let's go ahead and make that right there and there you go just like that perfect perfect so now that we have that though um now we're going to go ahead and make the eye squint blend shapes this is basically our lower eyelid as i said before when it comes to the a more realistic eye blinking setup you'll have to really increase the eye squint but if you have a void model and you have the simple blinking just what i just did right now you want to make it where the eye squint isn't too much but you want to make it just enough where in case if you like especially with fast blinking because on the iphone when the tracking is happening if you blink very fast usually it's um the iphone may not be able to catch up with the blinking therefore it might cause an issue where your eyes don't your character's eyes are not 100 fully blinking so you want to make sure that this is done properly so i'm going to go ahead and do the thumbtack i squint left we're gonna go to the left eye and we're gonna have it where we're gonna pick it up with just the grab brush you can go ahead and pick it up on the different side if you want but usually the front side is fine with me um so i tend to like pick it up but you're not doing too much once again but just enough and if by chance you want to make sure that you're doing it right what you can do is you can actually uh go ahead and kind of like basically um combine the blend shapes and see if it works well you can also click on the second button that's right next to the thumbtack so that way you can actually edit both blend shapes especially in edit mode you can always manually edit both of the blend shapes active but do keep in mind all the ads that you do are within what you are basically um so so actually for example just to explain this without over complicating it um we have the um eye blink and then we have the eye squint here um and then we enable that if i were to make any edits here or basically any edits here like this um all those edits are within the i squint that i selected so do keep that in mind um but yeah so i'm gonna go ahead though i'm just gonna like lower the eye squint a bit more um since it does look like it was clipping earlier so i'll just go ahead and decrease that there this little fix up picks up very very simple so yeah and we'll check again um no it still looks good i mean the sole is some clipping usually the squint it might be trial and error and sometimes you might also want to pull the um you might also want to pull a little back as well just to make sure it doesn't do a lot of clipping but also keep in mind of your wireframe to make it so that way it's not weird looking gotta make sure everything's all done right so yeah there you go see there's less clipping right now like that like i said it's very subtle with these squints especially with the setup i have it as so yeah there you go that's a lot better so there you go um but yeah and it's also kind of clipping with the eye though but pretty much is trial and error though but yeah so i would probably have to [Music] i'll probably have to go ahead and kind of slightly have it half lidded like this then and then um increase it so yeah so i'm going to be right back i'm going to quickly jump cut so that way um it gets to the part where i actually quickly fixed this so i can show you how everything will look all right so i went ahead and um i quickly had to slightly remake the um blinking so that way it's more it's slightly halfway like this um especially with just how the eyes are made uh the eyelashes i had to kind of make them slightly half-litted like that and i uh went ahead and added the squint so that way it should fully close like this so um i should be able to go here and um let's see here go to squint and there you go fully closed eyes just like that like i another thing as well actually if by any chance um you don't want to make that particular blend shape let's say you don't want to make the eye squint blend shapes um you are free to actually not do all 52 air kit blend shape by the way just letting you know um mainly since um well just the way that apple has made the their blend shape set up you can have it where it could be just dirty to blend shades and you should be perfectly fine especially if you're trying to get a more stylistic look on your model i'm still going to show how to make all 52 of them but if you prefer to use less than 52 that is your choice and that's perfectly fine so yeah um now we're gonna now that we actually finish um all the eye stuff we're gonna now move on to the jaw the jaw blend shape which tends to be quite tricky um because like i said this is the part that clips the most out of the malls typically the eyes they will work perfectly fine usually unless something happens such as half lidded stuff on the eyes but when it comes to the mouth that tends to be the most painful part ever so i'm going to show you how to prep up the jaw forward so the jaw forward my recommendation by the way if your model is trying to be more anime styled do not make this blend shape because it'll actually make your model's mouth look awkward so um i typically still add it but if your model is aimed towards a more 2d looking model don't add this blend shape i'm telling you right now so i'm going to go ahead uh for now i'm going to go ahead and hide the teeth and i'm going to just focus on the lips and then we're going to get back to the inner teeth later so i'm going to go ahead and select i'm going to zoom in to the vertices here and we're going to go ahead and select the the vertices that we need for the lower jaw which this is basically our lower jaw area right here it should look just like this you might also want to add some selections as well to make sure uh nothing looks very on right here and here and once you have that selected you'll have to basically um basically move the jaw forward now um you're probably thinking that does not look correct this looks terrible well do keep in mind we have the sculpt brushes in our hands so we will move this forward but we have to also use the sculpt brushes to make it smoother so go ahead um into scope mode and you now you can use the smooth brush but if you by any chance you need something like the uh draw brush to basically do some like slight um you know basically inflating some of the vertices um you could also do shift um shift select uh so that way uh you can click and drag and have the smooth brush there there's a little shortcut that's a shortcut for the smooth brush by the way the shift um the shift button so yeah um but i'm going to go ahead and smooth out the um the jaw here that way it doesn't look so weird that way it can look much more natural and make sure you toggle from solid mode uh to color mode just so that way you can make sure that you know what you see in color is correct but also you want to make sure that there is no weird bumps going on if your model is low poly like if you have the bright uh beta mods it is fine if there are some bumps since the model is low poly um but you can always refine this though it takes some time so yeah but overall that's kind of it on how this looks like and we'll worry about the inner teeth later as i said we will have to move the teeth for that and then we're going to go ahead and make the jaw left blend shape so it'll look something like this so we'll just move it to the left like that and once again you're going to go ahead either with the thumbtack or just saying the blend shape value to number one you're going to go ahead and also disable mirror mode um you're going to go ahead and smooth out the blend shapes here so that way it can look really really nice right so yeah there you go smooth smooth smooth like i said it's trial and error but you'll get the hang of it um so yeah now that just making sure everything looks good here now that we have that now we can quickly make the right side so same procedure as before smoothing out the right side just like that that's like that there you go smooth it out and there you go basically just like that also slightly smooth this out but try to be careful you don't want to cause any weird stuff with the lip corner so take very good care of it but yeah and also um i will go ahead uh and fix the bottom part as well and checking the other blend shapes to make sure that they are good as well so yeah just like this um so now that we have that um now uh the next blend shape that we can make is the mouth closed blend shape now the thing with the mouth closed blend shape which many people tend to assume that for mouse close all you have to do is select this and do this this is actually incorrect for iphone blend shapes some people tend to assume this but this is actually incorrect uh the mouse closed blend shape this is not properly explained in the iphone web the air kit blend shape website the apple developers website basically i mean they explain it but they don't explain how it exactly looks like because typically this blend shape is the weirdest looking one of all because it's supposed to basically mix with the jaw blend shape so think of yourself when you're chewing food right where you uh have food in your mouth your mouth is closed and you're basically chewing um with your mouth closed basically that's what the purpose of mouth clothes is supposed to be like so how do we make this blend shape well what we have to do is a very weird setup it's weird but trust me what we'll have to do we're going to go into the jaw open blend shape and we're going to put this as a value of one then what you're going to do you're going to go ahead and i'm going to disable wireframe you're going to go into the new shape from mix and you're going to duplicate the jaw open blend shape once you have that then you're going to go down here and you're going to set the range minimum to negative one and you're going to set the slider to a negative one value and as i said this looks ridiculous but this is actually correct this is how mouth clothes is because watch this well well actually let's finish this up um so once you have the blend shape here go here and then click on the new shape from mix and there you go that is your mouse called blend shape so i'm going to go ahead and move it up for just a second and i'm going to go ahead and delete this one and then rename it so the purpose is that when you have jaw open and you close your lips while your jaw is open it's supposed to mix them together like this see how the jaw basically the mouse closes just the inverse of jaw open basically now while this is the correct way there is also an extra way on making it more dynamic and dramatic this is something i did not explain my previous tutorial so i'm going to go ahead and explain it now so um by default i have it where the uh teeth are not showing so that should be good so what we're going to do we're going to go into sculpt mode and you're going to make sure that the thumb tag is disabled and make sure to have it where the jaw open is at 1 and the mouse closes at value 1. make sure that you select mouse close and what you're going to do you're going to select the grab brush make sure that you mirror um your you know your sculpting with the x key up there you're going to have it where your lip corners are slightly down like this just slightly down and you're going to use the draw bl the draw scrub um sculpt brush here and what you're going to do is you're going to go under the chin and you're going to slightly have it where um basically your chin is going down like this and then you're going to take the grab brush again and you're going to move the mouse downward this is a more dramatic way of doing the mouse close so like this basically see you can make it even more dramatic if you really want to like this if you want but i don't really prefer having it look like this because it might actually be a bit clippy so i tend to have it where the lips are slightly lowered because it the mouse closed does get mixed with the uh frown blend shape so keep that in mind but that's pretty much the mouse closing how it's supposed to act and look like so by default um will look something like this but this is correct and weird you cannot really make this by hand you'll have to make this with doing the inverse way i just showed you so yeah so now mouse pucker so what we'll have to do is pretty simple this is mainly with the um proportional tool edit so make sure you have the o key enabled which you can tell on the top part of your screen that um proportional tool is enabled you're gonna go ahead and select the lip area with the circle tool i press the c key for circle tool and then um what you're going to do is you're going to have it while zooming in with your mouse you're going to scale with s press the s key for scaling and press the x key for the axis and you're going to have it where your lips are narrow and then go to the side of your mall with ctrl 3 if you have a numpad or view and then viewport if you don't have a numpad and then have it where your lips are scaled out or like this just move it outward like this and then to make the lips more smoother go ahead and just select the outer part of the lips disable proportional tool edit and basically just move this backwards try not to do it too much though but yeah and then go ahead and kind of go and just refine you can actually do more edits with this if you prefer to have it a little bit more realistic but this is pretty much uh just how it looks like literally this in a nutshell so yeah you can also use school brushes as well to help kind of smooth things out so that way it doesn't look really weird but can look more natural so make sure you also check your wireframe as well just to make sure that nothing looks weird so yeah and that is the mouse pucker now the mouse left there's actually two styles that you can use my personal style is where i take the mouse like this and i use a proportional tool edit um and i have it where i i have it where um i move it to the side like this this is my method mainly because i was trying to get a more anime looking feel for the mouth shifting um but sometimes sometimes uh if you're going for a more realistic approach on this typically they have it where uh you use the grab brush you can move it which i gotta make sure the value of one is on um they have it where basically this side will move here and they'll just like stretch like this basically just kind of like having that squish effect it still kind of goes on the side a bit but it just kind of just squishes on the other side so this is a more realistic approach kind of um which can take some time to make it but for me i prefer to use my own method for my own personal models um especially since i see some live 2d models doing this i have it where the chin and the lips would get selected and i have it where basically the chin would follow along with um what follow along with the lip uh shifting which is another fun uh way i have it like i said i saw this with live 2d model they do this a lot um but like i said if you don't prefer this if it looks weird then you can always just use um the other styles it's really just up to you and your style preference it depends on if you're going for a tune style or realistic really depends but it still looks pretty nice though so i'm really happy with it and i can go ahead and also move the nose a bit so it actually looks also more natural since the muscles are being moved around so make sure that you remember that that the nose also moves around so yeah um there you go but that says my own style um my style might differ from yours so it really just depends but that's just that's just for me um and once again also i am aware about the tea stuff um once again we will take care of that later don't worry so yeah um but now what we're going to do we are going to move on to the smile blend shapes so we're going to enable both of them so both smile blend shapes should be set to a value of one and i'm going to use the scope mode you can use proportional edit if you prefer but i'm going to use scope the scope brushes and for the smile left i'm going to make it where the left side of the character's mouth would be turning into a smile and then the right side also turns into a smile like this that way you can be sure on how it can properly smile so everything should be okay just like this and it can probably take a a couple of tweaking since you don't want to make the smile too big um especially if you're trying to go for something more natural avoid having a very big smile it can actually look really bad um try to go for something um much more natural looking once again you can also look at the color of your model just to make sure you're doing everything right so yeah so there you go like that there you go and make sure also smooth out some of the vertices as well just to prevent so many future clipping issues basically so yeah there you go um so now that you have that um and once again just fix those uh extra stuff there right there um as we can see here it looks pretty nice um if you prefer to make it 100 more symmetrical um blender does have the option now for vrm models typically um vrmls might struggle to do them perfect mirroring with the blend shapes if your mall is made from scratch you can take advantage of blender's mirror options so all you have to do if you want to have it perfectly mirrored um you'll have to select your blend shape and you'll have to basically mirror shape key uh before typically for roy mall they can't really have it especially because um right here they have an offset and they're not perfectly mirrored unless you were to remake basically remake it where it is mirrored um it won't perfectly um go and it won't perfectly like mirror onto each other so keep that in mind by the way um if you want a more perfect step which can be tedious it just depends but for me i prefer to just do it manually for the frown blend shape um it's pretty self-explanatory it's the frowning make sure you have both blend shapes on frowned left and right make sure you have it where the lips will start curving make sure not to do it too much by the way because keep in mind you have the um the mouse closed which may also have clipping issues with the frown blend shape if you're not careful enough so please be careful with that all right but pretty much um go ahead and just curve it around and make it look very good so yeah and once we have that there's a decent frown i'll also slightly lower the other side so it looks a little bit more even just like that and there you go simple as that and then for the dimples basically you'll have to take the lip corners of your mouth and you have to use a proportional tool edit and you scale it downward and you can basically just have it like this that is basically a dimple try not to make it too much because it might cause some clipping issues with your teeth so be very careful on that so i'll go ahead here um right side here just like that so just something very simple dimples are hardly noticeable but it's great for extra details especially if you're a realistic model this can also be a great advantage now the stretch blend shapes typically i tend to mix it with the jaw open so when so i'll have my jaw open blend shape right here and then i'm going to go into the stretch left and right go into the sculpt brush and then i'm going to enable these two and what i do is i'm going go at an angle and for the left side i'll just kind of like tug on the mouse like this a bit and then do the same thing on the right side just a little bit and make sure to like fine tune it so that way it looks nicer but it's mainly just stretching the lip corners it's hardly noticeable in iphone but usually when you open your mouth super big you might notice it so yeah just like that and by default they tend to have it where the lips are usually most people tend to have it where by default they'll have it where it's like kind of like almost a frown like a second frown lip basically but that's just how i personally do it for my models but if you prefer to have it where you make it more like a frown mouth like the polywink malt then that is your choice really depends um now we're gonna get into the more trickier parts because these blend shapes here the roll blend shapes and the shrugs they tend to be the difficult stuff so bear with me because this is a this is a danger zone so the roll blend shapes basically think of yourself putting lipstick and you have to rub your lips together that's basically what the roll uh blend shapes are you they basically just overlapping your lips together mwah like that so for the lower blend shape uh roll lower you're gonna select the lower lip and you're going to select this and what you'll have to do at first you are going to basically have it where you're going to roll the lip basically rotating it and then moving it upward basically and then you'll have to use the sculpt brushes to kind of help smooth out usually whenever i work with roy beta models on this it tends to sometimes have some clipping issues but that can be easily be fixed when using um live testing with eye facial mocap on blender so you should be okay so don't worry um i'll go ahead and smooth this out i will go ahead and also adjust it as well so that way i can edit some things here so all right at the edit try try also not to touch the upper lip too much uh because keep in mind they can also combine so you want to be extra careful when with any blend shapes so like that and just fine tune it and then i can move around just have it where it's like smoother basically sometimes they might look weird usually on the tracking i tend to fix all the issues so don't don't worry and then i'll go ahead and reset this one and there you go something simple like i said the downside is a bit of it being low poly but also uh it does need some a lot of time with like fixing it up so yeah there you go so something like this is um acceptable but definitely trial and error it'll really help you like that and for the roll upper blend shape we will have to go and select the upper part of the lips um right here and we will have to go ahead uh usually i tend to like flatten it out and then i roll it this way and i kind of like bring it down and then i use the sculpt brush to go ahead and have it where um have it where basically the um everything would get smooth out because this looks like a mess so we gotta fix that so yeah um but it should be fine um like i said you like i said live testing mode will definitely will show you where the issues are so don't worry and i'll show you later on um or if you skip through the video you'll probably see where the i facial kept testing live stuff are so yeah um but there you go there's the um upper i do have to be careful with um smoothing out the lower lip stove but this should still be pretty good i should still be fine so yeah there you go like that something something very simple there you go stretch it there you go so yeah um now for the shrug blend shape which tends to be also super tricky and might cause some potential issues typically if by any chance your iphone blend shapes have this issue where your mouth isn't 100 clothing it's probably because of these two little blend shapes here so um so for basically the uh shrug upper i tend to lift the lip upward like this and i go ahead and select these guys and i move it upper as well just selecting it manually especially because this small is a little poly so i have more control of it but if it's higher poly then you can use gold brushes to your advantage now for the upper um for the upper shrug i uh go ahead and smooth out the corners here so that way it doesn't look really awkward um but do be careful though on smoothing it out and do take your time as well on this so that way it won't have to look too weird so yeah but it should have a more rounder result uh in case you're wondering so do keep that in mind all right so now that we have that basically it should look like this basically something like that something rounder on the top so it doesn't look really awkward especially when you like if you're bringing like an angry face or a disgusted face where your upper lip would just shrug up and your teeth are showing um that's basically like kind of like that disgusted look basically that's where the shrug is used uh for the lower shrug uh if you are squishing your lips upward like let's say you're like kind of like irritated and you have your lips upward um and you're kind of like that sort of attitude basically um the shrug lower can really help out with uh achieving that so if if that's the best i can explain it so you have to go ahead and select the lower lip blend shapes and you'll have to basically move it upward now the thing about this is that um how the question is how do you get it so that way it is in the correct place because the shrug upper and lower do work together so how do you make sure that the lower shrug works with the upper um like i said there is the technique of having it with the um this little option next to thumbtack shape key edit mode um so that way you can see the other shape keys so make sure that you enable both of them as ones right here because i had the thumbtack on and basically there you can uh you can see where the shrug is and you can definitely do your manual editing and corrections as well especially with some clipping issues that uh can pop up sometimes and also um gotta make sure that this is on the right blend shape so move that upward so now we have to go and smooth this out so that way it doesn't look awkward um [Music] and like i said um sometimes the uh sometimes these um when you're smoothing out your blend shapes um when the vertices with the smooth brush um sometimes sometimes it might cause the um diversity of scatter like this just make sure that you manually edit it so it looks great because that tends to be a thing with the sculpt brushes it's just something natural so please make sure to uh correct it so yeah and like i said take your time take your time on this um because sometimes it can take hours to do the blend shape and sometimes there might be some issues so make sure that this is done right like this now there might still be some clipping issues during the tracking which we can always fix but this is the general idea of how it's made so there you go like that now the next thing that we have to do is we have to create the press blend shape basically this is just um the this is like a like i said before with the mouse shrug uh when you're moving your lips upward the pressed blend shades are useful for that at least according to the polywink mall they have it set up like this um you can also have it set where the lips can just press on each other as well but like i said it really depends on what you want how you want the blend shape to look like but for my case i tend to have it where it looks like this and then i have the right side and i do it like this just like that this is how i have mine and definitely make sure to edit the lips so that way it doesn't look really weird so yeah just like that we'll go ahead and pull this one up and we should be good to go this is pretty simple so yeah and now that we have that um which is good now we have to go into the lip blend shapes there are four extra lip blend shapes and these guys right here these are the primary blend shapes as well that helps create that dynamic look on the model so in case you're wondering the question how do you make your mouth look bigger during the tracking these four blend shapes are the reason so let me show you how do you properly make them in my last tutorial i told you guys that you have to go you had to basically manually go into uh the lips right here and after selecting the um lips you had to basically pull it up and smooth it out well that's actually the incorrect way of doing that and it's actually um it's just really messy with that method the way i uh do it now is actually much more smoother so what you have to do is have it where the jaw open blend shape is active and also i do have it where the stretch blend shapes are active as well since they do get combined also so make sure you have them active just to make sure you're doing it right and nothing looks very awkward make sure that your model is also in scope mode as well and also i'm going to quickly correct this part of the mouse because it looks a little bit wide and what you're going to do is you're going to set all the four uh lip blend shapes uh lower down left lower down right upper up left and upper upper right you're going to set these four blonde shapes to a valley of one and we're going to start off with upper up left upper up left is basically where you take this part of the mouth and you move it upward like this then upper upper right you basically take this part of the this corner of the mouth and move it upward like this you can make it as big as you want um but i'm not going to make it too big because then they'll look really unnatural but make sure to use this very well and then uh lower down left basically is where you take this section this region of the mouth and make it lower make sure to also use the sculpt brush to smooth stuff out with a smooth brush and then lower down right is basically where you take this part of the mouth and you move it down and make sure you smooth brush and basically just refine from there so that way it looks really nice and these are the blend shapes that causes your mouth to become very big so if you want a more dramatic mouth effect then make sure that you make these lip blend shapes dynamic as well but do keep in mind try not to make it too dramatic because it can actually make it look pretty awkward so make sure to be very careful with it so yeah um i'm gonna go ahead and fix the right here and then i'm gonna fix this part um but you do get the general idea i also gotta make sure to check the color so that way i can make sure that the shape does look correct so yeah there we go just like this so now that we have like this and like i said it could be in your own style if you prefer to have it where the upper part is curved uh feel free to do it curved style if you want whichever um but this is usually how i have it like i said it can also look asymmetrical once again you could use the mirror black key uh the key option in blender so that way um that way if you want it to be even more like extra perfect then you can have that you know you can use that to your advantage but as i said uh usually with vrm models it tends to be a bit of a hassle so make sure that you're careful with it but it's not impossible so yeah um so there you go should look like this um usually it's the wider that your mouse is the bigger it gets so yeah um so now that that is set up we are almost done actually so that's really really great um so what we need to do now that we have this we need to make the last um eyebrow blend shape and then we make the extra stuff here which is the um muscle the muscle sort of movement such as your nose crunch effect your cheek squint and the cheek puff which everybody loves and also the tongue because iphones do have tongue tracking but they don't have tongue tracking like the vive lip tracker and just as a side note if you want if you're the type of person that loves to show off their tongue a lot and you want more movement highly recommend you buy a vive lip tracker it does not from what i heard it doesn't work standalone it has to use a vr system um but either way i might be wrong on that i don't know i do not own a vive lip tracker but if you want more lip uh you know more tongue action um you know tongue movement definitely invest in the vibe lip tracker because they have that so yeah um but what we're gonna do now i'm gonna go ahead and select the eyebrows here and i'm going to go ahead i'm going to press the p button and press selection because i'm going to go ahead and separate them so that way i can focus on these blend shapes and i'll i'll merge it back to the model don't worry and what we'll have what we'll have to do we're going to select this part of the eyebrow and i'm going to use a proportional tool edit by pressing the o key and we're going to move it upward this is how our inner up eyebrows look like this is how they look like make sure to move them forward so it doesn't clip with the head and that's how they look like just like that and then uh we have the um outer up um eyebrow blend shapes as well which also gets combined with the upper um blend shape i typically don't really do the shape key edit option i tend to just do this manually here and then i just fine tune it it just really depends on your workflow but pretty much i'm able to um pretty much this is uh i can show you um i'll quickly do this add the value and then i have the upper up and it should look like this and i can make this lower as well because it looks a bit um awkward so i can make it lower um so it looks something like this so if you're really shocked or like whoa um the eyebrows will do that so there you go and um now we gotta do the cheek puff so for cheek puff i make sure that the inner mouth is hidden which i had it hidden the entire time because that's the last thing i'm going to fix up um i'm going to go ahead and hide the eyes and i'm also i don't have to hide the eyebrows but just to be safe i'll hide the eyebrows and what we'll have to do we're going to go into sculpt mode for the cheek puff and what we're going to do is we're going to make sure that mirror mode is on and we're going to use the draw brush to actually puff out our cheek so make sure the value is one on cheek puff and cheek puff away try not to make it too big though um but even then though when it comes to iphone they typically have it where the cheek puff is not very expressive so if by any chance you want to make your cheek puff even more expressive you can actually go into eye facial mocap and enhance the um the weight of the blend shape which i will there is a section in this tutorial um that will show you in real life how and where to find settings and basically just saying that up so in case you're curious you are free to make it as big as you want but like try not to make it too big because it'll look really unnatural but this is pretty much good enough like this so yeah now we have to do the cheek squint so the cheek squint um basically think of yourself like when you're really happy and your cheek kind of like goes upward of happiness basically that's what the cheek squint is so basically um what i do is i would for the left side um i would pick up the lip like this just a little bit i make sure to also have wireframe mode as well because i tend to have it where the cheek muscle here would go upward like this and then i would kind of slightly not too much but slightly kind of like increase the uh lower eyelid um do be careful not to make it too big depending on your style preference and how you made the blend shapes um but make sure that it's enough so that way it is noticeable when you're really happy so yeah and also especially if you blink this also can get combined when you're kind of like uh blinking um because you know cheek squint when we blink our uh cheek muscle will go upward so there is that to keep in mind of and then on the right side we do the exact same thing of pulling the lip upward moving the cheeks upward the muscle and then we would have to slightly increase the lower eyelid like this um basically that very simple simple it's kind of like a smile here so that's really nice but yeah and once we have that the no sneer um on hana tool blend shapes for some reason i don't know why they do this they have it where the eyebrow here goes down which is really weird the correct way of actually doing the smear blend shape is basically um first of all making making sure that the blend shape is active you basically have to take your nose like this and just move it upward with the grab brush just that and then same thing with the right side move it upward it's basically like i call it like a nose sniffer sometimes uh as a joke but you know that's basically what it does yeah and i also gotta make sure to smooth it as well um that way it doesn't look really awkward but yeah just like that it's very simple nothing nothing too crazy about it unless you have like a more realistic nose then yeah you might want to be careful on it but usually for anime noses it's pretty simple so you can just like grab it and boom and they are combined together so yeah see like that um and then finally the good stuff the tongue blend shape and this is where we're gonna start bringing back our inner mouth because we gotta do some final stuff with our inner mouth stuff so yeehaw um so now we're gonna select our tongue i typically have it where the back part of the tongue is not selected just to keep things natural but if you need to especially if you have fangs on your model you'll probably have to make the tongue move upward but this small does not have things so this should be fine you'll just have to basically stretch the tongue like this i would stretch it here so the vertices are more spread out and this is basically how i have it do not move the lips in any way uh unless it's absolutely mandatory then sure move the lips but this is literally it just that if you prefer if you prefer more um let's say you don't want to just stick your tongue you want it more dramatic you can have it where it can be angled this way and you can have it where this is like this um basically have that like outer tongue like when you stick your tongue out and your tongue is like more closer to your lips or your lower chin area basically your chin um you can have it where um it can look something like this though i'm just giving an example i'll still keep it as the uh the way i just had before but you can have it like this basically this is what i do with my own models though um the problem with this is that it tends to cause some clipping issues which you'll have to make sure to move the teeth downward if you do something like this style you'll have to move it downward like this and you might also want to increase the you might actually want to move a bit of the lip just to prevent clipping um but i typically have it where the tongue just sticks out just to prevent the tongue clipping but sometimes i like to be a bit fun with it so yeah um but there you go that is the tongue blend shape um but before we are finished before we are finished uh we do need to add the um teeth movement when it comes to the jaw blend shapes and also a bit on the shrug so let me show you so we're gonna go back into jaw forward and we're gonna go find our teeth and tongue uh the lower teeth and tongue and we're going to basically move it forward for the jaw forward and then for jaw left we're going to move it to the left side of our model and make it a line to the chin same thing with the jaw right you're going to move it to the right side like this and um when it comes to the shrug blend shapes typically it depends on your teeth type if your model was made to have a very small teeth like very very thin teeth um you might want to have it where the teeth move upward and i'm still going to do it for this small just to be safe and then for the um the shrug lower i tend to have it where the teeth will move upward like this this can actually also help out with preventing tongue clipping uh for the lips when you're trying to move your mouth upward and then stick your tongue at the same time but you have to do some trial and error with that but this is kind of how i fix that issue by the way in case you're wondering um and also by any chance you have some weird stuff going on with the teeth in the mouth you might also want to move some of the teeth here as well um sometimes i'll have it where on the down lip blend shape i'll have it where it'll go down like basically i'll move a tiny bit here on the left blend shape and then on the right i move a little down here uh but typically i don't do that sometimes i do for my own model i have that but for most of my other um whenever i work with clients i typically do not have that because usually everyone else's teeth work fine so yeah um but yeah other than that though you don't need to mess with the cheek puff or anything like that um if by any chance of any other refinements if any uh go ahead and make those refinements now check your blend shapes to make sure that uh they all look good but just to review and recap and just to check to see if there's any issues this is the jaw open this is mouse funnel this is the eye blink right with the flight little lidded area for the eye squint and then i blink left i blink um i wide left eye wide right brow down left brow down right i look down left i look down right i look in left i look in right i look out left i look outright i look up left i look up right i squint left it can be more than this um or can be very little your choice i squint right jaw forward jaw left jaw right mouse closed pucker the mouth pucker mouth left mouth right smile left mouth smile right mouth frown or left mouse frown right mouse dimple left mouth dimple right mouse stretch left mouse stretch right mouth roll lower mouth roll upper mouth shrug lower mouth shrug upper mouth press left mouse press right mouse lower down left mouse lower down right mouse upper up left mouse upper up right brow inner up brow outer up left brow outer up right cheek puff cheek squint left cheek squint right nose near left nose near right and tongue and just to also make sure that you see as well um with wireframe to see what has changed here are the following um movements when it comes to each blend shape when it comes to wireframes so go ahead and take a gander this is also especially useful if you already know how to make iphone blend shape and want to make sure that you're doing it correctly so there you go boom so yeah um and one last thing before i do uh go ahead and test the blend shapes out i am aware that sometimes there are going to be some teeth clipping issues when it comes to the iphone blend shapes now typically on my own models i tend to have it where the teeth is not too close to the lips like this i tend to basically in the bases i would move it backwards like this that is how i usually prevent the mouse the teeth clipping issues but if by chance you don't want to do it you'll have to go into each of the blend shapes that have the clipping issues such as the mouse shrug um the smile stroke blend shape or the mouth shifting make sure that you adjust the blend shape to prevent mouth clipping but i'm gonna go ahead and quickly um kind of like fine tune these extra blend shapes here and we should at least be okay delay start testing and debugging so yeah um there we go we have made all the 52 erica blend shape but we are not done yet we still got some stuff to do so the next thing we're gonna do we're going to test out uh our blend shapes and learn how to fix our blend shapes properly and debug them before we convert our models to vrm and after we do the i-facial mocap stuff uh we will then do the vrm process and hopefully that should be it and if you have any other questions definitely leave them in the youtube comments and also make sure if you need a private tutor please go into the description below find my discord tag which is kind of space huico um seven one five eight and dia you know add me as a friend i'll add you and then you can ask all your questions or request for a private tutor session so feel free but with that being said i'm gonna go ahead uh before showing you guys the um how to test it you guys have to learn about how the i facial mocap app works so in the next scene you're going to learn about the i facial mocap itself in real life in this following section of the tutorial i'll be showing you guys how to set up eye facial mocap and learn how to use the app and also just um to let you know if by any chance you see a little red light popping up at this part of the camera which you can possibly see right now that is basically the infrared uh lighting from the depth sensor um it you tend to see it only when you um you're looking through like a camera lens like on the phone or a typical camera so that's a that's a little extra note that you know that's interesting um but basically um the first option right here this basically enables the character mall right here there are some people who don't like seeing this character for some reason so if you do not want to see this character and you prefer to see your face then go ahead and tap that option i'm not going to tap that option because you guys we ain't doing a face reveal so um there's that um and don't worry if by any chance your real face is showing on the iphone it will not be shown on your youtuber streams unless you for some reason take out a camera take a picture of your iphone with your face showing and post it on twitter or on your twitch stream then you'll reveal your face like that but no there's no way to have the face on the iphone show on vc face on the computer there's there's no way so you're you're safe with i facial mocap by facial mocap will not dox you so record mode record mode uh it's mainly used when it comes to sending fbx data to to blender my or some other 3d program you don't really need as a v tuber but if you're you if you want to make some blender animations feel free to use it have fun with it um you can still use the i facial mocap application the pc app in order to do the recording there which is much more convenient mosaic is basically just um when you're using your real face it tends to like kind of make your face look blocky um that's a preference choice if you want i don't really use it look forward is basically calibrating your face so if by any chance your character the head model is looking the wrong way then just tap on that button to reset it if by any chance uh you're testing out your blend shapes and you want to reset all your blend shapes without having to go to each blend shape and zeroing them out manually go ahead and tap these two buttons here this button disables all blend shapes or any tracking on the upper part of the face and this one disables all the mouse tracking so you can basically just pause your tracking with those two buttons and basically it makes your blender life easier like i said when you're finished with testing out your model enable these two basically tap on these two options so that will disable the tracking and then disconnect um from my facial mocap with blender and everything should be a okay now we're going to go ahead and press the gear button and this is where some other stuff this is the good stuff here so if you are a v tuber and you are going to be streaming for hours please enable this option right here optimize for long time streaming this will help prevent your um your iphone from blowing up so once you enable that if you go press back it's going to basically remove the character which some people actually really like this so and also i prefer using this if you are streaming because it will not blow up your phone but even then get um get some sort of like uh iphone cooler that will really help you out you can get one on amazon if you want to prevent your iphone from dying so a little extra note adjusting the motion weight is basically um where you can be able to edit each individual blend shape so if you want to make your let's say when you're talking your mouse feels too small but you don't want to go back to blender to fix it you can be able to tap on this area here and you can scroll to each of the individual arrow kit blend shapes so i can go to draw open and basically what you can do for the weight it basically is kind of like um the influence it can basically um i guess if if i were to say it makes the tracking a little bit more sensitive on that one blend shape so you can open your mouth very tiny and this can make your mouth open very big if you made the weight like a valley of two or three or something you have to experiment with this the min and maximum um they basically help with stretching so um if you were to make the max let's say like 10 and you make the weight into like five you're going to stretch out the blend shape a lot um it's going to actually stretch if you were to do adjust the weight value it would not stretch the blend shape it'll just make the blend shape just it'll just make the tracking like more sensitive but the max will just actually stretch your blend shape a lot more than it should so be careful with using that option there the minimum it'll you know basically what minimum small it'll basically kind of like help limit the how much the blend shape moves um so yeah there's that it's really just trial and error just play around with this if you want i myself don't really touch this um but some some people that i know do touch this and edit it so it's really helpful if by any chance you feel like um you want to reset all your blend shape settings go ahead and tap this button here and this is for all blend shape settings not just one all of them so please keep that in mind before pressing that button there is also smoothing motion which helps smooth out your um iphone tracking but i don't really use this but feel free to um use this if you want to so there you go there's um some extra options here for version of interface i typically put mine as a v1 by default you will get a v2 which if i go to v2 right now it'll look like this um the reason why i use v1 is because it has the two options to disable the upper uh the upper and the lower face tracking which is really useful for blender stuff so i recommend v1 but if you prefer if you prefer v2 then feel free but v1 i that's what i prefer the most so yeah so we're going to go v1 there's some other stuff as well there's also face motion 3d which i don't use face motion 3d but feel free to check out the differences if you want to make the purchase for face motion 3d that's your choice you can also put vr mods in here as well you'll have to use um itunes you'll have to like connect your iphone to your computer and use itunes and stuff to port your vr model into i facial mocap it's kind of unnecessary to do that because it might actually instead blow up your phone so use at your own risk if you're doing that um because it uses more rendering it uses more rendering power and it's going to heat up the phone easily so that's if you really want to um so yeah but other than that though um that's pretty much it for how to use i facial mode cap hopefully that helps clear up everything on i-facial milk cap and stuff so yeah let's continue on with the tutorial all right so for this section before we can actually test our model real time in blender do keep in mind that blender can sometimes have some lag so don't be uh scared if blender has some lagging when it comes to the um real-time tracking blender just has a thing where they just ha they just have this fps thing um so basically um this is the i facial mocap app and basically what you have to do is on the iphone ip address you'll have to basically uh type in the iphone ip address um into i facial mocap uh from ifish remote cap to the uh pc app itself which the pc app is free but the i facial mocap app is six dollars um at least what i was told so make sure that you buy the app and download the free pc application and there is a tutorial from the creator on how to um you know properly install the add-on because you do need the blender add-on as well which comes with the pc app so make sure that you click on the button that says add-on and make sure you install according to the tutorial which link in description for that tutorial so yeah and do keep in mind if by any chance uh just to let you know if by any chance your iphone ip address has been accidentally been revealed do not panic your iphone ip address is called a local ip it does not docks you yeah i will say that right now iphone ip addresses do not dox you at least the ones using the one from i facial mocap that thing will not dox you it's a local ip it changes a lot um the reason why i have mine censored is just mainly in case somebody says something about it or questions it so i have it there just to prevent anything but you know prevent any uh questions and stuff but you know keep in mind if it's if it has been revealed don't fret it is a local ip it does not give you it does not mean you'll be doxxed you will be safe do not panic do not worry so yeah um but what you'll have to do though um for the app is that you'll have to basically um go into the faith object so for roid model typically they have something named face dot baked or unless you rename it uh to something else which on the top right of blender is a hierarchy it'll show you your object's name just copy and paste the name to i facial mocap and everything should be a-okay you can make animations if you want to for um if you want to like have some animation in the blender for production use um which there's that you can also be able to test out your model's movement here by register you know typing out the name for roy mall they have a little bit of a weirder name but still works so definitely check out blender to see the um the basically the bone names and basically registering it these are basically set to my own custom models uh you know settings but for roy they could be different or unless you rename it yourself so yeah um there are more sayings as well down here and all that such as the um you know more head stuff eye neck neck bone and all that stuff so definitely check around i won't go into the other stuff you know play around with it but even then though uh this is very simple all you have to do is make sure that blender is selected up here select 2.9 um even if you're using 3.0 still select 2.9 and then click on the connect to blender so that way it can start connecting my iphone is actually off though uh so that's why it's not connecting but uh once your iphone is on and you also type in the right um ip address because this is the incorrect one um you can then be able to uh it'll say it'll swap from connect to blender to uh disconnect and um when you're ready to finish you know tracking if you're finished testing you click on the disconnect button that pops up and then it'll revert back to this so yeah let's go ahead into blender and test out our tracking all right so as you can see now i set up i facial mode cap with the add-on and all you have to do is basically you know type your ip address and um also the object name i renamed in case you're uh for some reason your model doesn't work make sure to possibly rename the object to something like face instead of face dot baked and also make sure to check uh if you would accept the firewall you need to accept the firewall or your iphone will not work with either vc face or blender or ifashion mocap so every time you see the firewall pop up please make sure to click on yes do not click no otherwise it's not going to work and you'll have to go into the firewall and basically add um basically add something to where it'll add a permission so that way you can be able to have the tracking to work but as you can see though um the tracking is actually working pretty well and yeah there could be some work that could be done with the uh upper um the upper squint they could definitely be more enhanced um but it overall works pretty well now uh let's see if there are some issues with some clipping not as much maybe a little bit so let's say if you do run into some clipping issues by the way and you're not a fan of it you want to get it fixed up you'll definitely have to do some troubleshooting with it so definitely go back to your blend shapes and make sure everything is smoothed out but if by any chance there's a pose that you've done um that look you know something that you can't really find within the blend shapes alone and you have to figure out what's causing it you'll have to basically click on the i facial mocap panel and make sure to click on the button to pause the face and then what you'll have to do is basically go through each blend shape and kind of like move them around to see uh which one is potentially causing the issue usually the first step i would do is that i would typically look for the blend shape that has the biggest number and see if that one is causing the issue for example like the frown but the frown is not causing issues um check about the let's see what else is down um let's see here let's check mouth pucker mouth pucker is not the cause of this clipping issue here let's see um so definitely you know it may take a while to find the bugs oh wait i think i might have found one it might be something with the might be a bit something with the roll here so we can try to see if we can smooth it out a bit see if that helps the issue lower like that it also be the shrug here too so we can also check that out because usually as i said the shrug mouth can tend to be the more problematic blend shape sometimes which is surprising for some reason yeah um but once you have that test it out and there you go just like that it has been uh pretty much resolved so i'm really happy about that so yeah um so yeah so pretty much though um you know do some trial and error uh fix ups with it but overall by default the way i did it um it works pretty well um besides the fact that the uh eye squinting can be more and in case you want to know how to possibly um enhance that what you can also do um which i'll go ahead and pause the tracking so um just a heads up i will be using the actual app to pause my face tracking like this which is done by the upper off and the lower off on the app and in case you don't in case you accidentally skimmed and you don't know what i'm talking about please replay the i facial mocap section where i go over the uh real life iphone and the app itself so just a heads up there but what i can do is i can go into the squint and i can increase the max value to let's say a value of two and you can basically uh increase the stretching here you can make a duplicate of the uh squint and you can go ahead and basically um have it where instead of this blend shape here you can have it where it's the newly duplicate one so just rename it and you can have this so yeah and i'll do the same thing with the other one here increase the max value and just like that duplicate it delete the old one or the other one and there you go and see if it works if it doesn't work then once again trial and error there you go just like that so yeah pretty much this is how you would make the iphone blend shapes and as you can see it looks pretty nice so i'm really happy about it um so yeah and um you know once you're satisfied with it make sure you pause your tracking so that way every um single of the blend shape values are zero make sure to click on waiting for connection and what you can do is you can start unhiding everything so alt h everything so your model can come back and what you can do now um is basically you know make sure that you save your blender project uh so that way it doesn't you know you didn't lose anything so i'll go ahead and save my project which i have not saved at all i'll save it um over here in the folder and um once you have this um now the next step though after you finish your blend shapes you will then have to go ahead and select everything on your model and um what you'll have to do then you'll have to go and basically set up a fbx which i'll quickly go ahead and rename um the object here so a little cleaner and what you have to do is select everything file export and you have to export as an fbx now technically technically you can uh from blender you can export uh from you know into vrm directly i have tried it before and it actually does work sometimes it doesn't work sometimes it does so you can experiment and see if the exporting to vrm from blender works you might actually get it to work but if by any chance something doesn't work or you get an error or something like that you can try fixing the error um but usually i will go i will go through the fbx which for this case i will i'm gonna have to so um i'm gonna click on export export fbx and um just to describe it for you which i will make sure to send a screenshot of make sure that you go ahead before you export your fbx model go to the right side of your screen and make sure to click on apply transformation or apply transform and click on the armature the armature tab and make sure to disable the button called add leaf bones add leaf bone basically adds extra unnecessary bones to your model which is really just useless so um so basically um you know do keep that in mind just uncheck that uh but other than that though name your fbx file click on export fbx give it some time to process and um in the next uh in the next cut i'm going to show you guys how to properly um you know you know basically convert your model into vrm with the iphone blend shapes and we're going to do it the manual way while also um you know knowing how to properly do the more automatic way when you're trying to get your old uh model settings into the new model so i will see you guys then all right so this is going to be a brand new unity project i'm currently using version uh you know i'm using 2019.4.31 which is the same version that is recommended for the vsf sdk in case you're wondering um so i'll be using this version of unity i'll also be using uni vrm 0.66 because uh 0.66 not only works with unique um with the vsf sdk but it's also the more stable version of univrm since univrm is working on more updates with their um with their add-on so um so what i'm gonna do first and foremost i'm gonna go ahead and load in 0.66 univrm into my unity project and give it some time uh basically for everything to begin loading and it'll take some time here so right now it's importing my assets and once it's finished it's going to pop up with three different folders it should be called vrm vrm shader and then you need gltf because vrm is based off of the gltf format so there you go you see the file there and the next thing we'll have to do is we have to prep up our um our model folder so i'll go ahead and name this test which is going to be the test mode that i have um exported out and i'm going to go ahead i'm going to find the model the mod that i just export as fbx and what i'm going to do if i can go find it uh here so fbx i'm going to go ahead and import it here so right there um as you can see there is the uh void model now there's a question i've been having a lot lately um how do you get the exact same original shaders from your old vrm to this new one well what i basically do is i make a new folder inside of the character folder and i i name it ref the reason why i named it ref is because it's a reference basically meaning this is the model that i'm going to be copying all of my settings so i basically in the ref folder i import the original vrm file the one that has all the physics all of the you know the shading and all the settings and i basically um import it here just like that so um and then you can see here as a side to side comparison uh this one is the color version this one is not so i'll go ahead and hide this one uh for now because we can uh copy these the physics things at least um for iphone i will manually um apply them myself which i will show you um but basically um what we'll have to do first and foremost we'll have to go into the fbx setting of our model click on the rig and you're gonna click humanoid and you're gonna give it a bit to you know register and then what we're going to do is we're going to click on configure click on save and you're going to go into the head and make sure that the jaw bone is not registered if your jaw bone is registered make sure click on this the delete key and remove it if by any chance you need your jawbone whether you're an animal v tuber or a robot v tuber that needs a jawbone uh keep it on but when it comes to like generic um you know models that have blend shapes then don't use that um now the next thing you'll have to do is go into model and please click on legacy blend shape normals right here this is very important because every single time you import your fbx file you will always have broken normals uh i don't know why but especially with vrm stuff it's going to look very broken so please make sure to enable this then what you're going to do is go into your materials and then you're going to click on on the left side here with the little hierarchy the mini hierarchy here at the bottom you're going to expand the ref file the folder click on the material folder and you're going to click and drag your original um your original materials from the old model to the uh new model right here so and make sure to get all this right so that way there are no mistakes made so let me go ahead and register [Music] and that way you can be able to get the exact um the exact same shading so i'll click on apply make sure everything is correct if there's anything wrong please make sure to correct it um but there you go see everything seems normal just like the original and then what you'll have to do if your model is not in t pose make sure to click on uh vrm xero and click on free t-pose but in this case our model is already in t post so we don't have to worry about it so we're gonna click on export uni vrm and then you can go ahead and insert all of your uh information whether you uh you know put in all the information or you're just you know putting random stuff just to get the vrm file so i'm gonna go ahead and export it into the folder i made for the character so test give it some time and then what i do i'm going to then create a new folder i'm going to call it test vrm it'll be inside and then i can go ahead and delete this model right here and i will then import the newly made vrm file so give it some time and once it imports it's going and yes we do have to re-import it because we have to add our physics and blend shapes and this is the part where a lot of people tend to ask me how do you register iphone blend shapes to uni vrm so i'm going to tell you first and foremost you're going to have to manually register each and every single blend shape whether you like it or not you're going to have to manually register them because there is no active add-on and there's no existing add-on yet um i don't know if there'll be one in existence but there is no add-on available out of this creation of the video where basically it converts fbx blend shapes to be automatically registered as vrm blend shapes sadly there is no way as of right now so you'll have to click on the blend shape folder which is the third folder click on the blend shape um animation clip here and what you will have to do you will have to manually um click on you have to click on create blend shape clip and what you'll have to do is um on the file explorer that pops up you'll have to type in the um iphone blend shapes name open jaw mouse funnel i blink left and i blink right just like that now the question i also have as well how do you type out the iphone blend shape names well i'll tell you right now type them exactly what you just put on blender now here's the thing to keep in mind as well apparently i don't know what what's up with v magic mirror but apparently if you have the blend shape names as lowercase the ones that um the apple developer website uses apparently the magic mirror hates that i don't know why so you have to make them capitalize i'm pretty sure they should be able to work with lowercase i don't know i can't confirm this is a bug that i heard from someone else um but if by any chance you have issues please make sure that the blend shake names are capitalized like this so that way everything can start working uh draw left and then draw right and yes you have to type all of this manually just like what i'm doing right here and like i said this is um this may not be fun but this is what we have to do so yeah mouse yeah um but what i'm gonna do um i will actually say before i go jump cut so you can see the full blend shapes in their full glory um what you'll have to do in case by any chance you have made the you know you have done the um you know the manual uh registering of the blend shapes but let's say and vc phase you notice there's a bug and you have to go back in blender and redo the process if by any chance you have to do that there is an option where you can be able to copy the vrm register names and paste them on the new model now like i said this does not this add-on does not copy and paste the vertex data of the fbx blend shapes it only copies the names of the vrm blend shapes and basically have the auto register according to the order that the blend shapes are in so if you change orders of the blend shape it might act up um but basically in the description it should be called copy settings vrm or uni vrm extension this i have two links for it one with uni vrm extension and the other one is a unity package that is pretty much similar but tends to work most of the time so you have two options in case one of them uh ends up breaking and you're going to download that as you're going to import in here and that actually is the same add-on i use to copy physics as well so let me go ahead um before the jump cut um i'm gonna go to uni and i'm gonna load in the copy vrm things unity package that i have which should be very quick and works very well another tab should open up called vrm which says copy vrm things up there and um basically what i do i would click on the things and also as um i should be able to have a screenshot of how the step should look like but basically the source avatar should be set to the original model uh so if by any chance you had to read you know you had to go back to blender and fix your blend shapes again uh the source avatar will be the model that has the manually registered vrm blend shapes the um the iphone blend shape register and then the destination avatar will be the one that doesn't have the registered iphone blend shapes and that it needs it and then make sure you disable meta information and pretty much everything else can be checked or just check of your blend shape only really depends on your case and what you'll have to do is you'll have to click on copy and paste and everything should be copy and paste and especially with the add-on it should also be able to copy and paste the physics here well in this case it copied the colliders which is great so that is something really nice about the add-on it can help copy and paste and simplify your work uh but do keep in mind make sure that this is all done within one single unity project file if you have to do the copy of your own blend shapes like i said this is for copying the vr bunch of registration um just to make it simpler for you if you have to constantly go back to blender this helps make the workflow much more faster and not painful so you're welcome um but yeah and another thing as well just keep in mind if you take if you go into your unity um project file it's brand new you import your model and you import your you know your newly vrml and you need to register the iphone blender but you don't want to do it at all if you were to go on the website take like the um the hana tool uh void models from you you know void hub you take those perfect sync models and you import those into unity and you try to copy the blend shape names from them to your model um i will tell you there's gonna there is an issue where basically um i'm not sure why this happens with the add-on um but basically i'll have it says something along um which i will show you hold on so let's say with mouse pucker it'll say baked pucker like that so if you were to take the void um any void hub with models with the iphone bench and you try to copy the registered vrm blend shapes to your um own vr model um it's gonna come out like this and you'll have to manually delete the baked um you know prefix so it's not really nice i would prefer manually registering it but if you have to then feel free to do that at least it kind of cuts down some time but even then uh be please be careful with the add-on and test it out um use at your own risk if you want i guess but yeah um other than that though i'm gonna go and jump cut to where the blend shapes are registered and i will see you then all right so i went ahead and manually uh registered all the blend shapes and as you can see everything is registered properly um so all them should have the exact names according to the um apple developer website or the polywink model the thing is that i had to capitalize the um the blend shape names and the reason for that is mainly because of the magic mirror because for some reason i'm not sure if this is correct i might be wrong but the magic mirror has a thing where basically they are case sensitive on the blend shapes so if you have them all capitalized like this it should work for b magic mirror but i'm not sure i correct me if i'm wrong um but yeah either way though i tend to capitalize my stuff personally so this does still work with vc face but this is how if you want to work in any vrm program you know it's set up like this unless the vrm program has something to do with cap sensitivity i don't know you'll have to consult the um applications instructions on vrm blend shapes regarding the iphone blend shapes um and what i did though as well in order to actually get it to where because as you can see in the preview window your blend the blend shape should be showing how you actually get it to where it works so after you click on create blend shape clip and you had to name everything manually or unless you use the add-on you already did everything you had to copy and paste you're fine but if you have to manually do all this you'll have to click on the uh button right here click on the arrow the tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny arrow right there um right here under blend shape right here and there's a big list right here that shows all the blend shapes that are in the model find the one that corresponds with the name of the blend shape such as cheek puff for this case so cheek puff cheek puffs down here and then you do this for every single one you have to click on a tiny tiny tiny arrow and then find your blend shape and after that click again tiny tiny arrow again scroll down find the name that matches and keep on going 52 times so yeah um other than that though let's go ahead and export out this model since we have finished so click on your model in the hierarchy click on vrm0 export as 0.66 and then save your model on whichever place that you're going to save it in and let's go ahead i'm going to go jump cut to the part where um i show you guys how the model works in vc phase so let's go see it all right as you can see this is the final result on how the iphone blend shades look like and i'm really happy with how they came out you can have an angry face you can have a really happy face you'll be shocked it's pretty simple though um you can do mouth shifting [Music] but yeah um pretty much and also just like that um so overall it's pretty good though um definitely you know i could do some refinements here and there to make it even more dynamic but even then overall it works and that is how you make iphone blend shapes from scratch or at least some maybe some work with using some pre-existing blend shapes though but even then that's really how you get it to work and hopefully this ultimate guide helps you out if you have any other questions please please please let me know um and do keep in mind that yes these blend shapes not only work with eye facial mocap they can work with other applications such as ydio live link for unreal engine roku ko face capture application um it also works with the upcoming virtue app which i've heard about it should work with pretty much any other uh typical iphone app unless there are some for some reason case sensitive which i don't i don't know about that you'll have to consult to the app uh stuff but even then though that's pretty much it though if you have any other questions please comment down in the uh youtube comments if you have questions or any issues um if by any chance it's a deeper issue and it's really bad uh please go into the description um please use the discord tag um kana space huico hashtag 7158 um add me as a friend on discord and you can request me to either private tutor you or answer questions that may um like if you have any constant questions basically do keep in mind though when it comes to dming me please do not constantly dm me about um you know helping you out on a commission uh because that's not my commission that's your commission but i am happy to at least help insist if there are some new issues that are new to you but please don't constantly contact me if it comes to you doing commissions regarding iphone since i am aware that there are going to be people who will do commissions about iphone blend shapes so please make sure that before you do iphone blend shape commissions make sure that you master the skill before doing so and make sure that you know if by any chance there's any issues you know feel free to contact me but make sure that you prepare yourself for the worst of iphone blend shapes so yeah that's a little extra advice from the kana in case um you know you you want to learn about iphone blend shapes to do commissions so yeah other than that though uh have a lovely day though and i hope to see you guys next time alright everyone and have a lovely day bye
Channel: Kana Fuyuko
Views: 14,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vtuber, envtuber, virtual youtuber, virtual youtubers, engvtuber, english vtuber, english virtual youtuber, 3DVtuber, vtubers, virtual youtuber anime, virtual youtubers anime, snow angel vtuber, snow angel, snow vtuber, 3D animation, 3D modeling, 3D tutorials, 3D guides, iphone blendshapes, iphone blendshapes tutorial, iphone blendshapes vroid, arkit blendshapes, iphone blendshapes vrm, iphone blendshapes vtuber, perfectsync blendshapes, vroid arkit blendshapes, meowface vtuber
Id: KvkRkXcpKn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 4sec (8464 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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