Hey everyone, my name is Feathers,
and I'm the cutest devil in the world! Welcome to my VRoid ARKit blendshapes tutorial! In this tutorial I'm gonna be teaching you
how to add really nice, expressive facial expressions to your VRoid model, because
the ones built in aren't that great. This method will allow you to have really
expressive blendshapes, really allow you to be really specific with your expressions
and have them come through on your model. I'm gonna be using VRoid Studio, HANA Tool
(costs like $7 USD), I'm gonna be using Unity. But yeah, those are really
the only tools you need. I have an iPhone, which is gonna
be your best tool for this. If you don't have an iPhone, completely
understandable--I believe there are some face tracking apps that you can use for Android, like
Meowface, I don't know anything about that though. This should also work with a webcam,
but only with certain VTuber programs. I am also going to show you some cool little
tips you can do while you're in Unity that might help you make your VRoid a little cooler
and fix some things you might not like. So, stick around for that as well. So yeah, let's get right
into it, hope you guys enjoy. Be sure to leave a comment if you have
any trouble, if you have any questions. Y'know, like and subscribe, hit the
bell so you don't miss any other videos. Let's get right into it! Alright, so here we are in VRoid Studio. We're starting here because we
have a pretty important step that we need to do before we move to Unity at all. So, here we have our export screen, this is the
screen that pops up when you click "export". We're gonna be looking at these menus in
the top right corner, these ones up here. Here, there's a menu called "reduce
polygons", we're gonna open that, and there's a lot of sliders, checkboxes,
we just wanna uncheck this one. Don't check anything else, don't mess with any
of the sliders, we're gonna leave those as is. All that messes with vertexes and polygons, and HANA tool does not want you to mess with
that or else you won't be able to use it. And then you just press
"export", and export as normal! Alright, so here we are, this is the Unity website. This is
where you're gonna download Unity Hub. You don't really need Unity Hub per se, but it'll
help a lot, it'll make installing things go much much smoother, a lot easier, it'll keep all your
projects organized, all your different files. Really makes things a lot
easier, a lot more productive. Definitely download the Unity
Hub, it'll help a lot, I promise. These things can get confusing, Unity has a lot of
files, you're gonna lose everything really fast. But yeah, after downloading,
let's head over to the Unity Hub. Alright, and here we are in Unity Hub. This is generally what its gonna look like, you're gonna have your "Projects", "Installs",
on the left side, which are the relevant ones. Up on the top corner over here, you're gonna have
"Open" and "New Project". If you click "Installs", you can click "Install Editor" up here, and
I would go with whatever they recommend. If there are problems, then UniVRM, one
of the plugins we're gonna be using, will recommend a certain version of the editor. So you just wanna... If it's not
here, you can go to the archive, click that link there, and try to
find whatever one it recommends. If you're having any problems,
like weird issues that come up, you probably wanna try downloading an older
version that UniVRM or HANA Tool recommends. Alright. Now that we have
our Unity Editor installed, you're gonna click "New Projects",
this big blue button right here. It's gonna give you all these
templates, just make sure you're on 3D. You can select your editor version up on
this dropdown, as you can see I have a ton. I'm just using this one--This is the one
I'm gonna be using for the tutorial cuz this is just kind of my default,
but it should be pretty much the same in newer versions of Unity, I
don't think it'll be any different. And then here, we just have your Project
Name, you can just put, like, I dunno... You can put, like, the name of
your VRoid... "VRM_Blendshapes". You usually wanna use underscores (_) rather than spaces--Generally pretty good
practice to use underscores. And then as for the location, I recommend
whatever drive you have a lot of space on. I wouldn't recommend putting it on an
external drive, generally you don't wanna work off of external drives
cuz that might corrupt your files. Once you're ready, you just click "Create Project" And depending on how powerful your computer is, it will take anywhere from, like,
a minute to like, five minutes. You'll have all sorts of loading screens. Pretty much, you just wait. And if it looks like it's stuck, just
keep waiting because it'll take a while. Alright, so here is the link to our
first download, and our most important. We're here at the GitHub page for UniVRM. Now, I always have issues with the
way GitHub lays out their pages. What you're gonna wanna do, is just scroll down,
and it'll give you the README, which is this. Big letters here, colors, just look for this box. If you scroll down, there'll be a link here. Click "Download here". I recommend making a folder for all of your
Unity packages, you can put it on your desktop, documents, wherever you think you'll remember because you're gonna need
to use these multiple times if you plan to use this for multiple characters. Alright, here's our second download. Now... I know what you're thinking. "What the hell am I doing, it literally
says 'This is old' right on the thumbnail." We're going to be using this version
of HANA Tool for the tutorial, because this is what I always use. I know there's a new version of HANA Tool, and I've had people in my comments
on the previous video saying "Oh, this doesn't work anymore" "This option isn't popping up for me," "This option is in a different place," "All the menu options are different," I have never used the newer HANA tool, and this one has always
worked perfectly fine for me. It's 1,000 Yen, which is like...
$5 -- $7 USD. So we're gonna be using HANA Tool.
V4 does not work with VRM 1.0 avatars, so be sure you have a 0.XX. Buy it, download it, and I'll see you in Unity. Here we are in Unity, I have my
folder with the downloads in here, and this is gonna be a really easy process. So basically, from those downloads,
you will likely get three files. From HANA Tool, you might get a .zip
file that you'll have to unpack. So you wanna make sure you
have the UniVRM packages. Pretty much you just wanna click on your package, drag it down here into the "Assets" area of
your Unity editor, click and drag, it'll load. It'll give you this big ol' thing over here, just
click "Import", this little button right there. Once that's done, a couple
of folders should pop up. If you do have the second package,
you can drop that one in as well. And then, once you have those in, you
wanna go to your HANA tool folder, and here you're gonna have two packages as well. You're gonna wanna import both of those as well, so I'm gonna start with the "VRM" package,
just drop it in there just like we did before. Click "Import", this one
shouldn't take as long I think. Yeah, there it goes. And then the second package, it
says everything's already in there, so we don't have to worry about that. So, you just wanna go up
here, "VRM0", click on that "Import from VRM 0.x" It'll open up your file finder, you just wanna find wherever your model is.
(The VRM file, make sure it ends in .vrm) Find it and click "Open". It's gonna give you another file finder pop up, you can create a new folder,
just name it, uhh... "Model". Click "Save" on your new folder.
Or you can just save it, already, you don't have to make a new folder. Once that's done it'll plop another folder,
the one you just made right there. Open that. There's gonna be a bunch of folders. But there should be this preview of your model
right there, it might just be a blue cube. Whatever it is, you just wanna
click, drag that up into here. But yeah, you can scroll
in with your scroll wheel, click your scroll wheel and drag
to pan up, right mouse to rotate. If it has a weird shadow,
don't worry about it for now. I'm gonna show you a couple little tricks first. Like I mentioned earlier, some
things that you might wanna do. So now, I'm gonna show you some fun
things, I'm gonna explain some folders, I'm gonna help you with a couple of
things that you might wanna know. So, if we go over here on the left side, we can
see our Assets, we can see our Model folder, just open it right up, you can
close any of those other folders. Otherwise, don't really mess with any of that. Now, if you go to "Materials", you'll
see a bunch of stuff pop up here, a bunch of little balls with textures on them. In this section, you can
change the color, thickness, anything of any outlines you have on your model. As you can see here, my hair doesn't
have an outline. Nothing has an outline. But I do want outlines, cuz I
really like that toon-ish look. So let's go to our Hair texture (material),
I have a few... We'll just go to one of them. You'll see here (right side) the
options for the shader pop up. We don't really need to worry
about any of this for now, but let's change... Let's
add an outline to my hair. Scroll down a little bit,
you'll see a section called "Outline", you wanna go to "Mode".
I usually pick "World Coordinates". Let's take the slider, you can see it
pops up right there, that black line. You can set it to whatever you like, I
usually recommend something a little thin, or else you might get this effect where
it clips through other parts of the hair, or it looks like its floating a little bit... I'd recommend something kinda thin. And then here, you can do the color, you can select any color you like.
(Red, black, white, whatever.) But mess around with it, do whatever you want!
You might get some cool effects that you'd want. The rest of this stuff is a little more advanced. If you want rim lighting, you can add
that. Emission is basically glow-y, if you want stuff to glow you can do that
(it doesn't show up in the editor sometimes). You can find some tutorials
on emission maps and all that, but I'm not going to go into that
here. It's a little advanced. As you can see, there's like this pink
shadow on my skin. Let's take a look at that. If we click here on my face material, you'll
see the "Shade Color" is pink. If you're like, 'I don't really want pink shading, I don't
want any shading at all,' You set it to white. Maybe you want a different color shading, like, my colors are red, so maybe
I want like, a dark red shading... If it's kinda distracting, you can just click that lightbulb (upper right), turns
off all the lighting in the scene. Same here with the "Lit Color, Alpha",
This is just the basic color. If you want your skin to have a certain,
like, tone, you can set that color. Let's go to the glasses.
Let's talk about transparency. So VRoid glasses already have
transparency built into them. But, say, you have like a dress or a shawl,
something you want to be kind of see-through. Let's do it here with my jacket.
Just for demonstration purposes, let's say I want my jacket to be kinda
sheer, like a see-through fabric. So we have over here, "Rendering Type", we switch that to "Transparent". Under "Lit
Color, Alpha", (what we were just looking at) we're gonna see this one right here. The alpha
channel, which basically tells the program whether you want it full or a little transparent. You can
mess with that a little bit, and as you can see, as I adjust this slider, my jacket
gets more or less transparent. There's also the "TransparentWithZWrite"
which might give you better results, something more like what you're looking for. Though one warning I will give you, is that if
you use a green screen in your tracking program, it might not work very well if you're keying it
out in OBS. Your fabric will show up kind of green and it won't look great. Just
a little warning with that. Alright, so I've successfully edited
all my materials, added outlines, transparency, whatever I want. Now, it's time to put the blendshapes
on. The focus of this tutorial. So we're gonna wanna go up
here (top middle), there should be a little thing that says "HANA Tool". You click on "Reader". It'll give
you this, there's male and female. And then you're gonna get this little
bar that says "Skinned Mesh Renderer". You just wanna click this little
circle, (this might be confusing, there's gonna be a lot of different
things), you just wanna click on "Face". Double click that (Face) and it should pop
up there. Just click "Read Blendshapes". It should give you this, "Finished reading
blendshapes and added then to the mesh". If it gives you an error, it should tell
you ~"Turn off this setting in VRoid" or something like that. If it gives you something
weird, let me know and I can try to help you. Click "Okay" and just close out of this. Go back to "HANA_Tool" and
click "ClipBuilder", right here. Come over here, to your model--Click, drag
that into there. And press "Clip Build". It'll say "Finished to Clip Build", click OK, and
now all your blendshapes are there. But if you wanna see a preview, if you wanna edit anything,
you can go here, to your blendshapes folder. (3rd folder down) It'll give you a lot of stuff.
You just wanna click this third option here which should be the controller. It'll show you here, you should have
all your blendshapes right there. Further, down here, is the preview for your model, you can drag that up, you can rotate that
using your left click to click and drag. Let's see what one of these looks like.
Let's go to the "TongueOut" blendshape. You can see, she's sticking
her tongue out, pretty cute. In my last tutorial, I said you can delete
some stuff, you don't really have to. Though, something I have noticed is that even
though you can see it here, the jaw movement, it usually will not show up in tracking apps. I don't know why, but I have
never have gotten this to work, I don't know if there's some weird secret...
Or if I'm just built different, but, [ laughs ] Let's do some adjustments. So
if you look here at the squint, you can see my eye highlight is poking
through my eyelid, we don't want that. You can scroll down. There should be a little
teeny tiny menu right there that says "Face", click that, it'll open up a big ol' dropdown. Here you can see we have all our old
blendshapes. And we have all our new blendshapes. So we wanna get rid of that ugly clipping
right there. So let's scroll up... Here, we can see that the generic
VRoid blendshapes have an option to get rid of the highlight,
so we can scroll that up... We still kinda want it there, but that
way if we just do it a little bit, we can see that it's still there but its
not poking through our eyelid anymore. Let's create a new blendshape that we
can toggle with our tracking software. Let's name it "HighlightSmall." We're gonna make,
like, a yandere type of face, so let's do that. You can see its right here in our list, it
pops up there. Let's open that menu again. Let's pick out the blendshapes that we want.
So, I'm going for a yandere type of look, so we wanna hide our highlight... So
let's put that (slider) all the way. And we wanna also make our irises small.
So what we're gonna do is we're gonna go into our generic blendshapes where
it says "EYE" -- "Fcl_EYE_Surprised" This blendshape makes our irises
small. There's not one by itself... But let's set it to right there
so that it's not too much. Boom, we have our custom blendshape. You're not really gonna be able to trigger
this automatically, unless you add it to some other thing, like a frown or MouthLeft,
or something you can do with your face. You can add those on top of it and it'll
trigger it whenever you do that face. Now that we have that... I said in my last video that you
wanna adjust this one cuz it looks ugly, but this is actually how it's
supposed to look. So, that was my bad. So let's go up to here, our VRM0
section. Click that, "Export to VRM0.x" Now we have this window, it says "VRM Exporter",
we're gonna grab our model over here (left side), drag and drop into the "ExportRoot" bar... It might give you a version error if you
didn't do that earlier, you can edit that. Here, these options pop up when you
export your VRoid from VRoidStudio, if you wanna edit those, if you
wanna fill in any of this, you can. Click "Export", export it into... It'll
give you the general Unity folder, I wouldn't recommend putting it there. If you have some other folder that you'd like to put all your
other VRMs in, I recommend putting it there. I'd also recommend changing the name so
you don't get them mixed up. I just put the blendshapes on this one, so let's just call
it "Final", because that's all I wanna do. Click "Save", put it in the folder. Alright, and you're all done! That's just really the basic blendshapes.
You can use these in pretty much anything. You can use them in VNyan, VSeeFace,
Warudo... You can use them in apps, such as Hyper Online, Virtu,
whatever VRM apps on your phone. They should work pretty well. As I said before, I do not know how to have
these working with webcams or Android phones. I know that VNyan in particular
supports webcam and I believe she (Suvidriel) has a tutorial on how
to set that up if you have a webcam. I do think you're going to get the
best results if you use an iPhone. Yeah, but I hope this helped you
out. This will work in pretty much any tracking software, you should
notice an immediate difference. Let me know if you have any
questions. Leave a comment. In the description, you will find all
the links for everything involved. Let me know if you run into any trouble, or let me know if you have any other things you
would like to know about editing your avatar! I will say, my blendshapes look
really good! You can see, my jaw, moves quite a bit when I
open and close my mouth. I used Blender to edit my blendshapes further,
and you can do that as well, it's really easy. I might do another tutorial about that in
the future. It's a little more intense, in terms of technical knowledge. You'll have to learn how to use
Blender and all that. Let me know if you wanna know how to do that,
and I will help you out with that! I will make a tutorial if enough
people are curious about how to further edit their blendshapes in Blender. I hope you guys enjoyed that! Don't
forget to like and subscribe :D Check me out on my other social media if
you like my model, or my.... my voice, or whatever! I play a lot of
videogames, I stream on Twitch, I'm on Twitter, Instagram, all
those things. Check the description! I hope to see you again soon, though~ I hope you enjoyed the tutorial,
and I'll see you guys next time! Bye-byeee~ ;P