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hello welcome to sorted food this is fridge cam let's get ready to rumble I'm so sorry welcome to the last time in season three that these guys will go head to head to head in an ultimate battle whoo Barry's really nervous he's got jelly legs as ever they are playing for brownie points but this is their last chance to get brownie points on the league the theme is grilled cheese and because it's so simple there will be brownie points up for grabs based on concept execution and delivery and any questions answered correctly they asked them about their ingredients go right so we've already been dicks to each other already doesn't even begun I'm nervous of this one I'm not I am confident that's because yours he's done in 30 seconds this because mine's ultimate we also need to get changed doing is a one ladies and gentlemen I bring you not so many now [Music] there might have been a mix-up when I ordered my costume this is a missy mouse costume whereas I went for a Michael Mouse costume yeah Peter Pan went into a fetish club I didn't feel any need to get dressed up every time I've got dressed up it has taken away points not given feeling so I'm focusing on the food right can we just focus on this right do you know what that looks like put it it looks like when you're five years old and in primary school they try to get you into cooking in food tech I really hope your wife goes into labor and you have to rush off that is an actual thing that could happen Lucy's due to give birth any minute now and I may have I may get called away you talk through your recipe first because it looks wrong I am making a grilled cheese cake doughnut the reason this is gonna win a grilled cheese battle because it looks just like a grilled cheese but for the center I've got cheese cake a lemon zestes cheesecake and for the outside a delicious jam donut they change color I know the hills are alive with the sound of brownie points for Mike oh now the costume maybe a bit OTT but oh he's unzipped me he's unzipped me do you know it took Mike half an hour to get me into this dress mini needs a back wax my grilled cheese is ultimate perfection because the ultimate grilled cheese is the one that you can make at home in the space of three minutes bread cheese so let me talk you through this grilled cheese Swiss inspired we've got zop bread which isn't really soft bread it's actually brioche but it's not it in the same way we got sauerkraut which was actually from Germany but the Swiss eat it and they eat it hot we've got salami which is supposed to be like so so severe that which is a spiced swiss ham I've got Gruyere and I've got raclette I think hey Switzerland does border all of those countries exactly that's true isn't it right at a toes from Ireland it starts by making a potato rosti potatoes go in the microwave for 15 minutes once they cooled a bit I'm gonna grate them throw in some butter mix it up fry them in a pan step 1 - making the ultimate grilled cheese white bread if it's stale it's even better butter both sides of both slices of break looks delicious I really and this is how I made it I've got some mascarpone and because I'm mixed in a bowl mix this up icing sugar some vanilla extract and some lemon zest and just a touch of yellow dye [Music] massively important step coming up we're gonna cook it on the lowest heat so basically you're going to cook the outside so slowly with the inside still melts then we'll butter the top flip it over ultimate grilled cheese okay Jay while you wait for the first side to cook yeah your chance for the curveball brownie point Oh oh yeah well you didn't have many ingredients to write a question about so I've gone for cheddar okay some lovely cheddar that's a David snow Cornish yeah comes from pounder as well but it originally comes from cheddar gorge which is based in which UK county I'm gonna rush a little mousey brain think I know is it Somerset you do get a brownie point yeah did you die yeah cheddar gorge one doing here is making a circular potato rosti and then I'm making a more traditional slap it on and poke it down potato rosti because my sandwich is gonna be square so I want to cut this into a square so perfectly tessellate I've cut my donuts in half I've spread them with my cream cheese filling and I've got some white chocolate and marshmallows on top now it's time to sandwich them get some flash in the pan start frying them given you just put it in the pan national donut day what was invented by the Salvation Army in Chicago in 1938 but which month of the year does it formally are you kidding three year wow this is great we've been to Chicago made wrong it's very close but it is not the right answer it's guessing it was Beijing and the reason they you're not a general would know it is because I experienced national donut day in Chicago in lost and hungry tour and you edit the blog come on technique number two making the ultimate grilled cheese it's actually toasting the inside of the bread as well as the outside so what I've done is buttered one side of bread put it down now I'm going to take it back out grate the cheese onto the top butter the top side there's not buttered or cooked and then cook that I'll tell you what this grilled cheese love is complicated how many times so you left you hop on again this is what he does the cheese from a grilled cheese comes in two Swiss parts one Gruyere but first reflect which is a semi-hard cow's milk and it's really cheesy and you melt it on a little thing and it slides right off you turn my home off the people that were standing here whilst you I don't know what you were trying to cook I was sweating out my later hosing that's good that's a lot I love this too this is one of my favorites good good good yeah booyah is also one of your favorites upper your balancing it out with salami mustard and sauerkraut mmm sauerkraut yep it's preserved cabbage yes how is it preserved by fermenting it well I'll get a feeling my question reflects how am i how I've done in battles in recent recent times talk about absolutely fail I tried to give you one I thought you might know rubbish oh it's getting there Katie's feeling sorry for you and thinks you should get another question no I'm not taking another question if you need it have another question question yeah I might look so a national donut day was invented or introduced in Chicago in 1938 it falls in the first Friday of June every year but who introduced it that I told you only three minutes ago I don't don't know she said she thought John I'm not I think I'm okay The Salvation Army introduced national donut day in Chicago Tommy on the first Friday of June every year well but which year did it begin let's told you twice yeah 1941 No third time lucky you can't say we're not giving you can't say we're not making this was in 1939 no was in 1938 yes no a brandy point for me did you punch my grilled cheese um you're not getting another brownie points for that my raclette is melted look at this and now I'm gonna slide it off so now salami that's a German salami this one's German like they speak in Swiss sauerkraut Gucci's number two [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before we get to the judging I have a second costume halfway through the battle and I thought just to give herself a fighting chance it might be worth you drink or whatever I don't care it's a narrow shot in the bar Shaw oh yeah how do you solve a problem like Maria so you guys already got a point today from answering your question right you did have three chances I'm sorry so how many points have you got now however Barry you are at the bottom of the leaderboard the last point five only a few points between you and Mike currently right all the lows and Jamie's up front I've got a chef versus chef battle coming soon so I get more chance of any points but now we're judging the food Jamie Ben what we have here is the ultimate classic grilled cheese now a grilled cheese is the simplest of all sandwiches like with a burrito battle sometimes going classic leave you know where to hide that is a grilled cheese that takes me back to my childhood good strong cheddar buttered white bread it's nostalgic dumb pretty well is it good enough for a battle in Barry's own words that is a grilled cheese and I look forward to continuing this judging process to see if we can say the same about the remaining two this one I really like I like the smell as it's cooking the whole place smells like a fondue it's strong cheese it's grilled cheese it's got a nice crusty crispy dark outside oh I'll turn it upside down that wasn't right even I like that the potato cake rushdie thing is delicious the salami is incredible the mustard a nice touch the rest someone's consumed more charcoal that's fine there have been times when you have stretched the brief before yep technically there's two types of cheeses in between bread and it's been grilled so I'm happy with that here that I questioned why if you made luminous well I wanted to emulate the look it was originally an Oreo sure it was brown been looking like a burger so therefore I want to make it more cheese lots of lemon it's very fresh it's kind of cheese cakey needs to be served warm like the rest before I released my brownie points I'm gonna make it clear you guys do get a vote too you can use the poll on YouTube now that doesn't always count for a brownie points today we're gonna take the winning percentage from that poll after 48 hours of publishing and they will get two brownie points but my brownie points today it has to be the Swiss ball yes it has to be the Swiss one even though that was clever that was brave but maybe a step too far wait let me do the maths of this I've lost haha point there's no there's no way there's no way back up don't vote for me I'm done for today the only he would still be in if he'd got one of his three questions right yeah we gave him the answer on 1 & 2 so long farewell auf wiedersehen India seriously though this now doesn't need your votes so comment down below who's your favorite and make sure you vote on the poll we've get all the recipes downstairs that is also not the end of the brownie leaderboard we haven't got any more chances to win but Evers can win the whole thing when he does a chef versus chef battle against James coming soon in the meantime we're gonna get talking to you because us three and you guys have got a plan his food health so now it gets interesting we know Barry's lost and he's gonna be facing his food hell but who is going to win so I've got one more chance I'm up against James and a chef versus chef battle this time next Sunday to try and get points to beat you make sure you're subscribed don't miss it and it goes live and we will see you next week click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,826,707
Rating: 4.9145994 out of 5
Keywords: ultimate grilled cheese sandwich, how to make a grilled cheese sandwich, grilled cheese sandwich, grilled cheese, ultimate grilled cheese sandwich recipe, epic pizza grilled cheese recipe, diy giant grilled cheese, grilled grilled cheese, how to level up a grilled cheese sandwich, the art of grilled cheese, perfect grilled cheese, best grilled cheese, cheese sandwich, inside out grilled cheese sandwich, 15 grilled cheese ideas, cheese
Id: CJHHiot9yBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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