ULTIMATE Getting Started Guide Assetto Corsa Competizione PS5 Update 1.9

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assetto Corsa competition on Console specifically PS5 is fantastic however the game doesn't do a good job in helping you to get things set up so what I'm going to do now I'm going to give you the ultimate guide the ultimate beginner's guide to setting everything up in a set of course a competition a on Console so first of all from the main menu as you load into the game we're going to go straight to options I'm going to talk you through all of the options explain in detail what you need to set and why you need to set stuff and you'll be absolutely set so you can go racing first of all I go to video and I actually do enable motion blur I personally feel this is more natural when I'm driving I've tried it both ways and I quite like motion blur I don't think it's a game changer but it's just how I have it set everything else is completely standard in video settings in audio for me specifically I have my master volume at 25 this just allows me to edit my videos without having to change the background footage this is a YouTube specific thing so choose whatever you want for master volume the only other thing I do change and this is again personal is I just lower the opponent's sounds I just would prefer to focus on my own car my own engines my own gear shifts and not be distracted by a bunch of other cars surrounding me so this is what I choose here controls this is a big one guys I'm going to talk you through every single detail now I would highly recommend using wheel and pedals with ACC it doesn't really work particularly well with a controller you can play it it's not impossible to play but it's a whole lot more immersive and fun with a force feedback wheel pedal setup and I would also recommend uh investing in a wheel stand for yourself last time I tried ACC I had my Logitech G29 clumped to a desk a monitor on the desk and they kind of force feedback motion it just transferred to the desk it wobbled the desk it wobbled the monitor it all felt a little bit difficult the force feedback in ACC is quite detailed and it can quite during jarring on some of the curbs and using the wheel stand it just connects disconnects your monitor from the force feedback you're getting in your steering wheel I use the GT Omega wheel standards the classic wheel stand it's almost one of the cheapest wheel stands available if you want anything from GT Omega I do have an exclusive discount code cd5 on GT Omega website gets you five percent off anything at GT Omega uh also with my classic wheel standard I've got the Classic rear seat uh frame and the RS6 seat again from GT Omega it just gives a fantastic cockpit and it really gives them that immersion when I'm going racing in ACC now to the settings for force feedback now this is specific to Logitech G29 but I'll explain uh what each of them do to allow you to tune them for yourself but I think even these ballpark numbers will be fine for any wheel and pedal you can tune from there the first one is gain now this is simp simply just the strength of the force feedback this gain applies to all of the options below it if your wheel feels really nice but just a little bit light then raise the gain if you feel uh wheel feels really like nice but just a bit too heavy then just lower the gain this probably would adjust at the end minimum force is where it's it applies an extra Force if you've got a small percentage loading but you've got a very weak wheel like a G29 for example you may not actually feel the feedback come through the wheel and motor so if you increase the minimum force it allow you to detect the small details that the wheels trying to feed back to you this is good to allow you to feel that those Sensations but it removes a little bit of the dexterity of those small Sensations [Music] Dynamic damping I believe is in relation to the speed of your car the faster you go the lighter the wheel will become but in my testing I've found it just be better to have a slightly higher Dynamic damping setting Road effects are the feedback from the road through the tires into the steering rack so bouncing over curbs bumps on the track all that kind of stuff frequency is the number of times per second the force feedback is sent to the wheel I read somewhere that a Logitech G29 for example needs a lower hertz frequency but I've tested it back to back and 400 always seems best so I'd probably recommend staying on 400 uh steering lock is the rotation of your steering wheel compared to the rotation of the in-game steering wheel so default is 1080 which is the full rotation of most steering wheels now for me this doesn't quite match very well what I'm doing is I'm rotating the steering wheel and looking at the white steering wheel in game so I'm going to go a 180 upside down and the steering wheel in game has over rotated compared to my own steering wheel so we're going to go click in and change this setting I'm going to have it upside down and if I find the the adjustment button I'm going to click it down you can see it moving on screen I'm going to keep clicking it down until the wheel in the display there matches my physical wheel and for that it seems to be 880 degrees so now my physical wheel matches the virtual wheel rotation so a80 is what I was going to use now this may vary between some of the cars we'll double check that in a bit I'll show you how that works steering scale this is just a multiplier I wouldn't touch this anymore so I'll leave this at 100 steering linearity I'd also highly recommend to leave this in one linearity is almost like an exponential curve to how you want the string to go it could be dead around neutral and more aggressive towards the end of the steering travel I would leave it on one just give yourself a one-to-one steering ratio brake gamma this is where you have a ramp to the brake I personally would leave it in one but if you feel the brakes a bit too Keen early on or a bit too dull you can change the brake gamma and you would see how this works the translation between your braking input and what is uh listed in game the brake Dead Zone this is an interesting one guys because on the Logitech G29 it's kind of like a two-stage pedal you can you can hit the rubber stop and you can push a bit further now for me and coming from gt7 I hit that rubber stop and that rubber stop is almost my maximum whereas in ACC by default you have to push through that rubber stop and put a lot of brake pressure to get maximum brake now I find this a bit difficult to transfer between two games so I'm actually going to change uh the braking dead zone now what I'm going to do first guys before we do that I'm going to press press the break right now to what I feel is maximum and observe on the screen how far the red appears up so that's me hitting what I think is maximum break but feels maximum to me compared to what I play with in Gran Turismo 7. so now we're going to select the dead zone and we're going to bring that dead zone down to where that is now actually uh yep I think that could be pretty good maybe a little more just 33 so as I'm just tapping the break to where it needs to be making sure that there's no white to be shown or just at the edge I think that's that's going to be good 30 I'd say that feels perfect for me you can do the same thing for throttle so if your throttle pedal barely touches um mine feels okay actually but I think I'm gonna probably put a few clicks of dead zone at the top of the throttle to make sure I'm hitting a Full Throttle so this isn't dead zone on the bottom of the controls this is dead zone at the top of the controls that the extremities now let's go back to the top now I'll tell you exactly what I use for gain so I use 80 for my gain I have my minimum force set to zero if you feel like the wheel's a little bit too loose or free you can up this minimum force and it'll make the steering wheel a little bit tighter around Center and it gives you a bit more of a tight feel to the steering for me I don't mind that that little bit of a loose feeling so I'm going to go with zero percent for dynamic dampening I actually have this at 160 percent I feel like this gives me that tightness and feedback in the wheel and really helps when the slide starts to come in you really feel the wheels start to open up automatically and then Road effects I have this on 20 now these settings on screen now is what I've been using quite successfully uh for a good couple of days now these settings May evolve so make sure you subscribe to the channel I'll keep covering these as I find new ways and new things to go faster in ACC the other thing to do now is to map some of the buttons so shift up shift down is obvious that is absolutely required I'm going to go through and call out what I think are essential button mappings you can go back and map other buttons for yourself so going down here put them into I have a lot of this on um on the automatic so traction control um I'm going to press the square button to unbind that I actually have this on the rotational dial on the G29 which actually doesn't work that well sometimes but it is what it is but it is it's easy to change TC on the Fly TC is very very useful in ACC and you can tune it on the Fly I'm going to clear ABS I don't want to be able to change ABS on the Fly maybe I could I can do that through the MFD I'll show you what that is in a moment for the lights I'm going to clear that as well flasher for me is quite important I think it's good to communicate with other drivers online with the Flasher so I set that to Triangle that just matches what I use in Gran Turismo 7. indicators again we can choose these uh just assign them to some buttons that are useful to you again communicating with other drivers online in practice sessions or in races is really quite important cycle camera is quite useful especially as I'm going to show you later on I don't bother with look left or look right look back I have that as X again matching my grandchildren 7 controls a very useful control to assign is MFD of MFD down so we've got these set to plus and minus on the G29 that just Scrolls you through the MFD and then you can use the d-pad because it's important I think to have the d-pad unmapped in this control system because you use the d-pad to go through the MFD all the other things actually I have saved replay on my enter button because on Console replays are a little bit poor they're only 10 minutes worth and as a content creator I like to show the replays and often the good bit is gone by the time the race is finished but that is more specific to me so I have that enabled and then all these other things here all of this stuff's pretty much up you know if you've got your favorite TC setting you could assign that to a button to directly map it to that um but that's all fine because that is what I would recommend for a G29 other Wheels may vary a little bit but this might be a good starting point for you in the gameplay section in the general um I actually do choose to skip session sequence intros you can leave it on it's up to you it's not going to change the game in the assists I actually have manual gearbox clear the clutch automatic I'll leave the engine start automatic the wipe is automatic the light's automatic the pit limiter is automatic stability control now this is where I turn that off this may help you but it's something in the game where it's not realistic it is a an aid there are plenty of other AIDS you can use in the car which are realistic like ABS traction control the stability control I would highly recommend to turn it off and then ideal line guys this is actually really interesting one I would leave this visible until you get self up to speed and then onto the hood this is where you can change the things that stay on your hood as you're racing through the game so gear and speed uh lap time circuit map what I do for this one guys I change the circuit map to be the full circuit map this allows you to see where other drivers are on the track uh tires session info all that stuff here radar enabled all of this stuff is useful speed miles an hour or kilometers an hour it's completely up to you virtual mirror all this good stuff uh service statistics I actually do that I have that enabled and I actually do disable uh driver tags and online IDs for me the tags are just so basic they're just black boxes with white text I think it breaks the immersion a little bit so I personally have those two disabled so that's going to have all of the settings sorted for you but it's not time to go racing just yet before you start a career before you start any championships or special events or multiplayer I'd highly recommend going to single player set yourself up with a practice session I'd probably choose Monza as a circuit the circuit choice is really up to you um mons is not too bad some heavy braking zones Branch hatch is incredibly difficult you can run wide so easily there so I probably wouldn't recommend Brands I should start with silver Stones quite good can be quite flat Paul records another good one as well a lot of good runoffs so that's quite good there mizano interesting some really high speed Corners in this one uh xandervort can be a little bit complicated a little bit bumpy as well it's bar could be a good one especially if you're coming from Gran Turismo 7 you may know Spar very well Nurburgring is a good track again from Gran Turismo 7 except this is the one with the The Wider chicane hungaro ring some really tricky Corners at Hungarian Barcelona is quite good zolder has an incredibly awkward chicane so maybe that is not ideal to start with so first to start with guys we're just gonna go for Monza it's a pretty safe track and guys I would highly recommend going for the Ferrari 488 GT3 car from 2018. this is a car that comes completely free with ACC and you can just choose uh let's choose Ronaldo racing there we go David Perez got a big shout out to David perrell huge inspiration for this channel as well as Super GT of course uh so we're going to confirm uh that one in fact we didn't even choose daily Pro we can actually choose actual David Perell confirm there we go so now we're going to the realism settings uh on here damage rate Fuel and tire wear Tire sets all this stuff this doesn't have too much of a significant effect so you can't just switch it up to Pro and the Damage rate is fine you you really should get used to treating the car that it's fragile it is a racing simulation if you hit a barrier the car's written off get back to the pits try again having that level of danger really makes you enjoy the game a lot more fuel consumption Tire sets break temperatures uh formation and penalties on the last this is all stuff that I think should be enabled guys I I'd like you to get used to racing like this so I'd highly recommend starting like that track and weather conditions will keep that pretty standard uh it won't go too far as that you're just getting started with ACC so you want to keep that pretty standard and then in the assists I thought I said this really I'm gonna go for a manual gearbox everything else we're going to keep uh automatic it must not have saved actually so yeah manual gearbox and then remove stability control and press X to save it yes it's gone to custom now so now we can start the session so you hear a lot of people talking about setups in ACC how they're critical to be fast and quite honestly guys you can find more performance in yourself and your consistency than you can with setups until you're doing five six ten laps all within 0.5 of a second of each other then a setup probably isn't going to find you what you need most of the time you can find it within yourself consistency in ACC is far more important than speed so we're just going to hit drive and we can handle the pits almost everything should be on automatic so you get on the throttle to um start the engine this is where we're going to give it one final check on the wheel rotation so we've got our on-screen wheel right now and we're just going to rotate our own wheel to make sure it matches the in-game wheel and it it's it's closed guys it's really quite close you can fine tune it to make it a little bit more perfect um but I think we are good to go so let's just drop into first gear pit limiter is automatic and you can see the track confidence metal at the top corner of the screen so before guys when we mapped The View change button there are quite a few views in ACC and I don't use this view personally I don't actually use this view I don't use any of the views because I use a custom View first of all it might be worthwhile you going through all the views and seeing if there's a view by default you like I wouldn't recommend using any of the chase cams guys but for me I use the dash View because for me as I said in a previous video here is my steering wheel I've got my steering wheel I don't need an in-game steering wheel my monitor is behind my steering wheel and that is the dash however the weighing our monitor is set up it's quite High so it looks to me like everything's a little bit broken so we're going to press the options menu from within here and we can go down to view settings this is the only place you can access view settings and these view settings are unique for each of the cars you choose now first of all what I'm going to do is the height um I'm going to raise it up to almost again to feel like the dash is is behind my wheel and we're looking pretty good there guys I think so seven uh lateral is left to right distance is uh front to back so if you want to go forwards or backwards that's all good I think it was on nine a field of view is your field of view you should set this so that it is an appropriate field of view for the size of your monitor and the distance your monitor is away from you there are online calculators to to to calculate what your perfect field of view should be but basically the the more field of view the the more fish-eye uh the lenses now you can get it quite a wild one and I think that is a bit too much I think 54 is the default so we'll leave it at that pitch is where you can pitch the camera up or down again completely drive a preference if you have covered up some of your instruments with your new Viewpoint you can put a virtual hood of that dashboard on the screen but honestly the on-screen Hood elements already do a great job to give the information you need lock to Horizon this is the vertical pitch how closely it locks to Horizon in my opinion I want the camera view to be locked to my car my wheel and the car that I'm virtually in I want that all locked together and I want the surrounding scenery to be moving so I'll leave that on zero movements leave it 100 dash camera factor I leave it 100 that just keeps the the car rigid to the camera that I'm looking from it's going to save that and then switch to drive so now we've got the the viewpoint [Music] and then we're going to go and drive the best thing to do guys is to not overdrive the car take it easy and get used to it the ideal line is really useful green means your lower than the ideal speed so you can go faster you can get a move on when it goes to Orange that's when you start to need to think about braking when it's red it means you really need to be on the brakes so and it's going to transition to Orange [Music] we're going to get on the brakes very early and you can see it stopped the fade to green and that's going to be a good speed to go through the corner [Music] see or it's challenging because some of them you can run some of them you can't run and you'll learn that pretty quickly again down one gear through here all good and then all we're trying to do is just run consistent lap times run consistent lap times you'll earn car control medals you'll earn track medals and you'll progress through and gain confidence through ascar as you can just brushing them curves nicely there are some big big curbs at uh asgar as you can guys so be cautious in those ones and honestly it's just a case of following that green line breaking when it turns to to Orange [Music] going down through the gears and just floating through these corners and you can start to feel the car moving around the default setup you'll be using is the safe setup it's got reasonable traction control so you can just smash the throttle no real worry about spinning out and then you're on your way you're on your way in ACC you are no longer a beginner keep an eye out for breaking points down through the gears curves there take it nice and easy and really try and get your mindset into the fact that you're driving a GT3 car pushing the brake in to the very edge are you going to be risking your life in this GT3 car or you can be a little bit cautious into some of the braking zones bounce on that curb there and when the car is in the air Landing bouncing you have no traction when the tires are not touching the road You Can't Get Grip you cannot get grip so you see that the TC is flashing guys and doing its job a few laps of any of the tracks um use the PlayStation function to record your gameplay and watch it back because in the bottom right hand corner you're going to see your throttle inputs your brake inputs and you need to be making sure that you're hitting your maximum braking point so I'm going to jump on the brakes down the straight now we need to check that we can get in full brakes and we are so you see the yellow bar in the bottom corner there um so yeah we need to make sure that we can hit full brakes when I had my brakes set a bit too far down the pedal I found I was doing hot laps and I was only getting to maybe like 75 80 breaks so I was not getting my full potential on the brakes and that's why I set the um the dead zone [Music] and there you go you guys you're often running in ACC [Music] if you have found this video useful guys then make sure you're subscribed make sure you like this video um let me know in the comments below if I've helped you out with ACC and make sure you subscribe we're going to get more ACC content on this channel I'm gonna help you get faster help you run clean and enjoy driving a fantastic simulation uh that is on console also guys if you check out in the description below if you need to upgrade your sim rig then I've got exclusive five percent discount codes for GT Omega cd5 at gito Omega gets five percent off anything there so make sure you go and check those out again thank you very much for watching guys and we'll catch you the next one
Channel: Doughtinator
Views: 35,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: assetto corsa competizione, acc console, acc ps5, best settings for acc, best settings for assetto corsa competizione, logitech g29, best wheel settings, sim racing, how to start with assetto corsa competizione in 2022, assetto corsa competizione ps5, acc sim racing, assetto corsa ps5, assetto corsa competizione tips, assetto corsa competizione review, assetto corsa competizione setups, assetto corsa competizioned for beginners, jardier, coach dave, assetto corsa, update 1.9
Id: 9nvUk5JMaBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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