How A Failed Sim Became The Ultimate Driving Game

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foreign is the successor to what is now the most commercially successful thoroughbred racing Sim of all time Asado Corsa stepping into those rather large shoes ACC was a more focused effort from developer Kuno simulator integrated directly with what was then known as the blondpan GT series ACC was intended as an all-out simulator of only one type of motor racing GT3 perhaps everybody's surprise then the first Early Access iteration of the title was not only a rather poor GT simulator but a pretty poor simulator overall it drove decidedly worse than its predecessor for quite some time which is quite an achievement given the Delta to be running on identical physics engines and this rough start is exactly why ACC turned out to be such a remarkable story spent the next four and a half years regularly updating ACC through tough times and good seeing its player counts rise and Wane until they eventually as is the thesis of this particular video specifically with the last update made ACC arguably the best consumer driving simulator ever made luckily we don't have to Traverse the entire span of those four and a half years because we've already done so with this video Linked In the card above and description below today our focus is specifically on the final sprinkle of magic added by the recent 1.9 update see acc's major hurdle over the last half decade has been to go from feeling like driving a barely mobile metallic oil tanker on ice skates to a reasonably light metallic chassis suspended on Springs lying on rubber Wheels it decidedly lacked sensation and Nuance in the extremities the sidewall Flex of the tires the springiness of the suspension the compression of the bump stops the flex of the chassis Etc systemically kunos targeted these issues one by one from making the cars manageable over curbing to adding the sensation of chassis Flex under extreme load and to now very recently finally correcting the behavior of the suspension and tires which in my opinion has made the crucial final bit of difference to bridge the gap between its eye racing and r factor 2 in extreme situations no longer when you send a car over rough curbing will it react as if it's trying to outrace Dogecoin to the Moon after a tweet from Elon Musk the tires and suspension actually act as if they Bend and compress take a look at these extreme load scenarios and especially note how the suspension attires act in tandem to absorb these forces and keep the car on the road foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] the Radeon run especially as the car's entry was incorrect which created a Cascade of emergent effects from the car catching the dip of the curb on the left which heavily unbalances it and forces it to go wide on exit with the sidewall Flex of the tires making the car feel like it was bouncing the entire way ACC is now full of these exciting scenarios and waiting where you can actually send the car Full Tilt over rough curbing for if you go too far you still have to deal with the Fallout up until recently this was almost the exclusive domain of iRacing and rfactor 2 with their physical time models now this sense of engagements and fun at the extremes is also reflected in ACC one of the most wondrous things about this gradual transformation is that we began with a Sim which was extremely unkind to any sort of overdriving the slightest bit of Tire slip was over penalized which led to us needing to develop extremely robotic ants let's face it not very fun driving techniques but now it's not uncommon whatsoever to do the odd bit of snap oversea mid corner without dropping a full second wondering when the passenger slide will end the driving model is Snappy responsive and you're constantly being reminded of the interplay between mechanical and aerodynamic grip acting on the car you can quite literally feel the difference between the two through the force feedback [Music] really want a great example of this simply set yourself up for a few laps in the modern Porsche Cup car and thank me later lacking traction control in the sophisticated era of GT3 combined with a hefty amount of horsepower and an engine that sets squarely in the rear of the car creates for one of the most intense interactive and enjoyable driving experiences you'll encounter anywhere you're probably thinking well that's all good and well but who is this guy to tell me what's more or less realistic I am just a reclusive Sim racer with more opinions and friends after all which is exactly why I've recruited my friend Sim racing in real life GT3 extraordinaire James Baldwin to tell you about his experiences with the most recent version of ACC directly contrasted to his real-life Driving Experience at spa and the British GT championship so the first thing I noticed was curbs and how cars go over them in a much more realistic manner now and last year when I made the transition from SIM to real in the spa 24 hour my biggest weakness as a driver was curb usage I wasn't using enough curb basically so my training and mindset was based mostly around my lapping on acc I had no money for real life testing my biggest time loss was in the final bus stop chicane especially the right hand away in real life you're all over that curb but in version 1.8 on acc and the McLaren you couldn't really take a lot of curve anywhere so I assumed it would be the same in real life so I'm going a little bit off topic but if I have a race in real life again I'll make sure to use a driver coach because if I have any shortcomings making the transition from SIM to real the driver coach will stop in the tracks tell me what I'm doing wrong and then it will just fast track my development as a driver so that's that back to ACC for a minute version 1.9 I like the sensation you get now where you can feel the tire Flex I like the fact you can make fast setups without relying on the metas of previous patches but because yeah I mean they still are quick those meters but you can make setups that are nearly as quick without them and these setups tend to be a bit more drivable which makes for a better Driving Experience for all of us playing it I mean if you look at real life grids for a minute on the GT World Challenge grid no one on that grid is going to be running fully negative toe front and rear so I mean something's clearly not 100 right because you can still do that in ACC another example of it not being 100 accurate is the winning McLaren from the SRO Esports Bathurst 12 hour that took place recently it did the entire race with traction control off so clearly something's a bit broken there because in version 1.8 first of all you couldn't do that second of all in real life there's no way anyone would do that because 100 you'd end up in the wall at some point so there's still a few things it needs to work on to fully bridge the gap from ACC to real life and make it as realistic as possible but overall version 1.9 is a step forward from version 1.8 which is the main thing as it Ebbs ever closer to realism in my opinion it's still 100 the most realistic Sim out there if you want to what it's likes driving glutika Thanks James okay so maybe we're not all the way there yet but we're pretty darn close and it seems that James would mostly agree so with that put to bed and my opinions backed up by an actual professional in the vain hopes I don't get flame to high heaven in the comments we can finish up by talking about the things that ACC still needs to work on in order to become a truly perfect Sim if there could ever be such a thing see while ACC is the successor to assetto Corsa if you looked at them side by side now in 2023 you would not believe that AC has been modded so thoroughly that it looks like it came out at least a decade after its sequel the combination of CSP Soul pure and reshade have created quite possibly the best looking driving game ever created an ACC frankly just looks like a plain video game next to it we know that a solo Corsa 2 is currently in development and we can only hope that the developers have taken a cue from their own massive success and that of their modding community and choose to revert back to their own in-house engine for the new title we have the ever-present reminder that Unreal Engine was never intended for racing Sims as the way it renders objects in motion nullifies many of the awesome aspects of the physics engine the cars still look unnaturally static especially when compared to those in iRacing and the original AC this is also an issue in rent sport broadcasts which uses a newer version of the Unreal Engine than ACC this leads us back to the Perpetual lack of underbody damage this would have been a great addition to balance out the new update being kinder to rough curbing as a counterweight to stop aggressive aliens being overly ambitious with how hard they decide to send the car but alas it wasn't to be on the other end you have plebs like me who mostly Drive in single player to which ACC barely has anything resembling an experience the career mode is a shell at best housing a Loosely connected string of races with an AI that more often than you would like decides that you no longer exist and that the best course of action is to drive straight through you lastly how could any Sim claim to be perfect without the inclusion of the Nurburgring Norwich life enough said with the incoming GT2 pack ACC has given us far more longevity than we otherwise would have ever expected from a GT specialist over the course of half a decade it has been utterly transformed and remains one of sim Racing's shining success stories it will be lovely to see what new upgrades kunos have for the physics engine in the lead up to the much anticipated assetto Corsa 2. once that drops you best believe that your occlusive Sim racer will be here again reminding you that I have more opinions than friends ciao foreign
Channel: Ermz
Views: 627,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ermin Hamidovic, Ermin Ham Sandwich, Sim Racing, Ermin Hamsandwich
Id: af7QoNKi3lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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