PS5 VS. PC! - Is PS5's Force Feedback as Good as PC?

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hey guys so asceto corsa competition was recently released in ps5 native mode what i thought would be really interesting to put to the test is whether or not the force feedback feels relatively comparable between ps5 and the pc version again this is a question that comes up a lot can a console sim racing experience come close to a pc sim racing experience now obviously there's a lot of talk about graphics sound quality things like that the focus of today's video is purely just on the feeling of force feedback that you get through the wheel we're going to be using exactly the same hardware for both so the only difference is going to be one test will be the ps5 one test will be with a high-end sim racing pc so let's see what happens [Music] so i'll just quickly run you through the hardware that we're going to be using for today's test just so you've got a complete picture here so we've got a benq 4k gaming projector behind me that is a tk 700 sti we're running a next level racing elite cockpit here with a fnatic gt dd pro wheelbase in terms of the wheel we're going to be using a fnatic r300 with a button module endurance flip it around to the back we've got a podium paddle module here as well as a podium hub so we'll chuck that on the wheelbase in just a moment and uh yeah let's have a quick look at the settings that we're going to be running in terms of the game as well starting off with pc that's going to be the benchmark then we'll switch across to ps5 in just a moment so quickly jump down to options here and go into controls and we can see here all of our options for configuring our force feedback so we've got our force feedback gain set to 100 here we also do have it set to 100 in the tuning menu on the wheelbase too we are going to be running exactly the same tuning menu settings between both the ps5 and the pc just for reference just to keep it nice and simple uh so we are running at the full eight newton meters here we are running the boost kit 180 i should have mentioned that before so minimum four set to zero damper set to zero dynamic dampening set to 100 road effects we found 70 seem to feel about best for us and you can see here we have a frequency adjustment of 400 hertz that means that the force feedback signal is actually being updated 400 times per second now when we switch across to the ps5 in a moment you'll notice that that setting is not present so it's going to be really interesting to see how that compares on ps5 so let's jump back out of this menu and we'll go into single player we're going to do the mclaren 720s gt3 around spa most familiar track for me so i thought it makes sense to do that we're starting at 9 00 am with a time multiplier of 1. if we go into assist you can see i've got all the assists turned off in terms of car handling so no ideal line no stability control gearbox is manual all these other things won't matter for what we're doing if we go into realism as well you can see damage rate set to zero i've also set tyre wear to zero as well just so we've got a bit more apples and apples between the two i didn't want to have any more variables than what we really needed to break temperature i have left enabled just because that's kind of fundamental to driving in acc we'll back out of that menu too and otherwise you can see weather and track conditions we've got dynamic weather turned off clear conditions so that will be the same grip level set to fast and we'll set this up exactly the same in the ps5 as well now we're not really focusing on lap times so much as just what we're feeling through the wheel all right so setup wise we're just going to run the default safe preset here just so everything's exactly the same for both sessions obviously you can go a lot faster than what you're going to see here with custom setups and with more skill than i have but again this is all just about what we're feeling through the wheels let's hit back here and let's head out onto the track so it's been a hot minute since i've driven a phonetic wheelbase in acc on a pc let's see how familiar this feels i've been running with my simi cube2 ultimate for the video series that we've been running the hyper realistic acc video series which you should definitely check out if you haven't seen running that in our crazy triple 65-inch 4k rig i'm trying to make the videos look as lifelike as we possibly can so anyway talking about the force feedback in acc now a lot of people consider this game to have the best quality force feedback out of all the sim titles i don't really want to get involved in that debate today not really what we're talking about but one of the things that i always really enjoy about the force feedback in acc is just how granular it is and what i mean by that is you really do feel a lot of very fine detail a lot of that is purely down to the fact that the force feedback engine does run at very very high refresh rates as we saw before 400 hertz now used to be 333 i think but in a more recent update they upped it now if you compare that to iracing for example that runs at 60 hertz so you get a lot less update intervals which means it doesn't have that same level of granular feel to it that we get in acc now again there's a lot of other variables and i'm certainly not saying that one's better than the other they're just different from each other but in acc what i feel here through the csl dd pro or the uh gt dd pro i should say other than a whole bunch of understeer is a lot of really fine detail so when i run up on ripple strips i get a nice sort of buzz through the wheel it feels quite authentic i get a good sensation of when i'm running up on curbs i can kind of feel the weight of the car moving around underneath me even though i'm used to running a d-box motion system we obviously don't have that running here on the rig at the moment when i ran over that little patch of grass there which was intentional i assure you um you know you could feel the divot in the ground you could feel the the surface difference and all those little details are the things that i personally feel are very well communicated in acc so we're up into almost optimum pressure range now on the tyres let's break nice and early here one thing i didn't mention before we're running the csl uh the csl pedals with the load cell now i keep on wanting to say csl elite but csl pedals with load cell not really relevant for this video video but just so you know that's what we're running so let's try and pick up the pace a little bit now again i'm not expecting to be setting any pbs here because it's very unfamiliar equipment but this is all just about what i'm feeling so run over that little ripple there too and you really get a good sense you feel the car kind of bumping up over that sausage curb really good sensation and these are the things that i'm expecting we may not get quite the same amount of finesse and definition on the ps5 but even just a little you know the texture of the road was hitting little tiny bumps and feeling the balance of the car all those little details are very very well pronounced get it turned in oh this setup is very different from what i'm used to the back end's not nearly as compliant but at least it's not sliding around all over the place i suppose [Music] you can see that little micro corrections that i'm making through the steering they're there partly in response to overdriving the car a little bit but also just in response to bumps in the track surface and you know little details like that [Music] a little wide there [Music] get it turned in come on yeah good amount of definition there as we run up on the curbs [Music] try to use as much of the track as i can back off the throttle just a little bit here still getting quite a bit of understeer it's much more understeery setup than what i'm used to but i guess to to summarize the feeling here i'm feeling all the little details that i need to sort of i guess get a sense of what the car is doing the the front to rear grip transition does or the balance transition does feel really good as well so i get a good sensation through the wheel of how the car is responding to my inputs in that regard as well a little bit late on the brakes there get it turned in and power down so on turn in with this with this setup the car is quite understeer and then as you start to get the power down as you sort of overcome the ability of the rear tyres you feel the back end sort of start to try and push and you get a little bit of push a little bit of push under steer with this setup as well but you do start to get a little bit of oversteer a little bit of breakaway in the rear end we are running the traction control quite high here as well at tc level six which obviously makes it a little bit more stable but we don't want to mess around with setups and adjustments here because we want to have apples and apples with their testing but yeah there is a good there is a good sense of balance in the car as well that's communicated well through the steering so what i want to do now is pump out a couple of quicker lap times here while i'm sort of not having to concentrate on what i'm saying because obviously things like that happen when i'm trying to talk and drive so i'll pump out a couple of laps here we'll uh we'll show you the fastest lap and then we'll switch over to the ps5 and see what we can do there [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we did a quick seven laps there fastest lap that i did without an off track was a 225.695 i know that's not lightning pace by any means not really the focus of today's video but it will be interesting just to sort of see whether i'm at least in the same kind of ballpark on the ps5 so let's switch over now and see how the experience compares so switched over to the ps5 now you can see a couple of differences in the menu here in terms of what options are available we've got everything set up exactly the same way in terms of the options that we do have available to us to what we had on the pc though now we did spend quite a bit of time experimenting tweaking settings particularly in the settings menu or the tuning menu on the wheelbase itself just trying to make sure we were bringing out as much detail as we possibly could and you know just as closely match the experience to the pc as what we could we found that you know running pretty much the same settings here was you know ultimately the closest that we could get it so it does seem to be you know pretty apples to apples in that regard there wasn't a setting that we were able to adjust on the ps5 that was able to bring in detail that we felt was missing from pc but we'll talk about that in just a moment so you can see again here once again set to 100 so we are running the 400 newton meters we've got that set to 100 in the tuning menu as well minimum force at zero exactly the same as it was we did have a damper adjustment on the pc which we don't have here although we did have that set to zero on the pc so that shouldn't be a significant difference dynamic dampening at 100 just like it was road effects at 70 exactly the same once again we don't have that adjustment here for the frequency or the refresh rate now i believe that because we're running at 4k 60 here the force of feedback effects will also be running at 60 hertz but i'm not absolutely 100 certain on that i haven't actually been able to find any documented information on that so if you do know and you can correct me on that let us know down in the comments and then all the other settings here are exactly the same so we'll back out of that okay so everything is set up as close as we can possibly make it here for the view looks very similar as well so let's head out and see how we go it's actually surprising at a glance how similar the graphics actually do look on the ps5 there's obviously a lot of little subtle differences in some of the shadows and volumetric fogs and things like that but [Music] immediately i'm feeling a little bit more robotic nature in the force feedback it feels a little bit more numb around the center let's get it turned [Music] like the resistance just isn't quite as strong as it was from the pc which is interesting because we've got all the strength settings set exactly the same way but you can see i'm a lot more unstable here missing my apexes and this is with the muscle memory that i literally just set on the pc so it's like for like in that regard i'm sort of jumping out of one and directly into the other with only about a minute and a half in between just to set things up but i should adjust to this pretty quickly but there is still a lot of detail there but it does feel more robotic than it did on the pc now i would imagine that is probably just down to the refresh rate as we were discussing being 400 hertz on the pc and i'm guessing 60 hertz on the ps5 but again i don't quote me on that i'm not 100 certain if any of you guys do know definitely let us know in the comments but there are definitely some differences there it is good there is still a lot of detail there but there's just a little bit less i wouldn't say a little bit less there's noticeably less definition overall in the force feedback now [Music] is it enough that it's gonna i mean is it enough that i would say oh it's just not as good on playstation as it is on pc because you don't have that granular detail to the same extent that you did on the pc it definitely is an inferior experience to the pc but that's not to say that you wouldn't be able to adapt to it and still go very fast so it's certainly not to the extent where i would say oh forget about ps5 altogether if you want to do if you want to go proper sim racing which you know acc is considered a proper sim racing title so really the question that we're asking here is can you have a proper sim racing experience on a ps5 and i'd say the answer that question is yes this is you know this this is giving me all the detail that i need it's just not quite as good as it was on the pc so what i'll do is i'll turn a couple of laps here now try to try to get a bit more of a feel for it see how my lap times compare as well and then as i kind of analyze what's going on a little bit more and play around with some settings a little bit more as well we'll we'll come back and we'll uh we'll do a bit of a summary [Music] so [Music] so there are a couple of interesting observations here i put the same number of laps in here on the ps5 as i did on the pc and remember that i was using a wheel pedal and you know combination of hardware that i'm not used to i don't have muscle memory with so if anything you would expect that i would be faster as i had more and more experience on the ps5 given that i already had the experience and familiarity with the pc unfortunately that wasn't the case for the ps5 i actually ended up being about two seconds slower on my fastest lap over that seven laps stint for valid lap times at least and about a second slower on the invalid lapse too now i'm putting the reason for that down simply to just not having the same level of detail and the force feedback that i felt on the pc on the pc i just felt like there was a lot more finesse a lot more fine and granular detail in the force feedback than what i was getting with the ps5 now he did spend quite a bit of time dialing in changing settings and just trying to tune that in but for me what it boils down to is that detail just doesn't appear to be there like it is on the pc now that's not to say that the experience isn't great on ps5 as well so if you if the best you have is a ps5 and you're wanting to get into sim racing then absolutely give it a try i think that you know having a good quality wheel like this does still give you the strength it does still give you the you know the feeling of the car moving around just doesn't quite have that detail and the ability doesn't really feel at a granular level exactly what's going on with the car in the background so what i say is it a proper sim oh i mean i guess it really just boils down to what your expectations are all we're really looking at here is purely just force feedback there's a lot of other aspects here as well like physics game engine they have said that the physics at least as far as the car is concerned is the same as it is on console on pc there's a lot of other factors there to consider as well like you know what kind of league structure is there on playstation compared to pc there's a million things that we could dive into we're not going to go into those things in today's video but for me at least i would say that the force feedback is superior on pc to what it is on ps5 given the same hardware and that is my honest experience so if you do have experience with both a console and pc title on the same hardware let us know what you think in the comments down below do you agree with my observations or has your experience been somewhat different maybe you've put a lot more time into it than i have have you been able to match your times on console to what you can on pc i'm sure that there'll be plenty of people out there that once they really dial in they really sort of start to adjust to what they're getting then they could be just as fast i'm certainly not wiping that off the table altogether i'm not saying that you would be faster on pc than on console all the time i'm purely saying that when it comes to the granular detail that is necessary to really dial in really feel exactly what's going on with the car there is more of that there on the pc than there is on the ps5 at least in my experience so i really hope that today's video has been interesting for you hopefully it's helped you out as well if it has leave a thumbs up let us know that you've enjoyed the video make sure that you're subbed as well so you don't miss future content if you're keen on acc content we will be back very soon with another hyper realistic acc video over in the triple 65-inch 4k rig as well so stay tuned for that one but thank you very much for watching guys and i'll see you again soon bye [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Boosted Media
Views: 127,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5 vs. PC. Assetto Corsa Competizione, Sim racing on Console, Console vs. PC, PC Master Race, assetto corsa, Boosted Media, Assetto Corsa, Acc PC vs PS5, Physics, Fanatec, GT DD Pro, Gran Turismo DD Pro, Direct Drive, Fanatec Wheel, Jimmy Broadbent, Super GT
Id: RqaryBGNTR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2022
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