ULTIMATE Ford Ranger GTU Canopy Walk Around

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[Music] guys jimmy from core offroad we're here this morning to give you a run through on our new gtu model a lot of you may have seen bluey our previous gtu display vehicle and blue was a wonderful car and we loved the canopy design but there was a few things that we needed to change and work on the main thing with bluey was the actual functional side of the kitchen and the bench height of the gtu now one of the main things is on bluey for example our previous gtu model the bench height was around my chest height now that was on a ranger with a three inch lift and a set of 34 inch tires now as customers go through say a 79 series with a four inch lift and 35s which is very common these days you're talking bench heights you know around my shoulder height by the time you have a slide out table so one of the main focuses with our redesign of our gtu was to try and lower them bench heights while still having the kitchen functional and usable so come with me we'll give you the run through on our new gtu design so as you can see one of the main functions of the gtu is the kitchen now we've got to remember this model is designed to be full standalone it's a full liver board vehicle so the kitchen for us from the design point of view is paramount easy open easy closed system with auto open and gas strut assist in all honesty i'm proud of us and i'm proud of our team and design team for what we've come up with as you can see with the bench space we've got plenty of room and we're running zero height from the canopy so essentially if you did have a big lifted cruiser your gtu tabletop will be at the same height as your canopy floor now in relation to the gtu we've got two sets of lighting uh one we wanted some for ambient lighting so i can go through turn off the pantry lights we have table lighting that'll light up through so at night after dinner once you're finished you want a bit of lighting around your campsite but you don't want to be blinded keep your table lighting on when you do have the kitchen deployed what we wanted to try and factor in with the kitchen is tall storage and that's one thing a lot of people always forget about is storing a bottle of oil some tomato sauce a bottle of rum is always a requirement so in one side we've got tall storage along with short storage for both plates and bowls and cups and everything we've also got a little spice rack built in up on the top and then another storage section up the top moving around to the other side we've got our travel buddy oven which is standard in a couple of our canopies what we wanted to have was a travel buddy on the outside so that while you are traveling if you wanted to put something in or you wanted to pull your damper out as you're going along you can pull over on the side of the road you don't have to deploy the kitchen to get to your travel buddy second thing was knives and force now cutlery is always a bit of a pain in any canopy or camper trailer so what we come up with was a dedicated cutlery drawer right with movable dividers so in each model you get four dividers and it's up to the customer they can move these to anywhere they want on this customer's canopy we've got it set up with spoons at the front forks knives and then a large area with tongs and all that kind of stuff for any ultimate touring setup you need to have a sink so on this side we've factored in dometics flick mixer along with lighting around the tap to provide a bit of lighting on the other side now the sink side of it the sink actually pops back out and there's another infill panel that goes in so while you're cooking if you have a gas cooker for example and you're cooking dinner you can go through sit your gas cooker on here once you finish dinner and you pack your gas cooker away you can pop the infill panel out pop the sink in do your dishes all that kind of stuff the main side with the sink was we needed to have a drying area as well if you are doing the dishes you can sit a little tea towel down onto here stack your dishes up let everything dry out once you are finished you can then use the sink as a drying rack water pump all connected running water and hot water um from the juka hot water system when you're finished with your sink pop your sink out put your infill plate back in and you've got a nice flat bench top ready to use your gas cooker or your barbecue and do your makeup in the morning brush your teeth all sorts as standard with our gtu model it comes with a dometic crx110 now we have heaps of customers coming through they call from all around australia they say to us why do we run uprights now one of the main things is with running an upright we remove the say 900 to a thousand dollar cost for a drop down fridge slide we also save around 30 to 40 kilos by not having a drop down fridge slide and in all honesty since i was 18 from when i bought my first chest fridge to move into uprights i would never ever go back to a chest fridge one of the main things i hated about a chest fridge was in the morning when you get up to make a coffee you've got everything from dinner the previous night sitting on top of all of your food you pull the milk out and everything falls in the milk hole you've then got to pull everything back out again to stick the milk in now i know a lot of people love chess fridges they've got their place don't get me wrong but in a touring setup and upright fridge especially with dometic crx range you can't go past it little things from food storage through to eggs in the top a bottle of wine milk in the door like we always say to customers if chest fridges were so good why do we have uprights at home you know simple storage things with freezer compartments you know all the touring that we've done and i've done with my family when you're driving around you go through you open up to get your bag of lettuce and your tomatoes out of your chest fridge if for some reason it's fallen down to one side where the evaporative cooling unit is in the fridge your bag of lettuce is now frozen and it's going to turn to mush half of your tomato is frozen and unusable you pull your butter out and your butter's down on one side and it's that hard you tear your bread apart trying to buddy your sandwich moving along we've got our electrical panel now with our gtu model there is so much gear packed into it so one of the main changes is the sound system so we've teamed up with fusion we're running their black box system so as you can see up in the doors the two fusion speakers are integrated into the door the black box system will link up to the fusion link app on your phone and you've got power volume and controls along with all the functions on your phone also as standard in the gtu model we've gone a top agree water counter system one thing with water is that when you are out camping water consumption is paramount so what we wanted to do was factor something in so that our customers could actually control or know how much water they're using and how much they've got left now as on all of our canopies we have custom-made water tanks that fit up underneath our chassis that are made specifically for core off-road with that the 100 litre tank the top agree system is programmed so that when you fill your tank the water comes out the breather you know that it's full you basically reset your top degree system and it counts down and tells you exactly how many liters you have left in the tank standard on nearly all of our canopy packages is the anadrive epro all right your battery management system um our fuses and switches compressor fuse and all of the control and wiring for the canopy now the gtu model comes standard with all of these features along with an enerdrive btec 125 amp hour battery 300 liter compressor is stored in behind the drawers so easy access if you do need to get to the compressor you can pop the two drawers out takes two seconds and you can get to the compressor and the battery in behind the drawers so one thing we're going to touch on a little bit more firstly just it's not specific to only the gtu it's on every one of our canopy models but the adjuster plate now with the locking system for the doors it's a twin bar system so basically when you turn the handle these two rollers come out and lock the canopy door shut now i was unfortunately tasked with this in the design with dealing with the rubber seals and finding a rubber seal that would not only seal the canopy but keep dust out and water out what we didn't want with our seals was we want it to be zero height so that when you're loading gear into your canopy there's next to no way that you can damage the rubber seal as opposed to a pinch weld rubber or pinch world seal that is typically found in the industry so with that as most rubber seals they do sometimes bed in over time now previously with my canopy when i rang the manufacturer to adjust my doors he said pull the locking bar out stick it in a vise and bend it more now to me that's not the best option so in the design phase of it we wanted to come up with a system where the customer if they wanted to apply more pressure to the door they can and it's very simple all it is you loosen the two bolts off the adjuster plate is slotted and there's a larger hole in the actual door lock cover you slide the plate up to apply more pressure and slide it back to apply less it really is that simple at least we don't have to tell customers pull the bar out stick it in the vice and bend it because it's just not a feasible option so moving around to the back guys this customer's going with a couple of extras on top that aren't standard now he's gone with a shower tent on the rear of the vehicle which look to be honest is a great idea it gives you somewhere for a toilet and obviously a shower now the gtu comes standard with 23 zeros 270 degree awning they really are a good piece of gear trundle drawer now central locking as standard all right to the trundle drawer which i know there's not a lot of people that actually offer along with our rubber seals that get manufactured specifically for core off-road now with the trundle drawer it is an optional extra to go with the trundle drawer lid which this customer has now bench space you can never have too much of it especially in a touring vehicle so we've been finding a lot of customers that go in with our trundle drawer lid they'll set their dometic barbecue up on the back of it their gas cooker back up on the trundle drawer majority of the time the functional side of it we have each customer say if i've got my barbecue on the back how do i get into my trundle draw now once you've actually used a touring vehicle majority of our customers include myself i keep recovery gear and tools in the trundle drawer now i shouldn't ever need a snatch strap while i'm cooking on my barbecue i hope to god anyway the trundle drawer lid is very functional along with the trundle draw as standard on the gtu you get a c deck package so you get to pick from around 11 different colors of sea deck now the main thing with the c deck just stops things sliding around in your trundle drawer rear work lamps as standard um another option that this customer went with is our dual color deco kit now the dual color side of it just adds another dimension to the canopy build this customer really loved the general and the colour of the general we went through and had a chat with him in all honesty the graphite colour with the light army green it really does look classy look come on through we'll show you the driver's side there's still plenty of features in the driver's side along with a heap of storage now as standard the gtu comes with a juka hot tap so i'll give you a quick run through on the actual setup um so what we're running is a five arm bracket to actually mount the hot water system so that it can come out of the canopy there is a hard mounting location inside the canopy so that the dual core can be removed basically sits back on all of your hoses can be connected there's both hot and cold taps along with the actual shower head the main thing the main thing with the joker is that we wanted it to be quick and easy um if you do pull up and you want to go through and have a shower for the night the last thing you want to be doing is spending 20 minutes half an hour just setting everything up so it's a quick connection down underneath all of the taps are all color coded so that you can't actually get it wrong along with a gas bayonet for your hot water system last part connect the actual shower head go through a couple of minutes to set up for a shower can't really complain about that so moving back through the driver's side of the canopy one thing we find with a lot of customers is when we go through the passenger side of the canopy and the layout they always get the impression that there's nothing left on this side so when we bring customers around to the other side of the canopy they're always quite impressed with how much room they still have on the driver's side there's a lot of things that people always forget that they've got to take with them camping chairs table bits and pieces you've got to store clothes with you you know you're going to throw a packet of water in there you're going to throw some fishing gear in there when you go through and add all them things up there's a lot of gear that you actually have to take with you from our experience in touring it's them things that we factor into with our designs so in the driver's side we basically have a his and hers storage drawer currently this side's got all the hoses for the hottie in there this particular customer wanted another lockable section inside the canopy so the drawer locks are lockable on this model but looks still plenty of room you've got to think when you do go you've got to take a beach tower with you you've got to throw clothes if it's cold weather you're going to have a pair of long pants and a jumper with you you know so having enough storage for clothing is critical moving along it isn't a standard feature but it is an option with our gtu model that you can go to an additional fridge now this customer has what we've factored in is dometics cd30 draw fridge now it can be used as a freezer as well in our filming we we had a few drinks in there for the camera crew to be honest the first time i've ever used one and the little unit really does well it's compact it's neat it's tidy it's not too high and we have a lot of customers say to us i want to put a chest fridge on the off side of the canopy in all honesty by the time you have a chest fridge that's 500 mil high plus your fridge slide it's starting to get very high with the cd30 it's low it's compact and it's very usable as standard with the gtu we've got our 300 liter per minute air compressor on the other side it comes standard with a nine metre air hose reel now that nine metre hose is more than enough if you are towing a boat or a camper trailer or anything behind you will be long enough to go back and also do the trailer wheels clip track storage inside so that if you do need to tie anything down you've got hold down points and cargo tire down once again c-deck on the inside just to stop things from sliding around internal lighting as standard once again led auto lamps there's not one part of these things that are ever skipped out on a cheap light all of the gear that goes into our canopies is honestly the best that we can buy driver side compartment for storage little things like tools fishing gear air hose tire deflators we've got a little ventilation section here for the cd30 along with 12 volt socket twin usb internal lights and air compressor once again our rubber seals that we have manufactured just for core um three mil alley mud guards undertray boxes mud flaps they really are quite a good little package so come through we're going to give you a quick rundown on the pump and filtration side for the gtu now this customer wanted to have a filtration system not only for fill but for also when you're draining your water tank imagine yourself out in the scrub you've come across a little creek the water looks okay you're not 100 sure now we always advise customers to be careful with filling from creeks and things like that because you're always unsure of the water quality what we designed up for this customer was basically a valve system so on all of our canopies the tanks get filled from the actual drain tap at the back so there's no filler point um basically filling your tank from the bottom is always the best way to go you're not going to get an air lock or air bubbles or anything in your system where you think the tank is full when you go through and fill the tank you basically close these two valves plug your hose in open the tap we've then got dirt and sediment filter and then also chemical so it will filter the water going into the tank once your tank is full the water comes out the breather up on the headboard open one valve again which will then let the water come from the tank through your top degree water counter and back out to your kitchen and hot water system now as standard in the gtu you get a shore flow water pump this customer wanted to go with their optional extra for the filtration system along with a fire extinguisher for the kitchen side now just touching on the fuel system as well on all of our canopies the fuel filler is integrated into the undertray box with the central locking the undertray boxes it keeps everything safe tucked away and no one can ever get into your fuel system a couple of the other optional extras that core offroad also look after with customers we've got a range of rooftop tent options both with icamper and 23.0 so look we go through working with a customer find out what they're chasing some customers may want to just run swags this customer is going with icamper 4x along with core off-road solar package so up on top of the roof there's 200 watt panels with the solar package with our eye camper kit you also get power inside the rooftop tent so you have a twin usb point and a 12 volt socket outlet the 200 watt panels pump out around 8 amps moving forward one of the other ones is gas storage so for this customer we've gone through he has two two kilo bottles now you think when you're at home your nine kilo barbecue bottle that you have on your barbie you might cook on it a couple of times a month you know you'd be lucky to replace that nine kilo bottle in a year with the two two kilo bottles you've got one spare so it's only going to be running your gas hot water system which is instantaneous and it uses next to no gas so with the two bottles you can actually go through when one empties you know you've got two to three weeks left of touring before you're going to run out some of the other optional extras we have is roof rack systems we manufacture our own backbones that are designed to be level with our canopies along with work lamps the camp lights a full range of accessories from shovels now this customer's also gone another 100 watt panel on the roof rack so that's giving him 300 watts of solar to keep his 12 volt system fully charged with the three panels we're running around 12 amps of input two fridges running between the two fridges you're probably going to be drawing around five amps an hour on average so we're always with 125 amp hour lithium battery we're pretty well never going to run out of storage in our 12 volt system not only at core offroad do we manufacture the canopies but we also do full turnkey packages so this customer he lives in new south wales so we went through procured a new ranger for him gvm upgrade electric side steps custom paint to do a full blackout kit towing mirrors seat covers j-max four-inch snorkel led light bar on the roof rack we did new rim and tire package uh custom powder coated coils and you'll see on this thing the the customer's gone the dual color so with a lot of our themed builds not only do we focus on functionality of our touring packages but we also want them to look good for a lot of us our four-wheel drive is our sports car and it is our ferrari so there's no reason why you can't have a functional touring vehicle but also have it look really good as well through to off-road animal predator bar we did bonnet protector custom paint on the grill also dual color by the boys at fatal effects they do an unbelievable job color-coded sensors 12 000 pound winch with synthetic rope gme uhf aerial two more bull bar mounted steady lights now this customer went with a telstra selfie system now we've been fitting a lot of these to our touring vehicles when you are out in the bush reception it's always good to be in contact with family and have the option to let people know we're going to stay here for an extra week the weather's good we love the place and people or friends and family at home aren't stressing out because they haven't heard from you for a while so the telstra selfie system essentially as long as you have one bar of reception it will boost your reception enough to make a phone call send text messages as long as you have that initial part of reception through the telstra system moving back around a custom paint on the infill panels with the dual colour by the boys at fatal effects electric side steps with custom color-coded strip it really is a very tidy touring package so look for more information on core offroad's full turnkey packages jump onto our website get in touch with the sales team and we'll definitely help you to get you out on the road and explore in australia
Channel: Core Offroad
Views: 68,179
Rating: 4.9637189 out of 5
Id: tbkJAYiK5x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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