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all right here we go finally the explore 79 let's go [Music] [Music] finally here we are the new explore life 79 series dual cab this has been a long time coming i i can't even tell you the dramas we've had we've had with covert with um companies not having supply then just the car being locked in melbourne us being in queensland i've driven this thing personally back from melbourne twice it's been down there three times we've had a few dramas but we got there in the end and look to say i am bloody ecstatic is the biggest of understatements this right here uh has been a bit of a dream of mine since i started explore um look credit credit where credit's due i got a photo on my phone back from 2015 i think it is justin from patriot the black truck um there's been so many other inspirational 79 builds and you know that's when i started this i wanted this i had this vision in my head um to be honest it's almost bang on what i was thinking back in the day it really hasn't changed much and look thanks to you your guys support um and everyone getting around the series you guys buying our merch we've been able to continue to create free content for you guys and uh now the 76 is going to get retired the the big girl it's done me well but um we are embarking myself and jess on the big lap of australia next year and i needed something with a little bit more space um that can take a better gvm and then look i wanted something that can tow just a little bit more for when we come back with some big boats and bits and pieces so i'm not going to dribble on too much let's get stuck into it we're going to start we'll work our way underneath the truck like we normally do we'll talk about the front uh what's under the bonnet we'll go inside the cab and then last but not least my favorite because let's be honest there's not too many different things you can do on a 79 series but the canopy is something super personal set up exactly how we want so stay tuned we'll run through that but um let's get into it let's go all right let's get into it we're going to talk about the full underneath this is where uh the whole vehicle has been built around the upgraded uh chassis now look i have done build videos as we're going so if you want more detail we run through everything um in one of our previous videos so if if you're just seeing us for the first time or it's the first time you've watched you can go back there's about three or four uh build videos going into the specifics uh so let's run through it anyway we'll go through it again so up front we've got the bfg uh km3s absolutely love them had them on the 76 can't fault them they're a 35 12 and a half r17 i've teamed them up with the race wheels australia they got the method um 312s now because the gvm upgrade on this these are a 1650 kilo rated rim so very heavy duty there's only a few that you can sort of align with a 4495 gvm upgrade this is one of them uh look a lot of people are starting to run them they are one of the best looking rims around in my opinion so absolutely love them wheels and tires uh we got six two on the back then we go into suspension now what we've done is a full 495 gvm upgrade so we've cut the old chassis welded a whole new chassis onto the rear we've extended the wheelbase by 300 millimeters we got rid of the leafs and we've gone with coils with an airbag inside of it and then we've also gone a whole new diff housing which fixes the wheel truck and look upgraded radius arms upgraded shocks this thing is uh all running on the kings of course absolutely love the kings had them on the 76 as well so it's four inches of lift 35 inch tyres all fully engineered fully legal 4495 gvm and i can tow four tonnes so absolutely massive upgrade on the initial land cruiser so we got the kings at the rear all jmaxx radius arms the whole kit was done and engineered by jmaxx go check out that video once again for a full run through you can see us cut and chopping it and i go into massive detail as we work through the back like i said uh the leafs are gone coils are in of course we got the airbags in there they have been phenomenal already um wouldn't have it any other way we're going to get some in-car controls that's one of the last sort of things that we haven't had time to do but in-car controls to adjust that airbag when i'm just running the canopy and then of course we are towing next year so when we're towing we'll be able to put a little bit more psi in those bags everything's gonna sit absolutely dead level three and a half stainless exhaust stainless steel exhaust we'll sneak around the back this is the rear of the new chassis when we weld it in the new chassis big jmax solid now look it gives you a tow point at the back and of course it allows us to have a rear winch which is pretty bloody cool so we've got the rear winch cradle here we're running the bush ranger we got the revo 12 and a half thousand pound uh she's an absolute stonker because the truck is going to be sitting that little bit heavier i'll be honest it's probably going to come in at about four tonne fully loaded all the gear me and jess that's what i'm aiming for so i should still have about 500 up my sleeve brown davis tanks now this is bloody impressive so at the rear here normally you've got your standard tanks about 130 liters we've ripped that out and we've gone for the brown davis um long range tank it is 185 liters very bloody impressive now if that wasn't enough which look it can be um but we're going to do some long touring next year there's a few spots that i experienced last year up in the northern territory which i kind of wish i didn't stop at i wish i hadn't been had enough fuel to keep going but um underneath running perfectly along the chassis rail in between the chassis and the tail shaft here we've got uh two more tanks it's another 110 liters between the two of them it gives us a grand total of 295 liters of diesel absolutely massive now some of you guys are going to say it's too much it's a lot of extra weight the cool thing is both these tanks have individual fillers and i can switch from either tank so if we're going to be pretty heavily loaded and i know i'm going to do a little bit of you know that more harder extreme full driving i'll probably run the tuck the back tank almost dry i'll throw 110 liters in the front puts all my weight forward to that arm forward of that rear axle and stops that little bit of back heaviness not that there's a lot with the new chassis but it just gives me the ability if i break one tank i can isolate it you know good luck breaking one but you never know it's all these things if you pick up bad fuel isolate the last one you filled up drain points on the bottom the brown davis tanks uh are going to be absolutely unreal for these big days on the road where i just want to haul arson and uh if you if anyone's been touring you know exactly what i mean so we are loaded for diesel uh let's keep working our way back to the front another thing to point out while we're under here is the clutch so of course soon as you're chasing any more power out of the 70s you've got to upgrade that clutch now i've gone with safari armax clutch it's a true 1100 newton meter heavy duty clutch this thing drives like a dream it does have a really nice pedal feel so far absolutely stoked the front ah that's basically underneath covered now to kick it off at the front of course uh the old important bash plate we got the brown davis bash plate on there four bolts factory mounts simple as you like if you don't have a if you don't have any front under body protection get around uh some sort now arb bar work once again we did a full install video on this but i've gone with the deluxe it's the 63 mil chew bar this is their new matte black and now look we were toying up should we go to matte black should we say with the satin uh liking the um like on the 76 but in my opinion the matte black looks absolutely awesome if you've got a powder coated canopy in that black it is more of a matte finish and it has come up an absolute treat to match the rear winch we got the bush ranger uh the revo i called it 12 and a half thousand before it's actually twelve thousand pound winch not twelve and a half thousand so we've got one of them up the front as well all wireless controllers here comes the rain let's keep going anyway um then we got the lights of course you've got to have those uh led lights we've gone the solas now i've been running the intensities um for absolutely years these are still in intensity but a soulless now they do have a couple of pretty cool functions we'll show you them inside the car and the links but we've got the uh solar slides up front we've got the 6.6 dbi uh whip up the front here the nice big hua and then tucked in behind the seat i got the smaller one 2.1 gme it's the xrs unit once again i've got them on all my cars gme it was a no-brainer it was always going on so we'll work our way around the side now scrub bars personal opinion i wouldn't have a truck without them um you know some people like the cleaner look but for the type of full driving we do it's going to protect everything that's what they're there for of course they wrap down into a side step protects all your under sills we got a little bit fancy and just powder coated the top of these steps black just to keep that color coordination going um but you know it makes it easy to jump up on top of the car i think side steps and scrub rails are just super practical i know you can get those electric ones and all that crap but not quite for me um now we got the safari snorkel we got the big safari armax um getting all that air into the engine i've run different types of snorkels over the year basically hated them i went straight back to this the old school safari ram head armax on the 76 and i wasn't going to do anything different on the 79 absolutely stoke with it we'll get into performance a little bit uh later when we jump under the bonnet so safari um msa towing mirrors on the side as we work our way down the track we did a video on these as well at first if you've never seen the msa mirrors they're going to look a little bit weird to you trust me it took me just a little bit to get used to them but in my opinion they just sit in so nice clean and i absolutely love them now i wouldn't go back to anything else but they got a couple of different functions slide out slide out again of course for tolling that caravan next year these things were an absolute must uh up on top arb have just released a brand new roof rack it is called their base rack i was looking at a couple of different racks um and i didn't even know they did them and as soon as i seen the new rack i loved it i'll be honest the selling feature was they do a beautiful slimline light bar that tucks underneath and mounts up that was the selling point for me i was like done dusted and it's got a bit of anti-glare built into it as well so the way this this light bar is shaped is the leds come up from the bottom and then it actually throws it out in a bit of an arc so um i haven't even had a chance to use it can't wait to see how well that goes so stay tuned for a bit of a review now of course maxtrax i've got the maxtrax extremes up here um i carry them on every single truck that's just an absolute must i will have eight i'm gonna take eight because we got the van with us on the next trip so um i'll end up having eight max tracks up on top we're getting down to the important end of town but let's jump under the bonnet real quick have a bit of a look and then we'll get inside all right let's jump under here the big bad 4.5 the vdj okay so airbox has been uh it's still a standard air box but they modify it to suit the armax personally i think they seal pretty well um i love the the standard the standard uh paper filters for the amount of touring and dust we get i don't want to deal with the um the ones where you've got to bloody spray them and carry on and undo 50 000 bolts so i'm a big fan of of keeping the factory air box um let's come across we are running a dual battery i kept it super simple underneath here i got a red arc um bc dc we got the uh bc dc just the 25 under the bonnet which links up to an agm battery now all this is really doing is running my cf-11 my little interior fridge uh and then i've got a couple of other outlets and little usb things so that was more than enough to be honest i threw it in when i was in a bit of a rush i'm probably going to pull that out chuck a lithium set up in there but of course we'll keep the redarc bcd see nice and simple i haven't gone overboard with this i've sort of started at the bottom and i'm going to work up with more and more power if i need it depending on how heavy the truck gets and what it's like towing this new van so of course i've gone again i couldn't fault it the armax ecu from safari we've put it in we had it in the 76 i had a lot of extra accessories in the 76 bigger turbos intercoolers full custom tune at the moment we're just running the uh safari armax ecu they've got an upgrade coming very shortly which is why i'm not going to run you through too much in the way of numbers and figures i'll do a full separate video based around performance what sort of numbers we got out of this thing the drivability so stay tuned for that okay so there's a couple of other cool safari products that are coming to market very very shortly we have done the full rmax package so i got them on just a little bit early for this new build i'll run through them in detail when we do a full performance uh segment but oil to air separator i'll go through all the specifics later on and then tuck down underneath here is a secondary fuel filter you should see the size of this thing it is absolutely massive i'll run through the specifics with that a little bit later on as well you will be blown away just how much restriction some of the other aftermarket secondary filters give you that's why this thing is sized correctly to maintain that fuel flow fuel flow i'll get there through our india motor um underneath the bonnet to go with the um jmax upgraded kit we do have the hydraulic brake booster here um they didn't just throw a big lift and wheels on it watch the video you'll understand i'd go through everything in detail but we got the upgraded uh brake booster here mate that's probably just about it it is pretty simple under here i'm trying to keep everything as simple uh and not as not not too overdone i don't want to chase huge horsepower i'm after reliability i'm after safety and the armax never let us down on the last truck and look when you're out in the middle of nowhere trust me you don't you don't want to be able to spin wheels and carry on so let's uh let's jump inside the cab and we'll run you through the cockpit we've gone we've gone to town in there nothing too flash by tom jeez it makes a big difference as you can see it doesn't really look anything like 70 series anymore but you will notice it looks identical to the 76 if you've been following along i mean there is only one or two small changes inside here to the 76 now there's a pretty good reason for that it's because everything was tried tested look i did i did just about all of australia in that 76 series everything from the only thing i missed was sort of perth to broom everything else we gave a fair nudge so i was very happy with the way the 76 was we just ran out of room so that's why you'll see this truck basically runs all the products that the 76 did so so much so that i actually took the steering wheel straight out of the 76 and put it in the 79 it is a pvs wheel it's a huge improvement it changes the whole look and feel of insider 70. if you can get your hands on an aftermarket wheel i absolutely love it it links up with my um brand new head deck which was from ec offroad it allows me to adjust all the volumes i've got my cruise control tucked down in here um and it it just sort of finishes the inside off now over to my right uh what looks like a phone is actually the arb link system if you don't want that is i did do an in-depth video in the arb build but it's basically a switching panel i love it it's simple it's clean it means i don't have gauges and switches and everywhere so right now what i can see is my main battery and auxiliary battery so it gives me my voltage i will link the rear battery i haven't had time to do that yet gives me speed the inclimator tells you all that sort of gear i'll run through it pretty quick time date uh nothing too important there i told you i'd tell you a pretty cool function about the solas so from in here i can turn the spotties on but they're actually full adjustable as well so i can go from 25 up to 50 75 and 100 now when you're driving on those highways just out of the main cities and there's lots of signs and reflective the 70s don't have great lights even the high beams are pretty average so to just chuck an extra 25 on and then as you get further out of town you can crank them right up but trust me that that was a cool feature i used to come back from melbourne i actually i absolutely loved it now um i also can control my lockers from here so i've got the arb air locker in the rear and my compressor i've got a couple of configurations to go on this it goes in next week i was a little bit slow but basically i can control my airbags from here as well so i can have three preset heights which is very bloody cool and then of course if i want to pump up my tyres i can set my pressure clip my air hose on off the dual compressor that you'll see in the canopy shortly and it pumps it up just like at the servo link system check it out big fan just under the link system here as well uh nice handy location i've got the redarc tow pro for anyone that's towing it's the tow pro elite you've got to have your electric brakes once you get over a certain weight um they are the best in the game um and that's in a nice little easy spot so i can adjust it on the run just underneath the topro i've got the safari armax control pad so i can run through my five different adjustments so you've got comfort mode sports mode you've got your towing traction assist and then back to standard so nice and simple right next to the wheel i do flick between them more than you'd imagine if i need that little bit of extra power every now and again i'll throw it into sports mode and um off-road with the van i'll probably predominantly use towing when i get into those real hairy sections chuck it into that traction assist and it just gives me a little bit more control over the throttle i'll run through more of that to do with the performance as well but everything is within arm's reach super simple super clean happy days of course the whole center console has been changed out you get one cup holder and one shitty plastic box we all know they're rubbish i've gone with the cruiser consoles console it's uh it's clean it's neat it's tough it's a full aluminium top extra cup holders storage uh usb two or two usbs and a sig socket and then i've paired it up with the dometic fridge so you can either have a fridge console or you can go just your standard console with a foam lid i absolutely love having the fridge console cold water on the road cannot beat it and if i want to just load it up with it's as good as a console anyway when we get to the doors got the one stone arm rests if you own a 70 series look i think they're about 350 bucks do yourself favor go go grab them they're absolutely unreal and then if i open the door i've got the full door pods down here with the speakers so you pick up another cup holder your map pocket once again we did a full interior video if you want to check it out in detail looking up top we've got the cruiser consoles roof console super clean super neat i got the uh xrs the gme xrs unit tucked up here magnetic mount um i had it in the exact same place in the 76 i had the same roof console in the 76. if it wasn't up there i'd be grabbing up here i'm just used to it now and i absolutely love it having it up there in the middle of the car because it also means your navi can grab it get on it as well whereas sometimes if it's tucked down here it makes it hard for the navigator to get on and have a little bit of a chat um i've got the explore dash bag there's some more of them coming soon stay tuned for that other than that um msac covers these are the flash ones too they come with the lumber support so i haven't opted for the recaro's yet let me know your thoughts ricardo stratos who just loves the 70 seats personally i had him in the 76 didn't have too many issues and with just a little bit of lumber support in the msac covers i'm actually stoked i don't think i'm going to upgrade the seats we'll see how we go i've got the seat covers in the rear as well i'm keeping all the seats in the rear of this truck because i'm going to have a few people come out and visit when we're on the road next year which is going to be going to be a bit exciting four people in the car we got the rooftop tent the van i can sleep four take four it's going to be good fun i'm looking forward to next year inside i think that's that's just about it under the seat we've got some slide out drawers nice and neat um when you're on the road when you're sort of living on the road you just want everything to have a home and that's what all this extra storage allows me to do the dash bag sneak some stuff underneath the seat the console so it should keep everything super clean one thing i didn't point out is i've got the brown davis secondary fuel tank gauge down here and i can switch from my um auxiliary and main it replaces the ashtray you know i don't think anyone uses ashtrays anymore so that's a very neat little inclusion one last thing and then i'm done gear stick extension basically my shock shop sells these i think they're worth bugger all screw that on it lifts it up an extra two inches and it just seems to be at the exact right height when you're driving unless you're a big gangly bloke with long arms then you might not have to worry about it but i think that's just about it for in here let's go and check out the canopy i will just show you in the back real quickly these are the uh the rear door pods with the six inch focal speakers you get the extra pocket now these are called fire strikers if you guys been following me for a while you'll understand but um these are basically a simple small compact fire extinguisher i keep one in the back seat and i keep one underneath my front seat as well so easy to grab i've made this mistake before i may have had a small fire once before so if you don't have a fire extinguisher in your car go check out one of our other youtube videos but do yourself a favor go and i think you can get these from arb um even if you've just got one of the bigger ones at home chuck a fire extinguisher in your car but these are super compact that is important um that's about it all right let's go i'm very bloody excited to show this canopy off so it is a boss aluminium canopy i've known dave for the last four or five years i always carried on about how i wanted to uh do something cool with him over the years of course having a 76 it was bloody useless but as soon as i got this on um honestly i did go through ten or more trade companies obviously there's a a bucket load out there but the sort of ten industry leaders maybe and then that drops down to about three or four and i sort of went through everyone with a fine tooth comb and when i sat down with dave he he has the ability to sort of make everything very modular you'll know what i mean in a second and i just wanted something that was going to suit my needs the touring needs to take the gear i want and he aligns very well with the redarc products that i wanted to put in this truck as well so everything sort of just fell into place you'll know what i mean i'm going to start off on this side you've got to wait and see the other side but the other side's where the kitchen is the other side's where we sort of went a little bit overboard but it's going to be sick so let's get stuck into it the tray itself it is uh the very first one he's done on the 79 it is the premium tray now for you guys that have got 79s keep in mind this one is specific to the 4495 um the only difference is on the standard 79s is you'll be a little bit shorter and you won't have this front box but up top we got um the camp lights the side lights they pivot around uh up and down and they tuck in there very nicely with a switch on the side super bright absolutely unreal for finding those um those little side cams now look then behind that tucked in and this is the reason for going to the full sheet metal headboard tucked in behind here we've got a massive 85 litre stainless water tank so i've got 85 liters of fresh water in the headboard i'll show you all the filler and bits and pieces on the other side and that actually links up to another 70 liter tank underneath uh in front of the trundle drawer which we'll show you which gives me a combined total of 155 liters of fresh water which is a bloody game changer let me tell you we sat on stratty for nine days i have taken this car out for a bit of a maiden voyage i kept it pretty low key on social but um we've used it to come back every afternoon little quick freshwater shower is absolutely amazing so the top tank is a gravity feed i've just got a bloody uh little isolation valve on the other side it feeds into the bottom tank and i've got a pump back here so i've got pressurized water uh we'll show you all that in a minute uh what else we got this is the uh the lockable filler cap here for my actual for my brown davis super simple that's for the auxiliary tank on the back when we get there i'll show you we've got the um we've got the rear tank filler now into the into the front compartment so this actually has a full arb premium recovery kit i've got my tree trunk protector my snatch strap i've got my winch dampener i've got the poly block two d shackles and a set of gloves all in this front little drawer which is bloody impressive the biggest thing with dave's new premium tray is there is absolutely zero wasted space nice big flared mud guards uh to cover the rear tyres so the car is sort of like half fitted out stay tuned i'm gonna do a full video on how we pack for our trip but this has got a few little bits and pieces in it from the last strategy trip i got the interflake from maxtrax i got the winch dampener in there i just keep straps ratchet straps and then i got a 12 volt jump pack from arb but plenty of storage actually i've got a few more things tucked in here i didn't even know about i've got a soldering kit i've got my little recovery block i've got in here i didn't even know about and then i got some zip ties tucked in here so this one will sort of be a little bit of um a little bit of a tool draw a few bits and pieces just things i want to grab nice and easy now one thing i want to point out is that the canopy and the rear drawers are fully central locked this is bloody handy let me tell you all me mates either leave them unlocked or they've got to go around and lock them all with a key it is a key lockable option or simply push the button canopy's locked rear drawers are locked just so good for when when we're going to be on the road traveling unlock it away you go let's get into it eh so here we go this is what we're calling the uh electronic side it's gonna be all the big bulky items the kitchen side is the other side and this is sort of for all of my other bits and pieces i'll i'll figure out what's going to go in all these drawers i actually don't know what to do with all this space which is great i really want to run this car as light as i possibly can for for when we go around australia so this is in my opinion one of the best things about um boss aluminium's canopy even the tray setups if you if you were just starting out and you want quality gear and you want to work your way up with these other trays and all these canopies everything's modular so you could buy one of these trays then you could add the rear drawer then the front drawer the mud guards you can sort of build it as you go and it's the same thing with the canopy in here everything is modular everything can move around and change now we specifically designed this one to suit sort of what i was chasing he's got a few different packages you can pick and choose from but um we've gone the full whack when it comes to the electronics we'll run through that in a second but this whole section here for example you got six screws six screws up top and i can remove this whole drawer and shelf um if i want to lift that shelf up higher or down lower depending on what i'm trying to fit in here i can so i've already taken a shelf out from the rear that we had tucked in here so i can fit those nice tall items i've got a nice deep storage locker here i keep my ladder for the rooftop tent i've got a folding table we got the barbecue up top on this shelf i've got the redarc solar blanket for when i'll need extra solar i've got a sneaky airbag man compressor tucked up the top there if i want to plug it into the boat and pump up the rear boat tires or anything like that the draw systems everything dave does just makes sense some people you got the double latches and it makes it a little bit hard to open simply pull down on the wire slide out nice massive big draw super deep all carpeted up finished absolutely beautifully slide back in closed it nice and simple over this side is is where all of my camera gear is going to go so i'll have multiple camera bags i'll have all my drone and bits and pieces tucked in away here a lot of gear will be up top charging so i can simply slide out the table underneath i can get my drone and bits and pieces out so we'll get into this side the power hub um we've gone to town it's it's all redarc gear we've got we've actually got a boss aluminium battery in this one he does his own specifically to suit this setup it is a whopping 240 amp hour lithium battery that's tucked in behind this drawer which is why this drawer is slightly uh shorter in length than this one now we've gone with the red vision we've got the full tvms system um linked up with a 2000 watt redarc inverter um and then outlets absolutely everywhere so come around this side and i'll run you in run you through it here it is let's throw some light on the situation we got the redarc uh red vision system it is the tvms uh so this is the red vision control panel can turn the light on up here i've got nice strip lighting inside the canopy on the doors all fully dimmable depending how much light you want and then of course i can flick it to orange all dimmable uh for those of you guys that don't know the orange light the bugs aren't attracted to at night and i gave it a fair run at strati and let me tell you i'm very impressed i'll be using the orange light i've never had it before but i was absolutely stoked so we'll go back to white so you guys can see so from here i can basically control a lot of the components throughout the canopy i do have this app on my phone as well so i pull the app up and i can control the whole canopy sometimes i leave the lights and bits and pieces turned on when i'm in bed at night time jump on the app turn them off but from here i can turn my water pump on which charges up the water pump you haven't seen that yet we'll show you that's in a minute i can turn all my rear lights on um i can turn my inverter on and then i can also turn on my oven you're gonna have to wait and see that on the other side but um once i crank all that up i can flick over and i can see exactly what the whole system is doing so the main reason for the uh the red vision is basically it's just a full management system so right now with everything wound on i can see i'm using 6.8 amps i can see how much is coming out i can see how much is coming in i do have a massive amount of solar we'll show you that very shortly when we get up on top at the moment it is literally raining and full cloud coverage so i don't have anything coming in on the solar but when the solar is in some nice sunlight i can see how much solar is coming in how much is going out i'll do a full video on the 12 volt so i can go in depth otherwise i could sit here and talk about this for about an hour with the way we set up canopies these days we use more power than we ever have before when it comes to camping uh when you run the amount of appliances that i've got pumped into this thing i need that extra power which is why we've got that huge battery uh it's no good having all that battery storage if you can't jam the power into it so that's why we got the big solar up on top when we're sitting still but when we're driving i wanted to put a little bit more power in so the manager 30 will do 30 amps per hour into the battery system running off the alternator now look that's probably not quite enough with um the amount of battery storage i've got here so we actually grabbed one of the bcdc 50 it's the bcdc 1250d is what it's called i'm just reading off the sticker but it's the 50 amp hour bc dc charger so we've managed to link the 30 and the 50 which gives me a whopping 80 amp hours of charge straight out of the alternator into this system into the uh into the big 240 amp hour battery so a good three hours of driving and this system will be topped right back up pretty bloody impressive i don't know too many people that may have done this um a lot of people just run the management systems but let me tell you it charges that bloody quickly um having that 80 amps pump in there it's bloody unreal i will be putting a bigger alternator in probably the 200 uh 200 amp hour fully sealed um i've got i've got to decide on something next week but um i'm not a big 12 volt guy i don't know the ins and outs but i will do a full video on this system but i thought that was pretty cool to point out then we got outlets absolutely everywhere i got a couple of usbs here sigs so there's another two back there i got six usbs three cigarette plugs and then off my 240 outlet plug here when the inverter's on i've run a separate little power pack to plug in here for all my drones and bits and pieces it's a little bit of overkill but for the amount of camera gear we're going to be using next year i'm going to need it then there's not a lot else going on on this side of the canopy so let's jump over let's check out the kitchen all right let's go this is the site i'm excited to show you off we spent plenty of time designing this there's a couple of firsts that dave's never done before from boss um and i'm absolutely stoked keep in mind i came from uh 76 where we had three drawers and one 50 litre slide out fridge with a table underneath it that was it that was the setup this is just a whole other world for me all right i'll stop dribbling let's go all right here she is have a bloody go at this there's going to be a couple of things that catch your eye straight away we have gone a little bit fancy but at the same time remember this is my home i don't own a home we've got a van and we've got a car and this is what we're going to be living out of so i'll run you through it but um straight up we got the dometic we got the massive 110 litre um upright fridge now i've always had chest freezers a couple of my mates have got these upright fridges and i just absolutely love them simple and easy i do have a few bits and pieces in here don't worry about that but up top i've got a nice little freezer i've got a couple of apple pies i've got a couple of party pies a little bit of ice cream tucked up in there everything's super accessible with these upright fridges you find with your chest freezers you pull everything out to grab the snags from down the bottom so i absolutely love that tucked away on the left-hand side here we've got a couple of handy outlets i've got an iphone cord sitting here so if i want to charge anything in this little side we can i've got a chopping board tucked in here basically um one of my one of my followers i i'm very sorry i've forgotten her name gave me this a couple years ago and it just so happened to be the exact perfect spot so shout out to you righto here we go i gave dave a bit of a a challenge and i said i want to fit a travel buddy and i just wanted a spot for my coffee machine now a lot of you are going to start giving me a fair bit of here in the comments so go nuts but i love my morning coffees and i wanted a slide out pantry so boss aluminium has gone to town and he's come up with this it's his own design and is now going to be available in the boss aluminium canopy so if you've got a canopy you can uh you can already order one of these modular one and you can chuck it in get around this thing would ya so nice little table drops down at the front this is actually extremely handy for everything and then we got the coffee machine tucked in here when i said i wanted a coffee machine i just wanted a bit of a spot for it dave has gone above and beyond have a look at this we got little pod holders up the top um yeah i know we're getting a little bit fancy now but it's a it's a full fancy ass one we got the milk frother i have given it a hiding over australia i didn't know how to use it it's fancier than the one i've got at home but basically the coffee machine's tucked in there we slide it out and uh it reveals the full pantry so i've seen someone do this i think a couple of people have done it to be honest uh it's not reinventing the wheel but just the way he's configured all this is absolutely awesome it just makes it so nice and easy to get into all your bits and pieces got it loaded up here with cans easy access to top up the water and then i can just fill it with everything we need while we're on the road we got the little travel buddy if you guys have never seen these basically it's a 12 volt oven um absolutely unreal so you chuck your party pies in um and then when you pull up at lunch pull them out hot ready to go party pies is the basic option there's a few people that go to town on these things you can put the aluminium trays in there little uh little rolled porks pull up at lunch pulled pork so crank it up to 200 chuck it in while you're driving it's best for battery usage so look that's a brand new setup by dave hats off to him he's absolutely killed that now when we come over to here um i've got a nice slide out table once again and then a massive pull out drawer so this is all my kitchen side so i've got the fridge i've got um all my cooking pots and pans my alfoil all those sorts of things gets tucked away in here so it gives me a nice little prepping bench here everything's at a pretty reasonable height as well and when i got those internal controls on the bags when we pull up to camp i'll actually be able to drop all the psi out of the bags which will probably lower this another inch so perfect height this is pretty bloody cool this is from the bush company this was uh when we were up there getting the rooftop tent and awning fitted i've seen this and i actually used to have another shelf in here which once again is the best thing about the boss aluminium gear is everything's modular so you might have a cool setup and then you want to change it down the track it's simple and easy to do so four bolts i pulled out the shelf i had in here and this full canvas cutlery kit fit absolutely perfect so this thing will sit here nice and zipped up the best thing i like about this is when we're traveling in the van predominantly we're going to be living out of the van when we disconnect i'll be able to pull this forward unzip it and you get all your coffee cups all glass as well good quality gear tucked in up on top here you've got your full glasses at the bottom and then all around the outside you've got your knives your forks your spoons you got all your bowls small plates are tucked in down the bottom and your big plates are tucked in up on top here so everything's got a everything's got a spot everything's got a home nothing bangs around and rattles and it's all where you want it when you need it little chopping board tucked down in the side and then i just keep little bits and tongs and bits and pieces i'll neaten it all up but um this is just something we trialled at strutty absolutely loved it lighting once again inside on the canopy all dimmable again i've tried to keep it pretty simple pretty clean i don't want to have lots of stacked up and it'd be a mess for for living on the road next year i want everything to have a home which is why we've got good quality storage plenty of fridge space um the pantry and then we've got a massive drawer around the back and that's where i actually put my cooker most of the time when i'm prepping here so we'll go have a quick look at that i'm getting carried away i'll show you these drawers before we get to the back here's the gravity fed tap nice and simple i can put a little hose on that but to be honest that's perfect for cups pots and pans and then he's got a simple water gauge here so all it is is a clear bit of pipe from top to bottom of the tank and allows you to see that water level the the water level for the tank underneath is all in the red vision and it tells me exactly how much is left so the top tank sort of your basic gravity fed simple and the bottom ones the more complicated with the pump and uh the the the filler band on the red vision i get another light tucked in um flush mounted on the headboard here as well and we'll get into the drawers so this front drawer i've actually basically got a few sand pegs i've got um three different first aid kits and i've got a few ropes and bits and pieces so once again just that cheap storage stuff i don't have to worry about it because this front box isn't fully lockable but lots of storage go around to the back box here this is where we've tucked away the dual arb compressor absolute monster and the way he's done this box is absolutely zero wasted space so they've sort of notched it around the exhaust so it sneaks through there nice little shelf up on top little picnic blanket tucked in here all carpeted the the the quality the way it's finished off is just absolutely amazing i've got a couple of extra plumbed fittings to go so i'll have an air outlet here and on the back of the truck but um you can see as we go around the thought and just the the practicality and the quality of boss aluminium it's bloody second to none when i went down and i went through um and seen all the different canopy setups and layouts there it was a bit of a no-brainer simple locks there's a few different ones on the market these things obviously all the door seals are um fully waterproof dust proof we went through a heap of water as you can see we're sand everywhere over on strutty for nine days there's no sand inside here um except for what we've chucked in there with that picnic blanket let's go check out the rear of this thing first off it just looks absolutely bloody gorgeous in my opinion what a good looking rear end so we got the two 35-inch tyres on the back here and it is an extremely simple system to get them up there i have had to put these tyres up there so it's a matter of unscrewing that uh you've got a pin in behind there this rod comes out tyres come off quite nice and easy all fully lockable of course in the middle we've got a nice ladder which comes in extremely handy for the rooftop tent so we've got a couple of good quality latches the ladder comes down giving us good access either up onto the roof or like myself i got the rooftop tent up there which makes it super easy we'll leave that for the moment i just want to show you this rear trundle drawer have a go at the size of this thing keep in mind we do have a 70 litre water tank in front of this so once again nice and simple we got a huge big chopping board here it slides back and forth so we have easy access and then it's fully removable as well so you know we've looked i've looked at different ones some people have gas struts on them and bits and pieces but for me i found this is simple and easy so i normally have the food prep over here i have the gas barbecue here the the big 270 awning comes around so i've got full protection from the from the elements um simple one hinge it's all the little things the number plates tucked up here nicely your number plate light comes down onto there i've got a massive big led reverse light when i go into reverse which comes in super handy nice lights and then here's my other brown davis filler which is actually at the back of the car which has been super easy to fill up so that's the rear entry so tucked away nice and neat up out of the way where it can't get broken is uh the water pump that comes off of that tank now you get a little uh hose outlet here um i've gone and put in something a little bit extra just uh for my easy use which which to be honest came in that bloody handy so that's my pressurized pump i've just thrown a stainless hose on it i've run it across to the other side come have a look so keeping with simple and easy i may change this setup i threw it on just for strategy but basically i can pull out my stainless hose here when the water pump's turned on i got plenty of water now i've got that pressure wound down as much as i can so i don't use too much water stops jess from smashing through that 70 liters too quick but that's just a handy little attachment that i've chucked in there which just sits in that little hole back there i'm sure boss has got a cleaner solution but having that pressurized water right here in the kitchen side has been absolutely unreal another couple of things that i've just picked up on the back here i do have two more of those side lights which pivot uh spin around great for finding camp when you're setting up all those sorts of things and then of course when you're cooking they throw bucket loads of light at night time look we've got to be getting close to the end of this train canopy and i've been dribbling for a while but we spent a lot of time a lot of energy in this let me go let me know what you guys think let me know if you do something different this is sort of designed specifically for my touring setup next year and what i want to do on the road so we'll see how it goes and the best thing is if i want to chop and change if i want more room on that side i may pull a whole drawer and shelving section out so i've just got a huge big open area i just love that it's modular because as you grow and expand with camping you're always going to change your setup so since it is bloody raining we should have done this from the start let's put the the awning out now on the 76 i went with the uh 270 xt awning this is the 270 xt max you'll understand in a minute why do i bring the rain everywhere i go with me so this flicks around here this is going to be a quick tutorial but um i've just put a carabiner on the end here run around i'll put a sneaky little eyelet on this side then this side here slides out just like the standard 270 round the back another simple eyelet tension that up fully freestanding have a go at the amount of shade and protection from the rain we have with the new 270 max now look i'm going to be completely honest with you guys i love my uh 270 xt and when dean told me i had a bigger one coming i was a bit iffy i really liked the simplicity of um just going foot round nice and quick and you're done so the extra step sounds lazy but i wasn't sure if i was gonna really want it if i needed it but i tell you what especially right now when it's raining the normal xt comes across on an angle something like this so this is a really good feature for anyone that's got the canopies because the poles come out straight if you've got a canopy door that opens up it goes up under the awning it doesn't hit any of the poles plenty of clearance and mate absolutely massive here's another awesome feature about the max is i can still access my doors while it's raining without getting wet um so look i wasn't sure if this was going to be a permanent feature we gave it a run over at stratfor new year's it basically piss rained for four days straight best thing ever i'm absolutely stoked once again super strong all aircraft-grade aluminium i've been running these bush company awnings for the last three years now and i didn't think i would want to run anything else but the max is absolutely mint for what i do anyway so stoked um i'll just pull this awning back a little bit we'll pop the rooftop tent up and uh i'll run you through that real quick we've just pulled that awning around so i can jump up and and talk to you about the rooftop tent i'm running the alpha again the bush company alpha i had it on the 76. look i absolutely love it i spent a fair bit of time with dean um when when he went from the black series into this gave him my few little bits and pieces of input and i've been running it for the last i think 12 months on the 76 absolutely love it there was no other 10 on the market that even come close so we've gone with the bush company again um i have got a video on youtube if you want all the specific details but um obviously i've got the rear ladder access i will use this a fair bit because um you know you don't have the awning out all the time when it is raining and i want the awning out because you're going to go how do you get up if you want the awning you always ask that everyone i've got the i've got the other ladder which is a telescopic ladder that comes out and simply bolts onto this side so i can have that side uh entry so i've got two ladders but um look it is makes it just a little bit easier so straight up on the back of the ladder nice sturdy ladder this thing's an absolute beast um up on top here while we're up here we might as well run through this before we pop it up okay so i've gone to town with the power up here we've got two redarc 150 watt solar panels so i've got a combined total of 300 watts of power which means when i'm sitting on those remote beaches over in wa and sa we can sit there for pretty much as long as we want the amount of amperage that these things put in i haven't tested it yet so i'm not going to throw figures around but stay tuned when i do a full 12 volt video because i want to run you through that whole system and i want to know how much i can get out of these panels so we'll go through that in detail but absolutely bucket loads of solar up on top i've got two roof rack rails here all i need to do is put a couple of the bush company feed extensions underneath here to lift these roof racks up that way i can chuck surfboards and bits and pieces um on top of the solar panels pull the surfboards off when we get to the beach full solar so that's one of the best things about the bush company is you can see all the way around the outside here you've got the nice excursion rails which means he's got all his own brackets all his own handles his own ladder mounts roof racks he's got maxtrax holders for the side shovels high lift jacks he's got it all so let's pop this bad boy up in the rain up she goes nice and easy nice little bungee strap that comes around the outside here so then we've got the massive rain fly if you've never seen the alpha like i said go check out the full video but i'll just give you guys a quick little look show you how easy it is one over this side tuck that one in there the other spring pole goes on this side get that doggie up here straight in the hole there nice easy access with the ladder another thing i like about it is we put the rooftop tent just forward so i've still got the platform to stand on the back here absolutely massive huge rainfly and you can see why these big rain flies are so important right now when it's raining keeps all the internal canvas nice and dry i won't go into too much detail with the alpha because i've done it all before but absolutely love these tents how easy is that for a touring setup let's jump down and put the awning out so you can see the hole set up all in one while we are on the side here how good does the new wrap look i went down and see me mate joel from 5'3 designs he's absolutely nailed it we took that old-school design from the 76 changed the words around for the explore life uh good job mate it looks out right over there we go have a look at it i can't stop smiling what a bloody epic little setup look i'm over the moon it's uh everything that i sort of envisaged all the little tips and tricks that i've sort of picked up over the years seeing so many people's different canopies this is my hands down my ultimate tourer i can't wait to use it next year and i'm sure i'll probably want to change a few things along the way but look guys let me know if there's anything else that you think i should do let me know if there's something that you would have done differently um but all in all ah absolutely eating green i want to say just a massive thank you to all of you guys that have followed along i really do appreciate it if you are enjoying it you know make sure you subscribe it means a lot to us uh everyone that gets around the merch um it's you guys over the last five years since we've sort of been building this brand that has allowed us to be able to build something as incredible as this thing behind me uh to all my sponsors a lot of help from the sponsors has gone into this truck that's no secret guys uh you know who the sponsors are by now i don't think there's too much left to do i've got a couple of small little bits and pieces but we'll run through them um over the next couple of months we're going to run through plenty of things to do with how we're packing for our big lap of australia stay tuned to find out what we're going to tow around australia now look i didn't build this thing to sit in the shed it's not a bloody uh shopping trolley this thing is going to do a full lap of australia stay tuned for season four this year i don't know which way we're going to know i don't know where we're bloody going to go it's all kicking off with covet again but if you guys want to see this thing in action and the full series four make sure you subscribe chuck us a like turn that bell on so you don't miss any uploads i can't wait to go and use this thing we've got to finish this van off if we're going to get out of here but uh until then guys make sure you guys get out and enjoy the explore life thanks very much
Channel: The Explore Life
Views: 230,140
Rating: 4.9149475 out of 5
Keywords: MSA, 79 series, 4wd build, explore 4x4, the explore life, Dometic, GME, tripinavan, 4wd247, Sam Eyles, ladncruiser, explore life 79, 79 build, landcruiser, 79 series landcruiser, explore 79, rig review, explore rigs, rig run down
Id: sCCemEdVrKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 40sec (3340 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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