Ultimate Customs Guide - Beginner & Advanced - Parkour, Loot Tips & Tricks - Escape From Tarkov

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whether you're brand new to the game been playing for a long time customs is a difficult map to learn so in this guide I've compressed a lot of important information on both spawns parkour loot and key spawns to help you master customs the stick around enjoy this ultimate customs guide first place you're gonna start off is just quickly gonna have a little brief look of the map and this is gonna be in description down below I didn't actually make this map but all the credits go to marvelling but I just want to teach you guys something super quickly here it's the importance of spawns and understanding where useful and where to look as an example some of the spawns in the game simply like this one here it is down on the embankment and you've also got this one down here at trailer-park and sometimes you can actually have an enemy spawn here when you spawn here if you're quick enough off the bat you can actually run all the way through parking and catch an angle on and before they even remotely spawn see the problem - these two spawns can be seen very apparently when you get the railroad to talk of spawn like I showed earlier and you run straight through and throw a nade if you get killed off spawn and you get angry about it just understand what happened and why so an example would be if I was to get the trailer park spawn I know that there's a pretty good chance someone's actually straight ahead so instead of that I would actually either run this way or I would move directly into the trailer park born knowledge is an important skill and every time you spoil and take note and you start to understand the more experienced you become as a player you start to recognize a lot of these spawns that you're getting they happen a lot and a lot of the fights can become very predictable if you're on top of it you can already pre pick a spot and kill someone before they even know you're there at this current state in the game every customs match starts at 35 minutes and we've started off here in the parking the first thing we're gonna do is head away from big red noticeable red shared towards this bus at the back here to check for the east wing 310 key now this is a great key to get your hands on for a shoreline room in the East Wing that spawned some really good stuff first I'm going to do so heading across is gonna check make sure no one spawned in trailer park we're gonna head across the road and this is the road that I'm talking about so if you spawn down here make sure that you just don't run this way because a lot of people will smack you from there so what I would do is run straight into storage sometimes I can jump on this car and head straight towards the roof and I usually have a look around and make sure no one else is moving towards this area first thing I do is head past the staff or bag and quickly check for this little med bag here for silly words especially in the early game so leave was a worth a fortune so that's a really good spot when you're doing it early tasks trying to get some made kits obviously for therapists we're gonna quickly jump towards the roofs again and I'm just gonna say don't run around too much on these but you can get some really good angles to inside the train station and you know inside near big red or if you're having fights along here you can get a good angle on people but obviously all these roofs are made of metal so they make a lot of sound so I wouldn't be running around here like an elephant because you may get spotted and killed can also jump up in other ways as well we're gonna head towards the crossroads extract and check for another east wing 310 key on the left hand driver seat of this van we've got a large green crepe another large green crepe and we're gonna head away from the crossroads extract stay if you spawn on the other side of the map for reference this is your extract and it is always open so we're on this side the left-hand side or the west side and we're gonna be heading towards one of the most reputable areas or the most dangerous areas the big red and we're moving away from these little detachable x' which we'll cover in a second but we're gonna head inside and I'm gonna show you a little cheeky parkour spot that I usually jump and check every single time I get this spawn so if I was to spawn inside big red the first thing I do is run up go up here and have a look inside trailer-park see if anyone's jumping over the bin or over the wall we'll have a look through storage and make sure no one's there either to get down you just run down the same way you ran up now we can head up towards customs office that you guys may know this area from a few tasks along the way obviously you need to grab a package from here or you also need to grab a document to plant in factory for a messenger from the past a very notorious task but this area's got a few little spots you can check the front for flash drive especially in the early game for skier that helps out heaps you can also search them for CPUs and such but kicking in this door what called breach door we're gonna head inside and check for the East Wing 306 key run of that laptop right there it's a good key and down below obviously that's where you grab your document we've also got a safe here along the way as well and it's a decent little check you can get some good angles from the top there especially if you're fighting people you can look down through that window and shoot them if they're outside big red so I keep this key in the late game for the PvP and obviously the safe is a decent little pool as well but we can hang towards the train yard now train yard is a decent little area but be careful because there's a lot of PvP spots here a lot of spawns close together this is a very high traffic area so when you're doing this jump showing right now don't stay up here too long and if you do make sure you toss your backpack but you can get a really nice view of the other Ridge people running across and you can get some really dirty shots off but like I said don't stay up there too much and don't walk around on metal because people will hear you and come and hunt you and kill you as you can see to my left we've got the blue attachable there's a filing cabinet in there but we're not gonna cover it just yet but this is a little gap they're not actually a few people don't know about believe it or not I'll call it gap or slit and allows you to get to the other side of this wall if you however have someone on there and you want to get around them you can actually jump on here and go prone under the train to pull out another angle during PvP to try and confuse your enemy there's a few different ways you can get in and around these areas so so you could see if someone's watching slit there I could just pull an angle on them but the more you know the math then the more cheeky spots you pull on people the more you often to throw them off like an example you get on that train on my left but the parkour is quite hard not gonna cover in this video you can also get on top of this Shack here and get some really good views all the way into construction it is near the start of main bridge on the west side and you can look all the way across to the construction anyone crossing these land bridges in a very bad spot and you can snap them up quite easily customs is all about throwing your enemy off by giving them weird angles that you know they wouldn't normally peek there are multiple ways to get across from one side the west side to the east side main bridge being probably one of the safest ways because there's more cover along the way just avoid the scavs here in your ice cream more triple stack because there's a lot of scouts around there that can ruin your day quite easily but we're gonna head towards one of the most notorious places on customs and that is construction now construction is a very scary place especially for new players but I want to run you through some of the basic call-outs for this area the first ones are these little breaches you walk through and they are numbered from this left-hand most side being breach 1 you've also got breached - and breach 3 now these little breaches can be met with a sniper scope above this building here so as soon as you walk through if you do get shot just be wary of that guy up there he is there at the start of every single raid bronze pocketwatch or anything in this area and you get killed just know that they bring a pistol or something and try and kill him so we're gonna be heading into elbow now elbow is not a very notorious area but there's a dead scab in there which you need to grab a key off and also a duffel bag we'll cover that probably in a separate video and some of my beginner guides we're gonna head past a bronze pocket watch truck away from a frames and we're gonna teach you guys this little jump over if you want to get away from you know you got your pocket watch or whatever you want to get away from that area you actually just jump over this what I call ninja jump and we're gonna head towards hill one now hill one is where dreams go to die there's a lot of people that like to hang around in these bushes up here so please please be careful I can't name the number of times someone jumped out and killed me but you can get some really good angles especially into construction so if you're fighting someone you can go up there and pull an angle on them it's a really good angle to pull on them as well now we're gonna head towards pit now now pit is a pretty dangerous area I have a lot of PvP fights around this area but we're basically just gonna not really do walk through this area too much there's not much to show but we are going to show you this new sniper scab that got added recently keep an eye out for this guy because a lot of people will get killed by him and don't realize what's shooting at them they think it's players or a hacker just understand that he's there most of the time and we're head towards factory shacks factory shacks is part of a task here that which you're gonna need this key called the portable cabin key or factory zone in which you've got to unlock this door and head to the right and grab a document but for the sake of time you know we've got no document there but you've actually got a weapons case but there's a cool little angle that you can use and you there's other ways to get up but if you use the door you can do this at any strength you simply jump on the rail jump on the door and then toss your bag and you can go prone here and get some really really good angles along the train bridge and also all throughout bus station this really helps out especially when you're trying to fight someone or you know set up your sniper headshots for shooter born in heaven as we head past these silos they're just gonna quickly show you guys up close what tower he spawns on so please watch that spot for the sniper scope we're gonna head through connector and something that people don't realize is if you actually hug hard left here you won't make any noise you won't hit barbed wire and they won't hear you coming so it's all about how you approach the barbed wire if you want to get through there just hug it and make sure you don't hit it as we head away from bus station we're gonna be heading to one of the first caches of this video or hidden caches these are little hidden stashes around the place and I'll put the map in the description down below if you guys want to know where all of them are but for the sake of time we're not gonna cover every single one of them there is no location on customs more dangerous than three-story dorm but I'm gonna show it to you anyway as we head inside the first thing you got to be worried about other than players is the custom Scout boss for sharla him and four others will be in here sometimes there is a about 33% chance for him to spawn either between gas station and they are heavily armored and if you're not prepared they will kill you so when you walk in the first door please please check for him I've had them all down the end there they like to hang down the very end of the first floor as we head inside be checking for the factory exit key to be found next to this TV which is decent little check about 150 K at the moment but much more in the early game as we head towards the second floor still being careful for a Charla and players we gotta head towards this bed and we're gonna jump on it and we're gonna head left we're gonna head into dorm room 205 and the reason I recognize this room we'll try to teach you guys this room is because there's jackets in here that are really good for keys like I found the 104 key sorry in CB 14 and 105 but also the machinery key which a lot of people buy after flea market but it's about 30k in the first couple days of wipe so if you're finding these keys you know you can be flipping them we've also got the dorm room 204 key which is a safe and a weapon cabinet which you can check for shotguns that you need for the tasks in the early game and also a little bit of cash booths never hurt no one at the same time it's one run you past the fact that these keys aren't worth hardly anything compared to shoreline keys so while you're doing your tasks guys you can be hitting all these key spawns you can be making a decent amount of money by hitting like dorm room 2:15 for the lab Arsenal key which is about 60,000 at the moment but of a hundred thousand in the early game you know so you've got keys like that you've got a safe down the end while you're checking your TAS Keys you can be hitting 214 at the same time you know and when your head inside you've got ammo on the bed and another safe so there is ways to make money on customs even though it's very dangerous as we head outside we're gonna be just showing you guys that on the side of the car you can't actually access the first door or the third floor so if you do hear metal understand that they are gonna come from the second floor this helps in PvP situations because this is a very high traffic area sorry if you hear metal just understand make sure you keep all the doors shut and be listening out for noise cues that's one way to win fights in dorms as we head to the third floor [Music] I'm sorry I had to throw that in there this is just some little things around the place be careful on the third floor mashaallah can like be crouched in some of these little spots around the corners here and he's pulled a few sneaky little pulls up on me I've seen all of them inside that kitchen so be careful cuz we check for an MBSs gonna head towards Market room now marked room is a juicy room as we head inside there's a few awesome loot spawns here like some good guns but I've heard of people and screenshots of red key cards being found in documents cases I found multiple weapons cases myself about six so far you can find key tools money and you can also find docks cases full of random keys and some really sweet guns so it's worth the money however it's a 25 use key so the more you use it it may break eventually on you but it's definitely worth the investment you can hit this one at the top doing the Crouch tricks you're not exposed because it's very open but we're gonna drop down here I just want to teach you guys something when you drop down from the roof wait till you take damage if you're doing this in a PvP fight make sure that you have painkillers on because you may break a leg so be careful when you jump down just wait for the damage and then jump off as we head towards the X we're going to find one of the extracts that you have to pay seven thousand roubles for it is a countdown from fifty seconds but you don't actually have to be there the entire time so if you're standing away from it until the last couple seconds you can be jump near the car and then extract when it extracts it'll drive away and no one else can use it as we head towards the two-story dorm we're gonna find a few more safes around this that are actually three safes and two-story dorm and a few other juicy things the first unlock on our right-hand side here is the Dawnguard s key the GTS key which is actually a really decent key for the money I mean I got an ammo case you've got a weapon rack with aks and a large black weapons case you got a duffel bag you've also got a weapon crate here but as we head down to the very end we're gonna Chuck a left here to dorm room 110 now dorm room 110 is actually a really good key because it's got a safe but it also more importantly on the left hand side has a fuel conditioner and a flash drive spawn obviously fuel conditioner and flash drives are both needed fatah so this helps but completely opposite the room the reason why is so good is at ASCII which is dorm room 114 which you need for a therapist task but at the same time you can get some meds like Sully was a PC to check for flash drives and another safe believe it or not but as we head to the second floor once again watch out because this area is a very high PvP traffic area a lot of fights I've had here and a lot of people trying to get angles onto the three-story dorm I've had countless fights here so be careful when you push up and also keep an eye out for rashaldir as well because he can spawn in here a good indicator is when you're walking through if a lot of the doors are open generally that means either a new player is here or there is Rochelle so if you walk up to the second floor and see a lot of doors open it's usually a warning indicator that something's up so once again listen out for metal audio cues are a good way to win more fights inside dorms no one can actually access the first floor here as I've showed as we head towards the site of construction or the sniper scope I showed earlier we're gonna head into this little locked off area here and as you can see you can't actually access the first floor from this so you have to go all the way around but it's a dorm room 105 now once again this is the key that I found in the jacket just before but it's still a cheap key for a safe the safes are great because you can find a lot of items that you need for tasks along the way so we're gonna head towards Hill 2 now this is a very high traffic area because a lot of people hug the wall but when I come along here I always check for this flash drive right next to this duffel bag this flash drive is actually been here a couple times and especially in the early game 300k or more for a flash drive obviously they've crashed now later into the white but these are really good things to know especially when you're doing your custom stash you can hit the flash drive you know you can make that little bit of extra money if you need to so we're gonna head towards the gas station now or new gas and once again we're gonna be checking for some more keys so you may be doing your task but if you check this ambulance right here we're checking for the Emrick on key which is both the TAS key and a really sweet key for loot and med supplies like I said earlier in the video Rishabha can spawn at the gas station so be careful when you're running into the front of it if you are fighting at the front I would suggest trying getting inside and not fighting them from the front because they can shoot through the windows and pull some stupid angles on you my advice is to try and bait them towards the back and use the doors to try and force them to come to you so they open the door stupidly and walk in you can kill them one by one checking for Rashad Lee he likes to hang around these barrels so please be careful when you're pushing along the side as you can see I'm checking through the gaps here and there bibley rashanna is doing his hide where he crouches in a spot waiting for you to come especially when you're dominating his group the first thing I see when you search was rush hour is a chance for the Golden Tee tee you need to hand this in found Andrade however you can't put it in your secure container searching his pockets you're gonna find some stuff like physical Bitcoin and also labs key cards his followers on the other hand have a chance at AVS plate carriers which you need to hand in found and raid and also black rocks or a Ragman task so these counters found in Raiden is probably the most efficient way to get them for this task as we head inside we're gonna unlock the key to the gas station storage room this is a great key to have early because it has two med cases which are brilliant facility was in the early game you got a little crate here with a cabinet key make sure the description says the gas station manager's office key is there are a few cabinet keys there searching this little safe is a little nice cast boost that never hurt no one as we're heading away from the gas station will come back and cover a few things here but I just want to quickly show you hill 3 this area is often camped and there's a lot of angles and snipers gave up on top of that building that can really ruin your day so when you are fighting scout boss from this side my advice to you is try and get up close you don't want to be hanging around here because they can lob F ones all the way from gas station and ruin your day the ammo Shack is pretty awesome as well you got a little bit of an ammo crate and a duffle bag but we're getting towards military checkpoint here and this is going to be another unlock but this is also a quite at high-traffic area and a lot of scabs like to hang around the front of here so if you need scoville tasks that's great jumping over this Barrow can be shown if you jump sideways your character actually jumps higher if you need to get over here make sure you use that trick and we're gonna be heading towards the military checkpoint and we're gonna unlock it and check a few things now ahead inside the military checkpoint we're not actually gonna find a lot of loot but it's really good for aks in the early game as well as grenades and a little bit of ammo this back blue rocket can spawn a KU's and sometimes suppress ak74 Ubese as we had we passed here we're gonna be checking for the 114 key this little jacket back here is a chance to that key that I showed earlier the 114 key and also Sully was always check this jacket even though it was quite exposed because that key is awesome in the early game so here we are back at gas station I just wanted to show you guys a few things while we're here and it's the Go shanky now this key is worth a fortune and you need to hand it in making our way to the third seat here on the left hand side is the Go shanky but that's about 2.5 million at the moment which is ridiculous so please check that every single time we can make our way past this wall by jumping on this pile of rubble and boosting across this spot over here is actually inaccessible from the other side without using the factory shortcut which we'll show in a second as we head towards warehouse 4 we're gonna quickly just check this little crate in front of warehouse 4 here but as we head past towards this blue car here we're gonna pop open the boot and we're gonna find all your logistics key now only logistics key is needed for a Ragman task so you need this key at one point in your tasking so always check this if you're heading around this area we're gonna quickly make our way towards factory shortcut however and I'm gonna show you guys that this can be unlocked with the factory exit key however this key is now a 50 use key this is a recent change which allows you to repair your key however so you can repair it before it breaks however unlocking this you need to use it twice to get through so that's two users each time but it allows good PvP angles and allows you to get some really nice angles on rashanna if you're fighting them from the gas station as we unlock the second door you guys are just gonna get quick reference of where we are if you are confused we're at the front of gas station we're gonna head back and we show you the free way of getting over is walking up this blue car here now the trick to doing this and a lot of people seem to miss is you actually walk to the very end of this and you aim for the lip see how the toilet has a lip there on the right hand side so you try and actually miss I know it sounds stupid but if you aim for the right hand side there in the little lip you'll actually get it every single time obviously higher strength will help a lot but we can head towards the old gas here now old gas station is actually a very iconic spot and it is actually also an extract so when we come here we're going to be checking a few things like scabs obviously there's a lot of them that hang around here but you can tell the extract is open if the green flowers are here now obviously this is not the extract for me because of my spawn however I spawned on the other side I could get out here checking this table for any item in the game anything from the fort armor to a pistol case and there on the chair you can find some really sweet loot in there it's also to get out you just go past there and there's a little tunnel as we head back towards the rubble here we're gonna be checking the god spot the tree of giving I call it but there's a little spoiling the ground here we can find best on the ground and also factory exit key has a chance to spawn right there if you don't find anything if you keep an eye out for like a vest or something like that if you search it you can get some really sweet loot I've seen other people and pull green keycard and many other high ticket keys from best that's born on the ground there this next little trick is something that you don't have to do but it's something that if you have around 10 strength is possible to do but if you jump using the trick I showed you earlier so jumping left to right jump up on this railing here and then aim for the lip of the train you can actually get on top of here and get some really really sweet angles all the way up to substation a lot of the stuff up there dear Enders and you can get some really sweet angles especially with thermals so if you're fighting someone or you mate know someone's up there you can get some really good angles by using that spot but we're gonna be heading towards one of the best areas in the early game and very underrated area water I call this water warehouse but it's also known as storage building now as we head inside we're gonna see why I call it water we're house cuz there's water barrels everywhere however there is a weapons case and this little rack back here there's little shelves here and my good spot okay I found car batteries along here Wilston cigarettes and many many other types of cigarettes and everything you're gonna need in the early game I found condensed milk there and heaps of goodies so it's a really good spot as well as this big large weapons crate at the back here which is a little bit of a yeah I call it my lucky crate but you know that's just my little secret we're gonna head out the front here and we're gonna head a to the right and we're gonna unlock another cache but like I said earlier guys easily hidden caches for the sake of time I'm not gonna cover them all but if you want to know where they are there is a map in the description down below so we're gonna be heading towards one of the sometimes open extracts and this is ZB 12 to tell of CB 12 is open you actually have to keep an eye out for the light if the light is on then the extract is open however it bugs out sometimes and even if the lights on it won't let you out don't ask me why it's Nikita's fault if we head towards the spot here we're going to show you another cheeky PvP angle and its chemical I call it chemical because this van in the side here or container building is what you need to mark for a chemical task and in the back you can see yet some really sweet silly words and metals and you're what's on this back shelf here you can find more cigarettes and other miscellaneous items but this is the spot that I used to kill a lot of people I love this spot but if you boost up on this forklift or in other words use the side jump trip or look directly downwards you can actually get up here with the decent level strength I think it's about five or four you can get some really really good angles up towards substation if you walk along this door too you can see out towards gas station and kilrush Allah but be wary there is a sniper's gap that spawns above you so if you hear metal don't freak out sometimes it may just be him waltzing around as we head up on top of fuel pit we can get some really good angles all the way out towards the gas station but be careful because you're very exposed from substation and the rocks above now with your head past pit we're gonna be heading towards my favorite thing in the world my USB van this USB van is great for flash drives in the early game checking the front of the actual physical USB ports you'll see one sticking out there and now and then and it's a really good spot in the early and it's been it's been good to me this patch I'm gonna tell you what as we head inside smokestack we're gonna be checking two crates why call it two crate for this reason but there's a large green weapon crate and as we head back down we can check the factory key on the very bottom of the shelf factory edges here like I said is worth about 150 K we can check those cigarettes along this box and head up to the second green crepe and these are really good for arming yourself in the early game like some nice attachments for gunsmith but the dead scab here as well provides some good spawns for the military checkpoint key as well as searching him gives you some really good cigarettes and also a chance at factory key as we head away from to crate or smokestack we're gonna head towards one of the main extracts running past this little pipe here I'm gonna show you one of the hidden caches like I said but if you want the map guys remember in description down below as we head towards one of the main extract is CB 11 now CB 11 is a really good spot be careful as you head down sometimes I've had people in here waiting believe it or not but it's a really decent extract and it's always open the reference' where we are we are between ZB 11 and admin gate and we're doing the loop-de-loop as we head around behind military checkpoint and we're not really gonna cover that back area there because it's not a lot of loot but we're heading towards what I call m4 or repair shop as we head inside a repair shop this is the forklift room as some people call it we're gonna be checking this locker here for some goodies and as well as the you sex stash on customs key this key is a pretty decent little thing because you can get some decent loop and it helps in PvP situations if you need to pull some different angles like jumping on this box and killing someone if you think they're outside as we work our way around it's actually a two part key with two unlocks for the same key the second door here can be unlocked with the same key heading inside it's more of the same we've got a jacket here we've got a large weapons crate down the bottom here and obviously more angles that you can pull now another little decent trick is if you jump up this railing you can get a really good look into Chemical especially if you're using thermals you can walk down this rail and see all the way up to the Train jump over that's a little jump over spot how you get to the other side that little ramp there up the top heading away from that side we're gonna be checking its back area for more attachments and also some really decent cigarette spawns stuff like wheel stands and obviously you can see our kalai screws random miscellaneous loot and also weapons attachments there's also a 110 key in there as well in that little red box but as we head around the back a military checkpoint we're gonna bust our way through the barbed wire here and for the sake of time i speeded this up a lot but we're never heading into the new customs area all the way up to the notorious substation now there's a lot of PvP out here I've had so many fights up this area but there's a few variants for that and it's also the lab Arsenal key the lab Arsenal key is a really good key to get your hands on like I said about 60 to 80 K at the moment which is a decent pull you got some really sweet attachments along these boxes lack weapons crate and you've also got a large black weapons crate hidden between these two pillars careful however it's a very exposed location to search I would go prone crate we're gonna be checking this little detachable here for one more large weapons crate here which is a little decent search but we're gonna head away from substation and down towards gas station then we're gonna show you this one little parkour trick as well be careful of these rocks a lot of people like to sit prone on the left hand side we can actually boost through the wall and the gap here towards gas station and likewise back to the other side so you don't actually have to go all the way around as we head along the wall I'm going to show you another little dirty spot here with another hidden cache but you can actually jump along this wall past the fence and to reference guys we're at the front of new gas at the moment hey guys so that's it for this customs video if this helped you in any single way learn anything at all about customs you know what to do make sure you smash that like and subscribe button it helps me out a ton and as always I stream six days a week on Twitch the link will be in description down below and thank you so much for watching
Channel: VoX_E
Views: 697,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginner, customs, extracts, parkour, loot, reshala, rashala, hidden stashes, caches, customs tarkov, tarkov customs, keys, keyspawns, factory exit, learn customs, customs 101, customs eft, eft customs, customs loot run, customs guide, customs tips, escape from tarkov, escape from tarkov customs guide, beginner guide escape from tarkov, tarkov customs loot guide, tarkov beginners guide, escape from tarkov customs, escape from tarkov customs loot guide, escape from tarkov customs map
Id: O74ilHI3Rzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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