Tarkov Armor Tier List - Complete S-F Guide - Patch 14.0

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hey folks welcome back to the channel and our next video on escape from tarov armor this time it's a tier list I'm going to go through every armor and armored rig in the game and order them based on how I see them from best to worst that way you have an idea which armors to run which armors to stay away from and which might be a budget option so let's not waste any more time get right into it all right so I'm going to use tier maker here uh free website check it out if you wanted do tier list it's pretty easy to use uh I like it I got some stuff ordered here a couple things we're going to talk about first up again this this is my opinion there's going to be stuff you can not agree with and that's fine it's how I look on it uh look at it based on protection weight uh availability things like that it's also based on the armor system and hitbox system as of early patch 14.0 so if you're watching this much later there may be some changes and if there's drastic changes it's just an opportunity to redo the video and kind of move some stuff around uh but with the current weaknesses and the specific armors out there that's what this is going to be based off of now I have these ordered kind of um kind of and how good they are I guess uh class zero Class 2 armors class three armors um as far as the aramids that they have and then kind of protection and then we'll do rigs after that cuz rigs are kind of their own animal uh and we'll do them after we do all the armors but the first thing up and this is going to tip a lot of people over is the f-class and the only categories the things that I'm going to put down here are basically the armors that have no aramid protection and that is all four of these right here here and two of these used to be fantastic armors two of them were okay um the hex grid and the HPC H this used to be a class six and they used to be class 5 now they're just straight plate carriers now I'm going to be hopping back and forth between the game and the tier list to show you this stuff but if we go to the hex grid you can see here that it has plates there is no aramid inserts all it has is the plates so if you get hit anywhere other than exactly where that plate is covering you take full damage so that's why I consider them pretty much class F never wear these armors and I'll show you the HPC is the same way as well as the two armored rigs um you've got the Goon Edition again no aramid and then the Tasmanian which I know a lot of people love that armor kind of a budget class six that had a pretty good barter but now it's just a straight up plate carrier it doesn't do anything else now one other I forgot to mention also is the uh tv15 it is also just a plate carrier it's one of the ones you see on Raiders and Rogues doesn't have any protection so again f-class armor now for d-class this isn't going to come most people surprises these are your basic Class 2 armors uh that you can start with they're okay if you have nothing else better they're two aramid they have mediocre coverage uh actually this might be to class to Steel let's go look at that real quick um Titanium inserts so it does behave a little bit better than the aramids but it is still only class two there's no plates no inserts you can't up armor them at all uh so they're they're in the D's now also in the DCL class is the trooper armor and I say this because because of its coverage now while it may have chest and back coverage on the aramid it is barely bigger than the plate so it is just barely better than some of these other armors that have no coverage so that's why I put it in a d which really sucks because this was like an a class armor before it was a fantastic armor um now it's pretty much just a plate carrier with a little bit of cloth wrapped around it but now finally we get into some of the better armors out there that are good for people now the Press armor and the carassa I borderline between B and C and these I wanted to call them a b armor but once you get to class 15 essentially all of these armors open up to you so we're going to keep them at C because they are only class 2 aramids but they do have fantastic coverage so early on before the flea market you can get a hold of these these are some of the best armors you can run at that point cuz yes you can put any plate on them but again the aramid even though it is covering your neck it's only class two so even bullets pushing like 17 pen have a really good chance to one hit you even in the neck hit box now the uh press armor is where it's at the carassa is slightly better just because it's got a little bit better coverage and way better durability you're 56 122 and 14 whereas the Press armor is 40 40 10 10 and 10 so just better durability just means a little bit more protection so the cross it is a little bit better than the Press armor um it does have a little bit more coverage as far as how low it goes and how high it sits up in your inside your armpit area it doesn't cover the armpit hit box but it is just a little bit better which is why it's usually a little bit more expensive now the OTV This falls in a class um a Class D as well simply because it is only two aramid and it's a plate carrier but it is not that great in any other way shape or form you've got all you've got class two and decent coverage and yes you can put plates in it but I would rather run the press armor or the uh carassa than the sotv because it just they're you're missing that neck protection now next up is four armors that are pretty much all in class with each other there is a little bit of differences but for the most part they're the same they're all class twos they all have side protection without plates um they're kind of limited on the chest on what chest plates you can put in there uh and the back plates uh the back plates are open up on these two armors the 6B 23-1 and-2 can have kind of they're not Universal back plates but they can you can put a lot more back plates in them but the 6b1 13s only have the special black plates that you can put in there as you can see here they're they're these double slotted back plates that go in these pockets and they do have a gap the Gap isn't all that big of a deal it it is there you can shoot through it and it's shotguns are going nobody's going to be aiming for that cuz it's it's kind of hard to hit it's not even where the Gap is it's actually a little bit higher um than is on the model but only like shotguns or somebody full auto in you just spraying is going to really hit that um but it is restrictive on what you can put there you can't get class five or six plates uh it's only these class four steel there are class five Ceramics but they're only in Killa armor that's the only way you can get them you can go to class five um Ceramics on the front uh there is a class six plate but it's I don't know if it's available readily available but they're all Class 2 aramid everywhere else so that puts them in line with pretty much the rest of these armors um I would honestly in most circumstances probably put the carassa and the Press vest above these simply because of some of the bugs we're seen and the shape of the plate um while it covers your stomach a little bit more it opens up your shoulders to more impacts uh versus the non kind of diamond shaped plates when you're looking at these these front plates like this versus the front plates that are like this these provide better chest coverage these provide better stomach coverage but the top corners of these kind of open up a little bit now the rest of these armors that I'm going to throw together they're all kind of classed together because they're all class three without plates so they kind of fall in this middle area um they're a little bit better on the open areas than the rest of these armors but you can't put class four plates in them so they're a little bit worse kind of wanted to put them in B but I didn't believe they they I didn't believe they belonged there uh simply because you couldn't put plates in them now we all remember how terrible the aluminum armor the the true the UN blueberry armor was but it actually kind of got upgraded a little bit with the way the new system works because it's class 3 everywhere versus Class 2 so even at lower levels this can be a beneficial armor to run because it's going to be more effective than um some of your other armors that yeah may maybe you can put a four plate in them but the coverage everywhere else being three is going to matter more against scabs with shotguns and things like that like for example the uh the lead slug the dreaded lead Slug It has 15 pen I believe um which puts it right around 40% chance to get through class two like clean through and penetrate and kill you that won't happen with this um though it doesn't have plates so if you start talking 30 pen ammo in your chest whereas those other armors would stop at this one won't so it's kind of that toss up back and forth um with that and this the same applies for the doctor disrespect armor and it is a class 3 aramid all the way around so it's a pack up just a little bit better um pretty good durability uh these are cheap like if you're kind of going back and forth between you know doing a Packa and doing this keep in mind these are only 30k they're right at the same price as a Packa and they're better coverage you're just bright red stand out a little bit more keep that keep that in mind now the the the NPP K KS cor colon body armor there's two of these there's no difference they're both the same just different colors uh they are class three steel inserts so they're going to behave a little bit differently but they have pretty high durability they're heavy um but they're class three chest and back they don't have side coverage um thinking about that now now that I say that we should probably actually put that down there that's probably a declass now that we see that uh now that I realize that that it doesn't have side coverage so steel front and back um a little bit better than some of these but no side coverage now an armor I'm going to put into BCL class that might tip a lot of people over is this Thor I have been running this a lot you can see it's on my character right now actually um I've been putting higher level plates I got to put new plates in the front of this but I've been putting class five plates in the chest four in the back um with the left and right plates and the reason I like this so much is it's class three aramid yes you give up your neck protection but you can make up for that with some of the some of the helmets and some of the other stuff you can make up for the throat and neck protection but having the class 3 for me is making me want to run it over these 6B 23s it's really helped with stopping more of the scav rounds and getting one tapped less Often by them now for the Slick uh this probably isn't going to surprise anybody but it it's it's just down here as a d it doesn't provide hardly any coverage it's got the plates it's a little bit more coverage than the trooper and it's class three versus the class two on the trooper here I'll go we can go look at it here real quick um which it does make it a little bit better but it's still its coverage is still just really bad there's no real good reason to run this um because it doesn't provide any side coverage and it is class three and you sure you if you find it you get class six plates out of it which is nice but if you get hit anywhere around the area outside of the plate you're just smoked now the gazelle um I haven't been able to run this a lot so this is just based on what I've seen from it the gazelle is an S tier armor and that's simply because it has fantastic coverage all over the place and is three aramid so you can put front and back plates in there you can put chest plates or uh left and right plates chest and uh left side right side and neck protection um all the way around when you look at it it covers stomach thorax upper back lower back left side right side throat neck front plate back plate obviously side plates uh and it's class three which is huge which is probably why it's so difficult to get now uh you can't the barter's gone it's just a hard armor to get it's worth a ton uh people need them for tasks all that other stuff but it's going to be a fantastic armor if you find it and can use it now the problem you're going to have with it is the plates that can go into it this is one of the the biggest Hang-Ups for it is the plates that you're going to want to put in the front are these these class these diamond shaped plates so it's coverage isn't the best uh there are going to be better options but it's still considered an S tier I I will be running this when I can um simply because of the the plates that you're going to be able to put in here um getting it to class five plates as well as the three aramid now we're on to some of the bigger and heavier armors uh the defender pretty good armor um people might not agree with it being a b class but the reason I mean it's in a b is you can't put plates in it so it does have side protection at class three all the way around but no side plates um means it's not as good and potential as some others it doesn't hit your movement um as hard as some of the other plates so that may be something you like uh and keep in mind it does say neck protection right you do have neck coverage here but it only covers the throat doesn't cover the rest of the neck so you can take shots on the side and the back and still be hitting the neck um which not might not matter to you but that is there it is only throat coverage only up front and we did test this we did verify this that that is how it works but again pretty good plates you can put these these high level five and uh six plates in here uh and three AIT all the way around and kind of on suit with this is the Reddit but I'm going to put the Reddit as an a tier and that's because you can put side plates in it uh it that's what makes it better it does have a little bit better protection too um with how this the the the back is exposed and kind of the side here if you look at the Reddit it closes up a little bit more has a little bit more armor coverage on those areas it also has a little bit of rear butt coverage it's not a complete it doesn't hang down like some of the other armors but the defender doesn't have that the Reddit does get a little bit better you got the gro rear coverage um it's got the same problem with the neck though it only covers the throat it doesn't cover all the way around even though you got this kind of goofy looking thing that sticks up on the back here um it you can still get hit in the neck now right along with this we're going to get into the Gen fours and I think this is going to be a place where a lot of people disagree with me but this gets into Mobility I value Mobility more than other people might um other people might value the durability and the the coverage so these all three of these are going to be a armors not s tier simply because they do hit uh your movement penalties quite a bit and these are the Gen 4 body armors now you can reduce this a lot right the plates actually add to this movement speed uh modifier and can affect you quite a bit by changing plates around but all the higher level plates are going to be like that so the Gen 4 high Mobility kit is the lowest it is only 5% so there could be an argument that you could put that up into s tier but you're giving up your arm coverage but I have an S tier without arm coverage this has more coverage than the gazelle so maybe we'll keep the S tier up there looking at like that but these these others they smoke your movement ability even though they have arm coverage you're giving up movement ability with these armors so that's why I put them in the a class because I do value Mobility over coverage most of the time now if there's a case where we're running Factory or something I'll obviously go to probably one of these armors you know something like this or the fork even um simply because of that but for comparison purposes that's that's where I'm putting now the killer armor I really want to make this an S tier I really really really want to make this an S tier but I can't and I'll explain why it's the plate availability and this may change this is just where we're at right now the killer armor has class five front which you can acquire this plate again you can get this plate again that's buyable um let me see here I I'll just show you if uh it's unlocked on proper it might be proper four but it might be h a quest um but you can buy these front plates class 5 super cool you've got the uh the the five coverage the problem comes in with the back plate the back plate from Killa is class five it's ceramic um it's the slotted armor like before so there is a hole in it but you can't get these not that I've been able to see anywhere um if I'm wrong by all means let me know but that means the only way you can replace these plates is you have to go to class 4 steel off of the other 6B 23s down here so essentially the same as that and or you have to kill Killa again and replace it and with it being ceramic it's not going to repair very well but that being said it does provide class 3 coverage everywhere including the neck um and the groin so you have good coverage of class three which bumps it up into that a tier if you have it I would say run it just be cautious of the back plates or don't get shot in the back I guess now we have the corund um this for me when I first saw it and I first started running it I thought this was going to be an S tier armor I thought this was going to be the one of the best in the game and and I hated these armors before but now that I've unlocked it and I've looked through it it is definitely an a tier armor and I say this because of the plates that can go in the front of it you are limited um you can't put the universal plates you can only you've got these class 5 steel plates which are not good steel is one of the worst steel and ceramic are some of the worst armor types you can have and when it comes to the Kuran you don't have a lot of options other than that I mean you got these class 3 plates but you're not going to put those in there and these ballistic plates are a barter they're not super expensive an egg isn't too bad but again they're only steel plates and you can't put like you can't put like this Granite level five ceramic in here it doesn't fit it's not that type of plate it it's not compatible so you're stuck with steel plates only which is why this armor um is an a tier armor it is class three all the way around again you do have the side plates but they're not you can't put any Ceramics you can't put any lighter weight you're heavy as hell low kind of they're not low durability because they do have a lot of hit points but bullets burn through them quickly and even that the neck protection is only 10 durability right and left side or 15 it's just not that great in fact I've actually convinced myself now I'm probably going to put this down to a b class because you're not going to run the kund at the same time you would run some of these others there's just no reason to now with the Zuck I have not run this yet and I'm only going to put it up here partially because I always loved this armor I hated when they made it impossible to get if I found one in raid I kept it for the rest of the wipe simply because it was a uh it was like a trophy for me cuz I found one but we'll go look at it here real quick and I'll explain and to be honest with you in some ways it is just kind of like a fancy gazelle uh the big part is is it has better uh better durability than the gazelle um it steps up a little bit from there but it does have the same limitations on plates it has the same um front plate restriction that's all you can do and as of yet right now there's no way to replace this class 6 plate unfortunately but you can put a class 5 in there um so if the gazelle is going to be an S tier this has to be an S tier 2 it's great coverage I'm excited to be able to finally use it again um you can just buy it right off the flea that's it's a weird thing about all these armors you can get them right off the flea it's 180,000 so it's actually cheaper than the gazelle right now you could run this over some of the others if you want to get the if you have access to the plates uh and good coverage it's just a cool armor in my opinion now we're going to get to the three heavy ones um and again this is going to fall into a tier for me these have good armor they have good protection they have good coverage but they just absolutely Hammer your movement speed so they fall out of that s tier for me you might put them as s tier you might not care about movement penalties and honestly once you get to like max strength it's probably not going to matter nearly as much but looking at them out of the gate I can't show you without the plates in them um but the Ford armor does 8 the Thor integrated is -14 and then the Zabo is uh -7 they do have ma massive massive hit point pools their their class three aramids have tons of coverage um they do really well as far as that concerned and some even have more coverage than others so if you're in Factory these are going to provide you with the most coverage possible just keep in mind again you're not invulnerable like you used to be and uh they will hopefully serve you well and now we're on to Rigs and there's with the rare exception almost every one of these rigs in my opinion and I'm not going to get into great detail of it cuz we don't need to they're all C tier every single one of them except the baggerly we're going to put that in a d tier for now and we'll talk let's talk about that one specifically right now because cuz a lot of people I don't know if this is intentional I put a I let BSG know this happened cuz I think it might be unintentional um but the baggerly is only class 2 aramid so not only does it have terrible coverage it has terrible aramid and this doesn't fall in suit with everything else they did every class five armor and that they had before with the rare exception of a couple like this one are all class three aramids so this being a class two means the baggerly is a terrible armor you shouldn't touch this with a 10-ft pole there's so many other options that are better to run than this and then the the rest of these even if they are class three the biggest problem with these rigs are they have horrible coverage now we're going to put this one down here is class D because it's terrible coverage terrible coverage terrible coverage terrible coverage so this is the MMA this is I forget what this is called it's a um it's an armor that you get off of Rogues uh Raiders sorry uh kill T gilla's armor which something interesting um Liston pointed out to me that I didn't recognize either is when you get to gilla's armor it looks like it only comes with a class four back back plate it's got a class six uh Titan front plate but it's only a class 4 back plate but again its coverage is next to nothing um you've got the chest in back but if there's no there's nothing there so that is a uh just a bad bad bad bad armor now these armors that I'm putting up here into C tier and this this one right here hurts my soul to do I this was my favorite armor it's been one of the best armors ever in the game the CPC is no longer King is an armor that I will unfortunately probably never even wear and I wouldn't do long line um if I if I don't have long lines needed for Kappa if long line isn't needed for cap I won't do it because this was the only reasons I did long line was to unlock this armor um yes it does have left side right side and and plates but this whole Gap right here on the right and left as well as a little bit on the top makes you so exposed you're just it's just not a good armor it's just not it sucks now we may see changes in the future that completely overhaul this and I believe we're going to um but right now anything that is a rig that doesn't it doesn't matter if it's class 3 aramid or Class 2 aramid it just doesn't provide good coverage now the one exception to this is going to be this armor right here that's going to be the only exception I can think of and the reason for that is is this armor actually has relatively good coverage it's right on par with others it has good side and top it actually has groin protection it sits up high on the character and it's wide it covers those sides of the chest outside the plate and you can put side plates in it so when you're looking at the stuff you've got stomach thorax upper back lower back left side right side groin those are your coverage areas on top of the plate but it is only class two so it it's not going to get better you might not even I might not even be able to put that up here cuz it's only class two yeah no it can't it's it's better than a lot of these other ones are but only being Class 2 it just it just doesn't make sense to run these like a lot of people used to really like the TCT Tech right that was a class five armor um and because of the way the old armor system worked it was actually pretty effective but its coverage is not great anymore and it does not provide side coverage it's just really really exposed and on top of that it's only class two it's not class three so there would even be an argument that that should be down there CU it's it's kind of with the baggerly now and some of the others that are like you just should never run those cuz the protection's bad now the ABS belongs in here too it is better it does have pretty good coverage but again uh it's only class 2 it's a little bit harder to get of and it it does provide okay coverage it's not terrible and you know if you're kind of back and forth between armors this is a higher end um durability Class 2 but if you have access to these others it's not better coverage and once you get to the flea you can buy all of these I mean right now you can go onto the flea market and buy a Defender um which I expect a lot of people more to be doing this because they are pretty cheap right now simply because uh people have these from T tasks and they're selling them plus I think they show up on guards a lot but Defender is like 100 120k 130k and you can slap you can spend 40K 50k on plates and have it armored and have fantastic fantastic coverage so if you can do that unless you're trying to budget for money you could go with the one of these rigs but if you're why run one of these rigs when you could run one of these armors other than maybe weight or the rig space or whatever you want to do or you know using red Rebel extract or something like that but that gets into something that's very very interesting that I think is going to tip a lot of people over um and it has to do with the class of these armors so the Ule vest I believe that's called the Ule what is that one called again let's go back and look here I can't remember the name of it yeah the Ole armor now this is up where it's at because it is class three all over the place except the neck and the back so the I guess the groin oh no the groin is so the whole front of this is class three the neck is class two the back is class two but it's class three everywhere so as far as getting one of these low level this is one of the better armors you can get it's better than all of these other ones down here because of the protection in my my opinion sure you could have this armor and put a four plate in it but the coverage isn't good enough they just got to hit the plate so This falls into that category with these doctor disrespect armors and stuff of being class 3es in good protection and the same applies with this other Ole armor it is a class four up front um class four in the back the neck protection is only two but the groin is four so this is going to tip a lot of people over but I'm going to put that right there because it's one of the only armors in out there that you can actually cover up your entire front of your body with class 4 which means that you are going to tank shots with this kind of armor which means that when you see scavs with this armor which you do frequently or the rat rig and we're going to put the rat rig at B2 we'll talk about that in a second um these are going to make scabs that you see with these super hard to kill so keep that in mind because they are class 4 scabs usually aren't running away from you they're facing you which means you're hitting this armor and it is absolutely tanky this here is a um only aramid so it's aramid up front so you will get through it relatively quickly it isn't going to hold up great and it does pass through blunt damage unless it's bugged I haven't tested this this one um but this should pass through blunt damage the rat rig though or the the 6B 3tm um we call them the rat rigs but they class 4 titanium plates now based on this it looks like it's going to pass blunt damage through but being titanium they're going to hold up better than a lot of the other materials and it's class 4 all over the front the back is class 2 um the groin is class 4 and the rear back butt area is only class two but again you're class four everywhere up front which is one of the these are the only armors to do that so they are very very very durable armors to lower end ammo so if you're not shooting something that's at least 35 36 37 pen you're going to have a hard time killing anybody wearing these unless you're hitting them in the head of course now the last three in here um we're going to do I I'm I these are rogue armors but you can buy them on the flea we're going to put this as a bclass now unfortunately the Goon armor which used to be a fantastic armor is also only a c tier armor now while this might be uh pretty good coverage it does cover left side right side front plate back plate left plate right plate and it has little shoulder pads on it and it looks cool it's only class two AR so it just falls into kind of the class it is wider it is wider than some of the other plates on the character uh but it uh it's just not awesome unfortunately which I wish it was I wish this was a class three because then if it was a class three I could probably honestly bump it up to here um but I can't so it's down there and then the last two these um man these are tough so there's two Osprey armors right and we're going to put this one as a Class B this is the lower end Osprey armor let me find it here real quick so it's going to be the I believe the assault um yes the assault so the assault has level two aramid these plates are nearly identical or these these rigs are nearly identical to each other um they do look a little bit different but as far as their coverage they're pretty much the same the difference is one is two a emitted one is three so the two really good coverage it has it covers all over the place it doesn't cover um your stomach very well it does have some stomach protection but real low it doesn't uh and it provides neck protection it's got these really weird little wings in here that kind of cover the weak spots in the armor uh arm protection stuff like that that a lot of people like again it's only class two you can put the different kinds of plates in it um but that puts it here this one however I believe is an a tier armor it's more expensive by quite a bit but it does provide level three aramid protection all over the place um it's and throat so it's all the way around lets you put in side plates it lets you put into up class up to class six plates in the front so you can be an absolute Beast with this as long as people can't get to your uh your nether region and your legs just keep that in mind when you're wearing it you know keep your keep your lower section behind something that's uh not going to let bullets through otherwise this uh you're going to be giving this armor to people with shotguns and high flesh ammo that hit you low but it is a fantastic armor which is why I put it in the a class I will be running it quite frequently now that I have the ability the money should I say to run it and the plates unlocked to put into it and it's almost to the point where you could put in an S tier in fact I should just put it in here because it'll look better on the thumbnail people are going to freak out when they see that so we'll put it at the S tier simply because I think it's a better armor to run than a lot of these others because of the coverage the mobility it doesn't hit your Mobility um again it's only8 and uh yeah so that's where I see that but that is my armor tier list I hope it helpful for you guys I hope it makes you better decisions on your armor uh and I hope that you are more survivable with this again if they do an overhaul they change hit boxes around they change some of these armors I will make sure to let you guys know so have that subscribe button hit that Bell notification so you see them and you don't miss out because they buffed one of these armors and made it really good and lastly before we sign off I'll do a quick shout out for my music uh low records and I work together to produce music that is free for everybody to listen to it's also free for Content creators to use you don't have to wor about dmca takedowns or copyright strikes or anything like that we made it with the intent for the community to have and we just monetize through you guys listening to it with ads and stuff like that on Spotify so go check out the link below let me know what music you like it's lowii uh passive passive background music I listen to it on stream all the time but thank you guys for sticking through and watching it I'm much appreciated I wish you the best of luck in your raids and we'll see you in [Music] tarov
Channel: Airwingmarine
Views: 182,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yxznevdum2o
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Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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