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hello hello hello ladies and gentlemen welcome back to a brand new new world video we're going to be talking about medium Bruiser for Wars today's video is going to cover the best in slot named items best run glass to use what hard Rune is the best the consumables you should be using best in slot skill trees and also stat distribution and obviously the main combos you want to be running when you are playing medium Bruiser in war scenarios however this is also going to work in open world PVP and opr if that is more what you're interested in however the main focus of the video is going to be based around Wars we are going to be basing today's video on an artifact called Tumblr fit reps which in my opinion and opinion of many bruisers in new world is the best artifact to use however we will be slightly touching on the freedom artifact as well because if you have multiple alt accounts the likelihood of you not having Tumblr fit reps on all of your accounts is actually pretty high these are a fairly rare reward if you didn't get them in season 3 so if you do not have a chance to have Tumblr feet wraps your very next best option is going to have the freedom artifacts as a heavy pants so the very first thing I want to cover in today's video is best in slot named items now we already covered the Tumblr fit reps you want to Chuck either Freedom as the last perk or if you do not have a besting slot perk with a gravity well on it you can also consider throwing a gravity well onto the Tumblr fit reps it all depends what kind of other four pieces you have alongside with it so this is going to be the first item that is absolutely best in slot second named item that you can actually farm at the moment that I do not yet have on this account is going to be the great X called the wrath of Decimus you can only get it for the next couple of days and the perk on the grade X are refreshing move dwting strikes and INF fiing melstrom that is arguably the best in slot gex to use at the moment you can have a crafted version or you can have a named version however if you were unlucky or you didn't get it in time the second best option right after that is just to have a shing damage alongside refreshing move and tarting Strikes that's also going to do the job just fine the third named item arguably the most important one to have is ank you really have two options in ank one is to put slash protection on it so you would have health Divine and slash protection but easily the best option in my opinion is to put the stamina recovery on it stamina recovery is going to get you out of so many bad situations that dropping it is really not worth it so simply put Health Divine and stamina recovery on your ank in in order to have the best impact possible moving on to the ring you have another besin slot named option over here on the ring privateers herum you can get this ring from Barnacles and black powder Expedition and obviously that should be one of your priorities one of the things you should absolutely look forward to getting and you definitely want to put purifying heart onto this ring alongside the slash damage and Hearty that's easily going to be your best option as you can see every time you press detonate you're going to be losing all of your debuffs even though in the main combos you want to cleanse detto anyways this is going to help you in those situations where your cleansing pot is not available so very good option Some people prefer leeching it's really not better than purifying heart I wouldn't really change purifying heart for any other perks on the ring option and after you have your Tumblr feet traps your grade X your ank your ring there's really one more thing you need or want on a medium Bruiser and then is one of the frigid Dawn pieces item all right so you can either get a heavy body or heavy legs those are really your two options and you don't want two of them simply because then you're going to have two many magnify pieces you are limited to three magnifying pieces and I'll talk more about this in a little bit and I personally have these heavy legs as my frigid set for those of you who do not know you can get the frigid pieces from the glacial T mutated Expeditions right so you are going to be landing on either the heavy legs heavy body or well helmet gloves or uh boots in this case case we don't really care about those we really just want either the body or the legs and that's going to be covering all the named items that you should be getting on your Bruiser if you're wondering why is fret set so good it has the illegal perk combination it has Elemental version and Enchanted ward in the kit which you can never craft or you can't get anywhere else so just because of that having one piece of that is obviously super useful I personally added Health as a third perk on my frigid set however if you do not have a best in slot gravity well piece feel free to put a gravity well perk on of those pieces as well that way you cover arguably the hardest perk to get on your best in slot Bruiser build so do consider that option or obviously if you put the gravity well let's say on Tumblr feet reps then you have to put Freedom as a third perk because we are playing for freedom on our build now let's go ahead and talk about the best possible perk combinations for your Bruiser build we already discussed the Fret set and the Tumblr fit reps alongside that you 100% need four Freedom pieces if you're not playing four Freedom pieces you're trolling yourself you're trolling your company you're trolling your War scenarios simply being able to get out of the sticky situations getting out of stuns getting out of clumps whatever it is it's arguably the most important thing on a Bruiser so 100% play for freedom and then for the perks that come after that for me the best second perk is obviously greet Ward but if you do not have GRE Ward something like an enchanted word can also work and if you don't have that something like an elemental version can also work so in my personal preference it goes Freedom being the most important then Health being the second most important and the third perk you work towards is either git or Enchanted W or Elemental version that obviously changes for Tumblr fet reps and frigid pieces but if we just quickly go over my gear and then we work on what could be improved my head is freedom gr word Health if this was 700 absolutely best in slot if we move on to the body we got freedom insatiable gravity well G word uh once again it covers the freedom it covers covers the gr Ward and we have the best in slot perk for the Bruiser insatiable gravity well this is 700 gear score perfect for me even though there's no Health in this I'm very happy with it moving on this is where my build will probably deviate from some of the other bruisers I'm a big enjoyer of empowering breaker now most people aren't but let me give you a reason was to why I am firstly I play mostly on point and secondly there is very often an SNS guy being right next to the clump by simply using melstrom and hitting somebody with SNS or a few left clicks with grx and you slash the SNS alongside it you're going to be working on getting empowered you're going to be just dealing more damage alongside I'm pairing it with freedom which is obviously a must have and health which is obviously very decent I'm very happy with this item however again if you don't want to be running empowering breaker something like a freedom health and either Enchanted W Elemental version or great w would be you know maybe even a better option than what I'm running here moving on to my legs we already covered this a little bit earlier Elemental version help and Enchanted Ward wouldn't really change this at all unless you don't have a Bas gravity well piece then I would put Elemental version Enchanted Ward and gravity well onto the legs and then obviously I Chuck Freedom onto my Tumblr feet reps you could put grab well here as well if you don't have the bin slot grab work that covers all of my armor if you do not know by the way I figured it's worth mentioning you can make any named item 700 gear score and put a perk onto it if you do not know how to do that simply go to any Kil in the game Let's say you go to Eden grve you teleport to the city there is this gypsum K scroll down on the items and you will see all of your named items in your inventory you can upgrade by Simply Having dark matter in your inventory Matrix of the choice and then obviously perks of your choice and I think you need some gypsums as well but it's really easy to upgrade especially now that dark matter is a little bit easier to access so definitely look for those frigid pieces artifacts whatever it is ank as well that you need to upgrade use the kills in order to upgrade it now that we got our more covered let's move over to our weapons best in slot weapons at the moment we already covered the greatex simply refreshing move tting strikes and infeling melstrom would be best in slot at the moment second best in slot would be refreshing move toting strikes and shering anything I'm personally running Shing Abyss over here but you can run Shing anything there is also an argument where you play a refreshing move toward en counter and then INF fiiling mom on your grade X that's also a very decent option however my personal prefer is thwarting strikes it Deals Only 7% bonus damage but always in comparison to thwarting counter which deals a lot more damage but only when people are greeted around you so you got those two options to really distinguish and then when it comes to Warhammer we're simply looking at the suing shock wve and trench and Strikes as must have two perks simply because you're using half heavy on the hammer all the time or full Heavies in some scenarios and then the third perk is realistically plague strikes is the best in slot and then the second best in slot is going to be shering anything I personally play Shing don't have plague strikes again plague strikes shock trenchant strikes absolutely best in slot and then shuing would be the next best in slot option let's move over to our amulets we went over an in our named items so not going to stay too long here we got Divine Health stamina recovery with very good passive always play an especially in war scenarios moving on to the ring slash damage hearty purifying heart not too much to consider here get your private herum upgraded to 700 in the Kil and its strength it's not even magnifying so really good option and then when we move over to the earring I personally believe that the best in slot perks are fortifying toast regenerating and refreshing toast uh everything here is self-explanatory refreshing toast helps you with the cooldowns for your potions fortifying toast gives you nice amount of for5 for decently long amount of time and regenerating works really well with a 350 Constitution situation which we will be playing however you could theoretically replace generating with Nimble if that is something you prefer and that basically covers the best in slot armor weapon jewelry section of this guide let's move on to the best run glass to use on your medium Bruiser setup now first of all let's take a look at armor yet again we're going over and you see I have a lot of diamonds malachit diamonds malachit same in my jewelry diamonds and malachit moving over to my resistances you're going to see I have 12.5 SL strike thrust 7.5 Elemental across the board very balanced you can play 10% resistances across the board I personally tend to prefer slightly more resistances on physical however as long as your physical resistance is over 10% your Elemental resistance is over I'd say 7.5% is the minimum I wouldn't really want to go below that but you could theoretically play 5% Elemental resistance and 15% physical resistance and that would also be completely fine when we move over to our weapons this is where my build deviates from all of the pass guides that I've made as you can see we're now playing Onyx with a tick in our Warhammer and I will explain to you why this is so good and so crucial at the moment uh but we're sticking with the opal in our grade X now first of all let's take a look at what changed while we running ony 15% bonus damage against targets above 70% Health most of the times when you're dogging out people with a hammer it's going to be full HP targets especially when you're playing the armor breaker page which every single person should be playing armor breaker page you will be dealing a lot of damage to people that are full HP without them realizing when you pair that with an opening act where armor breaker Now deals 25% bonus damage Against full HP targets you see where the Onyx starts to shine whenever you land that half heavy into AB on a full HP Target all of a sudden they're now 30% and they are in a lethal range right the rest of your team members can easily kill them you could argue Jasper but at the moment Jasper with a tick is bugged and regular Jasper is going to charge your Deton hard run much slower so I wouldn't recommend it so Onyx definitely the best option and while we're playing opal on the gex it simply synergizes really well with the pressure of the grade X you always guarantee the 9% bonus damage because you're always hit hit Dodge hit hit dodging and you can always guarantee your 9% bonus damage on your graph pops you can always guarantee your bonus damage on the melstrom on detonates whatever it is op is simply the most consistent r Glass for your weapon now that the r Glass section is over let's very quickly touch on the heart Rune obviously the very best option is your brutal heart Rune of detonate this is by far the best Rune you can use on a Bruiser sure you could argue about some vines or some B bombs but really play detonate on a Bruiser the other build classes should cover the other hard runes that you need in war scenarios don't really be changing this one around too much another thing worth mentioning is consumables very important part of the wars is the consumables obviously you do want to run infused health potions that's a must and and you want to be running regenerating serums as you can see this is going to be restoring your health but also stamina so this now replaces the old regenerating potions that we used to use Serum is now the best thing to use but now the most important part right infused Arcane absorption potions if we read the tool tip it's a little bit wrong it says that it increases Arcane absorption for 5 seconds however this is a blatant lie let me go ahead and use one as you can see I have 45 seconds of protection on my bar right now and usually it would be 30 seconds however if you have lasting consumption of every single one of your bags which every single person should have this is now going to be 45 second protection against every detonate that can pop you why don't we play gemstone dust for example gemstone dust is much worse option because it protects against all sorts of magical damage you get hit by a fire staff a little ice sck a little tick from your Hammer from your grade eggs the gemstone is going to disappear faster than you can think so Arcane absorption potion is going to protect you against the biggest source of damage for almost an entire minute so whenever you are entering the fight you always want to be using Arcane potion regenerating serum and cleansing pot and get into action right or if you don't have cleansing potion you skip on that part uh usually you do want to use cleansings on the big dtos or whatever but we're going to talk about this later most importantly you're popping Arcane pots you're popping serums almost on cool down whenever possible because they last for such a long amount of time so no other option is better at the moment absolutely running fused Arcane absorption potion and obviously for the last consumable slot which we don't have right now we're going to be running cleansing potion most important thing in every war cleansing potion you always want to pop it right before the detonates right before you go for your Dodge grav shock spin combos or the Dodge grav uh left click left click detonate combos whatever it is always cleansing pots now that you know which consumables we can use in a war we got health potion cleansing potion serum and Arcane absorption potion it is worth noting what do we need to preot before going into the war first of all pop a banana per fate that's going to give you 48 uh Constitution secondly you want to pop a powerful honing Stone that's going to be giving you 7% bonus weapon damage for 40 minutes then you want to be popping desert Sunrise that's going to be reducing the dot duration and then you want to be popping Hardy meal this is going to be recovering your health every 2 and a half seconds so that's basically all the consumables you need to pop now let's quickly talk about the stat distribution now this is where very simply you need to be playing 350 corn uh on a medium Bruiser right now it's simply by far the best option and that's why we can only play three magnify so if I were to resp and I were to show you right you always want to reach 350 con the rest goes in strength however if you have a magnify situation right you see it collapses and now it's more in strength you always want to make sure that you have um well in my case three points over 350 Con in order to maintain 350 con and then a few points over 250 strength really the Baseline is 350 con 250 strength and then you basically change the points around just so you can have good magnify distribution this is what I'm playing in an ideal world you would play 350 cor 360 strength I don't know if it's possible if not obviously you put extra points in Constitution let's let's go ahead and talk about arguably the most important thing skill trees now let's start off with the greatex because I think the greatex does not have too much variation we're taking charge easily the best spell to get out of the bad situations most of the times you're going to be stuck in a clump you have two Dodges available and then you can charge out to safety then you left click until charge is Back available and that's your easy escape the second best escape is really shock wave on your hammer and you really want to follow out with a charge out of that situation after it happen right but yeah charge 100% a must we take all the good passives on the left side of the tree we're taking the grid we're taking deaths Embrace we're taking critical gains uh K Edge now there is one thing that people ask about which is frustration whenever you attack our blocks you gain stack of 15% damage and again this is one of those things where if you pair the frustration with empowering breaker on your glove which is the only armor piece that can run it uh you will all of a sudden be dealing a lot of damage if you hit someone with a shield a few times right we are not taking feed this is the most bait spell ever you're almost never hitting somebody that's under 30% Health with grade X very very rarely don't get baited by the idea of feed it is bad frustration is great it works on your moms it works on your left clicks somebody blocks your you're dealing 15% bonus damage and then obviously critical condition super good we're taking all the good passives on the left side and then we're taking all of the perks on the MERS tree we're taking all of the perks on the gravity tree we're taking the crowded protection which is really good gaining more damage when there's three or more people around you always going to happen in the war adding greit on your heavy attacks doesn't matter but 12% damage reduction while your grid is active is huge 100% take that and then MERS resolve super slept on super good perk when you get hit under 50% Health you basically get an extra Dodge right which is super useful perk and then the most important thing about every Bruiser is this smaller Fury this is going to be amazing every single time every single time swing with a grade X you get 3% bonus damage going all the way up to 30% bonus damage when you slapped someone around for 10 times and now if we can quickly talk about Warhammer this is where you realistically have a lot more options and I'm going to talk to you about my personal preference and then I'm going to talk to you about what most bruisers are playing now personal preference I tend to get a lot of name Agro so I am dropping the epitom of Bonk which is arguably a very good perk in order to secure both acceleration and quick quick recovery a lot of my combos consist of half Heavies light half Heavies light and the reason that I do that is to get my cooldowns back super fast so a lot of the times I'm going to be pressured by a lot of people we're going to be using our shock to get out of it and then the more hits I do the faster I have that shock back right so I play around that CDR a lot and this is the perk that I'm running most important Park opening act if you're playing Onyx shock super important pod super important obviously the best disrupt spell in the game we got the prevailing Spirit very good we got consecutive impact extremely good and then you could go guarded Sprint to reduce damage by 10% that's a good perk you could play epitom of Bonk that's a good perk you could even take facilitated Expedition very decent perk you can take acceleration very good perk exhaustive attacks is a must have on all the builds super important contempt can also be decent the thing about Hammer is all of the perks are extremely good as you can see I don't take Aftershock which basically when I CC someone they are slowed for 20 seconds since I play on point if you're more of a disruptor by all means you can also take this very good perk so there's like a lot of options in this video I'm not going to be changing and showing all of the options I'm just going to talk about them you could get rid of the opening act and put that into epitom of bong that would be good you could get rid of acceleration put that in the epitom of Bon you could get rid of the third perk of the Pod and put it in the epitom of Bonk that would be good you could get rid of acceleration and put it in the Aftershock that would also be good there are so many options that me showing you all these little options where it's literally one passive changed for another just doesn't make much sense this is my personal Baseline and what I've played thousands of hours with the only thing I would recommend you is get rid of acceleration and put it in the epitom of Bonk and that would be easily best in slot skill tree for Warhammer but then again this is just from many many hours of experience I I personally prefer acceleration I do believe that covers everything skill tree related so with that being said let's jump into the main combos first thing I want everybody to be familiar with is half heaving with the hammer now the difference is very massive so this is a light attack this is a full heavy attack and this is a half heavy so basically if you look at your character and you see when it turns white because of grid that's when the heavy starts to be counting if you release at that point you're going to be getting the full effects of your Trent strikes whilst releasing and hitting much sooner so again this is the half heavy you see as soon as I turn white I let go half heavy half heavy half heavy half heavy now look at the difference between half heavy right still half heavy right now so I'm clicking now I'm releasing click release click release click release that's half heavy and I can do it consistently for hours without mistake now look at the difference between this and full heavy look how slow low this is right this is super slow and this is super fast right this is half heavy right here good damage slightly less than full heavy but much faster much more consistent and then you pair this with a fast AB animation cancel after that's your bread and butter to be dogging players right now let's go ahead and go through the second most important thing with bruisers which is understanding how pre- stacking gravity well works or pre- stacking MERS should we rather call it right so if you look at this thing we have a MERS fury on the grx which means that every time we Auto attack we deal 3% more damage up to 10 Stacks meaning if you hit 10 times before you do anything you're going to be dealing 30% bonus damage that is a lot of bonus damage and let me demonstrate it let's say I'm gravity welling with no merer Stacks let's analyze the pop 2.2k damage very small amount we haven't utilized the merer stacks and we haven't utilized the opal in our grade X now let's do the same thing whilst pre- stacking 10 times so if you look at my bar just above the health we are now six Stacks eight Stacks 10 stacks of merer right and now I'm going to do the combo as it was supposed to be made so we're Dodge grabbing and we're hitting and usually you add the mom to it but look at this 3.3k damage just like that 1.1k more damage right pair that with a deonade and melstrom at the end of the combo and you have a massive increase on everything you do all right so the big com is going to happen right now from the CER right we are preting our Arcane and our region on cool down so you don't worry about that right now right the big call is happening let's say in 10 seconds right we're farming up our detonate our detonate is ready call is in five 4 3 2 1 we're grabbing we're ding we're cleansing we're dodging we're spinning we got the dto explosion we got the grab explosion we got the melstrom hit with 30 % bonus damage we were cleansed through this entire duration and then after the big bomb the clump get out of it right that's the idea behind it obviously while stocking it's a little bit harder to do but you want to make sure your Arcane potted you want to make sure your Serum is sticking you want to be sure you have Clan spot ready you want to make sure you're comfortable clicking detto Dodge grab few left clicks Dodge spin on the pop with that Tade that's what you got to get familiar with after that you either get out of it you are not using shock wave on the big clumps because if you use shock wave on the biggest clumps people will get automatic Dodge rolls out of it so avoid shocking you can throw an AB in if you don't have other spells available you do not Shock and you do not path of Destiny into the biggest Clump you path of Destiny into the healers outside and you shock either if you're like under pressure obviously don't be dying if you have your shock available right it sometimes you might need to use shock shock and give enemies a Dodge roll in order for you to survive that's fine but in an Ideal World your Dodge grab heit hit spinning with the explosion and that's really what you need as a Bruiser alongside that if you're comfortable have heavy aing that's basically what you're looking for and that really covers everything Bruiser related and how is it that every time I want to record this there's a little fight situation going on but that basically covers everything I hope this video was helpful and if it was share it with your company members and maybe subscribe to the channel and help me grow uh this beautiful new world Community I'll catch you guys around be safe have a beautiful 2024 and [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Mika
Views: 27,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stream highlights, Mika, Mika stream highlights, funny, funny moments, gameplay, commentary, games, gaming, HD, Viral videos, new world, new world montage, new world war, rocabarra, new world rocabarra, roccabarra, roccabara, new world shotcalling, new world war shotcalling, zero to bis, zero2bis, best in slot, pvp, pvp ironman, challenge, rise of angry earth, guide, pvp guide, war build, build, bis, bruiser, ultimate guide, ultimate bruiser guide, greataxe, war hammer, season 4, 2024, combo
Id: nSGv0ns8_Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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