Every NEW MMO You Can Play In 2024

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I got a lot of comments in the last video people tired of me talking about MMOs that are 10 years away from release and you know what I get it I like learning and talking about these projects but I understand it can be a bit of a drag uh knowing many of them are at least half a decade away so let's talk about the MMOs coming out right now today's video will focus entirely on new MMOs scheduled to launch in 2024 we did a similar one earlier in the year but since then timelines have shifted some games got pushed out others moved up and we've had a few new surprises as well so 2024's MMOs what are they when can you play them and do we expect any of them to be any good which will probably depend on your definition of good so all right as of this recording we actually have eight MMOs scheduled to release in 2024 now I'm sure we won't actually get all eight of them this year but this is what's on the docket and let's start off with the ones that I think have the best chance of actually hitting their target the one that appears actually most likely to launch the soonest believe it or not is Taurus land this is the game that notoriously got its start in response to Blizzard pulling World of Warcraft out of China they said fine we'll make our own wow and that appears to be precisely what they have done not to say that this is a direct one forone copy because it's not but boy you can certainly see some of the similarities that aside though it is a new MMO and it's launching very soon just the other week on their official Discord they posted this announcement tarus land is nearing its official release and pre-registration is available now on the Google Play Store Apple App Store and our official website now currently we see see an expected launch date listed as June 23rd although they have said that that is not set in stone it does give us a rough timeline it is also coincidentally the only actual listed date we have for any of these games on this list everything else is pretty much just a Target year and Target quarter that's listed without any H having an actual official launch day and month so yes tarand does appear like it is the most concrete launch date that we have at the moment now in terms of my expectations well I've heard okay but not phenomenal things from the early testing none of the Impressions that I've seen have come away super enthused about the game it does appear to be a fairly by the Numbers theme park MMO with the typical offerings you'll follow a main story quest to level up through different zones doing dungeons along the way dungeons are as you expect them uh clear through enemies fight a boss and collect loot these come in multiple difficulties they're 10 person raids World bosses daily quests solo Tower climbs PVP Battlegrounds and Arenas now those are the general content types but overall again I've not heard terribly great things unfortunately it seems like the combat isn't very good it feels floaty and not that impactful it very much so looks and feels like a mobile game that's getting ported to PC because well that's what it is I think it's no coincidence that they listed the uh Mobile stores before they listed the website PC version of the game in their announcement and the game is crossplatform for mobile and PC so you will be playing with mobile users and I've heard complaints about this as well being that they don't communicate very well because they're on a phone and they don't do mechanics either pay to win also looks to be a guarantee despite what the developer has said it's got an energy system tied to crafting the game uses the typical two currency model with silver rewarded from doing Quest achievements dailies and weeklys and used to buy stuff in the game from vendors but then there's gold the currency used solely for buying items from the player auction house and while there are a few ways to collect gold in the game you can also buy it from the cash shop and that appears to be the best way even from the beta it appears like the amount of gold that you own will be the have the biggest impact on your overall power progression they were also selling monthly subscriptions with Boost rewards think along the same lines of what they do in ESO or in Lost Arc they were selling those in the closed beta test for a beta selling monthly subscriptions they couldn't even wait to hit us with the microtransactions until the game released they started in the beta I mean look none of this is surprising or even that unusual from many Eastern MMOs but it is funny given that early on tus land was advertising the game by saying very up front it's going to be a non-pay to win MMO that line was in every video description their socials website everywhere but it is clearly going to very much so be yet another pay to win MMO but you know what the game isn't out yet and I will Reserve final judgment until actually playing through and experiencing it myself but yes it does seem like we're getting another run-of-the-mill Eastern MMO loaded with progression tied to the cash shop not to single out tus land though because there's a few games on this list that fill that exact description but tus land also from what I've heard it doesn't seem like it's going to be a particularly good game but again I will Reserve judgment until actually having played it the next MMO that looks to be almost certainly coming out this year is once human they've been steadily ramping up testing for the game holding a month-long beta back in December with another one currently underway running from now up through middle of May the game is scheduled to launch in the third quarter of this year which would put it sometime between July and September although this is not a traditional MMO RPG it does check enough of the boxes and is of personal interest to me that I wanted to include it here this is an open world third person looter shooter that caught my attention as it feels like a mix of the division Defiance and secret worlds all games that I personally really enjoyed in the past you've got an open world with heavy sci-fi theming full of Otherworldly enemies and set pieces with all of the usual activities found in the genre you'll go around doing PVE stuff fighting enemies and bosses collecting materials and loot as you explore you'll stumble across a variety of points of interest and content there are strongholds which are like the primary form of PVE activity while you level up the various set locations all around the map full of enemies and objectives to clear and even a fair bit of puzzle and riddle solving mixed in which beyond the Sci-Fi theming this part in particular really reminded me of secret world uh world events include things like bosses that roam around there's a spider bus houses with legs and space whales there's King of the Hill style hord modes and then all sorts of events tied to Unique locations there are dungeons called silos you move through clearing enemies fighting a boss at the end for Loot and then there are large large instance boss fights referred to as monoliths these are separate from the dungeon bosses and tend to be more difficult and include several phases with more valuable rewards beyond that the world is full of small camps of enemies all sorts of points of interest uh NPC towns with vendors and side quests there's also a variety of PVP from points of interest that turn contested letting you fight other players to entire servers that if you choose to play on will be fullon PvP with base attack and defense mechanics as well and then in addition to all of those MMO and looter shooter things the game also has a lot of survival elements like stamina sanity hydration and hunger meters to maintain and full-on Base building with as much variety as any Survival game and these bases can be built pretty much anywhere except for roads and right near points of interest you're going to see player built bases all over the place in the open World The Game's also got plenty of progression available besides the leveling up you've got crafting of gear and mods along with blueprints or cradle and deviations that provide all sorts of perks and special powers and it's in a few of these crafting and progression systems where the possibility of future pay to win seems like it might exist although it's currently not in the beta version of the game could make its way at some point in launch or sometime after release the possibility is there especially with the huge number of currencies and resources in the game that gate power progression although the developer has very adamantly said on many occasions there will be no pay to win that might also depend on their definition of the term it is certainly the case where they could at a moment's notice swap over anytime I play a game that decides to have like 50 different currencies in it tied to all sorts of different activities and progression and thousands and thousands of menus for you to click through to uh obtain those currencies that sets off alarm Bells almost immediately I mean there's even already in-game gotta mechanics that are tied to the highest Rarity blueprints so yeah we will see what happens if pay to win in any variation ever comes into once human I do quite like the video game portion of the game though like once human is fun to play it's filled of interesting content and that's why I have been playing it once more yes a current round Deb testing is taking place it started on April 5th and is said to be running right up through the middle of May a little over a month long there do appear to be plenty of opportunities to get in if you're interested in checking it out for yourself and the full release version is scheduled for the third quarter in 2024 next up we've got throne and Liberty so this one also seems certain to release this year we're just not exactly sure as of yet when but it is already out in Korea as of last December and the global launch is planned for some point this year so closed beta testing of the global version is actually starting this week it's going to be fairly brief beginning on Wednesday April 14th and Lasting until the 17th this is a confidential test and will be under NDA so don't expect to see any streams or videos but again the game has already launched in Korea and we're not expecting a whole lot to change Beyond localization and maybe a few minor adjustments the content should pretty much be exactly the same so throne in Liberty is a more traditional theme park MMO it's got a massive seamless open world with no loading screens and tons of players I have seen Clips with easily 1 to 200 people in a single area there's diverse and varied terrain to explore with traversal mechanics that really reward that exploration you've got the ability to Glide a grapple hook and mantling onto most of the terrain there's the typical assortment of MMO Quest and activities open world public events for both PVE and PVP a few varieties of dungeons including open world dungeons that can house any number of players and traditional instant dungeons for groups of up to six there are 15 field bosses located throughout the open world solo boss to power climbs there's open world PVP where certain zones become flagged over time a big focus on Guild play in this as well it's pretty much required actually for much of the higher tier content in both PVE and PVP and all plenty of progression systems and reward tracks from leveling and gear enchanting a battle pass and codec system login rewards and those Guild rewards there's a lot of different things to work towards and spend your time doing now as mentioned the Korean version of the game launched last December and was met with pretty much the reception we expected the game itself seems good the combat has improved and it's got a lot of interesting and varied content to do but also it is super pay to win well surprise surprise Deja Vu here there are some parts of the progression that can't be swiped for but many of them can like most freeto play MMOs thrown in Liberty does have two currencies the solent the earned in game currency and then Lucent the purchased one with real money now Lucent can technically be farmed in game by not spending in the sense that you can find items and then post them on the auction house in exchange for Lucent that other players purchase however you get Lucent though you'll be able to purchase nearly everything in the game with it and that is where the Pay to Win comes in the two main things that people want to buy with the premium currency is the base level versions of gear but more importantly the materials used to upgrade and enhance that gear including even being able to purchase the in-game currency solent by breaking down items that you purchase with lent as of today it seems like even the biggest most Ardent fans of thrown in Liberty in Korea ad ad MIT that it is without a doubt a very pay to win game but they still enjoy it despite it which is a growing Trend in this genre with but a rare few exceptions personally I am looking forward to the content and playing the game spending time exploring the world checking out everything it has to offer but unless drastic changes are made I suspect I will be leaving before not too long once my gear progression being gated behind either weeks or weeks of grinding or seconds worth of swiping that is when I am most certainly likely to check out throne in Liberty Global does appear to be on track for release sometime later this year the next game on the list might not meet many of your qualifications for an MMO but the developer themselves are calling at one I'm talking about Dune Awakening this is described as an open world survival sandbox MMO developed by funcom who have said that they're looking to take the past 20 years of experience in both of these genres and bring them together there will be a heavy survival Focus the usual loop of starting with nothing venturing out Gathering basic resources to craft basic tools to build basic crafting stations that let you progress to the the next tier to gather better resources and make better tools for better stations so on and so on there's Base building with all the usual offerings they've taken the foundation of their prior game Conan Exiles and added and expanded upon it there's even vehicle Construction in fact vehicles are going to play a fairly large role in the game as you have to use them to Traverse the Sands and avoid other players as well as the sand worms as per the Dune Universe sandworms are a constant threat and have been implemented to act as a tension mechanic forcing players to think about their actions for fear of drawing their attention if you make too much noise if you move too much across the sand if you drive large vehicles for too long the worms will inevitably arrive and you can't defeat them you must only run from them combat itself will be in third person it's an action shooter game you'll pick from a wide array of crafted weapons gadgets Vehicles gear and abilities from the different grade schools of the Imperium which are basically your class selection this will be tied into progression leveling your character unlocking new abilities for the different classes as you progress as for the MMO ele Min for one they have said servers will support thousands of players simultaneously and features an endgame that centers around large scale combat what they are calling combined arms with groups of players split into factions fighting for resources in all out ground and air Warfare from what they have shown and said this does appear to be similar to the sort of experience you get from Battlefield or Planet Side style of large scale combat there are also NPC bases called outposts for you to scout infiltrate and clear world events like ships falling from the sky full of valuable resources to be scavenged or large military vessels that scan the planet at night that you have to avoid Beyond various camps and other points of interest you also have straightup dungeons in the game called echol laabs full of enemies and bosses sometimes you'll even find interesting experiments puzzles and obstacles to overcome the world will be divided into sections with safe and hostile regions in those hostile areas you'll find the most valuable resources in loot but also there is full-on PVP which includes Friendly Fire And Then There are some specific areas of the game that are subject to what are called the shifting Sands mechanic where once a week sandstorms roll through and completely change the landscape wiping out player outposts revealing new points of interest and resource locations this is actually a really cool sounding feature I do quite like what we've learned about doing Awakening so far although I do want to mention there has as of yet been no public NDA free testing so I have not seen or read any first on Impressions that said they are targeting a 2024 Early Access release and it does seem like they're on track in fact a few weeks ago I got a hands off presentation and what I saw looked pretty good now it was hands-off which it means I wasn't playing the game I've not played the game but I did see gameplay I saw the game running in action and I did like what I saw but again it's not quite the same as playing yourself so we have to wait until that actually happens some cool ideas here though I like the concept and I am looking forward to checking it out also this is one of the few MMOs launching this year that doesn't appear primed to be full of pay to win on its release which makes it a bit of a standout which is also pretty sad is it beta signups are available now testing is expected to start in the coming months and again the Early Access release is scheduled for later this year all right next up we've got pax's day so this one is claiming for an early access release in the spring which in order for them to hit would have to be within the next few months here uh this is an open world survival sandbox MMO with a massive focus on community in fact every building in the game will be player built the economy will be entirely player run there aren't even traditional MMO uh NPCs or Quest givers in the game there are enemies to fight and such but there aren't NPCs that you chat with to learn about the lore or to do quest for none of that this is a game that leans very heavily into the sandbox Camp of the genre now part of the reason I'm uncertain about this launch here is that the last test they held in November was pretty Bare Bones with just the fundamentals of gathering crafting Base building and very basic combat the game just didn't seem anywhere near complete enough for even an early access launch that said though it was intentionally limited that was the point specifically it was designed to test those elements and in the 5 months since then they have seemingly made some good advances so maybe they do very well launch into Early Access soon in the spring as they are projecting in fact a recent posted a little breakdown of what they've worked on in the time since the last Alpha they've revamped their RPG and Stat systems from different types of damage to the introduction of durability mechanics they've also enhanced the depth and complex it of gameplay with spells special attacks and procs added to the game they've enhanced animations as well for weapons to try to ensure combat feels more impactful they've improved targeting for both melee and range and done some general balancing for items and enemy stats durability crafting and more also there is a second Alpha test happening in a couple of weeks starting on April the 23rd whereas the first Alpha focused on Gathering and crafting and building this one is focused on the gameplay experience namely combat and PVP in Alpha 2 we can expect to see a combat revamp with smarter and more formidable enemies improved targeting and spell mechanics combat should be more engaging in this build they've done World enhancements from lighting and biome transitions to Cave exploration these improvements should enhance the overall atmosphere and immersion of the game they've said there's the player vers player as they've introduced a full completely PVP Zone and there's also expansions to crafting with new crafting stations additional resources and magical materials along with expanded crafting options and rest recipes now the developer has said they plan to continuously improve the game leading into its Early Access release which again is slated to happen this spring and at this point I wouldn't be surprised if it happens but I also wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't happen depending on what sort of feedback they get from this second Alpha test registration for Alpha 2 is still currently open you can sign up on their website with the testing beginning on April 23rd okay so those five games I think are the most likely to actually come out this year uh which is why I went into a bit more more depth and detail when discussing them the next three are also targeting a 2024 release I'm just way less certain about them we're talking about blue protocol project llll and Corp Punk so yes blue protocol is scheduled for 2024 but here's the thing the global version of this game is being published by Amazon who are also publishing throne and Liberty now at the moment it seems like throne and Liberty is their priority they have been pushing it way more on social media and advertising they've been actively announcing closed beta testing whereas I've not heard a peep from Amazon about blue protocol in months nothing at all in fact their last activity on the official Twitter account was in August 2023 and since then it has been just nothing absolute crickets now since they're publishing both of these games and they're both MMOs we do expect there to be a bit of a gap between the two so that they're not competing with themselves for a player base and since as of yet we don't have an exact release date for thrown in Liberty and I expect them to at least have a couple of months of Runway after announcing that unless throne in Liberty comes out like late summer early fall I I'm really not sure that blue protocol is going to make it out in this calendar year but who knows this could all change tomorrow Amazon could all of a sudden come out and announce we're going to be launching Throne to Liberty in June or August and then that would give them enough time for blue protocol to come out in the fall like that could happen as of now it hasn't and again it looks like they're giving priority to throwing in Liberty and blue protocol once again is being put on the back burner but we we'll see what happens anything could change project lll is also targeting a launch in 2024 but when it comes to this game they've just been so tight lipped it's really hard for me to judge other than the gameplay presentation during last year's gar event we I've not seen or heard any updates for this game sort of like once human this is going to be an open world looter shooter with some interesting looking ideas and we have done a couple of videos going in a bit more detail about it if you want to figure out those specifics but in general I'm pretty in the dark with this one I have not seen any info or details about beta testing taking place I've not seen any Hands-On Impressions I've not even seen any leaks come out and that happens for basically any game that is getting actively tested you will see leaks on on online for people who just don't care about the ndas they will talk about them even if it's behind Anonymous accounts and vaguely none of that has happened for project lll from what I've seen so far so for that reason it is very up in the air for me like it could come out this year I am just I've got no way to judge whether or not it's on progress or the likelihood of that happening but it it could happen it's possible and then there is Corp Punk a game that I am really rooting for for but still seems to have a very long road ahead of it with development having slowed in recent years and the last Alpha test showing that they still seem to have a ways to go uh but they have been receptive to feedback it does appear like they are implementing good changes based on that feedback and there's another Alpha plan for later this month and here we'll get to see those recently made changes in action and I am hoping for the best I'm hoping for good progress I'm hoping for improvement because I do still love the idea of an MMO that plays like a MOA and I think it has potential I do think cor Punk has potential but as far as it getting a full release in 2024 that just still seems unlikely to me unless there are significantly unless there's just like significantly more game behind the curtain that they haven't shown revealed at all but yes I'm rooting for them I like the idea of cor punk I do think there's some cool things about what they've shown and what I've played still think it needs a bit more time all right so as of now those are the eight MMOs with launches that are said to be happening this year the first half of which I think seem like the most likely beyond that there is a long long list of other games that aren't coming until 2025 and Beyond some of which though will be getting testing this year Alpha and beta testing is expected to happen or currently happening their soul frame which we might be getting some test of this year they've said on several occasions that they plan to begin publicly testing the game fairly early on in the process even earlier than what they did with Warframe all the way back in 2013 of course ashes of creation is still trucking along this game gets regular updates but it is still an alpha testing with the Alpha 2 testing plan to begin in quarter three of this year so a full launch is most certainly not happening Quinn fall supposedly exist and is running test right now we'll see how that one pans out and then there's all the other games you know we got like Chrono Odyssey archage 2 project Ragnarok into the echko and a handful of others that are in Development coming out at some point but don't look to be anywhere near release and then we've got those games that I've been talking about for what feels like a decade Pantheon and camela unchanged I just don't have much to say about those two games and it's really unfortunate for what started out all those years ago as promising projects and ideas just where they are today uh doesn't any longer feel all that promising and then beyond all this uh we cannot of course forget while these are the new MMOs that are coming out this year and on the horizon we have all the big ones that are getting expansions Final Fantasy 14 has its Dawn Trail expansion coming out I believe in the summer World of Warcraft has the war with within expansion either planned for late summer or early fall of course while classic is happening season of Discovery is Trucking along there's a brand new uh yearly update chapter update for Elder Scrolls Online Guild Wars 2 has another expansion planned and I'm sure many of the other existing popular MMOs have updates but those are the ones that I at least personally am paying attention to and yeah that is uh just about it that's really what I want I really wanted to just focus on the new MMOs the actual new games that are coming out this year or could be coming out this year and as a quick recap the ones that seem likely to actually launch in 2024 are tusind once human thrown in Liberty Dune Awakening and PX day and the ones that are scheduled but I'm not so sure about include blue protocol project llll and Corp Punk with the whole other rest of the list being at some point in the future but there you go if you are sick and tired of me talking about games that are 5 to 10 years away from actually coming out here are some of the new MMOs that are coming out very soon hopefully maybe we'll see the genr quite a bit of a mess that's going to do it for today though thank you as always for watching hope you guys enjoyed the vid and I'll see you next time all right take it easy
Channel: Force Gaming
Views: 306,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new MMOs 2024, every new MMO 2024, MMOs actually launching in 2024, what NEW MMOs 2024, New MMO Releases 2024, NEW MMOs To Play In 2024, Best MMOs in 2024
Id: 6P4OYLvtmWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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