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welcome back everybody this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8888 today we got something kind of outlandish we're gonna be doing another meltdown a video for you today this little rig here is kind of silly it looks like something almost belongs in a Kurt Russell movie I couldn't get Snake Plissken to come out and shoot this for you today so you just have to settle for lonely old me I guess but we got to see him mg 22 upper here with a 4-inch barrel we got a kg made swarm this is an all titanium can so we're gonna be shooting full auto until this gun fails we've gotten some speculation from folks about you know how long this thing's going to last so leave your comments below let the world know how long do you think this little guy's going to last we got a whole bunch of black doll magazines here loaded up with some federal auto mats we're going to be shooting through it got it topped off with a little ACOG which of course in typical meltdown fashion we're not going to use the one thing I am going to mention about this that we have changed is the standard CMM G firing pin we've ran this gun full auto a good bit and it'll break after around 1,300 rounds we had R a machinist a special firing pin for this gun so that is I just want that caveat out there that we did change it up just a little bit to give us a little bit more longevity in this rig here as far as I know this is going to be a world record for the amount of full auto 22 that's been fired in one sitting I can't find any references to anybody running this much 22 mo if we end up running the amount of rounds that I think this gun is going to run we're setting a world record today also there's never been this much 22 MO at one time put through suppressor so we're kind of torture testing the suppressor we're seeing how long a 22 can run so no telling what's going to happen we're just going to go for it we have no idea how this is going to go we're just going to do it all right here we go I got some drums we got 25 shot mags 50 round drums and we got a couple of thirty twos gonna go for it I'm gonna have some guys back here loading some mags for me looks like a woodpecker all right we're running five sticks in a drum so here's a drum alright looks like it didn't pick up like the last three or four rounds try that there we go oh yeah she's skanky gonna keep going and hey guys if any of these mags are short when I'm sending them to you let me know I'm not really looking at them I'm just shooting Oh flipped up a bit it's like a laboratory of destruction yeah it's like a pack of angry Hornets poisonous angry horn you want that Thank You Chad oh alright getting some malfunctions here ok I want to make I want to make note of something guys this is one of the black dog mags that is marked kel-tec I don't know if this is an older magazine perhaps but I just want to make a note of that it is a different magazine yep put it to the side and have that guys we go juice on on top do that can is hot we're going to take a temperature reading in just a moment that chamber is getting a little crusty this is another one of the kel-tec marked magazines for the purposes of this test ad flew all the kel-tec mags please alright oh wait we're not in drum territory yet we're about to be though I believe the newer mags have metal feed lips ads that correct okay good deal oh yeah boy she is getting hot all right gonna take a very quick temperature reading guys the suppressor is 222 degrees the barrel 301 degrees the chamber 149 degrees the upper receiver 161 degrees the barrel nut 275 degrees we're gonna continue the test nope not running bad I am gonna give her just a little bit of Lube she's looking a little silly here alright we're gonna continue the test I guarantee Old Snake Plissken and Escape from New York would like to have this and when you got a horde of ninjas coming after you are we sure this is not rigged Chad this thing's running awfully good ok now we're on the 32 round magazines these are also black dog magazines it is man you might want to load some drums had a couple malfunctions so far but guys you know it's a it's a 22 I mean all in the home is running pretty good I spoke too soon it is crazy is stringing those shots like three feet to the right now uh-oh well Sami weird just doing that weird thing again guys we do have a chamber brush on standby just in case we want to swab the chamber on this thing then all in all it's not running terrible there's a drum yeah starting to give some weird weird issues here for sure how many rounds you know have any idea how many rounds were in Chad alright the Chamber's kind of got some fallout in it I think what we're probably gonna have to do if we want to keep running this thing yeah it's not feeding yeah failure to feed tell you what just we're gonna try another mag to make sure it's not the mag all right this is another black dog mag this is the kel-tec magazine let's try it here we go we've definitely seen a decrease in reliability just got this part this far in which I'm gonna keep running and so we just have some kind of weird failure yeah she's definitely getting sluggish shed but I mean to be for yeah at this point we just have rounds that are failing to go in the battery I think it's safe to say that's performance expectation we can just stop look at yeah I don't know man I would venture to say at this point that reliability has suffered to the point where at this point it probably needed cleaning but we haven't popped an extractor we haven't broke the firing pin and we've had a few minor issues but nothing that wouldn't be indicative of a rimfire gun this thing's her skanky we're gonna go ahead and try this drum alright I'll tell you what we're going to do they're going to keep topping off magazines yeah that bolt is actually sticking a little bit the bolt is 70 degrees the chamber is 70 degrees the barrel is 225 degrees the barrel nut is 230 the can is 237 degrees we're going to work as quickly as we can we're gonna scrub the chamber we might have some fallout in the chamber some carbon buildup we're gonna quickly scrub the barrel keep going okay roughly two minutes have elapsed we went ahead and pulled the gun apart and scrubbed the chamber really nothing abnormal other than being really really nasty we're gonna continue the test the gun hasn't really like technically died yet so we're gonna keep going hopefully the chamber cleared it up I can definitely tell it thing's running a lot smoother I think that chamber just began to get a little nasty ammos running pretty good who says shootin can't be an Olympic sport well it is a technically I guess all right my favorite part all those drums man alright I only who's setting these mags here but we're doing five at a time I'll try not to get me confused here not really how much barrel off do we it's like a pinball machine I don't think we're gonna be able to generate enough heat to kill this thing Chad I think it's just we're waiting on something to break at this point yeah it's doing that sluggish thing again Chad I think that that you know maybe our recoil spring and everything is just getting weak because it does it feels very sluggish I don't know at what point we could definitively call it until something breaks come on well at least this is one of our cheaper meltdowns that sounded strange certainly fly this huh yeah tell you what how about some in the dirt it's like a woodpecker here here's a woodpecker that's gonna run an endurance race oh wow I hate my words though pretty quiet there's gonna be a lot of either really happy people or really mad people or really pissed off Ruger 10/22 fans oh yeah it's doing the same thing I think that chamber is just getting a lot of Fallout in it yeah it's doing the same thing basically it's doing what it what it took a lot of rounds to do before except I just didn't take as long this time I mean you got to think though at this point I mean we we have fought off multiple motorcycle gangs bears I mean if we still got a motorcycle gang of bears on top of us we're doing something wrong this point hit-and-run all of that wrong huh definitely starting to get those rimfire kind of finicky issues that you get out of rim Fire's it definitely took a while for it to happen though yeah it's doing the same thing failure to feed Chloe to feed tell you to feed yeah it's that chamber is really skanky Chad I think at this point what this video has really become is just a matter of really how long a 22 yeah she's done how long a 22 can go without being cleaned I think that's what this really comes down to I'm gonna try one more drum just for the heck of it so you put a run it oh yeah we'll give me another wrong oh it's a partial drum well there's all of that drum I'm gonna try some 32s I don't think we can get this thing hot enough to kill it pretty pretty much at this point of the video I'm gonna call it alright guys that was a pretty interesting result that we got out of the little CM mg 22 there you know it's crazy it ran a ridiculous amount of rounds we allowed the gun to cool down we pulled it apart we got the kg made suppressor apart I mean there's a little bit of lead buildup here and there and there's definitely some you know letting on the baffles itself but overall I mean the suppressor came apart relatively simple I mean we had to kind of beat it with a rod a little bit to get it apart but that's to be expected so you've probably wondered how many rounds the gun ended up going well it's kind of an estimate because we just had to you know review the footage it went 2178 rounds and that's kind of an estimate we factored in some of the stoppages as well counting you know removing those from the count so almost 2200 rounds that's almost seven bricks of federal automatch so I mean just to put in perspective all these empty boxes I mean we just put an amount of ammo through this gun that your average person probably wouldn't do in an entire year now granted some of us shoot a lot but the guns pretty filthy I mean look at the lower it is just caked in a nice layer of carbon the upper is definitely skanky it's got a whole bunch of nasty stuff in the upper the barrel it you know we can't really see anything that's terribly wrong with the barrel itself I mean I think what it really comes down to it's just a maintenance thing the gun just needs a really good cleaning and I think it'll probably run just fine I really think that if the gun hadn't have gotten like really gummed up with all of the the nasty from all the ammo I think it would have just kept going and kept going I don't think that the 22 long ride cartridge generates enough heat to really cause a heat issue in fact when kg made when they like kind of heat treat these not really heat treat but when they dull do like kind of a heat bluing in a way and they'll they'll get like a nice blue or kind of purple color out of these things and when they do that they actually heat these suppressors up even hotter than what we were able to get this with with full auto 22 just back back to back there so I mean we got a little bit of a you know exchange of heat that calls the temperature to change a little bit and cause that little bit of discoloration but not any more than they would do at the factory so that's pretty interesting the suppressor held up the gun held up the optic held up the gun held up so oddly enough I think what this video really proves is that it's really just a maintenance thing once your 22s get so gummed up full of carbon and LED build-up yeah your suppressors are going to get a little bit heavier because they're going to get letting in fact the only definitive strip of lead I was able to pull out of the entire suppressor is just this little sliver of lead build-up right here so not a terribly large amount of lead build-up so that's really cool to know that you can can pretty much go go the distance so it proved that suppressors are definitely overbuilt and good quality and then can last a long time and it proved that a twenty two conversion can take a lickin and keep on tickin I mean this is way more ammo than any average person would ever put through a gun in one sitting and I would venture to say that this is actually a world record I don't think this much 22 mo has been put through any gun and as quick of amount of time as what we just did ever so there's there's our record to beat 2178 rounds and that's the most ammo that's been put through so 22 suppressor in the shortest amount of time as well so I think that's the most rounds put through suppressor and the most rounds put through 22 of any type we're going to call it that because I can't find anybody that's ever done this amount of rounds like this so hopefully you guys learned something in this video but I tell you what just to make sure that I'm right okay we're going to clean this gun really good right now I've got five drums loaded up right here so the way we're going to test it we're going to clean the gun put the suppressor back together and if it runs all five drums without a malfunction then we can pretty much surmise that the gun itself is good to go and that it just got too dirty and that we couldn't get it hot enough to kill it and we couldn't put enough rounds through it to kill it without it getting too dirty to stop running so maybe the fact that it got too dirty was kind of the failsafe that caused the gun to not kill itself one other thing that we are going to check that we did not check yet we're going to check the recoil spring to see if it's gotten short or long or if it's a you know caused any weird changes in geometry due to being wore out because right now this uppers got about seven thousand rounds on it total Chad's been running the mess out of this thing so we're gonna see if the springs wore out we are going to replace the recoil spring with a fresh recoil spring we're going to continue on the existing fire pin and we're gonna run it let's do it alright so as a test what we're going to do here is we're going to run five drums and if it runs all five drums without stopping then we can pretty much surmise it was a maintenance issue and as long as the guns kept clean it'll in theory go about as long as you want it to so we're just going to go for it here all right we got a stoppage stovepipe we're gonna keep going might uh might have choked up the firing pin stovepipe well we've already debunked the test but let's see if it'll run the rest of these well that ran might have just been a fluke maybe we had a issue with our drones all right ran that kept on drumming along there all in all not bad definitely increased reliability after cleaning it 22s tend to be a little bit finicky with this kind of stuff and what's interesting is we put a lot of heat through this gun just in those five drums there I'd be grab that temperature gauge for me you don't mind see how hot we got that suppressor just in that amount of time the suppressor is 304 degrees so even throughout running those 25 shot mags intermittently throughout the video those five drums got it hotter then we got it in the entire video that's pretty interesting result 309 degrees 334 degrees towards the end of the barrel so pretty crazy well guys we really appreciate you watching today's video we had a ton of fun making it thank you very much for the support we've always got tons of things going on more meltdowns on the way we'll come up with some other crazy things we do have some other meltdowns planned if you haven't subscribed yet consider subscribing stay tuned we're on the way [Music]
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 2,045,686
Rating: 4.8842478 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, meltdown, iv8888 meltdown, iv8888 burndown, kg made, kgmade, 22 swarm, automatch, machine gun, full auto 22, full auto, 22lr, silencer, nfa, 22 meltdown, cmmg, 22 conversion kit, ar-22, ar22
Id: cjW3uoG_Wn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2017
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