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alright guys welcome back this is Eric with Iraq veteran Eddie Eddie 8 and you guessed it we've got another meltdown video for you guys today we're going to be having some fun with the POF P 416 this is an awesome machine gun we thought we would do something a little bit different than what we've done in some of the previous videos you know before we were kind of cobbling together guns or building guns which is fine and we'll probably end up doing a little bit of that in the future as well but we thought hey why not get POF down get a factory machine gun out and have a little fun and see what it takes to kill this thing so we're going to talk a little bit briefly about this gun it's got some really interesting features you've got a ten and a half inch fluted medium profile barrel so for starters it's definitely a rigid barrel you know you do have some flutes so there are maybe some points there that who knows maybe you can fail or something we'll see the operation is a short-stroke gas piston arrangement so it is a piston upper and POF Tsar known for making you know just POF as a company makes great guns and that that respect so we know we're going to get some nice clean operation here this barrel nut acts as a really big ol honkin great heatsink right here which is great hopefully we're going to see that kind of the thermal maybe will give us an idea of what's going on in terms of heat transfer right there we've got a trick or a uptick you know of course you know in these videos I don't typically use the optic but hey we want to see if at jettisons off or falls apart or breaks maybe later if the gun is still running we'll see if she's still running right and everything like that which of course I don't expect anything less there also an important factor of this gun that we need to mention is the e square chamber system there are these minor little flutes that are cut into the neck area in the chamber to aid in extraction and ejection the expanding gasses actually assist in extraction so it's really really cool system hopefully we won't get any stuck cases which really we are running wolf 62-grain ammunition today so if you're going to get a stuck case it's generally going to be steel tends to stick a little bit worse than ARS butt ARS are notorious for getting stuck cases if the chambers are not kept clean so that's something we're going to be more or less testing here we're going to be running the test and the same exact order as all the previous videos so all the mags are staged up we're running Magpul pmags for almost the entire test here for most part we've got d60 drums but they are loaded down 250 rounds to mimic the 50 round counts that we ran in the ex products drums in the first video so that's going to also be a test of the d60 drums as well so let's uh get this sucker stoked up ready to go and let's see what it takes to kill a little 416 here alright guys POF P 416 let's run it till she stops here we go going along swimmingly oh this looks fun what are all that poor dirt down there ever do to me get the odd rate of fire change there it's kind of weird come on baby I don't know if you guys can see those sports coming out of the end of the barrel boys she's chewing herself up boy she is hot hot hot people [Music] [Music] we're right at where the other gun failed people [Applause] not locking the bolt back to the rear well she hasn't really died but she is struggling a bit there definitely an impressive round count hi guys you guys got to see this all right let me get this monkey suit off we're going to have a closer look all right guys we're taking a closer look at the POF here we've got a stuck piece of brass in the chamber going to see if we can get her knocked loose cats going to give her okay hold that bolt back careful she's warm yeah it actually ripped the just leave that piece of brass there Thanks looks like it ripped the rim we're going to go ahead and try to run it some more this thing is still smoking hot let me suit back up we're going to try to run her some more all right stuck case removed we're going to continue firing watch these running into guys well I'll show you would if you're in a foxhole on a firefight you'd have the right gun wouldn't you get a little sluggish again but nonetheless I think we're proving that this is one heck of a round count here we could do this all day guys I just don't think it's really going to prove a heck of a lot to keep doing this but we're going to keep going definitely still running there we go I'm already I notice them having hold the gun a lot tighter I think it's getting a little sluggish just getting filthy or whatever the case may be that bolts slowing down there let me try holding the gun a lot tighter make sure that's not the problem [Applause] boy she's just straight up running guys well that grip is holding up this is almost like watching golf at this point isn't it guys that's the second double feed we've gotten out of the forty round pmags come on yeah I'm starting to feel like maybe I know how Rambo feels see sup again same thing we got another stuck case she's hot boy she's beyond hot you kidding me grab that brass so we don't lose it stuck again I think it's pretty clear guys that this gun is going to run until the cows come home I've brought 2500 rounds of ammo to this shoot here and we're getting towards the bottom of the dang barrel I can't believe how well this gun is running I mean even though we are getting a little bit of sluggish operating think about how hot this thing is think about how much rounds it's had through it at this point guys this is an obscene amount of ammunition if an infantryman had to carry all this ammo you'd be dead before you got there because you'd be tired so it just needed me to talk a little bit so I could just cool off just for sex another double feed now - or mice to save those double feeds are probably coming from the fact that I'm holding up on the bottom of the bag I realize that but I got nothing let's have a look and let me get out of the smokey suit and let's see what's going on POF P 416 well that was a kind of an interesting result I didn't quite expect it to run quite that well we were getting a little bit of a sluggish firing there near the end but hey she was getting hot she was getting dirty I was getting rather fatigued we did find and one thing that we cleared up in terms of you know later on in the shooting there was that I wasn't really shouldering the gun super tight but once I started really bearing into it it seemed to run a little bit better and guys this is an extreme test anytime we do the meltdown videos we're trying to show the gun doing something that it certainly is not designed to do this gun is not designed to go toe-to-toe with a squad automatic but guess what we just did we almost fired 25 hundred rounds consecutively granted with a few stoppages but you'd still be in the fight if you work the bolt a couple more downs to rounds downrange work the bolt a couple more rounds downrange I mean not an ideal situation but the gun never mechanically failed we never had a major failure I think what we really saw here was some loss of gas pressure from just expansion in the metal and things like that the gas port probably started to elongate a little bit and also something that I've talked about in the past about barrel where is that barrels tend to wear from the throat inward and then the muzzle backwards if you look down this barrel it's hard to tell but that is definitely the case here you've got rifling in the middle that's relatively strong still and then the smoothbore on each end it's really crazy to look at you know there's a mid-length gas system so I would pretty much expect that to happen the gun we haven't tried running it again really but that Pistons still moving no problem there so I don't really see there being an issue we were just shy of a running 2,500 rounds okay we're going to look at this real quick and just see so the carrier pretty skanky one feature is that roller cam as you can see in there on this gay four really smooth operation no problems there I mean the chamber is pretty skanky but overall the gun didn't run too terrible okay the thing is the gun still works I think so a slapper back together and because we were just shy of our intended round count you know what we did is we searched around all over the ground and we found all the rounds that we jettisoned out of the gun during the test and any full magazines we could find and this is what we've got left a full 30 and a partial so let's just see what we got here I'll tell you what just for giggles how about a full combat load on top of that all right last mag let's try full auto something's going on there it ain't liking that but the important thing to think about the guns still operational I'm still in the fight okay I mean what else can you really say here the gun never really failed now granddad started around a little bit sluggish but here's something else to kind of consider here with what we're seeing here you wouldn't run your guns ragged in the field and not maybe clean them after an appreciable amount of time you know what I mean we are accelerating where dirt debris crud grime we are accelerating that process by torturing this gun like we are so I think what that shows you is that as long as you follow reasonable precautions in terms of average soldiering or let's just say running a gun an average basis just like any normal person would as long as you don't exceed the normal and expected conditions for the way this gun is designed to operate you're reasonably never going to have a single problem ever so what this test proves is that you can't carry enough ammunition to make this gun stop working if you can you're probably he-man and you can just walk up and Club them to death anyway if it stops running if the gun stopped running full auto hey you know whatever but we didn't kill it so this is really interesting we're probably going to be revisiting something like this in the future I'm not going to let the cat out of the bag but let's just say we may configure something in the DI configuration in a very similar fashion and that way we can compare apples to apples in terms of data collecting and see how long a gun can go in a DI fashion versus this exact setup in a piston operation so thank you for watching today's video I'm impressed with the little POF thing ran like a champ I trust my life to it in a heartbeat this gun will outlast you that's the cool thing about it so thank you for watching today's video many more meltdowns on the way guys we have so many things going on we appreciate the support of things like Mann cans and ventures that we're doing that means a lot to us it allows us to take on some of these crazy projects like these all so make sure you sign up for our email list so you can stay in touch with us follow us on Facebook Instagram all the other social media outlets guys we'll see you soon I'm living the American dream I get to do this stuff all the time because of your support so thanks for your time we'll catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 3,537,423
Rating: 4.8782759 out of 5
Keywords: POF, Patriot Ordanance Factory, P415, P416, piston ar, piston Ar-15, piston, piston rifle, piston vs di, meltdown, iraqveteran8888, iv8888, pof P416, POF P415, full auto
Id: 7Id_soYaAm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2016
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