Woman Gives Customs a Hard Time | Border Security Australia

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thank you a flight from Vietnam has landed and these passengers are about to find out that they're in for some intense scrutiny the flights come out of Vietnam which is a high-risk country for Narcotics and there seems to be a lot of heroin coming out of there and we've basically got as many resources possible to try and speak to as many people as possible on that flight ascertain with the legitimate Travelers or not and when there's any possible narcotic couriers on there information has been received that there are drugs on this flight and no stone will be left unturned as officers try to find the prohibited narcotics so do you know you're going to meet anyone you don't have any other income do we only get as many offices as possible out onto the floor area they will go and question as many people as possible the drugs could be on the passengers in their baggage or dumped on the plane and if that's the case the entire plane has to be thoroughly searched like this previous search on another flight for the offices it takes time and a lot of diligence depending on obviously what how they think of the people and what the answers are Etc then they'll Target them for possibly a further search the dog unit is in to help the officers with this broad sweep of passengers at this point the dogs are also working at the primary line it's your stay in a hotel and then a possible breakthrough thank you with an unlikely passenger a heavily pregnant woman traveling with a young child [Music] could this be their drug meal it's custom's job to protect Australia's borders and with thousands of passengers processed every day it's not an easy task but today in Melbourne it's made even harder when a Chinese girl decides to be difficult during questioning what did you study in China I finished my bachelor degree and then go to New Zealand to carry on my post graduates and it means I can get the master degree in New Zealand is that right yeah you can check the New Zealand Visa that's fine I had a look at that already what I want to do is ask you she's traveling with this girl pair studied together in New Zealand and it appears they also attend the same school of etiquette but like we said before we're just doing our job and we have to assess the reason why okay bringing Bad Manners over the border is not a crime but if it's a tactic to hide something officers need to know yeah now what I want to know is what what are you doing here in Australia you've come to Melbourne so when you leave the airport what will you do for seven days in Australia so go around you're like a visitor okay what what are you going to go and visit s over at the other bench they're having just as much trouble getting straight answers today we're having a look because of the you'll come for a short time and you don't know really what you're going to do here why do you need to know the reason we need to make sure that you're coming here for legitimate reasons [Music] Sydney airport mail handling Center sniffer dogs are routinely brought in to inspect a huge volume of goods entering Australia through the post every day yeah but why you walk around there these dogs are able to detect even the tiniest traces of animal or plant material amongst thousands of boxes good job find it here foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] AC has reacted to one package which will now have to be examined it's quite large obviously the dogs picked it up it's declared as business papers which is interesting the box is already bursting open but until officers examine the contents they won't know why the sniffer dog reacted [Music] Customs has received information that there's drugs on this flight from Vietnam officers have been talking to the passengers and now one unlikely suspect has emerged a heavily pregnant woman has been taken to an interview room the foreman has come to notice at the primary line where you get your passport stamped the dog was running up there showed interest in her as a result one of the officers has targeted her for a further search she was given a card for a free search after the baby examination now she's chosen to consent to that first search but she's chosen to have it in a private room which is totally her choice and the officers have gone to the room to conduct the first search during the Frisk search officers noticed something wasn't right about the way she was wearing her shoes so officer Renee has taken them to be x-ray there's something in the base of the shoe the sanchu when you look inside there's also blue looks like the shoe has been recently glued uh we won't know until we actually lift the sole a little and test it um but we'll wait till the federal police come over and we'll hand the shoes over to them and if they want us to test it then it'll be up to them and there's now further intelligence which suggests that officers need to look much more closely at other passengers off this flight and in particular their Footwear anything in your shoes [Music] in Melbourne Customs officers are trying to work out why two ill-mannered girls arriving from New Zealand are refusing to answer questions okay my concerns are you have come to Australia but you have no idea what you want to do or see here so I'm a bit concerned about that it is unusual for somebody to come but it's for me it's unusual for somebody to come my citizen is Chinese it's got nothing to do with that officer Maria checks the girls bags which is met with More protest from the passenger if you use the X-ray you can find the food or anything I concerned about food today but I need to make sure you don't have rice to examine my baggage okay let me just explain to you what's happening here when you travel through an International Airport Customs have the right to search your bags and make sure that everything is legitimate and we have the right to search you as a person to make sure you're here for legitimate reasons okay does that make sense to you yes and it's not what's there but what isn't there that suggests this girl might be trying to hide something I just saw the clothing you have yes so this is all you have for seven days not very much oh you know if your chefs have a trip yeah one country is enough yeah this is awesome for me it's different I think I need to bring a lot more things officer Maria is about to discover something in her bags that could explain why this girl is being so guarded ah [Music] back at the Sydney mail handling Center a quarantine dog has just reacted to a package from the UK it's declared as business papers and it looks like it's going to be full of sort of fresh cuttings or saw cuttings plan material yeah plant material even if it looks to be dried out and dead can pose a major quarantine risk but to make matters worse all of this plant material seems to be very much alive yeah so it's totally exception yeah for plant cuttings to be sent through the post for commercial purposes all for scientific research strict guidelines have to be followed to ensure safety to our environment and crops yeah it's full of it that's all that's in here is just live plants so they've obviously tried to conceal them by Mr clearing them looks like they're wrapped in uh some type of Banana Leaf there there's a different type of plant in the center there but it looks like it's all the same species of plant I'm not sure what species it is but it looks like it's for growing purposes not for reading all that type of thing but the contents of this box contain a risk much greater than just the plants look a passenger off a flight from Vietnam has been taken to an interview room for further questioning over a suspected drug concealment In Her Shoes now officers are talking to another female passenger this look basically what's happened is that other woman there with it in his shoes same address down the first woman has come to notice at the primary line and a female that was traveling behind her at the time in the queue when she walked through he asked her if she was actually traveling with her to which she replied no it appears as though her surname is the same surname as the one that the dog has shown interest to and they both live at the same address but she stated she's not traveling with her and she just met her on the plane so her bag was searched Etc she's traveling with two children now I don't think the actual children are involved in it now the officers are going to go into a first search of her I'm just going to touch the outside of your clothing I won't touch your skin at any time I feel uncomfortable just let me know when I stop [Music] nothing from the Frisk search but offices are still more interested in the passenger's shoes okay we think you're hiding something in your shoes no thanks okay do you mind if we have a lot of issues [Music] foreign [Music] Customs has been searching the bags of two girls with a bad attitude the pair plan on staying here for a week but officer Maria becomes suspicious when she discovers one of the girls brought very few clothes and no toiletries better what would you see and do in Melbourne just to have a trip and go to the university to find some fun things some fun information about the university oh you want to become no no no I won't computers yeah yeah because I bring my computer every day yeah so I use this for my life and for my study oh okay because he's very important document you know that so you I don't want it I believe in New Zealand is not it's not a citizen so I should bring the everything very important things with me okay is this one like a resume or something yeah she does not have a visa to work in Australia so the discovery of her CV could explain why she's being so evasive do you want to work in Australia no no do you want to study in Australia no no at this stage officers need to know if these girls are a customs or immigration risk and over at the other bench they discover a piece of the puzzle that could finally explain exactly why these girls are here in Melbourne what what does that mean in the money yeah it is for the pay for them officers want to know what this document means and why these girls are seeking help that costs more than a thousand dollars [Music] foreign [Music] handling Center a large box of fresh plants has been detected and officer Loudon is examining the contents okay we'll just pull a couple of these out and see if there's any um material in there that might be harboring insects or anything like that just give these a bang here all right there we go there's something there it looks like it may be still moving a little bit it looks like it may have been crushed but I uh some type of mosquito just come off there so just mosquitoes are among the biggest natural killers on the planet thanks to their ability to spread diseases like malaria and Dengue Fever while Australia is free from these diseases it only takes a few stray insects to cause a major problem the old course I be some eggs in there from the mosquitoes because they're known for laying eggs where they needed a small amount of moisture and they could lay hundreds of eggs so you don't know how long he's been in there the problem is that mosquitoes are tiny and tough and can survive for days inside a box like this I will give this a quick spray [Applause] just in case there's any flying around in there still this box and its contents will be incinerated because of the false declaration the recipient of the parcel will be entered into the aqueous database for further investigation [Music] together with information that there's drugs on this flight from Vietnam Customs are doing a sweep of all the passengers officers already suspect one pregnant mother of having drugs in her shoes and now they are taking a closer look at this passenger we think you're hiding something in your shoes have you done the first content yeah she refuses to take the shoes okay so you want the shoes removed so we're upgrading to an external okay do you mind if we have a look on your shoes yeah you do mine yeah if we want to look in your shoes okay you don't have to let us look okay it's only up to you but if you don't want to smoke I'm gonna upgrade some external search that means you have to remove certain articles of your clothing okay yeah you understand okay so we would like to see your shoes yeah can we see your shoes yeah yeah so you don't mind taking them off yeah no you don't mind I don't understand what you mean what my issues yeah but you don't have to I can okay can we see [Music] yeah and officers notice a similarity between this passenger's shoes and the shoes found earlier which had a drug concealment the heavy um there's some glue in there as soon as she took them off she said that she bought them from the shop I didn't ask her anything about them she just started saying she bought them from the shop so we're going to x-ray them now [Music] come on [Music] because she's just not in Melbourne officers are questioning two Chinese girls arriving from New Zealand they're being extremely evasive and officers are trying to determine if they're a customs risk oh you know what it's just so hard because she's just not quite learning at all she's got nothing my clothes not toiletries nothing since she's got a camera which is the only thing consistent to a tourist Maria continues questioning the girl while Kathleen assists officer Brett with the other passenger they discover paperwork that appears to explain why the girls are here what's the money for about the Foster College [Music] so do you want to do some study in Australia or the purpose of we come here is within the summer holidays and they make a animated series it appears that girls are on a fact-finding mission to decide whether or not to study in Australia but offices are still concerned the pair could be an immigration risk after searching through their bags we decided that they were no longer a risk to customs but they could possibly be a risk to immigration due to the fact that they were carrying CVS and laptops and minimal clothing and we had concerns that they may be coming into Australia to work which would be a breach of their visa officer Maria calls immigration then delivers the news to the passenger I have concerns that you might be here to work interview with you because you have nothing with you today you don't even have any toiletries you have one of all these documents here which to me suggest that you may be here to work so I've referred this case to immigration they're going to come down and have an interview with you and just see if your story is legitimate if you are here for a tourist race okay foreign [Music] is suspected of trying to smuggle drugs into the country in her shoes and now officers are taking a closer look at another passenger's Footwear [Music] it's quite clear that's a definite concealment yes [Music] foreign okay I have a concern with your shoes I believe there may be something in your shoes yeah I don't know yeah because I think there is something in your shoes I must caution you I must tell you that you do not have to say or do anything that anything that you say or that you do we may use as evidence at a later date what we might do we're going to an interview room I will get a phone interpreter in the Vietnamese language and I will repeat the caution to you in Vietnamese okay the second passenger was taken to an interview room and Customs hard work has paid off in this case basically all they do is pull the sole up cut the inside out of the shoe and it's a quite a crude concealer there is only about a centimeter to a centimeter and a half at the rear heel where the foot can fit in officers found drugs hidden in her shoes as well now when the concealment was put to them they said they know nothing about it one said that she was given the shoes by a friend the other said that she was she went to she fell over wrecked her other shoes went to the markets and bought new parachutes the first passenger was found to be carrying 556 grams of heroin in her shoes the second passenger also had 596 grams of heroin in her shoes the total street value of the heroin was estimated at four hundred thousand dollars [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign security
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 1,958,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danger TV, Danger, Customs, Drugs, Borders, Agents, Contraband, Illegal Immigrants, Border Patrol, Customs Agents, Airports, security, security dogs, dogs, heathrow, border, smugglers, smuggling, weapons, dangertv, border agents, border force, illegals, border security, airport, nothing to declare, police, locked up abroad, border arrest, border security: international, Border Security: Australia's Front Line, Australia's Front Line, Border Security Australia, Australia Customs
Id: CkA31Gp_Wac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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