UiPath Orchestrator Tutorial for Beginners | Getting Started with UiPath Orchestrator

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dear friends welcome back to automate with Rakesh in this video I'm going to teach you many things around orchestrator as a beginner it will be helpful for you to learn all those things I'm going to show you in this video so do not skip the video please do watch till the end you are going to learn lot many things around the new orchestrator so why delay let's get started the very first step let us first log in to cloud. uipath Doc hit on enter so once you log in to cloud. y.com click on this breadcrumb symbol and there you have your orchestrator this is how you access the orchestrator so now orchestrator is for the purpose of many things you can manage all your automations through this uipath orchestrator now how you do it let us understand as a beginner point of view let's understand slowly the very first thing what we will do we will try to upload a project to uipath orchestrator we will try to upload the automation project to uipath orchestrator and how that is done let us first see that for that open UA studio and all the steps I'm doing please do it along with me that is where you will learn so keep your studio open log into uipath orchestrator so once these things are open let us first create a project so click on this come to the start and hit on process and let's type something let's say automation project one so let me hit on create now in we will create a pretty simple Automation and this automation I would like to upload it to orchestrator so the main part is how will you upload it to orchestrator so here we have got the workflow let us simply add an activity hit on this plus sign and type message box and here let us write something let's say I'm going to say um so we'll create an argument okay I'll teach you couple of important things um what I will do I'll go to the arguments and here I'll create an argument called name so now it is blank there's no value in this argument name it's blank now what I'm going to say here I'm going to say hi or I'll say good morning and then give a space and then it's supposed to write the name of the person whatever we pass so what we will do we going to use that argument that we have created name so what I have done I've created an argument called name and here I'm simply saying good morning plus name so I have not passed any value yet to this now let me hit on Save and I'm going to hit on publish this project okay give it some time so this is the window which would appear I'm going to Simply hit on next and here in the drop down ensure you are selecting orchestrator tenant process feed and I'm going to hit on next and hit on publish all right so now the project has been published let's click on okay and let's go back to the orchestrator now once the project is uploaded from yapa Studio go to the tenant layer and click on packages so here you should find that particular project which you have uploaded so the project name is automation project one so in the packages tab you would find that project are you able to see it have you uploaded great now once you have uploaded what we will do we'll create a folder first okay by default it might be blank for you so let me first delete some of the folders I have got too many folders the next thing what we will do we'll create a folder so it is for our own testing purpose right so what we will do we will click on the plus sign under the folder and then give some name let's say test automation I'm giving a folder name called test Automation and here let the option be 10 and package feed package just now we saw right so from the tenant it will receive that that is the meaning so hit on create so now what happened test automation folder got created on the left side menu let me go here and go to processes pretty easy have you created a folder okay once you have created a folder then come to the process tab automation and then process tab in the process tab let us create a process process means what the automation that you have uploaded here in the tenant layer that multiple layers okay this is the tenant layer these are the folder layers in the tenant layer I have this particular project just now I have uploaded I'll go to the folder layer in the folder layer if I click on Automation and then click on processes it is completely black I want that particular automation to get paid with this folder that means get linked with this particular folder it is there in the tenant layer so how do I bring it here through the process so let me create a process add a process and process means you're linking a particular automation to a particular folder so here let us type that project name so here the project name has already appeared automation project one and we have created an argument in that you remember name and let me add some value here for example I'm going to say Rakesh and it on say so what is the value of this variable argument now Rakesh so it's supposed to say good morning Rakesh so once you have done the settings hit on next pretty simple ones right easy hit on next display name you can give any name you like or else leave it blank so in this page nothing much to do simply hit on create now close this first close this so what happened the process the automation which was lying here here right as a package now here in the test automation folder now it has come as a process process means I can run that process so that is just a development package and here you have a process which you can where you can run the automation so once you have created the process I hope you have done it right once you have created this process then what you do I want to run and see it so you see a direct button here start a job or else you can go to job and hit on start and it'll ask you okay select your process you'll select the process and do it this is another way the simplest way is I can simply go to the process Tab and click on this button so let's click on this button and let's see what appears so the moment I do this it is saying okay this is your process um your runtime so here saying no run times available validation failed so let me see why this has happened okay so now this particular folder the new folder which have created if you find this kind of a problem uh no run times available so what you supposed to do go to tenant layer and go to uh manage access and edit the the robot role unattended setup robot setting things not exactly here what you can do is simply go to tenant layer go to folders select this particular folder and here you have the option uh to assign the account so here if you see for this folder only a user is assigned so the robot is not assigned I'll click on assign and type my robot name sometimes by default you would find it but when you are creating a new folder remember this so un attended robot I have selected my robot name and then I would give it a role as a robot and I'm going to hit on assign so now you would see the robot is assigned let's go to the machine click on manage machines and this is the machine for myo so whatever your name is selected if that happens to you okay generally when you create a new folder this could be a scenario which you have to add the robot account to for so that that it you can run it right so I have added so here once if that is the problem otherwise you don't have to do it sometimes if you have set up a attended kind of a robot as a user it'll automatically run it if you face the problem do this way so now what happened everything is done let me go back to the process and click on run here now if you see the license has come you can see one runtime available one connected because I did not assign the robot to that folder that was the problem now here in the account section let me select the robot let me select the machine simple on this page look at it have you have you come to this particular page where you have where it is saying one runtime available if it is already Shing showing it to you no problem nothing to do and then have you selected your account have you selected your machine if' done now all you do simply hit on start now what would happen when you are you can see it is saying running see it is saying running so let us wait for a few seconds and you can see the automation has started and saying good morning Rakesh now let's let's do one thing what if rakish I would like to change some value to Rahul let's say I would like to say good morning Rahul how will I do it pretty simple go to the process and here in the process let's edit the process and where you had that argument right the argument value so this gives you the dynamic option pretty simple I'm going to say Rahul and save it update it and once again run the process you can you can simply come here and select start you don't have to really select an account any available account it'll run so you can see it's running and it's saying good morning Rahul do you see the value is changing dynamically all right so now you have learned how do you upload a particular project automation project to orchestrator and then how do you use the input Arguments for a process and you see both the times it showed different different message boxes first time it showed good morning Rakesh and the second one it showed good morning Rahul and you can keep on changing the values now what happened the project has run but again I wanted to schedule it I don't want to run it manually so here I'm hitting on start and then it is running how can I schedule this to schedule this let me go to the triggers tab let me go to the triggers tab in the triggers tab you have something called add a new trigger click on this button pretty simple and here let us give some name um good morning bot or what is that automation project one you have given right automation project one trigger means schedule okay remember this trigger trigger means scheduling you want to schedule it so here um uh process name let me select the process name is this one uh production unattended I would like to run it in unattended way uh execute the process one time uh account any robot you can specify which robot you want if you have multiple robots in your company you would be selecting a particular robot where you like to run that particular process okay uh machine machine should you should also select the machine otherwise if you keep it any machine it it can run anywhere wherever which one which which one is free it'll run there if you are very particular go ahead and select it okay so once that is done now let us understand when would you like to run so to test it I'm not going to say hourly then I have to wait for an hour to show you that output I'll simply say minute by minute every minute let it run I I'm going to stop this trigger now I'm going to select minute by minute you have multiple such options hourly daily daily repeat every one time at so and so time you would like to run so all those options you can go for in the real Enterprise environment page on your need you can do that so here for testing purpose I will simply go minute by minute okay and I'm going to hit on ADD so what happened you have created a schedule for that automation you don't have to manually go and run it now you have created a schedule now if you wait for some time right if you wait for some time it is going to automatically execute see the time trigger has been created similarly you have got multiple different triggers Q trigger event trigger API triggers so as you advance you know all these videos I have kept Q trigger and all of this thing you can see it in my channel but right now let's wait for some time and see when it's going to automatically start so let's wait so in 3 minutes so trigger details it is saying every 5 minutes I don't know why is it saying every 5 minutes when I have set it to 1 minute okay so okay minute by minute repeat every 5 minutes right so let me make it repeat every 1 minute and update every minute so now let us wait it is going to start in next 1 minute let me refresh this so you don't have to wait on this window you can go anywhere and do your stuff it will automatically anyway start okay okay now only 5 Seconds 5 4 okay 1 second now the automation has triggered do you see automatically without me clicking and starting it manually you can see this is called unattended automation where I have created a Time based trigger based on my time preference it's going to start every 1 minute okay so anyways I don't want it to run every 1 minute so I'm going to remove this trigger simply click on that three dots hit on delete and your trigger is done so far we have seen the the automation which we have created in uapa studio has been uploaded in this tenant package feed here the automation that you have developed has appeared how about if I would like to publish this particular automation to a folder so the next topic is how will you upload an automation to a folder in uipath orchestrator how that can be done for this let's click on tenant and click on folder let us create a folder which can receive the package directly it doesn't need to accept it from the tenant it can accept the package directly on its own for that let's create a folder having the second option on so let's give an name I'll say test automation one I'll give it a name called test automation one and here the important part is you have to select create a new package feed for this folder so this folder would have its own package tab from where it can accept so once you do this hit on Create and the folder got created let's click on the folder and then go to automations and here you can see this folder has a folder package feed so anything I'm going to upload to this folder can appear directly here here so right now it is entirely black one thing that will come to your mind can I compare sir you have created a previous uh folder so in that folder is it there or not how do I see for that let me hit on the other folder go to Automation and here you can see that folder is not available because this folder was created using the first option that means all the automation that I'm going to upload it is supposed to receive it from this particular Tab and this folder we have created if you go to automation here it has got its own tab called folder packages now how do I upload so let's see that let's go back to the studio and in the studio the very first thing you should do is here you should refres there's a small button here white color button okay just click on this refresh button so the new folder that you have created on your orchestrator that will automatically appear so now if you hit on this drop down you see test automation one folder is appearing select that folder where you have created a folder package feed and then all you have to do simply hit on publish hit on next and you're supposed to select here the option called orchestrator test automation one feed whatever the name you have given for the folder you select that so until now is it clear have you created a folder have you selected this option if you have done it excellent job let's click select this option and hit on next so what I have done I have selected that 10 and fit this is a very important option first is you creating a folder with the package feed and the second thing is you have to select this option orate a folder name feed okay do not select the tenant process feed you have to select this feed now hit on next and hit on publish because of that option that we have selected in the drop down folder package feed right it it is going to automatically push this automation to that particular folder let's see that let's go to orchestrator and go to the folder package feed it got refreshed and you can see the same project has appeared in this particular folder generally you will not upload the same project you will be uploading different different new projects based on the requirement but again for the learning purpose that should be fine so here you can see the project has been uploaded to the folder now so once when you do this way what would happen a process you know when you have to create a process simply hit on ADD process and it is going to show you all the projects that has been uploaded to this folder so here we have uploaded only one project it is appearing let me select that so once I select let me provide some value let me give some value to the argument uh let's say Ramesh you don't have to put double code simply say rames and hit on Save automatically the double code would appear hit on next hit on next and create you leave all this blank it will automatically have that default name create and close it so what happened now the process got created now in case you would like to run it simply hit on start a job again one more thing see here again no run times available the same problem because you created a new folder so all you do what I have said you remember you have to go to the folders tab in the tenant layer select the new folder click on assign if that happens to you otherwise you don't have to so here I have to type that type my robot name unattended robot in case you have doubt how you create an unattended robot I have very specific videos in case you have got a doubt you can watch them the roles for this account selected above so I would say robot rooll and hit on assign okay so what happened here the robot got added go to the machine and even add the machine same steps and update all right so the machine got added the folder uh the robot got added now all you have to do go back to the folder hit on automation um you know uh click on this button hit on start now you can see the production unattended is selected you can say any user you can or you can select the specific robot and machine you can select the host name name and it don't start if you leave it anytime that's also fine for learning purpose okay now it is saying running now you can see the new value that we have Pro provided rames has now appeared so what is the thing that you have learned here how can you upload the automation to a specific folder the folder package feed the important term is folder package feed now let's discuss more around the jobs the jobs tab so you have seen you have created a process and when you run it it becomes a job so job is nothing but if somebody's asking you what is a job so you have a automation process when you execute that becomes a job so here you can see the execution successful failed all the statuses are shown now I'm going to teach you a new technique is it possible or how to record the jobs while the automation is running while the automation is running how to record jobs is something we are going to see now for this I have selected a RPA challenge automation this videos are quite available if you wanted to understand what is RPA challenge it's a website where you have to enter some data and I have created my video let me show you the video all you do go to YouTube and search for uip path for beginners there's a recent uh video uh where I have shown I think in the RPA yeah this one okay you havea beginners 2024 so in this I have taken the example of RPA challenge.com and shown how to build this entire Automation in case if you are not aware or if you don't have you can watch that video so it is a simple automation because my main topic is to teach you on orchestrator I don't want to spend time on designing this so this is the automation which you can easily learn from that video there are examples in case you don't have it so let's say let's imagine you already have this automation on your computer now what we will do we'll hit hit on publish I'll show you how this runs hit on publish and wait for a few seconds and let me give some name let's say I'll give data entry automation what is the name data entry automation hit on next and I'm going to select the tenant process feed I want to upload it to tenant hit on publish okay now once it is up uploaded from your studio go back to orchestrator in the orchestrator click on tenant go to packages and you should be able to find this particular automation a data entry automation I'll select any of the folder okay I'm selecting one of the folder I'll go to the process and then add a folder which is accepting packages from the tenant click on ADD process and I'm going to select that specific process if you don't find it simply type the name I got the name so in this one my focus is to show you how can you record the job it is an interesting topic how will you record it while the automation is happening how can I record this so why are you recording it to see if something went wrong something went right you would like to really see it right so generally your automation would be running on a remote machine right it'll be running on a remote machine right now for learning purpose we are running the automation on the same machine but in an Enterprise you would have a separate virtual machine on which the automation is exactly running and you would like to see what happened there right that is where you need a job a recording so first you select pretty simple the same way what we have done select it package requirement is nothing so hit on next so here while creating the process be careful there is a option here called job recording so when I enable it it gives you multiple different options now I would like to record all jobs you have options like record and stored failed jobs when it fail then only you record and store it successfully once I don't want record and store failed Q transactions record all so at the moment let's go with the third option record all jobs okay so now the process while creating the process this is the option you would get and then hit on create you also have an option to take a screenshot there a video option there is a screenshot option I would go for video option and hit on create so what you have done you have created a process which can record while it is the automation is doing its job you can record it so let me hit on start now okay and it's giving all these options where to start this automation let me select anyways I have only one machine so it doesn't matter if I leave it any machine and click on start so now what is happening it is saying pending just wait for a few seconds okay so the automation has started and you can see on my computer because it is uh we are running the same Automation in the same computer on my computer uh that's why you can see it otherwise it will be a remote machine or a virtual machine where this automation should be running and you can't see it until you log in there right so this job recording helps you to see what happened gives you that option so let me go ahead and so the automation is currently running let it complete so you can see the automation simply making a data entry it has opened a site and entering certain data based on an Excel file okay so let it complete I think most of you guys might have already done it in case you are very new you haven't watched my RPA beginners video please do watch and learn all the simple ones pretty simple automation so you can see all right uh I think this should be the last still we have few more Lara last name phone number this is a dynamic automation okay the fields are always changing the first name coming on so now it is completed and you can see data entry Automation in the jobs it say successful from running that has become successful okay if you slightly minimize the screen you can see it quite clearly all right now what you do Under the job Ops I would like to see the recordings so what you do click on this three dots and then here you have something called you have direct option open recording orse you can simply hit on view logs of this job go with this option so now here you have the job details and here you have the option um recording type open recording or else there's a direct option came here called video timeline and you can directly watch from here okay so if you maximize this and hit on run you can see all that we have seen just now right has been recorded So this is a recording so this recording is actually running within my orchestrator okay so you can see it so you can you know go to the whatever time you would like to see wherever it has failed you would like to see so all these things can be done so this is called the uipath job recording one of the new feature added to the uipath orchestra data next I would like to teach you another important topic that is called asset have you heard about it so if you click on any of the folder this is a folder entity called asset you would find here or this it it goes to the same window so what is this asset and how to use asset is something we are going to learn now for this all you do come to this asset tab it is a entity of a folder if you go to tenant you won't find it you have to click on a any given folder it is particular to a folder and you click on assets so once you are on this page click on this add asset click on this button you get two options go ahead and select create a new asset now there are multiple different kinds of asset this generally could be a interview question also what are the there are four types one is a text asset Boolean asset integer asset credential asset it can store integer values it can store text string values it can store bullan values and the fourth one is the credential asset which is mostly used so if I have to log into an application rather than hardcoding the username and password which is not safe you always go with a asset you create asset where you store some value and the same goes with any kind of a configuration you like like to store some text you would like to store these options you can utilize now for this let's go with the credential asset and let me create asset and I'll give a name called uh credential asset test I'll give some name now the credential means it contains two things one is the username the other one is the password let's type something so I'll say test one user and I'm going to put some password you know whatever of your choice simply type a password now what happened we are just testing it I'm going to show you in a website how will you do it after you understand this so once you have done this all you do simply hit on create okay uh this is the Google one I'm going to close it so now you can see credential asset test got created let's go back back to studio and open a blank one and here let us drag and drop a if you have something you can select and delete them and here let us first diagr drop an activity called get credential so the credential is now stored in orchestrator it is on the website and this is your desktop application so you have to use a activity called get credential activity pretty simple now in this get credential activity It'll ask you okay your asset is belongs to a folder Orchestra folder path you select that folder so if you hit on this drop down it will show you all the folders that is there in your orchestrator so all you have to do simply select the required folder and then once you have selected if you select this drop down okay remember this activity name get credential I'm trying to get the credential from orchestrator and here it it will show you the name of that asset whatever name you have given that will appear now here this has got the very important two important properties the first one is the username property all you do simply create variable and give some name to the variable so I'm saying username this is my first variable and the second variable create a variable and let me say PWD password okay so there are two variables I have created now let me type into a notepad Okay so for that let me open a notepad so this is a notepad now on this notepad let me type this username and password first test it now for this the very first activity you have to use is use application because you are using application the notepad is application right so first activity you'll be dragging and dropping is this one indicate and then highlight your notepad done now now here let me click on this plus sign and let me use the type into activity in the type into activity again indicate in the app where would you like to type so let's say I would like to type it here and it will ask you to validate validate validation successful confirm and here I would be entering that variable which we have created username so what happens this username variable will get the value passed from this activity this get credential activity will go to test automation folder it will read the credential asset from orchestrator and then pass the value to username variable and password variable so the very first one I'm trying to type is the username the second one simply copy paste okay and here there's a property empty field for the second activity otherwise it will erase the first one I'm saying none and here let me use the next variable which is the PA password variable and remember this password variable that you have created PWD yeah this the one it it is a secure one so you have to select secure and then type that password so what do I mean by secure if you highlight this activity you have created this PWD go to the variable panel you can see it's a secure Str password is a secure string it's not a normal string so that's why while typing typing the password you select the second option and enter the variable okay done now let us simply run this and see how it is working so I'll simply run this and keep that notepad in the background so let's see so you can see it has typed in the some test password and username that I've created right test one user it has typed and it has also type the password great now let us really apply this to an application this I have under right you have understood the logic how it works now let us try to apply this to an application you could be having any application where it requires a username and password let me tell you one of the site from uh uipath called akeh test. youth.com now this site is very useful if you are learning automation there are lot lot many exercises you would find in the RPA um beginners uh tutorial which I have shown they also have used this website so you can register using this or else any other website where you can enter your email and password you can try that so this is the application where I would like to enter email address and password and login truly so for this let's go back to studio and in the studio the very first activity when you have to deal with applications is use application browser let me hit on indicate application to automate I'm going to highlight this click outside it get highlighted it captured the URL click on the plus sign inside the do section next thing what you want to do you want to type so type into activity click on that and here I will be first entering the username so what you do hit on indicate on Chrome and then you select carefully highlight that area where you would be entering the username so this is the area so so now see something went wrong if it becomes wrong or red in color that means it did not highlight properly so click on this delete button let me try once again okay now this is a anchor that means it understands below this there is the green area where I have to enter the value so here validate pretty simple right quite easy hit on confirm done now let me copy and paste next what I will do click click again in this button and hit on indicate Target on screen and I'm going to indicate this password field next is password again select the anchor and validate it should say successful hit on confirm so it is understanding which area it should enter hit on secure because the password and type in the PWD variable now after once you enter what you would like to do next is click on login right so us a click Activity Click on it indicate and highlight this login button validate confirm and you are done right so your simple automation is done wherein it is accepting the username and password from the orchestrator asset credential asset and then it is entering those values in this Fields so I think here I forgot to enter the usern name let me put the variable username done so looks fine now let's do one thing uh let me close this and start running this automation let's see how it works okay so the very first thing it will try to do is open that website okay it has opened it has typed the email using so it happened very quickly let me go back and and it has closed the site actually if you see uh the site is not there now why this has happened there's some mistake in the automation so what is the mistake highlight this use browser Chrome okay um close okay here there's a called close you say never so you should not close it so save and in case you would like to see that um input element output element um input mode Hardware event simulate so it is happening very very very fast so I will keep it as Hardware event and uh delay between keys so what is the delay you would like to put let's say I'm put uh seconds right 01 I'll put okay 1 second delay so that I can see what is happening the same thing I'll do it here delay between keys I'll say one second and save this and run it just to see how it works okay now let's see it has opened the website now you can see it is taking uh little time okay so what is the mistake here I have created uh it is using the same uh credential right test one credential so actually I have a different credential for Acme let me go back to oresta and let's create asset called Acme credentials and select credential so I'll enter the email address using which I have registered and then I'll enter the password okay done and hit on create so the new um asset is created let's go back to studio and here all you have to do is select the second asset type Acme credential okay done I think the variable everything remains as it is no problem I think the delay is taking a lot of time let me remove that one one second will take so many seconds to enter that for the second activity also I have put somewhere right delay between keys I have removed for the first activity yeah remove so let's simply try this once again save run and see okay now you can see it has entered the password hit on login and finally if you go back because I have asked him to not to close the application now you can see I have logged in successfully understanding so this is what you have learned on how to use asset similar way the other things I would like you to practice is asset and there are other asset types for example text asset Boolean asset integer asset you try this out and let me know the Practical scenarios where you can apply this okay think through this and try this on your own let's learn the next topic so our next topic what I think you should learn about Q's so what are Q's first of all and how is it being used in UI pathologist now let me ask you one simple question you have seen the data entry automation where it was entering the data by reading from this Excel so it is reading this row entering and then reading this row entering now the problem with the Excel it is prone to errors it could be prone to errors if you have large amount of data then Excel could not be a right solution now Q in the Q using Q all the limitations that you could face with an application and again when you are running automation which is dependent on Excel that means in that machine you have to also install you know uh Microsoft Excel U or else you have to use the workbook book activities so there are so many other things that would come as a limitations now to avoid this UI path has got a feature so he says okay why you are using um you know why you have to entire processing you are using a Excel file what you can do is you can use a q q is more like the Excel like you see it has the rows it has the columns the similar kind of a structure data we can also store it in the queue now let us understand it so your entire R framework there are lot of advanced topic which you will be learning where you need to use the Q so let us first understand what is this Q in simple way pretty simple way with pretty simple example let's understand now for this what you do select a folder so Q is a entity of the folders if you go to the tenant you will not see the you know cues Q is part of your folders it's part of your folder it's element of a folder select the folder and I'm going to hit on Q and here I'm going to click on ADD Cube and click on create new Cube pretty simple steps now here to start with I'm going to use q1 what I'm doing simply giving the name there are so many other features which you would anyways going to learn I have got Advanced topics on my channel from where you could learn all these ADV Advanced topics as a beginner let's do simple stuffs to understand the concept so simply I've given a name and all other fields I know I'm leaving it as default I'm not changing it and I'm going to Simply hit on ADD so what happened a queue got created just imagine more it's like a you know kind of a uh Excel file which has rows and columns right you are storing rows and Columns of data in an Excel just imagine in that way at the moment so it's a is a component of uipath orchestrator where you can store rows and Columns of data in the queue now how to do that let me show you the first thing what we will do this is the q1 let's go back to the studio how am I going to upload the data there are multiple ways to do it I'm going to show you through the studio open the studio and in this to upload any data there is a activity simply type Q click on the plus sign and type q and you see add Q item is there then you have bulk addq items so let's go with addq item first so addq item is the activity which would help if you highlight your mouse it will give you the definition adds a new item in the Q the status of the item will be left as new I mean the it will be a new line so add Q item for that first thing it will ask you okay where is your queue have you created a Que in orchestrator we have done on it which folder you select the folder and then it'll ask you okay you might be having multiple cues inside that at the moment we have only one so that one is reflecting with the name so let us select that now what are the items would you like to upload to the queue what it's asking what are the items you would like to upload to the queue now to start with we'll simply click on this so let's say I'm going to upload a name value and I'm going to pass some name and then I'm going to hit on ADD entry and I want to also store it's more like columns right name then I'm creating one more column called email for example and I'm going to enter some email rakes test at the test1 123.com okay let's say I would like to store one more column you can imagine just compare that with Excel it'll help you to easily understand so these are each columns and these are different values under that column and then I'll keep another column let's say phone number or mobile and here let us enter some data some random data okay done so these are the three columns to start with 1 2 3 like that you can have n number of columns so I'm just creating three columns and hitting on save so now what we are doing we are supposed to update this upload this data Rakesh Rakesh test this is one data now if I go back to the queue in the queue if you click on this three dots and click on view transactions you will see there's no data at the moment it is completely a blank queue now I want to upload to upload the data to the queue this is the activity we are using so we have given some data here now if I'm going to repeat this activity once again copy paste now you would say do we have I need to re if I have to upload 10 rows do I need to know you don't have to there are other smart ways for basic understanding I letting you know this so there is another activity I've have added now in this I've just copied and pasted let us change the value so here I will say mahes for example so I'm entering two rows of data Mahesh and here I will change it to Mahesh and then let's enter some other numbers some random numbers okay done now I'm going to hit on Save now if I run this what what is going to happen so the understanding the concept is important so when you run this the first activity would run and it is going to upload this data then when the second one will run then what would happen it is going to upload a different data columns are same so the values are different like in the Excel the column name remains same and you have multiple rows of different different values done now what I'm going to do let us go to this uh debug and execution Trail I'm enabling it's not mandatory it'll just give you a tick mark how while it is executing um so I'll go to design and I'm going to Simply debug this or simply run this so what would happen all the values that you have provided in the activities that is going to see it got a tick mark that means the activities execution is complete you can go to the output panel and see okay execution is complete in 0 1 second So within a second it uploaded two data next question that comes to our mind okay it is got it got uploaded now where it will appear so let's again go back to the cube so this is the cube and you can refresh it right once you refresh click on this three dots and go to view transactions so now you see there are two data how many datas are there one and two now I want to see the very first data the First Data comes at the bottom right so I'm going to open it click on view details and you can see Rakesh has come and the email address has come and the mobile number has come getting it now let us open the next data click on this three dots click on view details now if you see Mahesh has come so all these things were there in my studio now it got uploaded to the Q to the q1 and we just saw these values now just imagine this are the you have up updated some hundreds of data now you would say do I need to repeat this activity 100 times no you can put a loop you can use uh there is another activity called bulk so I can read the Excel file at one time and upload it so there are multiple different smart ways bulk add Q items like that there are different smart ways to do it but as at the beginning just understand the concept that is important so you saw this activity is responsible when you execute it uploads the data what whatever you have provided this much is understood now let me delete this activity and now the data is already there now once the data is already there what if now I wanted to read the data and show it here how will I read the data which is there in the que right the data is there in the queue I would like to read the data so I need to pull it one thing you saw we pushed the data to orchestrator now we will see how to pull the data from orchestrator now to do that all you have to do simply use another activity there's another activity called get so these are called transaction items like in Excel you called rows in UI path you call these are transaction items so this is one transaction item this is another transaction items so what I will do there's activity called get transaction item pretty simple so I'm trying to get the transaction item from the cube here here again It'll ask you okay now select the folder I have selected the folder then it'll ask you select the queue so what is the que it will automatically appear selected based on your selection of the folder so now what this will do it will pull the very first item so the very first item is the bottom one so it follows the rule called First in first out fipo fifo first in first out so the first in that means the First Data that you have uploaded was Rakesh and the second data that I have uploaded was Mahesh so the first data which would appear is Rakesh getting it for example I'm going to use a message box and in the message box now this activity when it pulls there is a property called output now let's create some variable okay so I will say it is called transaction item right so I'm saying T item that means transaction item I'm creating a variable called T item that means transaction item now this T item variable is going to contain all the data once this activity executes it is going to hold all the data now how do I see each of the data because this data is not a single data this has got name this has got email this has got mobile more like a Excel three columns now how do I fetch all these data one by one let me show you how how you can do it so for example I want to see the name so I will say transaction item dot specific content this is the method you have to use what is it transaction item do specific content let me write it in a bigger window and then inside the bracket you provide that name the field name so what is the column name we have given the column name so name email the that is written in bold right name email and mobile these are the column names and these are the values in gray color in bold black back these are the column names so you will take the name name of all these columns name email and mobile let's go back to studio and in the studio I'll take the name of that column name done so what would happen when I'm going to run this you can say dot two string because a message box and click on Save without dot two string also it will work so this is done now let me copy paste another two times and only thing I will do is change this field from name I'll make it as email ensure the spelling mistake is not done else you might encounter error so email and what is the third column name mobile right so change it to mobile pretty simple simply you're taking the names that are present in the queue view details and name email and mobile getting it so you have taken the name and look at the format I have written within Double C have written it and it on Save now if I'm going to run this save and I'm going to run this now when you run it what would happen it is going to pull all this data and show you in the in in your studio now once you pull that means what you would like to say it is now saying new so once you have processed it you have taken the data you would like to update some value there instead of saying new it can say successful successfully you have pulled so there is an activity here called set transaction status set these are called transaction items right so set transaction uh status me click on it set transaction status so here you would again select the folder where that Q is there and you would uh uh transa item so what is the transaction item variable you have created T item so you'll specify that and you would like to set that to successful successful fail all that so I'll put it to successful now look at it what's going to happen okay I hope you have designed the studio until here so if you have designed let us save this and let us run it now look at it how how it is functioning what happened the very first value came Rakesh you see and then what is the next thing I want the email address you can see the email address great now click on okay now what happened the next thing that has appeared is the phone number and then finally the set transaction status would set it to successful means if you go back you will see if you refresh this it is new right now okay if I now it has become successful understanding that means you have successfully used the data now if I run it again so what would happen this is successful so the next data is Mahesh now if I run it again it's supposed to pull the next data that is there in the que so let us do it let us go back to the studio and here let me run it again okay now what happened the very first data the name mahish has come then what happened the next data M email address has come then what happened the phone number of M has come and then the status of that item has been set to successful if you refresh it you will see this is also successful that means you have utilized the data of that transaction item like you call call rows in Excel right you call them transaction items or Q items okay transaction items so this much you have understood now let us see some practical example of this some some example where we would really use the CU this is just for understanding purpose we have done it right we will see how to really upload the data we call it as dispatcher dispatching the data and there's another called per processing the data or called performer so dispatching and performer so how that can be done practically let's see it before we try to understand what is a dispatcher what is a performer all this terms you will hear when you learn on Advanced topics of re framework but at the moment let us understand what is a q so you have seen the example so what is a q the Q is a container which can hold various kinds of data in uipath orist dator so uipath q uipath q is a container right so do not say it is an Excel kind of a data no that for your understanding I have given that example but again it is a container which can hold data now let's understand uh dispatcher and all those things don't worry about all the terms but right now just understand I would like to upload all these data that is there in the Excel this data I have got it from this RPA challenge.com let me show you if I go to RPA challenge.com and all this I've shown in the video in the uh uipath beginners playlist so this is where you download that Excel file okay so please do watch watch that video so you understand how that RPA challenge is being done data entry is being done how you build that automation so here my purpose is okay if I have some data in Excel file how can I upload the data to uipath orchestrator cube okay so there are two there are multiple different ways one can do it I will show one of the way one way is there is a activity called simply if you type Q there's activity called bulk add Q items there is also another activity called add Q item you just saw if you want to use that you can use a loop and loop through the entire data if you want to do this you can simply directly point the data and do it now let let us use this activity bulk adq item okay let's see this activity how it works so drag and drop this activity first thing you select the folder where your Q exist and select the Q name and then the data table so it is the input that it requires is data table you have to provide a data table variable now how do you get a data table variable now before this we will use a activity read range what is the activity I'm using read range so this is Excel activity so any Excel activity if you want to use uh there is a use Excel there's activity called use Excel okay uh or simply type come to the activities panel and and simply type Excel so you can see all different activities there is there is something called process scope like you have used use application process cope right inside that you are doing all the application type into and all those things similar way for Excel it starts with Excel process scope and then you drag and drop the use Excel file and you show that file where exactly that file exist click on this so wherever that file is present this is the file I'm going to point it out okay so this file is pointed out and then I would like to read the entire data right that is my purpose so for this let's use a activity called read range click on it and here you say which sheet would you like to read so there is only sheet one in that file let's double check so sheet one yes there's nothing else so yeah so I want to read that and I would like to save to a variable so here I will create a variable called data table variable so I'll simply say data table one or you can say dt1 and all those things you can provide so I'm saying data table one okay this is the variable now if you go to the variable panel you can see it's a data table variable type so you have got the data so this activities is going to read the data and finally it is going to put it to this variable called data table one here all I have to do simply pass this data table one now see the variable is not appearing and this generally happens because you for or I forgot to select the scope okay so go back where you have created the variable and here change the scope to sequence your main sequence okay now if you type it here data table it appears clear now so here you are reading the data from the Excel and here you are passing that variable to the Q now let's see let's before we run it let's go back to the queue what is it um yeah so here is the queue which last time we have processed two data now in the same queue I'm going to add few more items coming from the Excel okay so let's go back to studio and in the studio I'm going to save this and simp simply run it or debug it so let's see so while running this Ure you not kept the Excel file in edit mode could not open the specified workbook make sure that the no other workbook with the same name already opened so yeah so I think somehow I have used a workbook activity okay let's try again I closed it okay so it is now it has opened the file and it is going to read all the data that are there inside the Excel file okay so now you can see it is reading okay so the read is complete now even the upload is complete after this let us go back to the uh orchestrator and here let's refresh this one now if you refresh so it shows you so many different items uh got added right so here you can see you can see Max 10 items so you can see uh 1,1 I don't know how come it become th1 maybe some extra data was there view details so first name last name okay so for certain reason it has actually read um some blank data which might be there in the Excel file okay so you can see lot of maybe certain blank data was present so let me select everything delete delete let's go up and if I highlight okay I see on 11 so now what happened because of this attempt now my Q item has got so many unnecessary data you can see thousand and one so so many unwanted data been entered here now if you would like to revert back this is slightly you know you can select and remove like this one by one or else if if it is okay you know I can go ahead and delete the queue itself and recreate the que but in our practical Enterprise environment you must not delete the queue because that might have lot of transactions lot of data so you retri it's okay if there are certain wrong data entered you can still go ahead and retry so you need to consult with the team and take an action do not directly delete anything so now here let me again create the Q with the same name q1 and add okay okay um so done now let's go back to the studio and let me save it and hope there is no extra data all right save this minimize why it is not allowing the Excel file it should actually allow but let me run it again okay so this time I think it took little less time but I don't know see some processing is still going on so somehow some hidden data is there in that Excel but it's okay uh we'll see no worries okay so now let's go back to the queue refresh it and let me hit on view transactions uh see Triple L so I don't know from where this data is coming from in that Excel it is maybe some inv hidden data is there so you can see all first name null n null everything is getting updated um but again it's it's fine right so what we would do at least the it does the first in first out for learning purpose so the first in first out data the very first data which might have entered must be from the top row of the Excel so that has proper data now let's say how to enter it we can create so this is a dispatching so I'm trying to dispatch the data to the queue so you can create a separate process and do the dispatching task and you create a new or a new process once again for the performer I mean that you would like to use the data and enter it somewhere so what we will do um I think I had that um automation uh I think this one right do you want to save the file uh no so you create a separate process where you would like to utilize the data from the que so that is called performer so now I actually have this workflow open main workflow so this workflow it'll automatically uh you know type in the first name type into the last name of RPA challenge.com pretty simple uh workflow all all I have to provide is the data to this so here if you hit on import arguments these are the arguments where I have to pass the data now first thing I have to get the data then I can pass it correct I have to first get the data then I can pass it so for that we will be using re framework so there are a lot of advanced topic but at the moment we would simply use a single activity you can use a loop all those things I want you to try on your own so get tragic item so this is the activity and let me select the folder and let me select the Q fine now let's create a variable which is going to hold that data the very first data create variable I'm going to say transaction item now this transaction item data I supposed to enter it here so how do I do it simply hit on import Arguments for the workflow and I'm going to um so it is there in t item right right so transaction item dot specific content you saw this in the last one and then the uh field name so the field name was first so you in case you have a doubt uh what you can do is uh generally you can open the cube and see the field names so any transaction item let me open so this is the field name okay first name so it has a space accordingly you have to write it go back to studio and here let me enter that properly so this be content it did not copy properly let me copy it again okay so here I'm just simply I'll go with the first name the same thing you have to repeat for all the columns it's not a big deal do two string let me apply it to one of the column all right and then hit on okay now if I'm going to run this it is going to just type that first name now for this what you do open workflow and in the type into workflow for certain reason it has become very slow okay so here in the first name field because that is getting carried into the inore first name right so I'll use use that argument pretty simple let's save this go back and simply run and see how it works I'll just minimize it okay so you can see it has typed John did you see and other options it could not okay so here you see the first John the very first value was John in the Excel file just to verify F okay so it has typed that name there so likewise if I go back to the studio likewise all the uh fields that are there right the same thing you just have to repeat it for all the fields like here I have entered uh specific content. first name similar T item. specific content. last name phone number email company all this you have to pass the values like this from the transaction item variable so that way is going to enter it everywhere so I want you to build this and let me know in the comment section how many of you were able to successfully complete this particular task of uploading the data to the queue and from the queue you are trying to fetch the data and process it in the RPA challenge.com website you are doing a data entry automation so do this using q and let me know in the comment section if you you are successful in completing this specific task so thank you guys for watching let's meet once again and I'm also one important thing what is after this right what you should learn after this so let me open my channel so this is my channel and here in the playlist you have got several playlist I have created so many playlist which would help you so go to the bottom of this one and start uh these are a couple of slightly old videos but again the concepts would definitely help you the activities the style look and feel has you know a lot of changes has happened over the years but again I would still recommend you to go through some of these videos all these playlist for example Excel and data tables you have key techniques you have email automations so if you go through this there could be slight changes in the UI of the activities and the properties and all that but again you would get that understanding of those and keep on going through all this playlist important ones are like re famework Excel automation regular expression right and then storage bucket orchestrator it is slightly old orchestrator but again just go through and understand all the different concepts and then um uipath vb.net birthday reminder selectors right enhanced selector so likewise there are so many different topics acction Center document understanding so Advanced topics to beginners topic everything is there keep following this playlist and I hope you would gain a lot of knowledge we have got almost like, uh plus videos on my channel and and I believe all of them would help you to gain knowledge on UI paath so thank you guys for watching let's meet once again in our next content
Channel: Automate with Rakesh
Views: 1,524
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Id: IuwTbgwINFM
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Length: 75min 5sec (4505 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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