UiPath Beginners Course 2023 - How to Get Started

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uipath is the most advanced RPA tool in the world I'm anus Jensen a professional RPA teacher and a two-time UI path most valuable professional let's learn some uipath to install uipath you go to uipath.com then click try uipath3 in the upper right corner here we want to install the full automation Cloud for community that is the free full version so click the get automation Cloud for community fill in your email and a password and click create account now you will be sent a verification code on email so let's go check our email it's already there so I'll copy this number here and I'll go back to the setup and paste it in and click continue here I'll put in my full name and my country I'm from Denmark so I'll go find out and click next then I want to put in my organization name mine is called anasians and orc and I'll create the organization then a few seconds will went by that's it then we'll download uipath Studio by clicking up here we will wait before the 800 megabyte is downloaded that's it we can start it here we will choose the quick setup this is the version that you want to use click I accept the terms in the license agreement and click install if you click ok to this you'll lose this YouTube video because it will close all your browser windows please go up to the UIL of this video and market and copy it so you can find it after you clicked OK here then when you have the address of this video you can click OK here then you will click ok to force close all windows like that and we have completed the setup here we can press launch uipath Studio to Startup UI path Studio now click sign in that will take you to the cloud uipath.com where we can automatically verify our installation first of all I want to say open uipath here then we are automatically verified I also want to restore the pages from before so I click restore here then we are back at the uipath so let's go down to Studio again you can find it here Studio or Studio X we want to go with Studio always studio studio X is a light version of uipath very few people use it you will find very little documentation and help so please go with uipath Studio click here this is uipath I will just click don't show here and close and let me maximize first I want to go to tools over here to the left so I'll click it click uipath extensions if you want to install browser extensions for example for Firefox you can do it here that is if you want to automate that browser we have installed Chrome and Edge for the matter so we're good we will let this be then click settings go to design scroll a little bit down to use modern for new projects the default is yes but if you had an older installation of uipath this will not be default so you just need to make sure that this is yes we are to go we also want to inspect the uipath assistant you can find it out here in the tray it looks like this I can double click it the UI path attended manager here we can start and start Automation and inspect a lot more if you see this green light up here that means that you have connected uipath to the uipath assistant if for somehow it is red gray or blue it might look like this let me just sign up then I go back here you can see that this is gray I just click sign in here and again I will just click open UI path and we're signed in if you want to find the uipath assistant if it's not down here in your tree then you can go to your Windows start menu and search for uipath assistant and start it right here however we're good so let's start building our first robot I'll close down the uipath system and let me close down some of these browser veins I can also close down this Outlook I'm not going to use my email for now then we go back to wipe Studio you can always start uipath studio in your start menu as well by searching for uipath studio and you can of course make shortcuts such as sending it to the task bar go back here so when you start up uipath Studio it will start on start and to create a new process you go up to new project process and then we'll give it a name I will call this one uipath beginners course we can specify a location to default your uipath code is in your documents you can change it by clicking this folder here and choose a folder elsewhere it's good for now one thing that I would like to talk about is whether or not you should use VB Visual Basic or C sharp it's both under the.net framework and you might be inclined to use the C sharp because that's the most common language compared to Visual Basic but uipath used Visual Basic since its beginning that means that every documentation page every tutorial videos everything is in Visual Basic so unless you have a very good reason to don't choose to see Sharp I'll click create let me skip this tour yeah and I'll open up the main workflow this is where our activities go we'll drag him into this canvas it's called Main and it's the default workflow sequence the dependencies that refer to packages linked to this project these ones are default but we can install more here you also see our main if I click activities down here here are our predefined code blocks I can drag and drop these code blocks into my main sequence for example I can just use a right line here and I can enter the term text so here I can say hello in quotation marks and I can run the robot this is our very first robot that's it you will not see anything but if you go down to the output you can see our little message down here make the output again to minimize you will find a lot more actions down here we can expand for example the UI automation we can go into the application and you can see a lot of actions here for example I can't drag in a use application browser here then I'll need to point to an application to automate let's say I want to automate the calculator so just open this this could be literally any application then I'll say indicate application to automate here and you can see it turns green then I will click it now we will open up the windows calculator and if I click this use application calculator then I go over here to the right click this little wrench here that the properties and here you'll see some properties her default our automation will close down the application if it's opened it I'll choose never here and that's only because I want to see what's going on oh let us close down the calculator once more try to run it there you go you could see that the application called calculator opened in the background let's also say I want to click a button and I go back here I could of course find that click action down here in all these actions but I could also go up and search activities and search for a click don't worry you will get used to all these actions when you build that's why it's so important that you build build with me you will learn much more than just passively watching so if you already haven't started your uipath studio please pause the video and start it up and build these things with me then we'll take a click and drag it in this do container here you can see that uipath actually guides us it says indicate in app calculator so if I click here I can choose all these ones here say I want to choose number five I simply just click left with the mouse and uipath automatically creates an address for this button I can click confirm now let's try to see it works and for Simplicity I'll close it down I run over here we have the debug and if I click this drop down I can choose run file debug or run I'll usually just go with run file that's the fastest one if we want to debug our code that is to make it correctly looking so there will be no errors then we'll use the debug we might use it a little bit later so I'll click run file now we'll open up a calculator and we press number five that's it that's how easy it is to automate uipath let's build an end-to-end project where I will teach you all the best UI path practices so let's delete what we have built so far you just marked as use application then you press delete on your keyboard you could also Mark it or right click and then click delete so now we just have our main sequence let's download the course materials to open up a browser and let me just close this one here here it is I created this course page for you the link is in the video description below here I want to click this gray button download course materials that will take you to my OneDrive where a zip folder with the things that we need click the three dots and then click download you of course also welcome to create these things yourself let me just do this the calculator I'll place it in my desktop here I will right click and I will extract everything that is fine I will extract it then I can delete the zip file to not confuse myself let's go inspect the project folder so I double click it and I'll drag it in from my other screen we have two folders in it we have an input and we have an output in the input you'll find an Excel book products to be scrape I'll open it that's it we have a sheet called products one that is the sheet that we will work on first here we will look at the two products Nike t-shirt and Asic Gel later on we will take products 2 and face more challenges again open up uipath Studio download these course materials I'll promise you that you'll learn UI path much much faster now close this then we go back to the project folder we also have an output folder in it and if I double click here it is empty we will fill in the things ourselves so I'll close this I'll also go to the project folder I'll need the path to this folder we will use it in uipath and I just hover my mouse over press shift in right click and you'll see this copy as path emerges it only works if you press shift on your keyboard right on your mouse at the same time then I can click copy as path I'll go back to uipath make sure you click the main sequence go down to variables here we will create a variable the variables manager will open when you click variables I can click it again closes now it opens we will go up to name and then we will give our variable a name since this is our project path I will call it project off it will be of the type string that's the most common variable type in uipath a variable is a container for a value that means that we give it a value and then we can use the name project path to get that value it will be very easy when these values changes and it's also best practice to use variables when things can change a lot and here in the default I'll press Ctrl V that will be our path a string variable in uipath is always surrounded by quotation marks and we will have it here as I said this could change a lot this is because we will use the project folder right now on our desktop but imagine that we move this project into production it will definitely not stay on our desktop but for now it's fine I'll just close this variables manager again we want to open up a web page so if I go down here and I go to the course materials again we will use the global jdsports.com that is just a simple sports apparel website it will mimic all the websites that we can use for example an Erp cloud system a CRM system anything where we search and we want to get data out we'll also close this downloaded thing here so we'll have maximum of screen with that open you either need to click the link on the course page or just go to global.jdsports.com we can go back to uipath again we want to open up an application or a browser we use that with the use application browser with the calculator so we can find it here in recent we could of course also find it down here and let me just collapse this so it looks a little bit nicer or I can search for use application slash browser we have it here but it's in the recent so I can just do this I want to indicate it so I click here and here you can see our browser if it is orange like it is here it says that we cannot communicate with our browser we simply just need to press escape and fix it so go back to our browser we want to look if we have installed and activated the Chrome extension so go up here to extensions click manage extensions then scroll a little bit down here you can see the uipath web automation you'll need to enable this this also means that we can now grab the browser I'm going to close down these extensions I might need to refresh the browser but let's go try it again so if I click indicate application to automate you can see it turns green now I can click with the mouse and this means that we are now working at the global jdesports.com everything we need to do in that browser will go in this do container again we can try to run it so if I click this drop down I can click run file you'll see that nothing really happens and that is because of some properties let's try to figure out what happened so if I have marked this make sure you click it here so the properties belong to that one we'll go over to Open click this drop down here I can say I will never open up a new browser that's a setting that will really use because we want to open it we can also say that we always want to open up an instance or the default settings is that if it's not open but because we had it open it did not open if I choose always here then it will open up a new window that's sometimes optimal here in the close I click this drop down here it will close down the browser if uipath opened it that's the default that's this one I want to see what's going on I'll just manually close it while we develop here in the beginning so I'll choose never let's try to run it again so I click run file now you see that it went really fast but we opened up a new window I go back to uipath let's try to do a search on this site so I go up here to activities then I'll find a type into and I'll drag it into the do container again I need to indicate where I want to type into I click the indicating crew here I want this search buckets up here you can see that this box there's a green border around it that's the one I want to pick uipath automatically create an address for us it's called a selector and we have multiple selector types you don't need to understand it now you just need to know what it is you have a strict selector we have a fussy selector and we have an image selector each one of these uipath will determine which one of these are the strongest It's usually the fussy selector and then it will use if it cannot find that it will use the image as a second result we will look much more into these selectors and descriptors click on just click confirm so now we told you I path where we want to type in best practice is to rename your activities you can see that this says type into input SRC input go down here and double click and then instead of type into input whatever that is I'll delete this and then I'll say search field and click enter it's always best practice to rename it up here it says use browser Chrome JD Sports Global shop online now that looks fine then we can say what do I want to search for now I'll just hard code in the value that means that I will not use a variable I'll just use a string that I type in here and again a string and uipath need to go into quotation mark so put in a quotation mark a new iPath automatically put in the second one yeah I'll search for Nike t shirt like this I also want to send an enter click because it's not enough just to type this in I want to do the search as well so I can place my mouse in the end I can click this drop down and here I can find some keyboard clicks I can find the enter one and UI path automatically put in the code for and enter click that's it try to run it again so I go up here run the file and you'll see that we open up a new page and we do a search if I go back to the browser you can see that we now search for night t-shirts and these are our results here I want to extract all this data what I want here is the title the price and the UIL because each one of these I can get inside and have more details so I want the URL tied to it one challenge is that you can see here we have a normal price but on some of the products it looks a little bit different and that is a challenge that we need to face so let me scroll all the way up go back to uipath Studio now we want to scrape the data first let's make sure that we only have one web page open just to make it easy for ourselves here I have the search result and this was the initial page let me just close that one here it's only to make it easier for ourselves uipath can find handle it I go back to uipath this is structured data and it looks look at it again here I want to extract each element and I go back to UI path uipath have an extraordinary wizard for this and that is the table extraction so I go up here and click the table extraction I first want to pick the title so I'll say add new column here we can pick the title easily I can pick the outer or the inner I want to pick the inner because that's the most narrow one it usually doesn't matter I like to pick the most narrow one that suits our selection here I can extract text or URL I'll pick text because that's what we want to extract first that will be our title uipath automatically says well this title the all these has the same properties as the one you selected I'll go scrape these structured data isn't that clever click confirm then I'll say title I'll also and then I can say enter I'll also add a new column with the URL so I'll click add a new column and then I'll pick the URL this is the same place as before so I'll just go click here extract URL you can see that uipath automatically says this is called title UL that's because it's the URL tied to the title now I want the price and here you can see that there's a regular price for example 33 and 18 and there's a sales price because those two are different formats that means that I can choose two strategies I can either choose just to have this narrow one but then we might not have this one with us so what I will do is to grab everything in the price area I'll say add new column and I'll grab everything I will not grab a price here not this not this but everything here I'll just click and now you can see that we grab everything it also means that we will do some jaded gymnastics to get the right data out whenever we have a sale but that's just a nice challenge for us click confirm here we will call this price and click enter now we have the data that we want but let me scroll down we have data on multiple pages here we have five pages I want to scrape data on each one of these five pages so up here in the extract data for multiple Pages I'll take it yes and then I'll need to find a yes button next button sorry is this one I'll click it uipath automatically creates a selector for us this one I can reveal that we will face some challenges with it but these are challenges that we face as an RPA developer so I really want to show you what we can do to fix all these things because you'll learn a lot just do what I do now we're done I'll click save and close so if I scroll a little bit down you can see uipath automatically creates a data table called extract table data table I can see that if I click here go to variables and we have created an extract data table called data table that is where uipath save the results too a data table looks and appears like an Excel sheet except that it only exists in the robot's memory that means that when we start the robot and this get initialized it will be there but when the robot ends and this is actually right after this the data will be gone so we need to save it and this usually needs to be saved to an Excel sheet a CSV file or similar no problem we'll do that I'll minimize this make sure you have this activated by clicking one again up here in properties in the timeout the default is 30 second this means that it looks for the next button for 30 seconds but that might be a little bit too long I have a fast internet connection so I'll choose five here you can do the same to speed everything a little bit up in case you have a slow internet connection you might just want to go with 30. now let's write this data table back to an Excel sheet so I go up to activities and then I'll find a right range I can choose the Excel activities those ones are good because they are easy to figure out the workbook activities though those ones are two separate branches the Excel and the workbook the workbook has the advantage that here we can do it without having Excel installed let's start with that and let's go back to the Excel ones later in the lesson so I'll find the right range workbook and drag it in here we can fill in the data table first because that's the data that we want to write back to Excel and here we have the extract data table so that one is easy to fill in I could start to write it but press controls based on your keyboard and you will have the intellisense auto completion on press tab then I can specify what sheet name do I want to put it in this will be in the string format so I'll have a quotation mark uipath automatically creates the second one I'll call it Nike teach it for now then we need a workbook path let me minimize this minimize this and this we have our project path and let me double click to open it I want to save into the output one so we'll need to find the project part we saved that as a variable in the beginning remember then I'll go into the output and I'll Define what Excel name I want to save to it will look like this so I go up here press Ctrl space again and then find the project path press tab then you want a plus now I need to type something in so again you guessed it quotation marks then I want to say backwards last because I want to go into the output folder and then I want to say what Excel name do I want I can type everything I want here I'll just call this scrape data dot xlsx that's important because this will be in Excel file that's sufficient and if I just click up here you'll see that this warning disappears you want to go to properties and also add headers that's it I can click save but our workflow is also saved when we click run file you can see it is a steer risk next to the main that means that we have unsaved changes I revealed that we had a problem but let me just show you what that problem is so now I run it I'll open up the JD Sports search for it you can see up in the URL that we easily moving with the next button 280 Now we move back and forth between two sides so this selector for the next button is not created well something is wrong no problem we work with these selectors that is the addresses of the elements a lot let me go back to uipath so I go back here click stop then we want to say I want to modify this and to do so Mark the extract data table click this ribbon here edit extract data then we will have this wizard pack to fix the next page next button selector I'll click this wheel here and here you can see that we have something that we might not want that is this from 72 we even have an image usually we want to go with the strict selector when we want to narrow the things down a fighter selector is a more generic one that can take more things that look like each other whereas a strict selector will only select one or at least select fewer things than if I selector so mark this untick the fossil untick the image click this blue one here and that will open up the UI Explorer which is a really nice thing so if I open up here I can see that this ID I don't want it and I can also see the header here the parent here is called chrome.x and then a title called night t-shirt that's the one up here if I scroll down here I can see this child that is the actual identifier to the next button here let's get rid of the ID right now you can see that the next button is there and we can actually validate it right now because since we changed it this one turns yellow uipath doesn't know whether it's present or not it should be present now so when I click here you can see that this turns green and it we have a check mark it's there similarly I can press the 5 let me go down here I press the five now we shouldn't have it and it uh we can validate here and that's it it turns red make sure you go to the one again otherwise UI path will back so I can just validate once more that's fine we have built a stable selector for the next page button it says that Target element is not visible on the screen we know that it is so we will just click OK here and I'll click confirm then we'll click save and close and we will try to run the bot once more to see that this next one works here we navigate to all the pages it will take five seconds before it it looks for the next button now at the last page and then it will finish let's go to the output folder here you can see we have created an Excel book if I double click it there you go we have our data we have a lot of them we have like 294 rows the first one is headers though and you can see here we still have some work to do we get the prices out right here that's fine but we also have some gymnastics to do here because I want to get the now price of all these sales but these ones are just nice challenges for us so let me close this one again and we will move on now we want to instead of just searching for a night t-shirt we want to extract multiple search results and multiple Pages let us go back to the project folder I'll go into the input open up this input sheet I want to look at this input sheet called products to be scraped and I want to go into products one right now I want to search for First Night t-shirts and then Asic Gel so we'll create a dynamic solution it's very easy to do as well so let's get started to pay attention to that deprived column header is called Product I'll close this one here and go back here here we can use the workbook activities again but I promise you to show you the power of the Excel once I'll go up here in this start let's search for an Excel process scope an Excel process scope is the one that surrounds all RXL activities so I'll drag that one in the beginning it doesn't say much but what I want to do is to mark it then go over here the show Excel Window do I want to have Excel visible Wildlife robot works I don't really want to so I'll just click false but if you like to see your Excel sheet gets updated you will not click faults here but usually this is just a distraction and a performance a little bit it will it will create a little bit of lag in performance so then we will use use Excel file that is this one here and again you will learn these actions I'll just use them for now and I'll promise you that if you build these things with me and if you start building your own projects this will be very easy for you first of all we will need Excel file and here we will need to put in a workbook path we still have our project path so press control space and find the project path which is here then we'll say plus again as we did with the output I'll have a quotation mark then I'll have it backward slash I'll have the input and then another backward slash now I want to fill in the actual name of the Excel one here and this is product to be scraped xlsx to make sure I don't miss bill I'll just click here and make sure I Mark everything if you don't have the extensions you will just add it manually in uipath so I Ctrl C I copy this and then I'll go back here now move in here I'll just Ctrl V paste it in this is what I'm going to read when we want to refer to this Excel file we refer to it as Excel we're not going to create it if it doesn't exist that means that if this sheet doesn't exist UI path will create it per default we're not interested in that because if it's not there we don't want to read something some blank one here so I'll just untick the create if not exists now I will read this data into a data table so I'll go up to activities once more and then I'll find a read range and I'll drag it in here the range I want to read let's talk a little bit about that here I just want to read an entire sheet and let us just be 100 sure which sheet we're going to reach so I'll double click here that one was called products one so back again to uipath what I can do here is to go over here in range I can go over to the plus kick plus I can say Excel I can say custom input I can say sheet and worksheet name in quotation mark that one will be products one then I'll click save now you can see that uipath creates this expression for us that's the Expressions that the Excel activity use you could write them yourself say Excel that is this reference up here dot sheet and then in quotation mark and a parentheses you will have the actual sheet name then we'll go down to save tune now we will save it into a data table so we'll need to create one we could of course create a down here in variables but a smart trick is to press Ctrl K that will create a variable when we start typing I'll call this one products and when you click enter here we have created a data table variable so again when you are here in the blank one press Ctrl K and you can see down here we have created a variable called data table and it's mt4 now but when we start the robot we read the Excel data to hit now I'm going to iterate to each one of these rows in the products data table remember that's the one that we scrape from up here we only have two goods that was the Nike t-shirt and I think it was some Asics huge shoes doesn't really matter it was too good that we want to iterate true but this solution will work if we had 100 rows in our Excel sheet so go up to activities and then you'll find a for each row in data table since this is a data table and drag it in here you'll see that this q and row this is just a name for reference you can say current production email q and car whatever your date is current row is fine for now but it just referred to the to the row that we're entering through because if for each row and data table take the rows in the data table one by one and do something about it so over here again I press Ctrl space and here you'll find the products that is our data table so for each one of these products what do we actually want to do well what we want to do here is that we want to do this search and the web scrape so and I will only open the browser once so I'll first mark this use browser and then I'll drag it up here just before the for each row so I'll drag it up here can you see right here at the plus I've placed it in so what I then want to do I could of course have designed it otherwise but I want to show you how you move these things around then I want to say in this browser instance we're still in this Excel one then I want to have the for each row in data table so mark that and we want to drag it in the first just up here so now we have it into the browser and we only open the browser once but we're going to type for each one of the products and that is what we do down here so press it now you press Ctrl n we also want to do an extraction for each product and we want to write to an Excel sheet so what you will do here is that you will Mark everything and then you'll press Ctrl X then you'll go down here press Ctrl V now you can nav you can cut and paste these activities throughout your flow and let us just see what's going on we're reading the Excel we're using a file then we read it into a data table we open up our browser then we're entering to each one of these we only have two products and then we will do a search for that product we will extract the data and write it out to a sheet right now these ones will just be searched for night t-shirt twice and we'll override it so let's go fix that up here we will not have this Nike t-shirt we will still have this K enter so let us just delete the night t-shirt and then so we will I'll just have a space I'll have a plus here in the first one and spaces will just be ignored it's just an easier way to represent data now I want to refer to the product in this iteration so I'll refer to the cuned row up here and then I'll say what column do I need to log in we only had one column remember it was called Product again let me just open it so what's going on that was in the products one we have this column it was called Product and here I just want to take this one first and then this one and do searches and data scraving so what we will do here move in here go to the big beginning I'll just do this control space current row and I'll say dot item item is the column and I'll say parentheses start quotation marks and then I'll say product quotation mark parentheses and since this is an object I'll say dot to string this is the net method to string this will make it a string so we can use it in a type in two so now we search and we press enter but we do it dynamically in regard to what product we have up here so that one is fixed the data is scraping that one was the dynamic and remember we removed the Nike from the next button then since I have the product expression here let me just grab it up here so Mark everything here Ctrl C and we will use the sheet name of the product so it will just look like this now and let me try to close these things here just to make completely sure that we actually scrape the data that we want so now I'll do this we're opening up the browser we're doing one search Nike t-shirt and then we're navigating through each one of the actual ones so here we're taking page 4 page five then it will end now it should write to Excel and then we should do our new search in a little while it will be sxtl there you go and I only think there's one page here so it will just stop let us just inspect that one first I'll go here you can see we only have one page so just start there that was nice let's also make sure that we have the right data in our output folder double click here now we have overwritten the script data of course the Nike one will be all the same but I have a Nike t-shirt now that one looks the same as before let me go up but I also have an Asics Gel these ones are the Asics Gel now we have done Dynamic scraping I have a problem so let me close here this scrape data gets overwritten from time to time I usually just don't want to override data this bot could run say one time each day 10 times each day and then I want to save the data from each one of the runs so I go back here let me instead of just testing in here let me introduce you to a nice concept as an RPA developer if I go to the project here you'll see the project will have the dependencies here that's the packages that uipath by default users will have our main this main is this one here I usually just create a test sequence instead of this main so I go up here click new sequence and here I'll call this one test I will click create so you can see it shows up here it has nothing tied to to the main this is just a playground for me to do nice things and test things what I need to remember is that in the end when we deployed this to production then we want to make completely sure that we don't have tests because that's just fill and disturbance but for now it's nice to have a playground and I all I always have this when I develop these robots so I marked this test I go to activities let's find a message box so I'll search for a message box and I'll drag it in a message box is nice for debugging it pops up a message to the user it will pause the robot until we click ok so it's nice when we want to inspect things I want to use the date and time for doing the file naming so I go down here press control space then I want to say date time this is again a visual basic.net coding so you need to know a little bit about that make sure you stick to the end of this video where I'll recommend books about uipath and especially this coding so here I'll say now that will get me the time of now and then I'll say to string because this date time now will be in the date time format so we can really print it out to a message box unless we apply the.net method to string let us try to run this again and again this is just in our chest so it'll only open up this message box now we have a nice date time but we have a problem and that is because we cannot use this in a file format we have forward slashes and colons so let's make it nicer to look at I'll click OK this is also a nice exercise in working with date and times so I can Define the format by going here I can have a parentheses and now you can see I see that this help says that we need a provider and here I'll just have quotation marks and then I'll specify what format I want it out in I want the years that'll be four wise in case you want to know what these y's stand for it looks a lot like the ones that you use in Excel then you can google.net custom date and time format strings so then I'll have the month days are hours minutes seconds I'll use the seconds in the file name and that is if the robot ran during this same minute this will not get overwritten at this time as well so let me try to run it again and C show you that we can now use this text in a file format this will be unique down to the last second you could add middle seconds as well and in case you only run runs a day you could get rid of these hours minutes and seconds for us it's quite nice so what I will do here is that I'll use this expression in our main so I'll copy this one here and go to the main what we will do that in the beginning when the robot starts we will get the current date and time we could do it in the variables manager but for visibility I'll put it in here in the end in start drawing then I'll go up here I'll press Ctrl K this will create a new variable when it is in the sign it will just create a string variable I'll call this now and then we will give it the value that we just had so I'll press Ctrl V now we have this one in a variable called now then we can use it down here when we save the data so in the right range workbook I can put in the now after this output and before the script data so what this will look like now we need to combine again as we did before with combine the variable with some hard-coded things so I'll end this output with a quotation mark then I'll say plus and I'll pick the now I'll say plus and a quotation mark to start this one here I might also want to go in here and have an underscore so I can run the robot once more here we will open up the web pages and do the searches once more but now we will not overwrite data because the date time that is a unique string down to the second and of course our robot will not run during the same second here you can see that you have finished now we have the Asics Gel and we only have one page it will finish in five seconds it looks for the next button that's it and if I go to this one here there you go we now have Dynamic file naming everything in the output folder will never be overwritten instead of the right range workbook we could go completely Excel activities it works this is fine but you might want to go with these Excel activities those ones will be the Future these are so easy use uipath started to implement them in studio X and are now using them here in studio so if we go over here since we're going to use a new Excel file we're not going to um we cannot use this use Excel file up here so what we will do is down here we will have another use Excel file I'll drag it in here so the workbook path well we just created it down here so I'll just Ctrl a Ctrl Z paste it up here so now we have a workbook path we will not reference it to excel because we already chose that one up here so we can just call this one Excel result we want to create it if it not exist that is because the first time it will not exist so we will create it and furthermore we will just overwrite it or sorry append to it because it already exists with this name now we will write the data to this Excel sheet that will be the data from here so go up here and then you'll find a right data table to excel drag it in here want to write well that will be the extract data table so I will just find it here now go down and copy this one here so we have copied this is the sheet name and here we will use the same sheet expression as we did up here in where we refer to the sheet let me just find it that will be this one here so we could write it or we could be lazy again and make sure that we don't make any mistakes so if I go to destination I'll go to plus sign make sure you pick the Excel results because that's the one we refer to now I'll take custom input I'll take sheet and here I will paste this one in this will not be in quotation marks since this is not a string a hardcoded string so now you'll see that I want to use the Excel result sheet and then we will use the Q and product name as the actual sheet name now I can delete this this will also work so if I save it and run the file I could again just run file it's an old habit just to save it here and there now we run the robot and we could start to close down the browser instances because we are not closing in we wanted to let them stay open because we needed to see what what's going on and when the robot fails we wanted to see what might have went wrong but now we can see that everything works we have built a nice robot that scrapes multiple products it's great multiple Pages it writes down to excel with these few actions let me just show you how little we just did we just did these I think this we have like six or seven actions and we accomplish this much we still have work to do but one step at a time and let me just minimize this let's close down some of the browsers well that wasn't too much that will be this so if I go to my scraped results this will be the last iteration we'll see that this works as well I have a problem because my price can take two formats one that looks well we might want to move the bridge pound sterling and one that is really not too well or at least we want to get the now result we can do this in several ways a very cool way to do it and a thing that you will practice a lot as an RPA developer that is regular expressions or regex so if I go to a browser then you want to search for regex 101.com reg X is a series of characters that defines a search pattern first thing you'll want to do is to click this.net c-sharp that is because we use the.net engine then we need our things that the two formats that the price can take if I go here I'll first just pick one of these regular ones we can take the first one go here paste it in in the test string then you can have an inter-click doesn't matter how many I'll pick one of the in irregular ones so Ctrl C copy it and paste it in here if we wanted to extract any British pound out of this then we could start to write we could say British pound sign you can see that we can now find it we will use this search pattern in uipath to extract the things out then I can say then I want two digits for example digits here and then two have two I can either put in another d but I'll check this one here now we have two digits and I want to Dot and another two digits so and these ones are Escape both the digit sign and the DOT sign I don't expect you to learn regex but I expect you to do an effort in understanding this because this will improve your career if you don't already know what regex is so please learn this with me just do these things you will already learn a lot after this lesson is done so this is how we could extract any British pound amount but it will work up here but we'll have a problem here because it cannot determine whether it was a was or no so let's just first pick the regular price so what I will do here is that I'll delete everything I want to save and look at the start of a line and maybe I want to say do I want the pound sign or not I'll not use it because I know that there will be a pound sign in front of each of our prices but we can easily say that we wanted it in here I'll say parentheses and I'll have something that is called a positive look behind what this is is as datum can say look behind something and let's move in here to the equal sign let me just again say what we do we have a parenthesis question mark then we have this smaller than and then equal and then we can say what do we want to look after here I want to look after a pound sign it will look like this we haven't picked any character now but we created three angles you can see now we look after a pound sign we only wanted to and you can see these ones here those ones are not so good because we don't want the Russ so in case we said we want only a pound sign at the first of a line that will be if a line starts then I move in front of the pound signed then I'll make a hat like this now we only have picked the one where pound sign is the first one at a line so very powerful move outside the parentheses then we want to say what do I want to look for well I want to look for digits and dots so in hard brackets like this hard bracket start hard bracket end inside the Hard bracket I will tell regex what I want to look for I want to look for a digit and that is a backwardslash digit now you can see that it only finds one but if I move outside the hard bracket place a plus now it will find one or more by the way the guide over here to the right is impressive it helps you a lot if you want to understand regular expression and again I really want you to understand it so then we have the digits I also want a DOT so if I go in here and after the D I'll have a backward slash and a DOT now we have a so this is our expression for the first one that is the regular price but it will not pick up these so we will need to make one from here and what we can do here up here we can make a pipe that is this sign called that will be an or in regex so now we will say if you can't find this then find something else and here I want to look after a now and what we'll do here is just to do exactly like we did before so I will have a positive look behind once more like this and in here I'll have it now but be careful these two white spaces are not the same it might looks like two spaces but for some reason there are a little difference in it so just copy from now all the way to these two white spaces then you want to go up here and paste it in and since we don't want the pound sign we will say look behind a pound sign now we have it you can see the only anchors down here we can just copy this we made this expression for the digits or we can write it again let's practice our skills so we'll have a hard bracket backward slash that is for the digits backward slash for the dots another hard bracket and then we will have a plus sign like this so now you can see with this expression we both get if it's a regular price but we also get if it is an irregular price with the both a was or a now we will use this expression in uipath so go copy it I know it's a lot but I really hope you do it you will learn so much go back to uipath then we want to go a little bit down because what we want to do when we extracted the data we want to make another for each row in a data table and here we need to be very careful because we already have one here that is the one that iterates to the products now we will iterate through the extract data table so find a for each row in data table and drag it in here we will not use the same reference name we already use this current row up here so call it something else we could call it q and line and here I want to press Ctrl space that will be my extracted data table so we want to do something and here I want to say I want to look whatever is in the price and then I want to and make a new value to it based on my regular expressions so what you will do here is to find and assign and drag it in here and know that this can be too much simply just pause or rewind the video is designed for that now I want to say for each one of these lines that is referred to by the Q and line so control space have it here then I want to say what columns do I need to update and again let me just show you what we're actually doing we are updating the price column so that's what I'm going to do here and let me just go here I'll say that I'll have an item anime mouse parentheses quotation mark and then I'll say price so this the left side is where do I want to update something and then the right side that will be where I format what's already in there this is quite small to make it a little bit bigger you can go over to properties here to the right and click this start here we can make it a lot bigger because now we want to apply regular Expressions this is the search pattern that we just have what we will do here press Ctrl space I'll say system that again you will get used to this and you will use regular expression a lot like this I will say regex I'll say match find a match then I'll have a parentheses then I want to say where do I want to look well I want to look in the current line in the price what's what's in the current rope that is the current line in the price column so I'll just do this one here I'll say current line and I'll say current line and then I'll say item then I'll say prevent a quotation mark price so now I'm looking for that then I want to apply a regex pattern so go here and then have a comma and now we'll have a pattern put in a quotation mark because the pattern needs to go in a quotation mark now you will press Ctrl V to paste in your pattern that's it we have now our regex pattern what I just need to do is just to make sure that this current line item is an object so I just need to apply the dotnet method to string that's it now we're done I can click OK What's Happening Here is that we're simply just updating this extracted data table we're giving a new value to what's in the price and we do that with regular expressions and again I can close all of the things that we don't need let's try to run it and see that our regular expression works and while we're here what do you think about this course if you like it please give it a thumbs up and let me know in the comments what you want to see next or how easy you think this is what can I do better in this guide and all the likes so here we are iterating true that is the first night then we will wait five seconds and then we will have the Asics Gel there you go we can inspect the results just to see that we have what we want that's it you can see we now have all the prices down here and we have the prices nicely formatted we don't have the British pound sign and we have the correct price it isn't that beautiful let's say we also want the before price we had it before we could add a new column here and then we could add the before price if it's present sometimes it's not it's only the goods that are on sale so if let me close this one again we had it in the regular Expression Builder so if I go here that is the was price we can create we already had this expression this this works fine when this works fine we know that now let us delete this and try to create one that will extract the before price if it's present again you will use a positive look behind like this and what do I want to look for that will be the was and here I can also take the bridge pound sterling with me I'm not really sure I got but make sure you copy it because these two spaces are different ones so it will not work if you just press in spaces here then we will have this hard bracket we will have a digit Escape digit Escape D and Escape dot dot a DOT if we don't escape it it means a with then I'll have a plus and we now have a before price now go copy this expression and go back to uipath here I want to apply it and I want to do it before we are formatting the actual price because we're using the price so you want to have it before but we want to add a column to this extract data table so what you will do here is to find add data column and you will drag it in here we will give our column a name and here I will just call it before the data table where I will extract the column to that will be the extract data table so control space extract data table now I want to again apply the regex I want to apply the regex to the price that will be this one that we're using here again but I want to update the before column similar to this one oh fine sign you'll take it step by step don't worry I'll press control space I'll say current line and Dot item parentheses quotation mark and then I'll say before this is the column that I want to update we could copy something here but let's try to do it again you will learn so much more again we will have the right side a bit expanded control space then I want to say system dot text regular Expressions regex dot match and now we want to refer to the current line and I want to say that item I want to say price if things goes too fast I'll take a little break now so this is the one that I will look in and I'll have a color quotation mark and I'll paste in my regex I'll take 10 seconds here and in case you haven't checked out the Discord community that is where we are more than 5 000 RPA developers there's a free invite for you and video guide how to sign up in the comments it's totally free and you can Network and solve uipath problems with like-minded Developers now we have this regex pattern and now we're updating the before column which we added up here now if I click away we don't have an arrow let us also close this one here so we only have one browser instance home shouldn't we go test it to see that we can actually get the before price out as well again we are doing a lot of the same things but you usually want to do that as an RPA developer you want to see one step work at a time so soon we'll have the Asics Gel quick search and then we will scrape these things back it will take a little bit longer now because now we are applying these regex to the actual extraction so we heard our runtime a bit but that's fine um that's how we want to do it here you can see that now we have an arrow that is because a column name before already belong to this data table and here that is because we need to change the scope these are the Expressions that the error messages that we'll get and what happens here let me just go out to the main so what we want to do is to make sure that when we extract this data table it will get reset here in this body over and over so let me just move this a bit down and let me scroll down here now I want to open up the variables so instead of the do that will be this do here then it will not get reset I want to get it to make it reset after each for each one of these iteration I can do that by only defying defining it in the scope of the body so here just change it to body this will solve the error and what we will do here is just to see if it works that's the nice thing about your path it's like Sudoku we will get a lot of problems like the selector and these things Don't Panic it's it's very very easy you always be able to maybe not solve it the first time now you've seen this then you know to the next time but you will be able to Google it easily stack Overflow you can ask on the Discord again Ask in the comments here on the YouTube video as the more experienced developers if you do an effort we all want to help you if you just want projects to be solved without trying of course you will get little help on for example the Discord but now you can see it works we should also verify that it would indeed work so this was just to change the scope a bit and here's the last one so what we have here is that X meister's we now have the price and here we have three sales and again we have it over here we have a the before price and we also had some sales in the end there you go we have now added a before column and we could actually also drag out the before one let's delete this we're almost done here but we need to understand orchestrator so what we do here is that we will just minimize this let's remove the test sequence so go to Project this was the one that we practiced where we use the date so you can just right click here click delete yes it's now gone it shouldn't be there when we move this into production I can now say I want to change it so I have this input this product should be scraped open it here now I want to change from product 1 to product 2. this one is just four product five products instead of two so and since we made such a great automation that can easily be scaled we can just change one thing then it will be very easy for us so we go up here and instead of just reading sheet product one we can just read sheet products two and our automation will work delete this and let's try to run the robot again here I will Fast Forward I'll click run now you will see that we are extracting five products how fast forward to the end that's it we have now scraped five different products and a lot of pages let's inspect the result go to the output this last one here here you see we have the Puma we have a lot of things here and we have the converse here we have the editor shorts as Excel and a Nike t-shirt you can see here we have the price in a nice format but we had this before in some weird format and that is because we can just when we created the column we could specify what data we want in it so in case we want to make it as nice as the price I can just let me close this I can go back to uipath then we go back to the add data column go over to properties and instead of this object we can specify what it will if it's going to look the other things we will just have a string I will not run the robot but in case you want to see it you can just try to run it and verify it let me know in the comments that this works now we are done with our nice automation but we still need a lot of things we need to publish it to orchestrator and this is very important because the orchestrator is where we manage our processes that is we can make it run unattended that means that it can run in the night on another computer what you want to do here is to hit publish over here here we can give it a name I'll just go with uipath beginners course that's the name we gave it in the beginning so then I can click next here we can publish it to the personal workspace feed I want to publish it to the orchestrator tenant tenant process feed I want to make it unattended later on so I'll process it here I can click next or I can just click publish now so we are publishing our process up to orchestrator this means that we can use it in orchestrator when we want to schedule things or whatever we want to do then you can click ok make sure you are connected to the uipath assistant we did that in the beginning but you can go down here double click the uipath assistant and still verify that you have this agreement up here nothing will be changed but in case you watch this video during different days you just need to verify that you have it here then we can minimize it to three again let us go to orchestrate them so and let us just close down all this browser thing again so I can close down the regex and one thing that we could also actually do to make sure that we don't have these browser windows open when we scrape whilst that remember we could use this use browser over here then we chose never to close it and here I can say close it if it's opened by the app browser so just make sure that when we when we run this from orchestrator this one will not be deployed to deployed it's very easy just click publish this one will be the new version 1.02 so I can click next this one will be the pro the parameter that we said before I can just click publish we now published a new version this is how you want to when you build new things in your robots you can just publish it as a new version so that's fine I go back here to go to orchestrator you want to navigate to cloud.uipath.com this address up here then I want to press enter and this will take you to this Rampage you might have it open if you watch this video in one go so then I'll click Orchestra in my workspace folder which you see here that is a personal attended folder we want to create a new folder where we can use unattended robots so here I click tenant I now click folders I'll click this plus here and here I'll make a folder called animations.nog I'll use the 10 inch package feeds that is fine I'll click create then I'll choose manage access you want to manage your user usually it's the one with email in here's mine I click this 3D here click edit no role selected go down here allow to be automation user that's it click next click next once more here you want to make sure that this allow unattended robots to run automation as this user is ticked so if it looks like this make sure it's ticked we will go down here and use a specific Windows user account add the credentials below so here to find the domain you'll go to the start menu type in command prompt sometimes it will not get it automatically from here that's why we found it here here I'll just type in who am I again start menu CMD enter this will give you this one this is our domain let me copy this one here we'll see copy it here the password that is your Windows password I put in mine now you can click update that's it let me just close this one here now we go to machines and click these three dots edit machine add an unattended license to this machine I'll click update then you want to go down to anesians and then we want to assign this machine to this folder so I click these three dots settings assign machines there it is Market leg update that's it now we can add our process so still in the anishin snog make sure you click here and you go down here then you want to click automations click add a process here we will find the process that we created the UI path beginner's course we have the 1.02 that is the version that we gave it here I'll click next we don't have any packages along with our robot so I'll just click next once more that's it we just go with the default properties if we don't specify name it will just be called uipath beginners I can click create just click close for now this is how it looks when you go there so when you click your folder you will find your processes in automation processes to run it as an unintended robot you can click these three dots add a trigger here you can schedule it that could be every night at two o'clock or we can use a queue that is when we add items to a queue then we can kick off our robot in case you want to learn about Q and A reframework that is the template that uipath uses when you want to scale robots in for example a company then you should click this video RP in the right corner that will teach you everything it's an advanced video but it will take you through each step so just like here anyway we will not use a scheduled robot for this time we will just see that this works so I click cancel here I can just kick things off here I can start this little play here here you'll see that the runtime type is unattended it will just take any account in any machine that's fine we only have one so here I will click Start then we are running our automation there you go you have now created an unattended robot wasn't that easy and we don't want to see this um to the end I will fast forward to the end just to show you that we had this column right and then make sure you stick because we will talk a lot about the best books and the best uipath resources as this finish there you go we have ran our unattended robot let's also inspect the actual results here and see that we formatted it very nicely so if I go down here now you can see that the before column has been formatted nice we just change the type argument I just visited my bookshelf here behind me here and here with all my best uipath books let me go to room and these are books that if you want to read if you like reading I like to take them to public transportation to the beach when I travel you can learn so much from them let me go to room one by one and there's a list if you want to buy them Below in the description first of all the coding language in uipath that is visual basic.net this book is the absolute best it will not only teach you visual basic.net but also object oriented programming it's written by Jesse Liberty one of my old time idols at some point you won't get certified in uipath this guide was enough to get you started you learned some advanced concepts but you still need some if you want to get certified this books hasn't it is a very nice egg to set a rundown of all the important things that you want to focus on if you want to get certified by the way this associate certification is the first certification that is the one that you want to take as a beginner or maybe like you need to have I think three months of experience I'll recommend then you want to go with the advanced ones later on if you want to use intelligent document processing that is using AI to take data out of your documents this book is for you this is not a beginner's book so definitely read it if you want to get inspired or want to go Advanced it is great because it's examples so you can just literally just open it open your computer and learn from it it also has a nice chapter about integrating chatbots into uipath the clean coder nothing to do with RPA and uipath but still the best book if you should only buy one book it should be this why it teach you the core of software development principles and these ones apply to RPA development as well it will prepare your processes to the Future you that means when you come back to your UI path flows you need to structure them that was renaming then commenting them documenting them to make sure that you can easily see what's going on and also the future colleague of you so that's the principle here SQL we use that ton srpa developers we use it in Excel to make queries and we use it with databases as you remember and being an RPA developer is a lot about taking data out of system a and transferring them to system B in our example we did it from Excel to a web page and back from the web page to another Excel here we can also use databases this book is it teaches you SQL I will say 10 minutes is very optimistic I'll might say two days or something you'll learn all the basics and that's it with RPA development you don't need to mask all these surrounding Technologies you just need to have a brief recognition of all of them like we had on regex because you usually just need the basics and if it's not enough you can Google it stack overflow you can go on the Discord the I love automation Discord there's also a link down here or you can ask a much more experienced developer at your company the intelligent automation book is written by Ian barking my friend and this is not why I recommend this this is a very good one where we take each Topic in the intelligent automation that is computer vision Big Data machine learning all the things that we can apply to make our robots thinking seeing and talking chatbots and these things is explained in here it's not an advanced book probably your mother can understand it and that's the strength of it it's easily read but it gives you a nice knowledge especially if you want to crack uipath job interviews this book is for you in the end there's also a use case section where you can get inspiration then we have my favorite RPA book that is the robotic process automation handbook it's written by Tom toley um it's not again not an advanced book but it teaches you a lot about the ecosystem the pipeline the RPA pipeline everything you need to know to get a nice understanding about RPA there's practical part in this book as well I would not recommend it that is outdated but it's easily worth it just for overview here so the last book I have it on my Kindle that is written by my friend Aaron Kuma it's about supporting an administrating UI path ecosystems and it's a lot for the support people the it UPS and the likes but it's also for you that want to know more about the technical aspects of you I'm not giving it five stars because Aaron is my friend but generally because I like this book again it's cheap and it's easily written the whole book list is in the video description below and I'll definitely recommend go check that one out the best UI path resources those ones are right here at YouTube and here are my three favorites tutorial by mukeshkala mucus color is a UI path most valuable professional he is very skilled he will teach you all the best practices he make long videos you can watch them like you watch this video definitely go check his channel out the next one that is uipath with Diego is from Denmark like I am I don't know him personally but he seems like a nice guy he make videos about Advanced UI path Concepts the final one that is this channel make sure you subscribe to the channel to get all my new RPA uipath videos with that said I want you to check my Discord out here we Network and solve uipath problems with more than 5 000 RPA developers it's totally free to join check this video there's an invitation for you in the video and as a guide for you to join
Channel: Anders Jensen
Views: 142,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uipath, uipath tutorial, uipath tutorial for beginners, uipath rpa, uipath demo, anders jensen, anders jensen uipath, uipath beginner, uipath beginner tutorial, uipath beginners course, uipath beginner projects, uipath beginners guide, how to get started with uipath, uipath beginners course 2023, learn rpa 2023, learn uipath 2023, uipath beginners, uipath beginners 2023, how to learn uipath
Id: A8cLOfItmv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 51sec (5331 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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