UiPath Queues For Beginners

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so if you want to use cues in your iPad orchestrator there are three things that we need to understand in order for us to be able to use them correctly the first thing is what are the benefits of these cues why do we even need them in the first place the second thing is how to load data into these cues and create a dispatcher and then the third and last thing is how we can take data out of a queue and then process it inside of our uip process so today we are going to see all of these Concepts and we are going to explain them in a really short short and simple process let's Jump Right In so what are even cues in the first place I want you to think of cues much like a line that we have in a bank or a grocery store or a bakery and everyone in that queue is waiting their turn to be served of course the first person to come to the line is the one to be served and people in the back are going to be waiting for the turn so much like that we have cues inside of your iPad and all of these items are part of the queue and they have all data inside of them so much like a person in a line a grocery Source have different items every line that we have in here is going to have different data or sometimes even the same data inside of it so that's basically it it's a collection of items that we have inside of U iPad and it is so useful because it has so many benefits so by far the biggest benefit is scalability once you have cues inside of your iPad orchestrator a lot of machines can access the Queue at the same time and you don't have to manage it yourself through cloud or through a shared uh resource it's basically here and every machine can come here take the Q item and start working on it in your process so you don't have to manage anything and we can use status to be sure that not the same transaction item is being used by two different machines at the same time the second thing is priority if you have some data for example let's say you are working in a in a process in a bank and you have some clients that you want to prioritize you can do that using the priority or the deadline or other tools that we have in here so that helps us basically make sure prioritizing what's the most crucial in our process and there are so many other features like login for example it's so much easier to log your data another big benefit is kpis so you can know exactly how many transactions have been successful and how many transaction have failed so that makes your life so much easier when it comes to Prov providing data to the higher ups if they want to know exactly how efficient your processes are and of course we have other benefits like error handling so the benefits are so many and we basically can't count them all but using cues is going to make your life so much easier in terms of handling data and handling transactions in your processes now let's go ahead and actually start having some fun so uh here we have a sequence that we are going to create let's call it Q loading for example even though that the name generally speaking is dispatcher but let's just call it Q loading and here we are going to work with the RPA challenge website just to make things simple so we're going to go here we're going to download the Excel and then we are going to basically place our uh Excel sheet inside of the the Quee uh project that I have created just to make things simpler so here I have a challenge. Excel sheet and I want to load all of this data to the queue basically that I am going to create so this is the the data that I want to create every Row in here I want it to be a q item so I want to create 10 Q items that I want to load to my queue that I will create so to create a queue it's very simple you go to cloud. ipad.com let's go from the beginning and then from here you go to orchestrator then I'm going to say uh my workspace to make things simpler then we're going to go to cues and then we got to create some add que and then we're going to create a new queue let's call it challenge for example and of course there are a lot of things in here we can we can enforce some some specific schema for example or we can make some Fields respect a certain format for example if want to in a certain format on a field like emails or a number or a string Etc so we can do that using all of these things but we're not going to do that today since we want to keep things simple so let's click on ADD and uh of course here I have the challenge that has been created now I am going to go back to my uip process and here I will read range activity read range workbook activity I will use it then I will choose the the challenge. Exel the sheet is going to be sheet one this is the sheet inside of uh challenge. Excel sheet one so here I am going to read it and then I am going to put it inside a data table so I'm going to create DT challenge I'm going to name it DT Challenge and then from here I am going to use the bulk add Q items so this activity will actually help me add all of my Q items directly to the queue without the need for a loop so I can add all of my data directly here I'm going to choose my folder path then I will choose the que Challenge and now I am going to add the DT challenge basically I wanted to show you that the Q is empty view transactions so oh yeah the queue is empty and now I will debug the process and it's going to finish very quickly and as you can see here if I click on refresh the que is going to be uh filled with the data that I have and if I click here for example view details as you can see this is the data and this is going to be the first line that I have in here so next time that I will uh process the transaction this is going to be the first transaction that's going to be uh treated okay so now I have uh basically my process my dispatcher which is two activities it is very easy to create a dispatcher but now I can go and create a process that will take the data that we have in here and add it to the fields that we have and click on submit basically an RPA challenge process but instead of using an Excel sheet we can use cues so I already created a process before uh in one of my videos where I have shown how to complete the RPA challenge I've actually made three videos about it so we're not going to repeat that we are going to take that process and instead of using an Excel sheet we're going to use the Quee items that we have so first of all we are going to delete the read range activity from the process that we have and we're going to use the git transaction or git Q items and in the get Q items we are going to choose the folder where from where we want to get the Q items then we are going to choose the que uh name and good so now I will uh go to properties and from here I will go to properties and I will make sure that I am getting the new transaction items because you don't want your process to take other Q items in progress or failed or successful we want to make sure that we only get in the new transaction items which are transaction items that are not being used by other processes so this is how you make sure that everything is separate and every process is working on different transaction items so here in the output I will Define the Q items that I have so contrl K and I will basically choose a name for my Q items so I will name them Q items good now I am going to expand my use uh browser Edge I'm not going to touch that I am not going to touch the click on start since it only happens once and instead of for each row in data table instead of going through the data table that we have in Excel sheet we are going to use a for each activity so a normal for each activity in under control and the list of items is going to be the Q items of course and then here we are going to name it Q item instead of current item just to keep the consistency and now I am going to take everything that I have inside of this process I will copy it and then I will paste it inside of the other body so let me just copy this and then I will grab it and put it in here so now we are going through the Q item instead of the data table I can delete this and of course I will get an error okay so now we are not using the current row that we had used in the other activity for each row we are going to use Q item and the first thing that we need to do is get transaction item which is an activity that will change the status of this uh Q items from new to in progress so this way we make sure that this for example transaction item is going to change your in progress so if another machine is working is not going to work on this specific transaction item okay so here I will choose of course the Q item then the challenge and then I will get the transaction item and put it inside of this Q item it's going to be the same thing anyways so the output is going to be get Q item that's good and now from here instead of using the current row we are going to use the Q item do specific content so this is very important we are going to use the uh function specific content with first name just to make sure that it's basically is going to uh to get the first name from the transaction item so if you go back here and click on the three dots and click on view details we want to get the first name in here and basically type that first name inside of the attributes first name that we have here good so now we have first name I am going to do the same thing on the other attributes and I am going to fast forward the video for it okay now I'm finished the only thing I have left is to use the activity sit transaction status at the end to successful Q item I need to set the transaction status to successful because this means that my uh transaction was successful if there was an error I have to set it as fake failed and I can only do that using the TR catch which is basically error handling now we're doing error handling not only Q items so I am going to place everything inside of the TR catch and if there is if there is an error inside of my TR catch let's say system s. exception whatever exception I am going to use the set transaction status and I am going to choose the que item of course and I going to choose failed because that means I had an error inside of the try and then I will go into the catch and uh it failed and uh I am going to set the status as failed of course when I set the status as failed I have to give a reason so here I will just exception. message as the reason that's good so now I basically have a a finished process let's launch the process and see what's going to happen let's first close the RPA challenge browser let's run the process now and see what's going to happen of course it's working and it's going to finish very quickly so uh so yeah that's basically it we just been able to understand cues load cues and get cues from orchestrator and then we can use them inside of our processes so now you have a basic understanding of cues and how you can work with them of course there are other things like priority like slas like uh using them in insights this is basically another topic for another day but now you have a basic understanding for cues so you can basically use them and incorporate them inside of your projects so that has been me thank you guys for watching and catch you guys on next time peace
Channel: Reda Marzouk
Views: 1,776
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Id: vttRQ6oHTTs
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Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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