UiPath Tutorial for Beginners | 2024 Beginner's Guide to UiPath Tutorial

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dear friends welcome back to automate with Rakesh in this video I have designed the course for the uipath beginners if you would like to learn the latest UI path this is the video for you I'm going to talk everything from the scratch so that it helps you as a beginner to learn uipath so why delay let's get started so the very first step is you go to uip path.com so simply type u.com this is the site you would find uipath dcom I'm going to click on the site on this site if you look at on the right hand side top corner there is a button called try uip paath free all you have to do simply click on this button wait for a few seconds and this is the page that you would find on this page do not directly go ahead and enter your email address here there is something called get automation Cloud for Community as a community free user if you would like to start this is the link you need to click so let me click on get automation Cloud for Community Link after that it has bit of description here you can see you [Music] to verify your email address so what you do you enter the verification code on the page so it will ask for entering the verification code pretty simple one as you sign into any web page for the first time so it'll ask for the verification code enter it after that it'll ask you enter your full name so whatever your full name is enter your enter that and then enter the country pretty simple steps and you can easily follow that on screen after that the import important point it will ask for enter Cloud organization name for example your name is let's say my name is Rakesh I'm going to create or called Rakesh testor or you can choose a very specific name based on your choice so once you do that simply click create organization so in my case I already have an account so I'm going to hit on sign in and select my account and continue with that account so once you continue once your account is created it'll take few seconds and then this is the page that you should see It'll say it'll take your name and then the organization name here I have given a b c d r a k as my or org name that time so it is like that so here you would find your org name after cloud. you.com so do you see that please do comment in the video section now from from here our next step is to download Studio to download studio all you have to do click on this download Studio button this is available if you click on these dots in the homepage in the homepage itself this button is available I'm going to click on download studio now let us wait for the entire file to download so now my download is complete if you have downloaded the Community Edition you will see this word uipa Studio community. MSI I'm also going to tell you the direct option is from the home where you could download there is also another option here you see a question mark you can click on the question mark and go to downloads in the future if you you like to reinstall or something like that so come here and there you find downloads so it takes you to the resource center and from the resource center you would find so I have an Enterprise Edition license I can download so the Enterprise latest edition is 20231 10.4 and the uipath Community Edition which is a this is like more stable version it is a stable one for Enterprise companies do not want to use the current one right experimental ones so and this is the one which is under Community preview so this is here you will always find the latest available able thing so in if you are downloading into the future the version could be slightly different but that doesn't stop you learning UI path so why delay these are the multiple options I've shown you now I have downloaded let me click on this downloads and double click on this file this is the window you would see after you double click on that or click on that these are two options quick recommended for Community users and the second option is custom recommended for enter prise or Advanced user now what we would do we would simply go with the community users we will not go with the second option we'll go with the quick recommended for Community users and here you have the license agreement go through the license agreement and then hit on install I'm going to hit on install button this will go through couple of series of installation in the background wherever it prompts something I'm going to let you know you might see this prompt if your Chrome is open it says if you want to continue installing the uipath extension for Chrome please close all your Chrome process then click okay so we will do lot of web automation browser automation so that's why it requires an extension to be installed all you have to do click on okay and then it says Chrome browser process are still running do you want to force CL close them click okay to continue so I'm going to click on okay so now you can see completed the urath setup and I also have got icons of urath launch urath Studio let me hit on this particular one now look at this jump start your automation journey by capturing and documenting known tasks get comprehensive picture of what needs to be automated go ahead and get started so it is giving bit of information for you all you do simply hit on launch uipath studio and now you can see my UA studio is trying to open and it will ask you hey you have to sign in you remember all our browsers are closed now all I'm doing simply hitting on sign in pretty simple option so once you do that it brings you this page it will bring you this page and here it tells you this is your account rakes 874 you is is your account and it has it will give you a small prompt okay for I have checked that prompt last time so it still remembers it so you get a small prompt allow UI path and hit on open UI path and that will automatically sign you in you can go through this uh you know tutorials here available just to understand how to use it but again anyways I'm going to explain it so I'm going to click on close so now here you can see I have l logged in to my uipa studio and what is the version that I'm using on the left bottom corner you see that 20242 do1 if you're doing it in the future it could be slightly a different version but most of the things would remain same as a beginner to learn so let us click on close and learn how you start in your APPA Studio what is the very first thing you should do on your APPA Studio before you get started by creating a new project there are few things you must understand the very first there are three important components of uipath or the core components Three core components of uip path that you need to understand what are the the very first one you have seen uipath Studio which you have currently logged in the second one is uipath assistant so what is this assistant let us first see that now for this go to your windows and search for uipath assistant so you see this uipath assistant click on this when you click on this what it does for the very first time when you open it will be blank and here you see a green symbol that means you have logged in you have logged in and and you have signed in so there's a green signal if there's a red that means you are disconnected so here if you see it has logged into my tenant so you would find certain name here tenant colon automate with Rakesh now if you have multiple tenants it will also allow you to change it so you can see your tenent name will be available here the very first thing what you need to do is go to preferences go to orchestrator settings here you would see the service URL which would be cloud. you.com and it should say connected licensed ADR production not detected so this is how the green signal in the uipath assistant is important now the question is what is what in uip Plus Studio is used by the developers to develop automations this is the tool using which you would be developing your automations so this is our uipath studio okay this is the studio where you will be developing your automations now what is the use of uipath assistant Now uipath assistant is kind of a robot which would do your automation which will actually run your automations so have you seen robots in a mechanical industry right the the robot does paint a car so it can paint red color it can paint white color it can draw design on the car it can do multiple things based on the programming you do to that robot similar way uipath assistant accepts all different kind of automations that is designed on studio and when you run it this U assistant is executing with the help of uipath Rob you know there's a background agent called uipath robot so this uipath assistant is more like a robot as a beginner to understand consider this as a robot handle which would handle all your automation okay so this is uipath assistant okay for example if I run some automations here this is going to run that automation so these are different automation programs that I have created I'm going to show you how do you start but for your understanding remember uath assistant is kind of a robot which would perform your automation tasks the third important component is uipath orchestrator now you with orchestrator how do you login so you have seen we have downloaded UA Studio from there so let's go back to that and simply type cloud. uipath docomo docomo enter it'll automatically understand okay you have already signed in and it will take you to that page where you have downloaded Studio here in this breadcrumb symbol click and you find something called orchestrator click on on orchestr so this is another third important component which we are going to learn as we proceed okay so three important components as a beginner you must understand E uapa Studio the second one is uapa assistant and the third one is uipa orchestrate okay now let's get started with uipa studio and learn how do you create your very first automation so let me move on to my UA studio and let's see how really start or create your very first automation are you interested yes you must be so let's get started to create your first Automation in the uapa studio the very first step is click on process under the new project I'm going to click on process here you have to give a name for example let's give some name I will say display my name name automation I'm creating display my name automation here you can provide some description like this is my first automation project to display my name and then click on this show advanced in this this is the location where your project would be stored so if I click on this particular folder you can see this is the specific location where my projects would get stored so this is under my C Us's Rakesh you know documents uath one drive documents uipath similar way you can check what is that default location it's going to take generally it will be under documents now what I'm going to do I'm going to keep that folder as it is and then here it ask for compatibility you can build projects for Windows operating system or any other operating system for example Mac or it could be Linux platform any other platform we would start with Windows we'll go with Windows and the language option that you have Viv and C now most of the uipath projects are built using the Viv so we would go with Viv as the default option here once everything is done hit on create this would take you to the designer panel of your Apple Studio you can see it is now building the spaces adding the dependencies for the project it is creating the required zaml files and things like that so let me close this there this before you automate let me know a quick tour so not required are you sure you want to close the tutorial yes now here let us first increase this font to 150 so that you can easily see the screen once you are there in the studio this is called the designer panel this is where you drag and drop different automation activities for example here are main purpose is to automate which would display my name for that go to this activity panel you see there are multiple different panels which you we would talk but at the moment let's go to the activities panel in the activities panel type message so you would find a activity called message message box or else message box you can type it the entire line so you got a message box activity this these are called activities which you can drag and drop to the designer panel and start your automation so once my message box is dragged here let me write something so I would like to display my name so I would say within double codes I'm saying hello Rakesh done within double quotes I'm writing my name so I have simply dragged and drop a message box activity and return hello Rakesh once you are done with this Simply Save this and here you can see there is a run option or a debug option all you do simply click on this particular button now what would happen by running this whatever you have provided as a value here hello rakish you can see on your screen it will show show you hello Rakesh do you see the automation has run and now it is showing the value hello Rakesh now let me talk few more things around here so what we did just now is dragged and dropped an activity and we have created a pretty simple project which supposed to display my name in this project there is something called there is a project panel do you see if you click on this tab there's a project tab in the project tab what exactly you see it here we need to understand here you would find all the different dependencies for example if I have to drag and drop an activity this activity is supposed to be part of one of these dependencies dependency means without this your automation project cannot be built you need certain set of packages or the codes that are written inside this which you need so for example if you highlight this message box activity if you keep your mouse pointer it tells you it is part of display this activity is used for example if you highlight displays a message box the type is message box the name of this activity is message box it it the purpose of it is display a message box with a specified text and buttons included in uip path. system. activities so this is the act purpose of the activity so it is part of uip path. system. activities now if you look at the project panel here you see that activity which is uipath system. activities coming from the version of that activity package is 24. 2.0 so these are called dependencies at the moment as a beginner for us to understand so these are the activities required if you remove this particular activity then what happened this will not work this message box will not work so that is why these are the dependencies you leave as it is at the moment the other part if you see the moment we created a project by default it'll create something called main. zaml so this main. zaml is the entry point of your project so this is where you start your project so main. zaml now you will be interested okay now I have created something where is it getting stored let us see that for this highlight it highlight this one and then right click on it and click on open project folder let me click on open project folder so what would happen it'll show you locally this is what the file is being created main. zaml so this is the file where whatever activities you are dragging and dropping it is getting stored here right now it is only 6 KB let's do one thing I'm going to drag and drop for example I'll go to the main. ZL and here let us drag and drop one more activity message box one more message box below this and here let us write something this is my first project so I've added one more activity to my automation project and I've have written some message let us save this and then run it again now you can see Hello rakes has come now below that we have written this is my first project even that has appeared now if you go back to the projects panel and if you slightly refresh this you can see from 6 KB it has increased to 7 KB that means more activity that you keep adding the size of this main. zaml will be keep increasing getting that okay so this is a pretty simple project now let us understand few more things this activities do contain something called properties on the right hand side if you see this is a property and there's a property tab do you see this is the property tab so in the property tab if you see this says this activity contains certain properties for example you remember I was clicking on the okay button then it was moving to the second activity what if I don't want to click on okay button I want it to to automatically close so there's a property here called automatically close after I'm going to click on this three dots and here let us give some seconds for example I'll keep it for 3 seconds are minute and second so I'm writing 03 that means 3 seconds click on okay so what would happen by this if I'm going to run this again you see this activity will automatically close within 3 seconds you see I did not click on that it automatically closed but this activity will not go I have to click on okay then only it'll it'll stop right so once again if I run it look at it the this hello rakes will disappear automatically and then the second one came and this would stay until I click on okay why the second one is staying because I did not apply any property to this activity so with this you have got a basic Fair idea of how this is functioning now you would be interested let us build some real project some real one and understand right so let's do that let me save this project and let us create a new project now now for our new project let us understand what is this project is about this is going to be very interesting we are going to automate on a site on a website called RPA challenge.com this website is pretty specific around what it needs if you see there is a form where we have to build an automation which supposed to come and enter specific details for example you you see it is asking for the first name so our automation should come and type the first name it should come here and type the last name it should come here and type some phone number right so all of this we will try to automate email address company name roll in company and address so how can I do this using UA Studio how can I build a simple automation let's first see that so let's go back to studio and remember this website the first name is here last name is here if you refresh this what happens is the first name came here and the last name is on the Top If you refresh again so the position of this boxes are changing do you see so this is a dynamic web page so let's understand how can I automate let's go back to our studio in the studio the very first thing because this is a new automation I'll go to the homepage and create a new new project so for that as we have learned we have to click on process here let us give some name some meaningful name so I'm giving RPA challenge automation one okay why I'm saying one there are multiple variations that we can do on this that's why I'm just giving it a one so that we can I can build one more automation where I would name it as two and show you few other important areas at the moment let's leave it as it is and in the description you can mention something like that so I'm putting RP Cheng automation 1 for basic data entry and then the location would be the same Windows VV and click on create the moment you do this what happens while the project is getting created you would also see um skip the steps skip the steps skip the steps dismiss now if you see this project that we have just created RPA challenge do uh challenge automation one will get listed here in your uapa studio now let us increase the phone to 150 this is not mandatory for you just for demonstration purpose I want to keep the screen slightly on a bigger window the very first thing we have to automate so how do I automate now let me tell you in uip pass Studio you have a pretty easy option which I'm going to show you go to the design panel okay remember you are in the design panel and there there is something called app web recorder what is the option app web recorder let me click on this particular button now now it is asking you indicate an element to Auto detect actions so what you supposed to do first it has understood that you have opened a web application ation all you do click on an element so here I'll keep the recorder this side and the very first thing I want to click is here the first name so let me click here so the moment I do this you need to install or enable uipath extension for Chrome so how you do it so you simply hit on continue anyway so it will automatically enable the extension before that if you see in your Chrome let let me cancel this I'll come to this once again don't save let's go back to the Chrome before you start any web automation ensure that the new extension added the extension is installed so you would have something called uipath browser automation 2310 added this happens during your uh installation of uipath Studio itself so simply you have to enable the extension so now you have the right extension installed the uipath browser extension after which you can only automate if you don't have an extension then you won't be able to automate a web browser remember this important point now for any reason if your chrome doesn't have that extension you can also install it from here go to the home and then go to tools and go to uipath extensions so here if you see the Chrome one is already installed so you see the install button is gone and now it is saying uninstall that means you I have already installed it in case it is saying install something like this then go ahead and install it very important point for a web browser automation now what should I do first so you have kept the browser open in the background you can see let me close everything else so you can see the browser is kept open the site is open in the background go back to the studio in the studio I'm going to click on app web recorder this is the very first step and then then I'm going to select this particular page okay this application I'm going to entirely select it so simply click somewhere outside first now what happened it has detected you you know it has detected there's a website and there is something you want to do it so once it becomes gray then it is asking you type a value let me cancel it once again let me show you let's refresh the page okay let's start once again go back to the studio app web recorder and this is your application so the very first thing indicate an element to Auto detect the action so you should indicate the element so let us first indicate the first name this is your very first action okay so after you have indicated you see something it has become ready didn't detect properly so if that happens to you simply delete this button and try once again click on the element let the green icon come and then if it is looks okay and there's a green symbol there's no red icon then hit on this tick mark so what happened now this got selected and it is asking you type a value or use another source of the data so type some value so here I would like to type Rakesh okay empty the field it will empty if there is something written already it will empty that and start typing that is the meaning hit on confirm so now what happened it has typed raakesh what is the next thing you would like to do you would like to enter the last name so click on the last name button simply keep your mouse cursor and the green icon would appear simply click on that inside that so if you do so this box would appear and here you type the next value so what is the next value I write my last name and hit on confirm and same thing with you have to repeat for all these fields so let's say phone number look at it phone number and enter some value here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hit on confirm done now it is asking what is what is the next thing you want to do I want to enter the email address okay select that and enter some email address here test at theate abc123.com confirm what is the next thing I would like to enter let's say company name select that so very pretty simple you simply select it and write the value you would like to enter so here I would like to enter let's say a bc1 23 company name on confirm roll in company simply say something like RPA developer confirm and then address click on that and enter some some some address right test address 1 2 3 4 5 6 and hit on confirm so what happened now you simply trying to show what you would like to type click on that and then type a value and you are done and once everything is done what you like to do you would like to hit on the submit button so whatever the actions that you would like to perform you simply have to indicate it so your automation is all done so if you see what is happening here it is writing 1111 activity so let's hit on Save here so all that you saw there now it is being brought back to studio if you see it here the very first activity is a use browser Chrome RPA challenge it has automatically detected the website RPA challenge.com interesting pretty pretty interesting I mean it is quite easy on yaa Studio to automate something now the next thing what happened within this particular container there is the next activity called type into activity here it is typing whatever value have provided let's say Rakesh I have provided so it is typing is going to type in the first name field then it is going to type the last name you can see type into last name field this is the field name then if you come here then it says type into phone number field so it is typing some value there similar way email right similar way company name and roll in company so all the fields and the address and finally it should hit on submit so you can see how quickly you have created a Automation in matter of few minutes let us save this let us save this and we will try to run this particular automation before running what I would do I would simply close this one and start running it now look at this designer panel you have an option if you click on this small Arrow you have some options here run file debug and run so what are all this so for example you want to run the entire project a project could have multiple zaml files I have shown you this so here we have only one jaml file there are possibilities you can create multiple such jaml files I am going to show you while we continue so right now there's only one jaml file so it doesn't matter if you wanted to run a specific file or you want to run the project because anyways you have only one file so here what we will do we will simply hit on use this last option run okay okay it'll run the entire project so simply hit on run now wait for a few seconds it'll compile all the activities and you will see it'll automatically open the RPA challenge.com and it is typing all the values that we have provided do you see how nicely it has done the job and the automation is complete let's do it once again let me click on this dropdown hit on run or else you can also use control F5 as a shortcut so h on run see again it has opened the website and entering the details see how nicely it is entering the details and hitting on submit getting it so this is a pretty simple automation that we have built so now what comes to our mind Rakesh what if I wanted to enter multiple values onto that website data entry you have only provided Rakesh and your name it is only one kind of automation every time you run it is always going to enter the same value how can I make it Dynamic how can I enter multiple different addresses right now it has entered rakes what if next time I want to enter some other name how is that possible can I make this automation Dynamic yes so let's see that how you can achieve it to do this we need some data for that go back to RPA challenge.com and I'm going to click on download it Excel by doing so you will get an Excel file let me open this where you would have some pre-filled data so you can see I have some pre-filled data here so what are those data let's have a quick look so you have your first name there are certain last names company name roll in company address email and phone number let's save this now let's go back to you to your studio now here I have to add certain extra logic so what you do when your workflow becomes larger and larger that time you have an option to minimize it so simply collapse so you can see all the activities has been collapsed I'll go to the activities panel and let me drag and drop an activity to read the Excel so there's activity called simply type Excel okay you'll see there are multiple activities now to use Excel what we will do first thing is drag and drop this Excel process scope activity okay and inside this Excel process scope there is another activity called use Excel file let me drag and drop this use Excel file now in the use Excel file activity let us point where our Excel file is let's click on the this button and I have downloaded so it should be there in the downloads I'm going to select that folder or select that file click on open so now the file has been pointed out so what is the next thing before you go to the next thing I will pass some hint here what is the hint look at now this entire designer panel looks slightly clumsy so there is a great feature if I have to add an activity here there's a plus sign I can use it instead of the activity panel so here I'm using the activity panel let's say I don't want the activity panel all you do simply click on this so now the activities panel has been minimized so you get more white space here to build your code and if you need some activity simply use a plus sign so what is our next thing we have to do we have to Loop through the data we know this Excel file has been pointed out and it knows where that Excel file is now I have to Loop through the data that is there in Excel so if if you see this has got first name last name company name so it should first read that entire row and then enter into RPA challenge.com then it should read the next row and enter all this data into the website so it's a more like a data entry automation we are building so for this in UI path it is quite easy to Loop through rows of data in Excel so how you do it so for that there is an activity hit on on the plus sign and write for each for each Excel Row in uipath it becomes quite easy to even find this activity with that word for each Excel row I want right if you write few keywords it gives you an activity just click on that so if you click on it the activity has been put inside the use Excel file so until now you use the Excel process scope inside that use Excel file and inside that a for each Excel row activity these are called activities okay now I wanted to point out in an Excel file there could be multiple sheets possible in our Excel file we only have one sheet but practically you may have sheet one sheet two sheet three or multiple different sheet names so for that in this activity for each Excel Row the very first thing you have to do is click on the plus sign use click on the Excel and it shows the list of sheet names present in that file it will automatically pull it for you see how easy they have made all you do simply select the sheet that is shown here the required sheet so in our case the sheet one so I've selected the name and then very important property that is has headers headers means what the very first row the column names first name last name company name these are the column name these are not data these are the columns so this is this is called header in an Excel file so ensure this option is selected has headers okay now the activity does what if you wanted to understand what this activity does simply keep your mouse pointer on the activity you get a small gray message box which tells you what it does so if you could read this it says repeats the contained activities once for each row in the specified sheet so it'll Loop through all these rows that is there in the sheet one that is the meaning Until the End first it pick the this row then this row then this row like that it will continue so let's see what if I want to see all the names that are present in the under the first name column I want to see it how can I do it for that let us click on this plus sign and use a message box click on it so the message box is added here now in this one let's write a small expression so to write expression you can you click on this pretty simple expression they are not so clumsy or difficult here because we are in the 4 each Loop it uses something called current row this activity has some variable called current row inbuilt variable so you'll use this button and use that variable current row okay let me see if I run this this message box should show all the names John Jane Albert and all that so before you run you remember this use browser Chrome uh this one we have done type into the first one so this activity this activities you minimize it and disable it for the timing because I don't want this to run now so disable it you can comment out okay so that that won't run now let us run it let us quickly debug this okay now if you could see what happened one by one the names are coming right Michael has come then dog and Jesse uh Michelle Stan like that one by one it is pulling you know then Michelle came then Stacy will come then last is Lara coming so your automation is running now you might face some problem for example if you click on any cell for example I'm clicking on first name and keep in edit mode so you can see I'm trying to edit or do something with the Excel file now in this state if I'm going to run the automation it throws an error use Excel file Excel appears to be busy that means you're using the Excel file I can't run the automation uath is saying so ensure you escape out of it save it you don't keep it in edit mode and run it do you see the automation has run and it is pulling the first name values from the Excel Michelle and you know all that Stacy sorry this one Michelle dog yeah so you can see it is so in between if you would like to stop go back and simply stop it here just for testing purpose we have done this so This Much is understood how the for each Excel row is working and how you can pull each value from a specific column so once this is known let's delete the message box because that is for a testing purpose all I have to do enable it now you have commented out how do you enable it again WR click on the box enable activity so now the activities are enabled all you do drag and drop all of this activity inside this 4 each Loop okay leave it so now this all these activities is going to run within this 4ish Excel row and we understood how to pull a specific value from the Excel file from the message box right from the message box we have seen how you can pull each of these values John for example if you want if I want to pull the last name I have to say last name current row last name do two string pull the company name then I have to say current row company name do two string pretty simple so let's go back so here last time I was giving some fixed values I wanted to make it Dynamic so for that all you do simply replace this value with an expression so click on this and write the expression so I will write current row and I will write the column name first name dot two string getting it simply you have to replace this with the exact column name and hit on save so now you copy this particular expression save it and copy paste into all of this activity now type into last name click on this and remove that fixed value and write it and simply change it to last name easy save it what is our next activity phone number go here and simply type phone number so ensure the spelling is exactly as per the Excel file so ensure you are double-checking that by keeping the Excel file open so phone number phone space number and I have written phone space number it should be ex exactly the same okay let's replace the email from a fixed value now we are making it Dynamic and all have to say email that was email right yeah email next is company name so go here copy paste the syntax and here say company name do not make spelling mistakes now next is roll in company go here paste it and say roll in company roll in so if any spelling mistake it will throw error you have to rectify that company okay is it written the same way in the Excel roll in company yes done next is what address copy paste that and replace it with right column name which is address save it okay done and then submit button so all this we have written now I don't have any fixed values rather I have written a code which is going to pull each of these values row by row while the loop is running right inside the loop I have put all these activities so one by one it is going to pick and enter the values here now let me save this now are you excited shall we run and see whether our automation is really working or there are any problems no worries let's simply run it if there are any problems we know how to fix it so let's get started and run it all right now it has opened the RP challenge.com wow it failed you can see while entering last name column not found it failed now let us understand why this happens and this is quite usual when you do automation where your automation would fail at certain points so how do you fix it is the key so where it failed you have to first know so it was able to type the first name we saw it in the RP challenge.com it has typed John but while typing the last name it thrown some error you can click on the output panel to see the error so what is the error type into last name column not found there's no column called last name now is there any spelling mistake or there is something else we need to identify so here it is highlighted in orange in color so last name let's go back to the Excel file so I was very particular you have to be very very careful while typing the column names so here you can see last name is written but this last name if you highlight this last name right last name did you write the same way last name no spelling mistake right in your expression no spelling mistake but if you carefully look at the Excel I know if I can zoom it if you highlight so when I'm highlighting if you see uh can I zoom this I'm not able to but there is a small space after name see na M and there is a space so here if I'm highlighting you can see it is highlighting there is a space after name it is not exactly ending here so because of this space this problem is happening because of the space the problem problem is happening so all you do this kind of a this is how you have to identify small small things which could lead to failure of automation so here you can see when I'm highlighting this is small space so all I will do I'll go back to my this one and in the code after e I'm going to add a space and save it and let's test it and see whether it is working or not so right now again save it and let's run it okay now this error came use Excel file Excel appears to be busy because I was doing some edit and I forgot Escape save it you don't keep it in edit mode let's run it again so these are all human mistakes as you go through you will understand all right so the execution has started let me go to yeah in the background it is actually running you can see now it is entering all the things pretty nicely now it is entering the second row Jane do you see now it is entering the third row like that it will continue so doesn't matter the form is dynamically changing but our automation is not failing my automation is still able to type the data in the dynamic environment while the fields are keep on on changing its place okay great now it has started entering Jesse now let me know how many of you were able to complete this automation are you able to do this please do comment and let me know in the comment section of this video I'll be very interested for anybody who is a beginner you're learning this would be quite interesting you can see the bot is doing all your job it is doing the data entry you can see it okay so it is entering all the data very quickly so now all entire automation is completed and RP automation execution ended at 1.14 that is it took almost one execution started and it ended at 1 minute 14 seconds it took how much time it gives you a time here 1 minute 14 seconds it took great so now you have learned a second very important learning to create cre a data entry automation so good job all of you who have completed this please do comment do not forget to comment I would like to see how many of you have completed this data entry automation now let's move next the next topic that we should learn so our next automation is table extraction automation from a different website this website is known as acetest ua.com so for that before we start getting into the web website first create a new project all I will do go to the back screen go to the home and here let's create a new process give some name so here table extraction table extraction from Acme this is the project name provide some description extract table data and write to excel this is is our Automation and rest of the things remains as it is all I have to do hit on create now a new automation is getting created it is creating a main. zaml all those things as we have seen earlier the same things are happening let me slightly increase the designer panel so that it is visible okay now let's go to the site Acme site now if you are accessing this one for the very first time all you do you have to register it now how do you open this Acme site first of all so simply type Acme hyphen test simply search for Acme hyen test you would see Acme Hy test. ot.com okay it should be there this is the site you should open okay it's the same site now the very first thing we will do we would click on the register it would ask pretty simple options enter your email address set a password for the site I agree and go through the terms and conditions I'm not a robot and register it so once you have done a registration it is quite easy so let me hit on login and then enter your email address and then the password and hit on login so once you login I have to extract some table data now how do I extract the table data there's a second tab here called work items if you click on this do you see there is an entire table present here so I want to extract this data and this data if I go to the second page it has some other data you can see refreshed if I go to the third page it has got some of data so there are multiple pages from where you have to extract this entire data and write to an Excel so this this is an interesting automation let's see how this can be built so for that let's go back to studio and the very first thing this is the tab right let's go back to the homepage so our automation should click on work items and then it should come to this page first there's a click activity and then it'll load this page and from here I have to extract the data which is there in multiple pages okay this is the how you how as a human being you would navigate I'm showing that now as a robot how you would achieve it that is the point so the very first activity we know it is a click activity so I'll use a click activity and here I'm going to hit on indicate and see there is error what is the error the current activity must be added inside a use application browser so here you are learning few things few important things when I'm doing a browser automation ensure the very first activity is use web browser use web application browser this is the activity here there's indicate option I'm going to hit on indicate I'm going to indicate this entire one you can see it has become slightly green in color I'm going to click outside so it understand which is that application it automatically picks the URL of the website great now now the next thing what I want to do in this website it should come and click on work items for that I'm going to use an activity called click Activity Click on this and then indicate it says indicate so hit on indicate and indicate this particular button okay so you can see a selector is getting automatically created it's saying this is this is the button informations are automatically getting captured all you have to do simply validate so the validation is successful and I'm going to hit on confirm so these are so many information I have multiple videos so this is a beginning beginner course so right now this would be more complicated if somebody teaches you so right now let's go with the flow once you get acquinted then these are the next chapter these are called selectors so there is a playlist I have created for selectors you can watch now let's hit on confirm so what happened the button is now been selected so now if you simply run it for example if I'm going to Simply run this or debug this you will see It'll open that application so it all happened in the background but let me go back okay just to see that run it okay I'm going to run this so see it clicked on that work items it happened so quickly did you see it happened very quickly and it has opened it now sometimes you know you would be interested okay let it not happen very quickly I want to see the mouse moving and clicking on it so there is an option here uh cursor motion type there's a property so here I'm going to keep it smooth smooth means it'll slowly move and you can see that let's save this and run it again now look at it the mouse pointer is here you would see the mouse pointer will slowly move and click on it so it has still happened very quickly uh Mouse button uh left click that's fine the motion type supposed to be smooth save let me run it again do open AC site and click on anyways that moment is not being it is happening very fast but you understood how it is going and clicking on this particular button okay so this much is understood now the next part is extracting this table data how would you extract now for this there is is a simple button available here called table extraction what is it table extraction all you do simply hit on this table extraction okay now this is a wizard which would help you to extract the data even though it is there in multiple pages so it is pretty simple look at it use the select data to extract button to indicate the table for list elements you want to be extracted how do you use this particular table extraction let us see the very first thing keep that window in the background from where you would like to extract the data then click on select data to extract click on this button so once you do it select on any of the value for example any doesn't matter which value select any value so let's say I'm going to select this value then it'll automatically understand would you like to extract all the columns from the table it'll tell you so it it understand there a table and it sees there are multiple different columns would you like to extract all the columns simply say yes to it so what happened now it automatically identifies all the columns so what are the columns you see action wi ID description type and all of these options have come wi ID description type status and the last one is date right so all these columns are Auto public let's say I don't want something let's say I don't want action so select this and delete it I want only this I don't want this status so select and delete it so you have the delete option pretty simple after that there's another important option here which tells you extract data from multiple Pages simply say yes enable it now where is the next button you need to indicate it so here the next buttons where is the next button this is the next button right it'll go to the next page so indicate this particular button so it understood okay you got him the next button understood so how did I do it again hit on yes and then it is asking to indicate indicate the next button so every page would have that kind of a button so select next button or this kind of button you can select so this is the button I have selected now hit on save so I want to see the data right hit on preview so you can see it has extracted action URL wiid description all these data it is extracting now let's close this and I'm going to hit on Save and close so what happened there's a new activity got added below this click activity and what is the activity name extract table data and there's a variable also automatically getting created called extract data table now after it extracts I wanted to write this to an Excel right I would like to write this extract data table which is a data table variable remember data table means it is a table of data like Excel you have rows and columns data table means that string means it's a text right similar way data table is a variable type so here I want to write this to an Excel file so for this first when it comes to excel I have told you in the previous video what is the activity I have to use Excel process scope the very first activity right so let's click on Excel process scope and inside this what is the next activity I have told you use so Excel file the next activity and I'm going to indicate the file where I would like to write so select here and I had that previous file here challenge. XLS let me use the same file h on open and then you have selected the file but where to write you have not defined it here so to write some data there is an activity simply say write Excel okay simply say write Excel so you would find this activity right data table to excel that variable type so click on this activity now what it is asking what to write so in this one what was our variable name extract data table is the variable name so the same variable let me enter it here simply type it will come extract data table so once I have this activity next it ask me where would you like to write this what is your destination so click on this plus sign Excel and here it says there is only sheet one in that file so would you like like to write in the sheet one no I want to write in a different sheet for that what to be done for that let me go back to the Excel file open this and let me click on the plus sign and create another sheet a blank sheet and save this and close this Excel file now let me go back to the studio and now again hit on this plus sign destination Excel and it shows me sheet two click on sheet two I've selected the sheet two so done so my automation is now created so simply save this go here and run this automation before you run ensure you just close all of this all the tabs and all that so you close it and and let me see how it works so save this and run it okay AC my test u.com it clicked on work items now you will see the automation that we have created in the see it is moving to one one page it is now in the third page now it is in the fourth page now it is in the fifth page so how quickly the robot is extracting the data your automation is so quick it is extracting all the data see it went to the ninth page 10th page just imagine if you have 100 of such Pages now robot is one of the easiest option when you create an automation all right so I believe okay it has extracted the 11th page as well let's go back to the studio see what happened so now the automation is complete if you go to the output panel you see extract data from so and so is complete okay EX execution started and this is okay now it is I think it is writing to the Excel file okay so now it has completed now let me go to the output here now it is saying table extraction for macme execution ended it took 1 minute 0 1 seconds to complete the entire process now if you give it to an auto know human being it might take more than one minute I believe so now let's see this Excel file let's go back back and open this Excel file and if I go to the sheet two okay you can see all the data has been extracted from the web page so this is another interesting automation that you have learned extracting table data from a web page so what is next have you completed this if you have done it please do comment that I have completed the table extraction automation to so I know you are really going one step one step and learning everything in detail great now let's see what is the next topic we should learn how about a notepad automation are you interested let's see that click on home let's create a new process and write notepad Automation and here the description writing something on to the Notepad application everything else would remain as it is let us hit on create all right let the project build down slightly increase the screen all right now for this first of all let us have a notepad open uh I think I've closed it let me open a notepad all right so this is my notepad which is currently BL now what we will do the very first thing we'll drop an activity so what is the activity for application use application browser right use application and browser this is the very first activity when you have to interact with an web application or a desktop application doesn't matter and then I'm going to hit on indicate application and it is going to see the green signal has come so ensure the notepad has been kept in the background and then you are doing this and click somewhere in the application so now it understands okay this is a notepad and here I want to write to this particular file automat with rakes dotx is the file name so I would like to write into this file now what would I like to write so write means what you will do a type right so you simply type type there is a activity called type into this we have seen it indicate and then indicate where would you like to write so I'm going to write it in this space validate and see the validation is successful after that I'm going to hit on confirm done okay now here type this what would you like to type for example I'm I'm going to say hi Rakesh this is your robot this is the message I would like to type now let's save this and simply run this automation let's see now it has opened the notepad and you can see it has typed hakes and the automation is closed Hier arish this is your robote all right so this is a pretty simple automation let's do something different I'm going to ask the user to enter any two numbers let's say I'm entering five and then I'm entering 10 and then it will show another option wherein you can do a addition you can do a substraction you can do a multiplication you could do a division things like that for example if I'm selecting addition then it should show me the value 5 + 10 is equal 15 so how would you design this automation so more like a calculator automation let's create one more project process and then I'm going to create uh calculator Automation and I'm going to hit on you can provide some description basic calculator with some substract right addition substract multiplication and division this is what I would like to create so hit on create so I've created one more new project now let's see how how will you write the logic so what is the first thing first thing you should ask the user some input for that click on this plus sign and use this activity called input dialogue there's activity called input dialogue so it will ask the user what is needed so here the dialog title and title means the top the top one so here I'm saying um uh you know input and know uh calculator input one and here I would put a label wherein I'm saying enter your first number right so it it is going to show a box a text box it is going to show now whatever the user is typing that should get stored in a variable so create a variable and give it a name called num one let's save it let's see how this one is working first of all if I run this so you can see the box has appeared and dising enter your first number so whatever you enter here doesn't matter if you click on okay that value will get stored in this variable called num one okay so here we will change this variable type to integer what we are doing the variable type to integer so let's save it and run it again so what is the uh when you specify a specific data type it helps you so that if somebody else if they enter some text or something like that it'll reject it so if I enter 12 it is accepting it now let me write some text here okay so it is giving some error input dialog box uh is not a valid so it is giving some so here I have restricted by changing the variable type of that to integer integer kind okay now the same thing let's repeat now it is simple just copy this and control V and here I have to Simply change small small values here I'll make it to two enter your second number and here delete this create variable and I'm saying num two so num one and num two the two variables got created after that I would like to show one more input dialogue box and here it should show certain options addition uh subtraction multiplication and division these are the four option I would like to show for that I will say uh choose within double quote okay remember choose your option so your option and here input label I will say what would you like to do in double quote what would you like to do and here I'll give a multiple choice option and in the multiple choice how do you write so what are the options I would like to show first is the addition so how do you write put a double code and and then use a plus sign okay let me slightly increase the font so this is the addition after that separate it by a semicolon and then I want to show a minus symbol separate by semicolon then I would like to show a uh multiplication symbol separate by semicolon then I would like to show a division symbol done so these are the four different options I would like to show to the user so written in this way I'm going to hit on save done now whatever the value it is the user is selecting that should get stored in a variable I will say Choice hit on enter and this plus minus multiplication or this right so this I would take them as a string so if you see choice is a string so once this is done click on this plus sign and there's a activity called switch activity see you you are learning multiple different activities so switch so here I you have to Simply provide the variable choice choice variable and here click on this add new case so what is the very first symbol plus so use a plus and okay so before you do this so this activity started giving error escape and here you have to change the uh type argument to string see this is this is getting into a kind of a loop so crl g contrl g crl s and here click on string so I've selected string now click on this is this will slightly might trouble you ensure first you select string then come to add new case and use a plus sign don't use any double quotes nothing simply use a plus sign now if the user has selected plus sign that means use a assign so here drop an activity here go to activities panel and here I will use assign activity and this side I'm going to say create a variable called output hit on enter so this output variable should be what type it's supposed to be an integer type so let us select integer and then if somebody has selected plus sign then it should do num one variable num one plus variable num two getting it so let's just copy this formula save it okay num one plus num two the addition supposed to happen so uh option s dis implicit conv from string to double so here what happened when you are doing this whatever the numbers are right when you are adding them that should so let's check the variable type so yeah yeah this is string I have kept right I have to make it to integer num two also is integer correct so the error is gone all right now what is the Second Use case minus so let's put a minus symbol here and then all we will do let's copy paste this activity copy this activity contrl C come here paste this activity now only thing you have to do is simply change this Plus symbol to minus symbol done save it now what is the second case somebody might select the multiplication symbol now if there's a multiplication symbol what is supposed to do again the same activities all you have to do is use a multiply symbol here save it and then add new case what is the SEC last one division symbol now if somebody does that paste it here so it went here delet delete go to this click on this and highlight keep your mouse inside and paste it so if somebody divides then it should come something like this and save it so now your automation is built there is some error let's see what is the error cannot assign from system. double to system. in32 in assign activity so when I'm dividing num one divided by num two find cannot assign from system. double to system. in32 uh in assign activity so here the output what we can do is instead of integer because sometime it will come in points right when you divide 2.1 whatever it could come so go to browse for types so it is another data type so system. double simply say system do double okay so now you select the right data type so let's see if the error is gone yes the error is gone okay so nowhere there is a error so make the data type to double okay so now let's see how it is working if there is any problem anyways we'll correct it let's run it so it is saying enter your first number let's say I'm entering 10 okay and enter your second number let's say I'm entering five okay and what would you like to do let me select divide click on okay so now so there's no error came but again we have we didn't we forgot to print the output let me click on the plus sign and use a message box now this message box supposed to print the output here so save it and again run it okay first number let me enter again 10 second number let me enter let's say five okay and then I would like to select let's say division okay so now it is showing the value two let's do one thing let us use the plus sign uh let me add 100 plus 200 and then I'm going to select the plus sign hit on okay you can see it is showing the right value now let's try something else run it again let's say two and I will enter four and here let me select the multiplication okay so output is eight so you can see all the options are working so if you have done this please do let me know in the comment section that you are able to create a basic calculator now the next thing I would like to show you what if I would like to move a file from one location to the other location so for example in my computer let's go to downloads so there are two files challenge xlx vendor list. xlx let's say I would like to copy this file or move this file from downloads to documents so here I would like to store so how this can be achieved within within the studio environment do you know so let me show you now I'm not going to create one more project every time you know we have created so many projects now what I will do within the same project let me create a new sequence so new sequence and I will say move file and hit on create so what would happen when you create a new sequence so first we had main. zaml now we have created another zaml called move file zaml so this is again uh another zaml file got created so zaml files are the working workflows which contains the workflow for your automation right it contains the workflows that means the activities and all that inside this so move file. zaml is a new one I have created now in this one there is a activity okay there is a direct activity called move file click on this plus sign and type move file okay move file move folder move email there are multiple activities so you you select the system one system file Okay click on this the very first thing it ask from where to where so from click on this and I'm going to select the downloads folder and select that file click on open so I'm saying from this location then the destination so what is the destination I would like to move to my documents select folder pretty simple activity so as a beginner let's learn Basics small small Basics and then we will see so now let's look at the error absolute paths not recommended use a relative path instead that is not including a drive letter or a root folder absolute paths not recommended use absolute path means you have given the entire path but again you can still run this okay so if I'm going to run it we can use a variable and things like that the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process so that means I must have kept that Excel file open so let me close this let me close the Excel file so if somebody's using then yes the robot cannot access it right somebody's already using it so now let's run this okay so if I go to the output panel uh the execution sorry the move file so when you do this because you have multiple zaml right so what you do run file you do run file so only this file would run could not find C users raak download challenge. xlx uh okay the file has already been moved in the previous run let's see that yeah that was already moved so if I go to documents you can see uh what is that challenge XS okay the file has been moved let's do one one more time let's say from there I would like to put it back to some other location so let me select the file oh let's try one more file in the download there is another file called vendor list open and then I would like to move this to documents select folder okay and run file so when you do this run it will run the entire project so it will start from the calculator then it'll understanding so it will start always from the main. zaml so as I have got two different files and I want to run only this file so that time you have to select run file not the Run project this is the Run project okay it'll run the entire project so let me run it again okay the project is execution is completed now if you come here and refresh this okay so here you could see the vendor. list. file has come now there are so many question that will come into your mind what if there are multiple files how do I do it right all these things would come and that is obvious but right now I have got all this you know all that questions that you are getting in your mind all these questions can be clarified so what you do next so you have learned so many things now now what is next how would you continue your learning from my channel let me show you you go to my channel on YouTube and type automate with rocket you can see it do come and let me go to my channel so there are multiple sections on my channel one is home video shorts playlist this the YouTube sections now in the home section you have you have a tutorial start here what is RPA installation couple of things we have already done it but again if you go through this you would see so many different different examples here okay flowchart a couple of sequence what is a sequence what is a flowchart how to use a activity how to input dialog box you have seen so you should first watch this entire series okay after that what you should do then I have something called uipath Excel automation start with the Excel automations getting it then what next so for that once you are done with the Excel Automation and this one you would have got a basic a good understanding of UI path now simply come to this section playlist section okay videos means it I upload uh regular videos so all the videos you would find it's more than thousand videos so it it will be difficult to find a specific video so the I mean you can search and find but again it's good to go to the playlist go to the playlist scroll to the bottom okay scroll to the bottom so here uh there are these videos were created with the older version but again very nice examples I have taken uh for a beginner to understand you can start with this uh the UI was slightly different it was 3 years back uo Studio was slightly different so but again the examples would help you so go with this video okay after you have completed those things from the homepage come to the playlist start here then go to this playlist build data table again I'm saying the activities few things would be slightly different but it'll give you a lot of Concepts what is a DAT table how it works and all these things examples then you have got move file activity how do you move multiple files all these videos are kept so there are 21 videos Okay so this will help you you have a tutorial email how to do email automation so that is WR you know we have 14 videos go through this then PDF automation then re framework right Excel automation you have already covered then regular expression like that you should continue okay storage buckets vv.net okay you want to have some knowledge on net the 17 videos are there which will help you then some uh use cases I have okay some 37 use cases you can see so this will also help you then selectors I was talking about selectors right so this is the selector video so there are 23 videos use that enhance selector more to learn there are 10 videos then learn about computer a vision interview questions right UI interaction State machines seven videos are there so like that you should continue this will then Action Center then you get slowly you will enter into advanced topic so like that you can continue continue continue and watch all the I have got some Bas scripting python they are different so you can leave that but anything related to uipath uipath Modern design you would like to learn I've got 11 videos right document understanding lot of things I have kept here so simply scroll up and go through the playlist slowly and keep learning so all the best guys I hope this series this video was of some help to you and it is going to open the doors for you to learn uip paath in much more details with lot of examples and all my videos are there as a guide to help you so thank you guys keep commenting keep liking my contents thank you for watching this video we're going to meet once again in our next contents thank you
Channel: Automate with Rakesh
Views: 8,853
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Id: oJFfUcqCLO8
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Length: 90min 4sec (5404 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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