UE4 - Tutorial - Hologram Material! (Request!)

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hello guys and gals so in today's tutorial we are going to be covering this cool hologram effect this has been requested by a guy whose real name I know because he added me on Facebook and he's been challenging me on Facebook but his youtube name I cannot remember he requested it on YouTube first but he found my facebook stalker he's not a stalker in school and it's just like my youtube is my real name so anybody can find me oh no I've been rumbled but yeah I'm not going to say his real name because privacy but we're going to be covering this this was a request so a hologram effect we're only going to be using for textures now you'll notice in this folder however if we only got three the fourth is start to content so if you have the engine you have this texture so I don't need to provide that to you but I will throw these ones into a Google Drive folder and send them to you guys so we've just got this earth that's been taken from the NASA website I've used that to generate a basic normal map and then I've just got some scan lines which are just black and white lines and they're going to write just a mask so you can see here just making this really nice effect that's scrolling upwards excuse me now then before I delete this I'm going to percieve so civil I'm going to delete it here it goes goodbye a little hologram boink I know for some people it kills them when I do that so we're going to create a new material hologram let's go ahead and open this up and the first thing we're going to do is we're going to change this to a translucent under material now the reason we going with this translation is because opaque is simple on or off as far as masking is concerned with white being on black being off so gray values in between we will not work anything below 0.5 I believe will turn off and everything above 0.5 will make something on so you can't use a grayscale but we need to be able to use great scales for this we're using translucent and we're going to use on lit so that we don't have lighting affect the hologram because Holograms are typically made of light it's kind of what they do and so these are actually going to be affected shadows cannot be cast on these so we don't want any lighting to affect it so we're going to grab our three textures I'm just going to pull these in or maximize this up real quick I'm just gonna spread these out a little bit and the first thing we're going to work with is the diffuse now we're actually not going to be using the entire thing we're just going to be using one Channel and I will show you why inside the different channels here we have different information so you've got each channel has its own gray scale info now each one of these can be considered a mask because when they combine they give actual colors but when they're on their own a black and white because each channels got eight bits in and those represent values as 0 2 2 5 5 which is 256 different values which are all grayscale values but when you combine the different channels together you get colors yay okay I'm not going to go into much more detail on how colors work because it's quite a complex system but that's the basic rundown you don't need to know that that's extra information but we're just gonna be using one channel because we don't want color we just want the black and white so we're going to be using this like a mask I'm choosing to use blue you can experiment with any of these different channels to see the different results that you can get so what are we going to do with it well I'm going to press M and left-click to multiply it and I'm going to put the blue Channel in here and then I'm just going to run this up so you can put this throughout 2.5 and in fact I'm going to hold s and left-click for a scalar parameter I'm going to plug this in I'm going to name the scalar parameter to mask the mask drinks such as well that would help yeah I'm just going to default this to 2.5 and now if we were to preview this node you see what it's doing here is it's giving us this nice grayscale image yay so now what we going to do is we're going to add a color in so we're going to hold em and left-click again and we're going to multiply this hold 3 and left-click or a three vector plug this into the multiplied and now we're going to give this Okada I'm going to go with a light blue like the one that you saw in the example so you have its 0.783 and then one if we were to now preview this we get the same image as before but all of the values have been multiplied by the blue as our so I'll stop reading that now we're going to hold album left-click for a loop and we're going to put this into the beat and now for the alpha what we're going to do is we're going to create it for now so right click and type for now FR e s n e lv f is silent or forgiver and now what we're going to do here is to make the front a little bit more tasty-looking because if we were to preview just now and it's what it does is based on angle it gives a little white glow around the edge almost like a gradient and no matter how much we rotate this that will stay on the edge if we plug in normal into the normal then you can see that now that for now is also affecting this normal map that's on there which is really cool also really weird at the same time so to make this work properly excuse me I have really coming down with something we're going to change this for now the exponent is going to be 20 and the base refraction is going to be 0.5 and now we get this which you know I might change the space refraction maybe 2.05 let's see how that looks that's a bit nicer but we can within them play around with those values or we want just experiment with them see what kind of affected you you're going to like now we're going to use this as the Alpha because the Freneau is just black and white data we can use this as a mask and now if we were to preview the alert you'll notice now turn on the angle we change the color of the actual hologram so you can see here now that printout is a little bit strong based on this refraction I'm going to change it maybe point to so get more blue and black but you see that's actually a really nice effect they're pretty cool so what the load is doing is it's using the Alpha and for black and white data it's changing the values between a which is zero and just black and B which is that color so what are we going to do with this slope we are actually going to get a blend overlay lets blend overlay overlay and you can imagine this is just a as come like an overlay in photoshop it does the same kind of thing so you can see what it says there I've got my mess reading over it's emulating photoshop's overlay blend mode yeah he don't need to explain it it's right there cool so this is going to help us blend together the different things that we're going to be using so next we going to work on the scan lines so we're going to plug the scan lines directly into the blend overlay and now if we preview this we can see what we get and we get these these lines right on top of the earth okay but they're not quite doing what we want them to do I'm going to keep this previewing and we're going to start building onto the scan lines so we're going to do is we're going to hold P and let's click for a panel we're going to plug that into the UVs of the texture sample if we click on the panel and we change the speed Y which is the up and down axis to point to we can start moving these lines so now you can see that these lines are actually moving based on the panner yay they're doing a thing which is really cool but this isn't quite what we want it's not going to give us the correct effect as you can see it's not really looking very hologram e right now the reason being is these lines are really thick they're a bit too uniform and they're not really very random they don't feel random it feels mathematic and we don't want that so what we're going to do is we're going to change coordinate so this is likely so what we will do now is hold MLS click for a multiply we're going to put that into the coordinate here that's going to break things for a minute you're just going to get this flashing black because it's like barely any coordinate data inside this multiply we're going to hold you and let's click for add texture coordinate and we're going to hook this into a now with a set to one and one is getting multiplied by one which means we're just getting the absolute base UV for this scanlines but I'm going to increase this to two I'm both that's going to give us double the amount of scanline and next what I'm going to do is I'm going to get a screen position good I'm going to multiply this by point two point five and plug this into the beat you know and now you can see that screen position is having get a slight effect on the way they work from above now we can see that they kind of warping together if we're too close as we get further away they get more accurate so that here we're kind of inside the hologram and it's kind of bubbling around us yeah all right so this still isn't quite what we want it's a little bit weird looking so what we're actually going to do is we're going to take all of this copy and paste it we're going to change the texture coordinates to be four so now this one's going to get twice as many as the previous one we can hold a and left-click for an add we're going to add the two scan lines together and then we'll plug this into the blend and I can see we get these nice overlapping lines they overlap with each other which kind of gives this linking effect while they still scroll so it looks like the different pieces of the hologram are blinking in an hour of existence while they're being drawn which is actually really nice now as with anything you can play with the the values I think this panner I'm also going to increase the speed to point four so the blinking occurs a bit more often or less often as it missing let's see we'll put point three there we go that's nice nice and now what we're going to do is we're just going to add our concerns to be very quick flicks we haven't done this yet so we can hold s and left look for a scaler we'll plug this into opacity and we're going to set this default to 0.5 so it's half air half not and we're going to call this opacity so that we know what we're doing excuse me the next thing that we need to do is we're going to add the nice glow around the outside that's where we're going to get a new texture so if we go to our content folder and we search for tiling you'll find tiling noisy Row 3 which is a kind of cloud map drag that in and the toiling of toiling twirling nose and the toiling nose right the toiling oh my god the tiling noise dyslexia talk do this gently right the timing those is what we're going to use to make this almost random wobbly glow around the edge so here we're going to get another friend now but this time we're going to use a for an outlander score function which gives us a few more options we're going to plug this into the texture sample and if if we were to preview this you can see we get this really weird-looking belovedness in fact we're not going to plug that in there I plug that into the wrong spot hee hee hee what we're going to do with this cloud is where we need to pan of these as well so hold P and left-click for a banner I'll put down into the UVs well panel this at maybe 0.2 as well so we have this a nice now scrolling cloud effect on the circle we're going to get our screen position as well so we want this to be affected by ice cream position we're going to put that into the coordinate yeah so now you can see that the closer we are the more we get in there yay now we will stop previewing this real quick we will hold em and left-click for a multiply we plug the clouds into the multiply and therefore and nail into the multiply and if we were to preview this multiply now oh that looks weird right now the reason this looks weird is because the Rennell isn't getting any information so we're going to use a camera vector so we will right click camera vector we get camera vector WS which worldspace we're going to put this into the camera vector here it's going to look at where the cameras and it's going to change therefore a null based on camera position and then we're going to hold one and left-click for a confident prog this into power and we're going to set the power to ten we're going to determine how much we use like how big this black arrows in the middle and I can see we've got this nice wobbly white edging you see that there it's really nice it's pushing the clouds outwards we're going to scalar this so we're going to right click to convert to parameter and we'll call this friend nail power okay let's stop previewing that we're now going to do is we're going to multiply this by another scalar so hold s and left-click plug that in and this is going to be our glue he's pressing all the things glow power we're going to default this to about 150 so don't miss to be too strong and what that's going to do is it's going to take all the values here and it's going to make them brighter so anything that's black is going to stay black because black is zero so zero multiplied by anything is zero but white is one so it's going to be one multiplied by this number so over here you can see and you can see that the gray is getting some in there and that's because gray is zero point something so it is actually going to get multiplied in the gray areas which is going to give this a nice wobbly effect will stop previewing that now we're going to do is we are going to multiply that by the blend overlay so now we get the two things combined if we look at this here now you can see that we have this which is really cool so taking the scanlines into a counter the scan lines are affecting the glowy wobbliness on the outside and then we get to hold a and left-click for an ADD node will stop reviewing that and then we're going to add this multiply back into the blend overlay so the blend overlays then having this added on top and if we now put this into the emissive color we get out a really nice hologram there we go with the nice wobbly glows on the outline so you get this nice variation of where the most glow is you get some areas are a bit darker and as everything is parameterized so if we actually got the color that's right click the color converged parameter and we'll call this color we'll apply that I just have a sphere here this is just shape sphere so if you're in the content folder and you just search for the sphere you'll get a shape sphere and then I'm going to apply the hologram sort of hologram put this on there easier this is now exactly what I showed you at the beginning about what we're going to do is we're going to go back to where our content is so it was a whole download we're going to right-click it or create material instance we'll just leave this called instance so now I'm going to put this onto the share instead and if we open this up if you now see that all of our parameters are here and if we turn them all on we can change these in real time so if we want this to actually not be a hologram at all we can make it opaque we can make it really really light if we wanted we can increase the mask which will brighten the white areas but you know going to high is a little bit weird look at that oh isn't that weird so we're not going to present too much if we increase the glow power obviously we going to get more glow around the edge you can see here and then this one here that we have the free nail power is going to affect how much of the outside glows at the lower this value the more is the higher the value the less of it if you go to how you're not going to get anything at all so but between ten and twelve is actually a really nice value for that one so we're not actually really going to play with that too much Bigelow is a bit oh look at that yeah girl oh baby we'll just quickly sever and same with color if we change the color it will change the color of the entire thing so that's a really nice color I like that which only glow down so it's a bit offensive let's only pass it up there we go oh this is one more thing that we need to do to this impacts that I forgot let's go into the original hologram we will open this up we're going to do is we're going to we'll just move this along I'm going to hold P and left-click for a panner I'm going to plug this into the two texture samples from the beginning so the diffuse and the normal and then we are going to just give these some speed on the X so we're put point two and what this will do will it will rotate the actual hole to the quick 0.01 it will rotate the actual the earth textures that we have in there now if you want this to be parametrized as well you if you use a scaler and I'm going to show you this this is going to break it if you use a scaler we just called the speed come on speed and we set this to 1 what this is going to do is it's going to assign a value to both so you can notice now it's going up and it's going sideways okay so if we turn this down 2.1 we'll be able to see that a little better it's kind of scanning diagonally which you know the earth is on a slight tilt but you know we don't actually want that for the hologram so what we actually need to do so this one is we're going to create two scalar parameters the first is going to the speed X the second is going to be speed Y and now what we're going to do is right-click and append vector if we plug Y into B and X into a and then we put this into speed the pana is going to recognize the append and it's going to break these two different vectors into two values so it's going to recognize that a is the first value and B is the second value and as speed has two values which are x and y it's going to recognize X as a Y is B so for now if we were to change the speed of X here we should only rotate on one axis and we did that works and just to show you that that's not actually full of full of a whole new little we're going to change the Y value as well and that should now rotate it upwards and it does so that's working so that allows us to split the two values but you still use scaler parameters so I should going to default this to point zero one I'm going to play that I'm going to here open up our lovely everything instance make you see that it's working with the instances of so there we have it a hologram obviously you can go to a bit more length to this you can add some light shafts underneath if you wanted you could add some low little tags here that rotate with it whatever you wanted to do but that's the basic way of getting quite a nice and effective and simple excuse me our graphic today is just a as bad day for voice recording but you know what I say that I record these in queue the errors and I do so you're gonna get to keep that enjoy that one guys right so that's this done I hope you guys enjoy that and this is something that you can use feel free to experiment with this I'm going to give you all the texture is mess with these values don't take these values that like face value you can do what you want with this this is them you know it's just to do what you want with so experiment with it have fun with it and that's it I will see you guys next time
Channel: Dean Ashford
Views: 178,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UE4, Unreal, Engine, Unreal Engine, Tutorial, Student, Indie, Game, Dev, Hologram, Material
Id: wIz6iyIOkys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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