UDIMs - Modelling and Texturing Essentials

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hey guys having a Morton from flip normals here in this video we're gonna be talking about you dance and what that is this is a topic I've seen a hell of a lot of confusion about so we're just going to shed some light onto what you de are why they're useful and do some general thoughts around the topic here yeah we're gonna cover few basic things and where we use them in production and yeah how do how it really makes your life easier sometimes and it's harder so we are using Maya for this tutorial here but this is not on Maya even mapping tutorial we're not gonna be showing specifically how to split your model up and a lot that will come in a later tutorial so this is way way more theoretical how this is used in in a production environment yeah we're also showing some stuff in Mari but again there's not a texturing tutorial it's just a really good way for us to show you how the youtubes are gonna work yeah so by default this is usually what we're used to in terms of UVs keep in mind this is just layout by default this is not super nice but we have a little crocodile here who is pretty big crocodile that's a pretty big girl his name is Ferdinand for anyone wondering he's a very friendly crocodile so when you're doing something of this one the main challenges here is you need more resolution or when painting instead of a single map here if you were to paint your entire map here and you were to go this close up this wouldn't work if you were to start with maybe a 2 came up you would have to scale this up to 4 came up and you just see that you don't have enough for a solution and the only way you can get more resolution on to this area is by increasing the map you're painting on so if you go to 2 K you have to go to 4 K that's enough you've talking 8 K then 16 K in 32 case that's crazy and it will just be insane like you one thing you actually have to consider once you get up to map size is that big is that so I'm not like super technical and hold rendering buffer thing but it has to load in that map and that requires a lot of memory to load that in so it can become a very inefficient way of rendering as well absolutely so a better way instead of having one giant hormuz map here which covers the entire thing is to split this up into smaller Maps so we just use a quick UV set here and does this guy now split into 14 maps so YouTube's is essentially that you starting here at at the default tile here this is called 1001 this is called thousand two thousand three and so on the advantage to this is it's sequential so what what you might have done before is you have you have this called u1 we've won what not you have this minus one minus one look it just gets crazy and then you're just populating it around here it does vary a little bit depending on the let's say the Mari format is one way you have a see brush has another way to notice a different way as well but for this purpose it's like we're I mean for any production we're really always going with a Mari format yeah this has been standardized like this this came around this was introduced in in Mari this was the first offer to have you tips as far as I know at least commercially and it's just such a huge help in a production Armant because this has been standardized now if you're writing Maps out of C brush you can totally write this out as a udimm so if you write out a displacement map it's good just gonna keep the convention here if you that one is always this 1002 is this one if you want to take your texture maps into nuke or After Effects or whatever to to manipulate them you just have one sequence to load and if you were to have your map spread out here here and just all over the place in in ten different places there isn't really a whole there isn't really a good and standard way off of reading these files in yeah I mean like just because you have you DIMMs doesn't actually mean that it makes your life harder if you want let's say you wanted to do some edits to your maps like an enhancing with mention with new core or After Effects if you just have one map you know you load any one map you you do some contrast stuff on it whatever you could do the same thing with an entire sequence and nuke or after effects and just render out the sequence it's just the same thing exactly so let's say you were to you have all absurd you want to increase the contrast all of them which is something we do all the time you have an in nuke you have a single red note and you do your thing and you write it out again and this is going to be able to you be able to pick this up in any render engine out there today there might be some exceptions but I haven't heard of those most software no most engines will be able to pick this up so like I said this always starts out 2001 you never ever ever have negative house here you don't put anything here here here you start at in you start in this one so this goes 2000 2 3 4 etc and then it starts at thousand eleven twelve thirteen fourteen and so on and this goes to infinity up here essentially like there is no there is no limit to how many units you can have we worked on assets which have like like spaceships and stuff like that they can go crazy high cuz yeah let's say mr. Ferdinand II was a spaceship and you have like a you have like a you have a shot which goes like this and you go super close to one region and you go super far away for other regions and you go super close up again that would be insane let's say they were so there was a film which involved a wars in space what they have assets which are like equal to that and particularly form something that you just need some some show so I worked on I have had more than a thousand units against absolutely bonkers but that's just what you need I mean I've had I've had a creature alone that was a hundred and or 120 yum-yum's I think but because it's because what any mentioned that you you have instances where you would need to have super close-up shots yeah and others that are far away so you kind of have to guard yourself against all of it yeah and sometimes you have specific maps that are just just high-res in this one area like if you wanted to go you had a close-up of the eyes or whatever close to the eyes you would maybe have a 8k map just for that area but the rest would be 4k yeah yeah so this is something we do a lot particularly in the effects because if you're doing like a still image or whatnot this is not that important because you generally know what angle they're going to be viewed from but hero characters in the effects particularly like we've had shots where you you have this character here and you go inside his mouth and you just need that resolution for it sometimes you do shot specific stuff but for a lot of times you just need you need your character to be able to work from every angle and you need to literally work this close-up where he goes hmm because we go really really close up yeah I mean I guess this is kind of different with me effects than vente games yeah I guess far as I know you Tim's are not being used in games maybe there's some um trickery I am not aware of if you work in games and usually do some please let us know yeah but I mean in the effects we go pretty crazy with this stuff yeah so yeah it would go far above all this like you would go it will go like it would fill up all of these and we'll go about here from you effects and these masters are probably for Kayla I hate 8k depending are your highest I worked I think as a hundred fifty items which is bonkers like you shouldn't go that high unless you really really have to I mean you know for for modelers it's pretty good once you get into Mari oh man I have to flip the maps now and uh yeah once you have to do changes across like you tile something across 150 maps yeah and rendering this well it becomes very heavy yeah as you go along so for something with this character here the 14 maps is is more than plenty this is a personal project so for this guy here I wouldn't go above this you could probably even go like four five six of them mmm but one advantage of having multiple universes they can also be used as selection sets and will go a bit further on that later on here the first off let's let's jump into Mari real quick here now so here we have we have our little crocodile here and we have a version here with you dance on and we have a version with singles on here so let's just explore the single one first so I did an absolutely fantastic texture on this if I might say so myself yeah professional texture oh yeah I know what I'm talking about coming tutorials this took about four seconds to project yeah but a point it with the point will make here is if you want more resolution on this on this thing here if you want more resolution here you can see that if you're painting you literally painting pixels which obviously isn't gonna fly here so if you want more resolution like we said you have to increase the map size this is currently a 1k map and this is this is for demonstration purposes you would you would probably have a bit more you add but let's say this is a 4k map and then you need more resolution you have to increase this now to HK and then 16 K and you just gonna be in a really really hard you're gonna have a really hard time with that yeah like we talked about before now you have to increase it everywhere like in what scenario do you want the same resolution close up of the eye as you want underneath the feet right it's it's there's different resolutions for different things yeah so if we look now at the Uden version and we compare this you can now see that we have a lot more resolution here obviously the map we're using here is kind of terrible and you know it it's not a good texture paint job here but if you say for painting now you can see you get a lot more resolution here before we're painting literal pixels but now you can actually get some variation here and you can actually start to paint in some of this kind of stuff yeah I got a nice tattoo yeah that's scary thought 39 he's gone bad so the pride like we said just I'll just 100 is point the pride the primary reason for you dance is resolution and you know if let's say you want more resolution a certain areas now know this is fairly easy to do you can just go in here and if you lose coming back into Maya split this guy up a bit more and just add the more resolution to these areas now it's incredibly hard in this case here to add more resolution to them yes you could scale the head up or whatnot but it's there isn't a whole lot of space here like if you if you make this one bigger you have to make the other one smaller so definitely for high resolution stuff we need youtubes yeah there are certain sacrifices with with the single one I suppose and I mean in terms of in terms of pure painting when you're doing in Mari let's say you had a super nice single layout where you could actually just mirror like on the x-axis from one to the other you could do the same thing with with with you dooms we just shift whatever you've painted on one tile shift it to the next one so it's not really a problem yeah exactly so yeah so what morn is mentioning here is if you are sure specific here let's say this was super nice and the left side here was this was the left side or right side whatever and you can mirror now you could paint here and you can use merit is over right now this will be super easy to do in Mari and this was super you know Photoshop or whatnot if you if you have this set up here obviously this is a bit harder to do but we we're gonna make a future tutorial or you know how insanely easy this is that's like a future plug the future yeah or if you're watching this from the future maybe you could check this out of our channel I'm sure there'll be a link to it in the video in the future yes but so essentially if you if you if you want to if you want to paint with symmetry and Mari here you could easily do that as well but look for now that's like a teaser that's unfair okay I guess this is like the first Martin video we actually do so yeah so it's okay to t something we're definitely going to be doing more videos because Mari is one nice offer that you know I've been using Marvin's like for five years now and I am actually a professional text artists well are you spending more half my career painting in Mari and I'm doing this day today painting these kind of things here so we need to disuse it we need to just get more imparted well not more marketers we need some more e tutorials out there yes it's an amazing tool but I digress now an interesting thing that Henning also talked about with selection sets and this is something that on a previous project we've actually made a real good use of in terms of sculpting in ZBrush where you like if you have an entire model like the same principle kind of applies when you're doing sculpting as when you're painting on your udimm like if you imagine in C bars let's say you know maybe what do they increase the limit to 80 million yeah it's up to but 80 million gets super heavy right so if you were to subdivide your entire model up to 80 million versus you cut it off where the you Dems are yeah like all of a sudden maybe you could have the head only be 20 million the body combined is maybe 10 million or something like that you wouldn't have to have one sub tool that contains everything and any any scenes you would like any seam issues you would run into you could either actually like on a project I did there I didn't even have seem issues even though I sort of like ghetto split it up but if you plan ahead really well you probably wouldn't run into seam issues but I mean in worst case scenario you could fix it in in Mari so just look back back here to show what Morton is talking about in Sieber share if you have you tips this model is identical model eyes we're looking Mari if you go under tool polygroups and you the group you can see now that we have different parts of the model have different colors now so it's actually split up you can't see it but it's actually split up into your names now so this is this is crazy handy so first we're just sculpting this is handy because now you can feel like oh I want to focus on me on this side on this hand and you can only sculpt this guy up here but what Morton is going but specifically which is insanely useful is we we now subdivide this model up to around 1 million now let's say this was like 80 million and you actually couldn't sub all you can subdivide this any higher yeah and you want you have a hero shop off the head here you need to just sculpt this like crazy you can see that obviously we don't have enough for a solution here so we can subdivide it but this subdivides the entire bloody bottle right now wear it pretend eighty million so we can't subdivide any more so the way you can do this now tonight we can we can separate the head out based on where the seams of the universe are and then we can subdivide that part locally which is crazy howdy it's a bit messy because now now if you need to change your model later on like you have a split off model want you to reproject back to it it can be done I've done it before yes and most the time when you have something that's that high res you don't actually run into seam issues yet if you plan ahead yes I guess it's it's not something you just decide to do trust me I've seen this before in production don't decide to split it up half way through it's something that you kind of have to instinctively know that will happen yeah and if you do it from the beginning it's awesome yeah so that's that's a really good way of doing it so like we said here in ZBrush you have selection sets here which is really useful you know you can just work on the foot here and and you don't have to make these you don't have to make these in ZBrush this is just based on your gibbie's so sometimes only I'll even do like a quick selection sets just based on done some super quick TVs just to have super clean selection sites here but also in Mari as well this is crazy handy as well like let's go back to the single version here and right now you want to you want to isolate the hand here you know you could of course isolate they had just with just with polygons but the far more superior version is to go into the YouTube and now if you hit the S key oh yeah I know it's gonna code too much into Mari here but now we have a clear selection set so now we can just hide this and it's super easy just to - to hide and unhide versions here if you wanna if you can also do this right here in the UV editor and you're gonna hide this directly and you now have a clear selection of your thing you can also of course save these selections so that you can very easily just with a single click you can just get back to these selections here pretty cool pretty cool stuff so essentially to sum up what you damar it's it's a system - which allows you to have far higher resolution on your model in a standardized system so this is you can see here you can see the coordinates it's thousand and one name is 2011 and this is always the same ZBrush will read them the same arnold Mari v-ray doesn't matter it's a standardized system where you can now get your textures up and and work with that system it also it also doubles as selection sets and you could tons the cool stuff with that yeah so I hope this demystifies the whole yes uddham thing just a little bit it's really not that hard once you just get your mind around a few things with splitting up your model and the UNAM numbers I mean I still remember the numbers but I don't mean it's whatever it's it's really not that hard yeah it's and it's gonna make your life easier both in texturing and in terms of modeling yeah so there's might as well try it yeah so like I said we will come with more specific videos in the future about this this is purely to get an overview of what you Tim's are so we really hope this here has been a useful video for you guys and like Morgan said that younam's have now properly been demystify whoo-hoo and if you want to see more videos like this in the future make sure to leave a comment down below like and subscribe and thank you for watching thanks guys you
Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 100,204
Rating: 4.846561 out of 5
Keywords: 3d, sculpting, zbrush, concept, maya, tutorial, autodesk, film, vfx, animation, twitch, mjthehunter, flippednormals, henning, morten, creature, character
Id: DmuHLe6MjEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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