Splitting Up Your Model in ZBrush

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you [Music] hi guys Henning a Morton from flip normals here so in this video we are going to show you something that we talked briefly about in another video about YouTube's about selection sets in ZBrush and how you could use them in a production to get more details in one sub tool that sort of split off from the main sub tool this is something you need a lot like is specifically for like this character here like let's say you're you subdivide the entire thing up and the total is around it's around five six ten million and you need the head to be like thirty million this because you have a crazy high-res version of it so you just need a lot more resolution on the head than you do in a body yeah and let's say now we've reached our limit and we can't actually go any higher then the nice thing about this little strip solution is that it enables us to bridge that gap between the two models yeah so there's not a perfect solution by any means but it does does help it does kind of work so this little strip here is just split off from the main body I just selected a strip around that's wide enough for me to cover this seam in the middle and any other changes I might have to do there's really nothing fancy here this is not an end this trip it's not in any way based on you didn't soar anything like that know what but it's important to say though that this is based on you terms yes so you know in this case we've you vide are our model and thought about okay we need more resolution and make sense to split it here so that we can get more of a solution in that part of the head absolutely so let's have this part now so this part still has a model you know so we'll just go ahead and we're just gonna delete that part so you do this under tool modify topology and delete hidden this is we use this a lot and now for the body here what we want to do let's just go back in subdivision levels so we want to split this out so if you go to split group split and this is under sub tool as well you can see that now it's been split based on our poly groups and our probably groups are based on yidams yeah so we have that and the nice thing about this is that now we can subdivide this up a lot higher than we could before because I'm just attached so one little issue when you're subdividing when you've cut off a model like this is that you'll see your edges will shrink mm-hmm just a quick fix for that is if you go on decreasing increase you'll see you have this little extra line around and now it'll stay yeah you know smooth but it won't shrink now some places you'll run into issues with this is if you have areas like this that's a sharp edge I see this is a bad example else you're on the body you can get rounding where you don't run rounding to occur yeah so let's take the body here here we have Oh we'll do it on the strip so we'll do the same here go decreasing crease this subdivide this up a few times it's really important to decrease it always you get a massive gap between these two models yeah so now you can see now that these subdivided we have this split in the middle this is perfect split right now because you know they come from the same thing if you're to render to this as we look the same mm-hmm and like you could subdivide like right now these have been subdivided to the same level which is ideal because then the details that will sculpt the cross are going to stay consistent it just means that we will be able to subdivide it up higher maybe you wanted to maybe even split the body here cut off the arms I've done that before where I only have the feet because we needed some really high resolution stuff just for the feet yeah so general things like you most most sort of time need more resolution on the head and not on the button because this all with us always want to care about right become the head compared to life two feet normally that is the case but in certain cases you have shot specific okay you have shot specific setups so here is just an example to show you what I was talking about before the creasing here usually runs around in a loop but here it has to break so now it's been creased but even when we subdivided we still see yeah some the mesh deform so when you're doing your your planning or whatever for the mesh you would ideally want a strip around this mesh has been serie meshed so you know we have a hole all topic about why Siri matching is not always good this would be an example of why Siri machine didn't doesn't always work for a character like this I mean this is my character so I'm kind of I'm kind of being a bit of hypocritical here but if I was doing this for production not just the same personal project I would have definitely done proper topology for him I mean even today like if you were to redo this guy I would have definitely done proper topology for him here just because there is no reason not to so but now I just let's say we wanted to get some more details just along this Ridge here and this is right where our scene is gonna be so because you can you can sculpt you can scope stuff on both character on both two sub tools as long as it's not going across the scene the problem is once you want let's see one something I'm going across it seemed like a scar or a pattern or you know something like that then sculpting on this strip is it's the way to go yeah and this has multiple purposes like you can both serve as a fixer for if you mess up the edges between the two meshes or it can serve this purpose which is sculpting details across to high-risk meshes yeah so super nice sculpting there so now we have our body strip and the way it works is that we want to project down from a body strip to the to the head and and the body so let's start with the body here like again this is not a perfect solution know I've used it in production before with no issues in terms of the scene but you can run into small seam issues like this so let's just have a look you're probably gonna be fine with seams if you're layering essentially a bunch of on top of this your noise message that pretty well yes if you do if you have like advanced if you have seems like this and you know the way to fix it I mean if you obviously the way to fix it is to do this is to do to maybe like fix this in Mari or some loner out but let's say you don't that's not our option you normally can't see this in shots with this is gonna sound a bit hacky with a lot of motion blur but a lot of stuff layered on top of in our channels like color spec bump and all this kind of stuff you generally won't be able to see it but that's film you know so we can get away with a lot of things yeah so for this one here just gotta make sure that a top sub tool that we're projecting from is visible the bottom one is visible I've just isolated what's so loaded just so I can just see this and then just come under project and you just say project all and now we have our details here you see we do get some artifacting at the edge this is something that you could mask out you could potentially store a morph target actually let's do that so we have this part of the mesh and we got a morph target if you store the morph target and the move car in distress it's a blend shape of the model this is a copy of the model so now you can get back to where it was before hand so with the morphe brush for the hot key there just disable that neck there then we can now paint out whatever we don't want projected over yeah this quite a handy feature when you do see artifacting like this most part is something you just kind of like once you learn to love them yeah and no idea how you how you ever go on without them so now I want to do the same thing on the head here so yeah maybe store morphed art beforehand as well in this one because then you can just effectively show morph target and we'll just project down again there you go so again we get a little bit of artifacting here but we do see this so let's see our result from these two projections so we have a little bit of a difference here but generally you know the details actually match this I would almost with a hundred percent certainty certainty say that you're not gonna see once you generate these meshes you just look at how close up you are now yeah and look I mean the thing is it's not even a it's not even a height difference yeah it is a difference in the X and z direction not the Y direction so you're probably fine but I mean that's the new closest fix this by hand you know straight up just going through this and using the move brush or something like that instead of what you can also do here instead of morphing this out you could it's also possible to mask this out beforehand yeah I doing a soft mask I mean that's what ever you prefer right yeah so let's say we do that for this part now say I only want to match the details right here and we know our masks or our polish trip goes down to here so just mask that invert our mask and make sure the right sub tool is enabled and then we'll project that so now we're only getting there objection here and again now these two should line up pretty well yeah with no cleanup whatsoever mmm so again not saying this is a perfect solution but the butter is a solution this is this is essentially you want more resolution on one part of the body it requires a bit of planning because particularly in if you're in a production this this becomes problematic if you want to let's say you want to update the UVs or topology for one of these guys here this is why we split this up based on yidams because if you split this paleface on youtube so you can just export out you can just export those youtubes again later on and the use will update this becomes a real pain anyhow when these have been split up just based on arbitrary cuts that's really not ideal yeah so please try to split this up based on the UNAM or based on the UV shell or based on based on something which which is not just random basis or the planning goes a long way but split or based on something which you can reproduce very easily yeah a certain way we can update a UV sent apology fairly easily and another another quick use for this is like we're in the beginning it's just for fixing mm-hmm so let's say I mean now you can see I move these in a little bit with the move brush and I actually get fairly close to a point where I would almost guarantee that we're not gonna see this so but let's say you're doing some really nice detailing on either side of these and then accidentally without noticing uh-oh start doing this right and you maybe you sculpt for a couple hours and you go back you realize ah crap I've actually sculpted there so we can go ahead and just mask out just around the border mm-hmm like that you can also I'm a general tip here as well you can also just smooth the moss by ctrl-clicking as well yeah because then you just get a cyclist softer Musk let's see again enable our little strip project all and we should be closer to our original one it's not gonna be perfect you know this is more of a fix hair solution like I said I've used in production before didn't see it no didn't see the scene like Henning said there are there is things to consider such as motion blur and noise mm-hmm whatever texture goes on top of this tends to mask these things out pretty well and also when we're doing this kind of stuff as well like you said you're planning this out to planning where the seams are so we would try to avoid doing some kind of crazy sculpting across this seams yeah so I mean the best solution here is just not to do it you'd probably try to find a place where you could hide your seat I mean obviously on this character that's impossible you could maybe dude yeah yeah I was probably doing the back of the head cause then you wouldn't really really see it but then you would have to plan new UVs around that as well yeah and maybe but maybe it doesn't allow it maybe you are required to put your or your split in your uterus right here yeah and then this solution can be for you you can go in fix it in Mudbox even like you could have everything together in mud Bush because they handle higher subdivision you would also do tamari yeah we just clone out the thing so there are a couple of solutions to get around this but as a general rule quick fix quick fix with planning though this is the solution yeah so I'd be very curious to hear if you guys have any other solutions to this problem because this is a fairly common issue and this is not an issue which would be solved by increasing the poly count limit in ZBrush like let's say you let's save it increase to limited like 200 million now like you still reach a point where sorry you just need more resolution on this finger you know you're still you just need more resolution on certain parts of the model yeah what what ways are your guys's ways of doing this is there any any cool ways of doing this yeah be curious let us know so yeah it was just a quick little tip on how to fix your scenes so if you want to see more videos like this in the future make sure the like comment and subscribe you
Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 39,129
Rating: 4.7739725 out of 5
Keywords: 3d, sculpting, zbrush, concept, maya, tutorial, autodesk, film, vfx, animation, twitch, mjthehunter, flippednormals, henning, morten, creature, character
Id: cNnOkllXqag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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