Ubuntu 24.04 on the Raspberry Pi - How to, Setup, and Demo

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now I hope you've had a chance to look at my review of Ubuntu 24.0 4 it's a very important release it's a long-term support release LTS release comes with Linux 6.8 kernel with a new schedule you've got gome 46 and so much more I cover all of that in that video but another interesting thing about Uber 24.0 4 is it supports the Raspberry Pi out of the box so in this video I want to install it on the Raspberry Pi I'm going to install it on a Raspberry Pi 5 with an nvme drive and I've got videos here on this channel about how you add an nvme drive to the Rasberry Pi 5 but at the other end of the scale I'm also going to install the server version on the Raspberry Pi 02w so that's just a 1 GHz quad core with only half a gig of memory so we got from the server version on a very small raspber pi to a desktop version on a very powerful raspber Pi with 8 gigs of RAM an nvme drive and ubuna 24.0 4 will work on all of it okay if you want to find out more please let me explain now one reason I'm using the rosby pi 5 with the nvme drive is I did try this on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 GB of RAM using just an SD card and it was a bit slow in fact it wouldn't complete the initial onboarding process now maybe there are some updates that need to come along maybe I need to try that again I did try it with two different SD cards in case it was defective it didn't work so I would recommend at the moment this may change in the future as I say if there are any updates but at the moment this if you're going to do the desktop version you really do need to run it with an nvme drive but the server version as you will see runs perfectly with a small amount of ram a much lower powerful uh processor but uh it still runs the server version no problems whatsoever okay so here we are on the raspberry PR imager I'm running this one on Windows of course you can get it for Mac OS and for Linux okay because I want this running on a Raspberry Pi 5 using an nvme Drive what I'm actually going to do is I'm just going to install normal Raspberry Pi OS so then on the Raspberry p 5 I'm actually going to boot it up into Raspberry Pi OS and then run the same Raspberry p imager program again and then get it to install Ubuntu directly onto the nvme drive so let's just go ahead and create this drive we don't want any custom settings yes we don't mind all the data gone so it's going to go ahead and write that SD card now now while I'm here I'm also going to write a version of Ubuntu server 4.04 and put that on a Raspberry Pi 2W so if we go here now and we change this to a pi 02w and then we go again and look under the general other OS Ubuntu as you can see here it's just the server versions being listed because there's not enough RAM really to run the desktop version however it will run the server version so we'll click on that and as before we pick our SD card what's good is that when you click next here it'll say do you want to apply some custom settings now because we're going to probably do this headless that would be a really good idea so let's click edit settings so we're going to give it a name well I think we'll call it um uh Pi 2W d24 it's called it U 244 okay going to set a username and password that I know about there we're going to configure the wireless LAN okay so we can click next we can click save and then we can say do you like to apply those customs yes I would you're going to raise everything yes of course and again we just wait now for that to be written okay so here we are back on our tempy version of raspberry pios booting from the SD card and now we go to accessories and then down to imager and choose our device so this is of course a Raspberry Pi 5 and we're going to want to go down to other general purpose OS we want Ubuntu we want the desktop version and now to choose the storage well actually we don't do that we want to put it on the uh nvme drive that I've already got there like that and click next are you sure you want to delete it all yes I am and we'll wait for that to write okay so that has finished being written to the NV drive we are now going to shut this down remove the SD card and then reboot directly from the nvme drive okay so we need to take out the SD card and then reboot okay so I've rebooted and now we see the Ubuntu splash screen running okay and we have an onboarding screen where we can set the language and the keyboard and we want to connect to a particular Wi-Fi network we can set our time zone and we can set uh up the user account information so I'm going to call this uh Gary hyphen u44 pi five why not and set a password of course okay now we finished the on boarding we have a proper login box so let's just run a terminal and we can do install Neo fetch so there we are we've got Ubuntu 24.0 for running on a Raspberry Pi I also tried to configure RDP the remote desktop protocol that's part of known for that worked absolutely perfectly so now from a Windows machine or a Mac I can connect to Ubuntu 24.0 headless get up the desktop using RDP worked absolutely great okay Switching our attention to the Raspberry Pi 02w for a moment I've put in the SD card in that and I've booted it up now one big problem is you need to find out the IP address of the device now uh the easiest way to do that is to basically connect a keyboard to the Raspberry Pi 2W log in first of all there find out the IP address with I IP address show now you can do it remotely by kind of pinging or using nmap trying to find out what new raspber device you've got on your network depending on your level of proficiency I found out the address of my one so what we're going to do is we're going to log in now to that so secure shell Gary at1 156 is actually the address and I use the password that I set there when I uh created the SD card okay so there we go we've logged in so a quick HTP we can see here it's using about half of the memory there remember the pi 2W only has half a gig of memory which is why we're running the server version and let's just quickly run Neo fetch which I have installed to show us the nice thing there we go 24.0 for LTS on AR 64 64bit uh arm there so there you go it up and running on a Raspberry Pi 02w so there you go U 24.0 not just for Intel and AMD PCS but also now for the Raspberry Pi love to hear your thoughts are you going to use Ubuntu 24.0 4 on your Raspberry Pi okay that's it my name is Gary Sims this is Gary S I really hope you enjoyed this video if you did please do give it a thumbs up if you like these kind of videos why not stick around by subscribing to the channel okay that's it I'll see you in the next one oh
Channel: Gary Explains
Views: 11,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gary Explains, Tech, Explanation, Tutorial, Ubuntu, Ubuntu 24.04, Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat, Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi 5, Raspberry Pi 5 with SSD, Raspberry Pi 5 with NVMe, Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop, Ubuntu 24.04 Server
Id: fgonBE4KWGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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