Ubiquiti UniFi OpenVPN Server Setup

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hi I'm Willie welcome to my channel thank you for being here I appreciate each and every one of you what we're going to take a look at in this video is real quick how to set up an open VPN client VPN so that's if you're out you know outside of your office outside of your home you want to VPN in that's what I'm going to show you how to set up here with the new unify this is actually on my udm Pro and so it'll work this way on your udm as long as you're running that UniFi Os 3.0.20 or newer and it's really good stuff and it's it's really not that difficult but I'm going to explain a couple things as we go so first thing you're going to do is go to settings you're going to go to teleport and VPN then under VPN server you're going to click create new then you're going to choose openvpn now here I'm just going to call this Willy VPN or openvpn then under server address if you're if your udm whichever UniFi device you are doing this on if it has DHCP for the WAN then that is going to show up here under IP address this doesn't necessarily have to be static or you can enter the IP address manually by clicking that button so I'm just going to choose wan1 now also if you do have a DHCP address you'll probably want to set up Dynamic DNS and then we'll take a look at the config file and I'll show you where to where to put that but we're going to choose Port 1194 because we can choose multiple ports now here's where you uh can create a user here so I can just create W how and then my super secret password Here and then once I download the config and make sure everything's good I could be done now if you have a Windows Server you have a Synology server or something else and you want to actually authenticate this with users on that other system then this is where you would create that radius profile and you would connect it to your Windows Server your Synology any other ldap server um active directory what have you and that's where you would do that is under manual if you want to see a video on that let me know down in the comments but this is really all you need to get going so we'll go ahead and apply the changes there and I'll go back into this because I can download that config file right so here's the config file this is what you need to install on your computer or your phone so I'm going to click download and what we're going to do is we're going to bring this up in a notepad and I'm going to explain a couple of the things inside the file all right so here is the actual ovpn file and you can see right here it has remote and then it has the IP address of my Wan and the port now if I have Dynamic DNS configured or DNS period I would put in my fqdn here and I would leave the port the same now this option right here where it says redirect Gateway if this is commented out so if there was a hash sign before this like this what that would do is you would effectively have split uh tunnel with your openvpn but with this by default it's going to direct all of your open VPN traffic through the open VPN connection through the unify device and then the certificates in the keys that's everything that is embedded sometimes with openvpn you can have separate files that contain those things here everything is actually right in that ovpn file all right so if you don't have the openvpn client installed on your Windows machine I suggest using the community downloads and you can just do a Google search for openvpn downloads and I always grab the latest greatest for whichever platform I'm using so I would be using a 64-bit MSI installer for my computer here now if you're on a Mac I suggest you use tunnel Blick for this now once you've got your configuration downloaded and you've got openvpn installed you're going to have this you're going to have a little openvpn client down down by your clock now you can't see it because I'm actually in the way here so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to um click on that I'm going to click import file and then I would um go to where that file is at and select that file and once I do that it's imported I just use my username and password and I connect to the VPN and all should be good so if you've got any questions about that let me know it's pretty straightforward it's a great option for VPN if you've got MFA set up on your active directory and you are connecting this to your active directory then that MFA will flow through now the user would put in their password and then the totp if that's what you're using but it works great and is really simple let me know down in the comments if you have any questions about this and if you like the video make sure you give it a thumbs up subscribe comment and share follow me on Twitter and Tick Tock those links are down below along with all of our affiliate links and our patreon link if you'd like to support the channel and if you need it Consulting because you'd like to get VPN and multi-factor authentication setup for your network or reach out at willyhowe.com click hire us or contact us fill that information out and someone will be in touch with you as soon as possible we do all kinds of IT consulting so reach out and if we can't help you we'll get you to someone who can that's our promise to you once again I'm Willie I want to thank you for being here and as always I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Willie Howe
Views: 23,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unifi, unifi dream machine, unifi dream machine pro, unifi openvpn, unifi openvpn setup, openvpn server unifi, unifi vpn setup, willie howe unifi, ubiquiti networks vpn, willie howe technology, dream machine vpn, dream machine pro vpn, willie howe, dream machine openvpn, dream machine pro openvpn
Id: s7VLYgIy9AQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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