Setup VPN Client Interface on UNIFI UDM-PRO

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hello everyone welcome to another tutorial today I will be showing you guys how to set up VPN on your unify udm Pro um router or firewall um a client reach out to me to be able to help them do this on their Network um so I thought um I could come online and I'll show you guys how to do this as well I have previous videos or there are a lot of videos out there for I'm setting up openvpn or um other VPN types for your router especially open source routers like pfSense I have a video that I showed you guys how to set up Pia um the private internet access VPN on um netgit PF sense firewall so that way all your traffic that is going out is being routed through the VPN and that way you can view content that may or may not be allowed in your region and start I'm going to say this video is for educational purposes only um not intended to be used for malicious purposes [Music] um so I'm just gonna go straight to the point um this is very easy on my PSNS this is pretty straightforward so the first thing you want to do is go into your unify uh unified console and login as administrator of course you want to select the network application you want to go to settings and then you want to go into teleport and VPN so you scroll down to VPN client in my case I already have one setup but we can go ahead and create another one so before we do that um there's two things three things we're gonna need so if you click create VPN clients you see we need a username and a password and a configuration file because this is set up to use openvpn so I am using Pia um Pia private internet access um it's a VPN that you can use for free or you can get a paid version and the paid version um is unlimited and it has different options that you can use with so this is my account if you log into your Pi private internet access or Pia VPN account or if you use something like expressvpn or some other one what you want to look for is for the configuration settings okay so in this case um I'm just gonna go down and we're going to select the option open VPN configuration generator or you can view VPN configurations okay in this case if we view them you can pick any one um you can pick some custom configuration types that have been created by Pia this one openvpn configuration files with strong encryption you can use the TCP one or in this case we're just gonna download the strong one for our UDP okay once that comes is you're gonna open the folder up you can see the different configurations in here for different countries okay or locations we're going to just pick one we can pick um United States East or we can pick a specific location let's say for example um Texas if we wanted all our traffic to be routed um onto the VPN or the Texas IP address so we're gonna go back here and we're going to give you the name we'll just call this VPN Texas okay or let's just use something out of the United States so I'm gonna do um Mexico okay so we're gonna do VPN and then we'll select Mexico and for the username you want to paste in your username for um your Pia or VPN account in this case I'm using Pia so I'm just gonna copy the username paste that now that we have our username and password the next thing we need to do is upload our VPN configuration so we're just gonna go to VPN strong that we downloaded and we're gonna look for Mexico okay and there we go we have Mexico once we put that on there you hit save um depending on your udm pro if it's um slow or fast this may take some time just give it a moment it's eventually Gonna Save and give you um a prompt that says it's been configured and once that saves you want to go back see successfully started VPN Mexico so now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go um back and configure a specific device on my network to be able to use this VPN because you you you udm Pro is just gonna set up this VPN and as you can see keep it running so now you have to assign it to a specific device in your network you can either assign it to all devices or you can assign it to a specific device which is a great part about this um option because instead of um doing it for everyone you can just select a specific device and have it use uh the VPN in this case we're going to look for the IP address of this my laptop I'm using as we can see right here um my IP address is so I'm gonna go into traffic management and you want to go to the option that says routes okay we're going to create a new route and then we can either route all the traffic through the VPN or we can route a specific traffic so in this case we just want to do all traffic so we're gonna look for my device with that IP address um one one two okay so once we find that device you want to select the interface you can see I have multiple of them because of the um different types the one um my two ones of my udm Pro and then for VPN it gives you the VPN interfaces that you have created so we'll select Mexico and then we'll just call this route or true VPN okay and once we add that route okay um if I go back to my browser and I type what's my IP um you should not be able to see that my IP for this computer has suddenly changed and now I have a Mexico City IP address notice I didn't turn on any VPN on the computer um udm Pro is doing all of this for us in the back end okay we could go back in there and you can also specify um or you have the VPN run on that machine or specific client only when they try to access a specific region or maybe a specific domain name or specific IP in the case of Ip you put the IP in the port the domain name all you just do is put in the domain name and add it so this is just a quick overview of how we can use this um to assign VPN connections to specific clients in your network maybe if you had your TV and you wanted to watch um Netflix and you're not in the United States and you're getting blocked um if you have a udm pro instead of having everyone in your house on your network um using the VPN um you can just set it up and select a specific device or you can do it for all devices or you can even do it for a specific group of devices um as well as individual devices okay um once you have that done you save it you're good to go if you ever wanted to delete that you know you're just gonna go to manage you can pause it or you can remove it completely okay um the same with the VPN uh you can go back to the VPN client and you can just go to manage and you can click on the one you want to pause or delete and then you can remove it or pause it okay that brings us to the end of this video it is pretty straightforward I just thought I should share it with you guys so if you have a udm pro it is easy to set up a VPN client to be able to um routy traffic through the VPN that way your IP address is um um not known by um the auto the websites that you may be accessing or maybe if you want to access content outside of your country this is an easy way to do it if you don't want to download the VPN clients on your devices or if you want to Route everything on your network through the VPN it is pretty easy and straightforward way easier than what you have to do on um something like PSN okay so thank you for watching um if you have any comments don't forget to leave it down in the comment section below please hit the like button and also subscribe to the channel
Channel: #geek2gether
Views: 6,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l5r4dTWrPjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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