Type 5 Enneagram Podcast - The Strong Roots Podcast

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welcome to the strongest podcast my name is Kristen Hill and we are in an inning Graham's season and what the Enneagram is it's a really popular personality test and what we want to do throughout this season is to show you how uniquely you are made in God's image through each personality type that they lay out so get ready to learn more about yourself and others through this podcast welcome back to the strong roots podcast we are in the middle of the Enneagram season and I'm here with Rick Hill my father-in-law and we are interviewing a type 5 which is the investigator and for those of you who don't really know what that personality type is the way that they are described is 5s are private self-reliant and analytical people they gather information and knowledge before committing to almost anything including relationships Rick would you say that's true about you yeah that's a pretty good description yeah are you ready for me to ask you some questions I'm ready yeah and thank you I just want you know a typical five it was really hard to get someone to do this and he is being so wonderful by doing this for me so thank you again this is so great and he is one of the most godly men I know so I was glad to have an excuse to get you on here so thank you so I'm gonna ask you the first question okay okay so what do you wish people knew about fives and do you feel like there are any misconceptions well I saw a statement once that said fives don't depend on social validation and that's really true you know I I don't do social media because I don't care and I don't care what people think about me too much you know so clothing isn't a big deal because who cares that social interaction is exhausting on the other hand a five has a great need to think of themselves as capable and competent and so that means taking criticism is really hard because criticism means I'm not capable and competent and so that's hard and then fear of rejection [Music] makes it hard to initiate a new conversation or relationship and I'm close with Jesus I'm close with my family that's enough I'm fine being by myself yeah cuz it's interesting how you said vibes most likely don't like to be around people but you love being around your family well yeah cuz I know him well I don't worry about rejection or making mistakes and so yeah I do love being around family mm-hmm does it take you a long time to form relationships in your life that are outside of family yes and you know I think back when I was single I had some close friends mm-hmm and we hung out a lot so I knew them they were like family yeah but once I got married there's not time to be that close to anyone besides family and so if you're not that close to someone well then then it's an awkward social interaction but if you're really close to someone then then create a hello thing you know with people I'm really close to it it's just not time to be close to anyone for a five ivenn family so why do you not like awkward social interactions what makes it icky oh because I don't know what to say I don't know what topic to talk about yes do you kind of go off other people's leads then so you have to be in awkward social situations you can't avoid them right right so what do you naturally do in those situations um listen I just I'm just quiet and there you know I I don't initiate the conversations so I feel awkward in a group conversation because I'm just kind of standing there you know it's people talking and I walk up to the group and I stand there and listen and look around and it's like oh boy do I belong here but you have such you are so smart you're so wise and you have such great things to say and sometimes I see you you will speak out once in a while what why do you speak out what is the motivation to speak out when you do speak out in those group situations oh that's a good question which means I don't know the answer to is it perhaps you have the right answer you feel like yeah five past yeah I want to feel capable competent if I know if I know the answer but I'm not going to express an opinion unless I'm really really strong on it if it's like well I think this way but I'm not really strong on it that's not a valid thing to express so I have to ask this and it's totally a sidebar but okay being the investigator and following Jesus I feel like that had been a huge step because following Jesus it is logical there is historical facts like he did live but there's faith in following him how did you make that leap like how it how did a5 follow Jesus oh that takes a miracle yeah I you know I first heard about Jesus when I was 16 I went to a Christian camp and heard these people up on stage they had such joy and I said I want that joy and they say it's Jesus then I go wow I want to believe in Jesus but it's not scientific I don't you know how can you make yourself believe something you don't believe in mm-hmm and over the next five years on occasion people would witness to me and and I'd hear Christians and the same reaction but you can't make yourself believe but one time I went to a Billy Graham crusade and afterwards I started getting Bible studies in the mail and I'd go through them and eventually I realized I believe that I have faith and it's just a miracle of God that he gave me faith because it doesn't make any sense to me and with that I think certain parts of my personality changed you know love and joy and hope were not parts of my personality yeah and those came through Jesus Christ and that's the miracle that I cling to because it's not part of my personality yes and it wasn't before I was Christian but those are part of my personality though I don't think they associate with type 5 in particular yes which is evidence of God and that's I mean he breaks the mold doesn't he I love your story that's so good thank you for answering that so Rick in your opinion what are some of your greatest strengths well like I said fives are competent capable they're independent they're reliable faithful to follow through on things Boyle and I'm curious about how things work out Davian I'll prepare hard for anything because I don't want to be seen as incompetent so I prepare hard I can always see the other side of a story every story has two sides to it and so that's a good thing you know and I see things it's not black and white there's all this gray area in between but what that does it makes me lack compassion if somebody's telling me a story well I see the other side and I see that it's not just all your white in there black and I see this gray area and so you want me to emphasize with you and have sympathy for you and I just think about well but this guy that's the reason they did that you know yeah so it's really hard to have compassion for people so the strength has a weakness a weakness to there's strength in every characteristic and weakness in it too and I had something I love about you is he not only like takes things apart emotionally in relationally you literally take physical things apart it investigates you like yes I mean I could not put them back together but somehow you even like you can take it apart analyze it and put it back and you enjoyed that oh yeah it's like in the last week I visited both my sons and we were at the hardware store and with with my son Enoch and we were picking up something and his wife calls and says oh by a fuss a kitchen bathroom faucet because ours is not working well so we buy a faucet just like the one they had to replace it we take it home and before they open the package I say what was wrong with the old one and the water wasn't flowing well and I figure out well gee that's the area they need a new aerator not a new faucet on it yeah and so that was interesting and then John I gotta have to share the story about John says Oh dad I broke the door handle for to the garage today and so if I buy a new one would you install it for me I go and look at it and the handle is pulled off because the set screw is turned all the way in and the handle pulls off so I got an Allen wrench and put the handle back on turn the set screw and that's fixed so yeah I do look at things and figure out well how does this work sometimes that means you don't have to replace an item yes but I love that is you do it with physical things but also spiritual and emotional things I guess so you were a very good problem solver yes a-five I think is a problem solver mm-hmm like John has always got to you if there's something that is gray he loves going to you and picking your brain because you will view all sides but and you will also point him to Jesus as well I think that is one of your greatest strengths and I think being a Christ follower you see truth in every situation even though maybe before like you you see every side but I think your resolve is for Christ alone I want it to be my experience with you it really is so Rick what part of being a five makes you cringe what don't you like well this interview makes me crazy so like I said I and I see things not as black and white but there's all this gray when you ask me questions like what's what's the greatest strength yeah you know what was the pearl it is yes affirmative you know or what's your favorite you like to ask that question a lot what's your favorite well to answer that you know what's your favorite movie I have to think of every movie I've ever seen then I have to rank them all I can't do that off the top of my head and so if I just give you an answer it's not going to be accurate mm-hmm and so you know I have to give you an accurate answer we had a struggle so I can't answer a favorite if you'd asked me do you like this movie I could say yeah I like that I love that movie but is it my favorite I don't know so if we ask that at the dinner table he'll be like I don't like favorites that's how we operate now yeah I don't do favorites anything else make you cringe or did you feel like um yeah both my sons tell me that life is all about relationships and we've had sermons about that and I agree with it you know relationships are really important but fives just aren't people persons and I'd rather be by myself unless I'm doing some activity I love being with people and doing activities with them because then you're talking about the activities and that's not Alice what should we talk about attendance and such I don't just hang out don't do small talk I'm fearful of rejection but I am content with myself by myself but I avoid meeting new people so that you know just the thought of life's all about relationships that kind of makes me cringe That's not me and so that's hard to realize oh I should be about relationships but it doesn't fit me I feel like you are good at relationships even though you think you mark yeah and can I add one thing I think something that you've done that's really great your personality so Rick is he's well almost your whole life he has worked really hard behind the scenes as a computer programmer and he gives a lot of what he earns to missions so he gives his finances to relationships to missions and I think that yes you struggle with personal relationships even though you're great at them but I love that you still understand that that is a commandment of Jesus and you give what you can to to enhance the kingdom and build relationships the way you best know how and I really respect that and I think I think knowing who you are that's amazing and cuz what in even thinking about your greatest sin as a five is greed right and the fact what it says and mm-hmm that's not who you are I am it it's who I was before Christ and it still is Who I am after Christ I'm stingy I'm cheap my nickname in college was el cheapo and yet God has has turned that trade around and made it a benefit in that I hate spending on money on myself mm-hmm but I love to give it away to God's cause and missions to the unreached peoples of the world is my is the cause he's put most on my heart and so I've given away a lot of money over in my lifetime and you know these these traits on relationships it's it's a real hindrance to me being an evangelist that God's made me comfortable with that I've struggled with that a lot but God's given me comfort and assured me that there's many parts of the body and if I fulfill the parts that he's made me good at I don't have to feel inadequate at the parts I'm not good at because I'm not that part yeah and so that's okay yeah God has given me assurance that I'm okay and I left and I feel like all the types can rest in like we not that he doesn't call us to get outside of the box and out of our comfort zone but we were made as a part of the body and we should thrive in that yeah you know and on the other hand you know lots of times I think oh well everybody should be a missionary center and do just like I do yes but then I realize oh that's my strength God blessed me in that area to give me traits that make me good at that yes and other people are good at other traits and so I shouldn't expect them to be good at my trait and I guess they shouldn't expect me to be good at their trait that's true really good so Rick you kind of answered this but how does a5 affect your relationships with others and also with Jesus well I just don't relate to people on a personal level very much outside of my family as you mentioned once once I'm close to somebody then I relate really well but how do you get close to somebody it takes a lot of time a lot of time for a 5 to get close to somebody and there just isn't that time outside a family mm-hmm but I can work with people really well if we have a task you know then then boy I'm focused on the task and I'll get through and we'll get that task done mm-hmm we share information about the task at hand but I won't get into any personal details and won't really know the person and so there's not really a relationship with that person just with the test yeah outside of the desk there's nothing to share do you feel like that's why you like sports and games in reading activities yeah right in growing up in my family I'm the youngest of five kids and my parents we we all did a lot of games together but it was all games activities I think that became a five from my family I don't know we did activities we didn't share feelings that much in the family yeah so that's that's my answer mm-hmm how did how about with Jesus well with Jesus I don't have a fear of rejection and I don't do small I don't need to do small talk with them so I get along fine do you feel like I guess my thoughts are you describing you do you ever struggle relying on him because you're so self-sufficient and because a lot of like you are very capable man is that something you have to strive to do is like okay I'm gonna choose to be relying on Goddard does that come naturally no it's not natural to turn to Jesus I you know I should worry less you know if we're going on a trip I got a plan on how the details of the trip it's obsessively before we go on the trip because otherwise I might waste some time on the trip which do your thing all this money to go on the trip and if you waste time you're wasting money and so that's terrible yeah and so I prepare too much for trips but I just rely on Jesus more perhaps on that and so yeah yeah yeah I tend to rely on myself and maybe not just trust that Jesus will bring me through yeah so it's like this interview podcast thing you know I'm worried a lot about it and sure the trust of Jesus cuz you're pretty easy to talk to you I'm so glad I just asked you just add a girl for stress so we only have one question left there so what traits of a fight do you easily agree with and any you don't agree with well list me the traits I can tell you if I agree or disagree but I don't remember what all the traits were and so that's that's a hard question for five to answer the list yeah I want the list I don't want to leave anything out I agree with most of them and I don't know if there's any I disagree with there probably are but I don't know what they all are so yes that makes sense so can I ask you one more question sure so what traits about a five do you feel like best reflect God and Jesus perhaps reliability and faithfulness yeah I think that's that's it and that's a christ-like character I think they yes social awkwardness that's not it so I'd say the reliability you are so dependable if you say yes your word means yes and I also think your resolve is very strong as well like your convictions are strong I would say that reminds me of Jesus okay like you don't waver very often cuz because you are very analytical so you make up your mind and for the most part you right is right and wrong is wrong yeah yeah yeah once I've made a decision I'll usually stick to it mm-hmm and and then loyal I think your loyalty to the ones you love is very much like God in my mind right so yeah those are the traits that seem seem christ-like mm-hmm anything any grandma side anything about Christ do you you mentioned it earlier like the joy but what about Christ has truly changed your personality in general well I think anything good in my personality's has Christ changed it you know before Christ I was I was sad somber pessimistic person who had no care for anyone else no love free you know who cares what happens to them and when I became a Christian I I could love other people I could care what happened to them didn't make me like other people necessarily but I could love them you know I could care about and and he gave me joy one of my landlords once called he he called me happy he was an old Hungarian guy and he'd call me happy because walking past to out to my car every morning I'd go past his apartment I'd always be whistling and so he called me happiest all the time because I was happy I am happy a lot of the time I was not that way before Christ and so joy love and hope for future things will turn out right Christ put those in my life and so I don't yeah I don't I don't see that I can't see Christ in day to day things but I see those traits that God put in my life and I know they come from Christ cuz they don't they aren't me yes they're Christ in me yes and it's fun looking back because I feel like sometimes we're so future oriented but you look back on your life and who you were and all that he's made you to be it's miraculous yeah it's you know it's 46 years ago that I accepted Christ and yet I remember so clearly the way I was before then and and the change was so big and so soon after I accepted Christ and and so I still hold on to that and 46 years later it's like wow you know this is this is what he's put into my life life is really good mm-hmm you know we're not supposed to hold on to this world and I look forward to going to being with Christ but he's made life good on this on this earth because of the joy and love that he's put in my life that I am happy I'm a happy being here you happens to me too and it's funny the whistle thing John and I talk about often we know that if grandpa's not whistling something's not right in the world because you are always like a running joke like we just hear you whistling the good sign but thank you again this was so much fun and we are gonna leave the listeners with some challenges so Phibes is watching we'd love to challenge you to be aware your tendencies to hold off on taking action because you don't feel like you have enough information to move forward if God's calling you to do it you need to do it another challenge for you is even though you value independence try not to make others feel isolated as a result and the last one is notice when you avoid certain tasks that feel uncomfortable or make you feel unconfident the things that are hard for Phibes maybe I'll go with the tasks that I'm not comfortable with and I'll try a task like an interviewer the reason why we're challenging thank you Rick for accepting that challenge and the reason why we're challenging you is because we don't want this to just be something you listen to and forget about we want this to be something that changes your life that draws you closer to Jesus so on that note thank you so much for tuning in and we just appreciate you guys listening so much we will see you next time as we talk about type six the Loyalists thank you for checking out the stronger its podcast if you are curious what your type is make sure to check out the link in the description below and if you don't want to miss out on any future content make sure to follow us on all our social media platforms and we are praying that your roots stay strong
Channel: First Church
Views: 4,986
Rating: 4.810811 out of 5
Keywords: podcast, christian podcast, enneagram podcast, church podcast, personality podcast, enneagram, type 5 podcast, type 5, enneagram type 5
Id: MoFFBV-dH74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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