Tyler, The Creator - Advice on How To Be Yourself

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my whole life i felt like a stepchild in school uh at home and especially in music and rap like seventh grade i got in a fight with some guy because he said you don't belong on the basketball court which he was right i'm trash eighth grade i tried out for drama club i got in and got kicked out within an hour because she said i was too hyper ninth grade they wouldn't let me join band class because i couldn't read music but i still had the passion and i'm on two instruments now picking up a third but when all that happened i said [ __ ] them i didn't let none of that [ __ ] stop me from doing anything that i wanted to do i mean we live in a society where a lot of people are followers and they can't you know make their set opinions like i have friends going to college for stuff that their parents want them to go for and they're not even happy or anything but they're just trying to please them and in the long run like i mean what's what's going to be there your parents your parents die and you're just stuck there like paying debt paying debt for something that you didn't even want to learn in the first place so i just try to tell people to just think for themselves and they'll be way happier in the long run believe it or not it's something i respect about you as well you're not afraid to be yourself and a lot of artists haven't learned in this game that you will go further being yourself than being what you think is in the moment yeah and then that's when you get stuck and exactly [ __ ] is gross yeah and you see it all the time try to tell the kids like [ __ ] it stop being yourself people want something to believe in and and it could either be positive or negative but it's just how you carry yourself if you carry yourself as if uh you know if you carry yourself like just with those leader qualities like i don't need to listen to anyone i'm going to do this i believe right some people will be like oh [ __ ] yeah but you know i guess i don't have to be a part of this box and that's how a lot of the greats are i guess which i know i just noticed similar qualities they're themselves no matter what and some people need that did you know that you would get here where you are right now oh yeah i told ev everything that's kind of happened i've told people like 12 years ago and people didn't people didn't expect it because they're looking at face value like they don't they don't know what i know they don't know my full potential y'all don't know what i'm gonna be doing in three years i know the [ __ ] i'm gonna be doing in three years i know what i'll be doing in six months but some people can only judge you based off what you've already done so like when i would tell people like um hey i'm gonna get a grammy and i'm saying this around the goblin time people are like this [ __ ] is stripping right but i'm like oh you guys don't know what i'm capable of and what i have planned for the next four years it's crazy it kind of i think it kind of made me not not judge as much this is really us together like we chose to do this there's not no higher powers like i know what this [ __ ] does there's no one coming around giving this [ __ ] ideas he gets with his [ __ ] and really do what i do when you're not afraid to be you you're comfortable when you're comfortable with yourself you don't have that much hate in your heart and you're not that quick to judge when you're not that quick to judge you're open to more things when you're open to more things you're not ignorant and when you're not ignorant racism doesn't exist i've worked with people where it's like yo what if we do this and then they already edit in their head and then they're like oh someone said no to something like that before so i don't know well this work and i'm like bro get out the gutter worse come to worse it's a no but let's at least try and then fail man we had so many different ideas that didn't work and it's okay because all of that got us to this one end result that doesn't even have anything to do with it but you just learn along the way and i'm probably talking in circles but just having people there that's like let's try that like as a writer i hate throwing writing away i don't know dude you could come back to it like i don't i don't get married to things like it's like oh no this will work better here you know it's it's okay to move on and switch things up and come back to it later i started i started cu again that came out 2017. i started that in 2014 right when i first met cali uh gone gone thank you off the igor that original beat in drum pattern was for wolf sometimes i'm not ready for things like yeah you know sometimes i'm just not there yet i wore all black three weeks ago to an event and it was nice and i was like i'll do that probably in two years and really dive into it that's definitely what it's for said something that i uh you said uh they get the quick little thing ah and then it dies i always say that about i see it happen to a lot of artists i see happen to clothes all of it and i always bring up the uh the von dutch ed hardy thing especially with like closed eyes i'm in a closed world and it's just crazy like you had like you were the baddest [ __ ] for a night and it's gone because people chase that like oh people like this let's make five million and it's like no just make that and then move the [ __ ] on i'm always in it for the long run i respect people who's in it for the long run and who make what they like [Music] you
Channel: Art Support
Views: 943,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o1onG9c1D3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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